Obituaries of residents & former residents of
Nokomis, Saskatchewan


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ABRAHAMSON - Albert. Funeral service for the late Albert Abrahamson long time resident of Nokomis was held in the United Church, Nokomis on July 16, 1981 under the direction of Rev. Hugh MacGregor, organist was Kay Hamilton. The late Albert Abrahamson was born in the U.S.A. on Dec. 31, 1899. Left to mourn his passing are his loving wife Jean, five children: two sons Clifford of Langdon, North Dakota, Ross of Edmonton, three daughters, Laverne of Sheyenne, North Dakota, Betty of Rocky Mountain House, Lynne of Red Deer, Alta., 15 grandchildren and several great grandchildren, two sisters, Mrs. Myrtle Durbin, Regina, and Mrs. Alice Landren of Sydney, Montana, one brother Donald of Minneapolis, several nieces and nephews. Active pallbearers were John Fenton, Rollie Beeler, Willard Beeler, A. J. Bart, George Meikle and Mac Hendry. Honorary pallbearers were close friends and Legion members. Albert will be sadly missed by his family and friends.

ALEXANDER - John. The death occurred in Saskatoon Hospital on Mon. July 16, 1917 of John Alexander, a highly respected resident of Nokomis. The deceased who was over 72 years old, had never had a serious illness, and it was just about a month ago that he complained of not feeling as well as usual. He was taken to the Hospital in order to receive best attention possible. Hardening of the arteries is said to be the immediate cause of his death. Fifty years ago last Dec. the deceased was united in marriage to Sarah Hadden, whose death was reported in The Nokomis Times last week. They lived for many years at Lucknow, Ont. Deceased leaves to mourn his loss a family of three sons and five daughters; Mrs. Weir, at Minitonas, Man.; John at Toronto; Mrs. Swalwell at Saskatoon; George S., Mrs. Ingham, Mrs. J. I. Jamieson, Wm. R. and Miss Eva at Nokomis. The funeral took place from the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Ingham on Wed. of this week, Rev. Mr. Robson conducting the service. Pallbearers: Messrs. A. H. Nichol, J. B. Garland, A. J. Kidd, W. J. Rath, W. A. MacFarlane and A. G. MacFarlane. John Alexander died on July 16, 1917 in the Saskatoon Hospital, only 5 days after his wife, Sarah Ann, died. He had lived in Nokomis only two years. John's parents were probably Richard Alexander and Maria Perrin both born in Ireland and married in Mascouche, Oue. Richard was probably born in King's County, Ireland and came to Canada as a child with his parents, Francis Alexander (1775 - June l9, 1839) and Elizabeth Wallace (1779 - Dec. 18, 1863) The family had emigrated from the farming area of Kinitty, near Birr, which is west of Dublin, Ireland and in King's Co. Francis Alexander may have been born near Sterling, Scotland. They immigrated to Canada with their children c.1824 and settled near Mascouche, Quebec, east of Montreal.

ALEXANDER - Sarah (nee Hadden). It is our sad duty this week to report the death of Mrs. John Alexander which occurred on Wed. morning (July 1917). The deceased, whose maiden name was Sarah Hadden, was united in marriage to John Alexander fifty years ago last Dec. They lived for many years near Lucknow, Ont. and came west to Nokomis a couple of years ago. Mrs. Alexander was over 72 years of age and was confined to the house since last Jan. She was highly respected by all her acquaintances and leaves to mourn her loss a husband, (who is lying seriously ill in Saskatoon Hospital,) three sons and five daughters; Mrs. Weir, at Minitonas, Man.; John at Toronto; Mrs. Swallwell at Saskatoon; George S.; Mrs. Ingham, Mrs. J. I. Jamieson, Wm. R. and Miss Eva at Nokomis. The funeral of the late Mrs. Alexander took place from the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Ingham on Thurs. July 12th, 1917 and largely attended. Rev. Mr. Robson, pastor of the Methodist Congregation at Nokomis, conducted the service. A Quartette "Down the River of Time We Glide" was rendered by Mr. and Mrs. D. A. MacAlpine and Mr. and Mrs. A. G. MacFarlane. The pallbearers were: A. H. Nichol, W. A. MacFarlane, J. W. Brownlee; A. J. Kidd, W. J. Rath; and A. G. MacFarlane. Sarah Ann (Hadden) Alexander died July 11, 1917 in Nokomis, Sk. only two years after she and her husband, John Alexander, moved to Nokomis. Sarah was probably born in Bowmanville, Durham County, Ont. Her birth date was Feb. 14, 1845 and her heritage Irish. Her parents were William HADDEN (1799 - 1879) born in Ireland and Mary R. (possibly Yeates) (1807-1877) born in Pennsylvania, USA. The parents were married in the USA and buried in Seaforth, Huron Co. Ont. prior to 1866. Sarah was married in Seaforth, Dec. 15, 1866 then lived in Huron Co., London Twp. Middlesex Co., and Bruce Co., Ont. before moving to Nokomis, Sk. in 1915 to be near their children. Seven of her eight children lived in Nokomis. They are Mary Rowena (Minnie) - Mrs. James Weir; John Henry (Jack)- wife Ruth Ellen Curtain, Clarissa (Clara) Ella - Mrs. George A. Swalwell; George Sylvester - wife Isabella Rowe; Sarah Jane (Sadie) - Mrs. Willis Norman Ingham; Marie Ellen (Mina) - Mrs. J. I. Jamieson; William (Will) Richard - wife Lou; and Eva Mureal - Mrs.Jack Corbett.

ALLISON - Mildred (nee Masur) was born in February 1930 in Nokomis, Saskatchewan, the daughter of David and Adina Masur. Her parents were recent immigrants from Russia. German folk had been invited from as early as Catherine the Great, to develop vacant farm land in what is now Ukraine, where they spoke their original German language. They had fled from Russia to escape the atrocities of the Communist Party, escaping just before people were forbidden to leave the country. Many of these folks were Baptists. The Masurs were sponsored by the Nokomis Baptist Church. Mildred passed away August 26, 2010 in West Vancouver, BC. She is survived by her elder sister, Alice Falkenberg of Camrose, Alberta and brother Lloyd of Nokomis. She is survived by her husband Bob, daughter Miriam and her husband Bart van der Linde and grandchildren Calle, Averee, Jori and Zachary. She is also survived by her son Greg and his wife Debbie and grandsons Caleb, Luke and Josiah. Mildred became a Christian at an early age and it was no doubt in the church that she first learned to love music, taking her first piano lessons from the Pastor's wife. As she progressed in music, her parents sent her by train to Govan and later to Saskatoon for lessons. She was so motivated that her parents never had to remind her to practice. After completing high school, she moved to Edmonton where she attended secretarial school, in a time when secretaries were required to know shorthand. She took organ lessons from the organist at a large church in Edmonton. There she learned the difference in playing technique between organ and piano and how to play the foot pedals on the organ. She held a number of secretarial jobs where she made some lasting friends with whom she kept in touch with over the years. She left the business world for one season while she spent a year at Briarcrest Bible College. During the last five years before marriage, Mildred quit her jobs each summer and worked in the office of Pioneer Ranch Camp on Crimson Lake near Rocky Mountain House. The camp is owned and operated by Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship. She also ran the tuck shop and played piano for indoor events and for guest soloists and groups. In the summer of 1958, Bob showed up at Ranch Camp, fresh out of Fuller Seminary where he had earned his M. Div. degree. While waiting for an appointment with the Presbyterian Church in Canada's Home Mission Board, he had gone to camp to serve as a counsellor and to work with the horses. They were married May 23, 1959 in Calgary, where Mildred had gone to work in the IVCF office. They celebrated 50 years of marriage in May 2009. Meanwhile, after camp, Bob had taken a Home Missions appointment to Cranberry Portage, Manitoba. After a brief honeymoon in Banff, they began to serve as a team in ministry in the north where her music was greatly appreciated. She played for services, vacation Bible school, youth group and in camping ministry. After five years of ministry in Cranberry Portage, Bob was called to Trail, BC. While raising young children, Mildred was involved in the life of the congregation, as well as contributing to the music, particularly in leading the junior choir for several years. She later led the senior choir and sang in a community choir made up of choir conductors. In June 1971, Bob accepted the call to St. Andrew's and St. Stephen's in Vancouver, BC, where he served until retirement after Christmas 1993. Everyone knows about Mildred's contribution to the musical ministry of the congregation and also at Camp Douglas. Her most memorable contribution may have been as "crossover" person in the transition from traditional hymnology to today's Praise Team at the first service. She also played for Kerusso, a singing group of young ladies. She cooked turkey for Presbytery and cooked at PYPS conventions. She delivered meals on wheels for 15 years. She loved to travel and greatly enjoyed her trips across the country with Bob. She was interested in visiting historical places in the country such as the scene of the Northwest Rebellion in Saskatchewan.

ALLSOPP - Muriel M. passed away peacefully at the Moose Jaw Union Hospital on Sunday, December 31, 2000. Muriel was born July 24, 1914 in Shaunigan Lake, BC and lived for many years on her parents farm near Dilke, Saskatchewan. She went on to become a teacher and taught in country schools until her marriage to Walter in 1939. They lived in various towns in Saskatchewan, among them, Verwood, Liberty, Crane Valley and Nokomis. Muriel has lived in Moose Jaw since 1973 where she enjoyed gardening, playing cards and visiting with friends and family. Muriel was predeceased by her husband, Walter in 1984, and by her sisters, Winnie and Alice and her brothers, Leonard and Harold. She will be lovingly remembered by her two sons, Harold (Betty) of Calgary, Dale (Anita) of Edmonton, her four grandchildren, Wendy (Stephen), Jeffrey, Tim and Derek and her much loved great-granddaughter, Anna. She is also survived by her two sisters, Daisy and Marjorie as well as her many nieces and nephews and very special long time friends, Mary and Wray Lynch of Moose Jaw. The funeral service will be held on Wednesday, Jan. 3, 2001 at 3:30 P.M. at the St. John's Anglican Church, 124-1st. Ave. N.E., Moose Jaw with Rev. Ian Payne officiating. Interment will follow at the family plot, Rosedale Cemetery.

ALSTEAD - James "Jim" Angus, resident of Hythe, formerly longtime resident of the Elmworth / Beaverlodge area, passed away Monday, March 27, 2000 at the age of 79 years. Jim was born April 3, 1920 in Nokomis, Saskatchewan. Jim was an outdoors person who was always ready for a hunting or fishing trip who naturally did all the cooking for the guys and had lots of stories to tell around the camp fire.. Jim came to the Peace Country in 1937 and homesteaded with his parents in the Elmworth area. Jim farmed, worked in sawmills, seismic camps and the last several years as camp cook. His retirement came in 1981. Jim is survived by one sister, Lucille (Pat) Koebel of Surrey, B.C.; one brother Stanley (Eileen) of Elmworth, four nephews: Max Koebel, Roger Koebel, Terry Koebel and Curtis Alstead and many other relatives and friends. Jim was well known by all in the area. He had lots of friends and was always there to help anyone. He was very kind hearted and loving. Jim loved his pets and never could be too good to them (Beef steak, not dog food). He also loved a good card game (hopefully winning), but sometimes the cards ended up in the wood stove! Public visitation will be held on Thursday, March 30, 2000 at 7:30 p.m. at Oliver's Grande Prairie Funeral Chapel. Interment to take place on Friday, March 31, 2000 at 1 p.m. at the Grande Prairie Cemetery.

