Abbott, Anna V. (nee Trieber) 1908 - 28 Sep 2007 dau of Michael & Anice Abbott, George Eli 1908 - 1973 Adam, W. Murray 28 Oct 1932 age 47 Amundson, Clark 1948 - 2008 Amundson, Martha 1888 - 1974 Amundson, Ralph 1911 - 1997 Amundson, Rangvald 1887 - 1973 Amundson, Samuel 1913 - 1945 Amundson, Serina 1886 - 1920 Amundson, T. Mrs. 1893 - 1917 Anderson, Alfred J. 1861 - 1941 Anderson, Anna Carolina 1 Sep 1871 - 30 May 1949 Anderson, Emma C. 1856 - 1922 Anderson, Engebret 1861 - 1935 Anderson, Jennifer Joy 1970 - 1979 Anderson, Randine 1902 - 1989 Anderson, Thore Albert 1890 - 1977 Apltauer, J. Mrs. died 1915 Arnison, Jacob 1918 - 1955 son of Joseph & Mary Arnison, Joseph 1884 - 1976 Arnison, Mary 1894 - 1964 Aslin, Eleanor Jessie 1915 - 1997 Aslin, Ernest 1880 - 1964 Aslin, Florence 1882 - 1966 Aslin, W. Lawrence 1915 - 1989 Asplund, Mrs. M. 1872 - 1927 Austin, Anna 4 Jan 1891 - 12 Jun 1953 Austin, Elmer 22 Dec 1887 - 21 Oct 1974 Austin, Everett 25 Sep 1915 - 29 Dec 1999 Austin, Harlow L. 3 Sep 1954 - 10 Apr 1978 Badger, Earle Donald 28 Aug 1887 - 26 Feb 1946 Bakken, Bine died 1914 Bakken, Gilbert 1923 - 1983 Bakken, Gudve 1889 - 1983 Bakken, Harold O. 1921 - 1992 Bakken, John 1876 - 1962 Bakken, Olaf 1887 - 1920 Baxter, Martha G. (nee Smiley) 1912 - 2000 dau of Joseph & Hattie Baxter, W. E. 'Bill' 1911 - 1992 Bell, Joshua 1888 - 1941 Bell, Mary Ann 1867 - 1939 Bell, Stephen 1863 - 1942 Berlie, Thomas 1884 - 19?? Berndtsson, Bertil N. 29 Mar 1906 - 23 Oct 1999 Berndtsson, Kari A. 8 Jun 1909 - 22 Oct 1994 Beyer, Alice E. 1909 - 1998 Beyer, H. R. 'Bob' 1905 - 2001 Beyer, Laurel Clair 1930 - 1934 Blair, Rosetta Minerva 1918 - 1919 Boswell, Harold 1890 - 1918 Bowler, Joseph 1850 - 1926 Breakenridge, Elmer Howard 31 Aug 1914 - 8 Aug 1916 Brower, Charles died 1917 Brower, Charles E. 1873 - 1913 hus of Bertha Brown, (baby) died 1934 Brown, (baby) died 1915 Brown, Betty 24 Mar 1925 - Brown, Cliff 20 May 1920 - 16 May 2006 Brown, Harold Edwin 25 Dec 1923 - Nov 2005 son of William & Delia Brown, Delia J. 1892 - 1952 Brown, Marion 1 Oct 1928 - 9 Jul 2005 wife of Harold Brown, William E. 1887 - 1972 Brunas, Borghild 1906 - 1996 Brunas, Lauritz 1895 - 1980 Brunas, Lauritz & Borghild (2nd photo) Bugg, Harvey Sanford 20 Mar 1869 - 22 Nov 1920 Burrows, William 1873 - 1944 Bushey, Joseph J. 1889 - 1918 Byington, (baby) 192? - 1929 Byington, Florence Adele 6 Jul 1920 - 7 Jan 1926 Byington, Mortimer V. 1884 - 1948 Byington, Myrtle (nee Morrison) 1881 - 1940 wife of Mortimer Carlson, Harry 1917 - 1918 Chamberlain, Lewis John 1895 - 1967 Chapman, Logan Ross 1983 - 1984 