Ravine Bank Cemetery
Nipawin district

R.M. of Nipawin # 487   NE 34-50-14 W2
GPS   53.364435°N   103.954024°W
First burial in 1921, 573 burials by 2001

Photographed by Terrance B. Sweeney
(Click on coloured names to view the gravestone photo)

Aasen, Raymond L.  Apr 1929 - Oct 1929
Abramniuk, Matt  1891 - 1964
Allardice, Irene B.  1900 - 1965
Allardice, James  1883 - 1986
Allardice, William J.  1925 - 1997
Anklovitch, Genevieve  21 Mar 1944 - 8 Jun 1944
Anklovitch, Katazina  1885 - 1975
Anklovitch, Stanley  1882 - 1937
Armitage, Richard Lawrence  died Apr 1944
Armstrong, Bryan R.  23 Feb 1928 - 11 Apr 1932
Armstrong, Marjorie D.  1897 - 1974
Armstrong, S. Gordon  1896 - 1989
Astrope, Byrle Eleanor  17 Jan 1937 - 31 Aug 1937
Astrope, Craig  11 Jul 1902 - 29 Aug 1967
Astrope, Laurene Alexandra  24 May 1904 - 20 Oct 1973
Attwood, Albert Allan  8 May 1912 - 16 Mar 1930

Backstrom, Axel  1900 - 1929
Backstrom, Axel  (2nd photo)
Berlin, Jonas A.  1864 - 1932
Berlin, Margit  1872 - 1965
Blenkin, George Andrew  17 Jun 1911 - 22 Sep 1990 hus of Margaret French, son of George & Emily (nee Waddell)
Bole, John Edwin  1877 - 1936
Bradley, Fanny  1856 - 1938
Bradley, John  1857 - 1939
Bradley, (unknown)  18?? - 19??
Brandow, Augusta Ann  13 Mar 1928 age 67
Brandow, Augusta Ann  (2nd photo)
Brass, Nellie C.  1913 - 1987
Brazier, Arthur  1874 - 1945
Brazier, Harry  9 Jun 1915 - 28 May 1997
Brazier, Martha  1877 - 1928
Brazier, Patricia  23 Jul 1918 - 28 Nov 2003
Brigham, Edna Myrtle  1932 - 1933
Brown, Adelaide P.  1862 - 1931
Brown, Austin ‘Mac’  1884 - 1963
Brown, Edith Debra  2 Jan 1901 - 8 Feb 1934
Brown, Ellis  1866 - 1948
Brown, Herbert H.  died 15 Jul 1943
Brown, Job  1857 - 1925
Brown, John Thomas  1888 - 1947
Brown, Katherine  1896 - 1949
Brown, Leonard  1932 - 1934
Brown, Lizzie  1863 - 1942
Brunsch, Adam William  1880 - 1931
Bull, G. H.  1920 - 1929
Bull, Louisa Mary (nee Stinson)  18 Mar 1926 age 43 wife of Andrew
Bull, Louisa Mary  (2nd photo)
Bushfield, Amy A.  1897 - 1970
Bushfield, Denys  29 Oct 1934 age 18 son of H. G.
Bushfield, Herbert G.  1892 - 1966

