Raymore Cemetery

R.M. of Mount Hope # 279   NE 24-28-19 W2
GPS   51.41504°N   104.53838°W
First burial in 1911, 536 burials by 2001

Compiled & photographed by Ron Isherwood June 29, 2010 & August 15, 2015
(Click on coloured names to view the gravestone photo)

Alvey, Albert  1883 - 1942
Alvey, Albert  7 Oct 1942
Alvey, Kezia  1891 - 1983
Andal, Kenneth James  28 Mar 1964 - 29 Mar 1964
Armstrong, William J.  1867 - 1940
Arnold, J.  

Back, Albert A.  1889 - 1981
Back, Ida B.  1898 - 1981
Back, James  1867 - 1953
Back, Leonard A.  4 Jul 1924 - 5 Jan 2009
Back, Martha  1876 - 1926
Back, Wilma M.  15 Dec 1934 - 
Baggenstos, Elsa C.  1913 - 1981
Baggenstos, Herman  1913 - 1986 
Baggenstos, Paula  2 Mar 1916 - 15 Jul 2012  
Baggenstos, Richard  1912 - 1975
Baker, Ada  1890 - 1982
Baker, Albert  2 Jun 1924 - 9 Apr 1997
Baker, Albert  9 Apr 1997 age 73
Baker, Dorothy  20 Dec 1927 - 
Baker, John  1894 - 1979
Baker, Wayne A. j.  25 Oct 1949 - 12 Mar 1950
Bauer, Nick  1915 - 1932
Benson, Donald T. J.  1916 - 2000
Benson, Margaret Ada (nee Graham)  8 Nov 1916 - 8 Dec 2012 dau of John & Mildred
Berkan, Hulda  1915 - 1996
Berkan, William  1913 - 1998
Birch, David  1903 - 1990
Birch, Mary  3 Oct 1903 - 19 Dec 1940
Bitz, Anna R. (nee Whipple)  1901 - 1994
Black, (baby)  
Bolt, Melissa  Nov 1971
Bolt, Nelda R.  1916 - 11 Feb 2011
Bolt, William B.  1918 - 1984
Boychuk, Anne  1931 - 
Boychuk, Harold  1933 - 1994
Braun, David Robert William  3 Aug 1979 - 22 Aug 2006 son of Blaine & Patty
Brazier, Amy  1859 - 1932 wife of W. G.
Brodie, John Lamb  1887 - 1921
Brown, John  20 Nov 1926 age around 40
Brown, Norah  1889 - 1922
Brown, Wilfred  7 Oct 1908 - 11 Dec 1947
Bruce, William  Oct 1884 - 12 Apr 1924
Buitenhuis, Allard H.  1893 - 1961
Buitenhuis, Elsie H.  1900 - 1975
Buitenhuis, Gerrit A.  1927 - 1989 son of John & Mary
Buitenhuis, Johannes M.  11 Dec 1894 - 5 Dec 1961
Buitenhuis, John  1896 - 1976
Buitenhuis, John Turner  1921 - 16 Mar 2002 son of John & Mary
Buitenhuis, Olive Rae (nee Hoggard)  7 Aug 1918 - 26 Feb 2012 dau of James & Bertha
Buitenhuis, Ruth L.  1928 - 
Buitenhuis, Vera P.  28 Nov 1905 - 18 Jul 1994 
Bunce, Albert F.  1876 - 1911
Butler, George  1872 - 1949
Butler, Margaret  1870 - 1944

