Aasen, Daisy May Aug 1916 - Dec 1987 (bur. in B.C.) Aasen, Gilman Oliver May 1919 - Jun 1980 (bur. in B.C.) Aasen, Lise 1884 - 1976 wife of Ole Aasen, Ole 1876 - 1950 Anderson, August 1871 - 1951 Anderson, Julia 3 Jan 1870 - 19 Mar 1924 Anderson, Lena 1868 - 1951 wife of August Berg, Ole O. 1875 - 1944 Bolton, Helga 1922 - 1943 wife of Everett Bolton, Ronnie W. Jul 1947 - Jun 1948 Edwards, Barbara Ann Feb 1889 - Jan 1985 wife of George Edwards, George F. 1884 - 1955 Erickson, Anne 1855 - 1941 wife of Ove Erickson, Ove 1859 - 1926 Erickson, Trygve 1890 - 1942 Fry, Ida M. 1920 - 1989 Gammell, Thea 1898 - 1929 Grimsley, John 1886 - 1953 Grimsley, Margit 1887 - 1942 wife of John Gunderson, Allan Guy 1954 - 1957 Gunderson, Anna Gunder 1873 - 1927 Gunderson, (baby) 1932 - 1932 Gunderson, Knut 7 Jan 1886 - 10 Jan 1918 Hagen, Martin 1883 - 1959 Hernes, Edith 1898 - 1979 wife of Gunnar Hernes, Gunnar 1908 - 1981 Hernes, Korrie 1902 - 1928 Hildahl, Maghnild 1899 - 1933 Hildahl, Ole 1892 - 1979 Hillock, G. Howard 1910 - 1988 Hillock, George A. 1973 - 1945 Hillock, Martha J. 1879 - 1968 Jacobson, Arne 1902 - 1957 Jacobson, Carrie 1892 - 1975 wife of Jacob Jacobson, Jacob 1885 - 1957 Jarud, Randi 1871 - 1928 wife of T. Jenkins, Elizabeth A. 1869 - 1950 Jenkins, John Edward 1869 - 1946 Jentoft, William died 7 Apr 1924 Johnson, Anna 1880 - 1944 Johnson, Emma 1898 - 1973 Johnson, Frank August 1852 - 1941 Johnson, George E. W. 1880 - 1922 son of Frank & Marie Johnson, Hilma B. 1894 - 1964 Johnson, Henry P. 1885 - 1969 Johnson, John P. 1887 - 1954 Johnson, Marjorie 1920 - 1920 Johnson, Mary Ann (Manie) 1863 - 1957 Johnson, Odell B. 1921 - 1989 Knutson, Carl H. 1926 - 1926 Knutson, Kenneth E. Aug 1932 - Sep 1934 Legran, Carl 1888 - 1966 Ligaard, Arthur 1927 - 1945 Ligaard, Gunnar 1878 - 1951 Lindenschmidt, Charles 1919 - 1984 Lindenschmidt, Vivian 1925 - 1979 Linderblom. Harvey Alexander 1903 - 1921 son of Martin & Annie MacLean, Hannah Dorothy 1907 - 1935 wife of R. W. Manson, Alfred 1877 - 1927 Mattson, Infia 1870 - 1948 wife of Mathias Mattson, Mathias 1868 - 1953 Nelson, Cora 1922 - 1970 Nelson, Jerome 1916 - 1994 Nelson, John Oscar 29 Jun 1884 - 17 Dec 1950 Norin, Lars 1835 - 1915 Norton, Chris 1896 - 1968 Norton, Robert 1894 - 1958 Nyen, Alfred David 25 Apr 1910 - 12 Dec 1934 son of Brede Nyen, Kaare Harold 5 Dec 1908 - 12 Dec 1934 son of Brede Olsen, Casper 1864 - 1946 Olsen, Inger 1861 - 1929 wife of Casper Olsen, Ralph Corlton 5 Mar 1917 - 25 Aug 1923 Olson, Amanda M. 1890 - 1960 Olson, Carl Arthur 6 Jun 1881 - 20 Oct 1918 Olson, Einar 1886 - 1947 Olson, Glenn S. 1914 - 1964 Olson, Harvey Eugene Mar 1918 - Sep 1925 son of Einar & Hazel Olson, Hattie A. 1886 - 1959 Olson, Hazel B. 1895 - 1972 Olson, Ida K. 1921 - 1945 Olson, Irene Margaret 2 Apr 1914 - 9 May 1919 dau of Oscar & Anna Olson, Lars H. 1882 - 1969 Olson, Lawrence J. 1924 - 1958 Olson, Martin E. 1932 - 1965 Olson, Nels J. 1873 - 1956 Orr, Elizabeth Maude 18 May 1864 - 1 Aug 1946 wife of William Orr, James Frederick 1896 - 1958 Orr, Thomas William 5 Nov 1852 - 12 Feb 1956 Peterson, Alma 11 Mar 1896 - 1 Aug 1983 Peterson, Gust 7 Sep 1888 - 13 Sep 1946 Peterson, Selma 7 Oct 1899 - 13 Apr 1932 wife of Halvor Powell, George Mar 1922 - Jan 1926 Quam, Gertrude 1877 - 1968 wife of John Quam, John M. 1879 - 1961 Reierson, Ada 1907 - 1965 Reierson, Bernard 1905 - 1967 Reierson, Gordon Conrad 1932 - 1952 son of Sam & Helen Reierson, Helen Genevieve 1911 - 1952 Reierson, Sam 1908 - 1968 Rouse, Josephine 1848 - 1921 Rouse, Lanny James died 10 Sep 1947 Rouse, Ross James May 1935 - Nov 1985 Scott, William C. 1880 - 1934 Schlemko, Gabriel 1921 - 1941 Schlemko, Harry 1892 - 1955 Schlemko, Harry J. 1928 - 1985 Schlemko, Richard died 1936 Simmons, Hattie 1903 - 1992 Simmons, M. Lewella 1902 - 1950 Simmons, Merrill 1901 - 1992 Smith, Mildred Helen died 1924 age 2 dau of A. E. & M. A. Stevers, Maud F. 31 Nov 1881 - 20 May 1932 Stevers, Raymond G. 24 May 1926 - 20 Oct 1936 Torwick, Gudrun 1898 - 1982 Torwick, Inga 1917 - 1920 Torwick, James I. 1892 - 1932 Tremere, Bert Roy died 1939 Tremere, Leslie A. 1898 - 1983 Tremere, Ruth E. 1910 - 1984 wife of Leslie Wallin, Charley Harry 1882 - 1940 Wallin, Elizabeth A. 1893 - 1975 wife of Charley Weiseth, Andrew 1878 - 1972 Weiseth, Dale Andrew 17 May 1957 - 20 Oct 1979 Weiseth, Sigrid 1887 - 1960 wife of Andrew Wenaas, Alma 7 Jul 1891 - 5 Mar 1915
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