St. Ambrose Cemetery
R.M. of Montrose # 315   SW 27-31-9 W3
GPS   51.678238°N   107.207691°W
First burial in 1906, 220 burials by 2003

Anderson, May Florence (nee Bride)  4 Sep 1880 - 25 Jan 1934 wife of William

Baird, Jemima (nee Ovans)  1880 - 1943
Baird, William George  1879 - 1951
Beaton, Florence  1881 - 1943 wife of William
Beaton, R. Lawrence 'Larry'  1911 - 2003
Beaton, William  1877 - 1966 
Beng, Max E. O.  1913 - 1979
Bodie, (family of five)  died 1919 
Bonney, Emily (nee Campbell)  24 Jul 1866 - 10 Oct 1914 wife of Edwin H.
Bowen, David  4 Oct 1825 - 10 Aug 1911 son of Isaac & Catherine
Bowen, Lewis Henderson  1868 - 1935
Bowerman, Catherine (nee Raven)  10 Jan 1838 - 14 Sep 1924 dau of William 
Bowerman, Rhoda B. (nee Madden)  5 Jul 1865 - 31 May 1921 dau of Charles & Ellen
Bowerman, Stephen Leroy  2 Jun 1863 - 24 Jun 1939 son of Jonathan & Catherine
Braun, Audrey M.  Apr 1929 -
Braun, Clint E.  12 Feb 19?? - 14 April 1997 hus of Audrey
Brooke, (baby)  son of Frank
Brown, Arthur  1919 age 6 yrs 9 mos
Buck, William  1931 age 53 
Busey, Maitland Howard  1931 age 5 
Busey, Mildred  1920 age 6 mos

Chapman, John W. K.  1888 - 1918
Chester, Arthur John  9 Mar 1924 - 31 Dec 2006 son of Horatio & Florence
Chester, Jean (nee Armstrong)  2 Oct 1930 - 12 Sep 2013 dau of Robert & Ann
Clark, John  5 Sep 1841 - 3 Jan 1925
Clark, Margaret  22 Sep 1853 - 2 Nov 1943
Clark, Wilmer  11 Mar 1894 - 31 Oct 1926
Climenhaga, Jennifer Rae (nee Drury)  31 Oct 1981 - 21 Jul 2011 wife of Cameron, dau of Jim & Janice
Conway, George H.  1911 - 1999 
Conway, Pearl M.  1920 - 1995 wife of George

Durant, Harold Franklin  died 1924

Fisher, (unknown)  1914 - 1922 
Flear, Lorraine Joy  died 1933
Flear, Thelma Jean  died 1932
French, George  
French, Pearl  

Gerwing, Anna Theresa (nee Kamiczaites)  18 Aug 1914 - 20 Nov 2001 dau of Michael
Girvan, Alfred Bruce  1878 - 1981
Girvan, Gordon Alfred  9 Aug 1908 - 15 Jul 1932 hus of Margaret
Girvan, Harold R.  1911 - 2002
Girvan, Isabella (nee Glenross)  1879 - 1952
Girvan, J. Marion  1917 - 1996 wife of Harold 
Girvan, Jessie  16 Apr 1915 - 2 Mar 1923 
Girvan, Mabel (nee Clark)  19 Sep 1879 - 10 Jul 1912
Girvan, Margaret  1926 - 1996 wife of Russell 
Girvan, Margaret Agnes  9 Feb 1907 -
Girvan, Myrtle B.  17 Jan 1887 - 16 Dec 1971 wife of Thomas
Girvan, Russell  1924 - 1991
Girvan, Thomas  16 Feb 1882 - 28 June 1926 
Glendenning, Robert  6 Aug 192? age 47 dys
Grafham, Alfred E.  13 Nov 1923 age 58
Grafham, (unknown)  wife of Alfred
Gray, Frederick  1856 - 1935 
Gray, (unknown)  1854 - 1945 wife of Frederick
Griffin, John  1877 - 1961
Griffiths, Vera (nee Sunderland)  1908 - 1992