Cameron, Alne A. G..  1911 - 1995
Cameron, Catherine  14 Jun 1954
Cameron, Jessie C.  1915 - 1993
Cantrill, Clarence William  9 Aug 1910 - 2 Nov 2003
Cantrill, Diane  1957 - 
Cantrill, Jean  1921 - 2000
Carter, Anne A.  1927 - 
Carter, Bruce E.  1949 - 1951 son of Jack & Anne
Carter, Fred  1916 - 1982
Carter, George S.  1884 - 1947
Carter, George Samuel  19 Aug 1884 - 28 Nov 1947
Carter, George & Muriel
Carter, Gerald  
Carter, Gladys (nee Paulsen)  1922 - 1 Sep 2009
Carter, Harold  1918 - 1992 
Carter, Herbert E.  1920 - 
Carter, Jack E.  1926 - 1999
Carter, Janet H.  1923 - 1999
Carter, Marlene Velma (nee Stubel)  16 Apr 2017 age 63 wife of James, dau of Julius & Ottillia
Carter, Muriel F.  1925 - 1947
Carter, Muriel Florence  12 Feb 1925 - 20 Dec 1947
Carter, Roger
Christie, George  8 Sep 1925 - 19 Jan 2012 son of William & Isabella
Christie, Ivy (nee Cadman)  28 Aug 1914 - 6 May 2010   
Clements, Ernest A.  1914 - 1973
Clements, Hilda K.  1913 - 1991
Clouch, Seth  8 May 1885 - 14 Mar 1910
Colley, Ernest W.  1902 - 1979
Colley, Herbert  16 Sep 1959 son of Bob & Margaret
Colley, May C.  1905 - 1995
Colley, Robert A.  1937 - 1988
Cooper, Alda May  18 Jul 1913 - 29 Jan 1987
Cooper, Harry  1885 - 1965
Corser, John  24 Nov 1868 - 15 Nov 1923
Corser, John Henry  26 Feb 1903 - 28 Dec 1919
Corston, Ellen  
Cowan, Joseph  1888 - 1987
Cowan, Violet M.  1887 - 1962
Cowling, Arthur  
Craig, Bill  1873 - 1954
Crozier, Bessie  1916 - 1989
Crozier, Harry  1901 - 1972
Crozier, Howard  1932 - 1949
Crozier, John D.  1900 - 1968
Culshaw, Chris  1902 - 1977
Culshaw, Lil  1912 - 1999
Cumberland, Arthur  23 Aug 1956 age 75
Cumberland, Hermine  

Darby, Claude Stanley  27 Jul 1917 age 41 son of Ambrose
Day, Arthur
Day, Carl D.  
Day, J. E. Jack  1914 - 1999
Day, Jesse (nee Marshall)   wife of Arthur
Day, Mary Maxine (nee Schneider)  22 Aug 1936 - 28 Feb 2010 dau of Mathias & Loreto
Deity, Henry  
Dell, (baby)  
Dell, Carrie  1866 - 1951
Dell, Gladys E.  1908 - 1945
Dell, L.  
Dell, Lewis  1860 - 1943
Dell, R.
Dell, Raymond  Apr 1880 - Feb 1914 son of L. & C.
Denman, Dwayne Edward (infant)  6 Nov 1963 son of Edward & Elizabeth
Denman, Edward  18 Jan 1930 -
Denman, Elizabeth 'Liz' (nee Huber)  9 Dec 1933 - 25 Jan 2014 dau of Martin & Elizabeth
Denman, Henry  1903 - 1992
Denman, Mary  1903 - 1999
De Yong, Adrian  1907 - 1994
De Yong, Elmer Roy  1945 - 1988 son of Adrian & Minnie
De Yong, Minnie (nee Limbach)  1915 - 22 Oct 2003
Digney, Allan  4 May 1955 - 6 Jun 1955
Digney, Eva Kathleen  19 Jan 1922 -
Digney, James S.  1881 - 1959
Digney, Katherine  1883 - 1949
Digney, Kris  17 Dec 1954 - 18 Dec 1954
Digney, Leonard John  20 Mar 1914 - 27 Jun 2011
Dillabaugh, Clinton Ivan  Mar 1956  
Dillabaugh, Frances Audrey  Feb 1936 - Mar 1956
Dillabaugh, John  1903 - 1972
Dillabaugh, Stella M. E.  1908 - 1991
Dimond, Cecil  1958
Dimond, Edwin  25 Dec 1915 - 5 Jan 1916 son of Edwin & Eleanor
Dimond, Ernest Edwin  1912 - 1914
Dimond, Ernest T.  1925 - 1987
Dimond, Evelyn Bertha  1919 - 4 Oct 2005
Dimond, Gladys Lucy  6 Jan 1924 - 19 May 1924
Dimond, Louise Ann  1921 - 2008
Dimond, Lucy  1945
Dimond, Percy A.  1915 - 1968
Dimond, Teresa M.  1903 - 1975
Dimond, Thomas C.  1897 - 1981
Dimond, Wilfred Edgar  1918 - 8 Jan 2003
Dobson, Eric Jeffrey  19 May 1978 - 21 May 1978
Dobson, Evelyn Winnifred (nee White)  1918 - 25 May 2010
Dobson, George T.  1877 - 1971
Dobson, Helena J.  1883 - 1959
Dobson, Marjorie  1919 - 1995
Dobson, Wesley James  15 Dec 1982 - 15 May 2005 son of Howard & Martha
Dobson, Wilbur  1917 - 26 Aug 2010
Dodd, Robert Roger 'Bob'  1935 - 1989
Doidge, Alice B.  1919 - 1970
Doidge, Joe  1907 - 1983
Dudley, Florence E.  1887 - 1974
Dudley, Sidney  1888 - 1952
Dunkel, Paul  10 Aug 1866 - 16 Apr 1918
Dunville, Davin Lee  1974 - 1994
Dunville, Earle Cecil  27 Dec 1926 – 4 Dec 2014 hus of Iona, son of William & Isabella 
Dunville, Greta M. A. (nee Terschuur)  9 Mar 1924 - 5 Nov 2011
Dunville, Isabella  1882 - 1960
Dunville, William  1880 - 1968
Dunville, William Shirley  1914 - 1992
Dyke, Elizabeth  1904 - 1928
Dyke, Lorenzo  1849 - 1924

