Piapot Cemetery
R.M. of Piapot # 110   SW 17-12-23 W3
GPS   49.991432°N   109.117183°W
First burial in 1893

Airth, Phyllis Christina  Nov 22, 1942 - Apr 13, 2004
Aldous, Henry M.  1865 - 1917
Alexander, Bertha Jessie  Feb 14, 1920 age 28
Alexander, Sarah A.  1842 - 1928
Allan, Helen  Jul 20, 1920 age 78
Allen, Fred  died Aug 1938
Armitage, Dolly  died Feb 11, 1926
Armitage, Pearlie  died Jul 13, 1924

Baldwin, (infant)  
Barber, James  1891 - 1934
Barber, Margaret E.  1886 - 1948
Barquest, Henry J.  1894 - 1920
Bateman, Rachel  1860 - Dec 29, 1942
Batter, (infant)  
Batter, Kathleen Elizabeth (infant)  died May 6, 1938
Baynton, Flora  1896 - 1975 wife of William
Baynton, William  1882 - 1955
Beasley, Albert  1926 - 1992
Beasley, Alice  1898 - 1984
Beasley, Anthony Jr.  1909 - 1967
Beasley, Anthony Sr.  1884 - 1966
Beasley, Beatrice  1880 - 1966
Beasley, Frank  Mar 24, 1924 - Apr 12, 1986
Beasley, Frank Sr.  1875 - 1946
Beasley, Gordon  1915 - 1993 hus of Lititia
Beasley, Gordon Henry  1940 - 1961
Beasley, Grant Allan  1959 - 1974
Beasley, Harry George  
Beasley, Kenneth  Nov 19, 1968 age 56
Beasley, Lititia (nee Drinkwater)  Jan 1, 1921 - Aug 19, 2014 dau of Harry & Christina
Beasley, Lloyd ‘Buck’  1923 - 1987
Beasley, Violet  Dec 10, 1935 age 9
Beaton, Frederick  1885 - 1969
Beck, Albin G.  1888 - 1973
Beck, Edward  1929 - 1996
Beck, Margaret M.  1897 - 1995 wife of Albin
Bennetto, Israel 1883 - 1956
Bennetto, K. Helena  1899 - 1976 wife of Israel
Benson, Cyril W.  1905 - 1950 son of David & Mabel
Benson, David John  1869 - 1943
Benson, Edris A.  1912 - 1915 dau of David & Mabel
Benson, Mabel Florence  1879 - 1969
Berreth, Daniel  Jan 8, 1917 - Jan 8, 2014 hus of Violet Elderkin, son of Henry & Lydia
Berreth, Ed   1914 - 1994
Berreth, Gladys Congram  1919 -
Berreth, Jerome Edward  1940 - May 7, 2013 son of Ed & Gladys
Berreth, Reinhold E.  1890 - 1942
Bertram, David  1908 - 1935
Besaw, Edward  Feb 3, 1938 age 69
Besaw, Rebecca  Feb 1940 age 76
Birchall, Deborah  1889 - 1970
Birchall, James  1882 - 1974
Birchall, Robert  1885 - 1960
Birchall, William  1889 - 1949
Birchall, William Stanley  Jun 4, 1922 - Dec 23, 1980 son of Robert & Deborah
Blacksioux, Sheldon (nee Riel)  Mar 29, 1993 - Dec 19, 2015
Blair, Joseph  1856 - Dec 5, 1914
Blume, Grace (nee Johnson)  1865 - 1951
Blume, Peter Paul  1868 - 1951
Boneham, Charles Edward  Nov 23, 1935 age 69
Bonnell, William Norman  May 11, 1879 - Dec 16, 1937
Borman, Bob  1925 - 1999
Borman, Doug  1926 - 2000
Borman, Douglas Jennings  died Jul 2001
Borman, Edith  1904 - 1996
Borman, Henry  1897 - 1987
Borman, Shirley  1931 - 1984
Bowie, Ada Frances  1883 - 1970
Bowie, John A.  1886 - 1960
Bowie, Lloyd W.  1914 - 1922
Bowyer, A. Frank  1904 - 1988 hus of Emma
Bowyer, Emma  1903 - 1974
Boyles, William John  Oct 23, 1952 age 72
Braniff, Arthur D.  1941 - 1962
Braniff, C. E.  Jun 4, 1970 age 73
Braniff, Lavina  Nov 7, 1919 age 17
Braniff, Susan  Aug 8, 1908 - Feb 9, 1988
Braniff, Thomas Edward  Sep 4, 1930 - Mar 28, 1995 son of C. E. & Susan
Breland, James  Mar 1, 1882 - Jan 2, 1944
Breland, Josue Patrice  Aug 30, 1927 age 79
Breland, Marie Flavia  Nov 3, 1932 age 78 wife of Josue
Brennagh, William J.  1872 - 1946
Brett, Kearns H.  Sep 23, 1916 age 3 mos 14 days
Brown, Cassie  1889 - 1946
Brown, Walter Thomas  1895 - 1969
Buchanan, F. C.  1875 - 1924
Buchanan, John Pillar  1839 - 1925
Buchanan, Lucinda Jane  1869 - 1931
Burch, Lillie  1881 - 1935
Butler, Florence C.  Apr 30, 1908 - Dec 25, 1923
Butts, Margaret  died Jun 9, 1921 age 45
Butts, Robin F.  1908 - 1971
Butts, Ruby M.  1920 - 2008 wife of Robin

