Pryma - St. John the Baptist Cemetery
Smuts district
R.M. of Grant # 372   SW 6-40-1 W3
GPS   52.416985°N   106.147495°W
First burial in 1907, 187 burials by 1997

Bayda, Mikhail  died 1908	
Bayda, Hafia  1860 - 1923 wife of Michaylo 	
Bayda, Michaylo  1855 - 1937 	
Bayda, Nykola  1818 - 1919	
Bayda, Ivan  1861 - 1934	
Bayda, Maria  1859 - 1952	
Bayda, Joseph  1907 - 1937 	
Bayda, Anna  1878 - 1944	
Bayda, Olha  1915 - 1921	
Bayda, Pawlo  1916 - 1953	
Bayda, John  1896 - 1954	
Bayda, Vasil  1874 - 1959 	
Berhovych, Marysia  1946 - 1946	
Berhovych, Pilip  1887 - 1944	
Bidulka, Palania  1864 - 1944 wife of Danylo 	
Bidulka, Danylo  1855 - 1932 	
Bonk, Maria  died 5 Jun 1934 	
Bonko, Frynko  1878 - 1947	
Boyenko, Anna  1885 - 1935 wife of Fedor 	
Boyenko, Fedor  1881 - 1959	
Buchynski, Anna  died 11 May 1932 age 58
Charney, Katherine  1855 - 1918 wife of Nicholas 	
Charney, Tekla  1889 - 1935	
Charney, Paranka 
Danchak, Harry  1903 - 1967	
Danchak, Mary  1918 -   	
Danchak, Pawlo  1865 - 1937 	
Danchak, Anna  1897 - 1945		
Deptuch, Nick E.  1868 - 1938	
Deptuch, Jan  1852 - 1937	
Deptuch, Marija  1859 - 1943	
Deptuch, Theresa  1878 - 1948	
Deptuch, Michal  1884 - 1948 	
Dziadyk, Tekla  1886 - 1928	
Dziadyk, Isidore  1929 age 3 mos, son of Alex N. & Frances (nee Stadnyk)  
Dziadyk, Mikhailo  1903 - 1936	
Dziadyk, Prokip  1845 - 1935	
Dziadyk, Nykola  died 1945 age 59

Gabrush, William  1917 - 1926 	
Gabrush, Anna  died 1939 	
Gabrush, Olexa  died 1923	
Gurash, Gloria P.  10 Jun 1945 - 18 Aug 1946
Haly, Anna  1860 - 1936	
Haly, Ivan  1876 - 1940	
Haly, Dokia  1885 - 1963	
Harasymchuk, John M.  1919 - 1935	
Harasymchuk, Dmytro  4 Nov 1908 - 13 Aug 2001 	
Harasymchuk, Katherine  26 Jun 1915 - 19 Jun 1993 wife of Dmytro 	
Harasymchuk, Peter N.  21 Dec 1921 - 30 Dec 1993	
Harasymchuk, Katerina  1877 - 1960	
Harasymchuk, Nykola  1875 - 1961	
Harasymchuk, Bill  1904 - 1975	
Harsymchyk, Nick N.  1903 - 1938	
Hnatiw, Ewhenia  1906 - 1938 wife of Pawlo 	
Hnatiw, Pawlo  1897 -  1936	
Hnatiw, John  2 Jun 1907 - 2 Jun 1960	
Hnatiw, Josephine  19 Dec 1911 - 4 Jan 1991	
Hrapchak, (unknown)  died 1925 	
Hyshka, Alice  1905 - 1932 	
Hyshka, Anton  1886 - 1946	
Hyshka, Katerina  1890 - 1946
Kachyr, Maria  died 1907 age 26	
Kaminska, Olena  died 1911 age 87	
Kaminski, Mike  1886 - 1907	
Kaminski, Anna  1859 - 1929	
Kaminski, Ignace  1857 - 1932	
Kinar, Pawlina  1919 - 1942	
Kondra, Frances  1941 - 1942	
Kostiuk, Phyllis  died 27 Nov 1936	
Kowal, Maria  1863 - 1948	
Kowal, Yakiw  1856 - 1932	
Kowal, Tekla  11 Jul 1864 - 2 Nov 1933	
Kozak, Emilia  died 1915	
Krysa, Mary  3 Jan 1929 - 11 Mar 1931 	
Krysam, Bessie  26 Oct 1932 - 3 Mar 1933 		
Kurmey, Miron  1936 - 1936 	
Kurmey, Nikolai  1908 - 1928	
Kurmey, Maria  1914 - 1934	
Kurmey, Fred	
Kurmey, Ewhen  1938 - 1939	