Chapman, Richard Charles 1951 - 1991 Chapman, Scott Allan 1978 - 1991 Christianson, Even 1888 - 1963 hus of Myrtle Christianson, Myrtle Alida (nee Knudtsen) 1906 - 1987 dau of Elias & Louise Close, Alex 1867 - 1951 Close, Alexander 1901 - 1988 Close, Cecil 1916 - 1919 Close, George Henry 1892 - 1968 Close, Josephine (nee Ziegler) 1916 - 1980 wife of Alexander Jr. Close, Leslie 1899 - 1924 Close, Patricia M. 1935 - 1948 Close, Sarah 1869 - 1934 Close, Thora N. 1911 - 1932 Colwell Family Plot Colwell, Donald 1933 - 1935 Colwell, 'Father' 1862 - 1934 Colwell, 'Mother' 1860 - 1945 Colwell, Russell 1891 - 1943 Crowson, Arlene died 1946 Dahl Family Plot Dahl, Amelia 1875 - 1962 Dahl, Barry Isaac 6 Feb 1951 - Dahl, Beth 1921 - Dahl, Davin Barry 4 Sep 1984 - 23 Mar 2008 Dahl, Ingolf 9 Dec 1917 - 13 May 2010 son of Isaac & Amelia Dahl, Isaac 1877 - 1967 Dahl, Phyllis May (nee Palmer) 6 Apr 1956 - 30 Oct 2007 Daniels, Emily Winnifred 1919 - 1923 Daniels, Emily Winnifred 1920 - 1923 Daniels, Mabel Jane 1876 - 1917 DeCrane, August 1880 - 1972 DeCrane, Rachael A. 1906 - 1998 Delorme, (baby) died 1978 Dickerson, Joseph 1891 - 1977 Djuberg, Charles 1876 - 1948 Dolosky, Anna 1889 - 1964 Dolosky, Michael 1889 - 1964 Dyer, Effie Anna 1887 - 1959 Dyer, Joseph Marion 1889 - 1966 Dyer, Millard Gordon 1920 - 1936 Elder, Andrew 1892 - 1977 Elder, Marion 1902 - 1924 Eliason, Haakon 25 Jul 1914 - 5 Aug 1914 Eliason, Ruth 3 Dec 1912 - 6 Aug 1914 Erickson, Lena 1888 - 1989 Erickson, Otto 1880 - 1955 Fald, Gustav 1884 - 1941 Fald, Martha 1881 - 1944 Fathergill, John Thomas 1866 - 1930 Fathergill, Luther died 1915 Fitsyll, R. died 1921 Fjeld, Anna 1907 - 1988 Fjeld, Hazel 1914 - 1996 Fjeld, Olaf 1905 - 1980 Fjeld, Oscar 1900 - 1980 Fjeld, Robert 193 - 1934 Ford, Peter M. 1887 - 1967 Fothergill, John 1868 - 1930 Fothergill, Luther died 1918 France, Julia 1889 - 1916 France, William Theodore 1902 - 1916 Froholm, (baby) died Jan 1919 Froholm, Christian Apr 1876 - 16 Aug 1945 Froholm, Emilee 12 Dec 1878 - 26 Sep 1956 Get, Seto Sing 1875 - 1926 Geving, Arnold Victor 4 Nov 1912 - 17 Mar 2006 son of Peter & Josephine Geving, Evelyn Martha 18 Mar 1914 - 29 Apr 2004 dau of Peter & Josephine Geving, Henry Clifford 'Hank' 15 Jan 1916 - 8 May 2001 son of Peter & Josephine Geving, Josephine (nee Larson) 1880 - 1962 Geving, Palmer 1901 - 1988 Geving, Peter 1864 - 1948 Goplin, Edward 1856 - 1922 Grande, Estella died 1914 Grande, Esther 1905 - 1910 Green, Ann 1881 - 1926 Green, James 1881 - 1925 Grevna, Blanche 1928 - 1999 Grevna, Frank 1905 - 1962 Grevna, Joseph 1912 - 1970 Grevna, Joseph (2nd