Springwater Cemetery
R.M. of Biggar # 347   SE 4-35-7 W3
GPS   51.96939°N   108.37150°W
First burial in 1914, 114 burials by 1998

Springwater Cemetery Map

              Last numbers are Block-Plot

Anderson, Hans Julius  1888 - 1963  28-1
Anderson, Mrs.  8-3
Angus, Carman  1913 - 2003 hus of Marion  45-2
Angus, Marion  1920 - 1996  45-2
Atkinson, Anne Mary  May 14, 1905 - Jul 6, 1989  33-4 
Atkinson, Clifton A.  1886 - 1971  33-4
Atkinson, Ethel Louise  Aug 10, 1924 - 1991  33-2
Atkinson, Robert J. 'Bobby'  Apr 18, 1935 - Apr 24, 1941  33-4

Balla, Charles  1861 - 1943  33-4
Balla, Mary Anne  1867 - 1969  33-4
Barkley, John Wesley  Oct 9, 1924 - Oct 18, 1924  15-4
Beech, A. (baby)  3-3
Beech, S. (baby)  3-3
Berge, Beatice Ivy (nee Finlay)  Mar 18, 1930 - Jun 9, 2017 dau of Samuel & Fanny (nee Castleman)
Berge, Sherman  hus of Beatrice
Black, William  25-2
Bourk, (baby)  died 1925  27-2
Bourk, (baby)  died 1927 27-2
Bourk, Bessy  1907 - 1991  27-2
Bourk, Catherine  1905 - 1998  34-3
Bourk, Ellen  Jul 3, 1871 - Nov 25, 1921  34-3
Bourk, Elmer M.  Apr 1, 1901 - Feb 16, 1989 34-3
Bourk, Hannah S.  1884 - 1952 wife of Culbert  27-3
Bourk, J. E. C. 'Cubby  1888 - 1967 hus of Hannah  14-2
Bourk, Leona E.  Dec 4, 1919 - Dec 9, 1919  37-3
Bourk, Leslie Mills  1929 - 1990  34-2
Bourk, Lloyd Alexander  Dec 19, 1917 - Mar 13, 1921 son of Robert & Mary  27-2
Bourk, Margaret  1866 - 1943  14-2
Bourk, Mary Evelyn  1883 - 1951 wife of Robert H.  27-2 
Bourk, Mervin  1904 - 2000  27-2
Bourk, R. J.  1899 - 1918  14-3
Bourk, Robert  1843 - 1935  14-2
Bourk, Robert H. 'Hayes'  1893 - 1969  14-3
Bourk, Robert Henry  1880 - 1959 hus of Mary  27-2
Bourk, Ross Noble  1899 - 1918  7-2
Bourk, Sadie  Oct 19, 1891 - Nov 7, 1933  34-2
Bourk, Thomas  1873 - 1949  34-3
Bullock, Henry Gilbert 'Bert'  Dec 30, 1889 - Jan 24, 1976 hus of Rosanna  35-2
Bullock, Lydia Ann Loree  1855 - 1939  35-2
Bullock, Richard William 'Billy'  1946 - 1947  35-2
Bullock, Rosanna  Jul 5, 1916 - Mar 2, 1999  35-3

Carter, George  1913 - 1975  34-2
Carter, Mabel (nee Bourk)  1917 - 1988  34-2
Cunningham, Emma  1870 - 1958  33-1
Cunningham, W.  1970 - 1940  33-1
Dirks, (baby)  47-1
Dirks, (baby)  47-1
Downie, David 1877 - 1939  48-4
Downie, Sarah Anne  1881 - 1979  48-4
Dupuis, Annie (nee Ferguson)  1869 - 1955
Dupuis, (baby)  5-4 
Dupuis, Clara Amolly  1886 - 1944  5-4
Dupuis, J. P.  1876 - 1971  5-1
Dupuis, Philip Henry  Oct 11, 1913 - Sep 5, 1989  5-1
Dupuis, Mary  1860 - 1953
Dupuis, Robert  1856 - 1935
Dupuis, Sarah Anne  1881 - 1979  5-1
Dupuis, William George  1923 - 2005  5-1
Dyck, Melinda Irene (nee Heimbecker)  Dec 25, 1915 - May 5, 1996 dau of Noman & Lydia  29-1

