Sceptre Memorial Cemetery

R.M. of Clinworth # 230   SW 15-22-24 W3
GPS   50.863741°N   109.251568°W
First burial in 1919, 239 burials by 1978

Acott, (baby)
Adams, Archie Wilbert  1893 - 1966 hus of Mildred Peat
Adams, Ethel Maud  1924
Adams, Fern
Adams, Hubert W.  1963 age 78
Anderson, Bill  26 Apr 2007 age 81 hus of Helen
Anderson, Mabel  1963 age 79
Anderson, Samuel  1951 age 72
Archer, A. 
Archer, Keith  29 May 1936 - 24 May 2014 son of Eric & Alice 
Archer, Marsha Lee  1978 - 1978
Armstrong, E. P, N.
Avery, Francis Alanson  1920

Bayne, Abigail  1958 age 87
Bayne, D. R.  1929
Beckner, Conrad  1977 age 92
Beckner, Malvine  1940 age 53
Blezard, Annie  1961 age 77
Blezard, Artie  1982 hus of Margaret, son of Leon & Annie
Blezard, Leon Arthur  1953 age 79
Blezard, Margaret Mildred (nee Adams)  16 Feb 1931 - 27 Feb 2012 dau of Archie & Mildred
Boyce, Alice Maude  1926
Boyce, Thomas Clayton  1947 age 78
Boylan, Elizabeth  1968 age 2 days
Boylan, Roy  20 Dec 2011 age 92 hus of Hazel
Boylan, John Robert  1977 age 6 days
Brocker, Ruby Irene  1930
Burton, James  1927
Byrnes, Martin  1923

Campbell, Alexander  1951 age 67
Campbell, Ellen M.  1973 age 79
Campbell, William Adair  1868 - 1953 son of Robert & Agnes
Champion, (unknown)
Chaw, Bing
Chester, Mary Ellen  1937 age 72
Chester, William  1945 age 85
Cook, A. W.  1965 age 69
Cook, (baby boy)  1922
Cook, Joseph
Cook, Laura Pearl  1933 age 2 yrs 6 mos
Cook, Mollie
Cook, Robert Oliver Pearson  1935
Cook, Sophia  1937 age 71
Cook, William  1928
Crock, Stanley  1934 age 51

Darby, Mary  1952 age 92
Darby, William  1934
Denney, Nellie  1970 age 88
Denney, Samuel Moses  1945 age 72
Dennis, Cora Gertrude  1967 age 80
Dennis, Stephen  1932
Dickie, Aline  1951
Dickie, Albert  1961 age 75
Dickie, Albert James  1951 age 38
Dickie, (baby)  1950
Dickie, (baby boy)  1956
Dickie, Ellen Katherine  1954 age 45
Dickie, Elva Joan  1955 age 61
Dickie, Elva Joan  1925
Dickie, Harry Alexander  1978 age 64
Dickie, Ian  1934
Dickie, James M.  1964 age 74
Dickie, Pamella (infant)  1948
Downing, Etta Mae  1956 age 78
Downing, Lorale Eldrick  1949 age 70

Elcie, Isabel Hortense  1954
Elcie, W. R.  1939
Elliott, (baby)  1936
Elliott, Gilbert  1928
Elliott, Ida  1932
Ellis, Earl Jenson  1926
Ellis, Effie  1950 age 48
Ellis, James Earl  1952 age 65

Foreman, Ashley Henry  1975 age 89
Foreman, Florence Annie  1939 age 52
Francis, (unknown)
Francis, Reita Sophie  1926
Francis, T.
Fyke, Don  1971 age 36
Fyke, Eli  1961 age 84
Fyke, Elizabeth  1857 age 93
Fyke, Gail  1951 age 48
Fyke, Gordon Keith  1951 age 1 mon
Fyke, Gordon Stanley  1973 age 69
Fyke, John  1947 age 84
Fyke, Margaret  1958 age 75

Garnett, Ronald  1975 age 50
Gatenby, William Ewart  1941 age 54
Glasser, August A.  1887 - 1957 son of Johan & Margaretha (nee Bentz)
Glasser, Johan  1858 - 1929
Glasser, Jacob J.  1894 - 1927 son of Johan & Margaretha
Glasser, Louise Lydia (nee Schneider)   1939 age 44 wife of August
Glasser, Philip  1920
Gracie, Agnes  1930
Gracie, Harry M.  1965 age 84
Gracie, J. (baby)
Gracie, Thomas  1920
Grant, (baby girl)  1922
Grant, Harry Stirling (baby)  1921

Hammill, Charles  1956 age 77
Hammill, Minnie  1954 age 79
Hammond, Doris Noreen  1925
Hanson, Leo  1972 age 53
Haugen, George R.  1960 age 51
Haugen, Marvin Robert  1947 - 1947
Hegdahl, John  1950 age 64
Hegg, Andrew  1944 age 78
Hegg, Mrs. Andrew  1966 age 82
Hegg, (baby)  1938 - 1938
Hensman, Mary Lena  1978 age 88
Hensman, Robert  1967 age 72
Helger, Mrs. Carl  1927
Hodge, Ernest  1952 age 89
Hoffman, Marilyn Jean  1957 age 2
Holrdyd, Firth  1954 age 70
Holstein, Abe  16 Nov 2000 hus of Violet
Howes, Ann Euphemia  1921
Howes, Augustus  1961 - 1951 son of Alonzo & Mary
Howes, James May  1975 age 88
Howes, Louise Ethel  1977 age 96
Hyde, (baby boy)  1925
Hyde, Gladys  1924  