ANDERSON - Ardus Nonnieth Anderson was born at White Rock, South Dakota on December 31, 1905; the second youngest of a family of six children born to Delia and John Anderson. Her father and brother Lloyd came to Canada in the spring of 1906, firstly to Craven, Sask. by train and then by boat on Long Lake to Watertown, Sask. Ardus emigrated later with her grandmother, Lucy Ready in the spring of 1908. Ardus attended school at Boulder Lake and Nokomis, and later to Normal School in Saskatoon for two years. After receiving her Teacher's Certificate in the fall of 1927, she taught school at Springside, Geneseo, Amazon and Boulder Lake for a span of about 12 years. Later she was employed at the local telephone office for about 10 years and then worked at Nokomis Co-op Store until she retirement in 1970. Some of Ardus' hobbies were baseball (yes, not softball, baseball), curling, playing cards and really enjoyed dancing especially the Charleston. She enjoyed flowers, was fond of baking and very proficient at crocheting. Ardus, though never married really enjoyed young children, firstly her nieces and nephews and finally her great, great nieces and nephews. She lived a very good life, going to the hospital for the first time when she was 84 years old and will be sadly missed by all who knew her. Ardus died peacefully at Nokomis Health Centre on Sunday, January 12, 1992; being predeceased by her mother and father; three brothers, Ivan, Percy, and Lloyd Anderson as well as one sister, Marguerite Wallace; two sister-in-laws, Marbeth Anderson and Marie Anderson and one brother-in-law Wallace Fenton. Ardus is survived by one sister, Hazel Fenton of Nokomis and a brother-in-law, Joe Wallace of Alsask, Sask. as well as numerous nieces and nephews.

ARMSTRONG - Thomas Baker, beloved husband of Mrs. Minnie Jeanne Armstrong, No. 6 Patterson Court, Lethbridge, passed away on Sunday, June 4, 1967, aged 80 years. Besides his wife, Mr. Armstrong is survived by two sons, Jerry C. Armstrong of San Francisco and Donald M. Armstrong of Winnipeg; three sisters, Miss Merab Armstrong, Buffalo, NY., Mrs. Wilma Laflam, Buffalo, NY., and Mrs. Myrtle Hodgins, Hollywood, Ontario; two granddaughters, Susan Diane Armstrong and Betty-Jeanne Armstrong. He was predeceased by six brothers and one sister. Mr. Armstrong was born Dec. 12, 1886 in Kinloss, Ontario. He came west in 1906 to Winnipeg and taught school at Lower Fort Garry. In 1907 he joined the Northern Crown Bank, which was taken over by the Royal Bank. In July 1919 he married Minnie Jeanne Cummings. Mr. Armstrong served in numerous Saskatchewan and Manitoba points before moving to Fort MacLeod in 1926 and continued to reside in Lethbridge. He was made a life member of the Lethbridge Curling Club in 1956, an Honorary Life Member of the Chinook Club on Jan. 29, 1963 and a Life Member of the Masonic Lodge, Nokomis, Saskatchewan. Funeral Services will be held in the Christensen Chapel on Wednesday, June 7th at 1:30 p.m., Rev. L. D. Hankinson officiating. Interment will follow in Mountain View Cemetery.

ARNOTT - Donald Ian. Born August 5, 1944, Nokomis, Sask., Passed away on August 18, 2001 at Vancouver, B.C. Predeceased by brother Ross, sister Viviane, parents Ernest and Mary. Survived by sister Eileen Priddy of San Diego and daughter Jennifer of Chandler, Arizona. No service by Ian's request.

ASCHIM - Anders Bernard Norman, July 30, 1922 - January 3, 2006. Norman Aschim passed away at Saskatoon City Hospital on Tuesday, January 3, 2006 with his family at his side at the age of 83 years. He is lovingly remembered by Sigrid, his best friend and wife of 62 years; his children Joyce (Morris) Flory of Edmonton, AB, Roy Aschim (Barb Danis) of Calgary, AB, and Carol (Dennis) Rutten of Saskatoon, SK and their families. Norman and Sigrid raised their family in Zehner, Cupar, Nokomis, and Humboldt then living in Prince Albert, Moose Jaw, Regina and finally retiring to Saskatoon in 1987 after working for Saskatchewan Wheat Pool for 42 years. A celebration of life will be held at McClure United Church, 4025 Taylor St. East, Saskatoon, SK on Saturday, January 7, 2006 at 1:30 P.M.

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BADHAM - Harry Badham passed away at Nokomis Health Centre on Wednesday, June 12, 2002 at the age of 84 years. He was born at Eston, SK December 6, 1917, the only child of Edward & Ethel Badham. He served in the air force during the war as an airplane mechanic. Following the war he farmed and worked as a mechanic. He was always active in the church, Legion and community. He loved his family, gardening, woodwork, antiques and curling. Harry was predeceased by his parents. He is survived by his loving wife Isobel, his son Walter (Shirley); daughter Colleen (Robert) McNichol; son George (Iris); seven grandchildren; eight great grandchildren. A Memorial Service will be held at Christ Anglican Church, Nokomis, SK on Saturday, June 15th at 4:00 p.m. Interment will follow in the Nokomis Cemetery.

BADHAM - E. Isabel (nee Graham). The family of E. Isabel Badham are sorry to announce her sudden passing on August 9, 2004 at St. Paul's Hospital, Saskatoon. Isabel was born October 26, 1917 on the farm near Lucky Lake, SK. to Walter and Annie Graham. During the "Dirty Thirties " the family moved to a farm near Norquay, SK. Following completing school she went to work in the bank. She was transferred to Eston, SK. where she met Harry Badham on leave from the RCAF. They were married April 30, 1945. They made their home in Portage La Prairie, MB., Eston, SK., Pelly, SK. and finally Nokomis, SK. After Harry's passing in 2002, Isabel moved to a private care home in Saskatoon until her death. She was an excellent cook and seamstress. She preserved the fruits of Harry's garden as well as wild berries and meat, providing well for her family. She was a member of the Anglican Church and active in ACW in younger years. She enjoyed handwork and reading. Isabel was predeceased by her parents: Walter and Annie Graham, her husband Harry Arthur in 2002, her sister-inlaw Belma Graham and her brothers John and Jeffray Graham. She is survived by her loving family, son Walter (Shirley); daughter Colleen (Robert) McNichol; son George (Iris); grandchildren Sherry (Alex) Hoffman, Donna Badham, Brian (Jana) Badham, Raeleen Badham, Keith (Tracy) McNichol, Ian (Tamara) McNichol; step grandchild Clint (Tana) Polnicky; great grandchildren; Nicole, Tammy, Kimberly & Tyler Hoffman; Tessa Turner; Peyton, Daegan & Hallee McNichol. Also a sister-inlaw Nelda Graham. The Memorial Service will be held in Christ Anglican Church in Nokomis on Saturday, August 14th at 1:30 p.m. Interment will follow in Nokomis Cemetery.

BAHR - Dorothy Louise (nee Currie). The loving family of Dorothy Bahr wish to announce her passing on May 29, 2007. She was predeceased by her husband Ray William "Bill"; her mother Clara Estella Sheffel; her father Donald Carmichael Currie; sisters Eunice, Alice and Jean and brothers Harold, Clare and Ronald. Dorothy was born on September 17, 1918 on her parent's farm close to Last Mountain Lake, a few miles southwest of Nokomis. She spent 16 years with a loving, very musical family, in the Nokomis area before the depression led Dorothy and her brother Harold to Windsor, Ontario to earn money for the family at home. After returning to Saskatchewan, Dorothy married Bill Bahr on September 27, 1941. Dorothy and Bill lived on their farm three miles east of Imperial, SK until 1978. After selling the farm, they retired first to Prince Albert, SK and Mesa, Arizona then to Kelowna, BC where they remained until 2001. Dorothy and Bill's final years were spent in Saskatchewan with family close by. Dorothy's greatest pleasure was from time spent with family, especially grandchildren and this was a rewarding experience for all involved. Dorothy is survived by her sister Norma; brothers George, Frank and Stanley; daughter Joyce of Birch Lake; sons Don (May) and George (Diana) both of Collingwood Lakeshore, SK; six grandchildren Leanne, Scott, Radha, Yarrow, Terry and April; and nine great grandchildren Jasmine, Lena, Jack, Finn, Khyra, December, Logan, Justin, and Tyler. A MEMORIAL SERVICE will be held at Regina Funeral Home, Hwy #1 East, Regina, SK on Saturday, June 2, 2007 at 10:00 a.m.

BART - Albert Edmund Bart passed away peacefully in his sleep on May 19, 2016 at the age of 85. He was predeceased by his wife Lucy and eldest daughter Laurie. He is survived by his daughter, Carol and his son Brian (Rita); grandchildren and great-grandchildren, Haley (Jeremy) Brauner and Benjamin, Lisa Bart and Ella, and Cory Bart. The Funeral Service will be held in Nokomis Centennial Hall on Monday, May 23, 2016 at 2 p.m. Interment will follow in Nokomis Cemetery.

BART - Albert John. Funeral services for Albert John Bart, popular Nokomis resident, was held at the Centennial Hall on January 28, 1983 at 2 p.m with Pastor R. Kobler officiating. Mrs. R Hamilton was the pianist an The Lutheran Male Choir sang a selection of hymns. A final trumpet solo was played by grandson, Ken Bart, ?The Last Post?. The late Albert John Bart passed away at his home January 23 following a short illness. He was 69 years of age, born in Wola-Mlock, Poland, March 13, 1913. Albert married Olga Kleibert on November 10, 1935. They immigrated to Canada and settled in the Nokomis district in 1938. Albert was dedicated to his family and farmed all his life which was his pride and joy. Left to mourn are his loving wife Olga and two sons, Ewalt and George; one daughter-in law Jacqueline (Ooms) Bart two grandsons, Kenneth and Richard; and one granddaughter-in-law Shelly (Marshall) Bart. He was predeceased by his daughter Maryanna, 1936, and a son Freddie, 1953. Albert also leaves one brother Adolf of Nokomis and one sister Freeda Sternzel of New York. He was predeceased by his father and mother and by his brothers Emil, Henry; and three sisters Della, Alvinia and Blandine. He also leave many other loving relatives and friends. Active pallbearers were Francis Kane, John Fenton, Willard Beeler, Lorne Bolt, Lloyd Masur & Peter Welter. Honorary pallbearers were Nick Bonic, Jack Buitenhuis, Gordon Meikle, Donald Hendry, Leo Kopp, Doug Brightman, Burger Sather, Fred Kropatniski,Gus Dommasch, Ed Nelson, Ian Riach, Ken King and Mike Horbul. Prayers were held in The Trinity Lutheran Church, Lanigan., Sask., Thursday, January, 27 at 7:30 p.m Interment was at the Nokomis Cemetery. McDougall's Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements. The late Albert John Bart, known as 'A .J.' to his friends will be missed by all

BART - Ewalt H. passed away on Tuesday, November 20th, 2001 in Kelowna, B.C. at the age of 62. He is survived by his loving wife of 40 years, Jackie; two sons, Kenneth Bart (Janet) of Regina, SK; Richard Bart (Barbara) of High River, AB; four grandchildren: Devon, Ashley, Ross, Cameron; and one brother George D. Bart (Diana) of Nokomis, SK. Predeceased by his brother Fredrick. Ewalt was born and raised in Nokomis, SK. where he loved to farm, then retired to Kelowna in 1992. He enjoyed his winter RVing through the southern states. A Funeral Service will be held at the Chapel of Springfield Funeral Home, Kelowna, BC on Saturday, November 24th at 3:00 pm.

BART - Lucy Anne (nee Grymaloski) September 26, 1931 - December 19, 2013. With heavy hearts, our family wishes to announce the passing of Lucy Bart at Royal University Hospital after a too short battle with cancer. Left to cherish her memory are her husband, Albert; her son, Brian (Rita); her daughter, Carol; her grandchildren Haley (Jeremy) Brauner, Lisa (great-grandchild, Ella), Cory, her late daughters' partner, Jim Ness (and special friend, Joanne); sisters Eva (Herbert) Stoehr, Julia Purdue; brother in-law Charlie Maxwell and numerous nieces and nephews. She was predeceased by her eldest daughter, Laurie, her parents Frank and Sophie Grymaloski, her brother Louis (Jean), sisters Agnes (Harold) Harris, Martha Maxwell and brother-in-law Ken Purdue. Mom had boundless energy, the best sense of humour and was ever involved in her community. She loved the outdoors, gardening, golfing, softball, curling and when she had to be indoors, crocheting, knitting, sewing, cooking, playing cards, scrabble. Even in her 80's she still liked the occasional glass of wine and one last dance. Mom never knew the word "no", she was always there when we needed her, with a smile on her face and words of comfort. Mom adored her grandchildren and great-grandchild, Ella, and was the epitome of: Laugh your heart out, dance in the rain, Cherish the moment, ignore the pain, Live, laugh, love, forgive and forget, Life is too short, to live with regrets. The Memorial service will be held at the Nokomis Centennial Hall on Monday, December 23rd at 2:00 p.m. Private interment will be held at a later date.