Erwin, Tom  14-4

Ferguson, Annie  Jan 16, 1869 - Nov 26, 1955  16-4
Ferguson, George  1892 - 1970  16-1
Ferguson, Mary  Dec 1, 1860 - Mar 2, 1953  16-4
Ferguson, Robert  1856 - 1935  16-4
Francis, (baby)  28-1

Graham, Eva Francis  1918 - 1978  10-4
Graham, R.  5-3
Graham, Richard 'Dick' Rev.  1906 - 2003  10-4

Hammond, H. Vernon  1919 - 2013  94-4
Hammond, Hugh  Aug 15, 1891 - Nov 18, 1965  4-4
Hammond, John  1892 - 1964  4-3
Hammond, May Agnes  1899 - 1974  4-1
Hammond, Robert Allen  May 4, 1920 - Nov 19, 1926  4-1 
Haynes, Kathleen Jean  Aug 2, 1947 - Sep 29, 1991 wife of Ken  25-1
Haynes, Ken M. 1935  - 
Hayward, (unknown)  43-2
Heimbecker, Charles George  Jan 8, 1895 - Apr 22, 1977 hus of Elizabeth 28-3
Heimbecker, Elizabeth (nee Martens)  Jan 21, 1913 - Jan 2, 2000  28-3
Heimbecker, Garnet Lorne  Dec 27, 1924 - Jun 24, 2010  29-2
Heimbecker, Harold Grant  Oct 5, 1914 - Mar 31, 1996  29-1
Heimbecker, Joan Mabel (nee Morgan)  Nov 22, 1935 - Oct 26, 1998 wife of Garnet  29-2
Heimbecker, Lloyd Harrison  Feb 24, 1897 - Aug 9, 1930  17-4 
Heimbecker, Lydia 'Liddy' (nee Dirks)   Nov 21, 1896 - Jun 5, 1980 dau of Peter & Sophia  28-2
Heimbecker, Norman  Jul 9, 1890 - Jun 13, 1969 hus of Lydia 28-2
Heimbecker, Pearl Anna (nee Clarke)  1892 - 1928  17-3
Heimbecker, William Henry  1884 - 1972 hus of Pearl  17-3
Hutcheon, Alec  1864 - 1941  36-3
Hutcheon, David Milne  1911 - Apr 20, 1998  36-2
Hutcheon, Dora  1917 - 1959 wife of David  36-3

Ismond, A. 'Archie'  1872 - 1933  7-1 

Johnston, H. E.  1895 - Oct 12, 1928  45-3
Johnston, Nicholas  1852 - 1931 hus f Victoria  45-2
Johnston, Victoria  1858 - 1928  45-2 
Jones, Charles  1868 - 1943 hus of Sevira 17-4
Jones, Sevira Susan (nee Heimbecker)  1877 - Oct 1, 1940 dau of Charles & Elizabeth (nee Mosser)  17-4
Jones, William  1900 - 1934  17-3

Kalmer, David  1896 - 1945 hus of Olga  33-2
Kalmer, Olga Francis (nee McMillan)  1907 - 1989
Kennedy, Elizabeth J.  1857 - 1926 wife of Robert  35-1
Kennedy, Gerald Duncan  Sep 15, 1938 - Mar 13, 1939 son of Duncan & Helen  36-3
Kennedy, Robert D.  1857 - 1929  35-1
Kerr, Donald  1879 - Oct 7, 1927  26-4

Leckie, Alexander  1857 - 1946  35-4
Leckie, Mary  1853 - 1935 wife of Alexander  35-4
Lecky, James Sproule  1924 - 1952  4-2
Loukota, Franklin Gordon  Sep 12, 1920 - Dec 29, 1920  7-4