photo) Grevna, Mary 1871 - 1956 Grevna, Mary (2nd photo) Grevna, Stanley 1914 - 1975 Guidos, Paul 1873 - 1935 Hagen, Amund 1885 - 1920 Hansen, Halvar A. 1904 - 1970 Hansen, Howard 1912 - 1983 Hansen, Kari 1883 - 1919 Hansen, Kari (2nd photo) Hansen, Louis 1876 - 1934 Hansen, Louis (2nd photo) Hansen, Mathea 1882 - 1971 Hanson, Albert 1908 - 1916 Hanson, Barbara 1877 - 1966 Hanson, Gertrude Besteland 20 Jul 1885 - 15 May 1917 Hanson, Harold C. 1922 - 1982 Hanson, (infant) son of Gertrude Hanson, Martin E. 1869 - 1957 Hanson, Paul 1878 - 1959 Hauge, Mary died 1918 Henniya, Madeline died 1918 Hewitt, Thomas 1885 - 1965 Holmes, Chris 1880 - 1918 House, Cecil 1908 - 1916 House, Emily Jane 1879 - 1938 wife of Charles Howell, Berton 1913 - 1926 Howell, Floyd 1916 - 1929 Howell, Harry A. 1917 - 1917 Howell, Kenneth R. 24 Oct 1930 - 6 May 2006 Howell, Violet E. 10 Aug 1935 - 1 Dec 2008 Hughson, Frank W. 1875 - 1939 hus of Rachel Husband, Florence Eleanor 'Nell' (nee DeCrane) 1924 - 1990 wife of Glenn Husband, Glenn Howard Alton 28 Apr 1919 - 17 Dec 2012 son of Wilfred & Frances Husband, Murray Alton died 2 Nov 1945 Ion, Charles 1912 - 1920 Johnson, (baby) 21 Nov 1920 - 21 Nov 1920 Johnson, (baby) died 1929 Johnson, Edna Aurora (nee Tolpi) 1911 - 1989 dau of Eli & Hanna Johnson, Ella 1893 - 1917 Johnson, Frank A. 1891 - 1984 Johnson, Henry 1888 - 1985 hus of Edna Johnson, Irvin Andrew 10 Mar 1930 age 20 Johnson, Lloyd 1926 - 2006 Johnson, Mabel M. 1901 - 1982 Johnson, Shirley 1938 - Jonsson, Andres 1847 - 1934 Jonsson, Hannah 1853 - 1932 Jostad, Herman 1871 - 1931 hus of Augusta Khonke, Esther 1907 - 1997 Khonke, Hans H. 1909 - 1992 Knaap, John 1891 - 1922 Knudtsen, Anne 1919 - 1920 Knudtsen, Elias Rev. 1872 - 1944 Knudtsen, Leonard Andrew 1918 - 1990 son of Elias & Louise Knudtsen, Louise (nee Jostad) 1875 - 1966 Knudtsen, Lulu Ethel 12 Dec 1913 - 9 Mar 1980 Knudtsen, Norman 1916 - 4 Feb 1998 son of Elias & Louise Knudtsen, Ruth 1919 - 1920 Knudtsen, Thelma Geneva 5 Sep 1920 - 5 Feb 2012 hus of Norman Kohnke, Esther 1907 - 1997 Kohnke, Hans H. 1909 - 1992 Kynoch, Elvie Myrtle 31 Oct 1909 - 15 Nov 2003 Kynoch, Sandy 1909 - 1940 Larsen, Douglas 1932 - 1933 Larson, (baby) died 1930 Larson, Helen Marie 20 Mar 1930 - 29 Mar 1936 dau of Hans Laursen, Joseph 1886 - 1918 Laursen, Lauritz 1870 - 1951 Laursen, Lillian 1916 - 1918 Lewis, Beatrice M. 1889 - 1970 Lewis, John J. 1920 - 1975 Lewis, Kenneth J. 1941 - 1957 Lewis, Kenneth J. (2nd photo) Lewis, Lila 1920 - 2003 Lewis, Phyllis E. 1935 - 1951 Lewis, Thomas 1890 - 1960 Lewis, Thomas died Jun 1960 age 70 