BATHGATE - Elizabeth "Betty" (nee Ferguson) Bathgate passed away on Thursday, November 3, 2011. Betty was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, trained as a hair dresser, and served in the Land Army during WWII. She married Jack Bathgate in 1944 and had two daughters (Hazel and Anne) before immigrating to Canada in 1948. They settled and worked in and around Yellowgrass and Grenfell. Their third daughter, Mary, was born in Grenfell. In 1955, the family moved to Kitimat, BC, for work in the new Alcan Aluminium Smelter. In 1983, they retired in Duncan, BC, on Vancouver Island. Betty was predeceased by: her husband, Jack Bathgate in 2000; her granddaughter, Melanie Hill in 1995; and all of her parents and siblings in Scotland. She is survived by: her three daughters, Hazel Eddy, Anne Hill (Malcolm) and Mary Strudwick (Daryl); eight grandchildren, Kelly Bonneau (Sandi), Michele Bonneau (Barbara), Barbra Bonneau, Leanne Billson (Russ), Kalie Hendry (Tim), Leigha Strudwick (Jayman), Mallory Hendry (Adam) and Daryl Strudwick (Tasha); 13 greatgrandchildren; and two great-great-grandchildren. Her three daughters plan to travel to Scotland in the spring to reunite Betty with her home and family.

BEELER - Borden Beeler, 43 years, of Nokomis passed away November 15, 1989 in Vancouver after suffering through months of experimental medical research at the British Columbia Cancer Control Agency wing of the Vancouver General Hospital. Borden, once an incredibly active community leader and volunteer, had recently been afflicted with the cancerous multiple myeloma disease which attacks the bone marrow. In an effort to aid his own medical condition and certainly as an attempt to help others by furthering scientific research in the control of cancer, Borden had asked, and was accepted into an experimental program in Vancouver. After receiving heavy chemotherapy treatments throughout the summer, Borden entered the Vancouver treatment centre in September. Except for short periods of time in September, Borden had been confined to the cancer wing since being admitted to the program. In recent weeks neither Borden's liver nor kidneys were functional, despite extended medication. A memorial service in honour of Borden will be held in the Nokomis Centennial Hall on Tuesday, November 21st at 2 p.m. In lieu of flowers, friends so wishing may make donations in memory of Borden to the Leukemia & Bone Marrow Transplantation Program, Vancouver General Hospital, 910 West 10th Avenue, Vancouver, B.C. V5Z 4E3, or the Hal Rogers Endowment Fund, The Association of Kinsmen Clubs, 1920 Hal Rogers Drive, Cambridge, Onto N3H 5C6. Sincere sympathy is extended to Borden's family from his many friends in numerous communities. Our thoughts are with you at this very difficult time.

BEELER - Delcie Isobel (nee Greenshields) of Nokomis passed away December 21, 2000 at the Nokomis Health Centre at the age of 84 years. Predeceased by her husband Ralph, one son Borden, two brothers Ross and Wes. She leaves to mourn one son Elwyn (Leona), two daughters Donna (Lawrence) Edwards and Darlene (David) Jones, daughter-in-law Melissa (Ron) Ediger, six grandchildren, four great grandchildren, several brother and sister in laws, numerous nieces, nephews and friends. Funeral Service will be held on Wednesday, December 27, 2000 at 2 PM from Nokomis United Church. Interment; Nokomis Cemetery.

BEELER - Ella Florence (nee Chute). Suddenly and peacefully, on Friday, October 8, 2004 at the Nokomis Health Centre with family by her side, Ella Florence Beeler passed away. She was predeceased by her husband Roland, her parents Harry and Nora Chute, her four brothers, Harold, Earl, Donald and John, sisters-in-law Grace, Ella, Ada, Florence, Isobel and brothers-in-law Leslie, Ralph, Louis, Ray and Jim and nephews Borden, Wayne, David and Lloyd. Ella was born March 12, 1914 and resided in the Nokomis area all of her life. She attended Kutawagan School. On November 1, 1939 she married Roland Beeler and they shared their lives for almost 55 years. They farmed in the Richfarms district until 1961 when they moved into the town of Nokomis. Ella became a resident of the Nokomis Health Centre in 1996. Her volunteer contributions to the Nokomis community were numerous. She was a 4-H leader, a member of the Mount Hope Homemakers, the Nokomis Agricultural Society, the Museum Board and the seniors organization serving in various executive positions. She was a lifetime member of the United Church of Canada, serving as a choir and UCW member, and as an elder. Ella was a kind and compassionate woman. She embraced change as she did people, with warmth and acceptance. She was not afraid to speak out if she saw someone being treated unfairly or misbehaving. She enjoyed attractive surroundings and dressing well. Throughout her life, she faced many health challenges, but did not allow those difficulties to break her spirit nor take away her pride or her dignity. She was a loving, supportive and wise parent and grandparent. Her family will always cherish fond memories of this very special lady. Ella is survived by her two daughters Doreen (Doug) Homenick of Winnipeg, MB, and Joyce (Alien) Braitenback of Saskatoon, andherson, Lawrence (Linda) of Nokomis, her grandchildren Jason (Diane) Homenick of Mississauga, ON, Jennifer (Gerald) Wilcox of Winnipeg, MB; Stephanie (Paul) Dobrovolskis of Ancaster, ON. Jeremy (Jeany ) Braitenback of Sylvan Lake, AB, Susan (Herb) Harding of Nokomis and Brad (Robin) Beeler of Red Deer, AB, her great grandchildren Jayden Wilcox, Madison, Nicholas and Julia Dobrovolskis, Mitchell Harding, Reuben and Rachel Ella Braitenback, her namesake.

BEELER - Lawrence Eldon, aged 71 years, passed away peacefully at his residence in Nokomis on Thursday, March 23rd, 2017 . The Memorial service will be held at Nokomis Centennial Hall on Friday, March 31st, 2017 at 2:00 pm. Interment at a later date. Lawrence was predeceased by his parents Rolland and Ella Beeler and is survived by his loving wife Linda; daughter Susan (Herb) and son Brad (Robin); grandchildren, Mitchell, Erica, Holly and Madeline; sisters, Doreen (Doug) Homenick and Joyce (Al) Braitenback.

BEELER - Leslie Enoch (1910 - 1971). The honorary pallbearers at the funeral of the late Les Beeler last week were G. E. Wallace, Allan Jones, M. L. Potter, Alf Compton, Wm. McClughan and Ed Bartley (of Watrous). They were all members of the Richfarms LOL, a lodge where Les was a member for many years. Active pallbearers were Ray Hards, John Chute, Gee Meikle, Harold Chute, Lorne Smith and Gordon Hicks. Mrs. J. W. Hamilton presided at the organ and Mrs. Hazel Chute sang a vocal solo. Friends and relations attended from Cupar, Guernsey, Somme, Saskatoon, Regina, Winnipeg. Fort Francis, Ont., Lake Vert, Plunkett, Silton, Raymore and Semans.

BEELER - Louis Albert 59, of Upper Elements, died Thursday in Annapolis General Hospital, Annapolis Royal. Born at Nokomis, Sask, he was a son of Mary (Peck) and the late Harry Beeler. He was a member of the Orangemen and Oddfellows fraternities. He is survived by his wife, the former Audrey Ruggles; three sons, Lloyd, and Edwin of Calgary; Keith, Gait, Ont.; a daughter, Mary Ann (Mrs. Edward Wamboldt), Preston, Ont.; three brothers, Rollie, Ralph and Willard, all of Nokomis; two sisters, Grace (Mrs. Ray Timewell), Vancouver; Ella (Mrs. Tom Parkington), Penticton, B.C.; and four grandchildren. He was predeceased by a brother Leslie and a sister, Ada. Funeral service will be held Sunday in St. George and St. Andrew United Church, Annapolis Royal, Rev. Caldwell Fraser officiating. Burial in Clementsport cemetery.

BEELER - Mary A. (nee Peck). The United Church, Nokomis, was filled to capacity on May 9 when the family, relatives and friends came to pay tribute to pioneer, Mrs. Mary Beeler, whose passing occurred at Nokomis Union Hospital on May 5th, 1978 at the age of 87 years, 9 days. She was one of 15 children born to John and Ella Peck on April 26, 1891 at Bear River, NS. She married Harry E. Beeler in 1910 and came west and homesteaded in the Kutawagan district. There were many hard years, as all old timers can tell you, but her steadfastness and hard work brought them through and raised 5 sons and 3 daughters. No one was ever turned from her door without a good meal, and her ability as good cook was well known. Always befriending the needy and giving herself in so many ways despite a handicap, she will always be remembered by her family and friends. She was predeceased by an infant son in 1914, husband. Harry in 1940, daughter Ada Spencer in 1951, sons Leslie, 1971 and Louis in 1973. Left to mourn her passing are sons Roland, Ralph and Willard, Nokomis & daughters Grace, Mrs. Ray Timewell of Coquitlam, BC and Ella, Mrs. Tom Partington, Penticton, BC. and 25 grandchildren and 32 great grandchildren. Also surviving are one brother Willard Peck, Elmsdale, NS and one sister, Mrs. Esther Jack, Bear River, NS. She retired from the farm to Nokomis in 1962 and was a resident of Central Parkland Lodge in Lanigan for the last 3 years. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. R. W. Swann. Mrs. Hazel Chute sang "'How Great Thou Art" and hymns "Rock of Ages and "Abide with me" were sung. Pallbearers were all grandsons, namely: Lloyd, Elwyn, Borden, Lawrence and Jim Beeler and Greg Spencer.

BEELER - Ralph Edward. The funeral service for Ralph Edward Beeler was held Friday, April 3rd, 1987 from Nokomis United Church at 2:00 p.m., Rev. Flor Linantud officiating. Ralph was born in the Kutawagan area, north-east of Nokomis on October 28, 1916. He passed away April 1st, 1987 at the Nokomis Health Centre after a lengthy illness. Ralph was the son of Harry and Mary Beeler. After his schooling he helped on the family farm until he enlisted in the Canadian Army in November 1942. Ralph married Isobel Greenshields in November, 1942. In 1943 he received a medical discharge, and started farming on the family farm north-east of Nokomis. Ralph took an active interest in community affairs and served many years as a school trustee and as a municipal councillor for the R.M. of Mount Hope. Ralph was a member of the Board of the Pioneer Lodge in Strasbourg, Nokomis Union Hospital Board, and also served on the Saskatchewan Wheat Pool Committee and the local Co-op Board many years. Ralph was an avid sportsman whose interests included hunting, fishing and snowmobiling. He was a loyal hockey fan and spent 20 years as the timekeeper for the Nokomis Chiefs. Ralph was a true farmer every sense of the word. He thrilled to see the first signs of spring with the arrival of the newborn calves, ducks and geese and even the sandhill cranes. He remained in touch with modern techniques in agriculture and watched eagerly the new developments in crops and technology. Ralph was one of eight children with four brothers and three sisters. He was predeceased by his parents, brothers, Leslie and Louis and sister, Ada. He leaves to mourn his loving wife, Isobel; sons, Elwyn (Leona) and Borden (Melissa); daughters Donna (Lawrence) Edwards and Darlene (David) Jones; grandchildren Avril, Shelley, Michael, Jeffrey Darcy and Shayne; brothers Roland and Willard and sisters Ella and Grace. Active pallbearers were Alf Dennis, Ron Ediger, Tom Ediger, Ray Hards, George Meikle and Wilf Normberg. Honorary pallbearers were: John Chute, Stan Hall, Gordon Lewis, Wilbert McNichol, Lorne Smith and August Stahl. Hansen's Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements with interment at Nokomis Cemetery. Ralph will be long remembered for his cheerful spirit and sadly missed by his family and many friends.

