St. Anthony's Roman Catholic Cemetery
Rama district

R.M. of Invermay # 305
GPS   51.773302°N   102.998498°W
Located 2 miles north of Rama

Photographed by Judith Bell June 1, 2011
(Click on coloured names to view the gravestone photo)

Balawyder, Caroline  1911 - 2003
Balawyder, John  1908 - 1997
Barteski, Jean M.  1934 -
Barteski, Peter R.  1933 - 2004
Belitski, Bernadette  12 Jul 1964
Belitski, Edward J.  1936 - 1995
Belitski, Helen  1887 - 1977
Belitski, Kazik  1886 - 1965
Belitski, Mary  1906 - 1988
Belitski, Walter  1906 - 1980
Bicoraj, Edmund Henry  16 Aug 1921 - 23 Mar 1950
Bigoraj, Wasyl  1886 - 1954
Bilsky, Gertrude  1922 -
Bilski, Karol  187? - 1938
Bilsky, Michael  1914 - 1999
Bittner, Mary  25 Feb 1916 - 30 Nov 2002
Bittner, Otto Paul  15 Dec 1899 - 11 Mar 1987
Brezinski, Annie  1905 - 1982
Brezinski, Antoni  1861 - 1945
Brezinski, Edward K.  9 Feb 1953 age 34
Brezinski, Stanley  1900 - 1949
Brzezinski, Pawlina  1865 - 1948
Buchynski, Andrew Thomas  5 Jul 1946 - 12 Sep 2004 son of Paul and Annie 
Buchynski, Annie K. (nee Tytula)  1912 - 2000 
Buchynski, Paul  1888 - 1965
Buchynski, Paul P.  1909 - 2000 
Buchynski, Rudolph J.  1947 - 1972
Bugiera, Anna  1881 - 1976
Bugiera, Joseph  1883 - 1963

Charpentier, Sylvio Jean  1941 - 2001 
Chicilo, Mary Agnes  15 Dec 1915 - 18 Aug 1948
Ciejka, Annie  1912 - 1971
Ciejka, Joannes A.  1892 - 1962
Connolly, John  1869 - 1953
Connolly, Mary  1879 - 1947

Diakow, Mary B.  1881 - 1959
Dmytriw, Bernadette  29 Feb 1940 - 14 Jul 1946
Dmytriw, Elgin M.  3 Dec 1937 - 11 Dec 1995
Dmytriw, Mike  8 Dec 1903 - 7 Jan 1988
Dmytriw, Olga  7 Jan 1918 - 16 May 2004

Genoway, Anna Charlotte (infant)  8 Jun 1982 dau of Roger & Nancy
Genoway, Antonia  1892 - 1976 
Genoway, Bernard  1923 - 1964
Genoway, Edmund Leon  1928 - 5 Jun 2008 son of Joseph & Antonia
Genoway, Elsie A. (nee Ternowski)  1935 -
Genoway, Frank  1928 - 1998
Genoway, John  
Genoway, Joseph  18 Jan 1945 age 58
Genoway, Josephine  1900 - 1987
Genoway, Joshua Michael (infant)  19 May 1987 son of Roger & Nancy
Genoway, Martin  1890 - 1964
Genoway, Mary  died 1932
Gulewicz, Marcelina (nee Nurkowski)  1927 - 20 Feb 2014
Gulewicz, Jan 'John'  27 Apr 1924 - 20 Aug 2006 son of Alexander & Julia

Hanishewski, Helen  1926 -
Hanishewski, John A.  1920 - 1998
Hanishewski, Mary  11 May 1900 - 5 Mar 1963
Hanishewski, Peter  24 Jun 1889 - 24 Nov 1965
Howse, Joseph E.  1887 - 1962

Jaworski, Juzef W.  1927 - 1927
Johnson, Matthew (twin)  22 Jan 1987
Johnson, Rylan (twin)  22 Jan 1987

