St. Charles Roman Catholic Cemetery
R.M. of Tramping Lake # 380   NW 35-37-21 W3
GPS   52.230397°N   108.903691°W
First burial in 1912, 170 burials by 1995

Adam, Andrew  Mar 13, 1877 - Nov 14, 1943
Adam, Elizabeth  1914 - 1922
Adam, Kasper  1904 - 1924
Adam, Katharina  1924
Adam, Katherina  1878 - 1927

Brandle, John  1893 - 1939

Dreser, Mary  1935 - 1935

Eichenlaub, John  May 5, 1975 - Apr 28, 1926
Eichenlaub, Regina  Aug 15, 1876 - May 7, 1963
Elder, Albert  Sep 1, 1950 - Sep 1, 1950 son of Frank & Barbara
Elder, Elizabeth  Aug 15, 1891 - Jun 15, 1945
Elder, Irene  Sep 1, 1950 - Sep 1, 1950 dau of Frank & Barbara
Elder, Josephine  Sep 19, 1910 - Apr 3, 1956
Elder, Richard C.  Mar 16, 1958 - Sep 25, 1960

Fridgen, Joey  Aug 23, 1923 - Feb 9, 1925

Ganie, Georgina  1938 - 1939
Ganie, Joseph  	1935
Glatt, Adam  Sep 20, 1874 - Jun 15, 1958 son of Lorenz & Carolina
Glatt, Anna 
Glatt, Franciska (nee Deibert)  Aug 6, 1881 - May 7, 1963 dau of George & Beatrice
Glatt, George  1922 - 1995
Glatt, Mary  1924 - 
Gerein, Jacob  1884 - 1933
Gerein, John  1897 - 1952 hus of Frances Reis
Gerein, Michael  1894 - 1950
Gonie, Doradea  Jun 21, 1876 - May 14, 1947
Gonie, Peter  Mar 22, 1869 - Mar 31, 1945

Haaf, Cecilia  Apr 24, 1912 - Apr 12, 1944
Hagar, Gabriel  1866 - 1934
Hagar, Jacob  1910 - 1922
Hagar, Magdalena  1862 - 1926
Heitt, Annie  1894 - 1947
Heitt, Karl  1883 - 1966
Heitt, Margaret  1889 - 1932
Herle, E. 
Herle, Frank 
Herle, James 
Herle, Jordan  1883 - 1962
Herle, Theresa  1886 - 1953

Keller, John  1880 - 1922
Keller, Joseph  Mar 9, 1913
Kist, Michael  1883 - 1945
Konodratowicz, W. L.  1882 - 1942
Kraft, Elizabeth  Dec 1, 1875 - Jul 21, 1942
Kraft, Lena  Jul 10, 1930 - Apr 23, 1940
Kraft, Philip  Jul 7, 1873 - Aug 20, 1942
Kraft, Philip Jr.  Aug 7, 1903 - Jul 9, 1945
Kupser, John  1890 - 
Kupser, Joseph  Jul 1899 - Jan 1, 1919 son of Kasimir & Theresa (nee Roth) 

Lauinger, Elizabeth  Oct 25, 1926 - Jan 26, 1927 dau of John & Elizabeth
Lauinger, John  Jun 10, 1886 - Aug 20, 1948 son of Anton & Magdalena

Meier, Frank  died 1933	
Mitzel, Andrew  1918 - 1940 son of Andreas & Karoline (nee Gerein)
Mitzel, Claudia  Oct 18, 1942 - Mar 24, 1943
Mitzel, Jerome  Sep 30, 1945 - Jan 4, 1994
Mitzel, Joseph Sr.  Aug 15, 1879 - Aug 10, 1958 son of Sebastian & Marie (nee Schnell)
Mitzel, Magdalina (nee Heidt)  Jun 6, 1879 - 1965 wife of Joseph Sr.
Mitzel, Barbara (nee Schwab)  Aug 22, 1917 - Sep 18, 1990 dau of Ignatz & Barbara

Oxman, Elizabeth  1885 - 1923
Oxman, Tina  Aug 21, 1907 - 1926

Reis, Barbara  1911 - Aug 26, 1920
Reis, John  1912 - Jun 14, 1920	
Risling, Donald  Feb 1946 - Mar 1949
Risling, Elizabeth  1878 - 1960	
Risling, Emily  1934 - 1940
Risling, Rochus  1878 - 1948