Ivey, Charles  1970 age 90

Johnson, Charlotte Rebecca  1959 age 84
Johnson, William Albert  1940 age 75
Johnstone,  Elizabeth  1956 age 90
Johnstone,  Hugh  1968
Jude, Thomas Wilfred Philip  1922

Kales, Verna  6 May 2009 age 84 wife of George
Kelsall, Alice  1970
Kelsall, Lilyth  1977
Kelsall, Harold J. K.  1959 age 65
King, Pauline  1965 age 74
King, Walter  1952 age 68

Linn, Mary Helen  1953 age 80

MacGregor, Mary  1961 age 85
Mahaffy, Clifford  1940 age 40
Mahaffy, Evelyn  1935 age 1 mon
Mahaffy, Gibson  1953
Mahaffy, Harvey L.  1971 age 78
Mahaffy, Martha  1944 age 80
Malasky, Dennis  1966 age 55
Malasky, Jennie  1965 age 89
Malasky, John  1941 age 82
Mapletoft, Dorothy Mary  1930
Martin, Isabella  1961 age 69
Martin, thomas Melvin  1961 age 85
Masuik, Fred  1967 age 58
McDougald, James Carruthers  23 Jan 1923 - 31 Dec 2000 son of William & Minnie
McDougald, Minnie Ethel  1970 
McDougald, William Argyle  1967 age 84
McKee, Henry  1928
McLagan, Pearlie  1960 age 71
McLean, Gladys Sarah  1937 age 34
McLean, Micel  1961 age 72
McWhirter, Dalton  1918 - 1936 son of Robert & Mamie (nee Strath)
McWhirter, Charlotte 'Lottie' (nee Demmans)  1887 - 1963 wife of Robert
McWhirter, Margaret May  1931
McWhirter, Robert Allan  1879 - 1963  son of Andrew & Elizabeth
Miller, Annie  1967 age 91
Miller, J. Oscar  1951 age 60
Misner, Eldon David  1920 - 1923 son of Dufferin & Ruby
Misner, Lloyd Thomas  1921 - 1921 son of Dufferin & Ruby
Murray, Cora Pauline (nee Wells)  1910 - 1960 wife of James, dau of Albert  & Lillie
Murray, Hazel Cora (nee Sutton)  1896 - 1970 wife of John M.
Murray, James William  1879 - 1958 son of John & Jessie
Murray, Jessie  1843 - 1929
Murray, John Martin  1887 - 1942 son of John & Jessie
Murray, Robert Frederick  1884 - 1954 son of John & Jessie

Norgaard, Peter  1934 age 51

Olmstead, C. Clinton  1966 age 43
Olmstead, Mary Belle  1968 age 82

Painter, Mary  1937
Palmer, (unknown)
Peck, (baby girl)  1925
Peck, Effie  1970 age 47
Peck, Harry  1970 age 91
Peterson, (unknown)
Peterson, Judy Dianne  1950 - 1950 age 1 day
Phillips, E.  1966 age 74
Phillips, Jennie B.  1975 age 61
Pollock, Robert  1963 age 42
Pollock, Thomas  1938 age 49

Reid, Douglas Albert  1923
Reid, Fred  1929
Reid, Wilfred N.  1927

Scheurer, M.
Scribner, John Franklin  1937
Seaman, Georgina  1955
Seaman, Georgina Maud  1949 
Seaman, Harold Wilfred  1959
Seaman, William Hassard  1876 - 1960 son of Nathan & Sarah
Shearer, Edward  1948
Shields, Audrey Noreen  1924
Shields, Ernest F,  1958 age 66
Shields, James  1926
Shields, James W.  1964 age 74
Shields, Sarah  1938 age 78
Shircliff, Fredericl Ernest  1978 age 70
Smith, Ruby  1965 age 54
Smith, Mrs. W. C.  1927
Smith, Wayne C.  1970 age 65
Smith, William C.  1951 age 81
Speers, Loretta  1975 age 82
Squire, (baby girl)  1922
Staple, Herbert M.  1970 age 89
Staple, Mabel L.  1968 age 87
Staple, Robert Arthur  1956 age 80
Staples, Matilda  1942 age 63
Steele, Agnes Isabel  1956 age 85
Steele, Elizabeth  1968 age 79
Steele, (girl)
Steele, James  1950 age 80
Steele, James Thomas Mitchell  1932
Steele, William  1947 age 75
Storey, O. L.  1965 age 78
Strath, Donald M.  1933
Strath, Leta May  1974 age 78
Strath, Mrs. George  
Sutton, Alma Berna (nee Bell)  1893 - 1975 wife of Ralph
Sutton, (baby boy)  1925
Sutton, (baby girl)  1927
Sutton, Jessie May  1923 dau of Frederick & Elizabeth
Sutton, Ralph Edward  1890 - 1965 son of Thomas & Winnifred
Sutton, Ralph James  1952 - 1952

Tetlock, Stanley  1927 age 21
Treffley, Rance  1958 age 76
Tucker, Charles  1924

Upilgrove, John  1924
Urquhart, Mrs.

Vesterdahl, (baby girl)  1929
Vesterdahl, Knut Knutson  1927
Vesterdahl, O. K.  1967 age 84
Vesterdahl, Mrs.  1968 age 79

Walsh, Annie Belle (nee Murray)  1885 - 1966 dau of John B. & Jessie
Walsh, Herbert Angus 1925 - 1953 son of Samuel & Annie
Walsh, Samuel Ford  1885 - 1965
Ward, Alice Blanche  1943 age 57
Ward, John Henry  1949 age 62
Westlake, Anna Yates  1943 age 74
White, Samuel Tilden  1932

Yates, Mary C.  1963 age 93

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