NOTE from Andrea:
The 'new' St. Hubert Cemetery is divided into two areas. This cemetery started in 1903 when the church was moved from the north side of the Pipestone Valley to the south side.
In 1925, the Sisters of Our Lady of the Cross turned a previous school for girls into a Nursing Home. As residents died, they were buried in the north section of the St. Hubert Cemetery. Burials continued until the Home closed in 1968. There is no physical division of the cemetery. The cemetery is still active, though burials are on the 'South' section where local residents were buried.
North Section
Joan of Arc Home section: 1925 - 1967. Joan of Arc Home closed in 1968.
Adamson, James 1873 - 1945 Amyot, Jean B. 1855 - 1932 Anderson, Henry 1867 - 1944 Anderson, James Ben 1872 - 1943 Anderson, Joseph 1873 - 1953 Anderson, Josephine 1879 - 1939 Anderson, Nels O. 1888 - 1964 Anderson, Olaf 1866 - 1949 Arams, Lucien 1883 - 1944 Arnason, Ernest 1860 - 1939 Ayotte, P. Oliver 1859 - 1940 Ayotte, Jeophile died 1931 Baranaski, Solome died 1932 Barnes, Reuben 1856 - 1950 Bartley, John died 1936 Bastow, David 1876 - 1948 Batke, John 1873 - 1952 Beaugrand, Narcisse 1861 - 1938 Beaulac, Wilfred 1887 - 1965 Beckman, Herman 1876 - 1946 Bedard, Clement 1865 - 1948 Bellany, Edward died 1933 Bellefleur, Lucille died 1925 Bellerose, Sarah 1855 - 1940 Bengerl, Andrew 1860 - 1943 Berger, Baraba 1882 - 1942 Berger, Jasper died 1932 Berglund, Karin 1850 - 1947 Bessette, Henri 1885 - 1945 Bisset, Seldom 1873 - 1937 Black, George 1861 - 1942 Bohdah, Nicholas 1900 - 1955 Bombras, Octave 1880 - 1962 Book, Elizabeth 1882 - 1946 Book, Fred died 1939 Borwick, James 1887 - 1943 Bostock, Sidney 1876 - 1942 Bottineau, Isabelle 1870 - 1965 Bourgeois, Abraham 1864 - 1954 Boutin, Edward 1865 - 1948 Bowden, Ina 1913 - 1952 Bowers, Mansell 1857 - 1948 Bradley, Denis 1851 - 1941 Braniff, Daniel 1859 - 1940 Brindle, Hubert 1873 - 1955 Brook, Elizabeth 1882 - 1946 Brooker, Alfred William 1860 - 1940 Brookschmidt, Elizabeth died 1927 Brown, Edward 1856 - 1941 Brown, Joseph J. 1885 - 1967 Brown, William died 1930 Bryce, Kenneth 1874 - 1950 Burchailo, John 1878 - 1955 Burgess, Anne J. 1859 - 1942 Burkitt, Joseph 1854 - 1938 Burney, Annie 1868 - 1944 Burns, James B. 1858 - 1946 Bush, George 1900 - 1943 Buttler, James L. 1862 - 1951 Butler, Joseph 1862 - 1942 Cameron, Malcolm 1878 - 1962 Carriere, Thimolas 1868 - 1950 Caze, Arthur 1848 - 1944 Chacun, Pierre 1874 - 1964 Chambon, Henri 1846 - 1938 Chambon, Louis A. 1881 - 1966 Chapdelaine, Adelaine 1860 - 1949 Cheviaux, Anne Marie 1888 - 1960 Chomik, William 1872 - 1953 Chouinard,Joseph died 1942 Clarke, Wiliam died 1936 Clavel, Evelyde 1882 - 1942 Clement, Jules 1860 - 1940 Cloliton, John 1961 - 1937 Collin, Artheme died 1935 Coquelin, Philomene 1875 - 1964 Cornell, Robert 