Eby, Colin Campbell  5 May 1921 age 3 yrs 7 mos, son of Jesse & Helen
Eby, Elizabeth (nee Erb)  1861 - 1957 wife of Jesse Sr.
Eby, Odreal  son of Jesse & Elizabeth  
Eckdahl, Alice L.  1944 - 
Eckdahl, Donald E.  1942 - 1998
Edwards, Catherine  1889 - 1959
Edwards, John W.  
Edwards, Oliver  Jul 1926 - Sep 31 son of S. & C. M.
Edwards, Stanley  1886 - 1969
Ellis, Edward  
Ellis, E. L. Mrs. 
Ellison, Marvin  1941 - 
Ellison, Sharon  1949 - 1998
Evans, Maisie  1912 - 1913 dau of L. G. & M. E.

Ferris, Amelia  1863 - 1959  
Ferris, Henry  30 Aug 1927
Filipnuik, Steve  
Fischer, Bertha (nee Reichelt)  1899 - 1981  
Fitzhugh, Eleanor Frances    
Franklin, Alice  1887 - 1948
Franklin, Edward  4 Feb 1883 - 30 Sep 1925
Franklin, Emma  1853 - 1942
Franklin, Herbert  1879 - 1954
Franklin, William F.  25 May 1925 age 51
Franks, Amy Mabel  1880 - 1965
Franks, Christina Helen (nee Nicolson)  24 Feb 1918 - 12 Mar 2012 dau of Malcolm & Jean
Franks, Leonard John  20 Aug 1982 - 22 Aug 1982
Franks, Leonard T.  1908 - 1961 hus of Christina
Franks, Thomas  1878 - 1954
Froats, Charlotte  1883 - 1975
Froats, Harvey Albert  1919 - 1996
Froats, Marie Elizabeth (nee Larson)  1 Jun 1922 - 4 Feb 2008 dau of Albert & Viola
Froats, James  1877 - 1961
Frost, Charles  1880 - 1975
Frost, Ellie May  1886 - 1971
Frost, Ethel A.  1890 - 1980
Frost, Francis  1891 - 1981
Frost, Harley J.  1920 - 1983
Frost, Hedley  1884 - 1978
Frost, Mary  1879 - 1962
Frost, Sarah  
Fry, Darin  27 Jun 1967 - 1 Apr 1968

Geaves, (baby)  
Goldfinch, Charles  16 Aug 1910 - 6 Jan 1997
Goldfinch, Charles  1885 - 1952
Goldfinch, Margaret  1886 - 1967
Goldfinch, Vera E.  1909 - 1989
Gotto, Margaret  1931 -
Gotto, William  1924 -
Graessli, Elizabeth  1935 - 
Graessli, John  1921 - 2001
Graf, Anna Marie  1876 - 1979
Graf, Sophie  1876 - 1960
Graham, John W.  1884 - 1916
Graham, Martin L.  1921 - 1956
Graham, Mildred  1915 - 1939 dau of John & Mildred
Graham, Selina A. Lee (nee Buitenhuis)  18 Jul 1924 - 5 Sep 2013
Graham-Okell, Mildred E. (nee McKears)  1883 - 1923 
Grange, 'Father'  11 Nov 1934 age 78
Gray, John Stewart  1924 - 1990
Gregory, Elizabeth A.  1874 - 1956
Gregory, Francis J.  1866 - 1942
Greenaway, Jane  1866 - 1960
Greenaway, Thomas  1864 - 1946
Greenway, Ernest  
Grice, Jacoba  
Greenaway, Ethel  1896 - 1975
Greenaway, Thomas  1864 - 1946
Grymaloski, Fern  
Grymaloski, Frank J.  1891 - 1976
Grymaloski, Garry  
Grymaloski, Irene  
Grymaloski, Jean (nee Scadding)  1931 - 8 Mar 2008 
Grymaloski, John  1888 - 1969
Grymaloski, Louis  1925 - 3 Dec 2006
Grymaloski, Mary  1890 - 1961
Grymaloski, Sophie  1900 - 1984
Grymaloski, Tom  13 Aug 1954 
Grymaloski, (unknown)

