Lakeview Cemetery, Tullis
Birsay / Lucky Lake district
R.M. of Coteau # 255   SW 22-24-8 W3
GPS   51.05349°N   107.04379°W
First burial in 1908, 411 burials by 1991

Adam, (baby)  1930 - 1930
Adam, John P.  1889 - 1951
Alm, Ryan B.  11 Nov 1983 - 3 Nov 1997
Anderson, Annie (nee Burdett)  2 Dec 1918 age 30 yrs 4 mos 19 days, wife of James
Arnold, Elizabeth  1849 - 1929
Arnold, Ellsworth Thomas  22 Jun 1908 - 28 Apr 1912
Arnold, Hilliard N.  1918 - 1967
Arnold, (infant girl)  died 29 Apr 1922
Arnold, Margaret  1893 - 1957
Arnold, Nelson  1882 - 1917
Arnold, Noah  1890 - 1943
Ashdown, Alexander Daniel  1921 - 2006
Ashdown, Christine Olivia  1923 - 2002 wife of Alexander
Ashdown, Gladys Florence  1898 - 1989

Bagshaw, Emma J. (nee Kinsman)  1882 - 1941 wife of George
Bagshaw, Florence  1935 - 2011
Bagshaw, George Alexander  1883 - 1967
Bailey, Jerry  1940 - 2005
Bais, Nellie (nee Baggett)  17 Oct 1900 - 23 Apr 1926 wife of Henri A.
Baron, A. C.  5 Aug 1938 age 73
Baron, Kathaina  30 Nov 1938 age 77 wife of A. C.
Barrett, Ronald William  25 Nov 1914 age 11 yrs 11 mos 15 days
Bartzen, (baby)  1921 - 1921
Bartzen, (baby)  1929 - 1929
Bartzen, Henry  1894 - 1988
Bartzen, John J.  1888 - 1980
Bartzen, Julia  1890 - 1969
Bartzen, Margaret  1914 - 1993
Bartzen, Robert Hugh  1943 - 1982
Barwell, William J.  1917 - 1918
Bayliss, (baby)  1914 - 1914
Bayliss, John Maurice  1954 - 1970
Bayliss, Maurice  1918 - 1993
Behner, Emilie  Sep 1886 - Jun 1915
Bennett, William G.  1908 - 1909
Binnie, Andrew  1916 - 2003
Binnie, Catherine (nee Muir)  1883 - 1978
Binnie, Colin Muir  28 Jul 1922 - 29 Jul 1943
Binnie, David  1888 - 1959
Binnie, David A.  1927 - 1993
Binnie, Faye  3 Jun 2013 age 88 wife of Andrew
Binnie, George  1877 - 1964
Boon, Christine J. M.  1861 - 1931 wife of Jacob
Boon, Cornelius J. 'Bim'  1902 - 1975
Boon, Effie May  1895 - 1969
Boon, Evelyn G.  1922 - 1986
Boon, Everett P.  1921 - 1936
Boon, Jacob P.  1866 - 1951
Boon, Muriel I.  1909 - 1980 wife of Cornelius
Boon, Paul J. W.  1892 - 1977
Bowey, Laura Grace (nee Murdoch)  2 Nov 1943 - 6 Mar 2014 dau of William & Hazel
Bowey, Russel  1974 - 1974 son of Bill & Laura
Brandon, Emily  1864 - 1942
Brennand, Eleanor Mary (nee Arnold)  1920 - 1981
Brokofsky, M. Jean  1913 - 2003
Brown, Albert  1884 - 1947
Brown, Alex  1877 - 1952
Brown, Annie  1881 - 1975
Brown, (baby)  died 1922
Brown, Elizabeth  1880 - 19??
Brown, Elizabeth  died 27 Apr 192? wife of William
Brown, Helmer  1910 - 1983
Brown, Lucy Martha  21 Mar 1916 - 4 Dec 1921 dau of Albert & Wanda
Brown, Margaret E.  1915 - 2003 wife of Reinhold
Brown, Peter  1921 - 1963
Brown, Reinhold A.  1909 - 1968
Brown, (unknown)  187? - 193?
Brown, Wanda  1888 - 1967
Brown, William  1865 - 1950
Brownbridge, Fannie  1861 - 1928 wife of John
Brownbridge, John D.  1869 - 1936
Buckley, George W.  1935 - 1936
Burger, Elizabeth M.  1899 - 1980
Burger, Margrette  1878 - 196?
Burger, Mina Esther (nee Evans)  1900 - 1929 wife of Ira
Burger, William George  5 Mar 1928 - 22 Nov 1973
Burgess, Frederick  12 Jan 1878 - 1 Aug 1934
Burgess, George  1 Apr 1914 - 23 Sep 1959
Burgess, Mary (nee Vaughan)  9 May 1877 - 23 Sep 1962 wife of Frederick
Buhr, John H.  1901 - 1978
Buhr, Kenneth  1935 - 1995
Buhr, Peter H.  1898 - 1982
Buhr, Reta D.  1905 - 1953
Buhr, Winnie  1906 - 1973

