Plunkett Cemetery

R.M. of Viscount # 341   NE 11-34-25 W2
GPS   51.91057°N   105.43519°W

Burial index compiled by Heather Canevaro
Photographed by Ron Isherwood   August 18, 2010 & June 26, 2013
(Click on coloured names to view the gravestone photo)

Allan, Alexander  1870 - 1966  8-34 
Allan, Alexander Munro  1914 - 1989  1-34
Allan, Hannah  1885 - 1972  8-34
Allan, Lillian Elizabeth (nee Baker)  17 Feb 1928 - 8 Jun 2011 dau of George & Elizabeth  1-34
Allan, Mary S.  1918 - 1996
Asszony, Martha Aruka  29 Aug 1916 age 73

Baker, Frank A.  9 May 1990 age 78  5-35 
Baker, George Arthur  11 Aug 1932 - 12 Nov 2008 son of George & Elizabeth
Baker, George Everat  1883 - 1953  4-35 
Baker, Helen Doris  10 Nov 1937 - 25 Jan 2007
Baker, Hilda Elizabeth  1891 - 1947  4-35 
Baker, Julia  12 Aug 1907 - 9 Oct 1995  5-35
Baker, Keith E.  1930 - 2001
Ball, Edwin  1878 - 1967  2-53 
Ball, Frances A.  1906 - 2006
Ball, Harriett Elizabeth  1871 - 1962
Ball, Lois  1942 - 1943  5-30 
Ball, Robert  1910 - 1982 7-53
Beadle, Elsie May  11 Mar 1926 - 7 Mar 2011 
Beadle, Lillian Esther  1893 - 1980  1-26 
Beadle, Walter Garnet  9 Feb 1979 age 93  1-26 
Bell, John Fletcher  1878 - 1960  7-32 
Bell, Nora  23 Apr 1918 - 23 May 23, 1918  
Bell, Robert  1882 - 1968  5-29 
Bell, Rose O.  1888 - 1983  7-32 
Bentley, Carl  hus of Ethel
Bentley, Ethel Anna (nee Egeto)  20 Feb 1917 - 10 Jan 2013 dau of Peter & Mary (nee Vaczi) 
Bentley, Joseph  12 Feb 1915 - 4 May 1989  7-47 
Bentley, Mary Mae (nee Jones)  8 Feb 1927 - 19 Feb 2012 dau of Howard & Mina
Berenchy, Balazs  1902 - 1980  1-12 
Berenchy, Marguerite  1898 - 1982  1-12
Boldogult, Istenben  16 Sep 1881 - 29 May 1942 
Brumwell, Ellen Elizabeth  died age 78 yrs 11 mos 21 days - bur. 27 Apr 1950  1-53 
Brumwell, George Henry  30 May 1874 - 11 Apr 1938  1-53 
Burt, Margret Marion  1930 - 1977  5-15 
Busa, Andrew  1878 - 1957  8-28 
Busa, Helen  1879 - 1957  8-28 

Campbell, Colin Leonard  bur. 26 Apr 1919
Chapman, Rollin A.  15 Mar 1858 - 18 Jun 1920
Chapman, Winona  21 Feb 1860 - 8 Oct 1942
Comaniuk, John Mike  died age 83 - bur. 28 Dec 1978  6-26 
Cox, Charles Henry  1897 - 1932  8-47 
Cox, Elizabeth  1897 - 1977  8-47 

Dale, Dorothy Ruth (nee Pocock)  1923 - 12 Feb 2005
Dale, James W.  1925 - 1998  
David, Julia  died age 62 - bur. 1 Mar 1928  1-30 
Dertell, Annie  died age 88 - bur. 9 Jan 1986  6-46 
Ditrich, Catherine  15 Apr 1928 age 46
Domonyi, John  died age 73 yrs 9 mos 1 day - bur. 29 Jan 1942  3- 48 
Domonyi, Julia  1841 - 1924
Domonyi, Paul  30 Sep 1930  2-48 

