Honeywich, Catherine 1890 - 1969 Honeywich, Gena Jan 4, 1910 - Sep 3, 1998 wife of Steve Honeywich, Olga Sep 25, 1918 - Jul 1, 1959 Honeywich, Steve Dec 24, 1910 - Jul 17, 2001 Honeywich, Timothy 1883 - 1952 Kamentz, John 1865 - 1926 Kamentz, Mike 1904 - 1963 Kamentz, Pelagia 1862 - 1939 Kellar, Stanley 1888 - 1973 Mandroza, Anna 1873 - 1967 McKetsy, Anastacia 1889 - 1959 McKetsy, Fred 1883 - 1951 Miszczyj, Ferdenand Aug 31, 1930 age 58 Miszczyj, Stanislaw Mar 5, 1913 - May 14, 1933 Miszczyl, Maria 1939 age 66 Muc, Helen 1918 - 1969 Muc, James Feb 14, 1936 - Sep 7, 2005 Muc, Mary Jan 25, 1942 - Jan 13, 2011 wife of James Muc, Petro ‘Peter’ 1902 - 1989 Novasad, Paul 1850 - 1928 Roscicki, Anna 1875 - 1948 Roscicki, Annie 1908 - 1995 wife of John Roscicki, John 1907 - 1983 Roscicki, Steve 1871 - 1946 Sawchuk, John 1925 - 1943 Sawchuk, Taras ‘Terry’ 1924 - 1937 Stakiw, (baby) Stakiw, Emelia 1935 - 1935 Stakiw, Paul 1917 - 1926 Stec, Katie 1921 - 2009 wife of Roman Stec, Marion Jul 11, 1954 - Apr 11, 1989 Stec, Roman 1914 - 1996 Stopera, Joseph 1910 - 1943 Stopyra, Adam 1878 - 1935 Stopyra, Catherine Dec 1895 - Dec 1945 Stopyra, Mary May 15, 1899 - May 29, 1989 Stopyra, Walenty 1886 - 1963 Tabish, Josephine 1876 - 1961 Ukrainetz, Karl 1900 - 1962 Ukrainetz, Stanley Oct 1, 1935 - May 25, 2012 Waslen, Leon 1922 - 2006 Wasylyshen, Dan 1892 - 1969 Wasylyshen, Julia 1901 - 1960 Wetzel, Rosalina Jul 18, 1883 - Jul 18, 1948 Zepchyk, Kaczmar 1891 - 1946 5 other unidentified gravestones
Welcome to the new home of the Saskatchewan Cemetery Project! We are delighted to announce that our pages, previously hosted on Rootsweb and Ancestry, have found a new abode at https://saskgenweb.ca/cansacem/. Our heartfelt gratitude to Ancestry.com and Rootsweb.com for their past support. The transition ensures that our digital documentation of Saskatchewan cemeteries and headstones continues to thrive and be regularly updated. In this labor of love, we aspire to preserve family histories by digitally immortalizing the sacred grounds of our ancestors. Whether you seek a loved one, an ancestor, or wish to uncover a long-lost cousin, our comprehensive cemetery records might hold the key. As winter blankets these resting places in snow, our year-round cemetery headstone digitization program allows for virtual exploration worldwide. We extend a warm invitation to those who share our passion for documenting cemetery headstones. If you've enjoyed participating or wish to support us through Patreon, your involvement is cherished. Visit https://www.patreon.com/SaskGenWeb to be part of our growing community. Your support ensures that this invaluable service persists for years to come. Explore the new webpages at https://saskgenweb.ca/cansacem/ and continue your journey with the Saskatchewan Cemetery Project. Let's work together to keep history alive, one headstone at a time. If you find our work beneficial, consider supporting us through Patreon. Together, we honor the past and pave the way for future generations. Warm regards, The Saskatchewan Cemetery Project Volunteer Team |