St. Olaf's Lutheran Cemetery
Viceroy district
R.M. of Excel # 71   SW 7-5-25 W2
GPS   49.413028°N   105.291142°W
First burial in 1910, 148 burials by 2003

Alm, Alice  1913 - 1944
Alm, John  1921 - 1969
Alm, Louis  1888 - 1956
Alm, Marie  1892 - 1988
Alm, Morris  1911 - 1938
Alm, Norman  1915 - 1972
Alm, Ole  1882 - 1959
Alm, Sarah  1890 - 1956
Anderson, Edna  1903 - 1999
Anderson, Gilbert T.  1900 - 1972
Anderson, John  1877 - 1948
Anderson, Ted  1900 - 1972
Ameson, Mary  1842 - 1936  
Bakke, Chesney  1912 - 1912
Bakke, Mabel  1891 - 1983
Bakke, Olaf  1889 - 1980
Borden, Ira (baby)
Campbell, (unknown)  1918 - 28 Oct 1918 child of Gordon & Julia (nee Herom) bur. NE 22-5-26 W2  
Carlson, Charles  1879 - 1933
Carlson, Clifford  1916 - 1995
Carlson, Ed  1884 - 1948 
Dahl, Joel  1980 - 1980

Evans, Beulah  1913 - 1913
Evenson, Kurtis  Jun 1891 - 9 Jan 1918 son of Even & Lina (nee Mossing)
Gilbertson, Mrs. 

Kjdland, Pauline  1884 - 1951
Kjelson, Bertha  1852 - 1935 wife of John  
Kjelson, Emil  died 1950
Kjelson, John  1847 - 1941
Kjelson, Olaf  1873 - 1953 son of John & Bertha  
Kjelson, Oscar  1885 - 1962 son of John & Bertha
Kjelson, Theodore  1877 - 1915 son of John & Bertha 

Kvamme, Gudrid 1894 - 1955
Kvamme, John  1887 - 1930
Kvamme, Ole  1910 - 1931  
Larson, Haakon  1885 - 1930
Lavik, (baby)  1955 - 1955
Lavik, Christopher  1882 - 1937
Lavik, Ingborg  1884 - 1918
Lovick, Aleda  1924 - 2002
Lovick, Carl1916 - 1997
Lovick, Harold  1912 - 1996
Lovick, Lyla  1917 - 2000

Martin, Jarde 
Mikkelson, Alfred  1910 - 1960
Mikkelson, Inga  1900 - 1922
Mikkelson, Lina  1869 - 1929
Mikkelson, Louis  1866 - 1945
Mikkelson, Martin  1905 - 1933
Monson, Alvin  1912 - 1974
Monson, Bina  
Monson, Chris Lee  1910 - 1963
Monson, Dorothy  1921 - 1982
Monson, Emil  
Monson, Gerald  died 1943
Monson, Ilo  died 1938
Monson, John  1880 - 1964
Monson, Kam  1842 - 1920
Monson, Martin  
Monson, Martinus  
Monson, Oris  1915 - 1959
Monson, Rosetta  1883 - 1964
Mossing, Adelia Magdeline  25 Apr 1916 - 4 Feb 1917 dau of Carl & Mabel
Mossing, Alma  1891 - 1972
Mossing, Anne Jertine (nee Tollefson)  11 Dec 1858 - 2 Apr 1922 dau of Ole & Ingeborg
Mossing, Arthur Martin  28 Feb 1904 - 17 Jun 1930 son of Martin & Anne
Mossing, Carl John  14 Jan 1885 - 20 Aug 1958 son of Martin & Anne
Mossing, Emil P.  1891 - 1978 son of Thomas  
Mossing, Emma  1866 - 1953
Mossing, Ethel  1913 - 2001
Mossing, Evalina (nee Evenson)  1898 - 1959 wife of Emil  
Mossing, Gjertine  1858 - 1922
Mossing, Hanna  1875 - 1940
Mossing, Ingeborg (nee Anderson)  13 Nov 1835 - 31 Dec 1917 wife of Ole
Mossing, Jennie  1896 - 1943
Mossing, Jorund  1905 - 1970
Mossing, Lloyd  1918 - 1980
Mossing, Mabel Isabel (nee Evenson)  16 Apr 1894 - 1 Nov 1973 dau of Even & Lina
Mossing, Mabel H.  1896 - 1998
Mossing, Martin Johan  26 Apr 1854 - 4 May 1936 son of Ole & Christine (nee Haugen)
Mossing, Martin T.  24 Mar 1864 - 1938 son of Ole 
Mossing, Melvin E.  1902 - 1979
Mossing, Ole Tollofson  Aug 1820 - 29 Jul 1912 son of Anders & Agnes (nee Langli)
Mossing, Oline  1872 - 1957
Mossing, Oscar E.  25 Nov 1887 - 23 Nov 1988 son of Martin & Anne
Mossing, Oscar J.  1931 - 1997
Mossing, Oscar Theodore  1894 - 1931
Mossing, Tollof Tom  29 Oct 1860 - 1920 son of Ole & Ingeborg
Nelson, Betsy  1875 - 1940
Nelson, Fredrick  1876 - 1938
Nelson, Florence  1910 - 1911

