St. Walburg Cemetery
(aka St. Walburg Municipal Cemetery)

R.M. of Frenchman Butte # 501   NE 29-53-22 W3
GPS   53.613110°N   109.201140°W
First burial in 1940

Photographed by Dean Weckman
(Click on coloured names to view the gravestone photo)

Allin, James  1898 - 1973
Allin, Stella I.  1906 - 1965
Arnold, Edna P.  1925 - 1983
Arnold, Gladys Viola (nee Showers)  Dec 5, 1900 - Jan 23, 1975
Arnold, Merlon Carlos  Oct 23, 1925 - Aug 27, 1954
Arnold, Ralph Rudolph  Apr 27, 1891 - Sep 12, 1954
Arnold, Ralph William  Aug 8, 1917 - Dec 24, 1994
Aultman, Buster  1903 - 1990
Aultman, Carl  1900 - 1994
Aultman, Edward  1877 - 1958
Aultman, Marie Eva ‘Helen‘ (nee Ricard)  Feb 3, 1942 - Jun 21, 2009
Aultman, Nora  1895 - 1971
Aultman, Norman A.  1965 - 1984
Aultman, Wilfred Louis  Jul 5, 1928 -
Aultman, Wilfred & Marie  (2nd photo)

Baldwin, Dorothy  1943 - 2000
Baldwin, Homer E.  1904 - 1974
Baldwin, Kenneth Walter  Feb 10, 1935 - May 17, 2008
Baldwin, Mary ‘Peggy’  1913 - 1998
Bannerman, Andrew Delvin  1924 - 2007
Bannerman, Ella Jean (nee Bock)  Aug 4, 1924 - Aug 26, 2014
Bannerman, George D.  Oct 15, 1917 - Jul 26, 1992
Bannerman, Verna R.  Aug 28, 1916 - Jan 1, 2007
Barbour, Donald  1912 - 1982
Barbour, Lillian May  1879 - 1953
Barbour, R. Cecil  1908 - 1992
Barbour, William Orr  1869 - 1953
Barcham, Douglas R.  1952 - 1974
Beeching, Marie Josephine  died age 86
Beeching, Ronald  May 28, 1937 - Nov 22, 1987
Beeching, William E.  died Sep 5, 1969 age 77
Borzel, Adam V.  1875 - 1966
Borzel, August J.  1909 - 1970
Borzel, Carl  1905 - 1972
Borzel, Edna H.  1923 - 1999
Borzel, Edna H.  (2nd photo)
Borzel, Grace M.  1907 - 2001
Borzel, Johanna  1871 - 1945
Borzel, Richard W.  1917 - 1989
Borzel, Richard W.  (2nd photo)
Brech, Elisabeth  1899 - 1983
Brech, Frank  1927 - 1997
Brech, Gertrude  1928 - 1998
Brech, Gertrude & Frank  (2nd photo)
Brown, Lillian Mary  1915 - 1974 
Brown, Margaret ‘Peggy’  Apr 27, 1890 - Jun 24, 1990
Brown, Percy W.  Jul 17, 1895 - Aug 1, 1977
Brown, Roy W. J.  Sep 8, 1924 - Oct 4, 1982
Burletoff, Mildred  1926 - 1988
Burletoff, Walter  1927 - 1999

Carnell, Ada Vera Foulkes (nee McLaughlin)  Dec 14, 1916 - Aug 15, 2011
Carnell, Herbert  1904 - 1991
Cassie, Joseph  1899 - 1956
Chodakowski, Anna  Apr 28, 1903 - Apr 5, 1980
Chodakowski, Florian  Aug 18, 1898 - Sep 19, 1978
Chodakowski, Peter  Apr 1, 1931 - Apr 18, 1965
Collins, Janet E.  1916 - 1986
Collins, Merton A.  1905 - 1981
Cook, Walter  1893 - 1967

Devlin, Elsie L.  Sep 16, 1918 - Jul 23, 1992
Devlin, Hugh  1911 - 1949
Dickson, Eldon  Jun 28, 1948 - Dec 7. 2004
Doak, Joseph  1873 - 1962
Domes, Daryl  1969 - 2009 son of Leroy & Laverne
Domes, Laverne  1946 -
Domes, Leroy  1945 - 2011
Duncan, Barbara R.  1944 - 1978
Dunlop, Hugh C.  1876 - 1950
Dunlop, Margaret V.  1888 - 1958