Eckstein, Daniel  1926 -  1948  4-32
Eckstein, Henry   16 Nov 1928 - 9 Feb 1947
Eckstein, Phyllis  3 Nov 1937 - 8 Apr 1994  5-32
Eckstein, W. Jr.  died age 19 yrs 3 mos - bur. 13 Feb 1947  5-32  
Edmonds, Clarence  bur. 20 Mar 1917  6-11 
Egeto, Mary (nee Vaczi)  bur. Feb 1942 wife of Peter  1-28 
Ernst, Melvin Lorne   26 Dec 1928 - 3 Oct 2014 hus of Ethel, son of Lorne & Natalie (nee Molder)

Farkas, Albert  1869 - 1948  2-31 
Farkas, Albert  1897 - 1982  1-31
Farkas, Andrew James  1910 - 2003 
Farkas, Irene  1907 - 2001
Farkas, Julia  1872 - 1946  2-31 
Fink, Annie Mathilda  died age 22 yrs 8 mos - bur. 5 Aug 1936  2-27

Galvin, Bertha Nathalia (nee Heise)  9 Apr 1925 - 16 Nov 1993
Galvin, John Edmund Wesley  18 Mar 1924 - 13 Jan 1998 

Harrison, W.  bur. 28 Oct 1928  1-27
Hayes, Gail Louise  1948 - 2013 
Hegedus, John  1871 - 1973  4-31 
Hegedus, Roza  1871 -  1952  4-31 
Heise Family Plot  
Heise, Adolph  1916 - 1951  2-33 
Heise, Erna Regina  1918 - 2008
Heise, Henry Charles  1917 - 1991  1-33  
Heise, Lydia  1897  1987  7-33  
Heise, Martin  1890 - 1957  7-33 
Heise, Phillip William  1915 - 1992  8-33
Heise, William Otto  1923 - 1951  2-33  
Hislop, Fredrick William  died age 9 mos  4-8  
Hollier, Robert Donald  died age 1 mon - bur. 12 Jul 1957  3-33 
Hornyak, Emma  died age 17 days - bur. 9 Mar 1933  8-48 
Hornyak, Steve  died age 45 ys 10 mos 25 days - bur. 19 Jul 1945  7-48
Hornyak, Steve Albert   died age 6 wks - bur. 4 Apr 1931  8-48 
Horvath, Frank  1888 - 1975  5-33 
Horvath, Pearl  1888 - 1983  5-33 
Houriet, Sarah J.  died age 53 yrs 11 mos 5 days - bur. 27 Apr 1932  8-46
Hunter, Adda Maude  1892 - 1966 
Hunter, Bruce Irvin  1925 - 1980  4-13 
Hunter, Frederick  1885 - 1966  3-13 
Hunter, Joyce Enid  1927 - 1947  3+4-13 
Hunter, Joyce Enid  (2nd photo)

Jensen, Elden  23 Jul 1993 (ashes on SW 14-25-35 W2) 

Kienlen, Alfred James  bur. 15 Mar 1994 
King, Thomas Bertran  bur. 6 Dec 1918 
Kiss, Roselie  1879 - 1951  7-27  
Kostuk, Michel  died age 68 yrs 6 mos 27 days - bur. 14 Jun 1932  6-46 
Kovacz, Laszlo  1886 - 1962  6-13 

Langston, Alfred  1885 - 1944  7-30 
Langston, Charles Edward  1889 - 1975  8-32 
Langston, Eva Madge  1934 -  1959  3-30 
Langston, Hilda Katheline  12 Nov 1915 age 29 wife of Alfred
Langston, Hilton Sherlock  11 Nov 1915 age 7 yrs 9 mos
Langston, James  20 May 1926 - 10 Mar 1993  7-30 
Langston, Kathleen  1955 - 1978  1-32 
Langston, Louisa Myrtle  1893 - 1989  8-32   
Langston, Margaret Davidson  1918 - 1986  1-32
Langston, Ruth  1920 - 1921
Langston, William Keith  1918 - 1980  1-32
Lewis, James  died age 67 - bur. 21 Nov 1927

Mathews, Leonard  18 Feb 1918 age 15 yrs 6 mos, son of Clarence & Lily
McCarthy, John Joseph  died age 51 yrs 4 mos 30 days - bur. 20 Nov 1950  5-48 (transfered to Saskatoon) 
McCarthy, John William  died age 7 - bur. 3 Nov 1933 (transfered to Saskatoon)
Meszaros, E.  bur. 31 Dec 1916 
Meyer, Edward Hirum  died age 55 - 18 May 1931  1-55 
Mundell, Mary Jane  bur. 8 Mar 1919 
Mundell, Nettie Belle  bur. 9 Apr 1919 
Mundell, William  died age 90 - bur. May 1930  4-27 
Musselman, Joseph Verna  18 Feb 1993 age 89  3-53
Muynar, John  1875 - 1951  5-48 