Lobona, Maria  1853 - 1928
Mahys, Dmytro  1873 - 1922	
Maruschuk, Mary  1920 - 1920	
Maruschuk, Helen  1921 - 1921	
Maruschuk, Barbara  1897 - 1928 	
Maruschuk, Pearl  1908 - 1941
Ogrodnick, Teofia  died 8 Feb 1928 
Palin, Yosef  1904 - 1908
Panow, Pathryna (nee Stadnik)  1887 - 1933 dau of Maksim & Mari	
Pastyshak, Vasil  1883 - 1957	
Petsovy, Ivan  died 1937 age 65	
Petsovy, Vasil  died 1938 age 48	
Piecowye, Alex  1850 - 1925	
Prokolnyk, Paranka  1886 - 1930	
Pryma, (unknown)	

Raczynski, Jozef  died 1923	
Rak, Josef  1858 - 1937	
Rak, Paraskevia  1906 - 1937 	
Rak, Arlene/Orlean  1946 - 1997 	
Rak, Orest  died 1941 	
Regush, Joseph  13 Apr 1933 - 15 May 1992	
Regush, Ivan  1889 - 1933	
Remenda, Nikola  died 1936	
Remenda, Ewdokia  died 1929 age 81	
Remenda, Eugene  Edward 1939 - 1955	
Repchinsky, Alexander	

Satarnyk, Stefan  1895 - 1954	
Scherban, (baby) died 22 Oct 1952 	
Shabaga, Stefen	
Shabaga, Nastazia  died 1927	
Shabaga, Stefan  1864 - 1936	
Sheremeto, Dmytro  1885 - 1956	
Shutiak, Sefred 'Freddie'  Jul 1926 - Sep 1930 	
Shutiak, Sedor  1934 - Aug 1934	
Shutiak, Dora  1903 - 1993 	
Shytiak, Maria  died 1944 age 67
Shytiak, Mikhail  died 1948 age 77
Siekski, Peter  19 Feb 1930 	
Sloboda, Michael  5 Nov 1921 - 6 Jan 1922	
Slywka, Anna  1872 - 1945	
Smolinski, Ivan  1876 - 1931	
Stys, Anna  8 May 1908 - 10 Aug 1908 	
Stys, Vasil  1860 - 1933	
Stys, Ksenka  1862 - 1933	
Stys, Vasil  1877 - 1944 	
Szczepanowski, Josef  1877 - 1951 	
Szczepanowski, Emilia  1883 - 	
Szutiak, Anna  died 1924	
Szutiak, Vasil  1863 - 1951	

Turchenek, Dmytro  1880 - 1969	
Turchenek, Frances  1883 - 1939 wife of Dmytro 

unknown, Nekola	
unknown, son of Egnas & Anne 	
unknown, Maria	
unknown, Petro  died 1910
Valkov, Mikhail  1903 - 1959 	
Valkov, Vasilina  1898 - 1973
Wasylenko, Ostina  died 1941 age 63	
Wasylenko, Maksim  died 1944 age 70 
Wasylenko, Charlie  1910 - 1960	
Wedzielski, Katarzyna 	
Wedzielski, Michael	

Zamolsky, Patrica (nee Prokop)  1887 - 1933 wife of Ilko	
Zulkowsky, Paul  1874 - 1944

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