Hake, Charles H.  1878 - 1960
Hake, Hilda M.  1893 - 1976
Hake, Rolland Charles  1924 - 2006 son of Charles & Hilda
Hall, Edward  1886 - 1963
Hall, Leona  1921 - 1956
Hall, Mary  1913 - 1986
Halstead, Ethel  1885 - 19?5
Halstead, John P.  1886 - 1943
Hanna, Clarence 'Casey'  1911 - 18 Aug 2006
Hanna, Nelda Irene  31 Jan 1914 - 12 Aug 2009
Hanna, Nelda Irene  (2nd photo)
Hansen, Bessie  1928 - 9 Mar 2016
Hansen, Egon  1920 - 1983
Harris, Agnes Cecilia (nee Grymaloski)  3 Nov 1921 - 18 Jul 2009 dau of Frank & Sophia
Harris, Albert Edward  1914 - 6 Jun 2001 son of Ezra & Mary
Harris, Charles  1900 - 1978
Harris, Doris  1907 - 1991
Harris, Ellen  25 Oct 1911 age 31 wife of William
Harris, Ezra C.  1883 - 1967
Harris, Greta M.  1918 - 
Harris, Harold William  3 May 1917 - 25 Sep 2005 son of Ezra & Mary
Harris, Les  
Harris, Levi  1871 - 1951
Harris, Mary A.  1886 - 1976
Harris, Robert  1915 - 1946
Harris, Sabina  1869 - 1943
Harris, Vic  
Harris, William  1879 - 1966
Harrison, Barbara  1917 - 1987
Harrison, Robert  1919 - 2003
Heeneman, C.  
Hehn, George  9 Oct 2004 age 93
Heichert, Daniel F.  1921 - 1995
Heichert, Edna E.  1922 - 
Hess, Herman  
Hicks, George  1921 - 1997
Hicks, Gloria  24 Nov 1941  -  1 Dec 1941 dau of Fred & Margaret
Hicks, Grace  24 Nov 1941  -  1 Dec 1941 dau of Fred & Margaret
Hicks, Jeanne  1881 - 1949
Hicks, John C.  Jul 1906 - Dec 1984
Hicks, Margaret Eileen  2 Jun 1921 age 13 dau of S. L. & G.
Hicks, Orville  
Hicks, Simeon L.  1869 - 1943
Hill, Robert C.  1893 - 1984
Hodgins, Charles Garfield  1 Aug 1945 - 2 May 2009 hus of Margaret Hengstler
Hodgins, Ethel (nee Hake)  1922 - 
Hodgins, William Graham  1920 - 4 Jan 2006
Hofmeister, Frank J.  1910 - 1982
Hofmeister, Jane Martha  1918 - 1971
Hoggard, Bertha May (nee Rands)  1885 - 1946
Hoggard, James Samuel  1885 - 1951
Holyoak, A. C.  
Hood, Florence Odelle  8 May 1920 - 12 Jan 2009
Horton, George H.  1890 - 1976
Horton, Lillian  1895  -  1991
Horton, Mabel Hemming  28 Jan 1918 age 43 wife of Benjamin
Huckle, Caroline M. (nee Heal)  1939 - 
Huckle, Charley  1902 - 1999
Huckle, George  1874 - 1963
Huckle, Jane  1874 - 1962
Huckle, Jean W.  1909 - 1999
Huckle, Michael George  18 Sep 1958 - 2 May 2015 hus of Myrna Runyan, son of George & Carol
Huckle, Michael George  (2nd photo)
Huckle, William  1900 - 1976
Huckle, William George  28 Apr 1937 - 24 Feb 2004
Humphries, Colin Eric David  Oct 1921 - Mar 1922
Humphries, Doris  
Huszar, Joseph  1888 - 1956
Huszar, Lidia  1898 - 1979
Huszar, Michael  2 Feb 1934 - 8 Jan 1935

Inkster, Ruth  1904 - 1928

James, Aileen M. (nee Christie)  1918 - 2004 dau of William & Isabella
James, Edward Charles  1921 - 11 Jun 2009 son of Edwin & Emma
James, Edwin  1887 - 1961
James, Emma  1886 - 1958
James, Harold F.  1913 - 1992
Jaycock, Ellen  31 Mar 1930 wife of Henry
Jaycock, May Jane  1901 - 1987
Jaycock, William P.  1885 - 1971
Jellison, Dena (nee Okell)  1904 - 1987
Jenkins, Bertha F.  1879 - 1967
Jeworski, Jake  1911 - 2011
Jeworski, Josephine  1925 - 1990
Jones, (baby)  16 Aug 1909 - 17 Mar 1909 dau of Wilfred & Mary
Jones, Clayton  1912 - 1986
Jones, Elizabeth A.  1906 - 1979
Jones, Jim  1929 - 2003
Jones, Mary  1879 - 1972
Jones, R. Everett  1897 - 1975
Jones, Wilfred  1880 - 1972
Jordan, Stanley  1925 - 21 Nov 2008 hus of Mary

