ADAM, ANNA 1876 - 1951 ADAM, GEORGE 1870 - 1929 ANTONIUK, JOHN 1892 - 1898 son of Nick ANTONIUK, NICK 1864 - 1899 ANTONOVICH, DOMINIKA 1865 - 1906 ANTONOVICH, MAGDELENA Apr 1897 - Dec 1906 ARENT, MICHAEL 1924 - ARENT, ELIZABETH 1924 - BASNICKI, FREDERICK 1890 - 1971 BILAWCHUK, ELIA 1852 - 1915 BILAWCHUK, SOPHIA 1857 - 1934 BILICH, MAGDALINA 18 Mar 1917 age 32 BOYCHUK, ANTON 1938 - 1994 BOYCHUK, JOHN 1930 - 1954 BOYCHUK, KOROLINA 1907 - 2001 BOYCHUK, METRO 1898 - 1975 CHEREDARYK, JOHNNY 1910 - 1910 CHEREDARYK, METRO 1867 - 1929 CHOK, TETIA 1866 - 1943 DANCHILLA, G. DANYLCHUK, KATERINA 1905 - 1971 DANYLCHUK, CEMEN 1907 - 1947 DANYLCHUK, MARIA 1873 - 1942 DANYLCHUK, YAKIW 1866 - 1939 DANYLCHUK, MARY 1908 - 2006 DANYLCHUK, OLEKSA 1897 - 1947 DANYLCHUK, WASYL 1910 - 1958 DANYLCHUK, OLGA (nee Wihnan) 23 Apr 1920 - 24 Aug 2012 dau of Wasyl & Wasylina (nee Skibinsky) DANYLCHUK, DANIEL 1946 - 1997 son of Wasyl & Olga DANYLCHUK, DANIEL (earlier gravestone) DANYLK, DOTSEY 1869 - 1907 DANYLUK, BILL 1931 - 1931 DANYLUK, ELLISE 1930 - 1931 DANYLUK, MARY 1880 - 1944 DANYLUK, WASSEL 1866 - 1942 DEMCHUK, ROSALINE 15 Feb - 28 Jun 1938 DENNIS, ANASTASIA 1878 - 1957 DENNIS, PAVLO 1870 - 1958 DENNIS, AXANIA died 8 Nov 1927 DENNIS, FEDIR 1842 - 1912 DENNIS, VICTOR 1919 - 1920 DORASH, HELEN (nee Choboter) 8 Nov 1910 - 4 Nov 2004 dau of Nick & Gafia (nee Wolkowski) DORASH, OLGA 1931 - 1933 DORASH, Wasyl hus of Helen DORASH, WILBERT 1934 - 2002 DOROSH, YERENA 1853 - 1935 DOROSH, TANASKO 1848 - 1924 DOROSH, WASYL 1894 - 1980 DUCHAK, METRO died 5 Aug 1910 DUTCHAK, ANNA 1916 DUTCHAK, KAY 1906 - 1907 DUTCHAK, DOMINICA 1886 - 1981 DUTCHAK, JOHN 1905 - 1907 DUTCHAK, MARY 1885 - 1968 DUTCHAK, TODOR 1880 - 1965 DWERNYCHUK, FRASINA 1903 - 1911 DWERNYCHUK, STEVE S. 1910 - 1959 DWERNYCHUK, WASYLENA 1880 - 1935 FOSTEY, ANNE 1922 - 1999 FOSTEY, JOHN 1915 - 1987 GAWRILETS, GAFITSA 1846 - 1928 GORCHA, ALEX 1904 - 1989 GORCHA, NELLIE 1905 - 2003 GORCHA, JOHN 1929 - 1975 GORCHA, DOMINICA 1880 - 1954 GORCHA, JOHN 1871 - 1929 GORCHA, FRED 1920 - 1946 GORCHA, GEORGE 1903 - 1932 GORCHA, STEVE 1913 - 1995 GORETSKY, METRO 1862 - 1937 GORETSKY, PAULINE 1882 - 1965 GORETZKY, ANNIE 1869 - 1938 GORETZKY, MICHAEL 1869 - 1948 GORETZKY, FREDERICK 10 Apr 1933 - 25 Apr 1933 GORETZKY, JOHN 1913 - 1978 GORETZKY, MARY 1914 - 1935 GORETZKY, METRO 1908 - 1981 GORETZKY, VICTORIA 1915 - 1998 GULLASON, DINAH 1912 - 1915 GULLASON, JOHN 1914 - 1915 GULLASON, ODOCHIA 1899 - 1906 GULUTSAN, METRO 25 Nov 1925 - 6 Apr 1979 GULUTZAN, AGAFIA 1885 - 1973 GULUTZAN, DMETRO 1883 - 1971 GULUTZAN, CHARLIE 6 Sep 1922 - 10 May 1996 GULUTZAN, VICTORIA 