Ayles, Amelia L. 1860 - 1946 Ayles, John 1849 - 1916 Ayles-Pain Family Plot Elliott, Bill 1922 - 1986 Elliott, Jack 1917 - 1934 Elliott, Mary Ann 1885 - 1968 Elliott, William 1872 - 1944 Elliot Family Plot Everett, Frederick William 8 Apr 1915 age 25 Everett, Laura (nee Graham) 16 Jun 1919 age 30 wife of Frederick Graham, James Erskine 1858 - 1948 Graham, Mary (nee McWilliams) 1859 - 1927 wife of James Grierson, (unknown) died 1907 Halifax, Mary 26 Mar 1915 age 70 Hegler, John 1886 - 1912 Hodgin, Daniel R. 1858 - 1933 Isaak, Norman 18 Jan 1961 - 14 Feb 2007 Jessup, Jessie May 1895 - 1942 Jessup, John Donald 1922 - 1922 son of John & Jessie Jessup, John Henry 1882 - 1969 Jessup, John Robert 1927 - 1974 son of John & Jessie Knapton-Pain, James Milne 9 Nov 1947 age 16 mos, son of Thomas & Margaret Knapton-Pain, Thomas Harold 1879 - 1937 Lynch, Charles Irving 1914 Lynch, Genelia Sarver 1852 - 1919 wife of William McAlister, Frederick Lincoln 21 Apr 1870 - 2 Mar 1947 McAvoy, Theresa (nee Schrier) 1879 - 1918 McIntosh, Agnes 1871 - 1922 wife of George McIntosh, George Thomas 1868 - 1962 McIntosh, Nora May McLean, Vonda S. 25 May 1918 age 4 yrs 9 mos, dau of Norman & Jennie Nicholson, Edna Marie (nee Schmidt) 25 May 1918 - 27 Sep 2003 Pain, Edna 1913 - 2005 Pain, John 1909 - 1987 Pain, Lois C. 1885 - 1973 Pain, Karen 1936 - 1937 Pain, William A. 1879 - 1965 Richards, Eliza died 10 Apr 1940 Richards, William died 13 Mar 1951 Schmidt, Henry 1882 - 1952 Schmidt, Melvin Henry 1922 - 1925 son of Henry & Sarah Schmidt, Sarah 1883 - 1962 Schreurs, C. Adrian Peter Schreurs, Louise 1878 - 1949 Schreurs, Maria Sembalerus, Bohdan 1928 - 1997 hus of Victoria Sembalerus, Victoria R. 1945 - Shynkaruk, Annie 1916 - 1980 wife of Fred Shynkaruk, Fred 1907 - 1991 Sloan, George 1833 - Stacey, Annie 30 May 1920 age 49 wife of Thomas Taylor, Frederick W. Thompson, Thomas Curry 1919 - 1920 Thorston, Edward died 3 May 1968 Thurston, Christina 1903 - 1993 Thurston, Robert 1929 - 1939 Virtue, Christopher 1927 age 26 days Virtue, Christopher Virtue, Helen 1976 - 2000 Virtue, James 1945 - 2000 Virtue, Susan Watkins, William died 19 Dec 1952 Wright, Albert 1874 - 1948
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