BEELER - Willard Clinton (August 25, 1933 - April 3, 2013). With sadness the family announces Willard's passing on April 3,2013 at the Nokomis Health Centre. Willard leaves to mourn his wife of 57 years Alverda, daughter Joanne (Dan) Jamieson, son Jim (Lori Lindquist) Beeler, grandchildren C. J. (Catie) and Tamara (Mike), as well as many nieces and nephews. Willard was predeceased by his parents Harry and Mary Beeler, as well as his four brothers (Leslie, Roland, Louis and Ralph) and three sisters (Ada, Ella and Grace). Willard was the last surviving member of the Harry and Mary Beeler family. Throughout his life, Willard tried his hand at many things - truck driver, welder, school bus driver, town police officer, town councillor and Mayor of Nokomis; to name a few. Willard enjoyed farming most of all. Fall was one of Willard's favourite seasons. Willard would eagerly await Sandhill Crane season each fall. When he wasn't hunting, he was probably on the combine. Hockey was a big part of Willard's life. He would often recall skating with the Penticton Vees hockey team in the 50's. Willard even coached several hockey teams from Nokomis. A highlight for Willard was to see the Stanley Cup in person in 2010. The family would like to extend a special thank you Dr. Lhn and the staff at the Health Centre who took such great care of Willard during his final days. At Willard's request, there is to be no funeral service. A come and go Memorial Tea was held on Tuesday, April 9, 2013 in the Nokomis Community Hall from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. A private family interment will be conducted at a later date.

BERNST - Allan Campbell, of Rainy River, Ontario passed away peacefully on Sunday, February 9, 2003 with his family by his side. He was born in Nokomis, Saskatchewan on January 17, 1933, to Edward and Rose Bernst. Allan moved to the Murillo area with his family in 1936. He was employed with the Canadian National Railway for 37 years, retiring in 1988. He served with the Canadian Army in Korea from 1954, being honourably discharged in 1957. At the time of his death Allan was a member of the Royal Canadian Legion, Br. #54, Rainy River. Allan married his wife Jean in 1975. Allan loved life and sports and has made many lasting friendships. After retirement he moved to his summer camp at Sandstone where he had many wonderful years with his other passion, fishing. Many will remember the fish derbies held at his camp. Winters were spent in Inverness, Florida where golf became his new passion. In 1998 Allan moved to Rainy River where he continued to golf and fish. He is survived by his wife, Jean, daughter Leslie and husband Dave Nichols, daughter Kelly Bernst, son Randy and wife Carol Bernst, stepdaughter Linda and husband Terry Turamine of Alberta, stepson Steven and wife Mary Webb of Mississauga, grandchildren: Kelly-Ann, Kyle, Erin, Cory, Carley, Timmy, Ben, Rebecca, Alex, Evan and Olivia, brothers Charlie (Barb) of B.C., Albert (Doris) of Thunder Bay, Earl (Fran) of Thunder Bay, Harry (Alice) of Rainy River, sister Bernice Nicholettes of Murillo, brother-in-law and good friend Dave and Gillian Yerkie of Windsor and numerous nieces and nephews. He was predeceased by his parents Edward and Rose Bernst, two brothers Clarence and Ronnie and brother-in-law Art Nicholettes. Funeral services for the late Mr. Allan Bernst were held on Thursday, February 13, 2003 at 1:30 P.M in the Westfort Chapel, 420 W. Gore Street at James with Rev. John Jordan officiating. Interment of Ashes will take place in Sunset Memorial Gardens at a later date.

BESELT - Erna Victoria (nee Jeschke). On a sunny Sunday afternoon on July 31, 2005, family and friends gathered together for the graveside service of the late Erna Victoria Jeschke Beselt formerly of Minitonas, MB. Her ashes were interred beside her mother's grave in the Nokomis Cemetery (as was her wish). The original funeral service was held in the chapel of the Swan Valley Funeral Services, Swan River, MB, on Saturday, May 15, 2004 with the Beselt families and friends in attendance. The service here was conducted by the Rev. Jack Sailor of Elbow, Sask., a long time friend of the Jeschke family. Immediate family members in attendance included Dave and Pat Simpson (niece), their children, Scott and Steven, all of Bowmanville, ON, Arnold (brother of the deceased) and Jean of Monmouth, Oregon, Eric, Dorothy and Alfred of Nokomis

BISHOP - Kathleen Mary (nee Watt), beloved wife of Clifford "Bill" Bishop, passed away surrounded by her loving family at Strathmore, AB, on December 13, 2005 after a courageous battle with cancer. Kathleen was born May 26, 1934 at the family farm in the Saline Creek area southwest of Nokomis. She attended Saline School before she moved to Alberta with her family as a young girl. She met Bill while playing ball at the Glenville School. They were married in Calgary on October 30, 1951. In their early years together they lived in the Taber area where they started to raise their family. Bill and Kathy then moved their family to the Hussar area where they farmed for over 30 years. Kathy was involved in every aspect of their farming life. She spent many hours crocheting, knitting, sewing and gardening, which she enjoyed. She was an active community member involved in the Duck Lake Ball Team, 4-H Sewing Clubs, Women of Unifarm, Brownies, Hussar Historical Society, The Sundowners and the Red Hatters. She enjoyed every moment of her volunteer life. Her family was the most important part of her life. Kathleen is survived by Clifford "Bill" Bishop her husband of 54 years; her son Lome (Orlene) Bishop; her daughters Karen (Melvin) Sandum and Jeanne (Willard) Treacy all of Hussar. Her seven grandchildren, Cass (Laura) Bishop of Dallas, Texas, Colby (Toshia) Bishop of Hussar, Travis (Tara) Sandum of Hussar, Kim Sandum of Grande Prairie. Alberta and Angela, Christopher and Russell Treacy of Hussar; her six great grandchildren Owen and Hannah Bishop of Dallas, Texas, Everett and Kylie Bishop of Hussar and Katelyn and Jacquelyn Sandum of Hussar. She also leaves to mourn sisters-in-law, brothers-in-law and numerous nieces and nephews. Kathleen was predeceased by her parents Charles and Clarice (nee Shields) Watt and her brother David Watt. She will be dearly missed by all her family and friends. A memorial service was held on December 19th at Our Saviour's Lutheran Church at Hussar. Interment of cremains was in Hussar Cemetery immediately prior to the service.

BOAK - Gladyse M. (nee Crabb), of Assiniboia, SK., passed away January 9, 2015 at age 80. Predeceased by granddaughter Megan Skalicky, parents David and Dorothy Crabb, siblings: Ernest Crabb, Terry Assmus, Carol Crabb, brother-in-law George Boak, and sister-in-law Mearl Koob, Gladyse is survived by loving husband, Aaron; four children: Gail Boak, Lorraine (Rick) McLaren, Brian Boak, and Darlene (Kevin) Skalicky; five grandchildren: Michael (Celina) Skalicky, Kristin Skalicky (Al Karst), Ryan (Melissa) McLaren, Lindsey McLaren, and Justin Corman; two great-grandsons Emerson McLaren and Lucas Skalicky; sister Alice Boak, brother Herb (Sylvia) Crabb, brothers-in-law Neil Assmus and Louis Kobb as well as numerous nieces and nephews. Funeral service will be held at St. George's R.C. Church, Assiniboia, SK on Saturday, January 17, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. Rev. Marilyn Leuty officiating.

BRAITHWAITE - John Victor Maxwell. Canadian writer Max Braithwaite died Sunday, March 19, 1995 at his home in Brighton, Ontario. He was 83. After a long and prolific free-lance career that tapped virtually every market for writing in Canada, Mr. Braithwaite found a novelist's voice in 1965 with Why Shoot the Teacher. A recollection of his first teaching job in a starved-out Saskatchewan farming community in the hungry 30s, Why Shoot later became a successful film of the same name. Two more books in Mr. Braithwaite's prairie trilogy followed: Never Sleep Three in a Bed (1969) and in 1971, The Night We Stole the Mountie's Car, which won Mr. Braithwaite the Stephen Leacock Medal for Humour in 1972. The popularity of Mr. Braithwaite's short, wry, and dusty recollections of the Depression era on the Canadian prairies marked a turning point in his career. It won him a large following of readers across Canada and, in June 1986, an honorary doctorate from the University of Calgary, where he donned academic robes to tell a graduating class of young teachers how much he had disliked their profession. Mr. Braithwaite sold his first article in 1937. He and a friend collaborated on a critique of Saskatchewan education called School Drought, and Maclean's Magazine published it. Mr. Braithwaite took his half of the $75 check and bought a used typewriter. His career advanced quickly after the Canadian navy transferred him from Saskatoon to Toronto in 1944. At HMCS York, where he served as head schoolmaster, he met C.J. Harris, editor of Liberty Magazine, and Scott Young, articles editor at Maclean's -- men who turned out to be key professional contacts and lifelong friends. He emerged from the navy in 1945 a free-lance writer. Since then, he once wrote, ?I have made my living entirely from writing. No grants, no teaching, no writer-in-residence, nothing but writing.? He wrote for magazines like Liberty and Maclean's, for CBC dramatic series like Buckingham Theatre and Ford Theatre, and later for CBC television. He returned to thousands of Canadian classrooms electronically as the author of Voices of the Wild, an educational series that ran for 17 years on CBC radio. In 1962, Voices of the Wild was published as Mr. Braithwaite's first book and a long series of textbooks, supplementary reading books and children's adventure series followed. In the later phase of his career, when he found the time and financial freedom to choose his own material, Mr. Braithwaite's brisk novels came to form a running commentary on Canadian life. He continued to write from his own experiences in the West, notably The Commodore's Barge is Alongside (1979) and All the Way Home (1986). But his own post-war life in Ontario also provided material for some of Mr. Braithwaite's best novels. A Privilege and a Pleasure (1973), about a sleepy Ontario town that is swept up in the social cyclones of the late ?60s, reflects the years Mr. Braithwaite lived in Orangeville, raising a family of five children. Lusty Winter and McGruber's Folly are set in the cottage area of Muskoka, where Max and Aileen Braithwaite lived after the children were grown, converting a summer place on Brandy Lake into a year-round home. They moved from Port Carling to Brighton in 1989. Max Braithwaite was born in Nokomis, Saskatchewan, on December 7, 1911. He was the son of two Ontario natives, George Albert Warner Braithwaite and Marie Copeland. Max grew up in Nokomis, Prince Albert, and Saskatoon. In October 1935, he married Ida Margarete Aileen Treleaven, whom he met in the fall of 1934 when he took a teaching job in Fielding, Saskatchewan. ?This was by far the most important event of my life,? he wrote later. Mr. Braithwaite is survived by his wife and their five children: Beryl Marie Hart of Warner Springs, California; Sharon Maxine Siamon of Toronto; Christopher Maxwell Braithwaite of West Glover, Vermont; Sylvia Braithwaite of Ottawa; and Colin Braithwaite of Toronto. He is also survived by 12 grandchildren and one great-grandchild; by his sister, Betty Smith, and by two brothers, Hubert and Basil Braithwaite.

BRAUN - Karen Ann (nee Walker) of Nokomis, aged 54 years, passed away peacefully at Lanigan Hospital on May 13, 2008. Karen is survived by her loving and devoted husband Ken; two sons Keith and Kenny; two grandchildren Rebecka (Nina) and Nikolai; parents Fred and Lorry Walker of Govan; sister Diane (Wes) Kirk, Kelly and Stacy of Nokomis. The Funeral Service will be held in the Nokomis Centennial Hall in Nokomis on Saturday May 17th, 2008 at 2:00 p.m. Interment will follow in Nokomis Cemetery.

