Arnold, Anna 1864 - 1949 wife of William Arnold, William 1858 - 1938 Aylward, Donalda Constance (Clark) Sep 22, 1931 - Mar 18, 2015 dau of Hugh & Olive Aylward, Francis 'Frank' Leslie Dec 28, 1918 - Jun 23, 2004 hus of Donelda Baldwin, Ernest Gilbert 1912 - 2009 Baldwin, Mary Margaret 1917 - 1962 Beirnes, Eunice Irene (nee Thomson) 1900 - 1993 Beirnes, Harry 1928 - Dec 24, 2004 hus of Barb Beirnes, John Gordon 1897 - 1983 son of Joseph & Martha Beirnes, Joseph 1864 - 1942 Beirnes, Martha Emily (nee Case) 1870 - 1959 dau of Ephraim & Sarah Beirnes, Martha & Joseph (2nd photo) Bell, Margaret R. 1897 - 1953 Benedict, Albert 1887 - 1942 Boudy, Edward Franklin 1927 - 1986 Bowden, Gladys Ethel (nee Ortt) 1899 - 1949 wife of James Bowden, James 1882 - 1951 Brazdil, Miroslava (nee Munchinsky) 1905 - 1951 Brazdil, Rudolph 1896 - 1963 Brazdil, Victor R. Mar 24, 1943 - Aug 13, 1998 son of Rudolph & Miroslava Brewster, Arthur Henry 1879 - 1938 Brewster, Jean Thomson 1885 - 1974 wife of Arthur Brown, Allan 1949 - 2007 son of Clifford & Gertrude Brown, Clifford Alexander 1919 - 1996 Brown, Edna Mae Courtney 1917 - 1997 wife of Hector Brown, Gertrude I. (nee Beirnes) 1924 - Brown, Hector W. 1920 - 1995 Brown, J. E. 1944 - Brown, James Alexander 1888 - 1913 Brown, Jessie C. (nee McLeod) 1894 - 1978 wife of James Burgess, Frederick James 1884 - 1975 Chamberlain, Elizabeth Florence (nee Pope) 1870 - 1935 wife of William Chamberlain, William E. 1869 - 1952 Charlton, Elizabeth (nee Campbell) died 1960 wife of William Charlton, William Nelson 1887 - 1961 Christensen, Jens C. 1865 - 1945 Christensen, Julia Emelia 1907 - 1946 dau of Jens & Maria Christensen, Maria K. 1868 - 1927 Clemence, Alma 'Nellie' Sep 19, 1856 - Nov 21, 1944 Clemence, Anna 1893 - 1977 wife of Thomas Clemence, Frederick James 1874 - 1918 son of James & Alma Clemence, James William Jan 5, 1855 - May 28, 1928 Clemence, Katherine 1867 - 1964 wife of Thomas Clemence, Thomas 1893 - 1977 Clemence, Thomas M. 1863 - 1930 Farquharson, A. F. 1923 - 1968 Farquharson, Edith Julia 1921 - 1968 Ferguson, Ainslie D. (nee Murphy) 1921 - 1995 wife of Elmer Ferguson, Alma Lynn Sep 2, 1941 - Sep 3, 1941 dau of Earl & Mabel Ferguson, Bertha (nee Tomlinson) 1894 - 1974 Ferguson, Elmer L. Apr 30, 1917 - Jun 30, 1977 son of Gordon & Bertha Ferguson, Gordon Wesley 1895 - 1960 Ferguson, Russel 1920 - 2002 Fox, Mervine Leonard 1934 - 1945 son of William & Theresa Fox, Theresa Irene (nee Harris) 1902 - 1962 Fox, William Leonard 1901 - 1994 Freethy, Wesley Coles 1913 - 1945 Furse, Francis Glen 1932 - 2004 Gould, Ben 1932 - 1998 hus of Donna Gould, Donna 1939 - Griffin, Donald John 1870 - 1951 Griffin, Emma Elizabeth 1870 - 1947 wife of Donald Hamilton, Jim Nelson 1918 - 1990 hus of Margaret Hamilton, Margaret (nee Farquharson) 1921 - Hanson, Violet Lily (nee McLeod) 1912 - Mar 29, 2006 wife of Walter Hanson, Walter 1915 - 1995 Hinchliff, Della Joy (nee Beirnes) 1927 - Hinchliff, Lyle Keith 1924 - Oct 25, 2008 hus of Joy Hinchliff, Mark Dec 25, 1860 - Mar 7, 1943 Hornby, Alfred Louis Feb 2, 1871 - Jun 8, 1922 Houston, James Ross 1875 - 1937 Houston, Laura Clarke 1890 - 1985 wife of James Leckie, Arthur A. 1913 - 1973 son of Cornelius & Elizabeth Leckie, Cornelius Oct 14, 1882 - Sep 30, 1963 Leckie, Elizabeth 