Anderson, Agnes (nee Doughty) Jun 9, 1857 - Nov 6, 1922 Anderson, Agnes (nee Fyfe) 1894 - 1984 wife of Joseph Anderson, Alexander Jul 21, 1845 - Jan 23, 1941 Anderson, Donn Neal 1923 - 1942 Anderson, George Doughty 1886 - 1954 Anderson, Joseph 1881 - 1953 Anderson, William Douglas 1891 - 1960 Atwell, Martha Jane (nee Clark) died Oct 20, 1914 Ayrey, Alderson Aug 24, 1894 - Apr 12, 1917 Ayrey, Eliza (nee Alderson) 1869 - 1951 Ayrey, H. Laura (nee Webb) 1906 - 1990 Ayrey, Robert M. Jul 1893 - Jan 27, 1920 son of William & eliza Ayrey, William 1902 - 1952 hus of Laura Ayrey, William 1869 - 1943 hus of Eliza Ayrey, Wm. Anderson 'Aldy' Nov 2, 1928 - Oct 19, 1987 Babchuk, John Edward May 29, 1922 - Aug 18, 1997 hus of Bernice Benstead, son of Bill & Mary Bell, John Bingham, Annabella 1910 - 1994 wife of Hugh Bingham, Elizabeth Pearl (nee McKee) Nov 28, 1918 age 27 wife of Samuel Bingham, Hugh 1886 - 1971 Bingham, Ida (nee Glassford) 1876 - 1958 Bingham, Robert Glassford Aug 10, 1919 age 11 yrs 5 mos, son of Robert & Ida Bingham, Robert James 1876 - 1954 Bounting, Annie Cooper (nee Duguid) 1896 - 1970 Bounting, Debbie 1957 - 2001 Bounting, Edith (nee Hammell) 1927 - Bounting, Enos F. 1915 - 2004 son of Jay & Annie Bounting, Enos Kimble 1877 - 1949 bro to Jay Bounting, Halley Jay Oct 16, 1957 - Apr 6, 1959 Bounting, Jay Smith 1884 - 1976 Bounting, Jim Anselm Feb 29, 1920 - Dec 11, 2002 Bounting, Lawrence Sep 22, 1922 - 1999 hus of Edith, son of Jay & Annie Bradshaw, George Wallace 1916 - 1966 son of Max & Ruby Bradshaw, Lloyd 1892 - 1943 Bradshaw, Macnevin Deavitt 'Max' 1883 - 1942 Bradshaw, Ruby Reach (nee Neiley) 1892 - 1959 Branchflower, Mary 1889 - 1937 Brown, Arthur Henry Jun 14, 1868 - Jan 8, 1930 Brown, Gladys Reeta (nee Trodd) Jul 11, 1921 - 2008 Brown, Jane Crawford 'Jean' (nee Scott) Feb 9, 1896 - 1991 wife of William Brown, John Templeton Aug 31, 1909 - Jan 15, 2005 hus of Reeta Brown, Reeta Jul 11, 1921 - Brown, Thomas R. Dec 17, 1879 - Aug 15, 1916 son of Tom & Annie Brown, William Feb 6, 1888 - 1974 Brownlee, Frederick C. 1883 - 1952 Brownlee, Grace A. (nee Gamble) Kelleway 1889 - 1988 wife of Frederick Cameron, Edna Mary (nee Digby) 1912 - 2000 wife of Maxwell Cameron, Maxwell Fleetwood 1910 - Jul, 1986 Campbell, John Andrew Oct 13, 1870 - Mar 11, 1950 Chisholm, Isabell Fraser (nee Browning) 1878 - 1953 wife of James Chisholm, James William 1880 - 1964 Conn, Joseph 1849 - 1928 Cooper, Alexander Hugh Jr. 1908 - 1992 son of Alexander & Mary Cooper, Alexander Hugh Sr. 1880 - 1956 Cooper, Constance Lee 1965 - 1966 Cooper, Emily 'Em' (nee Wells) 1887 - 1963 Cooper, Jack May 9, 1913 - Feb 22, 1993 son of Alexander & Emily Cooper, Mary Isabella (nee Furnas) Mar 17, 1913 - Jun 16, 2004 Cooper, Myrtle (nee Bowey) 1909 - 1935 wife of Alexander Jr. Copeland, Bessie 