BREWER - Wanda (nee Retzger) Brewer slipped into the presence of her Lord on Tuesday, October 7, 1997 at the Saskatoon City Hospital. She was 82 years of age. Wanda was born August 31, 1915 on the farm near Bulyea, Saskatchewan. She was predeceased by her parents Carl and Mathilda, sister Roselee, and brothers Walter and Martin. She leaves to mourn her loving husband of 61 years, Jack, her daughter Ruth (Ken) Edwards of Nokomis, and son Clark (Marj) Brewer of Smithers, B.C., 11 grandchildren and 19 great grandchildren; 2 brothers, Gus and Rudolph (Mary) Retzer, and numerous nephews and nieces. Funeral Service at Nokomis Baptist Church on Friday, October 10th, 1997 at 2:00 p.m. Pallbearers: Adam Hendry, Tim Hendry, Terry Nornberg, Wilf Retzer, Roland Richter, Scott Tran. Interment in Nokomis Cemetery.

BROOKER - Mrs. Violet Brooker (nee Harding, daughter of Arthur G. & Alice L. Harding of Nokomis) of Imperial passed away in St. Paul?s Hospita1 in Saskatoon on May 20th. She was 59 years old. Funeral service will be held at Imperial United Church on Thursday at 2:00 p.m.

BRYNDLESEN - (Aug. 1925) Mrs. P. On the sandy shore of Long Lake near that spot so well known to Nokomis picnicers and fishermen, the body of Mrs. P. Bryndlesen was found on Friday evening. A deep gash across the throat and a sharp and bloody butcher knife gave mute evidence of the manner in which the unfortunate woman had met her fate. Mr. Bryndlesen had been cutting during the day and on coming home at night missed his wife. The gruesome discovery of the body was made after a short search in the vicinity. The coroner, Dr. Wilkinson of Govan made an investigation the following day and pronounced it a case of suicide, death having occurred sometime Friday afternoon. The local undertaker, J. A. McGowan, took out a coffin on Sunday and prepared the body for burial which took place later in the week. The remains were laid to rest in St. Olaf cemetery, a few miles north west of Govan. The late Mrs. Bryndlesen was 69 years, 8 months, and 21 days old, being born in Norway on Jan. 1st, 1856. She has been in this country about 16 years. Friends of the dead woman say that she had been very despondent for some time before her tragic death.

BURROWS - Ernest A. Burrows, retired U.S. Navy chief petty officer, of South Center Street, Windsor Locks, husband of 57 years of Dorothy "Ma" (Sargeant) Burrows, died Sunday, Nov. 11, 2001 at St. Francis Hospital, Hartford. He was born in Nokomis, Sask., and had lived in Windsor Locks since 1954, where he operated Canal Power Equipment. He served in the U.S. Navy from 1941 to 1975 and saw service during World War II on a rescue ship (USS Redwing) in the Atlantic, in the Pacific fleet on the USS PC-603, and in the invasion of the Aleutian Islands, and he operated a control tower on Shemya and Attu. He also served in the mop-up operations of Saipan, Iwo Jima, and Okinawa on the USS Puget Sound, and was on patrol duty off Tokyo when it surrendered. Besides his wife, he is survived by seven children and their spouses, Judith Livesey of Glastonbury, Cheryl Wadsworth, Barry and Carol Burrows, Alana and John Parsons, and Kimberly and Frederick Salvatore, all of Windsor Locks, Michael and Maria Burrows of Enfield, and Debra Hayden of Pensacola, Fla.; four brothers, Ronald, Kenneth, Lawrence, and Stanley Burrows; a sister, Ila Hust; 27 grandchildren; and 28 great-grandchildren. He was predeceased by a grandson, two sons-in-law, and two brothers. A funeral service will be held at 1 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 14, at the Windsor Locks Funeral Home, 441 Spring St., Windsor Locks. Burial with military honors will be in Grove Cemetery. His family will receive friends from 5 to 8 p.m. today, Nov. 13, at the funeral home.

BUTCHART - Annie May. Funeral services were held Saturday, May 9 for Annie May Butchart who passed away in Saskatoon on Wednesday, May 6, 1981. Mrs. Butchart was born in Kenton, Manitoba on May 2, 1894. She moved to Nokomis with her husband Eric in 1946. She remained in Nokomis until July of 1976 when she moved to Central Parkland lodge in Lanigan. She was moved to the hospital Care Unit in Saskatoon in February of this year. Mrs. Butchart was predeceased by her husband Eric, two sisters and one brother. She leaves to mourn her daughter Margaret, her sister Clarice of Regina, seven grandchildren and seven great grandchildren. The funeral services were held a Nokomis United Church with Rev R. Swann officiating. Pallbearers were Laurence, Douglas, David, and Bill Edwards, Lorne Lee and Garry Jabs. Interment was at Nokomis Cemetery.

BUTCHART - Eric Lloyd. Another old-timer passed on last week in the person of Mr. Eric Butchart. He suffered a fall down stairs the previous week and died in Nokomis Hospital on July 7, 1970. The funeral service was held in Nokomis United Church on July 9, Rev. Dearborn of Imperial officiating and Ms. M. L. Potter as organist. McDougall's Funeral had charge of funeral arangements; Pallbearers were Jack Edwards, Albert Elwards, Kenneth Edwards, Allen Nichol, Wm. McClughan and M. L. Potter. The remains were laid to rest in Nokomis Cemetery. Besides his wife, Annie M. he leaves one daughter, Mrs. Robert Edwards, 7 Grandchildren and one great grandson. The late Eric Butchart was born at Kenton, Manitoba on November 27, 1890. He farmed in Manitoba before retiring with his wife to Nokomis in 1917 to be near their daughter. For some years he has been a faithful caretaker of Nokomis United Church. Mr. Butchart was of a retiring disposition, a very quiet and peace loving man. He had no enemies. During his life in Nokomis he made a host of friends who will feel deeply the loss of this fine man.

- C -

CALDER - Leslie A. of Broadview and formerly of Billings, Montana, beloved son of Nettie Fleming, who predeceased him, and Lorne Fleming of Calgary, Alberta; brother of Lois DeBoer and Gordon Calder, also of Calgary; father of Alexa Calder of Washington State; and fiance of Virginia Wilson of Billings. Through a lengthy illness, Les kept his spirits and his marvelous sense of humor but succumbed on Wednesday, May 12, 2004, at Deaconess Billings Clinic, in Billings. Born June 19, 1941, in Nokomis, Saskatchewan, Les is remembered by many across North America for his career as a professional hockey player and coach. He first came to Billings as General Manager and Coach of the Billings Bighorns in 1979 and later settled in Broadview, where he has been proprietor of the Homestead Inn. Memorial will be at Smith's West Chapel, 304 - 34 Street West, Billings, 3:00 p.m. Saturday, May 15, with celebration of life following at Montana Chad's, 3953 Montana Avenue, Billings. Les' family wishes to convey their heartfelt thanks to Dr. Roger Santala, MD, and the other physicians and nursing staff at Deaconess, who cared for Les with professionalism and love in these last difficult months.

CAMPBELL - Kenneth Richard, of Nokomis, was accidentally killed on May 2, 1984 at the age of 57 years. Predeaceased by his parents: Lorne in 1982, Anna in 1947; a son Lawrence in 1956; and a granddaughter Tammy in 1974. He leaves to mourn his loving wife Alida, one son Dale (Jane) of Kelvington; one daughter Janice (Jim) Korte of Muenster; five grandchildren; Paula and Lawrence Campbell and Garret, Jesse and Amy Korte; five brothers; Bill (Mavis) of Govan, Archie (Ida) of Duval, Gordon of Vancouver, Harold (Frankie) of Ottawa, Robert (Sandra) of Kindersley. Funeral services on Saturday May 5, 1984 at 2:00 p.m. from Nokomis United Church. Interment in Govan Cemetery. Officiating Clergy Rev. Hugh MacGregor. In lieu of flowers, the family would appreciate donations to the Govan Cemetery. McDougall's Funeral Home of Nokomis in care of arrangements.

CAMPBELL - Tammy Lynn. September 3rd, 1974, Tammy Lynn Campbell, age 19 months, 22 days, dearly beloved daughter of Jane and Dale Campbell passed away. She is survived by brother Lawrence, a sister Paula, grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Ken Campbell and Mr. and Mrs. August Stahl of Nokomis. Funeral Services for Tammy were held September 5th at St. Patrick's Roman Catholic Church conducted by Father T. Roy. Burial followed in Nokomis Cemetery. Organist was Mrs. Noreen Walker. Pallbearers were family friends; Bob Walker, Lawrence Edwards, Al Zarycki, and Farnon Keeler. Tammy was born in Regina on January 12th, 1973. She was baptized in the Catholic Church on February 24th. Tammy's life, even though in months it may seem short, was very full. Her parents thank God for giving them those months. "Earth hath no sorrow that Heaven cannot Heal".

CASSWELL - Phyllis Ada (nee Thomas) November 14, 1926 - November 13, 2013. The passing of Phyllis Ada Casswell occurred at Stensrud Lodge on Nov. 13, 2013 hours shy of her 87th birthday. Phyllis is survived by her loving husband of more than 66 years, Campbell, and her children Barb (John), Diane (Loyd), Chris (Mick), Janet (Mike) and Gordon (Sherry), as well as grandchildren and great grandchildren. Phyllis was predeceased by her parents and four siblings. Phyllis was born in Nokomis, SK, but spent her formative years in Saskatoon. In 1947 she married Campbell Casswell and they resided in Saskatoon, Melville and Kindersley while they raised their family. As a mother of five children Phyllis was a homemaker extraordinaire and her cooking, baking and preserving skills were shared not only with her family, but many friends and visitors. She was active in many organizations: Girls 4-H, square dancing groups, Girl Guides, United Church Women (UCW), Eastern Star, Figure Skating and TOPS. Her 40 year involvement with TOPS was marked by many achievements, such as reaching her KOPS status, which she maintained for 38 years. Her energetic and positive work ethic was modeled every day in her quiet and unassuming way. Special thanks is extended to the staff at Stensrud Lodge for their compassionate care.

CHAPPEL - Harvey Frederick passed away April 13, 2002 following a stroke. Survived by wife Jean (nee Dickie), daughter Vicky (Mrs. Dwight Kelsey) and granddaughter Joanna Kelsey. Brother of Orval and his wife Eileen, sister-in-law of Vera Chappel and many nieces and nephews. Predeceased by his brother Maurice. Born October 4, 1924 in Nokomis, Saskatchewan came to Minesing, Ontario with his family in 1929. He served in the R.C.A.F. during World War 2. Member of Royal Canadian Legion Branch 120 in Georgetown, Ontario. Came to Georgetown in 1948 to play hockey for the Georgetown Raiders. He was an avid curler and golfer at the North Halton Golf and Country Club and led his legion curling team to several Provincial and National championships. He was men's club champion 3 times at North Halton. Upon retiring from Abitibi-Price, Harvey and his wife wintered in Bradenton, Florida where he was an active member of Bradenton Country Club. The Chappel family would like to extend their sincere thanks to Dr. K. Deichert and the staff at Georgetown & District Memorial Hospital for their care and kindness. Friends will be received at the J.S. Jones & Son Funeral Home, 11582 Trafalgar Road, north of Maple Ave, Georgetown (905-877-3631) on Tuesday from 3-5 & 7-9 p.m. Funeral and committal service will be held in the chapel on Wednesday, April 17th at 11:00 a.m. Cremation.

CHEETHAM - Rev. Ann Janette Cheetham passed away peacefully on Thursday, November 10, 2011 at the age of 76. She was predeceased by her parents and brother Tom Edward. Ann is survived by her sister Lily Elizabeth "Liz" MacLean of Massett, BC and brother John Robert "Bob" of Ottawa. Ann served as an Anglican Priest in several Rural Parishes before her retirement at Nokomis. Since retiring, Ann has resided in Regina. A Service to Celebrate Ann's Life will be held at St. Paul's Anglican Cathedral on Wednesday, November 16, 2011 at 10:00 a.m. Rev. Michael Sinclair officiating. Interment will follow in St. Paul's Cathedral Columbarium.