Kasiayk, William  1924 - 1987
Keenie, (baby)  
Keim, Anne M.  1920 - 1997
Keim, Raymond E.  1915 - 1986
Kinash, Andrew  1916 - 1990
Kinash, Mary Ann  1916 - 1986
King, Arlene  
Kirstein, Allan  1938 - 1986 son of Emil & Daisy
Kirstein, Daisy (nee Kirstein)  1910 - 18 Feb 2001 dau of William & Martha
Kirstein, Emil  1906 - 1980  
Kirstein, John  1914 - 1937
Kirstein, Marlene  
Kirstein, Martha  1886 - 1922
Kirstein, William  1877 - 1930
Klarer, Albert J.  1895 - 1966
Klarer, Helene  1900 - 1977
Koncz, Esther  1914  -  1987
Koncz, Kalman  1903 - 1962
Koncz, Roseann  1947 - 1948
Kraft, Clayton S.  1912 - 1998
Kraft, Edna E.  1922 - 
Kraft, Marjorie  1928 - 1988
Kraft, Sanford M.  1914 - 1982
Kunitz, June (nee Culshaw)  1932 - 2012 dau of Chris & Lil
Kunitz, June (nee Culshaw)  (2nd photo)

Lamb, Albert  1867 - 1943
Lamb, Augusta  6 Dec 1865 - 4 Dec 1925
Lawledge, Anne  1856 - 1942 wife of Edward Matthew
Lawledge, Charlie  1882 - 1912 son of Matt & Annie
Lawledge, Matt  1857 - 1913
Lee, Constance E.  1909 - 1959
Lee, Harold W.  1904 - 1979
Lewis, David  
Lewis, Lawrence A.  25 Feb 1903 - 1 Mar 1984
Lewis, Martha  27 Oct 1872 - 18 Dec 1966
Lewis, Robert H.  4 May 1874 - 7 Jun 1959
Lewis, William  
Light, Brian    
Lightfoot, Anthony Thomas  1898 - 1952
Lightfoot, Harvard  23 Aug 1929 - 4 Dec 1929
Lightfoot, Thomas A.  9 Mar 1952
Limbach, Carl  1889 - 1921
Lindford, Arthur S. W.  1916 - 1971
Lindford, Bert  1911 - 1979
Lindford, Edna May  1915 - 2000
Linton, Henry  
Lintott, Agnes E.  1905 - 
Lintott, Arthur A.   
Lintott, Charles N.  1886 - 1955
Lintott, Gordon G.  1895 - 1959
Lintott, Lloyd G.  4 Dec 1930 - 1931 son of Gordon & Mary
Lintott, Mary Myrtle  14 Dec 1907 - 7 May 2001 dau of Arthur & Jessie
Lintott, Nellie E.  1885 - 1978
Lintott, Roy Eldridge  1898  -  1974
Lintott, Stanley Asa  1915 - 1991
Lissenden, Edith M.  17 Nov 1924 age 49 wife of A. N.
Lomas, Mary (nee Webb)  2 Mar 1918 age 61 wife of Henry
Lougheed, David  
Luck, Percival James  7 Jul 1912 - 25 Sep 1980
Lutz, Emma  1883 - 1973
Lutz, Victor  1876 - 1942

MacLean, (baby)  
Main, Fred  30 May 1959 age 65
Maloney, Alfred  1898 - 1985
Maloney, Elizabeth  1880 - 1961
Mapes, Grace E.  1879 - 1930
Mapes, Mabel L.  1910 - 1928
Mapes, Norman W. Sr.  1874 - 1955
Massier, Darlene  
Massey, (baby)  1927
Massey, Cyril H.  1884 - 1971
Massey, Helena  1886 - 1972
Matychuk, Mabel  1922 - 1986
McTaggart, Effie  
Merkel, G. D.  
Merkel, Max  1881 - 1954
Merkel, Mina  1882 - 1954
Merkel, R. H.  
Merkel, Rudolf  1917 - 1969
Morrow, Curtis William  19 Sep 1973 - 3 Sep 1994
Morrow, Lawrence W. 'Bill'  7 Oct 1943 - 10 Aug 1994
Mountstephen, Carole June (nee Anderson)  9 Jun 1940 - 7 May 2010 dau of Robert & Beulah
Mountstephen, Lillian  1912 - 1999
Mountstephen, M. W.  
Mountstephen, Stanley  1910 - 1992
Mountstephen, Stanley E.  28 Apr 1942 -
Mueller, George  1892 - 1978
Mueller, Irwin  1923 - 2005
Mueller, Mary M.  1901 - 1993
Mueller, Roy H.  1928 - 1955
Meyers, Calvin J.  1930 - 1955

