Ridgely Cemetery
Frontier district
R.M. of White Valley # 49   SE 25-4-20 W3
GPS   49.320260°N   108.562851°W
First burial in 1913, 127 burials by 1998

Compiled by Dianne Nerada
(Click on coloured names to view the gravestone photo)

ANDERSON, Iver M.  1889 - 1970
ANDERSON, John  1878 - 1927
ANDERSON, Michael John Sigurd  Apr 27, 1963 - Aug 6, 2006
ARNESON, (baby girl)  died 1936
ARNESON, Marie  1878 - 1936
ARNESON, Olga  1914

BACHE, (unknown female)  died 1936
BJORSTAD, Abraham  1884 - 1960
BOLTE, William  1886 - 1967
BROWN, Bant O.  1863 - 1963
BROWN, Petra  1869 - 1940

CARLSON, C. Oscar  1884 - 1971
CARLSON, Carl Vern  Feb 16, 1922 - Feb 14, 2011 son of Oscar & Nathalia
CARLSON, Ferdinand C.  Aug 6, 1913 age 4 mos, son of Oscar & Nathalia
CARLSON, Leroy 'Roy' Stewart  Feb 1, 1926 - Jan 29, 2001 son of Oscar & Nathalia
CARLSON, Nathalia  1888 - 1941
CHAMBERS, Bell  1890 - 1926
CHAMBERS, George  1920 - 1925
CHAMBERS, Guy  1921 - 1921
CHAMBERS, John  1891 - 1926
CHAMBERS, Ruby  1919 - 1926

DANIELS, (unknown)  
DRENGSON, Andrew  1860 - 1931
DRENGSTON, (baby)  died Mar 26 1932

EDE, Alice (nee Evenson)  1908 - 1997 dau of Edgar & Serine
EIDE, Augustin  1889 - 1923
ENNIS Donna  
EGGEN, John  died 1913
EVENSON, Allan DuVan  1926 - Jul 28, 2002
EVENSON, (baby)  1945
EVENSON, Blake V.  1964 - 1984
EVENSON, Christina (nee Mitchell)  Jul 6, 1920 - Jan 22, 2003 dau of David & Isabella
EVENSON, Clifford George  Oct 30, 1938 - Jun 17, 2015 hus of Marilyn Stevenson, son of Silas & Gertrude
EVENSON, Edgar  1874 - 1947
EVENSON, Elinor L. 'Chris' (nee Christoffersen)  Feb 26, 1925 - Jan 18, 2012 dau of Peder & Sophie
EVENSON, Ella C.  1889 - 1953
EVENSON, Elmer  Sep 30, 1911 - May 9, 2008 hus of Nora, son of Edgar & Serine
EVENSON, Eveline M. 'Evy'  1918 - 
EVENSON, Gertrude 'Gertie'  1918 - Dec 7, 1999
EVENSON, Lamar  1917 - 1920
EVENSON, Michael  1966 - Nov 8, 1975 son of Clifford & Marilyn (nee Stevenson)
EVENSON, Murial A.  1913
EVENSON, Nora C. (nee Larson)  1924 - 
EVENSON, Norman  Apr 7, 1917 - Jan 31, 2017 hus of Christina, son of Edgar & Serine
EVENSON, Serine  1882 - 1976
EVENSON, Silas  1914 - Feb 11, 1999 son of Edgar & Serine
EVENSON, Suzanne J.  1951 - 1990
EVENSON, Trent  1962 - 1975 son of Rodney & Wanda
EVENSON, Walter R.  1924 - 1975
EVENSON, Woodrow W. 'Woody'  1919 - 1996

FOSSUM, Eileen Gladys (nee Knight)  Feb 16, 1954 - May 9, 2017 wife of Warren, dau of Donald & Gladys
FOSSUM, Emil Oscar  1875 - 1927
FOSSUM, Evelyn (nee Braaten)  Apr 27, 1932 -
FOSSUM, Richard Jay  Nov 18, 1926 -  Nov 18, 1996 hus of Evelyn

GODDU, Dustin Dion Ivor  Nov 24, 1981 - May 28, 2012 son of Loren & Alda
GORDON John  died Aug 28, 1925
GORDON, Earl C.  1912 - 1978
GORDON, Edna  1898 - 1958
GORDON, Eleanor M  1914 - 1998
GORDON, Elmer  1902 - 1959
GORDON, Margaret  1868 - 1957
GORDON, Thomas  1866 - 1941
GRAHAM, Iladella (nee Olson)  1939 - 1993

HALDERMAN, Anne Nugent  Aug 15, 1910 - Jan 3, 2004 
HALDERMAN, Dayton B.  1872 - 1939
HALDERMAN, Douglas C.  1922 - 1991
HALDERMAN, Frank Ronald  Apr 9, 1904 - Sep 22, 1979
HALDERMAN, George O.  1914 - 1935
HALDERMAN, Glenn R.  Jun 15, 1926 - 
HALDERMAN, Hala F.  Oct 15, 1921 - Feb 6, 2005 wife of Glenn
HALDERMAN, Herbert Ardis  1906 - 1927
HALDERMAN, Mary B.  1884 - 1962
HALDERMAN, Mary Louise A. (nee Weighill)  1932 - 2004
HANSON, Marie (nee Giverhaug)  1902 - 1929
HANSON, Marit  Jan 13, 1902 -  Dec 6, 1929
HARLICK, Carl R.  1928 - 1976
HARLICK, Katherine  1895 - 1984
HARLICK, Oscar J.  1922 - 1928
HARLICK, Paul  1886 - 1967
HARLICK, Paul E.  1919 - 1993
HAVERVOLD, Cliff  Aug 11, 1930 - Jul 17, 2015 son of Paul & Veronica
HAVERVOLD, Paul V. I.  1894 - 1981
HAVERVOLD, Veronica E.  1904 - 1970
HOGBERG, Adolph  died 1941
HOGBERG, Agnes Elonor Juliet  Jul 7, 1917 age 4 yrs 5 mos 7 days
HOGBERG, Julia  1885 - 1945
HOUGEN, Hans  1880 - 1949 
HUSEBY, Amelia  1864 - 1919
HUSEBY, Andrew  1864 - 1942
HUSEBY, Arthur Norman  1904 - 1934
HUSEBY, Henry Eugene  1902 - 1951
HUSEBY, Myrtle (Evenson) 1906 - 1995 