Calder, Annie J.  1890 - 1977
Calder, Reginald James  1918 - 2003
Calder, William J.  1885 - 1968
Calder, William J.  (2nd photo)
Canada, Jack  died 4 Oct 1932
Chisholm, Alexander  1879 - 1948
Chisholm, Margaret A.  1881 - 1952
Church, Cairne C.  1897 - 1965
Church, E. Pearl  1907 - 1985
Church, Elmer J.  1937 - 1991
Church, Hugh  1885 - 1968
Church, Marvin W.  died 1932 age 1 mon
Church, Seacome W.  1893 - 1975
Clark, Lorne  17 Mar 1900 - 6 Sep 1933
Cleveland, Hattie B. (nee Foote)  1864 - 1937
Cleveland, William B.  1861 - 1928
Connell, James  5 Jan 1858 - 24 Apr 1934
Coulter, David W. (infant)  died 1943
Coulter, Ewart G.  1907 - 1955
Coulter, Florence M. (nee Doig)  1911 - 1995
Coulter, Iris M. (infant)  died 1946
Craig, Frederick  1884 - 1934
Craig, Walter  1891 - 1984
Crockett, Layton H.  1918 - 1997
Crockett, Peggy  1922 - 
Crouch, Frederick  1890 - 10 Aug 1965 age 75
Crouch, Lois (nee Butcher)  27 Nov 1888 - 11 Sep 1981 wife of Fred
Cruikshanks, Ella  1878 - 1962
Cruickshanks, William  1872 - 1944
Cunningham Family Plot  
Cunningham, Alexander H.  1862 - 1931
Cunningham, Charles H.  1859 - 1938
Cunningham, Ethel May  1884 - 1928
Cunningham, Matilda  1869 - 1933
Cunningham, Nelda Rose  19 Mar 1931 - 5 Dec 1931
Cunningham, Susanna C.  1862 - 1930

Dahmer, Olive Amelia  1910 - 1931
Dahmer, (infant)  dau of Olive
De Lance, Harold V.  1894 - 1982
De Lance, Harriett M.  1899 - 1976
Dixon, Mary E. (nee Parker)  1889 - 1940 wife of Edward
Dobson, Alexander  1857 - 1935
Dobson, Jennie  1858 - 1934
Dolsen, Arthur  1870 - 1943  
Dolsen, Esther  1866 - 1953
Dolsen, (unknown)  
Dopps, Homer  2 Apr 1885 - 1 Feb 1938
Doyle, Elenore Irene  1913 - 1996
Doyle, Patrick john  1902 - 1985
Ducommun, Leonard  1899 - 1932
Dunkley, E. H.  28 Jan 1857 - 27 Jul 1924
Dunkley, E. H.  (2nd photo)

Eberle, Helen  1918 - 1995
Eberle, Jacob  18 Dec 1909 - 29 Jun 1982
Eberle, Joy Gail  1948 - 1962
Eberle, (twins)  died 1926 sons of John & Ann
Edward Family Plot  
Edward, Ellen Jane Bain  6 Nov 1936 - 17 May 1997 dau of James & Marie
Edward, James Ferguson Dr.  1 Mar 1897 - 16 Oct 1974
Edward, Marie Goodall (nee Waldorf)  14 Sep 1908 - 25 Dec 2007 dau of John & Isobel (nee Brown) 
Edward, Robert James  25 Aug 1931 - 31 Aug 1931 son of James & Marie
Emms, Elizabeth  1847 - 1932
Emms, Margaret A.  1876 - 1971
Emms, Tom  18?9 - 1967
Evans, Albert G.  1887 - 1973
Evans, Iva Jean  1900 - 1927
Evans, Margaret B.  1918 - 2003
Evans, Martha Sarah  1871 - 1932
Evans, Matthew H. C.  1870 - 1948
Evans, Mildred Lenore  1910 - 1929
Evans, Richard  1879 - 1960

Fombeur, Joseph  18?? - 1966
Fombeur, Leon  1884 - 1967
Fombeur, Minnie  1886 - 1977
Frank, Barry William  24 Jan 1936 - 25 Apr 1961
Frank, Bruce Ervin  24 Jan 1936 - 25 Apr 1961

Gale, Fred James  Nov 1867 - Mar 1942
Garner, Ethel M.  1887 - 1934
Gillespie, Malcolm  1877 - 1936
Goodman, Maria Fredricka  1865 - 1930
Grandfield, Charles James  1887 - 1987 son of Francis & Elizabeth
Grandfield, Edna Rosetta (nee Wallington)  1899 - 1984 dau of Charles & Hannah
Grandfield, Elizabeth Jane  1860 - 1957
Grandfield, Francis  1854 - 1925
Grandfield, George  1855 - 1934
Grandfield, Laverna E.  1928 - 
Guillet, Jeanne  1872 - 1955
Guillet, Joseph  1878 - 1932
Guloien, Harold Albert  13 Aug 1932 - 13 Aug 1932
Gunness, Albert  1867 - 1925
Gunness, Mary A.  1877 - 1931