Kaminski, John  13 May 1932 - 10 Jan 2011 hus of Lorraine, son of Anthony & Annie (nee Bodnar)
Kolodjeski, Anton  1885 - 1966
Kolodjeski, Rose  1908 - 1989
Korchinski, Doris  28 Sep 1911 - 4 Nov 1998
Korchinski, Edward  29 May 1944 - 8 Dec 2002
Korchinski, Joseph  8 Feb 1905 - 30 Dec 1946
Korchinski, Kevin  22 Mar 1973 - 8 Dec 2012 son of Vivian
Korchinski, Louis  1915 - 1957, 1st hus of Pauline Brodziak
Korchinski, Martin  1 Oct 1925 - 16 Oct 1984, 2nd hus of Pauline Brodziak
Korchinski, Mike  15 Sep 1907 - 7 Jun 1966
Korchinski, Nellie  13 Mar 1917 - 13 Sep 1992
Korchinski, Olga  1939 - 1939 dau of Pauline
Korchinski, Pauline  1916 - 1936
Korchinski, Pauline  1883 - 1934
Korchinski, Pauline (nee Brodziak)  10 Jul 1916 - 19 Dec 2006 dau of Harry & Alexandria (nee Hrynchyshyn) 
Korchinski, Steve  1879 - 1971
Korchinski, Stanley James  29 Jan 1929 - 13 May 2000
Korchynski, Annie (nee Yacyshyn)  1917 - 1936
Kos, Anieli  1966 age 73
Kos, Edward  23 Apr 1915 - 13 Feb 2002 son of Mike & Angela (nee Fullawka) 
Kos, Marion M. 1913 - 1957 
Kos, Michal  1901 age 52
Kos, Nettie  1917 - 2004
Kowal, Stanley  1901 - 1988
Kowal, Victoria  1914 - 1996
Krawetz, Mary  1882 - 1962
Kulcheski, Annette  1934 - 2003  
Kulcheski, Rudolph  1937 -
Kulchyski, Martha  
Kulchyski, Michael  Dec 1866 -  Feb 1929
Kulchyski, Pauline  
Kulchyski, Rudy  
Kulchyski, Walter  

Macala, (baby)  born 2 Oct 1960 son of Stephen & Mary
Macala, Jacob  1879 - 1955
Macala, Mary B. (nee Bugiera)  1 Feb 1918 - 10 Jul 2014 dau of Joseph & Anna
Macala, Nettie 'Nina'  7 Oct 1928 -
Macala, Pauline (nee Yasinski)  1886 - 1973
Macala, Stephen Kasmir 'Steve'  1 Nov 1912 - 1 May 2002 son of Jacob & Pauline
Macala, Walter Jacob  25 Sep 1925 - 29 May 1987
Matsalla, Mary (nee Fulawka)  1926 - 24 Dec 2009 dau of Frank & Annie (nee Wolanski)
Matsalla, Mike  1910 - 1986
Melnychuk, Emily  1884 - 1979
Melnychuk, Stephen  1874 - 1957
Mitchel, Angela 1911 - 1943 
Mitchel, Angela  died 1943 age 32
Murphy, Luke James  6 Jun 1882 - 30 Sep 1947

Nazar, Cyryl  
Nazar, Isabel 'Elizabeth'  1931 -
Nazar, Anton 'Tony'  1926 - 2002
Nazar, Mary  
Nieckar, Joseph  1922 - 1985 
Nieckar, Michael  1926 - 1990  
Nieckarz, Albert  ???? - 1988
Nieckarz, Maria  19?? - 19?8  
Nieckarz, Thomas  1922 - 19??
Nowakowski, Anna  1913 - 1965
Nowakowski, Bronislaw  1904 - 1971
Nowakowski, Franciszek  1880 - 1959
Nowakowski, Franciszka  1872 - 1962
Nowakowski, Jason Kyle  9 Mar 1980 - 14 May 1995
Nowakowski, Mary K.  1924 -
Nowakowski, Steve L.  1926 - 1989
Nurkowska, S. P. Weronika  1896 - 1980
Nurkowski, Franciszek  1896 - 1963
Nurkowski, Stanislaw F.  1925 - 2000 

Palchewich, Carl  1892 - 1962
Palchewich, Mary  1906 - 1992
Pasloske, T. J.  24 Apr 1933 age 29
Pasloski, Ann  13 Mar 1918 - 3 Oct 1955
Pasloski, Annastazya Thersa 'Nettie' (nee Bugiera)  15 Apr 1913 - 1 Mar 2006 dau of Joseph & Anna (nee Diakow) 
Pasloski, Anton  1921 - 1996
Pasloski, (baby)  8 Jul 1961 son of Joseph & Antonia
Pasloski, Barry Leonard  2 Apr 1966 - 19 Aug 1988
Pasloski, Ben Anton  22 Mar 1924 - 25 May 2010 son of Peter & Magdalena
Pasloski, Elmond  1934 - 1978
Pasloski, Gregory J.  1896 - 1965
Pasloski, Jean  1915 - 2009
Pasloski, John  1868 - 1951
Pasloski, John J.  1913 - 1985 son of Peter & Magdalena
Pasloski, Magdalena (nee Ternowski)  1894 - 1980
Pasloski, Marian  17 Aug 1912 - 5 Dec 1995
Pasloski, Mary  1897 - 1973
Pasloski, Mary Eleanor (nee Gurski)  7 Mar 1920 - 21 Jan 2013 dau of Steve & Dora (nee Gogal)
Pasloski, Michael  1895 - 1975
Pasloski, Michaline  1871 - 1939
Pasloski, Michelle D.  1964 - 1988
Pasloski, Patricia Ann  26 Feb 1962 dau of Leonard & Vivian
Pasloski, Paul Peter  4 Jul 1932 - 19 Sep 1932 son of Peter & Magdalena
Pasloski, Peter A.  1889 - 1971
Pasloski, Sophie  1928 -
Pasloski, Vincent Joseph  1928 - 16 Jun 2002 son of Peter & Magdalena
Pasloski, Walter  1906 - 1980 
Paslowski, Bernard  1929 - 1999
Paslowski, Veronica Elizabeth (nee Belitsky)  6 Apr 1930 - 18 Jul 2015
Pawlishak, Andrew  1887 - 1973
Pilichowski, Frank  1884 - 1965
Pilichowski, Pauline  1887 - 19??
Prokopchuk, Helen (nee Kos)  1920 - 1985