CHEETHAM - Thomas Howard, 6 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Cheetham, passed away at Saskatoon hospital on March 10, 1926. The body was brought to Nokomis and burial service took place at the homestead on 27-29-21 W2 Rev. W. Greenwood officiating, on Saturday afternoon. The boy took sick with appendicitis and was rushed on Monday to Saskatoon where he was operated on in the evening. Death took place the following Wednesday. Deceased was born at Nokomis on May 2, 1920. The whole community extend sincere sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Cheetham in their bereavement.

CHUTE - Earl C. 72, of Bridgetown, died Wednesday in Soldiers Memorial Hospital, Middleton, N. S. Born in Nokomis, Sask., he was a son of the late Harry and Nora (Pyne) Chute. He was educated in Saskatchewan and worked on his father's farm before joining the RCMP in 1931 in Regina. He was posted to H Division of the RCMP in Nova Scotia and began his duties in Yarmouth, later serving Bridgetown, Liverpool, Meteghan River, Shelburne, New Glasgow, Halifax, Truro and Dartmouth and St. John?s Nfld. He retired from the force in 1952 and worked with the Major Insurance Adjustment Bureau in Truro and later opened his own bureau in Amherst. At the time of his death he operated Chute Insurance Claims Service, Bridgetown. He was the oldest active independent insurance adjuster in Nova Scotia, was a member of the Gordon Providence United Church, Bridgetown; past master of Rothesay Masonic Lodge Number 41, Bridgetown. He was an active member and former treasurer of the Bridgetown Lion's Club and recently received a certificate of merit. He was a member of the Bridgetown Board of Trade; past secretary of the Maritime Independent Insurance Adjusters Association and past secretary of the Amherst Rotary Club. He is survived by his wife the former Elizabeth Covert; a son Wayne, St. Catharines, Ont.; a sister, Ella; three brothers, Donald, Harold and John, all of Saskatchewan; one grand-daughter. The body is in the Robert L. Hall Funeral Home, Bridgetown. Funeral service will be Saturday at 2:30 p.m. in Gordon Providence United Church, Bridgetown, Rev. S. G. Walls officiating, assisted by Dr. George P. Allen. Following cremation, burial will be in Riverside cemetery, Bridgetown. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Bridgetown Lions Club or the Gordon Providence United Church.

CHUTE - Harold Borden. Funeral services for the late Harold Chute took place May 1985, at the United Church of Canada, Nokomis with Rev. Hugh MacGregor and R. W. Swann officiating. Mrs. Kay Hamilton was the organist. Special music was supplied by Mrs. Pat Nanson who sang "I?ll Walk With God", a tape choral selection "Just a Closer Walk with Thee" by his 4 children, and a violin solo as a recessional "Amazing Grace" by Norman Truman. Harold Borden Chute was born February 29, 1912 and passed away May 26, 1985. He was the third of five children of Harry and Nora Chute. He was raised and took his schooling in the Kutawagen district and later started farming in the Richfarms district. On December 2, 1942, he married Hazel Grigor of Newlands school district. The marriage was blessed with four children. They moved to town in 1965 and Harold continued to farm until ill health forced him to retire in 1972. Harold was a loving husband father and grandfather, and a dear friend to many. He served 27 years on the R. M. of Mount Hope council and 29 years on the Nokomis Union Hospital board. He served the Richfarms United Church as Sunday School Superintendent, as well as being a member of the Board of Stewards for several years. He also served as a steward and elder of the Nokomis United Church. Harold was a talented musician and was well known throughout the province for his participation in Old Time Fiddling contests at which he spent much of his time during his retirement years. He also took keen interest in the Senior Citizen's Welcome Inn, serving on the board of directors until his death and was president for years. He was also on the Housing Authority Board at the time he passed away. Harold took a very special pride in family. His most valued hours were spent surrounded by family and music. He leaves to mourn his passing his loving wife, Hazel; his daughter, Sharon and her husband Wayne and grandchildren Kevin, Trevor, and Leanne; his son Jim and his wife Barb, and grandsons, David and Douglas; his daughter Noreen and her husband Bob, and granddaughters Michelle and Julie; his daughter Brenda and her husband, Carl, and grandchildren, Carla, Lori and Kyle. Being predeceased by one brother, Earl, he also leave behind Earl's wife, Betty; his brother Donald and his wife Florence; his brother John and his wife Jeanne, and his sister Ella and her husband Roland and many nieces, nephews, and cousins as well as a host of friends. Interment was in Nokomis Cemetery. Pallbearers were Aaron Boak, Ray Hards, Alan Hemingway, Clayton Hobman, Clarence Slater and Bud Watson. Honourary Pallbearers were Bill Birtles, Bob Edwards, Glen Hobman, Ralph Beeler, Dick Carter, Gordon Hicks, Julius Orthnor, Ech Wallace and Don Benson and Charlie Rennie who were unable to attend. Ushers were Bill McClughan and Lorne Smith.

CHUTE - Jeanne Catherine (nee Gammie) Chute passed away at Nokomis, SK. on Monday, March 14, 2005 at 82 years of age. Jeanne was born at Lockwood, SK. the second of nine children of Alex and Violet Gammie (eight girls and one boy). Jeanne went to school and was raised in the Howat School District. In 1945 she married John Chute, and moved, and lived near Kutawagan until retirement to Nokomis in 1978. They had one son, Kenneth (Deanna) of Halifax and daughter Shirley (Brian) of Preeceville. Jeanne's hobbies included knitting, crocheting, sewing, baking, as well as making jams and jellies. Jeanne was a member of Mount Hope Homemakers for a few years and was a member of the United Church Women since 1962. Jeanne was also a Director of the Nokomis Agricultural Society. Jeanne and husband John had a passion for travelling, and travelled in Canada from the west coast (Victoria) to the east coast (St. John's, Newfoundland) as well as parts in between. Jeanne had an independent nature that allowed her to stay in her Nokomis home until deteriorating health forced her to move into the Nokomis Health Center in the fall of 2002. She is survived by: her daughter, Shirley (Brian) Neufeld of Preeceville and her son, Kenneth (Deanna) of Halifax, NS; grandchildren, Darren (Kelly) Grande Cache, AB, Deanna Neufeld of Saskatoon and Holly Chute of Nova Scotia as well as great-granddaughters Jessica and Taylor Neufeld, Grande Cache, AB. Also surviving are: sisters, Mary Worley and Anne Wentz (Devon) both of Melfort, Hazel Wentz (Roy) of Humboldt, Nell Friesen of Drake, Alice Kane (Ken) of Regina, Irene Forner (Harvey) of Lethbridge, AB and brother, Morris (Anne) Gammie of Saskatoon. She is also survived by sisters-in-law Hazel Chute Mollison, Nokomis and Betty Chute of Halifax, NS, as well as numerous nephews and nieces. She was predeceased by: her husband John and her sister Mirianne; sister-in-law, Ella Beeler; brothers-in-law, Ernie Wilhelm, Ernie Worley and Abe Friesen, as well as her parents, Alex and Violet Gammie. The funeral service was held at Nokomis United Church on Friday,March 18th at 2:00 p.m. with Rev. George Holliday officiating. Organist was Lorna Mansell. The Nokomis Church Choir was in attendance. Special music was provided by the Chute Family. Holly Chute played a flute solo, The Ashokan Farewell. Belle Hobman gave the eulogy. Honorary pallbearers were all her family and friends. Pallbearers were Alf Dennis, Bob Walker, Dale Driediger, Jonathan Powell, Rueben Proseilo and Earle Mansell. Interment followed in Nokomis Cemetery.

CHUTE - Lenora Maud Chute, widow of Harry Chute, and a resident of Nokomis, Sask., died on Tuesday, August 6, 1963 while visiting her brother, Everett Pyne, of Clementsvale, NS. Born at Clementsvale, 81 years ago, she was a daughter of the late Thomas and Florence (Beeler) Pyne. She moved to Saskatchewan in 1908. She was a member of the United Baptist Church, Nokomis, Sask. She was predeceased by her husband several years ago. Surviving are sons, Donald of Somme, Sask.; Earl of Amherst; Harold and John of Nokomis, Sask.; and a daughter Ella (Mrs. Roland Beeler) of Nokomis, Sask. She is also survived by a brother, Everett Pyne of Clementsvale. The remains will rest at Jaynes Funeral Home in Digby until Thursday afternoon when they will be taken to the Clementsvale Baptist Church for service at 1:30 p.m. Following service there, the remains will be flown to Nokomis, Sask. for burial.

CHUTE - Noble Brown. Funeral services were held July 21st, 1969 from United Church, Nokomis for Noble Brown Chute pioneer of Kutawagan District. The service was in charge Mr. Chester Hamilton of Winnipeg, Noreen Chute presided at the organ. Mr. Tom Patterson of Craven officiated at the graveside. Honorary Pallbearers were: Messrs. Stuart and Ross Downey, Les Hards, Jim Smith, Lester Potter and Mic Hobman. Active bearers were Ray Hards, Alf Denniss, Bob Downey, Ross Meikle, Archie Meikle and George Meikle. Born at Kentville, Nova Scotia on June 2, 1885, he travelled west, and took up a homestead in the Kutawagan district in 1909. On Sept. 27, 1916, he married Estelle Jane Graham, and this union was blessed with three sons and one daughter. In 1960 he and his wife moved in to Nokomis, where he spent his retired years, working ardently at landscaping and gardening. His two properties in town were proof of his great love of natures beauty. A calm and gentle man, who lived his deep faith, he will be sadly missed by his wife Estelle his daughter, Hazel of Winnipeg; sons, Lloyd of Somme, Ralph of Niagara and Robert of Nokomis; 2 sisters, Mrs. Goldie Porter Kentville, N.S., Mrs. Nellie Hanson of Emo, Ontario; 11 grand-children, 4 great grandchildren, and a host of friends.

CLARK - Deloris Emma Susana (nee Miller) Clark passed away on Sunday, February 24, 2013 at Luther Special Care Home in Saskatoon. She was predeceased by her loving husband of 69 years, Arthur Clark of Saskatoon; her parents, Daniel and Lydia Miller of Nokomis, Sask; her brother, Fred (Birdie) Miller of Calgary and sisters, Esther (Hugh) Greenshields of Semans, Sask., Vivian (Jim) Middlemiss of Semans, and Olive Miller of Nokomis. Deloris is survived by her sister, Leona (Eldon) Lawrence of Truro, N.S., numerous nieces and nephews, grand nieces and nephews and great-grand nieces and nephews. Deloris became a teacher and was working at a school near Clavet when she met and later married Arthur Clark in 1941. After their marriage she left teaching to join Arthur at his various postings with the RCAF in Canada and Europe. When Arthur retired from the Air Force after 25 years he and Deloris took over the family farm near Blucher. During their farming years they spent their winters at their Saskatoon house. After retiring from farming Deloris and Arthur lived in their own house until Deloris was 95 years old at which time they moved to Luther Riverside Terrace. Deloris had many interests. She knit, crocheted and could sew just about anything. Gardening was her passion. She and Arthur were very involved with curling and enjoyed playing bridge. Even in this last year she enjoyed watching baseball and Canadian football on TV. She was an avid Roughrider fan. Deloris possessed a personality that endeared her to anyone she met. Her cheerful demeanor and quickness (especially with the one-liners) made her a joy to be around. Deloris and Arthur had no children of their own. Their nieces, nephews and grand nieces and nephews were a huge focus of their affection and involvement. They were always going somewhere or doing something for the benefit of one family member or another. Deloris' love for her family was reciprocated by them all. Just a few weeks ago she was heard to say, "I am surrounded by love, it is quite beautiful. I have the nicest life to look back on". There will be a Visitation for Deloris on Saturday, March 2 at 1:00 p.m. followed by the Funeral Service at 2:00 p.m., both at Hillcrest Funeral Home (east on 8th St., first right past Briargate Road).