Martin, J. Freeman  1890 - 1979  32-1
Martin, Leonard John  Apr 30, 24 - Sep 18, 2007  32-4
Martin, Mabel B.  1897 - 1986  32-1
Martin, Malcolm 'Mac'  1919 - 1990  32-1
Martin, Phyllis M.  1924 - 2012  32-4
McConnell, Annie  died 1931 wife of John  26-1
McConnell, John 'Jack'  died 1932  26-1
McDiarmid, John  1877 - 1961  13-4
McDiarmid, Margaret  1882 - 1965  13-1
McLean, Alex 'Sandy'  died Jun 1944  5-4
McMillan, Annie May  1899 - Nov 19, 1948 wife of Wilfred  7-4
McMillan, Arthur P.  1868 - 1931  15-1
McMillan, (baby)  7-4
McMillan, Delbert 'Deb'  1898 - 1991  15-3
McMillan, Elizabeth  1872 - 1960  15-2
McMillan, Olga Francis  1907 - 1989 widow of David Kalmer  33-2
McMillan, Sheila (baby)  15-2
McMillan, William Hendry  died Sep 11, 1950  15-1
McRae, Calvin Francis  1935 - 1991  34-2
Mortenson, (baby)  16-3
Morton, Gerald W.  1943 - 1953  25-3 
Morton, Jean Shirley  Jun 24, 1921 - Sep 24, 1996 wife of Bill  25-3
Morton, T. William 'Bill'  1908 - 1983  25-3
Murray, James  1860 - Feb 4, 1929  44-3

Nelson, Benny  43-3

O’Shaughness, Berney  1892 - 1946  9-4

Pearson, Mabel  1900 - 1980 3-4
Pentelow, Arthur  1892 - 1966  14-1
Pentelow, Chard  1862 - 1931  27-4
Pentelow, John 'Jack'  1887 - 1962  14-1
Pentelow, Sarah  1858 - 1914  27-4

Rea, Edwin McKibbin  1877 - 1948 hus of Janet  48-3
Rea, Janet Bayne (nee Graham)  1882 - 1969  48-3
Redekopp, (unknown)  4-3
Reid, Arthur James Jr.  Mar 3, 1917 - Oct 26, 1999  34-4
Reid, James Sr.  Nov 2, 1881 - May 30, 1972  14-4
Reid, Margaret  died 1948  27-1
Reid, Nellie (nee Pentelow)  1888 - 1918 wife of James  27-4
Ries, Stanley  Jun 15, 1951 - Sep 17, 1932  36-2
Robbins, George  1878 - 1961  15-3
Robertson, John 'Jack'  1919 - 2006  44-3
Rumohr, Ann  Jul 9, 1859 - Jul 18, 1930 wife of Lyman  47-4 

Scobie, George  Mar 27, 1881 - Feb 18, 1928  16-2
Seares, Leonard Gordon  Aug 14, 1890 - Jan 28, 1945  18-4
Servage, Cecil  1902 - 1983  6-3
Servage, Eliza Jane (nee Irving)  Apr 5, 1861 - Jul 17, 1927 wife of Thomas  6-2
Servage, Mary  Feb 13, 1911 - Aug 6, 1993 wife of Cecil  6-3
Servage, Thomas Erwin  Oct 18, 1855 - Feb 17, 1924  6-3
Staples, Joseph S.  1891 - 1975  46-4
Staples, Marion Gertrude  1889 - 1969  46-4
Staples, Olive Marie  1918 - 1938  46-3
Staples, Robert Charles  1914 - 1968  46-3
Stevenson, Annie (nee Hunter)  1886 - 1937  4-2
Swenson, Alvera Cecelia  Aug 23, 1923 - Jul 12, 1924  28-4
Swidzinski, Michael  29-4

Tappen, Alleck  1861 - 1935  8-1
Tappen, Clarence  1884 - 1934  8-4
Tappen, Mary  1889 - 1981  8-4
Tappen, Mary Kristina (nee Anderson)  1865 - 1952 wife of Alleck  8-4
Thomas, Frank  Aug 16, 1925 - Oct 21, 1999
Thompson, G. Archie  1903 - 1974  5-2
Thompson, Mary H.  1875 - 1948  5-2
Thompson, Richard S.  1877 - Jul 6, 1923  5-2 
Thomson, Ronald W.  1917 - 1990  49-4
Thoreson, Einar  1888 - 1938  13-4 
Turner, Glenda Mae  Jul 19, 1947 - Jun 19, 1986 wife of William  25-2
Turner, Herbert William  Jan 18, 1902 - Apr 29, 1994  3-2
Turner, Mary Ellen  May 4, 1910 - Aug 9, 1998 wife of Herbert  3-2
Turner, William E. 'Bill'  1938  - 

Ward, (baby)  27-1
Werezaki, Stanley M.  1944 - 
Werezaki, Violet Fern  1949 - Sep 24, 1988 wife of Stanley 4-1
Wilson, Billy  43-2
Wolfe, Sarah  1883 - 1925  34-4

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