Cappo, Brian Wayne  died Nov 29, 2015
Caswell, Doris Adel (nee Braniff)  Mar 23, 1934 - Oct 22, 2014 dau of C. E. & Susan
Cazalet, Lydia  1872 - 1950
Chadwick, Alwilda I.  1865 - 1951
Chadwick, Anna E.  1899 - 1926
Chadwick, Enid Opal  Sep 21, 1946 age 21
Chadwick, Ferne  1926 - 1928
Chadwick, Irene  1919 - 1920
Chadwick, James N.  1860 - 1945
Chadwick, James O.  1885 - 1936
Chadwick, Russell J.  Sep 20, 1939 - Oct 20, 1939
Chadwick, Stella A.  1886 - 1974
Chichenko, Frank  Aug 29, 1956 - Jul 5, 2005
Chichenko, Howard  1930 - 2004
Christmann, Philip Henry  Jul 26, 1888 - Apr 24, 1920
Colby, James G.  1895 - 1920
Cole, Hattie  Mar 7, 1872 - Oct 22, 1940 wife of William
Cole, William Cleveland  Sep 30, 1947 age 80
Congram, Dennis  Sep 27, 1922 age 2
Congram, George Henry  1867 - 1943
Cornish, Lewellyn William  Mar 22, 1975 age 65
Coulson, Edward T.  1862 - 1918
Coulter, George H.  1875 - 1950
Coulter, Grace  Mar 16, 1988 age 97
Coulter, Harry George  Aug 1, 1913 - Feb 3, 1999
Coulter, Steven Doug  1973 - 1975
Coulter, William  1918 - 1948
Countryman, Glen Elgin  May 1926 - Nov 1926
Countryman, Violetta  1904 - 1998
Crandall, Clarence  1916 - 1981
Crandall, Marion Louise  1921 - Jan 16, 2016
Crandall, Peter D.  1970 - 1970
Crandall, Ronald (infant)  died 1971
Cundal, Madaleine Elfleda  Dec 23, 1928 age 37
Curnyn, James  died Sep 16, 1956
Cutting, Emily  1864 - 1940 wife of Marshall
Cutting, Marshall  1860 - 1945