Lightfoot, Charles Ashford 1919 - 1979 Lightfoot, Charles Edward 8 Feb 1892 - 9 Nov 1975 Lightfoot, Frances Margaret 'Fanny' 15 Oct 1909 - 27 Dec 2000 Lightfoot, Hattie Estella 1901 - 1931 Lightfoot, John Charles 'Jack' 20 Nov 1932 - 30 May 2013 hus of Jean Lowenberg, son of Charles & Fanny Lindgren, Corrie 1868 - 1923 MacKay, Elizabeth (nee Hardy) 1869 - 1916 wife of W. S. Madden, John 1883 - 1936 Madson, (baby) died 2 Apr 1952 Manning, Bea Oletta 1900 - 2001 Manning, Fred 1922 - 1989 Manning, Hubert G. 1887 - 1971 Manning, Lillian W. 1886 - 1966 Martinson, Martin 1876 - 1960 McClarin, Wanda died 1937 McConnell, Edison D. 1 Jan 1871 - 13 Aug 1945 McCreight, Archie died 1921 McCreight, Dorothy 1914 - 1919 McCreight, Elsie 1906 - 1919 McGee, (baby) died 1929 McGee, Mary Colleen died 1934 McIntyre, Angus died 1920 McLuhan, Elizabeth W. 1889 - 1968 McLuhan, Elizabeth W. (2nd photo) McLuhan, Estella Merle 8 Nov 1920 - 8 Jun 2011 McLuhan, John 1842 - 1928 McLuhan, John (2nd photo) McLuhan, John A. 2 Jan 1922 - 31 Jul 2011 McLuhan, Lorne S. 1890 - 1971 McLuhan, Lorne S. (2nd photo) McLuhan, Mary 1854 - 1915 McLuhan, Mary (2nd photo) McLuhan, Mervyn Graham 9 Oct 1918 - 21 Feb 2007 McLuhan, Thelma I. 22 Nov 1923 - McMillan, (baby) died 1976 McWilliam Family Plot McWilliam, Anne 1882 - 1925 dau of James & Joan McWilliam, Grace 1890 - 1980 McWilliam, James 1855 - 1938 McWilliam, Joan 1858 - 1936 McWilliam, Robert 1890 - 1964 Meronuk, Sam 1903 - 1938 Minall, Fanny 1848 - 1933 Minall, James 1852 - 1926 Moore, Sedney died 1920 Morrison, Arthur 27 Jul 1877 - 23 Oct 1952 Morrison, Edgar E. 1849 - 1928 Morrison, Frances M. 16 Dec 1951 - 22 Mar 1922 Morrison, Fred Roy 12 Dec 1883 - 14 Oct 1952 Morrison, Hilda 1882 - 1976 Morrison, Isobel (baby) died 1922 Morrison, James E. 1913 - 1917 Morrison, John Orris 1918 - 2001 Morrison, Ralph Edwin 7 May 1905 - 17 Oct 1987 Morrison, (twins) died 1923 Myronuk, Sam 1903 - 1936 Nelubowich, Adolphe Ralph 10 Sep 1927 - 6 May 2007 hus of Dorothy, son of Joseph & Olga Nelubowich, Dorothy Mae (nee Kinnell) 3 Feb 1928 - 15 Jan 2016 dau of David & Sarah Nelubowich, John 1905 - 1982 Nelubowich, Joseph 1883 - 1964 Nelubowich, Leona 1922 - 1982 Nelubowich, Mary 1913 - 1934 Nelubowich, Olga 1890 - 1954 Nielson Family Memorial Nielson, Chester died 1931 Nielson, Ray died 1929 Olmstead Family Headstone 1 Olmstead Family Headstone 2 Olmstead, (baby) died 1 May 1965 dau of William & Evelyn Olmstead, Benjamin Irving 1909 - 1965 Olmstead, Bessie Pearl (nee Howden) 1887 - 1969 dau of Benjamin Olmstead, Cecil Albert 20 Oct 1910 - 3 Sep 1998 Olmstead, Edith