1899 - 2002 wife of James Copeland, Carol 1962 - 1963 Copeland, Jack Warren 1933 - 1981 Copeland, James Elmer 1893 - 1975 Copeland, Stanley Harold 1919 - 1965 Crandell, Ruth N. 1849 - 1943 Daniels, William Ronald 1907 - 1980 son of Ralph Davies, Daniel 1882 - Aug 29, 1969 Davies, Lillian Bessie (nee Thorson) 1878 - 1948 wife of Daniel De Ciutus, Carlo Michael died Jan 1982 Dearing, Dick 1908 - 1979 hus of Gladys Pennington & Valeria Hillard Dearing, Jacob B. May 14, 1874 - Oct 19, 1935 son of John & Lovinia (nee De Boore) Dromeski, Fred 1891 - 1932 Edmonds, Glen 1891 - 1945 son of Andrew & Effie Eggen, Hilda (nee Thompson) Mar 21, 1867 - Feb 16, 1949 wife of John Eggen, John S. Mar 21, 1867 - Sep 6, 1960 Elsden, Christine Evelyn Aug 1909 - May 1994 dau of Lillian Davies Farley, Kathleen Alma (infant) Forbes, Charles 1866 - 1953 Forbes, Charles Gordon Jul 3, 1929 - 1997 hus of Shirley Carberry Forbes, Charlotte Elizabeth 'Lottie' (nee Robertson) 1907 - 1973 wife of Gordon Forbes, Edith Isabell (nee Sangster) 1866 - 1937 wife of Charles Forbes, Gordon 1898 - 1984 Forbes, Maxine died 1966 Forbes, Shawn G. 1974 - 1978 Furnas, Daniel Sep 28, 1875 - Sep 1, 1945 Furnas, Isabella (nee Brown) Dec 3, 1885 - Mar 23, 1917 Furnas, Sarah Mar 7, 1915 - 1995 dau of Daniel & Isabella Furnas, Thomas R. 1874 - 1971 Gall, Edith Jun 27, 1987 age 81 Garbutt, Edward Apr 2, 1924 age 47 yrs 11 mos Garbutt, Isabelle (nee Innes) 1876 - 1962 wife of Edward Gardner, James Abraham Dec 20, 1919 age 43 yrs 4 mos 13 days Gelich, Anna May 22, 1874 - 1936 Gibson, Pamela Lee (nee Vawter) May 15, 1960 - Nov 16, 1999 Giggs, John Arthur 1896 - 1969 Giggs, Margaret V. (nee Bingham) 1931 - Giggs, Minnie (nee Geddes) 1899 - 1985 wife of John Giggs, Reginald Charles 1905 - 1972 Giggs, Robert William 1928 - 2004 hus of Margaret Gold, George Garnett Feb 24, 1927 age 52 Graham, Elgin (baby) died 1910 Greig, Annie Fraser (nee Duguid) May 14, 1876 - Jul 1, 1925 wife of James Greig, James 10, 1873 - Jun 9, 1952 Greig, John Cameron 1896 - 1965 Greig, Margaret C. 1896 - 1985 wife of John Greig, Thomas Duguid 1903 - 1983 Guy, Hugh Montgomery 1886 - 1954 Guy, John C. 1879 - 1964 bro to Hugh Guy, Louisia Allen Feb 25, 1878 - May 14, 1936 wife of John Guy, Villa Rae Feb 7, 1890 - May 19, 1926 wife of John Helme, Elizabeth 'Bessie' (nee McGruther) 1877 - Feb 1963 wife of Henry Helme, Henry Jan 20, 1876 - 1953 Helme, Henry Leonard 1910 - 1979 son of Henry & Susie Helme, Susie (nee Ball) 1879 - Oct 26, 1921 Holden, Betsy 1873 - 1962 wife of Nathon Holden, Les 1912 - 1989 hus of Gertie Bounting Holden, Nathon 'Nat' 1874 - 1948 Holtby, Hilton Edmund 1897 - 1974 Holtby, Margaret Elizabeth 1904 - 1998 wife of Hilton Hornby, Bessie Gertrude Jun 23, 1917 age 23 Hornby, Francis 'Frank' died 1931 Hornby, Harold F. 1905 - 1987 