1882 - 1946 Costeraste, Marie C. 1868 - 1964 Crilly, James died 1925 Crouteau, Isaie died 1952 Cyr, Jenon died 1933 Daigle, Anna 1876 - 1964 Damiens, Marie 1882 - 1965 Damiens, Marius 1881 - 1955 Davaney, George 1855 - 1948 Day, Andrew 1865 - 1940 Day, Sarah Jane 1866 - 1944 Demuth, Albert 1983 - 1938 Deroschers, Peter 1987 - 1951 Deschenes, Ernest 1866 - 1940 Dewan, Bernard died 1928 Doell, Charles 1865 - 1946 Dorner (or Dormer), Charles died 1941 Drinkle, William 1882 - 1944 Druet, Marie died 1936 Dumont, Jean B. 1895 - 1956 Dunn, Michael died 1932 Dyneka, Harry 1877 - 1953 Edwards, Henry died 1936 Emmanuelson, Selma died 1936 Engel, William 1869 - 1949 Ethier, Arthur 1861 - 1940 Erickson, Karen 1851 - 1941 Faille, Joseph 1885 - 1945 Fedorchuk, Mary 1912 - 1949 Flanagan, Wilfred 1881 - 1950 Fournier, Alexandra 1881 - 1940 Fredette, Angelina 1857 - 1943 Freng, Blanche 1908 - 1946 Gagne, Cleophes 1862 - 1937 Gallagher, Anthony 1861 - 1945 Gay, Joseph 1860 - 1943 Gillen, Martin died 1931 Glass, William 1883 - 1962 Graham, Patrick died 1930 Greatrix, James 1859 - 1944 Greening, Barrett died 1936 Gross, John 1868 - 1947 Gross, Matt 1870 - 1958 Guimond, Francois X. 1858 - 1944 Gunderson, Knut 1862 - 1942 Gunnerson, Gunnar 1863 - 1939 Hackel, John 1888 - 1951 Hall, Rosa 1878 - 1942 Hamelin, Agnes died 1925 Hanus, Anton 1874 - 1960 Henderson, George 1867 - 1943 Herman, Max E. 1871 - 1944 Higgins, Albert died 1934 Hitchen, John 1887 - 1961 Hlisebul, Dmytro 1880 - 1940 Hohngren, Olaf 1844 - 1946 Hollande, Isabella 1876 - 1945 Homelson, Jacob died 1932 Homynchuk, George 1877 - 1943 Honeyford, Ben 1884 - 1937 Hopley, Amy 1884 - 1952 Horn, Henry 1877 - 1943 Hornung, George 1916 - 1965 Horocholyn, Onufrey 1884 - 1957 Hubick, Regina 1873 - 1940 Isbister, Joseph 1878 - 1940 Johnston, John died 1936 Johnson, Rudolphe died 1936 Joswin, Justine 1876 - 1947 Kane, Mathias 1877 - 1938 Karpa, Marie A. died 1933 Karpek, Samuel 1886 - 1956 Karpenko, Demin John 1864 - 1955 Kaufman, Willie 1921 - 1938 Kazick, William died 1933 Keller, Joseph 1874 - 1956 Kelly, George 1856 - 1946 Kelly, James 1856 - 1933 Kemp, Henry 1868 - 1941 Kennedy, Patrick 1852 - 1944 Ketter, John 1864 - 1939 Kewley, William 1891 - 1944 Keyes, James 1859 - 1940 Kilmartin, Mike died 1936 Kirby, Frederick died 1930 Kirwan, William 1861 - 1940 Klepak, Peter 1876 - 1956 Klimick, Daniel 1877 - 1943 Kline, John died 1934 Kloke, John 1880 - 1953 Koeber, Robert 1878 - 1940 Kohl, Mathias 1881 - 1941 Kohlruss, John died 1935 Kolosvary, John 1879 - 1941 Konowal, Stephen 1860 - 1941 Korszalowski, Salome 1856 - 1940 Kostuh, Katherine 1865 - 1943 Kruppa, M. Bernadette 1876 - 1951 Kulage, Herman 1871 - 1940 Kulikowick, Paulina 1854 - 1941 Kuratkowski, Vincent 1861 - 1948 Lacharite, Marie 1856 - 1939 Laframboise, Margaret 1886 - 1950 Lafreniere, Emile died 1934 Lambert, Delia died 1928 Lamont, Ronald 1878 - 1942 Lample, Joseph 1879 - 1949 Larkin, August 1855 - 1939 Larkin, Martin died 1936 Larson, Elizabeth 1870 - 1944 Lasante, Zotique 1880 - 1957 Lausiere, Napoleon 1869 - 1953 Laverdiere, Archie 1869 - 1951 Leffley, James 1882 - 1955 Leitch, Duncan 1892 - 1952 Lemaire, Maurice 1931 - 1947 Lepine, Albert 1870 - 1944 Leveille, Helen 1895 - 1945 Levia, Mary died 1931 Libert, Cyril 1860 - 1937 Lipinski, Margaret 1878 - 1957 Lister, Charlotte 1865 - 1940 Lodge, John 1867 - 1942 Loneogar, Hannah died 1929 Lorett, Ludwig 1861 - 1948 Lortie, Phillippe 1855 - 1943 Lowery, Stephen 1868 - 1950 Lucia, Joseph 1861 - 1932 Lukas, Philip 1861 - 1940 Madson, Carl 1877 - 1941 Mahy, Leon 1871 - 1953 Maisonneuve, Laurette 1907 - 1954 Male, Marie 1867 - 1956 Martz, Adam F. died 1936 Matatt, Joseph 1854 - 1937 Mazavet, Yves 1876 - 1942 MacCormick, Harper 1864 - 1945 MacGown, Barbara 1866 - 1943 McCardle, Mary 1874 - 1958 McCarthy, Charles 1878 - 1961 McCarthy, Jerry 1848 - 1953 McCauley, Frank 1864 - 1938 McCormick, Jack 1870 - 1948 McDonald, Dan 1860 - 1937 McEnerey, Henry died 1935 McGillis, Pauline 1872 - 1959 McGovern, Maude 1879 - 1958 McGregor, Jane 1868 - 1953 McGuire, John 1862 - 1938 McIvor, Norman 1855 - 1931 McKinnon, Archibald 1849 - 1937 McKinnon, John 1850 - 1941 McLouglin, James died 1926 McMillan, Duncan 1870 - 1951 McPherson, John died 1936 McRae, Joseph 1859 - 1944 Meehan, Archie died 1931 Meen, Joseph 1878 - 1941 Merlowich, Nick 1880 - 1953 Metson, Stephen 1863 - 1952 Metson, Walter 1864 - 1952 Michel, August 1886 - 1949 Miller, Stephen 1870 - 1949 Milton, Annie 1876 - 1943 Mitchel, Anna 1865 - 1943 Mitchel, Philip 1963 - 1938 Mohr, Elizabeth 1863 - 1940 Moore, David 1887 - 1931 Moore, Robert 1868 - 1938 Moreau, Albert J. B. 1867 - 1950 Moreland, Tom 1877 - 1940 Morin, George 1861 - 1952 Morrison, Peter 1863 - 1940 Muchkowski, Annie 1874 - 1942 Muir, William 1860 - 1939 Mullin, Turner 1860 - 1941 Nadeau, Peter 1853 - 1940 Neelan, Patrick died 1931 Norvie, John died 1929 Oakes, Joseph 1881 - 1930 Ober, Nick 1847 - 1940 OBrien, E. Denis 1881 - 1952 OBrien, Martha 1868 - 1939 ODeff, Edward died 1925 Ogilvie, Jeanne 1866 - 1939 OHare, Patrick died 1927 Pagen, Annette 1905 - 1947 Pasler, Steve 1859 - 1938 Patterson, Jos. Maurice 1877 - 1937 Paudois, Josephine 1860 - 1932 Pearson, Ivor 1872 - 1952 Peace, Justin 1872 - 1936 Pepin, Ambroise died 1930 Perras, Alexandre died 1935 Perrault, Obeline 1878 - 1959 Perron, Joseph 1854 - 1949 Picard, Antoine died 1933 Piche, Rosaire 1891 - 1952 Picklo, John died 1935 Pilon, Toch Theobald 25 Jan 1922 - 30 Mar 2011 hus of Irene, son of Noel & Rebecca (nee Lemire) Pipher, Ben 1855 - 1937 Pluym, Victor died 1936 Podallan, Mike died 1951 Poitras, Jules F. 