Neish, Robert J.  1921 - 1994
Neish, Virginia 'Ginny'  1931 - 2015 
Nelles, A. P. F. Dr.  1880 - 1942
Nelles, Hazel Edith  1880 - 1918
Nelles, Jennie A.  1878 - 1925
Newhuis, Anne  
Nicolson, Hazel I.  1902 - 1952
Nicolson, James C. B.  1894 - 1985
Nicolson, James Edward Allan  1937 - 2015
Nicolson, James M.  1914 - 1985
Nicolson, John Robert  15 Apr 1930 - 25 Dec 2016 son of James& Hazel
Nicolson, M. E. Grace  1899 - 1985
Nicolson, Martha Muriel  28 Jun 1930 - 23 Oct 2011
Nicolson, Rose G.  1924 - 29 Jun 2007
Nordal, Eva  
Nordal, Julius  

Okell, Albert  1905 - 1965
Okell, Alice  1881 - 1971
Okell, Donald John  1917 - 1979
Okell, Evelyn  1913 - 2010
Okell, Gladys Edna (nee Robinson)Gibson  21 Aug 1912 - 4 Dec 1996
Okell, Harry  1882 - 1968 
Okell, Sydney S.  1909 - 1972 
Okell, Terrance Willis  21 Jul 1941 - 17 Jul 1960 son of Willis & Thelma
Okell, Thelma Viola (nee Vensland) Feldman  25 Dec 1919 - 28 Apr 2013 dau of Sievert & Ida
Okell, Violet 
Okell, William  15 Apr 1891 - 23 Aug 1961
Okell, Willis  1911 - 1978
Oldham, A. Mrs.  
Orthner, Bruce Allan  1 Jun 1957 - 12 Apr 1978
Orthner, E. Elizabeth  1924 - 
Orthner, Evelyn V.  1927 - 
Orthner, Louie K.  1919 - 1984 son of Rudolf & Maria (nee Galenzoski)
Orthner, Robert  1917 - 1982 son of Rudolf & Maria
Orthner, Roger William  15 Aug 1954 - 4 Feb 2012
Ott, Joan (nee Purdue)  1907 - 1990

Paine, Harley William  1883 - 1935
Paine, William Hartley  6 Jan 1911 - 9 Jan 1911
Pal, Eugene M.  1953 - 1977
Pal, Matilda (nee Mann)  1918 - 25 Mar 2006 wife of Matyas
Pal, Matyas, 'Mike'  13 Apr 1924 - 12 Feb 2015
Panek, Emilie (nee Reichelt)  May 1929
Panek, Joseph  Jul 1932
Pasfield, Joyes  
Pasfield, William John  
Patterson, Elaine Ann (nee Stan)  9 Sep 1935 - 3 Jun 2010
Patterson, John Hampton 'Jack'  19 Nov 1932 - 12 Jun 2006
Paul, Robert  1851 - 1927 
Paulsen, (baby)  
Paulsen, Elsie  1906 - 2003
Paulsen, Harry P.  1887 - 1977
Paulsen, Jean (nee Potts)  Jul 2009 age 71 dau of Frank & Jeanie
Paulsen, John J.  1898 - 1954
Paulsen, Laurel  
Paulsen, Mary J.  1899 - 1984
Phair, Mary  1865 - 1923
Pickard, John Edward  1869 - 1943
Pickwell  (Headstone)
Pickwell, F. A.  8 Nov 1918 age 38
Politek, Davitze  
Pollard, Beacham W.  21 Jun 1924 - 29 Jun 1924
Pollard, Mary Ellen (nee McLean)  1888 - 1961
Pollard, Norman  1886 - 1972
Pollon, Melville E.  1914 - 1968
Pollon, Vera M. (nee Worth)  1907 - 7 Aug 2005 dau of Frederick & Mary
Potts, Arthur  
Potts, Carl  
Potts, Cyril Oswald  1930 - 18 May 2008 son of Frank & Jenny
Potts, Donald E.  1944 - 1996
Potts, Eric  1911 - 1996
Potts, Frank  1884 - 1940
Potts, Frank  1900 - 1979
Potts, Fred  1908 - 1977
Potts, Grace M. (nee Currall)  1930 - 1968 wife of Cyril
Potts, Gwendolyn Wallace (nee Ferris)  1914 - 3 Jun 2004 dau of Thomas & Cora
Potts, Jane  1899 - 1991
Potts, John  1878 - 1954
Potts, Lizzie  1869 - 1950
Potts, Maria  1881 - 1943
Potts, Mary  1910 - 1988
Potts, Peter  1882 - 1950
Potts, Warren  24 Jan 1953 - 17 Dec 2010 son of Eric & Gwendolyn
Potts, Wesley J.  8 Mar 1968 - 19 Oct 1968 son of Cyril & Wesley
Pretty, Edward  1905 - 1906 son of William & Nellie  
Pretty, Irene  1906 dau of William & Nellie 
Pretty, Vera  dau of William & Nellie
Purdue, Albert B.  Jul 1894 - Dec 1971
Purdue, Amy E.  Jun 1886 - Mar 1973
Purdue, Archie W.  Jan 1888 - Apr 1964
Purdue, Bernice  May 1902 - Oct 1977
Purdue, Dora  
Purdue, Elsie  1890 - 1980
Purdue, Frank Cecil  Mar 1890 - Jan 1970 
Purdue, Julia M.  1927 - 
Purdue, Kenneth  1927 - 1996
Purdue, Lyle A.  12 Dec 1953 - 15 Aug 1989
Purdue, Norman Roy  1917 - 1983
Purdue, Sidney  1886 - 1965