Halen, Dorothy  1917 - 1924
Halen, (unknown)  died 1924 age 6
Harrington, James William 'Jay'  1961 - 1982
Harrington, Robert William  Aug 1920 - May 2004
Harrington, S. Ethel (nee Clark)  Sep 1918 - Aug 2011 wife of Robert
Hart, Emily  died 1944
Hart, James  died 1950 age 90
Heathfield, (baby)  1913 - 1913
Hendershot, (baby)  died 1923 
Hendershot, Florence  1877 - 1923
Heroes, (baby)  died 1908 child of A. L.
Hills, Gladys Ellen  24 Dec 1917 -
Holmes, Blanche (nee Norton)  died 1947
Horn, (baby)  died 1915
Horn, Donald  died 1914
Horn, (infant)  died 1949 son of Doug & Ilene
Horn, James Weseley  1884 - 1937
Horn, John Bruce  1908 - 1940
Howe, Dora (nee Morris)  4 Jul 1921 - 27 Jan 1949 (died in childbirth with son)
Humphrey, Elanor  died 1918 wife of Fred

Jennison, Blanche  4 Jul 4 1890 - 4 Aug 1927
Jennison, Clara  3 Nov 1918 - 13 Jan 2006 wife of George
Jennison, Ellen  15 Apr 1917 - 7 Feb 1996 dau of John & Blanche
Jennison, George T.  20 Nov 1913 - 4 Jul 1999 son of John & Blanche
Jennison, John William  30 Jan 1885 - 30 Jan 1971
Jenson, Melvin Theodore  4 Feb 1918 - 4 Nov 199?
Johnson, James  died 1918
Johnston, Edith Elmira (nee Girvan)  5 May 1908 - 16 Aug 2010

Kerchen, Mrs. W.
Kingsley, Elizabeth Jane (nee Bowen)  2 May 1865 - 9 Jul 1926 dau of David
Knudson, Anna  1908 age 13 days
Knudson, Charles Edward  1867 - 1949 hus of Dorothea
Knudson, Dorthea (nee Moen)  1868 - Sep 1913 dau of Peder & Gunhild (nee Perhus)
Kundson, George P.  1898 - 1918
Kratz, Theodore  1904 - 1964
Kumgzaites, Clara  24 Mar 1887 - 9 Nov 1918

Lamb, Elba  1906 - 1985 hus of Gladys
Lamb, Gladys  1908 -
Lamb, John  1916 grandfather of Elba
Litton, (baby)  1921 son of Richard & Gladys
Litton, Grant Richard  1926

MacAskill, Effie (nee Beaton)  1865 - 1964
Magnuson, A. Martin  1887 - 1963
Magnuson, Christine (nee Newberg)  3 Oct 1889 - 15 May 1922 wife of Martin 
Malcolm, Janet  1920 - 1993 wife of John
Malcolm, John  1913 - 1990
Mallows, Clara E.  1894 - 1990 wife of David
Mallows, David  1890 - 1966
Marquette, Mary Lillian  died 1925
McCullough, Silas  1857 - 1941
McCutcheon, (baby)   
McCutcheon, Emma (nee Clark)  11 Apr 1885 - 30 Oct 1972
McCutcheon, Harvey Clifford  23 Jul 1923 - Nov 1992 son of John & Emma
McCutcheon, John Allan  5 Feb 1883 - 13 Jun 1942 son of James & Margaret (nee Long)
McCutcheon, Stanley Arthur  13 Mar 1937 - 21 Jan 1942 son of Elgin & Gwyneth (nee Tunnicliffe)
McDonald, George  Jul 1910 - Oct 1966
McGregor, (baby)  1908 - 1908
Meyer, Charles  2 Sep 1843 - 5 Sep 1920
Meyer, Sophie  16 Jan 1841 - 29 Nov 1912 wife of Charles
Meyers, Joseph  died 1964
Munro, Donald  1872 - 1928
Munroe, Duncan  died 1918
Murray, David

Nelson, Alex  1867 - 1945
Nelson, Charles Edward  1903 - 1934
Nelson, Dustin  1977 - 1992
Nelson, Elizabeth  1875 - 1957
Nelson, Gordon 'Doc'  1906 - 1987
Nelson, John Howard  1927 - 1930
Nelson, Lucy (nee Manix)  14 Dec 1917 - 22 Mar 2014 wife of Gordon
Nisbet, Cecil Perchie  31 Aug 1905 - 12 Apr 1916
Nisbet, John Clifford  20 Mar 1907 - 23 Feb 1908
Nisbet, Minnie  1886 - 1962 wife of William
Nisbet, William  1870 - 1937
Norton, John  6 Dec 1922 age 65 