Caevert, George  28 Mar 1926 age 72
Cameron, Donald A. B.  1882 - 1965 hus of Lena
Cameron, Donald Robert  30 Jun 1922 - 28 May 1940
Cameron, Kate  died 23 Jun 1941 wife of W. A.
Cameron, Lena B.  1894 - 1984 
Cameron, Neil  22 Dec 1908 age 24
Cameron, William  1886 - 1958
Carswell, Andrew J.  1917 - 1942
Carswell, Clara  1885 - 1946
Carswell, William  died 1940
Charlwood, Elsie May  13 Aug 1916 - 3 Nov 2000
Chartier, Garry E.  1944 - 2005
Clubb, Robert  died 1923
Coates, Charles Raymond  1883 - 1981
Coates, Gordon John  1948 - 1978
Coates, Gradon Raymond  1913 - 1930
Coates, Isabelle M.  1920 - 2006 wife of Rodney
Coates, Marguerite Matilda  1889 - 1985 wife of Charles
Coates, Maude H.  1895 - 1977 wife of William
Coates, Rodney J.  1914 - 2002
Coates, William E.  1886 - 1966
Coleman, Amelia  1852 - 1927
Coleman, Lena (nee Damilson)  11 Jun 1899 - 7 Jun 1922
Coleman, Olive (nee lardie)  4 Oct 1890 - 27 Nov 1918 wife of Wm. J.
Connor, Annie (nee Flynn)  15 Jul 1922 age 41
Connor, Patrick  23 Apr 1917 age 10 days, son of Annie
Cook, Arthur H.  1889 - 1974
Cook, Beverly  1931 - 1931
Cook, David  29 Oct 1937 - 16 Sep 2014 hus of Vi
Cook, Dora  1920 - 2008
Cook, Gordon E.  3 Jan 1991 age 67
Cook, Matilda  1865 - 1942
Cook, Sadie  1900 - 1979 wife of Arthur
Couch, Emily  died 21 Jun 1989 dau of Rick & Sandra
Covel, Anna Jane  1858 - 1932
Cunningham, Melbert  12 Feb 1941 - 14 Oct 2013 hus of Diane, son of David & Mildred

Dangerfield, (baby)  1917 - 1917
Dangerfield, Fredrick G.  1912 - 1912
Dangerfield, Mrs.  died 1921
Davidson, (baby)  1912 - 1912
Devlin, George  22 May 1878 - 17 Oct 1933
Dormer, Nelson  1882 - 1955
Dougan, Adelaide Hendrika  1885 - 1967
Dougan, Perry Preston  1877 - 1930
Dougan, William Godfrey  10 Dec 1914 - 9 Jul 1993
Drackley, Alfred  1916 - 2005 hus of Odette
Drackley, Odette  1929 - 
Drackley, Samuel  1886 - 1947
Drackley, Rebecca  1887 - 1976 wife of Samuel
Drescher, Albert  1936 - 2006
Drescher, Marion  1944 - 1980 wife of Albert
Dueck, Daniel  1924 - 2005
Dueck, Irma  1926 - 1970 wife of Daniel
Dunn, Alexander  11 Nov 1888 - 20 Aug 1976
Dunn, William  20 Jul 1882 - 12 Apr 1976