Ellen 1887 - 1943 Olmstead, Evelyn Jessie (nee Elder) 23 Sep 1928 - 26 Nov 2012 dau of Andrew & Jessie Olmstead, Jason Eugene 1882 - 1959 hus of Bessie Olmstead, John E. 26 Nov 1916 - 8 Apr 1971 Olmstead, John E. (2nd photo) Olmstead, Neva Alice 23 May 1911 - 2 Oct 2000 Olmstead, William Albert 1880 - 1963 Olmstead, William David 28 Jun 1919 - 14 Sep 2008 Olson, Audrey Lillian (nee Magee) 9 Mar 1942 - 15 Feb 2013 dau of Ira & Eva Olson, (baby) died 1921 Olson, Christian A. 19 Aug 1864 - 31 Dec 1952 son of Jens & Sophia Olson, Harold 1921 - 2004 Olson, Harry 1895 - 1979 Olson, Hilda (nee Rasmussen) 8 Apr 1859 - 12 Oct 1953 wife of Christian Olson, Jens 1837 - 1921 Olson, Peter 1878 - 1979 Olson, Sophia 1839 - 1921 Olson, Sylvia Glenoria 23 Feb 1961 - 29 Dec 1990 Olson, Sylvia Glenoria (2nd photo) Olson, Synneve 1909 - 2001 Olson, Terrance 26 Jul 1961 - 25 Oct 1961 Osvirk, Edward 1916 - 1917 Osvirk, Jean 1918 - 1918 Osvirk, Molly 1894 - 1926 Osvirk, Wilfred Oscar 1916 - 1917 Otto, Donald 1925 - 1929 Otto, Herman 1867 - 1922 Otto, Myrtle 1919 - 1934 Otto, Myrtle 1919 - 1922 Otto, Orville 27 Aug 1922 - 27 Aug 1922 Palmer, (baby) Palmer, Charles 1912 - 1920 Palmer, Dora V. P. 1921 - 1984 Palmer, Elmer T. 1879 - 1953 Palmer, Inez died 1917 Palmer, James M. 1915 - 1982 Palmer, Maud Palmer, May Rose 1887 - 1959 Palmer, (unknown) 1945 - 1945 Pederson, (baby) 1917 - 1917 Pederson, Lloyd George Pederson, Olivia (nee Fjeld) 1938 - 2011 dau of Oscar & Anna Peshek, Joseph 1892 - 1918 Peterson, Alfred 1900 - 11 Apr 1910 son of Peter & Johanna Peterson, Howard L. 5 Nov 1918 age 22 son of Peter & Johanna Peterson, Peter Ludwig 1865 - 1929 hus of Johanna (d. Feb 1913 age 39) Peterson, Peter M. 1911 - 1997 Piggot, Alexander K. 1890 - 1956 Piggot, Amy M. 1897 - 1920 Porteous, Robert 1861 - 1942 Quillin, (baby) died 1925 child of Nathan & Carrie Quillin, Carrie 1888 - 1925 Quillin, Nathan 1881 - 1958 Reamer, Myrtle C. 1894 - 1985 Reamer, Raymond N. 1890 - 1964 Reid, Carl died 1917 Reid, John 1920 - 1921 Risvold, John 1890 - 1929 Roaen, Olaf died 1933 Robertson, Frank 1873 - 1951 Robertson, Ingvald Myran 1908 - 1954 Robertson, Marie 1877 - 1966 Robertson, Olive M. died 13 May 1955 Robertson, Ruby 1912 - 2000 Rodewoldt, Gladys 1919 - 2005 Rodewoldt, Walter 1915 - 2007 Rogstad, Mrs. L. P. 1862 - 1914 Rosdal, Trygve Jan 1923 - Feb 1923 Ross, James Leith 1871 - 1947 Rush, Dennis 1934 - 1985 Rush, Jerry 1937 - 1986 Rush, John Wesley 1886 - 1952 Rush, Stanley 1948 - 1987 Rye, Henry Orlan died 1929 Sandor, George 1903 - 1986 Sandor, George Ross 1955 - 1974 son of George