COGGER - Bert, a long time resident of Nokomis passed away in Nokomis Hospital on August 1979, after a brief illness. Bert was in his 90th year, having been born in the County of Kent, England, on January 2, 1890. His early years were spent in Tunbridge Wells with his three sisters and four brothers. He immigrated from England in 1912 and settled in Ontario. In 1916 Bert moved Nokomis where he resided until his death. Upon arriving in Nokomis he worked as a farm hand then became involved in the theatre business. Bert built the Nokomis Theatre about 1922 and continued this operation until 1966. Along with the theatre, Bert had many other jobs. He was one of the early town policeman, a house painter, as well as being caretaker of school for many years. Bert was held in high esteem by the students which was evident by the many people who returned to Nokomis over the years and always stopped by to visit Bert and Molly. During the second World War, Bert dressed up each Christmas as Santa Claus and collected money for cigarettes and candy for the servicemen overseas. Bert's hobbies were golf and gardening. He was a familiar figure each summer distributing vegetables from his garden to many citizens of the town. The annual Horticultural Fair was of great Interest to Bert where he took many prizes. In 1925, Bert married Molly Cumming and they have resided on fifth street in Nokomis for 54 'years. Bert and Molly have one son Lorne, who resides in Regina with his wife, Jean, and three daughters Barbara, Jane and Judi. Bert had many friends and was greatly respected in the community. He was a familiar figure in his daily trips downtown and will be greatly missed by his family and friends.

COGGER - Lorne Burton Cogger passed away peacefully at home on April 16, 2008. He was born in Nokomis, SK on August 28, 1926, an only child to Bert and Molly Cogger. Lorne graduated from Radio College of Canada in Toronto and began his career working for Dominion Sound in Winnipeg, installing and serving theatre equipment throughout Manitoba and southern Saskatchewan. In 1951 he moved to Regina where he became manager of Dominion Sound's Regina office. He married Shirley Jean Currie and this wonderful couple raised three daughters Barb, Jane and Judi. In 1966 he formed the construction company Wood Cogger Ltd, with his friend, Ron Wood. This thriving business expanded to Saskatoon and Edmonton and was eventually sold in 1997. Lorne's retirement years were spent with family and friends at the cottage and in Rio Verde. Lorne was active in the Regina Construction Association for many years and earned a reputation as a fair-minded businessman. He was a member of the Wascana Country Club for over 40 years. This much loved husband, father, grandfather, brother-in-law and friend will be sorely missed. We are grateful for having had him in our lives. He leaves behind the love of his life and wife of 55 years, Jean, daughters Barb Cogger, Jane Cogger and Judi (Tom) Gazda, as well as his grandchildren Jenal (Aaron) Wingfield, Drew Cogger, Megan and Matthew Gazda, his aunt Eldeen Henderson, cousins Laurie and Craig Henderson, brother-in-law Cam (Jean) Currie, best friends Ron and Jean Wood and dear neighbour Vivian Syme. We would like to thank Dr. Allan Miller and two loving caregivers, Sherry and Ardith who made it possible for Dad to remain comfortably at home. A Celebration of Life will be held Tuesday, April 22, 2008 at 2:00 p.m. in Speers Funeral Chapel, 2136 College Avenue, Regina.

COGGINS - Michael James Coggins of Westerose, Alberta, formerly of Mulhurst Bay, Alberta, and Regina and Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, passed away at the Rimbey Hospital and Care Centre, Rimbey, Alberta on Friday, February 25, 2005 at the age of 78 years. Mike was born on April 3, 1926 in Melville, Saskatchewan and raised in Nokomis and Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. He served in the Canadian Army overseas during World War II, and returned to Saskatchewan following the war. On May 12, 1956, he was united in marriage to his best friend, Dorothy Joan Svoboda in Saskatoon, where they resided for 20 years. Mike was a salesman with Nestle's for 24 years, traveling through Saskatchewan and Manitoba where he made many terrific friends. In 1976, the family moved to Regina where Mike successfully operated two businesses with Joan for several years before they retired. In 1996, they moved to Mulhurst Bay, and finally settled in Westerose in 2004. Mike always enjoyed a good game of golf and talking with friends. But most of all, he loved his family, and the many happy times they shared. Mike will be lovingly remembered by his wife of 48 years, Joan; one son, Chris (Deb) Coggins of St. Albert, Alberta; two daughters, Leslie (Stan) Henry of Almonte, Ontario; and Tracy (Patrick) Gullaher of Calgary. He will also be lovingly remembered by five grandchildren, Shaugn Coggins of St. Albert; Joshua Tomik-Gullaher of Calgary; Danielle and Bethany Price of Almonte, Ontario; and Elizabeth Gullaher of Calgary. Mike was predeceased by his father, John Coggins; his mother, Alma Coggins, one brother, Patrick; and one sister, Rita. Funeral Mass will be celebrated at St. Theresa's Catholic Church, Ma-Me-O Beach, Alberta on Thursday, March 3, 2005 at 11:00 a.m. with the Reverend Father Victor Eze, Celebrant. Cremation took place in Red Deer, Alberta. The Family would like to extend their heartfelt thanks to Mike's many friends for their unending support.

COLEMAN - Margaret Edith (nee Ellis). It is with great sadness that we the family announce the passing of a dear wife, mother, grandmother, great-grandmother and friend, Margaret Edith Coleman. She passed away in Nokomis Health Centre in the early morning of Friday, December 16, 2005. Margaret was the fifth child born to Ernest and Anna Ellis. She was a fantastic woman who would help anyone who needed it and never complained. She loved her family so much and couldn't wait to see them. She also loved her gardening, flowers and baking. She married Richard Coleman on October 28, 1944 and they farmed east of Lock-wood for several years. They had two children, Carol Ann and Vernon Earl. They moved to Nokomis in 1975 where they still reside. She is survived by her loving husband, Richard of 61 years; daughter Carol; son Verne; two grandchildren, Sherri (Todd) Little and Tim (Jeri) Goldfinch; six great grandchildren; sister Donelda Hendry of Nipawin; sisters-in-law Connie St. Onge, Mary Ellis, Vera Coleman, Dorothy Coleman; brother-in-law Gordon Ewen and several cousins, nieces and nephews. She was predeceased by: her father Ernest; mother Anna; brothers Alex, Mac, Ernest and Bill; sister Verna Morningstar and sisters-in-law Cathy Ellis and Grace Ewen. A memorial service was held at Nokomis United Church, Monday, December 19, 2005 with the Reverend George Holliday officiating. The organist was Lorna Mansell, Elaine Nadiger was memorial attendant, register attendant was Lucy Meikle and ushers were Bev Hulan and Ruth Edwards. Interment followed at Lockwood Cemetery

COLEMAN - Richard Arthur. It is with great sadness and broken hearts that we, the family, announce the passing of Richard Arthur Coleman, a dear husband, father, grandfather, great-grandfather and friend. Richard passed away peacefully in the early morning of Friday, February 18, 2011 in St. Paul's Hospital in Saskatoon, SK. Richard was born on March 26, 1921 in Nokomis. He was the fourth child born to Isaac and Phebe Coleman. Richard grew up in the Lockwood area. He married Margaret Ellis on October 28, 1944. They had two children, Carol Ann and Sgt. (Retd) Vernon Earl. Richard and Margaret farmed east of Lockwood for many years. In 1975, they left the farm and moved into Nokomis. Richard's family was very important to him. He always looked forward to phone calls, visits from his family and getting pictures. He enjoyed watching the news and was always up to date on current affairs. Richard enjoyed puttering in the yard and working in his garden. He was always there to offer a helping hand. His smile could brighten a room. Richard is survived by: daughter, Carol; son, Verne; granddaughter, Sherri (Todd) Little; grandson, Tim (Jeri) Goldfinch; six great-grandchildren; sisters-in-law, Vera Coleman, Donelda Hendry and Connie St.Onge; brother-in-law, Gordon Ewen; and several cousins, nieces and nephews. He was predeceased by: his loving wife, Margaret in 2005 (whom he missed dearly); parents, Issac and Phebe; brothers, Jim, Howard, Bert, Ralph and Wilfred; sister, Grace; and sister-in-law, Dorothy Coleman. As per Richard's request, a private family memorial service will be held at a later date. The family would like to extend their heartfelt thanks to Ron and Ruth Morningstar for the love and support they have given our family over the years.

COMBA - Alfred Minor. Pakenham Native Died in West (Dec 4, 1969) - Funeral service for Alfred Minor Comba, 66, was held in the United Church, Liberty, Saskatchewan, recently with Rev. R. Murrin and A. Jagoe officiating. Burial was in Liberty Cemetery. Born in Pakenham, Mr. Comba came to the Liberty district in 1935 and later moved to Nokomis. In 1943 he married Theresa Smith at Regina. Mr. Comba was a barber by profession and enjoyed curling and baseball. Predeceased by a brother, Lloyd, he is survived by his wife, three sons, Merrill of Liberty, Pat and Robert of Nokomis; four daughters, Mrs. Collene Woolsey of Norin, Alta., Mrs. Maureen Tittemore of Liberty; Mrs. Sandra Anderson of Young, and Linda of Regina; three brothers, Gemmell and Howard in Ontario, and Mervin of Vancouver; four sisters, Tilly, Violet, Jessie and Marjorie, all in Ontario and eight grandchildren.

CROZIER - Donna B. (nee Wallace) Surrey, B.C. Donna passed away peacefully on April 3, 2010 in Surrey hospital. She was born in Nokomis, Sask., January 6, 1946. Donna married John Crozier in 1965. She worked in many fields in sales and was very successful in Regina, Saskatoon and Ottawa. She loved people. Unfortunately, Donna struggled with her health for over 25 years (having to live on cortisone to function and stay alive). Donna wanted her friends and family to know that death isn't sad and she is in a wonderful mansion looking down. She also wanted her passing to be treated as a day of celebration of her life along with all the sharing, caring, love, faith in God, optimism, fun and laughter she enjoyed with so many people. Her motto was - If I can help somebody as I pass along, then my living shall not be in vain. Left behind to give thanks for the life she shared are her two beautiful daughters, Rhonda (Thomas), Hannah and David of Kanata, ON., Carla Crozier (Jim Russell) and Graydon of Toronto, ON., former husband John of Trail, BC, dear twin sister, Marion (Doug) Butcher, Calgary, AB, sister, Marlene Wallace (Bob Miner), of S. Surrey, sister, Lorna (Earle) Mansell, Nokomis, SK. and all of the numerous family and friends who loved her dearly. A Celebration of Life Service will be held Wednesday, April 7, 2010 at 11:00 a.m. at the Unity In Action Church, New Westminster, BC.

CUNNINGHAM - Nina (January 11, 1936 ? October 24, 2015). The death of Nina Cunningham, aged 79 years, occurred on Saturday, October 24, 2015 at the Nokomis Health Centre, Nokomis. A Graveside Service was held in Nokomis Cemetery on Tuesday, November 3rd at 11:00 a.m. with Pastor Rick Shott officiating. A Memorial Service was held at the Nokomis Health Centre on Wednesday, November 4th at 2:00 p.m.

CUNNINGHAM - Rose Marie (nee Herdt) Cunningham passed away peacefully at Pineview Lodge on February 3, 2004. Rose was born August 13, 1912 to J.F. Herdy and Maria (Fisher) Herdt in Union Town, Washington, USA. The family moved back to Canada in the Lockwood, Saskatchewan area then Nokomis and then homesteaded in Pontrilas in 1925. Rose married Morris (Bun) Cunningham in 1930 and from this union two children were born: Nelda and Fredrick. During the war they moved to Hamilton, Ontario, where Rose was employed in the war effort, after which they returned to Nipawin in 1946. They moved to Calgary where she worked for Ashdowns for eleven years and then at House of Tools until she retired in 1980 and returned to Nipawin in 1981. Rose loved music and dancing, with reading and crocheting being her favorite pass times. She was predeceased by her husband Morris, infant daughter Nelda, brother Alec and sister Clara (Case) Ramage. She leaves to mourn her son Fred and his wife Bernice and their three children Penny (Dennis) Visser of Calgary, Terry (Naideen) Cunningham of White Fox and Darlene (Randy) King of Calgary; five great grandchildren Nicole and Miranda Visser and Kyle, Alicia and Kirk Cunningham. She is also survived by her three sisters Lena Currie, Ethel Jones of Nipawin and Bernice Ferguson of Calgary. Rose's wish was to be cremated and laid to rest with Morris in Calgary; interment will take place at a later date.