Hornby, Mary Jane 1872 - 1957 wife of Francis Houlgate, George T. 1845 - 1914 Houlgate, Jane 1853 - 1935 wife of George Houser, (baby) 1945 - 1945 Hunter, Dan 1848 - 1934 Hunter, Jane 1855 - 1945 wife of Dan Innes, F. Muriel 1906 - 1993 Innes, George 1839 - 1923 hus of Margaret Rose Innes, John Anderson Nov 17, 1880 - 1968 hus of Naomi Innes, John Douglas 1906 - 1979 hus of Margaret Perrin Innes, Naomi (nee Anderson) 1882 - 1960 Jeffrey, Alexander 1868 - 1950 Jeffrey, Alexander 'Jim' 1895 - 1938 son of Alexander & Henrietta Jeffrey, George W. 1893 - 1978 son of Alexander & Henrietta Jeffrey, Henrietta (nee Wells) 1873 - 1952 Jones, Dorothy E. (nee Hughes) 1912 - 1998 Jones, Ira David Mar 9, 1924 - Mar 30, 1924 son of Robert & Mildred Jones, Margaret Irene Jul 13, 1921 - Jones, Mildred (nee Whitehead) 1884 - 1972 Jones, Robert Allan 'Bud' Feb 17, 1915 - Jun 24, 2000 hus of Margaret Jones, Robert Henry Dec 7, 1870 - 1949 Jones, Robert J. 'Bob' 1911 - 1974 hus of Dorothy, son of Charles & Ellen Kenyon, Annie E. (nee Hull) 1887 - 1980 wife of Reuben Kenyon, Reuben 1888 - 1963 Lane, Jack May 1, 1923 - Feb 1972 son of Wilfred & Beatrice Lane, Wayne Donald 1960 - 2001 Larkins, Frederick 1882 - 1960 hus of Effie Rockafellow Lee, Ben Feb 24, 1964 age 85 Lee, Betsy Jan 1, 1944 age 71 Lee, Laurence died Feb 20, 1923 age 19 son of Ben & Betsey Lysgaard, Anna Jean died 1954 Lysgaard, Anna L. 1884 - 1965 Lysgaard, Charles Iver 1909 - 2000 Lysgaard, Donald 1918 - 1988 Lysgaard, Ole 1888 - 1971 hus of Annie Lysgaard, Vernnessa (nee MacDiarmid) 1918 - 1978 wife of Charles Lyster, Mable 'Dolly' (nee Perrin) 1897 - 1993 wife of Glen Edmonds, dau of Frank & Hannah MacDiarmid, Albert 1884 - 1955 MacDiarmid, Jean 1888 - 1958 wife of Albert MacKay, Duncan 1873 - 19?? MacKay, Julia 1875 - 19?? wife of Duncan Manchester, Barry Russell Feb 19, 1958 - Apr 15, 2001 son of Ellsworth & Margaret Manchester, Ellsworth William 1918 - 2000 Manchester, Margaret 1923 - 2005 Mawbey, John Henry Sep 23, 1893 - Jan 3, 1916 age 23 yrs 4 mos 3 days, son of Joseph & Sarah Mawbey, Sarah Ann died 1919 wife of Joseph Mawbey, Wilfred Arnold Jan 23, 1921 - 1982 hus of Lucy Acton McAfee, Algerine (nee Bell) Mar 1, 1866 - 1938 McAfee, George W. Oct 1931 age 76 McAfee, Michael Clinton Sep 6, 1899 - Sep 12, 1978 son of George & Algerine McCaig, Agnes Gibson (nee Gillespie) 1858 - 1948 wife of Gilbert McCaig, Gilbert Cochrane 1852 - 1917 McCluskey, Esther Elizabeth 1872 - 1953 McCluskey, Evelyn M. (nee Anderson) 1910 - 2006 wife of Thomas McCluskey, George 1860 - 1944 McCluskey, Otto 1898 - 1966 son of George & Esther McCluskey, Roy P. 1907 - 1961 McCluskey, Thomas R. 1900 - 1972 McDonald, Alex 1897 - 1982 hus of Alma, son of Alexander & Bella McDonald, Alma (nee Fisher) 1900 - McDonald, Donald Gordon 1900 - 1974 McDonald, Edith Jean (nee Walker) 1908 - 1997 wife of Donald McLean, Annie (nee Jeffrey) Dec 6, 1917 age 20 yrs 2 mos 11 days, wife of Laughlin McLean, Laughlin J. 