Halliday, James Scott  9 Dec 1868 - 2 Feb 1921
Halliday, James Scott  (2nd photo)
Henderson, Magdalene  5 Dec 1913 - 5 Aug 1930
Henderson, Robert J.  1876 - 1970 age 93
Henderson, Robert & Magdalene  (2nd photo)
Hitchcock, L. B.  1855 - 1932
Hoad, Ada A.  1862 - 1950
Hoad, Joseph  1860 - 1928
Holmes, Dwight Peter  1964 - 1964
Horn, Norman  1900 - 1933
Hornseth, Andrew  1878 - 1947
Hornseth, Andrew S.  1883 - 1955
Hornseth, Elmer  16 Apr 1916 - 27 Dec 2014 son of Peter & Maggie
Hornseth, Eula (nee Bushfield)  14 Jul 1918 - 23 Mar 2014 dau of Albert & Pearl
Hornseth, Gwendolyn (nee Staffen)  1916 - 2008
Hornseth, Helma Vivian  4 Sep 19?2 age 4 yrs 11 mos
Hornseth, L. E. D. 'Leif'  1930 - 1950 son of Peter & Maggie
Hornseth, Leah Nanette (nee Cunningham)  1898 - 1970 dau of Alexander
Hornseth, Lewis Andrew  3 Jul 1920 - 9 Nov 1921 son of Peter & Maggie
Hornseth, Maggie May  1894 - 1986
Hornseth, Peter Simenson  1884 - 1964
Hornseth, Peter-Maggie-Andrew S.  (2nd photo)
Hornseth, Raymond  1918 - 1990 son of Peter & Maggie
Hornseth, Sigurd S.  1889 - 1969
Hornseth, Stanley A.  Sep 1936 - Jul 1937 son of Sigurd & Leah
Hornseth, Stanley A.  (2nd gravestone)
Howard, Annie (nee Warnock)  1883 - 1967
Howes, James  1872 - 1940
Howes, John W.  1904 - 1958
Hutchings, Edward C.  1889 - 1966
Hutchings, Evelyn C.  1899 - 1965

Jacklin, Benjamin W.  1882 - 1961
Jacklin, Margit S.  1887 - 1967
Jacklin, Stanley E.  1914 - 1965
Jerrard, Ivy Vivien  1891 - 1929
Johnson, Christina M.  1887 - 1971
Johnson, Jacob  died Aug 196? age 31
Johnson, J. Martin  1900 - 1985
Johnson, John  1886 - 1958
Johnson, R.  Feb 1935 - 16 Sep 1935
Johnston, Elizabeth  1874 - 1939
Johnston, Martha A.  1853 - 1925

Kearns, Elizabeth Rebecca  1872 - 1934
Kearns, Matthew  1862 - 1932
King, Emma Lillian  1892 - 1930
Koch, Garnet Beatrice (nee Beaton)  1903 - 1996
Koch, Jean Rosaline (baby)  died 1933 dau of William & Garnet
Kotylak, Agnes  1866 - 1958
Kozak, Carl  1929 - 2011
Kozak, Dorothy Rose  13 Sep 1939 - 2 Jun 2012
Kozak, Peter  28 Jun 1890 - 9 Aug 1944 age 54 hus of Katherine Kotylak