Dakin, Wesley LeRoy  Oct 25, 1923 - Mar 5, 1926
Davis, Joseph  1897 - 1946
Day, James  Dec 30, 1932 age 74
Derchenko, John  1888 - 1949
Desjarlais, Gail Deanna  Mar 5, 1958 - Jan 9, 2016
Dillabough, Albert Allan  1881 - 1956
Dillabough, Margaret Ann  1884 - 1956 wife of Albert
Drever, Phyllis Evelyn  died 1930
Drinkwater, Alvin H.  Jul 18, 1916 - Aug 16, 2004
Drinkwater, Christina M.  1879 - 1967 wife of Harry
Drinkwater, Harry E.  1875 - 1963
Drinkwater, Mary A.  Aug 3, 1916 - Jul 15, 2004
Drinkwater, Melanie Dawn  Sep 17, 1964 - Jun 10, 1966
Dyer, Catharine  1865 - 1941 wife of Herman
Dyer, Herman  1863 - 1938
Dyer, Ida  1907 - 1981
Dyer, Pearl E.  May 24, 1929 - Oct 4, 1929
Dyer, Roy  1888 - 1955
Dyer, Tena  Oct 17, 1889 - Jun 22, 1922 wife of Roy
Dyer, William  Jun 26, 1892 - Apr 18, 1941

Earl, Charles E. 1857 - 1934
Earl, Ernest W.  1933 - 1979
Earl, Hilda May  1899 - 1992
Earl, Mary Ann  1863 - 1946
Eccleston, Ellen  1867 - 1933
Eccleston, Mary  1887 - 1955
Eccleston, William  1890 - 1956
Elderin, Diar  1899 - 1969
Elderkin, Alvin ‘Sam’  1921 - 1999
Elderkin, (baby)  1941 - 1941
Elderkin, Caroline  1908 - 1943
Elderkin, Dorothy Irene  1922 - 1922
Elderkin, Harvey  1894 - 1963
Elderkin, Hiram K.  died 1943
Elderkin, Lilly  1898 - 1974
Elderkin, Lloyd Douglas  May 11, 1941 - May 11, 1941
Elderkin, Lydia  1862 - 1937
Elderkin, Lynda (infant)  died Oct 2, 1950
Elderkin, Martha  1911 - 1981
Elderkin, Stanley  1896 - 1963
Eliuk, Audrey (nee Roen)  May 7, 1937 - Jul 17, 2014
Eliuk, Lance  Jan 5, 1957 - Jun 20, 2016 son of Walter & Audrey
Eliuk, Walter  Jul 20, 1932 - Nov 19, 2007
Erickson, Charles  1872 - Jan 17, 1917
Estacaille, Bernard  1865 - 1943
Evans, Charles Robert  1882 - 1947
Evans, Mayme Edith  1893 - 1957 wife of Charles
Ezard, Elizabeth  Mar 16, 1944 age 76
Ezard, John George  Sep 25, 1959 age 90
Ezard, Sarah  1878 - 1949

Fenwick, Robinson  1854 - Jan 13, 1943
Fichtner, Annie (nee Eirich)  Jun 8, 1894 - Feb 13, 1919 wife of Emanuel
Fiechtner, Jacob Johann  Apr 12, 1860 - Feb 13, 1919
Fiechtner, Mary (nee Harsch)  Aug 7, 1862 - Dec 25, 1927
Forbes, Ken  1943 - 2013
Forsyth, Alexander  1894 - 1939
Forsyth, Anne  1911 - 1993 wife of Alexander
Forsyth, Janet G.  1906 - 1994 wife of Kenneth
Forsyth, Kenneth  1896 - 1972
Forsyth, Mary  1866 - 1920
Forsyth, Robina Mary  1931 - 1934

Gardippi, Sam  Oct 26, 1918 age 30
Gerrish, Edith (nee Elderkin)  1919 - 2001
Goforth, Adam Joseph  May 26, 1973 - Dec 4, 2000
Goldie, John M.  1913 - 1978
Grayson-Bell, Marion Frances (nee Bowie)  1916 - 2003