Eiko, Edith M.  1909 - 1964
Elvrum, Iver  1875 - 1945 hus of Thea
Elvrum, Thea  1887 - 1940
Erickson, Donald  18 Jun 1947 - 24 Oct 2013 hus of Pat Romuld, son of Armas & Esther
Erickson, Esther (nee Hyyta)  1921 - 1995
Erickson, Janet Ann  6 Aug 1943 - 20 Jan 1944 dau of Armas & Esther
Erickson, William Armas  1910 - 1996
Eskelson, Hans Arthur  22 Apr 1929 - 16 Dec 2012 hus of Gerane
Evans, Douglas Judson  18 Mar 1921 - 25 Mar 1921
Evans, John  died 20 Oct 1911 age 70
Evans, Maria  1824 - 1926
Evans, Mary Etta  1871 - 1921 wife of George T.
Evans, Novella Ardyth  19 Jul 1919 age 2 yrs 9 mos 16 days
Evans, (unknown)  15 Mar 1916 age 58
Evans, Verla Alfretta  8 Oct 1927 age 5 yrs 4 mos 12 days

Farral, Michael  1867 - 1931
Fairbridge, Joan (nee Milne)  1944 - 1996
Fee, Lloyd Daniel  18 Feb 1922 - 2 Apr 1923 son of Daniel & Lydia
Fee, Maggie  1871 - 1943 wife of William
Fee, William H.  1865 - 1924
Ferguson, Anne  1920 - 1982
Ferguson, David George  1943 - 1977 son of David & Anne
Ferguson, David H.  1911 - 1989
Ferguson, Douglas Richard  1943 - 2003
Finch, Louisa  1889 - 1977 wife of William
Finch, William  1876 - 1968
Fleuter, George Rennie  1927 - 1968
Fleuter, Georgette  1927 - 1936
Fleuter, Joseph  1920 - 1931
Fleuter, Marie Louise  1893 - 1976
Fleuter, Victor  1885 - 1931
Flynn, (infant)  died Dec 1936 son of James & Kit
Flynn, Maria (nee Langan)  died 29 Apr 1920 wife of Martin  
Flynn, Malacki  died 18 Aug 1912
Flynn, Martin  died 16 Jan 1934
Frances, Elizabeth H.  10 Sep 1917 age 26
Franklin, (baby)  1933 - 1933
Fraser, Alexander  1916 - 1985 hus of Emma
Fraser, Emma  1927 - 
Fraser, Hugh  1881 - 1969
Fraser, Malcolm  12 Apr 1948 - 
Fraser, Mary Ann  1875 - 1967 wife of Hugh
Fraser, Rita  8 May 1949 - 7 Sep 2004 wife of Malcolm
Frooks, Andrew  1869 - 1944
Frooks, Frederick  1864 - 1951
Funk, George C.  1918 - 1963

Gaddy, Ethel  1904 - 1929
Gaddy, (infant boy)
Gale, Alexander H.  1891 - 1986
Gale, David  1914 age 2 yrs 7 mos, son of A.
Gale, Kenneth George  1928 - 1981
Gordon, Frank  died 28 Dec 1918 age 42 hus of Elizabeth
Gordon, James  1870 - 1943
Gordon, John  1909 - 1927
Gordon, Mary  1878 - 1938
Gordon, Mary B.  1912 - 1924
Graham, (baby)  1933 - 1933
Graham, John  1878 - 1925
Grant, Edith Marjorie  1900 - 1989
Grant, W. Clifford  1896 - 1982

Hamblin, Mary Jane  22 Jan 1872 - 24 Feb 1931
Handford, Caleb  1854 - 1908
Handford, John Caleb (infant)  born 2 Sep 1914 son of Garnett & Nellie
Handford, Marion  1858 - 1928 wife of Caleb
Hardy, Thomas Langley  1880 - 1932
Hargrave, Essel  188? - 1938
Hargrave, George  1882 - 1962
Hargrave, Gerald B.  1918 - 1988
Hargrave, Mary M. (nee Ferguson)  1916 - 1989
Hastie, Florence (nee Randall)  1 Nov 1915 age 33 yrs 8 mos 9 days, wife of John
Hauta, Hjalmar  1889 - 1951
Heagney, Joseph  1880 - 1908
Heal, Richard Henry  10 May 1855 - 19 Mar 1922
Hemke, Daniel  1860 - Jan 1920
Henderson, Bertha A. 1921 - 2006 wife of John
Henderson, John 'Ted'  1919 - 1994
Henderson, Trevor Brent  1967 - 1992
Henley, Gladys  1903 - 2002
Henley, Harry  1896 - 1982
Hislop, Craig  Mar 1848  -  May 19??
Howarth, Isabella  1857 - 1943
Hvidston, Edith Mary  22 Dec 1922 - 31 May 2001
Hvidston, Gunnar  17 Dec 1998 age 77