5 Aug 1930 - HACKMAN, 3 sons of William & Veronica HARRIS/HARAS, TANASI 1853 - 1909 HNATYSHYN, MICHAEL 1880 - 1933 HNATYSHYN, ODOKIA 1857 - 30 Mar 1941 HNATYSHYN, PROKOP 1853 - 1922 HOMENIUK, DORA 1910 - 1983 HOMENIUK, WILLIAM 1909 - 1954 HOMENIUK, JOHN D. 1913 - 1973 HOMENIUK, MARY 1916 - 2003 HORECHKA, ANNE 1931 - 1931 HORECHKA, KATERINA 1867 - 1931 HORECHKA, NICOLAI 1867 - 1948 HORECHKA, GEORGE 1915 - 1983 HORECHKA, JOHN 1913 - 1916 HORECHKA, METRO 1920 - 1929 HORECHKA, MICHAEL 1920 - 1921 HORECHKA, MARIA 10 Apr 1894 - 2 Dec 1984 HORECHKA, NICKOLI 19 Dec 1880 - 23 Feb 1956 HORECHKA, NICKOLAS 'NOLAN' 1920 - 1982 HORT, MIKE 20 Nov 1924 - Mar 1925 HRYMALIUK, THEODORE 1878 - 1952 HRYMALIUK, WILLIAM 1908 - 1965 son of Theodore HRYNKIW, ANNA 1839 - 1935 HUPKA, WASYL 1907 - 1913 HUPKA, WASYLINA 1914 - 1914 HUTZULAK, ANNIE 1886 - 1965 KALENCHUK, JOHN 1895 - 1912 KNIAZ, ANDREW 9 Dec 1892 - 2 Oct 1956 KNIAZ, ANNIE 14 Jan 1902 - 4 Oct 1976 KOYTZAN, ANNIE 1912 - 1999 KOYTZAN, WILLIAM 1904 - 1968 KUDEBA, JOHN 1893 - 1993 KUDEBA, MARIA 1900 - 1974 KUDEBA, MARIA 1860 - 1917 KUDEBA, VERONICA 1904 - 1913 KUDEBA, PAVLO 1857 - 1948 KUNETSKY, JOHN 1909 - 1993 KUNETSKY, PAULINE 1913 - 2006 KUNETSKY, TED 1937 - 1963 KUNETSKY, WASYL 1845 - 1931 KUNITSKY, HNAT 1873 - 1965 KUNITSKY, NASTIA 1880 - 1956 KUNETSKY, PAUL (nee Pawliw) 13 Apr 1913 - 31 Jan 2006 dau of John & Maria (nee Byblow) KURULAK, ALEX 1865 - 1952 KURULAK, MARY 1875 - 1933 KURULAK, STEVE 1904 - 1968 KURULAK, IVAN 1832 - 1907 KURYLAK, JOHN KURYLUK, KATERINA 1901 - 1967 KURYLUK, KERELO 1889 - 1972 KUSHNIRUK, FRED 18 Aug 1889 - 31 Aug 1952 KUSHNIRUK, MARY 13 Aug 1896 - 26 Aug 1981 LESAN, ANNA 1868 - 1954 LESAN erected by grandsons George & Mike LESON NICKOLI 19 Dec 1866 - 15 Feb 1948 LESAN, ALEX 1902 - 1968 LESAN, MARY 1908 - 1942 wife of Alex LESAN, JOHN 1857 - 1907 LESAN, MICHAEL A. 1934 - 1995 LESAN, THEODORE TODER 1899 - 1984 LESON, METRO 1892 - 1947 LESON, NORMAN Jan - Oct 1937 LYSON, MARIA 1866 - 1933 MARENDIUK, SANDUL 1859 - 1929 MARENDIUK, TETANA 1863 - 19?? MARTENUIK, YULIA 1897 - 1922 MATYCHUK, DOMINICA 1891 - 1966 MATYCHUK, WASYL 1890 - 1973 MATYCHUK, JOHN 1918 - 1982 MATYCHUK, NICK 1922 - 1947 MELNYCHUK, ANNA 1863 - 1900 MELNYCHUK, ANNA 1880 - 1939 MELNYCHUK, ONUFRY 1886 - 1922 MELNYCHUK, MIKE 1904 - 1929 MELNYCHUK, STEVE 1902 - 1935 MESLUK, POLLY 1912 - 1918 MESLUK, SELVESTER 1859 - 1913 MESLUK, VASELKA 1865 - 1928 MONICH, DELIA 1915 - 1937 NYKOLAISHEN, ANNE 1919 - 1983 NYKOLAISHEN, MICHAEL 1915 - 1990 NYKOLAISHEN, MYRON DOUGLAS 8 Oct - 19 Dec 1946 PROKIPCHUK, MARGARET (nee Katchuk) 22 Feb 1924 - 6 Apr 