Eisinger, Adolf  Sep 23, 1881 - Mar 12, 1940
Elliott, Edna Grace  1897 - 1989
Elliott, Leon A.  died Mar 14, 1951
Esbensen, Arent N. J.  1899 - 1984
Esbensen, Clara E. A.  1903 - 1994
Exner, Alec Alfred  1950 - 1967
Exner, Alfred  1925 - 1998
Exner, Alice  1928 - 2002
Exner, Josef  1895 - 1977
Exner, Martha  1902 - 1995

Fassbender, Bernard Albert  Apr 30, 1930 - Jul 4, 2002
Fassbender, Helene L. M.  1907 - 1955
Fassbender, Ralph  1935 - 1972 son of Rudolf & Helene
Fassbender, Rudolf  1902 - 1944
Fecho, Rudolf  1909 - 1988
Fischer, Georg  1908 - 1961
Friston, Effie F.  1904 - 1982 
Friston, Joseph  1893 - 1972

Gajewski, Elaine E.  Apr 3, 1961 - Sep 3, 1999
Gajewski, Kozak ‘Karl’  Apr 1, 1921 - Jul 19, 2011
Gajewski, Kozak ‘Karl’  (2nd gravemarker)
Giese, Dorothy Elizabeth  1935 - 1994
Giese, Dorothy Elizabeth  (2nd photo)
Giese, George Hermann  1905 - 1985
Giese, Gertrud Margarete Nanni  1910 - 1996
Giese, Werner Karl ‘Fritz’  1934 - 2001
Giese, Werner Karl  (2nd photo)
Gingell, Arthur Jacob  1905 - 1983
Gingell, Larry A.  1954 - 2009 son of Walter & Margaret
Gingell, Margaret (nee Peterson)  1936 - 2009 wife of Walter
Gingell, Walter Henry  Oct 31, 1931 - May 29, 1994 son of Arthur & Alice
Glagow, Ferdinad Karl  1872 - 1955
Glagow, Ruth  1910 - 1980
Glessing, Fred  Apr 1, 1906 - Jul 13, 1995
Glessing, Winnie  Jun 1, 1908 - Jul 25, 2000
Gordon, Alexander W. ‘Sandy’  Oct 22, 1873 - Aug 21, 1960
Gordon, Catherine D.  Jan 1, 1876 - Aug 14, 1961
Gordon, Ronald B.  Jul 6, 1913 - Jul 6, 1986
Gory, Florence M. J.  1896 - 1979
Graham, Roberta May (nee Cunningham)  Apr 28, 1954 - Apr 1, 2017 wife of Earl, dau of Tom & Marj
Grant, James A.  1911 - 1976 (bur. in Turtleford Cemetery)
Guy, Erle  1895 - 1980
Guy, Irene  1912 - 1976

Hall, Gordon Lee  Jul 9, 1939 - Oct 2, 2010
Hawryluk, Helen  Aug 8, 1938 -
Hawryluk, Lawrence M.  Sep 28, 1937 - Dec 19, 1999
Hickman, Alice M.  1888 - 1964
Hickman, Frank  1885 - 1977
Hinke, Albert  1876 - 1963
Hinke, Johanna  1879 - 1949
Hinkle, Walter S. ‘Red’  Oct 15, 1892 - Oct 15, 1977
Hodgson, S. A.  1879 - 1956
Hoeppner, Georgina (nee Rogers)  1911 - 1997
Hoff,  (unknown 1)  
Hoff,  (unknown 2)
Hoglund, Edith Janet  Nov 15, 1936 - Jan 21, 2001
Hoglund, Elizabeth  1883 - 1961
Hoglund, Godfrey  1915 - 1974
Hondl, John F.  1909 - 1970
Hondl, John F. Sr.  Sep 25, 1879 - Dec 27, 1963
Hondl, John F. Sr.  (2nd photo)
Hondl, Martha  died 1951
Hondl, Regina M.  1915 - 1991 
Hritzuk, Sue Lynn  died Apr 6, 1973
Humphrey, Mary Elizabeth  1872 - 1953
Humphrey, William  1865 - 1945
Hunt, Ida (nee Brown)  1900 - 1999
Hunt, William James  1893 - 1975

Ireland, Edna M.  1915 - 1978
Ireland, Frances Amelia  Aug 1882 - Dec 1967
Ireland, Joseph E.  1902 - 1985
Ireland, W. G.  1906 - 1976
Ireland, William J.  1900 - 1978