Jobb, Arthur A.  died 1912
Johnson, John Henry  1899 - 1973
Johnson, Lempi E.  1905 - 1999
Johnson, Sonia M.  1941 - 2001 dau of Lempi
Jones, Audrey L.  1905 - 1984 wife of Harold
Jones, Earl Halliday  1892 - 1925
Jones, Harold W.  1895 - 1985
Jordbro, Fanny  29 Dec 1912 - 2 Jun 1994

Kadla, Blanche  1905 - 1995
Kadla, Eva
Kadla, Frank  1900 - 1959
Kadla, Gordon 1926 - 1927
Kadla, Lois died 194?
Kadla, Louis  1898 - 1971
Kadla, Mary  1889 - 1960
Kadla, Stanley  188? - 1975
Kadla, Willhea  died 1902
Kain, Neal Chapman  19 May 1921 - 28 May 1940
Kellow, (twin boys)  1931 - 1931
Kepplin, Emma (nee Metzner)  14 Sep 1888 - 25 Oct 1917 wife of Loius
Kepplin, Harry  1880 - 1951
Kimble, Albert Walter  15 Feb 1932 - 8 Sep 2007 hus of Beverly
Kimble, Beverly Ann  28 Oct 1939 - 
Kimble, Gordon W.  1910 - 1984
Kimble, Melva L.  1910 - 1996
King, Cyril W.  1920 - 1961
King, Dorothea  1881 - 1920
King, Edna Marion  1904 - 1984
King, Elizabeth  1875 - 1919 wife of Walter
King, James J.  11 Nov 1914 - 10 Nov 2002
King, Katherina A.  3 Mar 1909 - 30 Oct 2002 wife of James
King, Marion  1893 - 1932
King, Walter  1876 - 1973
King, Wilfred James  1883 - 1974
Kirkwood, James  1927 - 1930

Labar, Elmer  18 apr 1933 - 4 Jun 1933
Labar, Jessie  1911 - 1996 wife of Leemon
Labar, Kathleen A.  5 Jun 1945 - 
Labar, Leemon  1907 - 1991
Labar, Lewis G.  15 Mar 1934 - 13 Sep 2004 hus of Kathleen
Labar, Peter James  1966 - 1985
Labar, Victor  1930 - 1960
Larocque, Norman A.  1925 - 1926
Lawes, Nellie W.  1911 - 2006
Lawes, Wilfred J.  1916 - 2001
Lawrence, Harold  1903 - 1986
Lawrence, Helen  1914 - 1990
Leckie, Alfred  1868 - 1919
Leckie, Campbell  1874 - 1931
Leckie, William C.  1864 - 1944
Leighton, (infant)  child of Kermit & Fanny
Lesyk, Arlys Heather  2 Dec 1957 - 
Lesyk, Isabel M.  1926 - 1996
Lesyk, Louis  1882 - 1972
Lesyk, Lyndon Murray  23 Jul 1958 - 19 Feb 2003 hus of Arlys
Lesyk, Nellie  1889 - 1961
Lesyk, Walter  1924 - 2002
Lowe, Justine Marie  13 Apr 1921 - 
Lowe, Robert Henry  2 Apr 1916 - 17 May 1981 hus of Justine

