Pambrun Cemetery
R.M. of Whiska Creek # 106   SE 29-11-11 W3
GPS   49.935097°N   107.461651°W
First burial in 1919

Compiled by Christa Kaytor

Anderson, Alice (nee Mouland)  1928 - 1952
Applegren, Charles W.  1956 - 1956
Applegren, Elmer Oswald  1915 - 1983 son of Maria
Applegren, Herman William  1902 - 1975 son of Maria
Applegren, Maria E.  1875 - 1965
Applegren, Mary K. (nee Speck)  1922 - 1964 wife of Elmer, dau of Henry & Jennie
Applegren, Olga (nee Stoen)  1910 - 2001 wife of Herman
Askeland, Kristian  1903 - 1990
Askeland, Mae Gladys (nee Humphreys)  1918 - 1987 wife of Kristian

Baker, Franklin E.  11 Jul 1936 age 5
Beatty, Elva  
Beatty, Jack  
Beatty, John William Jr.  1923 - 2000
Beatty, John William Sr.  1876 - 1939
Beswick, Ella Judith 'Susie' (nee Applegren)  23 Sep 1918 - 10 Mar 2007 
Bettam, Charles T.  1879 - 1957
Bettam, Florence  17 May 1871 - 25 Mar 1954 wife of Charles
Bettison, Fay (nee Bell)  21 Jun 1951 - 5 Aug 2016 wife of William G.
Bettison, Jayne E. (nee Speck)  1904 - 1964 dau of Henry & Jennie
Bettison, William  1908 - 1988
Bettison, William Gary  26 Aug 1945 - 17 Dec 2012 son of William & Jayne
Bolton, Margaret  18 Jun 1916 - 13 Oct 1922
Borthwick, A. P. 'Pam'  1917 - 2004
Borthwick, E. Grace (nee Fryklund)  1920 - 1999
Brell, Dorothy Alma (nee Jones)  1906 - 1997
Brell, Ellen (nee Barbour)  26 Jun 1871 - 21 Mar 1960
Brell, John B. 'Archie'  1903 - 1987 son of William & Ellen
Brell, William G.  6 Nov 1865 - 4 Oct 1943

Christopher, Earl K.  1920 - 1987 hus of Sylvia
Christopher, Gladys Ellen (nee Webb)  15 Aug 1925 - 13 Jan 2000 dau of George & Kate
Christopher, Russell James  16 Jan 1923 - 2 Apr 2014 hus of Gladys
Christopher, Sylvia Anne (nee Webb)  1922 - 2005 dau of George & Kate

Dickson, Elizabeth (nee Barbour)  1873 - 1967
Dickson, Helen Elizabeth  5 May 1916 - 30 Mar 2006 dau of William & Elizabeth
Dickson, William  1877 - 1964
Dodgson, Thomas  

Felt, Henry George  1887 - 1959
Fraser, Allan Edward  9 Jul 1931 - 24 Aug 2003 son of James & Viva
Fraser, Freda Kate (nee Webb) 15 Jul 1918 - 29 Nov 2015 dau of George & Kate
Fraser, James  7 Jul 1887 - 22 Sep 1978
Fraser, Norman Alexander  1929 - 2006 son of James & Viva
Fraser, Robert Maxwell  1928 - 1938 son of James & Viva
Fraser, Viva Beatrice (nee Colburn)  25 Sep 1900 - 26 Oct 1991 dau of Thomas & Rose
Fraser, William 'Scotty'  11 Oct 1939 age 68
Fraser, William  James  27 Mar 1909 - 11 Nov 1991 hus of Freda
Fryklund, Elida L. (nee Pearson)  1885 - 1971
Fryklund, Gustav  1871 - 1959
Fryklund, W. Gilbert  13 Oct 1917 - 4 Jun 1983 son of Gustav & Elida
Funk, Helen (nee Reimer)  1914 - 1987 wife of John
Funk, Jacob  13 Apr 1917 - 23 Apr 1983
Funk, John B.  1909 - 1987