Jackson, Garth Allan  Dec 16, 1957 - Mar 22, 1958
Joa, Judy  Dec 22, 1946 - Jan 6, 1999
Johnson, Alice  1915 - 2014
Johnson, Woodrow  1912 - 2000
Joslin, William John  1892 - 1988
Joslin, Wilma I.  1935 - 1959
Jurksas, Kazys ‘Charlie’  1902 - 1986

Karlsson, Francis Oscar  1891 - 1977
Karlsson, Jenny Marie  1896 - 1961
Katterbach, Karl  1893 - 1959
Kendel, James Walter  Mar 30, 1927 - Nov 25, 1988
Kendel, Lorna M.  1911 - 2003
Kendel, Rudolf A.  1889 - 1964
Klein, Alma  1902 - 1994
Klein, John  1898 - 1989
Knight, (baby)  died Oct 14, 1954
Knight, Beatrica E.  1880 - 1963
Knight, Brent Lyn  Nov 19, 1958 - Nov 20, 1958
Knight, Herbert  1881 - 1958
Knight, (unknown)  died Oct 14, 1954
Knight-Barber, Eileen Eunice "Uni" (nee Long)  Sep 16, 1925 - Oct 25, 2014
Knopf, Inge  1938 -
Knopf, Karl  Jun 3, 1929 - Oct 15, 2012
Knopf, Karl  (2nd grave marker)
Kopp, Elizabeth  Oct 15, 1921 - Mar 19, 2010
Kopp, Elizabeth  (2nd grave marker)
Kopp, Ernest  1920 - 1999
Kopp, Willhelm Franz  1960 - 1989
Krepps, Donald  1925 - 2000
Krepps, Donna Jean  Feb 1, 1952 - Sep 12, 2011
Krepps, Jean  1924 -
Krepps, Ryan  1978 - 2000
Krischuk, Annie  1912 - 1983
Krischuk, Tom  1907 - 1997
Krutow, Alexander  1885 - 1974 
Krutow, Olga  May 1930 - Jul 2009
Krutow, Pauline  1894 - 1978
Kuchler, Ermgard Gertrude 'Erma' (nee Drieschner)  Jan 19, 1929 - Apr 10, 2017 au of Max & Clara
Kuchler, Karl  1926 - 1993
Kujawa, Jacob  died Jan 21, 1984 age 95
Kujawa, Vera  May 6, 1890 - Feb 18, 1984

Larson, George Melvin  died Apr 4, 1987 age 85
Larson, George Melvin  (2nd gravestone)
Larson, Raymond  died 1960
Larson, (unknown 1)    
Larson, (unknown 2)  
Lasen, John Truelsen  1867 - 1957
Lasen, Ursula Regina  1890 - 1955
Lathan, Friedrich K.  Apr 2, 1887 - Jan 3, 1962
Lathan, Michalina K.  Sep 29, 1906 - Feb 10, 1969
Lind, Carl W.  died Aug 28, 1961 age 70
Livingston, Boyd  1890 - 1958
Livingston, Christine  1927 -
Livingston, John F. ‘Jack’  1927 - 1980
Livingston, Josephine  1900 - 1993
Livingston, Laura (nee Duthie)  1906 - 1974
Livingston, Perley  1888 - 1983
Livingston, Robert ‘Bob’  1929 - 2003
Livingston, Roy William Rev.  Feb 12, 1931 - May 6, 2006
Lypkie, Joseph  1908 - 1992
Lypkie, Vivian  1918 - 2005