Laird, Annie  1891 - 1931
Langridge, Mary Janet  1909 - 1936
Law, Grant T.  1931 - 1932
Lawrence, Ella Mary  16 Sep 1926 - 16 Sep 1926 dau of Henry & Grace
Lawrence, Grace J. (nee MacKenzie)  22 Jul 1894 - 9 Sep 1969
Lawrence, Henry J.  1929 - 1986
Lawrence, Henry J.  16 Apr 1883 - 28 Nov 1947
Lawrence, Linda M.  1933 - 
Lawrence, Janice (twin)  died Dec 1962 dau of Henry & Linda
Lawrence, Jayne (twin)  died Dec 1962 dau of Henry & Linda
Laycock, Marjorie Iola  20 Jan 1920 - 27 Feb 1926
Lea, George K.  1881 - 1958
Lea, Mabel K.  1896 - 1979
Leale, Alfred T.  1888 - 1967
Leale, Florence L. M.  1890 - 1970
LeCuyer, Jeannette Evangeline (nee Blenkin))  1938 - 
LeCuyer, Merle Albert  1929 - 1999
LeCuyer, Merle & Jeannette  (2nd photo)
Little-Walton, Sarah  1889 - 1967
Love, Woo Yet  died Apr 1931
Lundgren, Ella Matilda  Sep 1923 - Apr 1924

MacFarlane, Elsie May  1899 - 1935
MacFarlane, John  1928 - 23 Sep 2015
MacFarlane, Robert  3 Mar 1934 age 39
MacKenzie, Robert Burns  1910 - 1932
MacFarlane, William  5 Jul 1926 age 14 mos
MacKenzie, Margaret  1880 - 1974
MacKenzie, Robert  1880 - 1942
Marquis, Luella (nee Roberts)  1905 - 1932 dau of Franklin & Martha (nee Goldberg)
Marsh, Dawna Lee  1934 - 1934
Mathews, William  4 Oct 1864 - 5 Aug 1922
Mathews, William  (2nd photo)
McClelland, (baby)  10 Feb 1940 - 10 Feb 1940
McDermott, Annie J.  1895 - 1987
McDermott, Dermot Peifer 'Corky'  1930 - 1999
McDermott, Earl E.  1930 - 1988
McDermott, Irene Muriel (nee Lindsay)  28 Dec 1930 - 6 Dec 2009 dau of Frank & Idress
McDermott, John B.  1895 - 1985
McDermott, O. Faye  1901 - 1982
McDermott, Thomas J.  1899 - 1964
McDermott, William Scott  1928 - 1937
McElroy, Lloyd Ellwood  7 Feb 1927 - 4 Mar 1928
McElroy, Lloyd Ellwood  (2nd photo)
McLeod, Alexander  1892 - 1970
McLeod, Malcolm  1888 - 1963
McVach, Ellen J.  1866 - 1944
McVach, Roy  1874 - 1944
Meek, Elias Oscar  1881 - 1934
Misselbrook, Amelia Sarah  1874 - 1950
Misselbrook, Carl  1908 - 1977
Moore, Isabelle Margaret  1922 - 1925
Morden, James  4 Jun 1849 - 7 Jul 1933
Moritz, Alice  1909 - 1981
Moritz, Charles  1895 - 1978
Morrison, Daniel J.  1877 - 1930
Morrison, Jessie  1873 - 1958
Morrow, William John  1882 - 1933
Mortenson, James  1858 - 1929
Mortenson, James Bradley  1935 - 2005
Mortenson, Prudence Anna  11 Feb 1892 - 15 Mar 1967
Morton, Charles Curtis  2 Sep 1885 - 23 Nov 1923

Nichols, Marie (nee Jacklin)  15 Jul 1916 - 26 Jun 1989 dau of Benjamin & Margit
Nicholson, Hazel (baby)  died 15 Feb 1934
Nicholson, Leonard Isaiah  12 Nov 1860 - 31 Jul 19??
Nicholson, Myrtle M.  1888 - 1989
Nixon, Annie Laura  1885 - 1967
Nixon, George  1881 - 1971