1860 - 1944 Poncelet, Eugene Maxim 21 Sep 1919 - 18 Dec 2011 Pretre, David died 1931 Purdy, Clifford 1901 - 1950 Putiatychi, Andrew 1852 - 1944 Quelline, George 1864 - 1938 Rathburn, Cecil 1910 - 1939 Ricard, Joseph 1866 - 1946 Richards, Elizabeth 1876 - 1941 Ritchott, Norman 1883 - 1957 Robert, Gregoire died 1961 Robert, Jules 1874 - 1954 Robert, Marie 1878 - 1953 Robinson, Arthur 1865 - 1943 Rochon, Aime died 1936 Rombough, William 1856 - 1945 Romieux, Edmond 1876 - 1946 Roskilly, Stanley 1869 - 1948 Rosmaraiewich, John 1879 - 1944 Roswell, Thomas 1881 - 1960 Roy, Lea 1856 - 1942 Roy, Anna Jean 1850 - 1942 Rumpel, Barbara 1853 - 1941 Ruthburn, Cecil 1910 - 1939 Sadovak, Dora 1851 - 1940 Satorgyn, John 1865 - 1956 Savard, Francois 1855 - 1943 Sawa, Peter 1887 - 1943 Schaffer, Jacob 1911 - 1955 Schoelzka, Paul died 1927 Schubbler, John 1892 - 1951 Schultz, Henry (no dates) Schultz, Jacob 1888 - 1946 Schwab, Anthony 1907 - 1947 Schwab, Edward 1924 - 1962 Seketance, Agnes 1864 - 1942 Sensarnie, Philomene 1873 - 1965 Sevigny, Alfred 1879 - 1944 Seymour, Maryann 1873 - 1944 Shabick, Elisabeth 1871 - 1939 Sheever, Henry 1874 - 1940 Sister M. Alexandre 1894 - 1926 Sister M. Alype 1874 - 1946 Sister M. Celine 1885 - 1965 Sister M. Henry 1865 - 1925 Sister M. Mecthile 1864 - 1933 Sister M. Theresa 1886 - 1927 Skirrow, Henry 1859 - 1937 Skorewich, John 1874 - 1964 Skrybnik, John 1871 - 1943 Slibesub, Dmytro died 1940 (no marker) Sloan, Thomas 1889 - 1950 Slywka, Michael 1874 - 1960 Smith, Mary died 1933 Sohoepzka, Paul died 1927 Sorheim, Chris J. 1861 - 1942 Soucy, Domatilde 1863 - 1943 Spack, Wasyl 1862 - 1941 Spratt, Fred 1883 - 1938 Sproats, William 1853 - 1951 Steffankiv, Mary 1863 - 1943 Storie, James 1847 - 1953 Strand, Marius 1878 - 1946 Street, Rachel died 1929 Studer, Frank 1866 - 1950 Sullan, Henry 1958 - 1946 Sullivan, Timothy 1851 - 1945 Susedick, Joe died 1934 Susedick, Kate died 1929 Tea, Ernest died 1953 Thauberger, Bertha 1903 - 1943 Thomas, Anna 1862 - 1939 Tompson, Minnie 1864 - 1938 Tinnish, John 1902 - 1941 Torrence, Elizabeth 1876 - 1946 Tricoteux, Henri 1864 - 1939 Tricoteux, Lucie 1871 - 1939 Turner, Martin 1873 - 1952 Vaillancourt, Anna died 1934 Vandall, Philomene 1866 - 1952 Vervais, Alexandre 1858 - 1943 Vezina, Edmond 1875 - 1942 Viala, Joseph Jacques 1859 - 1947 Vodon, Francois died 1930 Vodon, Therese died 1929 Vynck, Louis died 1932 Wahpoosywan, Widow 1857 - 1942 Walker, Charles 1860 - 1941 Walraven, Pete K. 1868 - 1938 Watkins, Emma 1870 - 1938 Wentzell, John 1861 - 1942 Werner, Charles died 1934 White, Charles died 1936 Wickenheiser, Rose M. 1935 - 1937 Wild, Pollie 1869 - 1944 Wilder, Mary died 1936 Wilguski, John 1868 - 1955 Willason, Sam 1896 - 1944 Willerick, Anton died 1933 Worga, Elizabeth died 1930 Yaremchuk, Sam 1876 - 1956 Younger, Robert died 1954 Zatiuck, William 1978 - 1951 Zimmerman, Joseph 1857 - 1938 Zivizinski, Elias died 1932