Handford, Lila  1918 - 1923
Handford, Melvin  1879 - 1924
Hanna, Maggie  1890 - 1924
Hanna, Margaret  1850 - 1926
Harper, Albert  1915 - 1946
Harper, Effie  1876 - 1933
Harper, Frank  1873 - 1946
Harrigan, Donald William (infant)  died Aug 20, 1946
Harrigan, Frances Catherine  1878 - 1942 wife of William
Harrigan, William Edward  1868 - 1947
Hart, Elizabeth (nee Conen)  Feb 10, 1864 - Mar 2, 1931
Hart, Howard  1895 - 1974
Hart, Keitha  1918 - 1999 wife of Mertin
Hart, Mary  1896 - 1991
Hart, Mertin  1924 - 2011
Hart, Ramee  1863 - 1924
Haupt, Leo Alexander (infant)  died Feb 23, 1942
Heard, Howard  1911 - 1992
Heard, Hubert H.  1899 - 1995
Heard, Hubert Harvey  Nov 29, 1915 age 50
Heard, Jeanne  1919 - 2003 wife of Howard
Heard, Mabel Rebecca  Dec 5, 1909 age 2 yrs 4 mos 18 days, dau of Wesley & Rosa
Heard, Rosa  Jul 9, 1881 - Apr 14, 1940
Heard, Stanley Mervyn  Feb 12, 1920 - Aug 18, 1943 (bur. Runneymede, Surrey, Eng.)
Heard, Wesley  Mar 6, 1869 - May 24, 1923
Henderson, Walter  1875 - 1947
Herminston, Louise  died 1921
Holm, Gustaf  Mar 13, 1946 age 81
Hope, George Davidson  Mar 29, 1911 - Feb 2, 1919
Horning, Albert William  1895 - 1935
Horning, Cecil Earl  1931 - 2011 son of Albert
Horning, William J.  Feb 16, 1927 - Jan 16, 1951

Ironchild, Henry J.  Jan 17, 1913 - Nov 19, 2000 son of Nickol

James, Mel C.  1916 - 1991
James, Neil D.  1943 - 1967
Jennings, William J.  1913 - 1946
Jensen, Ester  1896 - 1928  wife of Magnus
Jensen, Magnus  1887 - 1959
Jensen, Marion  1924 - 1925
Johnson, August K.  1876 - 1944
Joslyn, Annie  1907 - 2004
Joslyn, Betty  1870 - 1953
Joslyn, Cecil  1930 - 1930
Joslyn, Frank  1931 - 1936
Joslyn, Herbert  1929 - 1963
Joslyn, Horace A. W.  1889 - 1973
Joslyn, Mark  1879 - 1941
Judas, Edwin R.  1913 - 1924

Kaul, Alice Jenora (nee Reno)  Sep 23, 1908 - May 2, 2013 wife of Arthur
Kaul, Arthur E.  1908 - 1992
Kaul, Doreen Janet  Dec 1, 1948 age 6
Kaul, Sophia  1880 - 1975
Klein, Arthur  1914 - 1955
Klein, Jacob  1889 - 1947
Klein, Salma  1892 - 1962 wife of Jacob
Knapp, Francis M.  1875 - 1956
Kramer, Garth  1870 - 1962
Krieg, John  1903 - 1980

Lainsbury, John William  1891 - 1975
Ledeau, John B.  1888 - 1965
Leedle, Wendell William  1893 - 1918
Leedle, William  1840 - 1927
Longmuir, Mary Ellen (nee Glover)  died 1939
Longmuir, Robert  1871 - 1918

MacQuarrie, Hector  1868 - 1949
McFarland, Dorothy  died Mar 2, 1920
McFaul, Blaine Stuart  1955 - 1955
McFaul, Clarice O.  1892 - 1972
McFaul, Gordon B.  1922 - 1923
McFaul, Louis W.  1886 - 1959
McGillivray, Clarence  1917 - Sep 11, 1980
McGillivray, Eldon Harvey  died Jan 17, 1924
McGillivray, Gordon Fraser  1930 - 1984
McGillivray, Janet  1895 - 1976
McGillivray, Marjorie  1918 - 1994 wife of Clarence
McGillivray, Violet Evelyn (infant)  died Dec 28, 1925
McGillivray, William J.  1887 - 1968
McGillivray, William James  1919 - 1993
McInnes, Mabel  Oct 6, 1919 age 2
McStephen, Donald  1874 - 1956
McStephen, Mary E.  May 16, 1933 age 66 wife of Donald
Meacock, Calvin Francis  1964 - 1983
Mercer, A. J.  1882 - 1949
Mercer, Dorothy Joyce  died Aug 21, 1930
Mercer, Lily M. W.  Nov 1, 1917 - Jan 16, 1918
Mielke, Rosina  1890 - 1966
Moore, A. Lyle  Oct 10, 1932 - Sep 29, 1985
Moore, Cheryl  Jun 10, 1964 - Jun 12, 1964
Mutrie, Annie Ella  1877 - 1941
Mutrie, Margaret Jane  Dec 7, 1897 - Dec 15, 1926 dau of William & Annie
Mutrie, William  1874 - 1970