'Lin' Oct 1885 - Dec 1918 McNeill, Holly Jean (nee Chalmers) Dec 24, 1937 - Jun 16, 1996 wife of James McNeill, James Bennett Jan 13, 1930 - Jan 14, 1972 Miller, Elizabeth A. (nee Chisholm) 1917 - Miller, Robert Earl Dec 16, 1919 - 1991 hus of Elizabeth Mills, Eva 1927 - 1986 Mills, Hope 1922 - 1945 Mills, Lawrence 1917 - Mintz, Gustav 1907 - 1967 Mintz, Ida 1914 - 1996 wife of Gustav Moncrieff, Annabell (nee Wallace) 1924 - 1986 wife of Milford Moncrieff, Evangeline (nee Moline) 1926 - Moncrieff, Irvin 1924 - 1997 hus of Evangeline Moncrieff, Margaret (nee Neil) 1883 - 1972 Moncrieff, Milford 1917 - 1987 Moncrieff, William Emmett 1915 - 1985 hus of Florence Norton Moncrieff, William John 1877 - 1955 hus of Margaret Morrice, Roy 1910 - 1977 son of Nathaniel Murrell, Fred Walter 1912 - 1988 son of Sydney & Louise Murrell, Louise (nee Isgar) 1871 - 1939 Murrell, Phyllis A. (nee Bradbrook) 1919 - Murrell, Sydney Walter 1878 - 1935 Murrell, Thomas B. Sep 29, 1907 - 1981 hus of Phyllis Newman, Frank 1875 - 1960 Newman, Pearl Alma (nee Crandell) 1881 - 1977 wife of Frank Newton, John 1890 - 1953 Norton, Albert Edward Oct 13, 1960 age 84 Norton, Ellen (nee Swift) Jun 23, 1929 age 51 wife of Albert Nuttall, Emma G. Pepper (nee Powels) 1912 - 1991 wife of Stanley Nuttall, Stanley 1904 - 1993 Nuttall, Wendy died 1953 Oliver, Charles Albert Jul 9, 1875 - Mar 25, 1916 Pavely, Leonard 1915 - 1941 hus of Louie Naylor, son of Tom & Jessie Price, Bessie 1886 - 1970 Price, Elijah I. 1893 - 1986 Price, Leo Scott 1928 - 1944 Reid, (infant) 1925 - 1925 son of William & Winnie Reid, Mabel E. (nee Trodd) 1887 - Sep 6, 1973 wife of Tom Roberts, Robert J. Sep 11, 1935 age 47 Robertson, Fleming John 1879 - 1957 Robertson, Julia 1892 - 1951 wife of Fleming Rolin, Anna Strange (nee Peterson) 1897 - 1984 wife of Julius Rolin, Helen (nee Kirkpatrick) 1887 - 1926 wife of Julius Rolin, Julius Jul 20, 1883 - 1955 Rounds, Ernest May 20, 1884 - Feb 12, 1967son of Kenray Rubuliak, Nickolay Mar 25, 1900 - Aug 29, 1945 Schmidt, Frank 1922 - Schmidt, Joyce 1919 - 2000 wife of Frank Siegmann, John George Jan 13, 1908 - Jan 19, 1917 so of J. G. & B. Smith, Alf 1898 - Aug 6, 1966 Smith, Frederick J. Jan 28, 1961 age 84 Smith, Kate Aug 2, 1939 age 62 wife of Frederick Smith, Lena 1901 - 1974 wife of Alf Smith, Naomi (nee Innes) 1911 - 1999 wife of Rodney Smith, Rodney 1908 - 1980 son of Ella Spendelow, Albert 1883 - 1951 Spendelow, Arthur 1881 - Oct 26, 1969 Spendelow, Ella Amanda (nee Davis) Smith 1883 - 1954 wife of Tim Spendelow, Ronald James 1912 - 1986 Spendelow, Ruth Mary (nee Downing) 1899 - 1968 wife of Arthur Spendelow, Welland Arthur 