Sander, Emmanual  Jul 3, 1929 - Jul 16, 1929 son of George Sr. & Theresa
Sander, George Sr.  Jul 11, 1883 - Jan 12, 1958 son of Anton & Rosaline (nee Schatz)
Sander, Margaret  1924 - 1927 dau of Philip & Eleanora
Sander, Philip  Nov 6, 1897 - Jul 23, 1934 son of Anthony & Margaret
Sander, Regina  1894 - 1955
Sander, Rose Marie  1934 - 1935 dau of Philip & Eleanora
Sander, Theresa (nee Laturnus)  Feb 26, 1888 - Oct 9, 1978 wife of George Sr.
Schell, Andrew  1866 - 1932
Schell, Katherina  1871 - 1924
Scherr, Andrew  1884 - 1942
Scherr, Frank  Nov 25, 1855 - Apr 13, 1931
Scherr, Mariana  Dec 24, 1856 - Oct 30, 1937
Scherr, Norman  1942 - 1953
Scherr, Thomas  Sep 8, 1889 - Jul 12, 1951
Schiele, Dorothy
Schiele, John  1873 - 1952
Schiele, Anna Marie Keller  Sep 14, 1868 - May 6, 1955 wife of Ignatz
Schiele, Ignatz  Apr 12, 1863 - Jan 29, 1944 son of Franz & Monica
Schmidt, Barbara  Mar 10, 1923 - Feb 4, 1942 dau of Nikolaus
Schmidt, Bernard  1894 - 1964 hus of Magdalena
Schmidt, Louise  1958 - 1958
Schmidt, Magdalena (nee Weber)  1895 - 1964 dau of Martin & Agatha	
Schmidt, Nikolaus  May 15, 1876 - Feb 16, 1929
Schmidt, Philip  1917 - 1960
Schneider, Joseph  1876 - 1974
Schneider, Lambert  1898 - 1922	
Schneider, Magdalena  1876 - 1958
Schwab, Andrew  1907 - 1975 son of Ignatz & Barbara
Schwab, Barbara (nee Grad)  1879 - 1970 wife of Ignatz		
Schwab, Frieda M. (nee Benz)  1920 - 1994, 2nd wife of Andrew
Schwab, Ignatz  Sep 30, 1876 - 1935 son of Joseph & Elisabeth (nee Eberle)
Schwab, Joseph Karl  1943 - 1944
Schwab, Magdelina (nee Huber)  May 8, 1900 - Nov 19, 1965
Schwab, Mary  1910 - 1954
Silzerberg, Peter  Dec 25, 1881 - Oct 8, 1926

Trautman, Magdalena  1882 - 1918

(unknown),  Katherina  1944		
Uzelman, Anton  1880 - 1949
Uzelman, Helen  1909 - 1961
Uzelman, Johanna  1889 - 1928
Uzelman, John Anthony  1904 - 1979
Uzelman, Joseph  1882 - 1944
Uzelman, Magdalena Uzelman  1882 - 1956

Veller, Blaine 
Veller, Edith Elaine  Sep 17, 1945 - Nov 12, 1945 dau of Balzer & Eva (nee Kessel)
Veller, Linda  1949
Volk, Barbara A.  Jul 8, 1964 - Jul 11, 1964
Volk, Elizabeth  1905 - 1947
Volk, Johannes  1947 - 
Volk, Kathleen M.  Apr 11, 1963
Volk, Selvester  Feb 1, 1912

Walyer, Samual  1874 - 1932
Weber, Agatha (nee Meier)   1874 - 1954 wife of Martin
Weber, Anton J.  1939 - 1941
Weber, Cecilia (nee Hager)  1889 - 1958 wife of Ludwig
Weber, Gertruta (nee Volk)  Nov 15, 1848 - Apr 26, 1921 dau of Benedict & Sibilia
Weber, Joseph  Nov 2, 1879 - Jun 20, 1937 son of Kasemer & Gertruta
Weber, Ludwig  1884 - 1961 son of Kasemer & Gertruta
Weber, Kasemer  Mar 4, 1848 - Nov 28, 1934 son of Ludwig & Christina
Weber, Magdalena (nee Wiest)  Jul 24, 1872 - Jun 14, 1936 wife of Joseph
Weber, Margaret (child)
Weber, Martin  1868 - 1953 son of Kasemer & Gertruta
Weninger, Mariana (nee Mitzel)  1869 - Dec 19, 1951 dau of Sebastian & Marie

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