Bazuk, Harry 1921 - 2009 Berezowski, Bella 1883 - 1924 Berezowski, Bill 1932 - 1983 Berezowski, Katy 1907 - 1931 Berezowski, Lena 1910 - 2001 Berezowski, Mary 1911 Berezowski, Mary 1912 - 1990 Berezowski, Michael 1869 - 1943 Berezowski, Peter M. 1907 - 1975 Berezowski, Stella 1936 - 2009 Berezowski, Wasyl 1881 - 1965 Berezowski, William 1904 - 1990 Bezkorowyny, Dokia 1881 - 1940 Bezkorowyny, Metro 1866 - 1955 Bozuk, Aksana 1857 - 1931 Bozuk, Stephan 1857 - 1931 Burkewich, Mary 1895 - 1984 Burkewich, Mike 1890 - 1966 Burkewich, Nick 1917 - 1922 Chorcolan, Mike 1874 - 1943 Delcatney, Alex 1898 - 1952 Dohoris, Pearl 1901 - 1923 Dumanski, Anna 1906 - 1996 wife of Metro Dumanski, Constantine 1844 - 1929 Dumanski, Gaficia Dumanski, Leon Ivan 1931 - 1992 Dumanski, Martsia 1852 - 1929 wife of Constantine Dumanski, Metro 1905 - 1996 Dumanski, Nicolai 1880 - 1968 Dumanski, Oksana 1880 - 1953 wife of Stepan Dumanski, Oksana 1885 - 1974 wife of Nicolai Dumanski, Stefan Dumanski, Stepan 1875 - 1932 Dumanski, Steve 1910 - 1985 Dumanski, Wasyl Eftoda, Hrehorie 1876 - 1948 Eftoda, Ivana 1881 - 1940 Fennuik, Jack 1869 - 1954 Fennuik, Mary 1876 - 1934 Fosti, Gregorie 1908 - 1923 Fosti, Tanasko 1916 - 1959 Fushtey, Dmetro 1876 - 1943 Fushtey, Katrina 1914 - 2001 Fushtey, Sofia 1891 - 1962 wife of Dmetro Gawriltza, John 1918 - 1918 Gawriltza, Nicholas 1892 - 1918 Gawriltza, Olena 1864 - 1938 Gawriltza, Roman 1852 - 1918 Giverego, Andrew 1870 - 1941 Giverego, Katherine 1874 - 1953 Gorilrtza, Maria 1915 - 1915 Haras, Domna 1866 - 1934 Haras, Gora 1856 - 1932 Harris, Billie 1909 - 1912 Harris, Katherine 1875 - 1922 Harris, Peter 1868 - 1942 Hawreluik, Alex 1890 - 1962 Hawreluik, John 1861 - 1936 Hawreluik, Olga 1926 - 1926 Hawreluik, Polly 1900 - 1977 Hlenski, Mary 1905 - 1965 Hlenski, Mary 1919 Hlenski, Steve 1892 - 1968 Homeniuk, Alex 1889 - 1963 Homeniuk, Andrew 1933 - 1940 Homeniuk, Annie 1890 - 1915 Homeniuk, Efemia 1898 - 1976 Homeniuk, George 1855 - 1915 Hrehorak, Edward 1936 - 1996 Hrehorak, Mary 1907 - 1985 wife of Mike Hrehorak, Mike 1904 - 1955 Hreptul, john 1906 - 1913 Hubelit, George 1879 - 1945 Hubelit, Mary 1883 - 1971 Hudyma, Bella (nee Karmazuik) 1921 - 2005 wife of Oliver Hudyma, George 1868 - 1929 Hudyma, Katrina 1883 - 1971 Hudyma, Lena 1907 - 1975 Hudyma, Nick 1896 - 1990 Hudyma, Oliver 1917 - 2004 Hudyma, Rose 1898 - 2001 wife of Wasyl Hudyma, Wasyl 1894 - 1980 Hupka, Kathleen 1879 - 1937 Katrich, Bill 1848 - 1922 Kereluke, Bella 1881 - 1940 Kereluke, Katrina 1906 - 2001 Kereluke, Michael 1875 - 1947 Kereluk,e William M. 1904 - 1969 Kitzul, John 1913 - 1917 Kitzul, Mary 1915 - 1919 Kitzul, Michael 1881 - 1919 Kitzul, Paul 1919 - 1920 Koroluke, Andrew 1921 - 1921 Koroluke, Gaficia (nee Dumanski) 1882 - 1956 wife of Prokop Koroluke, Nellie 1880 - 1968 Koroluke, Prokop 1872 - 1927 Korpatnitski Kitzenna 