Rutko, Bernadette  1935 -
Rutko, William  1925 - 2002

Serhan, Gerard (baby)  Jan 1968
Serhan, Jonathan (baby)  Sep 1973
Shzymkow, Maria (nee Macala)  1880 - 1973
Sliva, Joseph L.  15 Dec 1917 - 4 Apr 1997
Sliva, Joseph Peter  14 Jan 1982 - 28 Nov 1998
Sliva, Zonie S.  14 Jan 1929 -
Soloski, Bronislaw  26 May 1927 - 28 Oct 1927
Soloski, Caroline  1891 - 1956
Soloski, Marcin  1873 - 1953
Strembicke, Alice (infant)  1937
Strembicke, Herman (infant)  1941
Strembitski, Frances  1876 - 1950
Swiderski, Anton  1910 - 1968 hus of Polly
Swiderski, Curtis Frederick  23 Nov 1968 - 6 Mar 2010
Swiderski, Eugene  6 May 1949 - 4 Jun 2017 son of Joseph & Jean (nee Bosovich) 
Swiderski, Frank  19 Sep 1911 -
Swiderski, Helen  4 Apr 1916 - 30 Mar 2000  
Swiderski, Joseph F.  1912 - 1962
Swiderski, Kevin Joseph  2 Nov 1969 - 9 Jan 2002 
Swiderski, Mary  1891 - 1926
Swiderski, Mike  1885 - 1939
Swiderski, Nick  1877 - 1950
Swiderski, Pauline  1888 - 1978
Swiderski, Polly (nee Radawetz)  17 Jul 1921 - 9 Jan 2015 dau of John & Julia (nee Matsalla)
Swiderski, Walter W.  1922 - 1966

Tabin, Anna  1871 - 1953
Tabin, Joseph   1896 - 1994
Tabin, Ludwik  1867 - 1922
Tabin, Mary  1906 - 1988
Tabin, Nellie  1906 - 1985
Tabin, Steve  1902 - 1982
Terlecka, Maria  1895 - 3 Aug 1922
Terletski, Dominka  1892 - 1970
Terletski, Eliash  1886 - 1957
Terletski, Joe  1911 - 1988
Terletski, Paul  1914 - 1960
Terletski, Stella  1922 -
Tokarchuk, Agnes  died 1927
Tokarchuk, Carl  1923 - 1963
Tokarchuk, Julia  1896 - 1958
Tokarchuk, Paul  1890 - 1946 

unknown 1
unknown 2  
unknown 3  
unknown 4  
unknown 5  
unknown 6  
unknown 7  
unknown 8 
unknown 9 
unknown 10 
unknown  1922
unknown  1866 - 1942
unknown, Karolina  

Wesolowski, Deborah Ann  6 Jun 1953 - 26 Nov 1956
Wionsek, Caroline  11 Mar 1915 - 12 Oct 1933  
Wionzek, Frank  1886 - 1958
Wionzek, Izydor  1881 - 1953
Wionzek, Joseph  1 Jun 1918 - 8 Jan 2013 son of Frank & Katherine 
Wionzek, Katherine 'Kate' (nee Macala)  1895 - 1991
Wionzek, Mary  1887 - 1975
Wolkowski, Annie  1921 -
Wolkowski, John  11 Feb 1933 - 28 Nov 1939
Wolkowski, Rosie  Mar 193? - 26 Nov 193?
Wolkowski, Willie  1915 - 1987 

Yaworski, Albinia  1878 - 1954
Yaworski, Antoni  1874 - 1961
Yaworski, Edmond J.  1924 - 1959
Yaworski, Edward  1913 - 1989
Yaworski, Helen  1917 - 2008
Yaworski, Jacob  1889 - 1965
Yaworski, Rose  1925 - 2001

Zelinski, Annie  1898 - 1966
Zelinski, Antoni  1889 - 1968
Zelinski, Carl  1928 - 1985
Zelinski, Doris  1932 -
Zelinski, Frances Florence (nee Hanishewski)  4 Jul 1927 - 14 Oct 2012 wife of John, dau of Peter & Mary (nee Matsalla) 
Zelinski, Helen  1915 - 1932  
Zelinski, Joseph  1887 - 1944 
Zelinski, Marion  1929 - 1931

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