Oppeboen, Adolf Milton  1 Oct 1910 - 9 Oct 1966 son of Aasmund & Marie (nee Kalvik)
Oppeboen, Hazel  1910 - 1994
Oppeboen, Joanne  died 1949
Oppeboen, Kenneth  died 1949
Oppeboen, Lina  died 1944
Orheim, Andrea Josephine (nee Nordahl)  21 Jan 1891 - 1998, 2nd wife of Peter
Orheim, (unknown)  
Orheim, Edel Monson (nee Nordal)  1888 - 8 Nov 1914 dau of Andreas & Hylda (nee Ericson)
Orheim, Freida Johana  7 Jun 1918 - 1 Sep 1918 dau of Peter & Andrea
Orheim, Gjert Peter  May 1911 - 30 Nov 1914 son of Peter & Edel
Orheim, John Andreas  13 Feb 1889 - 2 Oct 1913 son of Peder & Oline
Orheim, Peter Seivert  30 Sep 1884 - 19 Mar 1970 son of Peder & Oline 
Raindahl, Albert  1907 - 1980
Raindahl, Alfred  1904 - 1968
Raindahl, Briget  1879 - 1968
Raindahl, Bertha  1916 - 1991
Raindahl, Chester  1906 - 1989
Raindahl, Hale Henry1872 - 1921
Raindahl, Martin  1920 - 1974
Raindahl, Severt  1909 - 1958
Rood, Olaf  1894 - 1960

Stewardson, Charles  died 1959
Stover, Una  
Stromme, Anna  1848 - 1934
Stromme, Ole  
Stromme, Olive  
Stuartson, Mrs.  
Sundahl, Ludvick  1898 - 1954
Sundahl, Marie  1896 - 1956
Sundahl, Harold  1882 - 1965
Sundahl, Obert  1887 - 1918 
Talbot, (baby)  1936 - 1936
Taylor, Fred  1879 - 1974
Taylor, Joseph  1846 - 1915
Taylor, Mary  1848 - 1932  
Wenaus, Clifford  1918 - 1977
Wenaus, Elizabeth  1891 - 1975
Wenaus, Gordon  1920 - 1934
Wenaus, Harald  1847 - 1923
Wenaus, John  1876 - 1955
Wenaus, John H.  1917 - 2002
Wenaus, Marit  1856 - 1934
Wenaus, Olaf  1880 - 1938
Wenaus, Orville  1922 - 1942
Wenaus, Roy  1927 - 2003
Wesmann, Emma  1889 - 1976
Wesmann, John  1880 - 1963
Wesmann, Thorieif  died 1917
Westren, Helene  1860 - 1921
Wiggins, (baby)  1912 - 1912
Wiggins, John  1870 - 1912
Wilson, Alonzo  died 1934
Wilson, Mrs. A.  1849 - 1909
Wilson, Florence  1911 - 1911
Wilson, Inger  1881 - 1910
Wood, Ada  1884 - 1968
Wood, Cecil Guy  1918 - 1986
Wood, Margaret  1908 - 1912  

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