Needham, Frances Rose  Oct 23, 1912 - May 17, 2004 wife of Robert
Needham, Hiram  Oct 12, 1875 - Apr 9, 1953
Needham, Letitia (nee Hunt)  Oct 1, 1858 - Nov 12, 1940 wife of Robert
Needham, Martha (nee Hunt)  Jan 27, 1873 - May 14, 1926
Needham, Robert  Dec 19, 1853 - Dec 26, 1938
Needham, Robert  Nov 20, 1901 - Jul 31, 1969 son of Hiram & Martha
Needham, Sarah Hanna  Nov 28, 1884 - Jun 6, 1976
Ness, Ole  1869 - 1933
Newton, Thomas  1881 - 1948
Newton, William  1850 - 1939
Norman, Gosta E. ‘Joe’  Mar 7, 1911 - Dec 1, 1993
Norman, Irene Fay  1945 - 1959

O'Donnell, Brent Patrick  Oct 3, 1964 - Nov 16, 1966
O'Donnell, Griffith  1922 - 1948
O'Donnell, Patrick  1919 - 1995
O'Farrell, George Avery  1847 - 1932
Oakes, Elizabeth Mary (nee Coulson)  1887 - 1957
Oakes, George Ambrose  Dec 4, 1887 - Apr 16, 1977 son of Edward & Elizabeth
Oakes, George Edward  died Oct 4, 1945
Oakes, John W.  1924 - 1988
Olsen, Elizabeth  1900 - 1963
Olsen, Margaret  1918 - 1996
Olsen, Michelena C.  1910 - 1935
Olsen, Ole  1888 - 1968

Parfat, Leslie Ross  Feb 21, 1913 - Jun 2, 1925
Paul, John Stevenson  Jul 6, 1937 age 68
Peters, Anna  1892 - 1968 wife of George
Peters, George  1877 - 1952
Pike, Devillow King  Nov 24, 1852 - Feb 7, 1917 hus of Harriet
Pike, Harriet Ida (nee Smith)  Sep 14, 1858 - Feb 19, 1926
Pollard, Laura Ethel  1870 - 1960 wife of Richard
Pollard, Mary Ann (nee Reinhart)  Sep 6, 1848 - Feb 15, 1933
Pollard, Richard   Dec 1, 1839 - Apr 17, 1920
Pollard, Richard Leroy  May 3, 1888 - 1970 son of Richard & Mary
Pollock, Reginald  
Preston, Leonard  1844 - 1929

Quarry, Leonard  1910 - 1918
Quinn, Catherine  Oct 29, 1946 age 56
Quinn, Edna May  Mar 17, 1941 age 21
Quinn, Michael  Feb 13, 1973 age 97

Radiman, Nick  died Oct 30, 1918
Reno, Olive  Apr 9, 1929 - May 27, 1956
Robinson, Margaret  1909 - 1919
Robinson, William  1877 - 1962
Roen, Christian  1890 - 1969
Roen, Emma Jane  1902 - 1985 wife of Christian
Rogers, Elsie  1915 - 2004 wife of William & Katherine
Rogers, Katherine  1894 - 1983
Rogers, William  1890 - 1967
Ross, Carol P.  1904 - 1979
Ross, Evelyn A.  1874 - 1961
Ross, Maxon  1900 - 1990
Ross, Philip  1866 - 1940
Ruggles, Ella J.  1901 - 1971 wife of Leo
Ruggles, Leo W.  1896 - 1971