Gamble, Ida Dorothy  23 Jul 1923 - 25 Oct 1926 dau of John & Margaret
Gamble, John Glen  1885 - 1983
Gamble, Margaret (nee Barbour)  1891 - 1936
Gamble, Mary Aganetha (nee Friesen)  29 Sep 1917 - 11 Nov 2014 dau of Jacob & Aganetha

Hadesback, Donna Eileen  4 Nov 1937 - 9 Apr 1945 dau of Eileen Miller
Hall, Jennie (nee Summers)  6 Jun 1919 age 34 wife of G.
Hunter, Beatrice Florence (nee Lucas)  1916 - 8 Apr 2014 dau of Albert & Beatrice
Hunter, Vernon B.  1912 - 1988 hus of Beatrice

Janzen, Anna (nee Neustaeter)  16 Mar 1921 - 25 May 2012 wife of Peter
Janzen, Peter  18 Mar 1916 - 23 Aug 2005
Johnston, Kenneth Larry  29 Jul 1960 - 21 May 1973
Jones, Dorothy Annie (nee Williamson)  17 Jun 1917 - 14 Jul 2006
Jorgensen, Fred C.  1911 - 1995 hus of Mary
Jorgensen, Mary Maisie (nee Young)  1909 - 1995 dau of George & Janet

Kube, Sarah (nee Nickel) Teichrob Minoux  1881 - 1957 

Larson, June Wendy (nee Miller)  dau of Keith 
Lawrence, Grace E.  9 Jul 1918 - 10 Aug 1919
Lucas, Albert Edward  1875 - 1955
Lucas, Beatrice Anna (nee Peggin)  1876 - 1953 wife of Albert

Macknee, Carolyn Ann (nee Strabel)  5 Nov 1924 - 12 Mar 2010 wife of John
Macknee, Jillian Joy  15 May 1981 - 15 May 1981
Macknee, John  12 Jul 1927 - 12 Oct 2002 son of Michael & Anna
Malcolm, David S.  1883 - 1966
Malcolm, Ellen (nee Mouland)  1880 - 1925
Malcolm, Fredick George  1917 - 2000
Malcolm, William A.  1915 - 1988 son of David & Ellen
McGowan, (baby)  
McLeod, Margaret Jean  25 Dec 1915 - 21 Aug 1920 dau of Murdoch & Mary Josetta
Miller, Dale J.  1914 - 1975 son of Jesse & Mathilda
Miller, Eileen  1915 - 2007 dau of Jesse & Mathilda
Miller, Jesse Hiram  1880 - 1967
Miller, Keith R.  1937 - 1964 son of Dale
Miller, Mathilda (nee Hammond)  1890 - 1940
Miller, Murray Dale  1949 - 2006 son of Dale
Minoux, Jean  1876 - 1952
Morrison, Angus P.  1895 - 1972
Morrison, Annie M. (nee Wesson)  1892 - 1930 wife of Angus
Mouland, Allen Harry  11 Oct 1924 - 18 Oct 1997
Mouland, Cecil  1921 -
Mouland, Clara B. (nee Cronkwright)  1902 - 1982 wife of Frederick
Mouland, Frederick G.  1881 - 1958
Mouland, Henry  1885 - 1960
Mouland, Justine (nee Dyck)  20 Jul 1930 - 21 Jul 2013 wife of Cecil
Mouland, Lana Marie  20 Feb 1955 - 16 Jun 1999 dau of Allen & Marie
Mouland, Leila (nee Wilson)  1883 - 1973
Mouland, Marie (nee Linklater)  20 Oct 1928 -
Mumby, Archie W.  1928 - 1986 son of George & Elizabeth
Mumby, Elizabeth (nee Brell)  1901 - 1970 dau of William & Ellen
Mumby, George  1901 - 1954
Mumby, Leautrice 'Lee' (nee Smith)  17 Jun 1934 - 4 Apr 2012 wife of Archie