Norek, John  1878 - 1928  5-55
Norek, Kate  2 May 1928 age 78  5-55  
Nugent, Annie  1902 - 1954  7-13 
Nugent, Donald F.  1921 - 1999
Nugent, Fred  1888 - 1951  7-13 
Nugent, John Heiber  1936 - 1966 / 8-13
Nugent, Robert  1930 - 1998

Paulett, Harmon David  1896 - 1982  5-29 
Paulett, Sophia  1873 - 1956  4-30 
Paulett, Thomas  1867 - 1947  4-30 
Reiber, John  9 Nov 1951 age 76  2-13 
Reiber, Theresa  18 Sep 1946 age 67  2-13 
Rodgers, Isabella Mrs.  died age 64 yrs 8 mos - bur. 26 Dec 1925  4-28  

Scott, Ann Henderson  1901 - 1981  2-12 
Scott, Emily  1889 - 1984  2-14 
Scott, Frederick George  1928 - 20 May 2004 hus of Bobbi
Scott, George  1888 - 1965  2-12 
Scott, James  1884 - 1935 hus of Emily  1-14 
Scott, James Baden  1912 - 1938  2-14 
Scott, Wilfred  1923 - 1924
Seabrook, Elizabeth Thompson  1878 - 1938  1-13
Seabrook, George B.  1883 - 1971  1-13 
Seabrook, Lydia Elfriede  1900 - 3 Jul 1997  
Shoemaker, Frederick James  14 Jun 1945 - 7 Feb 2006 son of Otto & Evelyn
Shoemaker, Frederick Otto  27 Jan 1990 age 82  2-26
Shoemaker, Janet Anne  25 Dec 1950 - 25 Dec 1950 dau of Otto & Evelyn  4-33 
Shoemaker, Robert Lyle Jr.  (baby)  30 Mar 1981  4-33  
Sollosy, (baby)  16 Jan 1920 age 16 days  1-27 
Sollosy, (baby boy)  bur. 28 Oct 1919  3-14 
Sollosy, Albert John  1913 - 1989  4-14 
Sollosy, Alice D.  1936 age 5 mos 19 days  4-14 
Sollosy, Andrew  1884 - 1954  6-14 
Sollosy, Esther  1891 - 1963  6-14 
Sollosy, George (baby)  1926 
Sollosy, Irene  1928 age 4 mos  4-14 
Sollosy, Louis Alexander  1920 - 1922  3-14 
Steves, William Stanley
Stewart, Isabella  1873 - 1951  5-14 
Stewart, Olge R.  1879 - 1969  5-14  

Taylor, George F.  died age 16 mos  - bur. 11 Jun 1936  2-34 
Thorpe, John  died age 56 yrs 6 m os 12 days - bur. 11 Jul  1936  1?-7 
Torok, Helen  May 1885 - 14 Sept 1971 2-30
Torok, John  24 Apr 1884 - 30 Jun 1930  2-30  
Toth, Rachel  died age 83 - bur. 12 Dec  1933  2-48 

unknown 1
unknown 2
unknown 3  18 Sep 1946

Veres, Rose  1897 - 1969  1-15 
Veres, Alexander  1888 - 1982  1-15
Wanstall, Robert W.  bur. 7 Sep 1926  8-30  
Wellman, Joan (nee Cox)  1931 - 1999  2-47 
Williamson, John A.  1918  
Williamson, Joseph C.  18 Mar 1928 age 43  5-34
Williamson, Lily  1881 - 1946  5-34 
Williamson, Matilda M.  8 Aug 1925 age 70 
Williamson, Samuel A. died age 75 - bur. 17 Mar 1930  3-35 
Wilson, Joseph E.  1869 - 1950  1-33 
Wilson, William Lester  died age 74 - bur. 14 Apr 1938  4-7 

Jensen, Eldon  Jul 23, 1993  (ashes in yard under tree on SW 14-25-35 W2) 
(Click on photo to enlarge)


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