Sandor, Helen I. 1913 - 1996 Sandor, Margaret Elaine 1951 - 1952 dau of Helen Sankey, Edward 1862 - 1948 Sankey, Margaret 1866 - 1959 Scheurmann, Lilly 1914 - 1917 Schroeder, Alice 1906 - 1927 Seifert, Muriel M. (nee Olson) 5 Jan 1933 - 25 Feb 2007 wife of Charles, dau of Harry & Sylvia Sheldon, Ida May 31 Jul 1865 - 12 Jun 1935 Sheldon, Lawrence 1889 - 1977 Sheldon, Reuben A. 8 Dec 1868 - 25 Jun 1943 Simons, (baby) 1918 - 1918 Skauge, Mildred A. (nee Brunas) 10 Jun 1926 - 6 Jun 2015 dau of Lauritz & Borghild Skauge, Oscar William 1924 - 29 Apr 2008 son of Andrew & Marion Skauge, Scott Oscar died 18 May 1974 Skauge, Scott Oscar (2nd photo) Sheldon, Reuben 8 Dec 1863 - Jun 1948 Sheldon, (unknown) died Jun 19?? Smiley, Archie Lloyd 31 Dec 1917 - 26 Oct 2011 son of Joseph & Hattie Smiley, Hattie B. (nee Cameron) 23 Jul 1878 - 8 Apr 1969 Smiley, Joseph A. 22 May 1884 - 29 Aug 1966 Smiley, Lavone L. (nee Beyers) 1924 - 2006 Smith, Thomas 1887 - 1956 Stanley, Arnold 15 Sep 1927 - 28 Sep 1928 Stengren, Mildred 1921 - 1921 Storfied, Elma died 1929 Stovka, Betty 1951 - 1952 dau of Mollie Stovka, Mollie 1916 - 1994 Stryker, Mary 1910 - 1917 Stryker, William 1864 - 1923 Sunde, Beret died 29 May 1954 Sunde, Ludvig B. 1897 - 1962 Sunde, Peter died 17 Feb 1949 Sveund, Emma Caroline (nee Olson) 9 Jul 1887 - 15 Mar 1983 dau of Christian & Hilda Sveund, Freda W. 1898 - 1917 Svuend, Hazel A. 1910 - 2000 dau of Peter & Emma Sveund, Peter Anton 18 May 1885 - 13 Jan 1952 Swailes, Alice Irene (nee Tolpi) 1924 - 1986 dau of Eli & Hanna Swan, Hilda Amelia (nee Olson) Winstanley 1909 - 2008 Swanson, Eric 7 Oct 1918 - 26 Nov 1995 Swanson,Freda W. 1898 - 1917 Swanson, Johanna M. 1896 - 1939 Swanson, Sigurd 1889 - 1953 Swift, Cecil Willis 1915 - 1954 son of Thomas & Luella Swift, Donald Willis 1945 - 1965 son of Cecil & Mildred Swift, Gerald James 1946 - 1966 son of Cecil & Mildred Swift, Leroy James 1909 - 1986 son of Thomas & Luella Swift, Luella K. 1878 - 1956 Swift, Queenie Elizabeth 1916 - 1995 wife of Leroy Swihart, (baby) died 1938 Swihart, Emerson 1871 - 1939 Swihart, Emerson 30 Sep 1939 age 68 Swihart, Frances died 1918 Swihart, Marjorie died 1918 Swihart, Melvin 1910 - 1927 Swihart, Mildred 1873 - 1961 Syverson, Edwin A. 1911 - 1990 Syverson, Eva Josephine 1886 - 1933 Syverson, Ole A. 13 Sep ???? - 16 Feb 1957 Taylor, Thomas P. died 1916 Teigen, Olaf Bardo 1888 - 1946 Teigen, Olaf Bardo (2nd photo) Teigen, Olina Martina 1893 - 1929 Teigen, Olina Martina (2nd photo) Thompson, Amy 1873 - 1945 Thompson, (baby boy) Thompson, Donald Currie 2 Jul 1926 - 5 Feb 2002 Thompson, Duncan 