1894 - 1923 Kucheravy, Alice 1913 - 1923 Kucheravy, Bella 1857 - 1932 Kucheravy, John 1841 - 1910 Kucheravy, John 1909 - 1938 Kucheravy, Katie Kucheravy, Maria 1844 - 1916 Kucheravy, Simon Lazeski, Mary 1909 - 1923 Lazeski, Peter 1918 - 1954 Lazeski, Wasyl 1857 1910 Lesak, Michael 1850 - 1919 Letoski, Lena 1894 - 1973 Lundigo, Elena 1920 Lundigo, Stephan 1916 - 1933 Maksemuik, Aksana (nee Ostapowich) 1896 - 1966 wife of Metro Maksemuik, Metro 1883 - 1958 Malek, Anna 1906 - 1920 Malek, John 1918 Malyk, Rafta 1896 - 1921 Maximuke, Georgie 1868 - Maximuke, John 1868 - 1954 Maximuke, John 1903 - 1934 Maximuke, Maria Maximuke, Pearl 1872 - 1940 Melnechenko, Anna (nee Ternowetzki) 1877 - 1923 wife of John Melnechenko, John 1876 - 1961 Melnechenko, William J. 1910 - 1976 Melnychuk, Elena 1866 - 1916 Melnychuk, George 1876 - 1952 Melnychuk, Lena 1894 - 1961 Melnychuk, William G. 1914 - 1983 Melnychuk, William J. 1910 - 1976 Mizinski, Alex 1891 - 1959 Mizinski, Mary 1923 - 1926 Mizinski, Nick 1921 - 2008 Mizinski, Shirley 1947 - 1955 Mizinski, Wasylena 1900 - 1973 Nemiz, William Nickolychuk, R. 1932 Oleksuik, Bill 1870 - 1940 Oleksuik, Bill 1874 - ???? Oleksuik, John 1900 - 1972 Oleksuik, Nellie 1878 - 1960 Olenich, Mary 1856 - 1938 Olenich, Stephan 1856 - 1940 Oshanek, Kitza 1889 - 1935 Ostapovich, Eli 1912 - 1923 Ostapowich, Eliah 1860 - 1942 Ostapowich, Katrina (nee Dumanski) 1872 - 1955 wife of Eliah Ostapowich, Nick 1920 - 1990 Ostapowich, Pearl 1888 - 1976 Ostapowich, Wasyl 1877 - 1969 Ozirney, Mary 1898 - 1959 Paley, Alexander 1857 - 1939 Paley, George 1893 - 1959 Paley, John 1886 - 1969 Paley, Mary Paley, Mary 1859 - ???? Paley, Olena 1907 - 1920 Paley, Sylvia 1935 - 1947 Parneta, Annie 1912 - 2008 Parneta, Peter 1902 - 1984 Perzon, John 1873 - 1933 Preharchuk, Annie 1923 - 1937 Preharchuk, Onufrash 1849 - 1923 Rusnak, Gora 1874 - 1922 Rusnak, Maria 1883 - 1918 Rusnak, Mary 1888 - 1964 Semenuik, Alexsa 1861 - ???? Sharek, John 1914 Sharek, Simon 1857 - 1927 Sharek, Vasylena 1855 - 1943 Skiehar, Mary 1904 - 1999 Skiehar, Steve 1893 - 1978 Slowski, Palatka 1877 - 1957 Slowski, Mike 1863 - 1946 Sobool, Theodore 1919 - 1920 Stadnyk, Martsia (nee Ostapowich) 1890 - 1910 wife of Kost Stinka, Harry 1903 - 1963 Stinka, Helen 1908 - 1973 Tabish, Michael 1875 - 1917 Tarnowetzki, Anna 1893 - 1962 Tarnowetzki, Elena 1853 Tarnowetzki, John 1884 - 1949 Tarnowetzki, John 1914 - 1941 Ternowetzki, George 1853 - 1936 Vladesh, Natasia 1918 Zahara, Mary 1919 Zahara, Todor 1913 - 1915 Zazelenchuk, Elise 1931 Zazelenchuk, Iris 1942 Zazelenchuk, Maria 1917 - 1923 Zazelenchuk, Maria 1931 - 1931 Zazelenchuk, Metro 1912 - 1916 Zazelenchuk, Wasyl 1871 - 1918 Zazelenchuk, Willie 1925 - 2006 Zelenski, Anna 1902 - 1917 Zmyrk, Lenore 1878 - 1940 20 other unidentified gravesites
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