Holy Rosary Roman Catholic Cemetery
Reward district
R.M. of Grass Lake # 381   NE 16-38-24 W3
GPS   52.268206°N   109.360783°W
First burial in 1912, 108 burials by 1981

Birn, Alphonse  1894 - 1972 
Birn, Katherine  1898 - 1940 
Birn, Mary  1882 - 1884  
Birn, Mike  1921 - 2002
Birn, Nickolaus  1880 - 1951  
Boser, Adeline (nee Obrigewitsch)  12 Aug 1897 - 27 Jul 1986 dau of Joseph
Boser, Agatha  17 Nov 1931 - 16 Dec 1932
Boser, Alphonse  26 Aug 1880 - 31 Mar 1931 
Boser, Anna   1898 - 1981 wife of Joseph    
Boser, Annamarie  29 Jan 1888 - 18 Jul 1915 
Boser, Anton  1883 - 1964 
Boser, Caroline  1886 - 1972     
Boser, Delores M.  1939 - 1957      
Boser, Donatus  1 Aug 1913 -  7 Aug 1913
Boser, Joe  1908 - 1928  
Boser, John  1897 - 1986
Boser, Joseph  1894 - 198?     
Boser, Mariana M.  1893 - 1968       
Boser, Matilda  1934 - 1985
Boser, Naomi  24 Jul 1972 - 25 Jul 1972    
Boser, Paul  Dec 1852 - 22 Aug 1934 
Boser, Peter  29 Jan 1886 - 8 Mar 1943 hus of Adeline
Boser, Theodore A.  20 Aug 1959 - 8 Dec 1983
Bretzer, Barbara (nee Wander)  5 Jan 1937 wife of Michael
Bretzer, Michael  2 Jun 1942

Cook, Bernard  1917  

Feist, Wendelin  5 Sep 1879 - 29 Apr 1959    
Ganter, Tony  29 Aug 1933 - 23 Oct 1997 
Ganzer, Elisabeth  1927   
Ganzer, Ludwig  1923
Greenwald, Margaret  1878 - 1954
Greenwald, Wendlin  1871 - 1941   
Greter, Clara M.  1902 - 1996 wife of Jacob
Greter, Jackie  28 Nov 1926 - 31 Aug 1928   
Greter, Jacob A.  1896 - 1979   
Hartman, Barbara  30 Mar 1890 - 29 May 1940
Hartman, Joseph  1890 - 1945
Hauk, Catherine  1919 - 1919
Hauk, Clemence  1920 - 1920 
Hauk, Joseph  1924 - 1927
Hauk, Joseph N.  14 Mar 1928 - 20 Jun 2000 son of John & Helen
Hauk, Helen  1890 - 1932 wife of John
Hauk, Peter  1923 - 1927
Herbst, Clara  1894 - 1959 wife of Joseph
Herbst, Joseph  1883 - 1932
Herbst, Marie  1915 -1983 dau of Joseph & Clara
Herbst, Monika  31 Mar 1888 - 8 Nov 1969      
Hobelsberger, Albina  15 Aug 1928 - 12 Sep 1991 wife of Joe
Hobelsberger, Joe  15 Apr 1928 - 12 Apr 2002   
Hobelsberger, Mary  1887 - 1977
Hobelsberger, Pauline  1923 - 1923
Hobelsberger, William  1875 - 1947
Houk, Wilma  1923 - 1923  

Keller, Franciska  4 Dec 1872 - 18 Jan 1944
Kist, John  22 Dec 1921 - 24 Jan 1922 son of Michael & Marion (nee Bretzer)
Kist, Leo  19 Apr 1920 - 25 Mar 1921 son of Michael & Marion
Kletzel, Brigetta  1921 - 1939
Klotz, Joseph  1903 - 1969   
Klotz, Magdalena  1911 - 1921 
Koenig, (twins)  31 Jul 1955
Koenig, Clara  22 Apr 1894 - 1 Oct 1947
Koenig, Elizabeth  1886 - 1945
Koenig, George  1883 - 1901
Koenig, Joseph Peter  3 Oct 1886 - 19 Jul 1971
Koenig, Josephine  Dec 1921 - 19 Mar 1925      
Koenig, Peter  18?? - 1919 
Kopp, Joseph  
Kopp, Reginald  6 Nov 1965 son of Edward & Regina 
Kratchmer, Katherine  1879 - 1962        
Kratchmer, Marie Genevieve  25 May 1925 - 26 Jun 1997 
Kratchmer, Mary  1903 - 1962
Kratchmer, Peter Adam  8 Aug 1917 - 26 Nov 2001
Kratchmer, Peter  8 Nov 1871 - 15 Jul 1934