Opdahl, Myrle  1917 - 1933
Paisley, Daisy A.  1890 - 1981
Paisley, Ephriam J.  1880 - 1964
Paisley, Ervin Lyle  22 Nov 1925 - 5 Nov 1937
Paisley, G. Mervin  1929 - 1974 son of Ephraim & Daisy
Paisley, William Frances  5 Jul 1924 - 28 Aug 1926
Parker, Eunice  1854 - 1936
Parker, Florence M.  1882 - 1933
Parker, Roy E.  1879 - 1948
Parkinson, Gordon  1916 - 1966
Parkinson, Sarah  26 Aug 1863 - 10 Nov 1935
Peifer, Carrie Elizabeth  1868 - 1931
Peifer, Charles Henry  1865 - 1937
Peifer, Delma E.  1894 - 1994
Peifer, H. Manley  1890 - 1970
Perkins, Annie Bell  1874 - 1952
Perkins, Francis Albert  1869 - 1938
Pocock, Albert Avery  1866 - 1944
Pocock, Archie H.  1893 - 1972
Pocock, Eva C.  1893 - 1981
Pocock, Fanny Amelia  1867 - 1944
Pocock, Hubert John  1890 - 1988 hus of Catherine
Pocock, Jane Ann 'Jeannie' (nee Stobbart)  3 Nov 1896 - 28 Sep 1967 dau of Richard & Catherine
Pollock, Frederick  1894 - 1944
Price, 'Father'  10 Dec 1859 - 22 Jun 1935
Price, 'Mother'  16 Oct 1886 - 3 Nov 1942

Roberts, Lloyd  1909 - 1931 son of Frank & Martha
Roberts, Emma  21 Oct 1879 - 6 May 1959 wife of Timothy
Roberts, Margaret A. (nee Bell)  1852 - 1928 wife of George
Roberts, Timothy  2 Aug 1875 - 1 Jun 1952
Roy, Murray Gordon  1906 - 1934

Scanlon, Alvin John  1906 - 1948
Scanlon, Elise K.  1883 - 1960
Scanlon, Enoch E.  1880 - 1966
Scott, Maynard C.  3 Dec 1929 age 4 mos 7 days, son of Alfred & Mabel
Scott, (unknown)  died 1942
Shaver, Catherine (nee Van Allen)  27 Feb 1852 - 24 Dec 1933 wife of Charles S.
Sherman, Nickolas  1893 - 1970
Shults, Ella (nee Peters)  1891 - 7 Nov 1979
Shults, Glendyn Cecil  1891 - 1957 son of Daniel & Dora (nee Harrison)
Shults, Gwendolyn  1917 - 1932 dau of Glendyn & Ella
Shults, Russell Herman  1919 - 14 Dec 1942 son of Glendyn & Ella
Shults, Russell Herman  (2nd grave marker)
Smith, Carl  1884 - 1968
Smith, Janet Craig  1880 - 1947
Smith, Ronald Carl  1912 - 1987
Sopher, Ada L.  1881 - 1934
Sopher, Frederick J.  1917 - 1967
Sopher, James D.  1884 - 1960
Sopher, Mary Dora  1924 - 1967
Spalding, Daniel  5 Feb 1901 - 13 Feb 1969
Spalding, Winnefred  10 Apr 1910 - 3 Sep 1961
Stanley, Roy Lester  1919 - 1930
Staranchuk, Joseph  6 May 1995 age 84
Staranchuk, Maria  1884 - 1973
Staranchuk, Nichola  1875 - 1935
Stewart, Ernest L.  15 Jun 1881 - 21 May 1969
Stewart, Violet  12 Jan 1901 - 23 Sep 1995
Stothers Family Plot  
Stothers, Andrew James  1867 - 1932
Stothers, Margaret J.  1878 - 1956
Strasser, Paul  1935 - 2004
Street, Charles M.  died 11 Mar 1941
Street, Charles M.  (2nd grave marker)
Street, E. E. 'Ted'  1890-1966
Street, Emma  25 Nov 1928 age 73
Street, Emma  (2nd photo)
Street, Gladys W.  19 Sep 1893 - 24 Apr 1934

