BUGERA, Mary (nee Bychowsky) died age 75 wife of Anton BYCHKOWSKI, Karl 1862 – 1940 BYCHKOWSKI, Olga 1939 DEMCHYNSKI, Nick 14 May 1855 – 1943 son of Jacob & Kasie DEMCHYNSKI, Tillie Shortyk 1871 - 1966 KIZINKEWICZ, Franciszka 1925 KIZINKEWICZ, Teodor 1921 KIZIUK, Karl 19 Jun 1942 – 22 Feb 1943 KMET, Katherine 12 Nov 1867 – 1937 KMET, Mike 1875 – 1933 KMET, Peter 1914 – 1931 KOHAN, John 1871 - 1951 KOHAN, Sophie 1873 - 1953 MARNOVICH, Domka 1887 – 1940 MARNOVICH, Philip 1876 – 1955 MARINOVICH, Steve J. 1918 – 1963 PAG__NA, (infant) 1912 – 1913 PARASIUK, Nickolai 1870 - 1959 PARASIUK, Yawdokia (nee Marinovich) 1874 – 1957 dau of Michael & Hafia PARSEY, Mary 1900 – 1954 PERKOBCKN, Metro Peter 1912 – 1944 ROMANOW, Wasyl 1888 - 1967 hus of Anastasia Yuswak SLAPINSKI, Frank 1894 – 1972 SLAPINSKI, Mary (nee Parasiuk) 14 Jan 1903 - 18 Oct 1993 dau of Nick & Adonia SLAPINSKI, Pauline died 1921 dau of Frank & Mary SLAPINSKY, Anna 1866 – 3 Feb 1955 SLAPINSKY, Nichola died Nov 11, 1930 TYMOCHKO, Karl 1881 – 1936 TYMOCHKO, William 1913 – 1986 unknown 1 unknown 2 unknown 3 unknown 4 unknown 5 unknown 6 unknown 7 unknown 8 unknown 9 unknown 10 unknown 11 unknown 12 unknown 13 unknown 14 unknown 15 unknown 16 unknown 17 unknown 18 unknown 19 unknown 20 unknown 21 unknown 22 unknown 1900 - 19?? unknown 1913 Nov unknown 1902 unknown, Anthony died 1899 unknown, Antinina 1864 – 1938 or 36 unknown, Ivan 1889 – 1935 YAREMCHUK, Steve 1896 – 1928 YAWNEY, Dominiko 1857 – 1955
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