South Section
Alberico, Munziata 1874 Sep 6, 1960 Alcouffe, Pierre (Brother Antoine) 1862 - 1916 Alype, Rev. Mother M. 1874 - Jan 16, 1946 Andrews, Brian Joseph died Feb. 9, 1984 Anton, Margaret Eleanor Mar 18, 1909 Apr 14, 1909 Anton, Mary Margaret (nee Blumhoefer) Jan 9, 1876 Aug 31, 1910 Bali, Rosalia (nee Grof) 1882 Jan 3, 1936 Bali, James 1877 1973 age 96 yrs 7 mos Barry, James (young boy) died 1917 Beaujot, Justine (nee Derenne) 1834 May 8, 1904 wife of Francois Beaujot, Felicien Jun 19, 1878 Jan 8, 1946 Beaujot, Berthaline (nee Senechauld) Feb 19, 1900 Dec 19, 1955 Beaujot, Dorothy (nee Mullie) Jul 19, 1917 - Mar 6, 2014 wife of Leon, dau of Paul & Julienne Beaujot, Eugene Jan 23, 1866 Jul 28, 1950 Beaujot, Leon Sep 29, 1919 - May 28, 2014 son of Felicien & Berthaline Beaujot, Modest (nee Ecolan) Sep 15, 1885 Aug 7, 1967 wife of Eugene Beaujot, Marcel Feb 6, 1910 Oct 22, 1980 Beaujot, Emile Jun 8, 1915 Dec 4, 1991 Beauregard, Joseph Feb 27, 1869 Aug 6, 1935 hus of Elizabeth Marie O. Beauregard, Marie Odena (nee St. Jean) Mar 3, 1874 Dec 9, 1962 Bebesse, Adrien 1916 Bellehumeur, Joseph 1877 Jul 14, 1937 Bellehumeur, Marie Adele (nee Fleury) Mar 1, 1887 Dec 10, 1962 wife of Joseph Bessette, Andre Alfred died 1937 Bodin, Paul Rev. Jan 3, 1884 Jan 2, 1934 Bourhis, Jeanne died Sep 8, 1913 age 15 mos, dau of Pierre & Louise Bourhis, Isidore died Sep 11, 1913 age 1 mon, son of Pierre & Louise Bourhis, Jean died Apr 29, 1918 age 34 spouse of Marie Bourhis, Pierre 1869 1918 hus of Marie Bourhis, Pierre died Nov 11, 1918 age 40 hus of Louise Bourhis, Marie (nee Keriou) died Aug 12, 1921 age 64 wife of Pierre Bourhis, Francois died Jan 16, 1931 age 54 Boutin, Alexandre Maurice 1929 - Mar 15, 2013 son of Maurice & Armandine Boutin, Doreen (nee Appleton) Jun 11, 1936 Apr 2003 wife of Alexandre Boutin, Hubert Benjamin Mar 27, 1926 - Mar 19, 2011 son of Maurice & Armendine Boutin, Genevieve Oct 22, 1921 Feb 20, 1922 dau of Maurice & Armandine Boutin, Marie (twin) Jun 29, 1924 Jun 30, 1924 dau of Maurice & Armandine Boutin, Marguerite (twin) Jun 29, 1924 Dec 15, 1924 dau of Maurice & Armandine Boutin, Helene (nee Patureau) 1868 Feb 12, 1928 wife of Victor Boutin, Joseph Nov 3 Nov 3, 1935 son of Maurice & Armandine Boutin, Andre Oct 14 Oct 14, 1936 son of Maurice & Armandine Boutin, Maurice Mar 1 Mar 1, 1938 son of Maurice & Armandine Boutin, Victor Jan 23, 1866 Jun 24, 1941 Boutin, Maurice May 24, 1891 Feb 27, 1948 Boutin, Paul Sep 5, 1930 Aug 7, 1960 son of Maurice & Armandine Boutin, Armandine (nee Jeannot) May 28, 1901 May 5, 1991 Boutin, Rachel Feb 11, 1923 Jul 29, 1996 dau of Maurice & Armandine Brodeur, Patricia Mar 22 Mar 22, 1954 dau of Romeo & Therese