MacIver, Donald Gordon  1933 - 2010
MacIver, Marjorie Ivy  1918 - 2006 wife of Donald
Mackenzie, Catherine  1880 - 1951 wife of John
Mackenzie, John  1878 - 1963
McConechy, Jessie Elwina (nee Wright)  5 Jan 1919 age 27 yrs 9 mos 20 days, wife of Jas.
McInnes, Gladys Rozella (nee Petrie)  23 Sep 1926 - 31 May 2013 dau of James & Ina
McLean, Ellen Flora  1914 - 2001
McLean, Glenson F.  20 Mar 1928 age 23 yrs 14 days
McLean, Robert Allan  1910 - 1989
McNabb, Allan Earl  1910 - 2005
McNabb, Elsie K.  1912 - 2009 wife of Roy
McNabb, Esther  1853 - 1944 wife of George
McNabb, George  1852 - 1944
McNabb, Lawrence  1882 - 1983
McNabb, Mary Day  1887 - 1936 wife of Lawrence
McNabb, Roy A.  1911 - 1985
Mercer, Lawrence Filder  May 1878 - Jan 1935
Millar, Alice Kathleen  1914 - 1995 wife of John
Millar, Ellen M.  1915 - 1981 wife of walter
Millar, John David  1911 - 1966
Millar, Walter W.  1907 - 1981
Millard, Allan  1928 - 1990
Miller, Augusta  1820 - 1909
Milne, Charles Edgar  1914 - 1958
Mitchell, James Rodger  1881 - 1922
Monson, Hubert 'Hyb'  14 Sep 1916 - 2 Feb 2003
Moody, Emily Sarah  1857 - 1939
Moody, James
Moore, Clara  1908 - 2001 wife of Isaac
Moore, Isaac  1894 - 1978
Moore, William E.  1932 - 1932
Morrow, Bruce Swan  1959 - 1959
Morrow, David  1937 - 1937
Morrow, Grace  28 May 1930 - 29 Aug 1930 dau of Vernon & Martha
Morrow, Marion (nee Evans)  1964 - 1956 wife of Robert
Morrow, Martha Viola (nee Brokofsky)  1896 - 1964
Morrow, Robert  1850 - 1942
Morrow, Robert  5 Dec 1921 - 13 Oct 2012 hus of Betty
Morrow, Vernon  186 - 1978
Muir, William  1859 - 1944
Munroe, Archie  1912 - 1912
Munroe, Mrs.  died 1918
Murdoch, Allan Cuthbert  4 May 1918 - 28 Feb 2008
Murdoch, Gerald  11 Nov 1941 - 18 May 2010
Murdoch, Hazel Maude  16 Jul 1916 - 14 Mar 2013
Murdoch, Ida I. (nee Handford)  1889 - 1976
Murdoch, John  1910 - 1932
Murdoch, John A.  1881 - 1949
Murdoch, Kenneth Blackburn  1922 - 1977
Murdoch, Nora A.  died 1943 age 7 wks
Murdoch, Robert  died 1938
Murdoch, Robert Cooper  1923 - 1984
Murdoch, Shirley Ellen  9 Nov 1917 - 24 May 2005 wife of Allan
Murdoch, William M.  1913 - 1962 hus of Hazel

Nichols, Alexander  1875 - 1949
Nichols, Arnold  1924 - 
Nichols, Dinah C.  1885 - 1956
Nichols, Jack  1937 - 2010
Nichols, Mavis  1925 - 2007 wife of Arnold
Nichols, Wayne L.  1941 - 1943
Nielson, Lars Peter  1893 - 1978 hus of Marion
Nielson, Marion Mildred  1924 - 
Nonnie, (unknown)
Nordhgen, 1883 - 1912
Norris, Earl W.  1922 - 1981
Norris, May (nee Funk)  1923 - 1990

Orton, Frank  1920 - 2010
Orton, Ivy  29 May 1921 - 2 Nov 1929
Orton, Joyce  1927 - 1933
Orton, Minnie  1933 - 2010
Orton, Nellie  20 Feb 1894 - 30 Jun 1989
Orton, William  died 19 Oct 1957 age 64
Owens, Arthur B.  1879 - 1965
Owens, Edward L.  1934 - 1973 son of Frank & Florencer
Owens, Florence Agnes  1898 - 1978
Owens, John  1854 - 1928
Owens, Kate I.  1880 - 1973