KENDRICK, Irene  died Aug 21, 1913 dau of I. E.
KERR, Irene Julia May  Jun 13, 1928 - Sep 10, 1928
KORSBERG, Anton  1887 - 1972
KORSBERG, Inga Advia  1914 - 1915
KORSBERG, John  1892 - 1922
KORSBERG, Mable Aluida  1918 - 1920
KORSBERG, Mathea  1884 - 1972

LARSON, Frank  died Jun 23, 1933
LARSON, Gunhild  1898 - 1975
LARSON, Ivar  1889 - 1978
LARSON, Konrad  1913 - 1981
LARSON, Lawrence O.  May 15, 1922 - Jan 23, 1945
LARSON, Robert  1947 - 1948
LARSON, Syver  Nov 27, 1891 - Nov 15, 1950
LIEN, John
LIEN, John  1894 - 1987
LIEN, Mari  Jul 27, 1844 - Mar 8, 1916
LIEN, Paul  1888 - 1975
LIEN, Ruth  1910 - 1996

MAKI, (baby boy)  Oct 11, 1932 – Oct 12, 1932
MORTENSON, Hans  died 1945
MORTENSON, Mrs. Hans  died 1922
NELSON, Carolina (nee Sundet)  Dec 12, 1928 - Mar 13, 2017 dau of Ole & Lilly
NELSON, E. W. Ernest  Aug 15, 1924 - Jul 6, 2010 hus of Lillian, son of William & Veronica
NELSON, Mabel  1933 - 1986
NELSON, Lillian E. (nee Bolte)  Mar 29, 1927 -
NELSON, Thomas 'Bud'  Apr 9, 1923 - Mar 16, 2008 hus of Carolina, son of William & Veronica
NESLAND, Barbara Elaine (nee Nelson)  Jan 4, 1954 - Sep 12, 2012 wife of Warren, dau of Thomas & Carolina
NIELSON, Robert J.  1953 - 1979
NORTON, Ellen  1871 - 1956
NORTON, Thomas  1874 - 1966
NORTON, Thomas E.  1905 - 1935 son of Thomas & Ellen
NORTON, (young girl)

OLSON, Anna  1885 - 1966
OLSON, Arthur  1903 - 1976
OLSON, John O.  1879 - 1961
OLSON, Lester G.  1929 - 1965
OLSON, Violet

PATRIARCHE, Mamie Julia (nee Evenson)  Nov 11, 1903 - Jul 15, 1999 wife of Jack 
PEACOCK, Florence Beatrice (nee Long)  Nov 5, 1887 - Aug 16, 1917 wife of George 
PEACOCK, Charles Malcolm  Jan 5, 1927 - Jul 16, 2006 son of Jack & Mary
PEACOCK, Doris Merle (nee Gordon)  Apr 29, 1927 - Sep 9, 2015 wife of Bill, dau of David & Mabel
PEACOCK, George A.  1882 - 1946
PEACOCK, Jack  1883 - Apr 21, 1980
PEACOCK, James Gordon  1925 - 1929 son of Jack & Mary
PEACOCK, Jarvis  1930 - Jun 20, 1986 son of Jack & Mary
PEACOCK, Margaret  1928 - 2011
PEACOCK, Mary  1894 - Dec 3, 1968
PEACOCK, Ross  1934 - Apr 1, 1983 son of Jack & Mary
PEACOCK, Ruth Elizabeth  1883 - 1973
PEDERSON, Louis  1880 - 1964

SKOGSTAD, Arnold A.  1876 - 1964
SKOGSTAD, Sigvat  1887 - 1955
SOLEM, Nellie  Jul 10, 1921 age 2 yrs
STORLER, John  1884 - 1939
SUNDET, (baby)  died Jun 8, 1953  
SUNDET, Eva  died Apr 12, 1938
SUNDET, John Lewis  1930 - 1984
SUNDET, Lewis F. (twin)  died Jul 24, 1933
SUNDET, Lillie  1900 - 1967
SUNDET, Martha M. (twin)  died Jul 24, 1933
SUNDET, Ole  1888 - 1968
SUNDET, Willard Leroy  1934 - 1985
SUNDEY, Carl Leonard  1885 - 1973

THORARINSON, Gertrude Evelyn  1920 - 1922
THORARINSON, Svienn J.  1883 - 1959
THORARINSON, Thorard S.  1882 - 1941
THORARINSON, Thorbjorg S.  1890 -  1977
THORARINSON, Thuridur Gertrude  1917 - 1918

VOLD, Arnt  1887 - 1980

WALKER, Herbert  1881 - 1965
WILLS, Ethel  1885 - 1980
WILLS, William  1880 - 1966
WOLD, Alfred  1885 - 1962
WOLD, Annie  1894 - 1924
WOLD, Helga E. (nee Friedlieb)  1937 - 
WOLD, John P.  Oct 3, 1849 - Nov 13, 1931  
WOLD, William A.  Dec 9, 1924 - Apr 21, 2012 hus of Helga, son of Alfred & Annie

21 other unidentified gravesites

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