Arneson, Gene Tony 1931 - 1997 Arneson, Sadie L. 1906 - 2000 wife of Sigurd Arneson, Sigurd 1892 - 1985 Arneson, Sigurd H. Aug 30, 1997 - Aug 30, 1997 Barker, Dora (nee Bridges) Oct 1, 1912 - Sep 30, 2001 dau of William & Beatrice Barker, Lloyd H. Jul 14, 1919 - Jan 30, 2002 hus of Dora Bodnar, Alex 1891 - 1975 Bodnar, Julia 1899 - 1999 Bodnar, Louis 1927 - 2010 Brown, (baby) died 1937 Christianson, Jesse David 1986 - 2006 Clemetson, Edward 1897 - 1983 Darmochid, Darrin 1965 - 2013 Doull, Annie 1899 - 1979 wife of George Doull, George 1895 - 1984 Doull, George A. 1924 - 1988 Ebel, Chrest 1907 - 2001 Ebel, Katherine 1907 - 1998 wife of Chrest Fenske, Eveline A. (nee Galbraith) Jan 23, 1936 - Aug 26, 2013 wife of Harold, dau of Norman & Mary Fenske, Frederick 1890 - 1978 Fenske, Harold J. 1930 - fenske, John L. Jun 16, 1918 - Feb 13, 2011 hus of Margaret Fenske, Margaret H. Jul 24, 1927 - Fenske, Martha 1896 - 1975 wife of Frederick Fowler, Joe died 1964 Galbraith, Leo 1929 - 1981 Galbraith, Mary 1903 - 1988 Galbraith, Norman 1899 - 1986 Galiz, Judith 1900 - 1965 Halverson, Hilda 1877 - 1967 Halvorson, Olaf 1874 - 1965 Harris, Mike 1922 - 1996 Hartl, Annie M. 1887 - 1949 wife of Anton Hartl, Anton 1883 - 1956 Hartl, Debbra Ann Feb 7, 1970 - Jul 9, 2014 dau of Donald & Donna Hartl, Donald David 1943 - Jan 2, 2007 hus of Donna Barker, son of Tony & Lena Hartl, James A. Hartl, Lena 1914 - Mar 17, 2002 Hartl, Tony 1908 - Dec 5, 1982 Henderson, Deacon M. 1939 - 1959 Johnson, (baby) died 1939 Julius, William 1901 - 1972 Low, Douglas 1917 - 1990 Low, Elsie 1920 - 1996 wife of Douglas Low, William Dec 3, 1874 - Dec 4, 1947 Luchinski, Anton George Feb 25, 1997 age 85 Luchinski, Betty 1926 - 2011 wife of George Luchinski, Beverly 1946 - 1994 Luchinski, Edith Florence 1922 - 2004 Luchinski, George 1922 - 2001 Luchinski, Gilbert James Jun 18, 1951 - Jul 6, 1996 Luchinski, Gregor 1881 - 1974 Luchinski, Jerry N. 1944 - 1975 Marrin, A. Morgan, Annie 1878 - 1943 wife of Frederick Morgan, F. Malcolm Jun 11, 1922 - May 1, 1982 Morgan, Frederick 1878 - 1937 Mozyt, A. Olson, Arthur C. died Mar 1, 1977 Olson, Margaret 1910 - 1968 Pasiechnik, Mary 1902 - 1968 wife of Nick Pasiechnik, Nick 1892 - 1964 Prokopenko, Eli 1908 - 1997 Prokopenko, John 1911 - Prokopenko, Virginia 1920 - 1980 wife of Eli Schutte, Florence 1905 - 1994 wife of Leander Schutte, Henry Christian 1870 - 1948 Schutte, Leander 1899 - 1986 Schutte, Manda 1877 - 1956 Sivertson, Glenn 1944 - 2002 Smith, Ella Gladys 1930 - 2012 Smith, James Albert Jul 20, 1931 - Mar 3, 1998 Steppan, Bruce 1951 - 2008 Steppan, Leonard May 20, 1922 - May 21, 2009 Steppan, P. Steppan, Peter Aug 30, 1924 - Jun 16, 2016 hus of Rose Hoffer, son of Nickolas & Rosalie Suces, Steve 1928 - 1970 Szucs, Alex 1911 - 2004 Szucs, Joe 1922 - 2003 Szucs, John 1916 - 2009 Toth, Albert 1878 - 1957 Toth, Roza 1880 - 1956 wife of Albert Weightman, (baby)
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