Brule, Joseph Jun 4, 1882 - Apr 24, 1929 Brule, Hermalie (nee Fafard) 1889 Dec 17, 1971 wife of Joseph Brule, Dennis May 24, 1960 Sep 11, 1961 son of Urby & Alma Burns, John died 1909 Cancade, Jean died May 20, 1923 age 67 Cancade, Augustine (nee Sauze) died May 2, 1931 age 62 wife of Jean Chambon, Henri 1845 Jul 3, 1938 hus of Victoria Perpete Chambon, Louis 1881 1966 son of Henri Chouinard, Joseph died 1942 Cloirec, Marie Francoise died 1910 Collard, Henriette Aug 27, 1846 Feb 3, 1912 wife of Jean Collard, Jean Pierre May 12, 1847 Jun 22, 1915 Collard, Jean died 1916 Cottin, Marie Caroline (nee Sommeilier) 1872 Oct 7, 1937 wife of Joseph Cottin, Joseph 1861- Mar 10, 1954 Cottin, Clemence (nee Fontaine) Feb 19, 1900 Mar 11, 1955 wife of Mitchel Cottin, Mitchel Jul 8, 1895 May 30, 1986 Couronne, Paul 1916 1918 son of Joseph & M. Adele Couronne, Joseph Oct 4, 1889 Sep 1947 Couronne, Marie Adele (nee Decelle) Dec 12, 1893 Aug, 1970 Couronne, Fred Nov 22, 1920 Dec 19, 1987 hus of Anne Marie Dartige, Kenneth Jul 16, 1963 Mar 9, 2007 Dartige, Gabriel Jul 1, 1895 Jun 30, 1965 Dartige, Marie (nee Jamet) Mar 19, 1892 Jun 7, 1970 wife of Gabriel Dartige, Linda Marie Dec 30, 1964 Apr 26, 1977 dau of Fern & Dianne Dartige, Andre Jun 22, 1929 Mar 22, 1981 hus of Pat Decelle, Victor Oct 30, 1879 Jan 7, 1952 Decelle, Sophie (nee Sage) 1894 July 15, 1966 Decelle, Louis Oct 16, 1921 May 23, 1959 Decelle, Victa Aug 1, 1923 Sep 25, 1988 dau of Victor & Sophie Decelle, Adele (nee Hebert) died 1938 mother of Victor Decelle, Joanne (twin) died Jan 17, 1953 Decelle, Julia Ann (twin) died Jan 17, 1953 de Laforest, Eliza (nee Letourneau) Jul 2, 1876 Apr 20, 1948 wife of Edouard de Laforest, Yvette Apr 20, 1944 dau of Therese & Gerard Dermody, Ethel May died Mar 15, 1906 age 14 dau of John & Charlotte Dermody, Charlotte (nee Corbett) died Aug 22, 1906 age 51 wife of John Dermody, Amasue Aug 17, 1883 Dec 7, 1918 Dermody, Ellener died 1920 wife of Christopher Dermody, Christopher died 1922 Deschambault, Adrienne May 29, 1908 Jun 30, 1914 dau of Alfred & Evelina Deschambault, Clarence Jan 5, 1908 Aug 9, 1919 son of Aquila & Edna Deschambault, Marion Evelyn Oct 21, 1926 Jul 11, 1927 Dovell, Joseph (baby) Sep 10, 1948 son of Lyle & Cecile Dumonceaux, Victor Dec 22, 1859 Apr 13, 1934 Dumonceaux, Lucie (nee Vinck) Sep 18, 1872 Jul 1, 1942 wife of Victor Dunand, Constant Jan 20, 1926 Dunand, (baby) died 1928 Dunand, Francois Jan 1860 Apr 1949 wife of Octavie Dunand, Octavie (nee Tavel) 1867 - 1959 Fallourd, Benjamin Fr. 1877 Jun 28, 1949 Flichaez, Fred died 1916 Flick, Conrad 1863 May 21, 1906 hus of Boxena Kredba Flick, Mary Apr 6, 1906 Oct, 1922 dau of Conrad & Boxena Flick, Margaret Mar 25, 1903 Sep 11, 1903 dau of Conrad & Boxena Flick, Albert Sep 14, 1879 Jun 10, 1949 Flick, Azeline (nee Morris) Aug 