Rae, James W.  1888 - 1966
Raey, R. L.  
Raey, W. Mrs.  
Read, Margaret  
Read, Percy A.  1896 - 1922
Reay, Randy W.  2 apr 1954 - 25 Jan 2011
Reay, Kenneth  1918 - 1977
Reay, Willam  
Reichelt, Bertha (nee Baumel)  1867 - 1943
Reichelt, Gordon J.  1929 - 1993 son of Joseph & Marie
Reichelt, Harvard Joseph 'Harvey'  1927 - 1 Feb 2016 son of Joseph & Marie
Reichelt, Herman  1907 - 1990
Reichelt, Joseph  1859 - 1918
Reichelt, Joseph  1893 - 1981
Reichelt, Kathleen Maria (nee Simon)  1925 - 26 Dec 2003
Reichelt, Marie (nee Mueller)  1897 - 1986
Rettig, Frances Winnifred  29 Dec 1917 age 8 dau of George
Riach, Eleanor A.  1933 - 
Riach, Ian David  1929 - 8 Mar 2005
Riddell, Kathleen  1892 - 1980
Riddell, John  1887 - 1955
Riddell, Robert L.  1923 - 1991
Roberts, Harold  
Robinson, Charles Frederick  1905 - 1990 son of William & Magdeline
Robinson, Dorothy Mary (nee Alvey)  4 Apr 1912 - 20 Jun 2003
Robinson, Florence  1912 - 1999
Robinson, George Richard Barry  1942 - 13 Jun 1980 son of Charles & Dorothy
Robinson, John Raymond  1894 - 1979
Robinson, Linda  7 Jun ?? - 2 Jul 1956
Robinson, Magdeline (nee Eby)  1883 - 14 Dec 1952 dau of Jesse & Elizabeth
Robinson, Marion Lucy  1898 - 1989
Robinson, Murray  1922 - 2008
Robinson, Nelson Rutherford  1904 - 25 Dec 1983 son of William & Magdeline
Robinson, William  1870 - 1957 son of William & Wilhelmine
Rondeau, Arthur  1913 - 6 May 2002
Rondeau, May Ethel (nee McDonald) 1920 - 2007
Rondeau, Mildred Lydia (nee Dimond)  1942 - 1992
Rondeau, Patrick J. 'Pat'  1944 - 1974 son of Arthur & May
Runyan, Anne M. (nee Gyorfi)  14 Feb 1940 - 5 Dec 2006 wife of Lorne
Rymer, Avis C.  

