Anseth, Dwight Curtis Apr 18, 1966 - Aug 5, 2005 Baranieski, Agnes 1928 - 1929 Baranieski, Franciszek 'Frank' Apr 14, 1871 - Jun 1, 1952 Baranieski, Maria 'Mary' (nee Gronski) Apr 6, 1882 - May 1, 1967 wife of Frank Baranieski, Mary 1917 - 1929 Baraniski, Edward Jul 30, 1933 - Mar 21, 2005 Baraniski, Jozefa Jul 3, 1875 - Sep 11, 1955 wife of Michal Baraniski, Michal Sep 7, 1873 - Dec 22, 1956 Baranski, Joseph Aug 1906 - Aug 1956 Bednarz, Irene (nee Walcer) 1937 - Bednarz, John Jun 10, 1930 - 1992 hus of Irene Bednaz, Katarzyna 1888 - 1959 Bednaz, Wanda 1926 - 1927 Bednaz, Wojciech 1895 - 1978 Biluski, Anton Aug 24, 1866 - Oct 3, 1933 Chmura, Albert 1922 - 1922 Chmura, Anna 1856 - 1943 Chmura, Frank Joseph 1895 - 1971 Chmura, Paulina 1901 - 1995 Dobrowolski, Anna 1913 - 1930 Dobrowolski, Axena Dobrowolski, Michael Nov 12, 1880 - Oct 23, 1962 Dobrowolski, Pawlina 1929 - 1930 Dobrowolski, Victoria May 24, 1926 - Aug 29, 1929 Dudziak, Jacob 1851 - 1935 Falkowski, Joseph 1868 - 1937 Falkowski, Marija 1908 - 1910 Falkowski, Mary 1868 - 1941 wife of Joseph Falkowski, Stanley Dec 1931 - Aug 1934 Falkowski, Victoria Aug 1924 - Sep 1924 Faranski, Jan Jun 21, 1876 - 1938 Faranski, Petronela (nee Drozdowski) 1875 - Mar 28, 1949 wife of Jan Garchinski, Elizabeth 1918 - 1979 wife of Joseph Garchinski, Joseph 1907 - 2000 Garchinski, Nicholas May 25, 1915 - Mar 22, 1947 Grosh, Alex 1915 - 2003 hus of Mary Grosh, Donald J. Nov 1, 1944 - Jan 28, 2013 hus of Sharon Grosh, Mary 1924 - Grosh, Sharon L. Jun 23, 1951 - Grosz, Nykola 1941 - 1941 Grypiuk, Rosie 1921 - 1959 Hettrick, Sophie 1913 - 1937 Kaminski, Alexander 1891 - 1977 Kaminski, Anton J. Jan 17, 1893 - Apr 23, 1978 Kaminski, Frank J. 1898 - 1990 Kaminski, Joseph C. 1922 - 2009 hus of Mary Ann Kaminski, Katherine 1906 - 1996 wife of Frank Kaminski, Maria 1867 - 1964 Kaminski, Marlyn Jessie (nee Haugen) Aug 22, 1941 - May 19, 2012 dau of Henry & Thelma Kaminski, Mary Ann 1926 - Kaminski, Michael 1920 - 1922 Kaminski, Michal 1853 - 1939 Kaminski, Peter Walter May 25, 1934 - Feb 3, 1992 son of Anton & Rosalia Kaminski, Petronela 1900 - 1988 Kaminski, Randolph Feb 5, 1961 - Feb 11, 1961 Kaminski, Rosalia 1896 - 1947 Kaminski, Walter Jan 18, 1928 - Feb 3, 2010 hus of Marlyn, son of Alexander & Petronela Kaspryszyn, Jan Jul 29, 1884 - Jun 26, 1958 Kulachkowsky, Emilya 1921 - 1922 Kuras, Frank 1898 - 1954 Mareski, Agnes 1964 - 1964 Mareski, Joseph 1883 - 1952 Mareski, Mary 1888 - 1964 wife of Joseph Mareski, V. 1855 - 1940 Miazga, Adam 1930 - 1986 Miazga, Aloyne F. Jun 16, 1940 - Dec 12, 2008 Miazga, Annie (nee Mroz) 1906 - 