8, 1892 Jul 21, 1958 wife of Albert Freng, Blanche Jan 30, 1908 Jan 28, 1946 Gatin, Joseph (baby) died 1925 son of Emile & Bernadette Gatin, Isabelle died 1932 age 3 dau of Ernest & Anita Gatin, Josephine (nee Beaujot) 1872 Nov 6, 1938 wife of Adolphe Gatin, Adolphe Aug 28, 1863 Apr 26, 1940 hus of Josephine Gerard, Arthur Aug 15, 1877 May 16, 1967 Gerard, Leonie (nee Poncin) Oct 31, 1879 Oct 11, 1952 wife of Arthur Girard, Joseph Dec 29, 1876 Sep 28, 1946 Girard, Joacine (nee Havelange Payot) Mar 10, 1870 Jun 26, 1946 wife of Joseph Guilloux, Anne Jeanne died 1908 Guilloux, Marie Louise (nee Bourhis) 1880 Jun 27, 1946 wife of James Guilloux, James Nov 25, 1875 Sep 1963 Hawkins, Maggie (nee Molloy) died Dec 25, 1906 age 54 wife of William Hawkins, William Jun 10, 1852 May 9, 1925 Hawkins, Thomas Feb 25, 1872 Aug 21, 1939 son of John & Mary Hunter, Evelyn died Dec 30, 1903 age 69 Istace, Alphonse Roger Jul 9, 1940 Jul 17, 2007 Istace, George Frank 1931 1999 Istace, Joseph (baby) died Sep 16, 1917 son of Robert & Emma Istace, Maurice Nov 18, 1929 Aug 7, 1960 son of Robert & Emma Jamet, Leila (nee Tyerman) Jun 16, 1912 May 14, 2010 wife of Fred Jamet, Marie (nee Sauze) died Nov 8, 1913 age 55 wife of Ferdinand Jamet, Ferdinand 1857 Jan 14, 1929 Jamet, Fred P. Apr 7, 1900 Aug 1, 1969 Jeannot, Alexandre 1864 Aug 3, 1926 Jeannot, Augustine (nee Poncelet) Sep 27, 1867 Mar 3, 1937 wife of Alexandre Jordens, Wilfred 1896 Aug 21, 1918 (killed in WW1 memorial) Jordens, Marie (baby) died 1925 Jordens, Louis 1912 Jun 22, 1927 Jordens, Patricia (baby) died 1928 dau of Arthur & Jessie Jordens, Marie Adeline (nee Rainville) Dec 6, 1871 Apr 13, 1957 wife of Francois Jordens, Francois Jan 8, 1864 Sep 16, 1958 Jordens, William Joseph Paul 'Billy' 1941 - 2005 Kneeland, Stephen died May 28, 1977 (exhumed and moved to Edmonton area) Kristoff, John Jun 18, 1913 April 12, 1914 son of Julius & Mary Kristoff, Albert died 1914 Kristoff, Barbara Sep 25, 1908 Mar 28, 1914 dau of Julius & Mary Larade, Amedee died 1918 Lautier, Ray died 1907 LeBarzic, Pierre died 1910 LeCorre, Marie died 1908 LeCorre, Marie died Mar 22, 1910 age 5 mos, dau of Francois & Francine LeCorre, Yves died May 21, 1913 age 5 mos, son of Francois & Francine LeCorre, Marie (nee Perron) 1853 1916 wife of Frank LeCorre, Francois died Nov 2, 1918 age 43 LeCorre, Francois 1840 1920 hus of Francine Lemaire, Henri died Mar 7, 1919 age 45 Lemaire, Josephine died 1928 age 12 dau of Henri & Kristine Lemaire, Kristine (nee Topinka) died Oct 7, 1932 age 44 Libert, Jacques Rev. 1877 Nov 18, 1918 Lyons, Charles died Sep 24, 1908 age 22 son of Charles Maier, Albert Henry 1914 Mar 28, 2005 son of Henry & Regina Maier, Barbara (infant) Jul 1963 dau of Albert & Nancy Maier, Gerald 1943 1966 son of Albert & Nancy Maier, Nancy (nee