Meier, Jacob Frederick  20 May 1924 - 26 Sep 1924
Meier, Katharina (nee Brundler)  1890 - 1918
Miller, George  1897 - 1932   

Neigum, Catherine  23 Mar 1923 - 1 Mar 1924
Neigum, Hilda  12 Jul 1927 - 14 Nov 1936
Neigum, Joseph  1850 - 1931
Neigum, Johanne  17 Oct 1929 - 1 Nov 1929
Neigum, Kunigunda  1856 - 1942
Nelson, Rosemarie  18 Jun 1918 - 27 Jul 1993    

Schafer, Bertha  1924 - 1950 
Scheck, Anton  1927 - 1988
Scheck, Blaise  1929 - 1981  
Scheck, Maria  1898 - 1976
Schell, George Roy  1876 - 1956 
Scheck, John  1894 - 1971         
Scheck, Mike  1921 - 2002 
Schell, Barbara  6 May 1960         
Schell, Helen  17 Sep 1918 - 1 Sep 1919
Schell, John  7 Nov 1913 - 1 Nov 1928
Schell, Joseph  15 Feb 1962
Schell, Marian  12 Sep 1911 - 7 Nov 1912
Schell, N.  1939     
Schrader, Appolonia  1911 - 1912 
Schrader, Dorothea (nee Schnurr)  1896 - 1918 wife of Joseph 
Schrader, Elisabeth  1888 - 1912
Schrader, Franciska  12 Feb 1862 - 3 Mar 1937 wife of Michael
Schrader, Michael  11 Feb 1855 - 26 Jun 1921
Schrader, Wendlin  1918 - 1918 son of Joseph & Dorothea 
Schmidt, Joseph  1877 - 1935   
Schmidt, Mary  1877 - 1935
Schmidt, Ray  1944        
Sperle, Barbara  1864 - 1936 
Sperle, Helen  5 Nov 1931 - 6 Aug 1997 
Sperle, Valentine  1862 - 1930  
Sperling, Anthony  1913 - 2001   
Sperling, Eva  1918 - 2002  
Stabbler, Christina M.  1920 -     
Stabbler, Frank  10 Dec 1913 - 16 Aug 1914   
Stabbler, George P.  1919 - 1997 hus of Christina
Stabbler, J.  1849 - 1926
Stabbler, Julia  14 Dec 1913 wife of Sebastian     
Stabbler, Magdalena  1882 - 1936 
Stabbler, Pauline  1860 - 1930
Stabbler, Tillie  1926 - 1961     
Stabbler, William  1914 - 1936
Stabbler, Yocham  1878 - 1941
Stolb, (unknown)
Stolb, Margaretha  2 Nov 1857 - 2 Nov 1939 

Tirk, Lawrence P.  1908 - 1962
Tirk, Margaret  1909 - 1950 wife of Lawrence     
Vetter, (baby girl)  9 Sep 1961 
Vetter, Adam C.  1897 - 1961    
Vetter, Jack  1911 - 1935 
Vetter, Joe  5 Apr 1987 son of Lena
Vetter, Lena  5 Mar 1987
Vetter, Margaret  1872 - 1932 

Wagner, Katherine  1855 - 1931
Wagner, Mathias  1852 - 1929
Wagner, Rosina  1877 - 1927
Wildeman, Christina  1887 - 1955
Wildeman, Ferdinand  1890 - 1954
Wildeman, Floyd John  1943 - 1944
Wildeman, George  1873 - 1925
Wildeman, Rosina  20 Dec 1886 - 2 Aug 1934 

Yeast, Freddy
Yest, George  5 Jun 1860 - 21 Mar 1917

Zunti, Anna  1890 - 1956
Zunti, Casper  1887 - 1980
Zunti, Marianna  1918 - 1982   
Zunti, Mary  1892 - 1928 
Zunti, Stephen  30 Apr 1926 - 2 May 1926

7 other unknown gravesites      

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