Osage Cemetery

R.M. of Fillmore # 96   NE 5-12-12 W2
GPS   49.974199°N   103.599093°W
First burial in 1907, 125 burials by 2008

Photographed by Barb Hemphill
(Click on coloured names to view the gravestone photo)

ANDERSON, Dolores  1944 - 1995 dau of Gustaf & Doris
ANDERSON, Doris Margaret (nee Burluraux)  15 Jan 1916 - 27 Aug 2006 dau of Sebastian & Martha
ANDERSON, Efriam H.  1885 - 1968
ANDERSON, Eskil E.  1909 - 1988
ANDERSON, Gustaf Carl Johan  1913 - 1983
ANDERSON, Harold K.  1916 - 1963
ANDERSON, Lillian  1911 - 1996
ANDERSON, Selma A.  1883 - 1969

BAUMGARTNER, Magdelena  9 Aug 2013 age 91
BERGREEN, Carl W.  1912 - 1997 son of Olaf & Jennie
BERGREEN, Jennie M.  1869 - 1929
BERGREEN, John E.  1907 - 1993 son of Olaf & Jennie
BERGREEN, Olaf C.  1864 - 1944
BERGREEN Family Plot
BROWN, Carl R.  16 Apr 1914 age 2 yrs 9 mos 5 days, son of Fredrick & Lela
BROWN, Fredrick R.  1884 - 1974
BROWN, Lela A.  1885 - 1980
BUCHANAN, Robert  12 Feb 1907 age 35

CARLBERG, Elmer  1895 - 1943
CARLBERG, Mineta Loraine  3 Oct 1927 - 14 Mar 1928 dau of Albin & Lillian
CARLBERG, Otto  1861 - 1929
CARLBERG, Raymond Garfield  4 Aug 1935 - 27 Nov 2008 son of Elmer & Mary
CARLBURG, Christine L. (nee Peterson)  4 Sep 1859 - 13 Feb 1916 wife of Otto
CARLBERG, Mary (nee Lucky)  wife of Elmer
CARROLL, Louise  9 Mar 1909 age 9 mos 21 days, dau of Percy & Mamie
COOPER, Beatrice May  1909 - 1920 dau of William & Susan
CRAIG, Alice A.  1888 - 1993
CRAIG, Allen R.  1883 - 1960
CRAIG, Allen & Alice  (2nd photo)
CRAIG, Donald Allen  1916 - 1996

EARL, Alice  1884 - 1962
EARL, Alice  (2nd photo) 
EARL, Clarence J.  1912 - 2000 son of Harry & Alice
EARL, Daisy Hilda (nee Buck)  7 Oct 1907 - 17 Aug 2006 dau of Harold & Minnie
EARL, Doreen Elaine  28 Mar 1947 - 20 Jan 1948 dau of C. & M.
EARL, Douglas H.  1907 - Aug 1981
EARL, Harry  1877 - 1956
EARL, Harry  (2nd photo)
EARL, Marjorie Ethel  1919 - 3 Sep 2011
ENGLISH, William  3 Oct 1919 age 45
ENGLUND, Edith N.  1888 - 1934
ENGLUND, Frederick J.  1890 - 1960
EPP, David D.  1890 - 1940

FINK, Chris  1883 - 1964
FINK, Wilhelmina  1891 - 1966 wife of Chris
FINK, William  18 Jun 1914 - 5 Feb 1986
FOWLER, Frances P.  9 Feb 1924 - 9 Feb 1926 dau of Ross & Maline
FOWLER, Ingeborg Maline  1895 - 1989 wife of Ross
FOWLER, Ross L.  1892 - 1927
FRIARS, William  5 Dec 1920 age 45

GLOVER, Frank  1904 - 1973
GLOVER, Hazel Irene (nee Earl)  16 Jun 1911 - 14 Mar 2009 dau of Harry & Alice
GLOVER, Ronald Earl  4 Oct 1937 - 20 Jun 2013 hus of Madge Lakeman, son of Frank & Hazel
GOULD, Viola  28 Feb 1905 - 10 Dec 1997
GRIFFIN, Bruce Allan  19 Sep 1927 - 29 Mar 2010
GRIFFIN, Colina May  11 Jan 1894 - 11 Sep 1988 wife of James
GRIFFIN, James Daniel  1889 - 1961

HANSON, Catherine Sophia (nee Robson)  15 Jan 1964 - 3 Feb 2012 dau of John & Claudette
HAUGEN, Christopher  1884 - 1960
HAUGEN, Jorgen  1858 - 1932
HAUGEN, Signe  1895 - 1968
HILL, William  16 May 1840 - 14 Sep 1914

KELLER, Brian-Floyd-Mary
KELLER, Brian Gordon  1955 - 1957
KELLER, Floyd George  13 Jul 1918 - 15 Jan 2013 hus of Pearl Smith, son of Floyd & Mary
KELLER, Floyd L.  1876 - 1971
KELLER, Mary  1879 - 1960
KELLER, Orville S.  28 Feb 1925 - 21 Jan 2004
KELLY, James Ronald  10 Aug 1910 age 1 yr 8 mos, son of L. J. & M. T.
KELLY, Margaret T.  1873 - 1919 wife of L. J.
KELLY, Susanna G.  1847 - 1921
KELLY, William B.  1847 - 1928
KIDD, Florence May  9 Nov 1912 - 7 Feb 1924 dau of James & Mary
KNIGHT, (unknown)
KRISTENSEN, Nels  1869 - 1927