Palmer, Hubert Owen Ford  1906 - 1983
Parkhurst, Lydia May  1888 - 1969
Parkhurst, Ray Eugene  1924 - 19?7
Pavo, Bryan J.  1950 - 2000 hus of Lucille
Pavo, Charles William  1883 - 1970
Pavo, Hilda Marie  1899 - 1967
Pavo, John Ronald  18 Jun 1924 - 9 May 2007
Pavo, Lucille J.  1950 - 
Pavo, Ralph Henry  1921 - 1968
Pearson, Annie  1878 - 1972 wife of Herbert
Pearson, Herbert  1874 - 1954
Pendella, Maria Tretiak  1905 - 2003 (bur. in Holy Cross, Toronto, Ont.)
Pendella, Paul  1891 - 1957 hus of Marija
Pennington, Edna  1911 - 200? wife of Irvin
Pennington, Effie Lorena (nee Bolinger)  1895 - 1943 dau of Harry & Emily
Pennington, Helen (nee Kohler)  3 Mar 1926 - 4 Jun 1996 wife of Red
Pennington, Irvin  1909 - 1995
Pennington, Mary  1927 - 1927
Pennington, Red  14 May 1919 - 19 Sep 2005 son of Francis & Effie
Peters, Miriam (nee Hauta)  1921 - 
Petrie, Ina Mary (nee Reynolds)  1906 - 1987 wife of James
Petrie, James Andrew  1898 - 1985
Pfeiffer, Elva  1891 - 1978 wife of Thurlow
Pfeiffer, Thurlow B.  1887 - 1960
Pratt, Roy  24 jan 1928 age 41 yrs 5 mos 8 days
Prentice, John E.  1940 - 2002 hus of Rose
Prentice, Rose M.  1942 - 
Procknow, Benjamin Douglas  2 May 1995 - 17 May 1995 son of Herb & Jennifer
Proudfoot, Charles  26 Feb 1935 age 47
Ptolemy, Marjorie (nee Dueck)  1963 - 2008

Quine, Nellie (nee Kinnish)  8 Oct 1876 - 2 Feb 1919 wife of William 

Randall, Franklin  1869 - 1921
Randall, Gertrude J. (nee Boon)  1900 - 1933 dau of Jacob & Christine
Ray, William M.  1923 - 1923
Reid, (baby)  1927 - 1927
Reid, Ervin Lloyd  20 Jul 1950 - 23 Nov 1951
Reid, Irene Hilda  1931 - 1984
Reid, Lloyd William  1930 - 2006
Reid, Thurza  1908 - 1955
Reid, William  1902 - 1980
Robson, Eva Marie  1914 - 1985
Robson, Harry G.  1904 - 1964
Rogness, Gunnar  1945 - 1989
Rogness, Gunnar  1902 - 1986
Rogness, Jason Everett  died 8 May 1973
Rollins, Frank  died 1929
Ross, Alexander  1881 - 1949
Ross, (baby)  1928 - 1928
Ross, Bruce Henry  died 3 Jul 1945
Ross, George Edward  27 Jul 1945 - 25 Apr 1996
Ross, Janet  1900 - 1914
Ross, Mabel M.  1909 - 1982 wife of Alexander
Ross, Phoebe Y.  1872 - 19?0
Ross, Robert  1871 - 1909
Ross, William  1867 - 1900
Rye, Shirley A.  1922 - 2006 wife of Tony
Rye, Torbjorn H. 'Tony'  1902 - 1985

Sanderson, Elvina J.  1913 - 1948 wife of Thomas
Sanderson, Thomas L.  1910 - 1953
Schultz, Gladdys M.  1916 - 1916
Scribner, Abbie  1836 - 1928
Settler, Jessica Margaret  28 Apr 1978 - 12 Aug 1978 dau of Ronald & Sheila
Settler, Margaret Annie  5 Apr 1920 - 15 Aug 1967
Shook, Earla  3 Feb 1925 - 16 Jun 1930 dau of G. & R.
Shook, Leroy Edward  1889 - 1951
Sieffert, Arthur Eric  8 Sep 1928 - 15 Apr 2006 hus of Faye
Sieffert, Faye Elanie  4 Apr 1937 - 
Sinclair, John  1891 - 1956
Sinclair, Mary I.  1900 - 1982
Smith, Alf  1891 - 1960
Smith, Mahala (nee Ross)  1913 - 1976
Smith, Nellie  1890 - 1935
Soininen, August E.  1877 - 1959
Soininen, Charles Gunnar 1898 - 1981
Soininen, Jenny W.  1879 - 1976 wife of August
Southwell, Joshua  1893 - 1985
Stephens, David R. 'Bob'  29 Mar 1968 - 7 Dec 2005
Stubson, Alvin Gillette  1888 - 1974 son of Peder & Nettie
Stubson, Alton Lawrence  26 Jan 1931 - 9 Aug 1992
Stubson, Clayton  1933 - 2008
Stubson, Marleen W.  1947 - 2001
Stubson, Minnie Pearl (nee Sinclair)  1894 - 1960 dau of Edward & Henrietta
Stubson, Minnie Pearl (infant)  died 12 Aug 1972
Swan, William B.  1953 - 1953