1999 wife of Rudolf PROKIPCHUK, RUDOLF 10 Apr 1922 - 19 Jul 1987 son of Harry & Sophie PROKIPCHUK, SOPHIE (nee Rudachyk) 6 Apr 1900 - 31 Dec 1972 wife of Harry, dau of Yakiw & Domka PROKOPETZ, METRO 1918 - 1980 PROKOPETZ, LAURA (nee Dziaduck) 5 May 1918 - 26 Oct 2012 dau of Walter & Helen (nee Kosar) PYLYPCHUK, ANNA 1896 - 1931 RACZUK, MIKE 1924 RHODES, KATHLEEN M. (nee SHAPKO) 1920 - 1985 RHODES, THOMAS A. 'DUSTY' 1919 - 1975 SANDUL, PETRO died Oct 1918 SHAPKO, ALEXANDER 16 Mar 1897 - 16 Jul 1949 SHAPKO, MARY 1900 - 1979 SHAPKO, ANNA 1894 - 1967 SHAPKO, FRED 1894 - 1948 SHAPKO, ANNIE 1928 - 1929 SHAPKO, JOHN 1915 - 1936 SHERBAN, TONY 28 Jul 1935 - 16 Oct 1996 marr. 9 Oct 1959 SHERBAN, DOREEN 9 Oct 1940 - wife of Tony SHERBAN, MARY 1907 - 2002 SHEWCHUK, IVAN 1875 - 1974 SHEWCHUK, LENA 1911 - 1992 SHYMANSKI, NASTASIA 1884 - 1962 SHYMANSKI, NIKOLAY 1880 - 1954 SHYMANSKI, WILLIAM 23 Apr - 1924 - 3 Jan 1969 SPILN__, MORELA 9 Oct 1900 - 1939 STRATYCHUK, ANNA 1894 - 1967 STRATYCHUK, FEDIR 1852 - 1921 STRATYCHUK, HAROLD 1923 - 1972 STRATYCHUK, JOHN 10 Dec 1905 - 18 Aug 1939 STRATYCHUK, JOHN 1884 - 1953 STRATYCHUK, MARIA 1891 - 1984 STRATYCHUK, MARIA (nee FEDORA) STRATYCHUK, MARIA 1887 - 1957 STRATYCHUK, WASYL 1882 - 1965 STRATYCHUK, M. J. Pte. 23 Dec 1968 age 47 STRATYCHUK, TEODOSIA 1862 - 1939 STRATYCHUK STRELEZKI, KATHERINE (nee WITZKO) 1930 - 1985 TERLESKI, ELI 1867 - 1928 TERLESKI, HELEN 1918 - 1927 TERLETSKI, DOKINA 14 Mar 1896 - 5 Jun 1940 TERLETSKI, MARIA 186? - 1943 TERLETSKI, STEFAN 1887 - 1959 VELDE, HELEN 1880 - 1948 VERETYANEY, MICHAEL 1830 - 1915 VINGRENYUKA, AKSENIA age 90 yrs VITSKU, AUGUSTA 1891 - 1950 VITSKU, PETER 1887 - 1976 VITSKU, GEORGE 1918 - 1970 VITSKU, WASYL 1914 - 1990 WAKALUK, GEORGE 28 Aug 1885 - 24 Jan 1944 hus of Wawara Bodnar WAKALUK, METRO 25 Dec 1928 - 14 Feb 2015 hus of Betty Albus, son of George & Wawara WIHNAN, EUGENE 13 May - 7 Jul 1953 son of John & Victoria WITZKO, ANNE 1900 - 1987 WITZKO, NICK 1893 - 1987 WITZKO, KATERINA 1857 - 1930 WITZKO, WASYL 1846 - 4 Dec 1932 WOLOS, AUGUST 1924 - 2000 WOLOS, ELEANOR 1933 - WOZNEY, STEFAN 1862 - 1956 Unassigned gravestone photos: Gravestone 8 Gravestone 12 Gravestone 37 Gravestone 64 Gravestone 65 Gravestone 67 Gravestone 73 Gravestone 75 Gravestone 80 Gravestone 85 Gravestone 87 Gravestone 89 Gravestone 91 Gravestone 92 Gravestone 93 Gravestone 103 Gravestone 111 Gravestone 112 Gravestone 114 Gravestone 115 Gravestone 117 Gravestone 120 Gravestone 134 Gravestone 143 Gravestone 144 Gravestone 147 Gravestone 151 Gravestone 155 Gravestone 167
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