MacKay, Blain (baby)  died 1955
MacKay, Dorothy L.  1934 -
MacKay, Kevin Oral  1957 - 1983
MacKay, Lorne M.  1913 - 1968
Mackay, Lorne M.  (2nd gravestone)
MacKay, Lyda Katherine (nee Smith)  1907 - 1985
MacKay, Oral L.  1934 - 1999
Madden, Helena M.  1911 - 1991
Madden, T. Edward  1902 - 1990
Marik, Alois L.  1910 - 1920
Marik, Marie A.  1908 - 1998
Marshall, Betty R.  May 20, 1915 - Nov 1, 2006
Marshall, Elizabeth  1884 - 1945
Marshall, George C.  1922 - 1943 son of Joseph & Elizabeth
Marshall, Joseph Henry  1888 - 1940
Marshall, Kenneth J.  Jun 25, 1916 - Apr 26, 1994
Marshall, Wilfred  1918 - 1982 son of Joseph & Elizabeth
Mattern, Christine  Dec 18, 1899 - May 9, 1962
Mattern, John  May 3, 1900 - Oct 7, 1987
McGowan, Harold Arthur  1890 - 1959 
McGowan, Helen E.  1920 - 1998
McGowan, J. Douglas  1922 - 1998
McGowan, Kenneth R.  1923 - 2001
McGowan, Susie Lamb  1883 - 1981
McGuire, Harry T.  1889 - 1987
McGuire, Hilda  1905 - 1980
McKnight, Clayton  1905 - 1953
McLarty, Gordon Victor  Jan 9, 1927 - Oct 22, 1930 son of Joseph & Gladys (nee Wilson)
McLeod, Blanche Elizabeth  Apr 6, 1920 - Nov 11, 2011
McLeod, Norman Angus  Feb 3, 1916 - Dec 23, 1964
Meena, Mary Jane  1868 - 1944
Meena, Thomas Sloan  1870 - 1942
Metcalfe, Paul  1894 - 1994
Minty, Andrew A.  1905 - 1995
Minty, Gladys E.  1921 - 2010
Misselbrook, Anna B.  1904 - 1979
Misselbrook, Donald J.  1928 - 1967
Misselbrook, Jack  Oct 26, 1927 - Jun 2, 1947
Misselbrook, Lyle H.  1931 - 1987
Misselbrook, Russell  1902 - 1962
Moody, Arnold  1903 - 1957
Moody, Emma Alice  1875 - 1963
Mork, Edgar Manfred  1914 - 1971
Morrison, Alex  1890 - 1965
Morrison, Angus Alexander  Jul 5, 1930 - Dec 5, 2014
Morrison, Angus Alexander  (2nd grave marker)
Morrison, Anna  1904 - 1981
Morrison, Madeline May  1930 - Apr 7, 2005
Mowery, Bernard E.  1909 - 2002
Mowery, Doreen N.  1909 - 1983
Mowery, Josephine Lugean  Jan 30, 1907 - Jan 15, 1998
Mowery, Mary A.  1902 - 1992
Mowery, W. Frank  1904 - 1973

Nasby, Darlene E.  Mar 31, 1957 - May 23, 1990
Nasby, Darlene E.  (2nd photo)
Nasby, Murdin L.  1901 - 1967
Nasby, Myrtle B.  1906 - 1985
Nasby, Vernon L.  1932 - 1980
Netrefa, Annie  1899 - 1987
Netrefa, Augustin  1899 - 1959
Northridge, Henry  1895 - 1978
Northridge, Mary  1905 - 1970 
Northridge, William  1886 - 1968 
Novak, Margaret (nee Dayton)  Apr 17, 1923 - Sep 16, 1987
Novak, Rudolph J.  May 8, 1922 - Sep 29, 1986

Petch, George Edward  Jan 16, 1945 - Nov 16, 2014
Peterson, Chris Hans  1888 - 1981
Peterson, Evelyn Margaret  May 20, 1917 - Jan 25, 2010
Peterson, Evelyn Margaret  (2nd photo)
Peterson, Holger  1890 - 1980
Philipchuk, Gladys  1929 - 1971
Philipchuk, Steve  1925 - 1982

Raspier, Eva  1895 - 1968
Regnier, Harvey H.  1900 - 1969
Regnier, Rose Eva  1898 - 1978
Rendle, Doris  1923 -
Rendle, Fredrick Peter Jordan  Feb 26, 1926 - Mar 9, 2005
Rendle, James Horace  1885 - 1974
Rendle, Nellie  1890 - 1966
Rendle, Ronald Ernest  1915 - 1956
Rendle, Trevor  1922 - 1989
Rendle, Trevor Zachery  Dec 18, 1990 - Dec 27, 1990
Richtsteiger, Emil  1889 - 1969
Rogers, Pick  1903 - 1969
Rose, Jessica  died 1996
Rowe, Cyril  1899 - 1970
Rowe, Olive  1908 - 1974