'Peanut' Mar 29, 1938 - Jul 9, 2011 hus of Elva Cameron, son of Arthur & Ruth Taylor, Emilie 1867 - 1956 Taylor, Mary Jul 1, 1924 age 76 Taylor, W. E. 1890 - 1917 son of William & Emilie Taylor, William 1866 - 1936 Thwaites, Adam died 1945 bro to Joseph Thwaites, Elizabeth died 1935 Thwaites, James Henry Aug 9, 1872 - Jul 3, 1918 Thwaites, Johnny died 1927 son of Joseph & Elizabeth Thwaites, Joseph died 1945 Thwaites, Tamar died 1947 Torbert, Susan 1861 - ???? Torbert, Thomas Oct 30, 1924 age 68 Tripple, Leo Robert 1928 - 1996 hus of Mildred Tripple, Mildred (nee McDonald) 1930 - Trodd, Hubert 1884 - 1957 hus of Mabel Lewis Trodd, Reginald Stanley 1890 - 1964 Trodd, Stanley Charles Apr 3, 1920 age 3 mos 14 days, son of Hubert & Mabel Trodd, Violet Elsie Oct 17, 1922 - Jan 18, 1923 dau of Reginald & Violet Trodd, Violet Kate 1896 - 1963 Tuck, Reginald 1886 - 1974 Tweed, Earl Jun 22, 1891 - Jun 15, 1953 son of John & Charlotte (nee Ovenss) Tweed, Nina Pauline (nee Wicks) 1887 - 1988 wife of Earl, dau of Andrew & Diane Tyndall, Elizabeth Mary (nee Smith) 1875 - 1974 wife of William Tyndall, Lila M. (nee Robinson) 1914 - 1960 wife of Stanley Tyndall, Stanley Smith May 23, 1996 age 82 Tyndall, William John 1880 - 1964 Walker, Carman Ira Oct 19, 1918 - 2004 son of Ira & Bessie Walker, Carman Leo 1944 - 1967 son of Roy & Doris Walker, Doris Eleonor (nee Gillis) 1908 - 1997 wife of Roy Walker, Ira David Jul 21, 1878 - Dec 28, 1922 hus of Bessie Whitehead Walker, Jacoba M. 'Coba' (nee Timmerman) 1926 - 1987 wife of Carman Walker, Roy David 1909 - 1975 son of Ira & Bessie Wallace, Alexander Apr 13, 1886 - 1970 Wallace, Annie (nee Crout) 1888 - 1927 Wallace, Eva 1927 - 1927 dau of Alexander & Annie Wallace, Roland Alexander 1918 - 2003 son of Alexander & Annie Warren, Arthur Benjamin 1893 - 1970 hus of May Weis, Allan John Henry Feb 28, 1890 - Aug 8, 1919 Wells, Alma 1912 - 1938 dau of Oliver Wells, Emerson H. 1906 - 1997 son of Oliver Wells, Hannah (nee Rogers) Mar 25, 1847 - Nov 18, 1927 wife of James Wells, Holly N. 1912 - 2006 wife of Marshall Wells, James R. Feb 28, 1841 - Sep 23, 1917 Wells, Jammie died age 10 Wells, Marshall R. 1909 - 1989 Wells, Vera E. 1905 - 1995 wife of Emerson Whitney, Gordon Denis Jul 18, 1934 - Jun 20, 1999 son of Hally & Mary Whitney, Hally Mark Aug 18, 1899 - Dec 6, 1984 Whitney, Kenneth G. Oct 17, 1930 - Nov 27, 1997 son of Hally & Mary Whitney, Mary Elizabeth (nee Weatherup) Feb 10, 1905 - Feb 14, 1977 Whittome, Herbert Leslie 1899 - 1952 Whittome, Marjorie (nee Greig) 1917 - 1990 wife of Herbert Wilson, Thomas 1888 - 1965 hus of Edith Furnas Wright, Francis Edwin 1919 - 1919 Wright, Philemon Oswald 1915 - 1916 Wynn, Edward Jun 13, 1869 - Jul 27, 1917 Wynn, Margaret Ann Nov 11, 1917 age 86
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