Tanzell, Gladys Dora  15 Oct 1918 - 15 Nov 2006
Tullis, Bertha Irene  1910 - 2002 wife of William
Tullis, Clara Ann (nee Gemmill)  1887 - 1927 wife of James Sinclair L.
Tullis, Sinclair Lockhart 'Cap'  9 Oct 1900 - 20 Aug 1990
Tullis, Stuart  1912 - 1914
Tullis, William L. 'Dick'  1903 - 1997

unknown  1891 - 1927
unknown, Arthur  died 5 Mar 1920 son of C. & E.
unknown, Florence  29 Aug 1902 - 22 Apr 1924
unknown, Harry  18?3 - 19??
unknown, Helen A.  1947 - 1997 wife of John P.
unknown, John H.  1887 - 1961
unknown, John P.  1944 - 
unknown, Lana  1913 - 1939
unknown, Ledne  21 Apr 1913 - 21 Mar 1913 child of C. & E.
unknown, Mary A.  1891 - 1967 wife of John H.
unknown, Matilda  1916 - 1923
unknown, William  1918 - 1999

Verma, Eileen Marguerite  1953 - 2008
Veskerna, Anna  1859 - 1945 wife of Jacob
Veskerna, Jacob  1964 - 1949
Vogl, John A.  11 Apr 1881 - 7 Aug 1912

Walmsley, A.  1848 - 1921
Walmsley, M.  1881 - 1913
Walton, Harry  1885 - 1944
Walton, John  1861 - 1923
Walton, Rosa  1863 - 1952
Ward, Alexander  1886 - 1938
Ward, Caroline E.  1881 - 1972
Ward, Catheline E.  1952 - 2 Sep 1952
Ward, Clarence  1919 - 1995 hus of Mildred
Ward, Doris E.  1918 - 
Ward, Grace  1923 - 1935
Ward, Henrietta W.  1927 - 1945
Ward, James Gordon  1912 - 1992 son of Alexander & Mary
Ward, Mildred  1921 - 
Warren, Ethel Irene  1892 - 1968
Warren, Hilda  4 Sep 1895 - 17 Nov 1918 wife of Roy
Warren, Roy A.  1893 - 1986
Watson, Roy  1910 - 1912
Watson, S.
Watts, (baby)  died 1915
West, Mary (nee Oburn)  19 Nov 1916 age 62 wife of Jeremiah
Whiteside, Edison J.  1902 - 1984
Whiteside, Jean G.  1908 - 1986 wife of Edison
Whiteside, Kenneth Raymond  died 31 Mar 1951 age 3 wks
Whiteside, Lucy Marel  1870 - 1959 wife of Robert
Whiteside, Robert William  1873 - 1937
Wilson, A. J.  died 7 May 1917
Wilson, Alice Josephine  1881 - 1922 dau of Andrew & Mahala
Wilson, Andrew  1849 - 1923
Wilson, Andrew Thomas  1883 - 1923
Wilson, (baby)  child of Andrew T.
Wilson, Mahala (nee Allen)  1854 - 1943
Wilson, Nelson  25 Oct 1918 age 68 yrs 2 mos
Wren, Lewellyn Austin  1909 - 1975
Wright, Arthur Silas  1884 - 1949
Wright, Douglas Wayne  4 Aug 1965 - 2 Nov 1965
Wright, Elizabeth Mary  1929 - 1931
Wright, Emily  died 21 Jun 1989
Wright, (infant)  son of L.
Wright, Lyle E.  1921 - 1952
Wright, Mabel  1912 - 2008
Wright, Mary E.  1882 - 1974

Yip, Kai  12 Aug 1904 - 19 Feb 1975
Yip, Lee Soo Wah  1913 - 2005

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