Taylor, Ethel F.  1898 - 1997
Taylor, James E.  1886 - 1944
Tebbutt, Albert Lloyd  1904 - 1984
Tebbutt, Arling  1929 - 2006 son of Albert & Gladys
Tebbutt, (baby)  died Apr 1965 son of Arling & Eileen
Tebbutt, Eileen (nee Hornseth)  1933 - 
Tebbutt, Gladys Beatrice  1907 - 2001
Tedbutt, Glorie  1959 - 
Tebbutt, Ronald  1932 - 29 May 2011 hus of Joy Agur, son of Albert & Gladys
Thompson, Donald Ross  4 Feb 1965 age 50

Unknown 1  
Unknown 2  
Unknown 3  
Unknown 4  
Unknown 5  
Unknown, Joycelyn (infant)  

Waddell, Barbara  1865 - 1931
Waddell, William  1859 - 1931
Walton, Archibald Ashford 'Archie'  1878 - 1961
Walton, Ashford Weir  1905 - 1965 son of Archie
Walton, Elizabeth (nee Weir)  9 Jan 1877 - 17 Mar 1942 wife of A. A.
Walton, Elsie I. (nee Roberts) Hart Roberts  10 May 1911 - 28 Jul 1990
Walton, Francis 'Frank' Brooks  died 6 Feb 1934 age 25 son of A. A. & E.
Walton, Lyndie Lee  28 Jun 1952 - 27 Sep 1952 dau of Bruce & June
Walton, Robert  died 1 Nov 1934
Walton, Sarah (nee Little)  died 19 Sep 1967 wife of Archie
Warnock, Alllan B.  1881 - 1972
Warnock, David Edward  1891 - 1973
Warnock, Isabella M.  1882 - 1962
Warnock, Leona Madge  1894 - 1973
Warnock, Melvin Borden  10 Dec 1914 - 12 Jul 1945 age 30 yrs 7 mos 2 days
Warnock,Norman E.  17 Jul 1967 age 43
Watson, Gary Bruce  1 Jul 1953 - 13 Aug 1962
Watson, Irene J.  1892 - 1977
Watson, J. Roy  1921 - 2006  
Watson, Theresa (nee Therres)  22 Oct 1924 - 7 Jul 2015 wife of Roy
Watson, Ormond R.  1888 - 1967
Webster, James  1853 - 1933
Webster, Mary  1880 - 1965
Weir, J. U.  1882 - 1934 son of George & Mary Ann
Westman, Ottar  1898 - 1928
Wheeler, John S.  1880 - 1967
White, George B.  188? - 1934
White, T. George  1885 - 1966
Whyte, Alice Amanda  1885 - 1937
Whyte, Alice Amanda  (2nd photo)
Whyte, David Allen  1922 - 1943
Whyte, Donald Angus  15 Sep 1931 - 23 Jan 2015 hus of Doris, son of George & Florence
Whyte, Frank Hardin  1876 - 1959
Whyte, Frank-David-Alice  (2nd photo)
Wicker, Albert  1928 - 29 Dec 1934
Wicker, Edwin  1932 - 29 Dec 1934
Wicker, L. L. (baby)  bur. Jul 1936
Wicker, Lillian G.  1935 - 1936
Wicker, Marion  1934 - 29 Dec 1934
Wicker, Orville  1929 - 29 Dec 1934
Wicks, Cora Belle  1916 - 2002
Wicks, E.  18?? - 1961
Wicks, Herman  1864 - 1943
Wicks, Kathryn Ruth (child)  died Dec 1956 dau of Norman & Edna
Wicks, Linda Faye  Jan 1954 - Jun 1957 dau of Norman & Edna
Wicks, (unknown 1)  
Williams, Edward B.  1886 - 1950
Williams, Etta M.  1887 - 1963
Williams, May  1857 - 1931
Wilmot, J. Earl  1895 - 1924
Wilmot, James G.  1901 - 1942
Wilmot, Margaret Jane (nee Gordon)  1869 - 10 Jun 1927
Wilmot, Thomas William  1862 - 4 Feb 1932
Wilson, Catherine (nee Handford)  1860 - 1938
Wosyk, Nettie  1889 - 1965

Younger, Addie  1875 - 1963
Younger, Charles H.  1880 - 1933

(Click on photo to enlarge)


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