Antonio, Helen 1911 - 1998 wife of Mike Antonio, Merlin Sep 3, 1931 - Dec 8, 1982 Antonio, Mike 1907 - 1992 Antoniw, Ann 1903 - 1956 Antoniw, Jeanie M. Jan 1, 1941 - Apr 9, 1945 Antoniw, Mykyta died 1932 Antoniw, Paul 1878 - 1920 Bey, Maria 1884 - 1940 Bey, Maxim 1873 - 1918 Bilsky, Jan 1862 - 1935 Bilsky, Matrona 1867 - 1938 Bower, Michael 1875 - 1927 Cherkawski, Stakhiv 1916 - 1922 Cherkowski, Dora 1885 - 1947 wife of Fred Cherkowski, Fred 1879 - 1953 Cherkowski, Jacob 1863 - 1960 Cherkowski, Lucy 1872 - 1949 Cherkowski, Nick 1894 - 1977 hus of Pauline Cherkowski, Pauline 1905 - Dron, John 1900 - 1967 Dron, Mary 1905 - 1989 Dron, Mike 1928 - 1986 Dron, Prusha 1870 - 1950 Dron, Semko Mar 30, 1933 age 67 Dyenys, H. died Oct 31, 1918 Gdowotsksi, Yueynos died 1920 Glawacka, Anna 1884 - 1964 Glowachkyj, H. Nov 25, 1875 - Mar 4, 1938 Glowatskyj, Stefan Aug 15, 1919 - Sep 24, 1919 Hadubiak, Andrew 1873 - 1923 Hadubiak, Ann 1908 - 1910 Hadubiak, Barbara 1869 - 1938 Hadubiak, Dwayne Eric Mar 28, 1962 - Feb 8, 1963 Hadubiak, Lena 1929 - 1929 dau of John & Annie Hadubiak, Marcile Orest May 25, 1942 - Jan 9, 2015 hus of Eleanor Matsalla, son of Steve & Pearl (nee Malowany) Hadubiak, Nicholas Dec 20, 1952 - Dec 22, 1952 Hadubiak, Terry Mar 19, 1945 - Jul 26, 1955 Hdoronko, Pordenko Homeniuk, M. Aug 9, 1922 - Sep 6, 1935 Hrynkiw, Barbara 1875 - 1954 wife of John Hrynkiw, Franka Sep 28, 1879 - Feb 8, 1948 Hrynkiw, John 1869 - 1940 Hrynkiw, Lena May 3, 1903 - Jul 4, 1943 Hrynkiw, Nellie 1909 - 1975 Hrynkiw, Paul 1907 - 1970 Hrywkiw, Myroslow W. died Feb 15, 1940 Humenyuk, Nasty 1893 - Dec 9, 1925 Hycha, Kateryna 1896 - 1947 Katerynyuk, Mixail 1882 - 1938 Loshka, Franko Loshka, Mike May 12, 1903 - Feb 4, 1959 Loshka, Polly Apr 3, 1906 - Jul 6, 1996 wife of Mike Madarash, Annie 1906 - 1959 wife of John Madarash, Danny Feb 1951 - Feb 1951 Madarash, Evdokia 1840 - 1904 Madarash, Fedor 1846 - Jul 21, 1937 Madarash, John 1903 - 1965 Madarash, John S. Dec 6, 1906 - Feb 28, 1986 Madarash, Julia 1884 - 1954 Madarash, Matthew 1873 - 1945 Madarash, Theodossa 1878 - 1957 Madarash, Zevasiyan 1876 - 1934 Melnychuk, Domka 1871 - 1946 Melnychuk, Zaxarin Michaluk, Joseph Walter 1938 - 1961 Mitchell, Anna died May 16, 1934 age 45 Mykytyshyn, Christina died Apr 16, 1941 Mykytyshyn, Helen Nov 1942 - Nov 1942 dau of Sam & Kay Mykytyshyn, Nellie 1907 - 1994 Mykytyshyn, P. 1877 - 1945 Mykytyshyn, Paul 1904 - 1987 Mykytyshyn, Stella 1916 - 1924 Pankewich, Joe 1878 - 1945 Pidgurski, Irene 1877 - 1917 Pidgursky, (unknown) Pix, Anna Mar 11, 1900 - Oct 29, 1942 Prokop, Andrew Prokop, Josef Nov 25, 1941 - Oct 9, 1944 Prokop, Michael 1856 - 1935 Prokop, Paranko 1868 - 1922 Prystaj, Gregory 1867 - 1933 Prystaj, Tekla 1877 - 1953 wife of Gregory Prystay, Joseph Mar 17, 1946 - Nov 4, 2004 son of Paul & Mary (nee Tulik) Prystay, Louis Michael Apr 16, 1948 - Apr 29, 1996 Prystay, Mary (nee Tulik) 1915 - 1995 Prystay, Olga 1945 - 1968 Prystay, Paul 1908 - 1990) Ptycia, John Mar 21, 1929 - Dec 4, 2011 son of Wasyl & Annie (nee Macala) Rozhyenayuich, Odrnaprons died 1924 Rudnitski, Adolph 1925 - 1985 hus of Olga Rudnitski, Anna 1856 - 1933 Rudnitski, Anna 1894 - 1946 Rudnitski, Fred 1884 - 1965 Rudnitski, Ivan 'John' 1856 - 1938 Rudnitski, John Jr. 1909 - 1973 Rudnitski, Olga 1931 - Serhan, Dmetra 1841 - 1906 Serhan, Pauline 1890 - 1912 Shuya, Anna 1866 - 1950 wife of Roman Shuya, Roman 1867 - 1934 Statchuk, Anne Christine (nee Kucy) Apr 2, 1932 - Jan 23, 2017 dau of Teofil & Molly (nee Polichuk) Statchuk, Robert Dec 13, 1929 - Mar 19, 2015 hus of Anne, son of John & Anne (nee Rudnitski) Syrhan, Pytro died 1931 Tkachuk, Dannie Jan 26, 1952 - Mar 24, 1952 Tkachuk, Mary 1882 - 1970 wife of Steve Tkachuk, Ronnie Aug 19, 1949 - Dec 29, 1953 Tkachuk, Stefan 'Steve' Jan 7, 1877 - Jan 18, 1945 Tratch, John 1868 - 1946 Tratch, Joseph 1932 - 1933 Tratch, Mary 1878 - 1959 Tulik, (unknown) died 1923 Tulyk, Franko 1866 - 1949 Tulyk, Serafyma 1846 - 1906 Wionzek, Jeanette 1941 - Wionzek, Peter A. 1933 - 2000 hus of Jeanette Yacyshyn, Hazel 1939 - 1940 Yush, P. died 1907 Zrynkiw, Matyvosh died 1925 7 other unidentified gravesites
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