1986 wife of Wojciech Miazga, Harry 1928 - 2007 hus of Theresa Miazga, Helen 1904 - 1997 wife of Matthew Miazga, Johanna (nee Pellack) 1898 - Sep 10, 1990 wife of Joseph Miazga, Joseph Mar 27, 1889 - Oct 1, 1956 Miazga, Martin Luke Apr 27, 1966 - Apr 27, 1966 Miazga, Mary 1917 - 1920 Miazga, Matthew 1901 - 1945 Miazga, Michael 1873 - 1926 Miazga, Theresa 1931 - Miazga, Wojciech 1903 - 1948 Miazga, Zofia 1849 - 1933 Miazga, Zofia 1874 - 1949 Mroziewski, Zosef Mroz Feb 26, 1910 - Aug 13, 2000 Newland, Sigrid E. 1904 - 1985 wife of Sverre Newland, Sverre 1900 - 1978 Osiol, Andrew Antoni 1933 - 2011 Osiol, Mary 1898 - 1991 Penkala, Anne Margaret 1939 - 2003 Penkala, Emelia 1913 - 1986 Penkala, Walter Albert May 30, 1954 - May 13, 2010 Penkala, Wojciech George 1902 - 1967 Pluzchuk, A. 1871 - 1930 Praski, Benedict 1946 - 1948 Praski, Pauline 1912 - 2007 wife of Stanley Praski, Stanley 1911 - 1987 Rogerson, Helen Elaine (nee Miazga) Aug 13, 1938 - Feb 6, 1994 Rosen, Helen 1903 - 1978 Rosen, Peter 1894 - 1955 Rosen, Wanda 1928 - 1933 Rozmarniewigz, Pawlina 1858 - 1931 Rybinski, Bernice Oct 15, 1920 - Aug 18, 1999 wife of Henry Rybinski, Henry Aug 1, 1914 - Nov 16, 2001 Sawicki, Antonina Sawicki, Felix Jan 26, 1888 - Jul 6, 1938 Sawicki, Jozef Jan 10, 1916 - Sep 9, 1939 Sawicki, Mary Feb 3, 1893 - Jul 20, 1983 Sawicki, Mary 1900 - ???? Sawicki, Samual 1894 - 1957 hus of Mary Sitowski, Karol 1897 - 1962 Sitowski, Kazimiera 1898 - 1964 Tlucak, John 1900 - 1969 Tluchak, Mary 1898 - 1973 Tluchak, Mike May 8, 1937 - Oct 23, 2014 hus of Verna Walcer, son of John & Mary Walcer, Angline Oct 1956 - Walcer, Eunice (nee Peret) 1932 - dau of Anton & Mary Walcer, Franciszek died age 77 Walcer, Leonard Stanley Nov 27, 1927 - May 9, 2011 hus of Eunice, son of August & Michelyna Walcer, Maria Sep 26, 1882 - Nov 26, 1962 Walcer, Millie Louise Sep 28, 1934 - Jul 25, 1936 Wojciechowski, Annie 1894 - 1974 Wojciechowski, Annie 1914 - 1914 Wojciechowski, Antoni Jun 11, 1884 - Oct 8, 1971 Wojciechowski, Donald 1930 - 1931 Wojciechowski, John 1928 - 2000 Wojciechowski, Katyrzyna 1861 - 1940 Wojciechowski, Kazmier 1891 - 1975 Wojciechowski, Martin 1886 - 1951 Wojciechowski, Mary (nee Niwranski) Jan 6, 1897 - Aug 19, 1967 wife of Antoni Wojciechowski, Michal 1859 - 1933 Wojciechowski, Mike 1915 - 1915 Wojciechowski, Paul Feb 2, 1930 - Apr 29, 2007 Wojciechowski, Raymond 1924 - 2001 Wojciechowski, Rozalia 1897 - 1971 Wojciechowski, Wm. Jul 7, 1903 - Jul 24, 1956 Wozniak, Anastasia Jul 14, 1952 age 73 Wozniak, Wojciech Apr 16, 1943 age 70
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