1889 - 1974 Leckie, Henry 1918 - 1988 son of Cornelius & Elizabeth Leckie, May (nee Williams) 1917 - 2005 wife of Arthur Leckie, Ronald 1927 - 1981 Leckie, Sheila Rose 1950 - 1954 dau of Henry MacMillan, Annie 1860 - 1951 wife of Myles MacMillan, Duncan D. 1905 - 1936 MacMillan, Myles 1858 - 1932 McCrimmon, Alexina 1925 - 1926 dau of Archibald & Georgina McCrimmon, Archibald Benjamin 1893 - 1981 son of Benjamin & Sarah McCrimmon, Georgina C. (nee McIntosh) 1899 - 1985 McCrimmon, Lorne Archibald 1935 - 1976 son of Archibald & Georgina McCrimmon, Stewart Ray 1938 - Feb 13, 1978 son of Archibald & Georgina McDonald, Benjamin 1859 - 1933 McDonald, Margaret (nee Simpson) McFadyen, Royal Elgin 1891 - 1943 McFadyen, Stanley C. 1896 - 1959 McIntosh, Elizabeth 1856 - 1942 wife of George McIntosh, George 1851 - 1939 McLeod, Alan (baby) died Apr 18, 1968 McLeod, Cecil Alan 1930 - Nov 2, 2009 son of William & Ruby McLeod, Duncan 1896 - 1968 McLeod, Gladys 1907 - 1990 McLeod, Keith James 1930 - 1986 son of Duncan & Gladys McLeod, Ruby E. 1898 - 1980 McLeod, Ruth Eleanor (nee Myrol) Dec 10, 1930 - Nov 22, 2004 dau of Knut & Inga McLeod, Sterling A. Dec 24, 1965 - Dec 26, 1965 McLeod, W. D. 1901 - 1965 McLeod, William D. died 1962 Nelson, Clarence Murray 1924 - 1926 son of Louis & Gina Nelson, Gina A. (nee Wasburg) 1891 - 1991 Nelson, Lewis E. 1888 - 1962 Nyquist, Clifford Emil 1887 - 1954 Nyquist, John Frederick 1922 - Nyquist, Margaret 1863 - 1936 Nyquist, Nellie (nee Burgess) 1896 - 1986 wife of Clifford Nyquist, Swan John 1863 - 1922 Ortt, Sarah 1854 - 1915 Pritchard, Archibald Francis 1890 - 1937 son of Henry & Amy Pritchard, Rosina Jane (nee Edwards) 1890 - 1978 wife of Archibald Reynolds, Inez Mae Oct 12, 1925 - Mar 22, 2004 Richards, Verna E. (nee McLeod) 1937 - 1993 dau of William & Ruby Robbins, Edith V. Dec 12, 1918 - Robbins, Roy R. May 6, 1913 - Mar 30, 2008 hus of Edith Sanders, Arthur W. 1895 - 1971 Sanders, Dorothy A. 1895 - 1967 wife of Arthur Shuttle, Lillian 1905 - 2000 wife of Sidney Shuttle, Sidney Frederick 1896 - 1967 Simpson, Alice L. (nee Simpson) Jun 2, 1939 - Jan 9, 2006 dau of Ed & Ruth Simpson, Charles Andrew 1907 - 1987 Simpson, Evan C. 1936 - Simpson, Mary Laurie 1909 - 1976 wife of Charles Simpson, Tristan M. MacSymetz (infant) died Nov 13, 1986 Smith, Ernest Frederick 1880 - 1945 Tappen, Cornelia J. 1919 - Tappen, Morris L. 1919 - 2005 hus of Cornelia Taylor, Fanny Letetia (nee Arnott) 1863 - 1937 wife of William Thomson, Eunice 1860 - 1947 wife of James Thomson, James 1860 - 1941 Trottier, John 1901 - 1973 Vetter, Bonnie Lynn (nee Brown) 1953 - 2005 dau of Clifford & Gertrude Waddington, Frederick Arthur 1919 - 1998 hus of Viola Waddington, Viola Pearl (nee Beirnes) May 2, 1922 - Feb 21, 2009 dau of John & Eunice Wasberg, Elmer 1898 - 1976 son of Olav & Sigrid Wasberg, Oscar 1900 - 1942 son of Olav & Sigrid Watson, Henry N. 1897 - 1937 Watson, Metta Kirstina 1891 - 1960 Wilson, Frances Margaret 1861 - 1929 wife of James Wilson, James Samuel 1852 - 1945 Young, Cameron 1922 - 1982 Young, Elizabeth (nee McCrimmon) 1888 - 1974 dau of Benjamin & Sarah Young, George 1878 - 1936 Young, Mary 1876 - 1933 wife of George Young, Samuel T. 1880 - 1945 hus of Elizabeth
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