Sa__, Elmer C.  1921 -
Saari, Arvo Edwin  Mar 9, 1927 - Feb 25, 2014 son of Charles & Sivia
Saari, (baby)  1920 - 1920
Saari, Charles  1875 - 1958
Saari, Eino  1917 - 
Saari, Elmer  1921 - 1973 son of Charles & Sivia
Saari, Helvi  1924 - 1960 son of Charles & Sivia
Saari, Reino  1914 - 1981 son of Charles & Sivia
Saari, Sivia "Minie"  1890 - 1977
Sadlemyer, Collins Roy  Nov 23, 1946 - Jun 28, 2008
Schuck, Alvina  1894 - 1986
Schuck, Joseph  1900 - 1966
Schulmeister, Betty  1948 - 1969
Schulmeister, Franz  1907 - 1970
Schulmeister, Margaret M.  1923 - 1971
Schurg, Ernst  1890 - 1966
Seiter, Emil  1901 - 1964 
Seiter, Emma  1903 - 1982
Setrakov, Elizabeth  1904 - 1997
Setrakov, John R.  1901 - 1944
Sites, Adrian G. E. Dr.  Jul 9, 1936 -
Sites, Leona B.  Sep 18, 1931 - Jun 19, 2006
Skuce, Frank  1889 - 1971
Slager, Dorothy (nee Marshall)  1914 - Oct 6, 2011 dau of Joseph & Elizabeth
Smith, Ernest E.  Jun 23, 1891 - Mar 17, 1968
Smith, Louisa E.  Sep 15, 1878 - 1975
Smith, Martha L.  1898 - 1978
Smith, Watkin W.  1860 - 1944
Smith, William P.  1892 - 1982
Snider, Orley  1898 - 1966
Snider, Rena  1899 - 1966
Spence, Elizabeth  1890 - 1950
Spence, Mathew  1880 - 1958
Stein, Mabel Mary  May 2, 1903 - Apr 29, 1987
Stein, Rudolph  1884 - 1980
Steinacher, Frances E.  1920 - 1990
Steinacher, Fredrick  1910 - 1990
Steitzer, Simon  1890 - 1975
Stewart, David A.  1896 - 1966
Stewart, Yvonne H.  1896 - 1982
Stinson, D. E.  1885 - 1963
Stinson, Elisabeth  1884 - 1983
Stourac, Juliet Emma (nee Parent)  Jul 2, 1934 - Dec 28, 2012 wife of Ladislav
Stourac, Juliet Emma  (2nd grave marker)
Stourac, Ladislav  1926 - 1999
Strunk, Hans  Feb 7, 1924 - May 14, 2015
Stubbington, Clara I.  1924 - 2002
Stubbington, Harold E.  1920 - 1999
Sutherland, D. Ross  1901 - 1992
Sutherland, Helena Elizabeth  Sep 8, 1947 - Jul 14, 2011
Sutherland, Jessie G.  Nov 12, 1908 - Dec 11, 2003
Sutherland, Jessie G.  (2nd grave marker)
Sutherland, William Roy  1908 - 1978

Taylor, Kathleen (nee Kendel)  1935 - 2002
Tompkins, Kathleen M.  1947 - 2001
Trainor, Edna M.  1884 - 1975
Trainor, Irvine  Sep 12, 1875 - Jun 25, 1964
Trotzuk, E. E. Mae  1940 -
Trotzuk, George  1930 - 2004
Tydeman, Betty  1925 - 2008
Tydeman, Ellen  1877 - 1956 
Tydeman, Geoffrey  1920 - 1981
Tydeman, George  1874 - 1948

Unknown 1  
Unknown 2  
Unknown 3  
Unknown 4  
Unknown 5  
Unknown 6  
Unknown 7  
Unknown 8  
Unknown 9  
Unknown 10  

Vick, Ethel Marguerite (nee Schell)  May 16, 1922 - Dec 11, 2003  
Vick, Henry William ‘Bill’ IV  Apr 2, 1916 - Jun 9, 2001
Vick, Henry William  1889 - 1982
Vick, Lydian (nee Groff)  Apr 28, 1889 - Aug 25, 1973
Viney, Joseph  1886 - 1961
Vinge, Alec  1884 - 1970
Vinge, Elisabeth Rose  1890 - 1966

Wall, Helen  1952 - 1998
Wentworth, Nina (nee Onischuk)  Jun 25, 1927 -
Wentworth, Phil Acey  Jan 10, 1928 - Jun 14, 1993
Widmeyer, Dorothy Anne (nee Weldon)  Jan 11, 1939 - Dec 25, 2012
Widmeyer, Wilfred John  Aug 25, 1928 - Feb 7, 2011
Woidyla, Anna (nee Berger)  May 14, 1927 - Jul 26, 2012
Woidyla, Josef  Dec 16, 1920 - Sep 1, 2012
Woidyla, Josef & Anna  (2nd photo)
Wright, Joe Austin  Jun 29, 1921 - Jul 2, 1995 
Wright, John Austin  Oct 20, 1889 - Nov 20, 1943

(Click on photo to enlarge)

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