Thingvalla Cemetery
Churchbridge district

R.M. of Churchbridge # 211   NE 22-22-32 W1
GPS   50.915133°N   101.840717°W
First burial in 1887, 124 burials by 2002

Burials 1887 - 1914
Compiled by Gisli Egilsson, Secretary of Thingvallanylenda Congregation

1. Guðbjörg Sveinsdóttir, wife of Helgi Sigurðsson  1887
2. Eiríkur Ingimundarson  1888
3. Guðný Freysteinsdóttir (child)  1887
4. Two children [Snjolaug, Filipia Solveig: see Log. Oc.30.1924] of Friðbjörn Sigurðsson [& Ingibjorg Kristjansdottir]  1887
5. Two children of Björn Ólafsson  1887
6. Jón Guðmundsson, husband of Sigríður Hjaltadóttir  1888
7. Two children of Bjarni Stephansson  1888?
8. Two children of B. Jónsson  1888?
9. Child of Vigfús Thorsteinsson  1888?
10. Child of Bjarni Jasonsson  1888?
11. Two children of Thórður Thórðarson  1888?
12. Oddný Thórðardóttir, mother of Mrs. E. Bjarnason & Mrs. G. Brynjólfsson  1888?
13. Jón Ólafsson, Dr.  1890
14. Child of Kristján Jónsson  1890
15. Kristbjörg Bergthórsdóttir, wife of Jón the Dr.  1895
16. Guðmundur Guðmundsson of Fagridalur (hus of Thóra Gísladóttir)  1891
17. Two children of Einar Suðfjörð  1890?
18. Guðbjörg Sveinsdóttir, wife of Konráð Eyjólfsson  1891
19. Three children of Konráð Eyjólfsson 
20. Hjalti Hjaltason  1891?
21. Guðrún Ólafsdóttir, wife of Magnús Sölvason  1889
22. Magnús Sigurðsson  1892
23. Child(ren) [1 written over 2] of S. Jónsson  1891?
24. Stefán Thorláksson  1892
25. Kristín Bíldfell  1892
26. Jónas Jónsson  1892
27. Sveinn Jónsson, hus of Kristín Sigurðardóttir  1892
28. Halldóra Baldvinsdóttir, wife of Jón Hördal  1890
29. Einar Ólafsson (from Vatnsendi near Reykjavik)  1893
30. Guðríður Ólafsdóttir (from Vatnsendi)  1893
31. Jón Freysteinsson  1893
32. Thorbjörg Freysteinsdóttir  1893
33. Child of Sveinbjörn Loptsson  1893?
34. Thuríður Jónsdóttir (associated with J. Bíldfell)  1893
35. Child of Jónas Jónsson  1893
36. Child of Ólafur Guðmundsson  1893
37. Jósef Ólafsson  1892
38. Child of Jón Árnason  1894?
39. Jórunn Magnúsdóttir, wife of Hinrik Gíslason  1897
40. Kristín Sveinsdóttir, wife of Ásgeir Jónsson  1896
41. Jón Björgvin (child of Thórarinn Jónsson Norman)  1896
42. Kristín Jónsdóttir (sister to Kristbjörg, wife of Guðbrandur the Dr.)  1896
43. Kristbjörg Jónsdóttir, wife of Guðbrandur Sæmundsson the Dr.  1896
44. Guðbrandur Sæmundsson Dr.  1896
45. Eiríkur Jónsson, brother-in-law of Guðbrandur the Dr.  1896
46. Child of Árni Hannesson  1897
47. Child of Guðbrandur Narfason  1898
48. Ragnheiður Egilsson, child of Mr. & Mrs. Gísli Egilsson  1898
49. Child of Mr. & Mrs. J. Einarsson  1898
50. Thóra Hannesdóttir (Mrs. S. Johnson)  1899
51. Job Sveinsson  1902
52. Mrs. Sigríður Thorbergsdóttir (wife of Thorleifur Jónsson)  1902
53. Guðmundur Thórðarson  1904
54. Thórður Thórðarson  1904
55. Davíð Bjarnason Westman  1904
56. Ragnhildur Magnúsdóttir, wife of Magnús Einarsson  1903
57. Jón Jónsson Norman  1905
58. Jón August Hedman  1905
59. Bjarni Eiríksson  1905
60. Two children of Mr. & Mrs. Skaalerud  1906 & 1912
61. Helgi Helgason  1906
62. Mrs. Ingunn Pálmadóttir Norman  1906
63. Mrs. Margrét Kristjánsdóttir Norman  1907
64. Thórarinn Jónsson Norman  1908
65. Helga Westman  1909
66. Sigríður Guðmundsdóttir [mother-in-law of Sigurður Jónsson]  1909
67. Magnús Einarsson  1909
68. Helga Jónsdóttir  1910
69. Arngrímur Kristjánsson  1910
70. Stephan Jónsson Valberg  1911
71. Freysteinn Jónsson  1914
72. Oddgeir Björnsson Johnson 1914
73. Child from the Nordins  1914

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