Parsons, Ambrose  10 Feb 1843 - 15 Mar 1910
Parsons, Clement  17 Aug 1916 age 48 
Parsons, Eleanor Ann  16 Oct 1835 - 25 May 1910 wife of Ambrose
Parsons, Frank  15 Feb 1909 age 11 
Parsons, Percival  died 1940
Perchie, Frederick  3 Nov 1918 age 73 yrs 11 mos 20 days
Perchie, J. (nee Youmans)  4 Nov 1919 age 37 
Perchie, (unknown)  wife of Fred

Schraeder, Albert  27 Feb 1834 - 2 Sep 1916
Schraeder, H. Sherman  1937 - 2000
Schroeder, Augustiny  1835 - 1926
Schroeder, Frederick  1935 - 1924
Scruton, William Enoch Headley 2 Feb 1858 - 26 Jan 1924 
Sjolin, (baby)  died 1918 son of John
Smith, Helen  13 Mar 1922 - 8 Mar 1923 dau of Edward & Jemima 
Smith, Jemima  1891 - 1971 wife of Joseph
Smith, Joseph  1883 - 1984
Smith, Mattie Rose  15 Nov 1875 - 18 Jan 1919 wife of L. B. Doty 
Smith, W. J. Tullis  1911 - 1973
Spice, Phyliss  1946 age 2 mos, dau of Marion & Harold
Stephens, Alfred  1864 - 1929
Stephens, Ellen E.  1866 - 1945 wife of Alfred
Straus, Mary Ann (nee Reid)  6 May 1897 - 11 Jan 1922 wife of Isadore
Sunderland, Abram  1873 - 1952
Sunderland, Elizabeth  1847 - 1937 wife of John
Sunderland, John Edward  1851 - 1924
Sunderland, Ruth  1880 - 1978
Sunderland, Walter  1879 - 1927
Swanson, Abraham  10 May 1912 age 30 yrs 6 mos

Thompson, Andre Marie (nee Ness)  1896 - Nov 1930 wife of Hamilton
Thompson, Charlotte A.  1945 -
Thompson, Christie (nee Beaton)  1867 - 1960 wife of John
Thompson, Devina M.  1917 - 2007
Thompson, Donald  1912 - 1996 hus of Edith
Thompson, Edith  1916 - 1998
Thompson, Florence Eda  1913 - 1997
Thompson, Gerry B.  1946 - 1992
Thompson, Hamilton Spence  2 Oct 1898 - 14 Apr 1951 son of John & Christie
Thompson, John Leslie  24 Dec 1869 - 23 Jan 1936 son of John & Abigail (nee Mayhood)
Thompson, Kenneth Howard  6 Feb 1909 - 1989 son of John & Christie
Thompson, Robert Leslie 'Les'  3 Sep 1943 - 12 Jul 2011 hus of Charlotte, son of Hamilton & Florence
Thompson, Ruth Elizabeth Hart  7 Dec 1905 - 22 Feb 1948 dau of John & Christie
Tilk, Ella Maud  1882 - 1941
Tilk, Frederick  died 22 Mar 1912 age 59 
Tilk, Harry Lyle  1923 - 1992
Tilk, Helen (nee Grieve)  1847 - 1927
Tilk, Helen (nee Horn)  1915 - 1996
Tilk, James Albert  1882 - 1963
Tilk, John Marvin  1890 - 1944
Tradwell, (baby)

Warlow, Silas Ross  22 Dec 1891 - 24 Jan 1919
White, Catherine (nee Ferguson)  1849 - 3 Jan 1937
White, Donald  10 Apr 1882 - 1 Jul 1935 son of Neil & Catherine
White, Effie C.  24 May 1891 - 16 May 1942 dau of Neil & Catherine
Wilson, James  4 Dec 1887 - 20 Feb 1969 
Wilson, Lucretia  1919 -         
Wilson, Mary (nee Little)  11 Sep 1880 - 20 Feb 1937 wife of Thomas
Wilson, Stanley J.  1919 - 1987 hus of Lucreta
Wilson, Thomas  29 Sep 1877 - 12 Apr 1962 

Youmans, Mrs. J. (nee Perchie)  1882 - 4 Nov 1919 dau of F. & J.
Young, Coila I.  1890 - 1949
Young, Freeman R.  1879 - 1939
Young, Melvin  died 1914
Young, Richard C.  1908 - 1930       

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