1875 - 1935 Thompson, Jens K. 17 Jan 1861 - 10 May 1936 Thompson, Johanna 5 Aug 1862 - 23 Sep 1942 Thompson, Magna 1912 - 1914 Thompson, Mary 'Kay' 14 Aug 1927 - 10 Jul 2000 Thormoseth, Henry 1902 - 1987 Thorson, Grace Rush 29 Feb 1908 - 26 Feb 2006 Tillier, Caroline 1888 - 1971 Tillier, Hans C. 1882 - 1956 Tillier, Marion Wallace 1926 - 20 Jul 2009 wife of Olaf Tillier, Olaf Henry 1912 - 1980 son of Hans & Caroline Tolpi, Alice (nee Swales) 1924 - 1986 Tolpi, Eli 2 Jun 1879 - 3 Nov 1956 Topli, Hanna Ida (nee Hannu) 1884 - 1 Dec 1929 Tolpi, Werner (Carsen) 1913 - 1982 son of Eli & Hanna unknown 1 unknown 2 unknown 3 Van Dussen, John 1878 - 1960 Vestol, Bertha K. 4 Jul 1872 - 4 Aug 1952 Vestol, Knut K. 1876 - 1970 Vogel, (baby) died 1939 Vold, Hilda Pauline 1881 - 1964 Vold, John 1882 - 1934 Von Hagen, Herbert D. 1904 - 1967 Von Hagen, Julius 1861 - 1927 Von Hagen, Minnie 1864 - 1924 Von Hagen, Oscar 1888 - 1919 Warberg, Bernard died 1993 hus of Helen Warberg, Helen Caroline (nee Brown) 16 Sep 1927 - 9 Jun 2002 dau of William & Delia Wardberg, Asmund Ole 18 Mar 1906 - 19 Mar 1962 Wardberg, Esther Alfreda 14 Feb 1912 - 31 Aug 1984 Wasset, Sigvaart 1888 - 1918 Watson, (baby boy) died 1931 Watson, (baby boy) 1937 - 1937 Watson, Olive 1932 - 1932 Watson, Thomas 1886 - 1940 Watson, Vestel Rebecca 1904 - 1937 Weatherson, Evelyn Pearl (nee Sveund) 22 Dec 1924 - 5 Mar 2017 dau of Peter & Emma Weatherson, William 'Bill' 1986 age 58 hus of Evelyn Weber, Jacob G. 1886 - 1953 Weber, Millicent 1881 - 1967 Wells, Ellen Adelaide 1882 - 1967 Wells, Neil R. died 1930 Wells, Thomas O. died 1983 Wenaas, (babv) died 1932 Wenaas, (baby) died 1937 Wenaas, Betty 1896 - 1956 Wenaas, Claus 1900 - 1955 Wenaas, Esther G. 10 Nov 1910 - 21 Oct 1986 Wenaas, George 21 Dec 1894 - 28 Jan 1985 Wenaas, Gertie (nee Thormoseth) 1899 - 1981 wife of Ole Wenaas, Oscar 1938 - 1988 Wenaas, Ole 1893 - 1972 Westad, Mabel 1913 - 1914 Westvig, Gertrude 1866 - 192? Westvig, Hans 1879 - 1922 Westvig, Harry 1911 - 1980 Will, Amanda Margaret (nee Shaffer) 1860 - 1943 Will, Irvin Henry 1858 - 1941 Wold, Elsie A. 1906 - 2000 Wold, Joachim P. 1882 - 1971 Woods, Joseph P. died 29 Jan 1932 Zacharison, Herman 1871 - 1923 Ziegler, Fern 1918 - 2005 Ziegler, George A. 1914 - 1976 Ziegler, Ira M. died 31 Oct 1938 Ziegler, Nellie A. died 19 Nov 1929 Ziegler, Pira A. died 31 Oct 1938 Zilkie, Adolph W. 1882 - 1948 Zilkie, Elsie 1893 - 1971 Zilkie, Emil 1889 - 1979 Zilkie, Emma 10 Dec 1890 - 31 Jul 1929 wife of Adolph Zilkie, Leila 8 Nov 1916 - 3 Jul 1918
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