Lichacz) Feb 14, 1919 Sep 10, 1997 Martin, Jean Pierre Sep 24, 1846 Feb 21, 1913 Martin, Helene Louise Nov 6, 1914 May 5, 1916 Moiny, Edmond Joseph Moiny, Yvonne Apr 8, 1906 Oct 21, 1918 dau of August & Anais Moiny, Anais (nee Robin) 1867 Sep 20, 1935 Moiny, August 1867 1947 Molnar, Adam died 1928 Mornieu, Jules died 1914 Mullie, Jean May 1, 1913 Jun 29, 1929 child of Paul & Julienne Mullie, Maria Adeline (nee Smeets) 1919 Jun 3, 2002 dau of Octave & Marie Mullie, M. Julienne (nee Smeets) Apr 2, 1879 Nov 12, 1959 Mullie, Paul Feb 14, 1881 Jun 9, 1967 Mullie, Raymond 1915 1999 hus of Maria, son of Paul & Julienne Mullie, Bernard Raymond Dec 14, 1950 - Jul 5, 2014 hus of Peggy Boyko, son of Raymond & Maria Nicolay, Melanie (nee Poncelet) Sep 3, 1875 Aug 14, 1962 wife of Constant Nicolay, Constant 1872 1964 Paquin, Marie (nee Raiwet) May 15, 1916 Apr 16, 1942 wife of Rene Paquin, Edesse (nee Decelle) Feb 19, 1892 Jun 29, 1977 wife of Herman Paquin, Herman Mar 9, 1891 Jan 16, 1982 Perpete, Victoria (nee Chambon) 1877 1965 wife of Isadore Poncelet, (baby boy) died 1909 son of Eugene & Martha Poncelet, Martha (nee Baudet) May 6, 1880 Jun 8, 1933 wife of Eugene Poncelet, Eugene Apr 16, 1879 Nov 20, 1968 Poncelet, Joseph Dec 4, 1907 Oct 16, 1980 Praud, Marie (nee Gerard) Jun 25, 1914 Apr 2, 1948 dau of Arthur & Leonie Raffard, Augustin died Sep 26, 1906 age 3 mos, son of Michel & Marie Raffard, Elise 1913 - 1919 dau of Michel & Marie Raffard, Justine died 1919 Raffard, Sylvie 1903 - 1929 dau of Michel & Marie Raffard, Michel Sep 3, 1866 Nov 13, 1935 hus of Marie Raiwet, Marie (nee Petiteforce Havelange) died Feb 1, 1914 age 71 wife of Laurent Raiwet, Laurent Apr 10, 1853 Oct 21, 1924 Raiwet, (baby girl) died Dec 10, 1928 dau of Joseph & Marie Raiwet, Therese May 3, 1924 Sep 12, 1928 dau of Joseph & Marie Raiwet, Jean O. Jan 1932 - Dec 1936 son of Omar & Genevieve Raiwet, Joseph Aug 22, 1886 Apr 15, 1952 Raiwet, John Jul 2, 1918 May 30, 2009 Raiwet, Marie (nee Sage) Oct 29, 1892 May 1, 1964 wife of Joseph Raiwet, Rita Marie (nee Paquin) 16 Mar 1928 - 2 Jul 2016 wife of John, dau of Hermenegilde & Edessa (nee Decelle) Robin, Jules Robin, Henri died Nov 19, 1911 Sage, Joseph Sep 6, 1897 Jul 25, 1989 Saive, Marie (nee Richard) Mar 19, 1890 Nov 5, 1925 Sauze, Joseph died Nov 16, 1909 hus of Sophie Combe Sister Marie Celine 1885 - 1965 Smeets, Innis Helen (nee Skinner) 1931 Nov 30, 2003 wife of Arsene Smeets, Arsene 1921 Oct 2010 Smeets, Octave Aug 22, 1891 Apr 13, 1965 Smeets, Marie (nee Havelange Aug 24, 1887 Oct 5, 1968 wife of Octave Smeets, Sylvain Jan 20, 1917 Jun 16, 1931 son of Marie & Octave Stoviek, Alois died 1917 age 21 Tannas, Harold 1938 Sep 13, 1974 hus of Yvonne Tellier, Francois (Brother Thomas) 1843 - 1908
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