Samson, Christian J.  1886 - 1947 
Sanderson, Margaret Richmond (nee Lee)  27 Feb 1938 age 92 wife of Matthew
Santer, George F.  1876 - 1921
Schmalenberg  (Headstone)
Schmalenberg, Adolph  13 Nov 1917 - 19 Jun 2004
Schmalenberg, Emelia  1895 - 1974
Schmalenberg, Ida  4 Sep 1924 - 
Schmalenberg, Jacob  1884 - 1955
Schouten, Arthur  1899 - 1968
Schouten, Ivy (nee Phillips)  1905 - 1994 dau of Tom
Schouten, Robert  
Schouten, W. J. Mrs.  1886 - 1949
Schouten, W. Johannes  23 May 1918 age 64
Schouten, William J.  1886 - 1958
Shewciw, Jennie  1929 - 2014
Shewciw, Steve  1923 - 2012
Shindelka, Andrew  1909 - 1976
Shindelka, Joan (nee Friesen)  1915 - 2005
Simpson, Alfred  1879 - 1935
Simpson, Esther  1915 - 1981
Simpson, Mary  1880 - 1963
Simpson, Ronald  1917 - 1979
Skjerven, Hazel Doreen  1911 - 26 Mar 2008
Smith, Anna Eula  1887 - 1973
Smith, William  1883 - 19?4
Spence, Harold  
Stevenson, George  1917 - 12 Feb 2004
Stevenson, Violet (nee Boyko)  1920 - 3 Sep 2013 dau of Adam & Gertrude
Stewart, Allan A.  19 Aug 1923 - 25 Dec 2011
Stewart, D. Kelly  16 May 1958 -
Stewart, Elsie E.  5 Jan 1919 - 29 Mar 2014
Stewart, Pat A.  4 May 1958 - 8 Jan 2012
Stoehr, Eva (nee Grymolski)  8 Dec 1923 -
Stoehr, Herbert Martin  1 Jul 1929 -
Stride, Elizabeth (nee Potts)  1878 - 1967
Swainson, Dorothy G.  5 Oct 1915 - 15 Sep 1988

Tate, John Alfred  22 Dec 1891 - 14 Nov 1918 
Taylor, Dorothy Adeline  11 Oct 1915 - 30 Nov 2005
Taylor, James Basil  18 Apr 1960 - 24 Feb 2007
Taylor, John Clifton  19 Dec 1911 - 23 Mar 1967
Terschuur, Cornelis  1891 - 1960
Terschuur, Cornelis Lance  1960 - 1974 son of Lorne & Betty
Terschuur, Wilhelmina (nee Schouten)  1900 - 1971
Thorsteison, William
Threlfall, Irene B. (nee Lewis)  27 Nov 1905 - 5 Jun 1984  
Toop, Winnifred  
Toop, Winston   
Townley, Albert  
Tracey, P. Mrs.  
Tracey, Philip  
Tuscher, Alois  1907 - 1970
Tuscher, Jeanne  1908 - 1997
Tuscher, Maurice  1934 - 1995

unknown 1
unknown 2
unknown 3
unknown 4
unknown 5
unknown 6
unknown 7
unknown 8

Waddell, Alice Victoria (nee Robinson)  1914 - 1997 dau of William & Magdeline 
Waddell, Charles Allen  1927 - 14 Mar 2002 son of Harry & Tattianna
Walker, Annie  1867 - 1940
Walker, Robert  18 Nov 1976 age 78
Wakeman, Arthur  6 Dec 1960 age 72
Wakeman, Margaret Ann  1895 - 1938
Watson, Margaret V.  1921 - 1999
Watt, Lee  age 2 yrs 5 mos, son of Richard & Minnie
Watt, Minnie A. (nee Lee)  1889 - 1984
Watt, Richard P.  1884 - 1977
Weir, W. J.  
Werezak, Helen  1915 - 2006
Werezak, Metro 'Jim'  1910 - 2001
Whipple, William R.  1883 - 1961
White, Fred  1881 - 1969
White, Margaret J.  1854 - 1939
White, Minnie  1880 - 1947  
Whitlock, Edward Joseph 'Ted'  1913 - 11 Jan 2001 son of John & Ellen
Whitlock, Ellen E.  1882 - 1980
Whitlock, Fred  2010 son of John & Ellen
Whitlock, John E.  1882 - 1980
Whitlock, John F. 'Fred'  1922 - 2010
Whitlock, Mary Ann  1846 - 1938
Whitlock, Virigina A.  1940 -
Whittle, Harold  20 Dec 1911 - 17 Nov 1949
Wilson, Ida Helena  9 Apr 1913 age 47 wife of R. M.
Winemeister, W.  
Wing, Mah
Winkler, Marianne Gertraut  30 Jul 1917 - 24 Oct 1921 dau of Fritz & Martha
Winkler, Martha Elsie  17 Jan 1906 - 3 Nov 1921 dau of Fritz & Martha
Worth, Arthur  27 Aug 1916 - 20 Dec 1993
Worth, Fred  1874 - 1967
Worth, Marie Caroline  4 Dec 1917 - 26 Oct 2003
Worth, Mary Ann  1885 - 1980
Wulff, (baby)
Wulff, Elsie J.  1885 - 1960
Wulff, Ernest G.  1884 - 1956
Wulff, H.  1907 - 1978
Wulff, Karl  1927 -
Wulff, Olga (nee Norlin)  1917 - 2012 
Wulff, W.  1909 - 1970

Yaremko, Allan C.  1949 - 1950
Yerxa, George  1874 - 1948
Young, Fred G.  1889 - 1974
Young, Hilda  1896 - 1976
Young, James  

(Click on photo to enlarge)


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