LAKEMAN, Alice Mary (nee Oakeshott)  6 May 1903 - 12 May 1999 dau of Benjamin & Blanche
LAKEMAN, Jean Mary  17 Jun 1923 - 17 Aug 1923 dau of Morris & Mary
LAKEMAN, Michael Jerome  8 Aug 1940 - 20 Jan 2005
LAKEMAN, Morris  1898 - 1973
LEONARD, Georgia Lucille  30 Mar 1915 - 28 Apr 1924

MANSER, Iola Edith  17 Jul 1911 age 4 yrs 4 mos 15 days, dau of Fred W. & Ida M.
McALLISTER, Charles  1852 - 1930
McALLISTER, Mary Ann  1856 - 1934
McALLISTER, Jennie  1874 - 1927 dau of Charles & Mary Ann
McARTHUR, Charles  1894 - 1910
McARTHUR, Charles  1848 - 1916
McARTHUR, Charles  8 Mar 1916 age 16 son of Charles & Jennie
McARTHUR, Ronald  16 Dec 1909 age 22 son of Charles & Jennie
McBEE Family Plot
McBEE, Alta May  17 Mar 1913 age 4 mos, dau of Sidney & Clara
McBEE, Clara E. (nee King)  1886 - 1967
McBEE, Lloyd Sidney  1 Jan 1921 age 4 wks, son of Sidney & Clara
McBEE, Sidney  1884 - 15 Jun 1950
McDERMID, Catherine  24 Apr 1910 age 52 yrs 4 mos, wife of Jas. C.
McDERMID, Catherine  (2nd photo)
McINTOSH, Donald  1867 - 1949
McINTOSH, Jane B.  1870 - 1952
MILLIGAN, Donald Max  1925 - 1929
MILLIGAN, Marwin  17 Feb 1921 - 17 Feb 1921
MILLIGAN, Mildred Christine  1915 - 1934
MILLIGAN, Roland  1902 - 1930
MUNROE, Shirley Ann (infant)  died 1933

NILSSON, Einar Verner  5 Sep 1902 - 29 Dec 1919
NOBLE, Caroline E.  1875 - 1964 wife of Francis
NOBLE, Francis D.  1875 - 1960
NOBLE, Harlen Leroy  23 May 1907 - 8 May 1925 son of F. D. & Carrie
NOBLE, Lydia Alice  3 Sep 1909 - 27 Nov 2009
NOWELS, Lottie  1887 - 1920
NOWELS, Stephen  1866 - 1950

PONTIUS, Ester Lucie  2 Feb 1920 - 19 Sep 1922 dau of J. E. & R. M.
PONTIUS, Chester Norwood  16 Aug 1920 - 12 Mar 1924 son of C. N. & O. I.
PONTIUS, Chester Norwood  (2nd photo)

ROBSON, Claudette  1942 -
ROBSON, John  1939 - 2009

SHOEMAN Family Headstone
SHOEMAN, C. Russell  1893 - 1940
SHOEMAN, Catherine M.  1867 - 1920 wife of H. B.
SHOEMAN, Russell E.  1925 - 1939
SHOEMAN, Wilhelmina  1901 - 1999
SHORT, Irene E.  6 Mar 1930 - 13 May 1934 dau of Mike & Annie
SHORT, Michael  1964

THOMPSON, Charles E.  1878 - 1948
THOMPSON, Eva May  3 Aug 1920 age 5 mos, dau of Carl & Velma
THOMPSON, Hattie M.  1882 - 1927 wife of Charles
TORELL, Carl Axel  1887 - 1986
TORELL, Veda  1889 - 1929 wife of Carl
TREMBLE Family Plot
TREMBLE, (baby)
TREMBLE, Dora Belle  1867 - 1935 wife of John
TREMBLE, John Lincoln  1860 - 1939

unknown 1
unknown 2
unknown 3
unknown 4
unknown 5
unknown 6
unknown 7
unknown 8
unknown 9
unknown 10
unknown 11
unknown 12
unknown 13
URBAN, John M.  1901 - 1978
URBAN, Kathleen M.  1911 - 1998
URBAN, Thomas Eli  1945 - 25 Jul 2005 son of John & Kathleen

WARD, Jean  1874 - 1916 wife of William
WEST, Alice (nee Howard)  7 Jun 1930 age 57 wife of Ben
WEST, Ben  5 Oct 1867 - 22 Dec 1953
WILSON, Aletha Wilhelmina  16 Oct 1909 age 4 yrs 1 mon 24 dys, dau of Joseph & Harriet
WRIGHT, Hubert  1912 - 1937 son of Robert & Martha
WRIGHT, Martha Burluraux  1882 - 1956 wife of Sebastian
WRIGHT, Robert  1887 - 1940, 2nd hus of Martha

YOST, Martha  15 Aug 1908 age 1 yr 7 mos, dau of Durbin & Bessie

(Click on photo to enlarge)


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