Parschauer, Amelie M.  1873 - 1964 wife of Henry
Parschauer, Henry  1872 - 1954
Peeler, Herbert Dr.  1910 - 2005 hus of Sarah
Peeler, Sarah Jeannette (nee Dickson)  1911 - 1990 dau of William & Elizabeth
Peters, Kadie Lee  4 Feb 2011 - 1 May 2011
Pilson, Elsie Johann (nee Applegren)  1906 - 1990
Porter, Doreen (nee Dirks)  5 Apr 1937 - 14 Nov 2016 wife of Russel, dau of Abram & Adeline

Quirk, Joseph P.  1862 - 1943
Quirk, Margaret Jane  1866 - 1955

Rapson, Isabel C. (nee MacGregor) 1872 - 1945
Rapson, John H.  1894 - 1967 son of Samuel & Isabel
Rapson, Martha (nee Wilson)  1906 - 2005
Rapson, Ruth Isabel  1912 - 1922 dau of Samuel & Isabel
Rapson, Samuel B.  1860 - 1929
Reid, John Henry  1924 - 1926 son of Oscar & Sadie
Reid, Ronald Wishart  1921 - 1921 son of Oscar & Sadie
Richert, Alvin  1920 - 10 Oct 2009 hus of Elsie
Richert, Elsie (nee Malcolm)  1920 - 1995 dau of David & Ellen
Rikheim, Andrew  1887 - 1971
Rikheim, Bertha  1852 - 1941
Ross, James  
Runcie, James Bremner  25 Oct 1904 - 16 May 1939
Ryckman, Charles  1860 - 1923 

Schmidt, Anna (nee Ens)  16 Dec 1916 - 28 Dec 1996 wife of Herman
Schmidt, Herman  21 Apr 1912 - 10 Oct 1994
Schmidt, Ida  1865 - 1951
Seward, (baby)  
Simpson, George Hector  1884 - 1957
Simpson, Opal May (nee Stone)  1910 - 1970 wife of George
Speck, Carol J.  1931 - 1938
Speck, Henry  1876 - 1932 hus of Jennie
Speck, Henry E.  1905 - 1961
Speck, Jennie  1883 - 1970
Stubbs, Timothy Alistair  4 Dec 1980 - 9 Jan 1981
Summers, Catherine  11 Nov 1922 age 66 wife of John

Theaker, E. Joyce (nee Davies)  29 Jan 1915 - 16 Dec 2010 dau of Edward & Jessie
Theaker, W. Garth 'Smokey'  10 Aug 1952 - 9 Jan 1953 son of Harvey & Joyce
Theaker, W. Harvey  1918 - 1995
Theobald, Mona Jane Vice  1892 - 1977 wife of Robert
Theobald, Robert C.  1883 - 1981
Theobald, Van Robert  1922 - 1996
Thiessen, Irene Sadie  1932 - 1936
Thiessen, Jolene Joy  28 Feb 1986 - 3 Mar 1986

Unger, Abram L.  1908 - 1976
Unger, Helen Viola (nee Schaefer)  1907 - 2000

Waldner, Paul  1884 - 1947
Walker, Joy  
Webb, Charles Henry  1877 - 1966
Webb, George Frederick  1883 - 1974
Webb, Kate (nee Mouland)  1888 - 1976 wife of George
Weiler, Dick  1908 - 1981
Weiler, Mary Lorraine  1947 - 1947 wife of Dick
Williamson, Bruce A.  1948 - 1997 son of John & Eliza
Williamson, Eliza Marie (nee Hughes)  12 Jul 1917 - 15 Jul 2001
Williamson, Eva (nee Meyer)  Nov 1890 - Dec 1966
Williamson, John Henry  12 Jun 1915 - 6 Jun 1986
Williamson, Ormsby Alexander  16 May 1885 - 23 Dec 1964
Williamson, Robert Alexander  23 May 1928 - 17 May 2010 hus of Joan Carleton, son of Ormsby & Eva

Young, George Alexander  1881 - 1968
Young, Janet Osborne (nee Wilkie)  1878 - 1968
Young, Thomas William  23 Nov 1911 - 28 Jan 1927 son of George & Janet

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