Salt, Agnes (nee Boothroyd)  1862 - 1927
Salt, William John  May 12, 1931 age 75
Sanders, Fannie (nee York)  Apr 20, 1876 - Oct 13, 1960
Sanderson, George W. L.  Apr 20, 1927 - Nov 18, 2005
Sanderson, Ralph E.  Jun 25, 1929 - Jul 30, 2012 hus of Virginia
Sanderson, Virginia  Apr 19, 1935 -
Scherck, Vivian Joyce  Nov 30, 1940 - Mar 29, 1941
Scott, Andrew  1851 - 1932
Scott, Charles G.  1903 - 1986
Scott, Christina  1907 - 2000 wife of Charles
Scott, Doris May Dakin (nee Evans)  1915 - 2012 dau of Charles & Mayme
Scott, Elizabeth  Mar 31, 1923 age 73
Scott, Florence  Nov 22, 1938 age 9
Scott, Ira Merton  Aug 17, 1880 - Jul 22, 1973
Scott, Mary Alice  died Jun 1942
Scott, Mina Ethel (nee Newton)  Oct 19, 1883 - Sep 12, 1977
Scott, Shirley  Mar 10, 1934 - Jul 16, 1934
Scott, Walter Edward  Jul 29, 1908 - Sep 1967 hus of Doris, son of Ira & Mina
Shaw, Lillian Matilda  Aug 1, 1935 age 53
Sheen, John Mathew  Jan 1937 - Feb 23, 1937
Shuard, Albert  1874 - 1959
Shuard, Ellen E.  1866 - 1923
Small, Johnnie  
Smith, Elmer  Aug 1, 1917 age 33
Smyrl, Emma Kathleen  1906 - 1971 wife of Stewart
Smryl, Stewart  1901 - 1972
Soper, Estella  1886 - 1922
Soper, Merle  1910 - 1928
Soper, William G.  1884 - 1952
Splitt, George R.  1905 - 1979
Splitt, Mary Ellen  1913 - 1988
Stafford, Elsie  1852 - 1933
Stafford, John Pirrie  1885 - 1978
Stafford, Obadiah  Oct 22, 1921 age 63
Stewart, Albert Edward  Feb 4, 1902 - Jun 4, 1928
Stewart, George J.  Nov 22, 1916 age 52
Stoppler, Konrad  May 22, 1923 - May 8, 2012 hus of Rose
Stoppler, Rose Kay (nee Luciak)  Feb 16, 1926 - Aug 24, 2015 dau of William & Anne
Swain, David George  Jan 6, 1945 - Jan 7, 1945
Swain, Edward J.  1905 - 1991
Swain, Francis Xavier  Feb 8, 1874 - Oct 25, 1937
Swain, Gota ‘Lennie’  1908 - 1976
Swain, Mary V.  1875 - 1945
Syred, Joseph Charles  Feb 9, 1917 age 44

Theedom, Len  Feb 13, 1920 - Dec 26, 1999
Thorn, Chuancey  died Apr 26, 1921
Thorn, Elizabeth  died 1923

Wagner, Henry August  Oct 5, 1873 - Dec 15, 1939
Weldon, John J.  died Apr 13, 1944
Wilde, Valerie Lynn  Apr 28, 1964 - Aug 16, 1980
Wolfater, Caroline Ann (infant)  died Apr 21, 1950
Wolfater, Elmer F.  Dec 8, 1920 - Mar 25, 1986
Wolfater, Judyann A.  Jun 30, 1951 - Jun 16, 1978 dau of Elmer & Velma
Wolfater, Loretta Mavis  Aug 3, 1949 - Aug 4, 1949 dau of Elmer & Velma
Wolfater, Velma H.  Jan 18, 1928 - Nov 12, 2010

York, John J.  1850 - 1928
York, Missouri  1858 - 1933

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