CURRIE - Donald Currie passed away on June 22, 1977 in the University Hospital, Saskatoon after a brief illness. He was born in Redwood Falls Minn., USA in 1895 moving with his parents. to Canada in 1910. He served in the 1st. World War and on returning married Frances Gleddon. They moved to their farm in the Govan district where they remained until retiring to Nokomis in 1968. They had one daughter Elaine. He is survived by 4 sisters. Mrs. Zella Wright, Kandahar, Mrs Edith Pomfret, Kandahar, Mrs. Jessie Gleddon and Mrs. Grace Gleddon both of Wynyard and his wife Frances and daughter Elaine Sather. five grandchildren and two great grandchildren.

- D -

DACHUK - Beatrice (nee Goranson). Funeral Services for Beatrice Dachuk were held February 10 1983 at 11:00 a.m. at St. Patrick Roman Catholic Church Nokomis. Services were conducted by Father Rick Krofchek. Interment was in the Nokomis Cemetery. Pallbearers were grandsons: Jim Riley, David, Douglas Robert and Raymond Herr and grandson-in-law, Bob Danco. Beatrice Dachuk was born May 31, 1910 at Punnichy, Sask. She married her first husband, Thomas S. Riley. They were blessed with two children, son Patrick and daughter Gertrude. She was residing with her second husband, John Dachuk at Victoria, BC. when after a short illness, she died in the Royal Jubilee Hospital at the age of 72 years. She was predeceased by her parents; two brothers: Neil and Gordon; and her first husband Thomas Riley. She is survived by second husband, John; son, Patrick , Campbell River, BC.; daughter Gertrude Herr of Atikokan, 0ntario; brother, Peter of Snowden; grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

DACHUK - John. The Family of John Dachuk sadly announce his passing on April 2, 2005 at the Victoria General Hospital. He was 98 years old. He was predeceased by his parents and siblings and by his wife, Beatrice in 1983. Beloved step father to Trudy Herr (Irving) and Patrick Riley (Irma) who will always cherish his memory. Loved by his grandchildren Colleen, Kathleen, Jim, Gaylene, Darlene, Douglas, David, Raymond & Robert and their families who will always remember him for his kindness and generosity. The family would like to thank John's special and caring friend Helen Dachuk, the kind and loving staff and residents at McKenzie on Douglas St. and extend our appreciation to Dr. Spencer for the loving care to John over the years. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the Heart and Stroke Foundation. A memorial service will be held on May 21. 2005 in Nokomis, Saskachewan at St. Patrick Church. Internment will be at the local cemetery.

DECKER - Bill (William) Donald of Sherwood Park, AB, passed away on May 5, 2009, at the age of 66, after a courageous battle with cancer. Left to cherish all the wonderful memories are: his loving wife, Ursula; son, Jamie (Jocelyn) of Devon; daughter, Penny (Brad) Miller of Sherwood Park; and granddaughter Gillian; two sisters, Evelyn Cook of Edmonton; Marlene (Gary) Thompson of Regina; and four brothers, Robert (Marilyn) of Regina, Jerry (Barbara Smith) of Nokomis, Donald (Nettie) of Winnipeg and Brian (Barbara) of Spy Hill; as well as numerous nieces and nephews. He was predeceased by an infant brother, Leslie, his mother, Eva and his father Charles. Bill was born in 1943 at Hatfield, SK, on the family homestead. Bill lived in Nokomis until he moved to Edmonton and married Ursula Shrank in 1970. Bill was employed with the Edmonton Journal for 38 years. He retired in April 2007. He enjoyed curling and gardening and took great pride in his children and granddaughter and was greatly anticipating the arrival of his second granddaughter in July. The family would like to thank the staff at Grey Nuns, Palliative care for their compassion and outstanding care for Bill in his final hours. A memorial service and celebration of Bill's life was held at the Glenwood Funeral Home, South of Wye Road on Range Road 232, in Sherwood Park, AB, on Saturday, May 9, 2009 at 10:00 a.m.

DECKER - Charles Decker, long-time resident of Nokomis, passed away on March 28, 2005. He was born in 1912 at Winnipeg and later moved with his parents, Fred and Mary (Erhardt) Decker to the Semans district. He married Eva Schadt in 1934. Charles was employed with the CNR from 1951 until his retirement in 1977. He enjoyed playing cards and visiting with family and friends. When his wife died, his health declined suddenly which made necessary a move to the Nokomis Health Centre. Charles was predeceased by his wife Eva in 2002, an infant son Leslie in 1939, his parents, two brothers Fred and Walter, two sisters Mary (Fred) Schmidt and Anna (David) Schmidt, brothers and sisters-in-law Andrew Markel, Conrad (Emma) Manz, Godhilf Sulz, Harry Schadt, Albert (Mies) Schadt and Harold Martin. He will be fondly remembered by his seven children Evelyn (Edward) Cook of Edmonton, William (Ursula) Decker of Sherwood Park, Robert (Marilyn) Decker of Regina, Marlene (Gary) Thompson of Regina, Donald (Nettie) Decker of Winnipeg, Jerry Decker of Nokomis, Brian (Barbara) Decker of Spy Hill, daughter-in-law Bonnie Decker of Nokomis, eighteen grandchildren, eleven great-grandchilren, and two great-great grandchildren, Karoline Markel of Regina, brothers and sisters-in-law Millie Decker of Saskatoon, Helen Sulz of Medicine Hat, Bertha Martin of Chilliwack, William (Pam) Schadt of Vancouver, Ronald (Willa) Schadt of Fort Qu'Appelle, and many nieces and nephews. Funeral service will be held on Saturday, April 2, 2005 at 1:00 p.m. from Nokomis United Church. Rev. Olson officiating. Interment will follow at the Nokomis Cemetery.

DECKER - Eva Lydia (nee Schadt)of Last Mountain Pioneer Home, Strasbourg and formerly of Nokomis, passed away August 27, 2002 at the age of 89 years. Predeceased by an infant son Leslie, 2 sisters and 4 brothers. She leaves to mourn her loving husband Charles 2 daughters Evelyn (Edward) Cook and Marlene (Gary) Thompson, 5 sons: William (Ursula), Robert (Marilyn), Donald (Nettie), Gerry and Brian (Barbara), daughter-in-law Bonnie, 18 grandchildren, 9 great grandchildren and one great great grand daughter, sisters Helen Sulz and Bertha Martin, brothers William (Pam) Schadt and Ronald (Willa) Schadt, numerous nieces, nephews and friends. Funeral Service will be held on Saturday, August 31, 2002 at 2 PM from Nokomis United Church. Rev. Lois Knudson Munholland officiating. Interment: Nokomis Cemetery.

DENNISS - Alfred "Alf" Wallace Denniss of Drake, SK, passed away peacefully at Lanigan Hospital on Friday, November 14, 2008 at the age of 80 years and five months. Alfred was born on June 7,1928 to the late Clifford and Hattie Denniss, the youngest of nine children, seven girls and two boys. He grew up on the farm 12 3/4 miles N.E. of Nokomis, taking his schooling at Kutawagan School 1 1/4 miles North of his home. Apart from working in Toronto and Vancouver for four winters, he remained on the farm and farmed with his Dad. In the fall of 1952, Alfred's Mum and Dad retired and moved into Nokomis. On October 25 of the same year, Alfred was married to Florence McConnell of Semans. Together they raised four children: two boys, Vernon and Gordon, and two girls, Colleen and Cheryl. The farm was home to the Denniss family for the next 43 years. Alfred committed his life to the Lord at an early age and along with his family, attended the Pentecostal Church at Semans for 19 years, and later, the Pentecostal Church in Lanigan from 1968 to his passing. Throughout the years he held various offices in both Semans and Lanigan churches including Deacon, Sunday school teacher, youth leader and Sunday school secretary-treasurer. Church was an important part of the family life and was seldom missed except for a good reason. One thing our family always looked forward to was the family camp. Each year, one week was set aside to take the kids, and later the grandkids, to this time of fun and fellowship. Many lasting friendships were gained through these special times. Since the children were now attending Nokomis School, it gave him the opportunity to serve on the school board, which he did as board member and board secretary for five years. In the summer of 1995, Alfred and Florence decided it was time to leave the farm and get on with their life. After careful consideration, the choice was made to live in Drake. With several events that took place over the years, they felt the Lord had led them in this direction. As a retirement hobby, Alfred decided to take up bicycle repairing under the name of 'Country Cycle', a business started by the late Mel Bartel a number of years before. Since he enjoyed meeting people, this gave Alfred the opportunity to meet people, which he never would have done otherwise. Alfred enjoyed bookkeeping and because of this was secretary-treasurer of the Richfarms Snow Plow Club for a number of years. He took an interest in carpenter work and spent many days and hours in the workshop. For a number of years, he was an active member of the Nokomis Farmer's Market. Alfred played several musical instruments including mouth organ, guitar and musical saw and along with his wife, provided many hours of entertainment at senior's homes and other community events. Alfred was predeceased by his parents Clifford and Hattie; brother Walter of Nokomis; five sisters, Florence Chute of Somme, Ethel Richmond of Kipling, Jean Latimer of Edmonton, Margaret Denniss of Toronto and an infant sister Dora; and three brothers-in-law, Donald Chute of Somme, Leonard Richmond of Kipling and Carson Latimer of Edmonton. Alfred is survived by his loving wife Florence of 56 years; four children, Vernon (Judy) of Balgonie, grandsons Riley, Shane (Michelle) and Tyson; Gordon (Judy) of Saskatoon; Colleen of Rosetown; Cheryl Sorensen of Saskatoon, granddaughters Jaylene, Magen and Kelsey; four great-grandchildren, Kami-Dee and Payton Sorenson and Zoey and Trinity Denniss; and seven nieces and nephews. Also surviving are two sisters, Elsie Denniss of Toronto, ON, and Kathleen (Ralph) Patmore of Surrey, BC. A funeral service was held at LifePoint Church in Lanigan, SK, on Friday, November 21 at 2:00 p.m. Officiant was Pastor Kevin Sawatsky. Scripture reading was by Dwight Schapansky. Honorary pallbearers were 'All Those In Attendance'. Pallbearers were Lin Hodgins, Riley Denniss, Shane Denniss, Tyson Denniss, Rick Hards and Willard Beeler. Register attendants were John and Martha Morrow and Martina Gillis. Ushers were lan and Janice Attfield and Kathy and Drew Planchot. Family tribute was by Megan Mercer. Obituary was by Colleen Denniss. Special music was 'Life Is Like A Mountain Railway' by Char Schroeder, Rachelle and Kevin Sawatsky, Andrew Sawatsky, Jack Robson and Trevor Schmidt. Violin special by Graham Beke, accompanied by Debbie Beke. Organist was Rachelle Sawatsky. Pianist was Brenda Bowman. Interment at Nokomis Cemetery. Following the service a Fellowship Luncheon was provided by the LifePoint Church Ladies Auxiliary.

DENNISS - Florence Mae (nee McConnell) September 29, 1935 ? July 27, 2015. Mrs. Florence Mae Denniss, aged 79 years, of Saskatoon passed away into the presence of her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ at St. Paul's Hospital, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan on Monday, July 27, 2015. Florence was predeceased by her father in 1949, stepfather in 1988, mother in 1993, and youngest sister Mary in 2003 and her loving husband of 56 years, Alfred in 2008. Florence is survived by her son Vernon and his wife Judy of Balgonie and their children Riley, Shane and Tyson and great-grandchildren Zoey and Trinity; her son Gordon and his wife Judy of Saskatoon; daughter Colleen Denniss of Rosetown; and Cheryl Sorenson of Saskatoon and her children Jaylene, Megan and Kelsey and great-grandchildren Payton, Kami Dee and Jersey. Also two brothers, Jack and his wife Doris of Dawson Creek, BC, Ernest and his wife Tony of Drayton Valley, Alberta, one sister Ada Hodgins and her husband Elwood of Semans, sister-in-law Elsie Denniss of Toronto, Ontario, and Kathleen Patmore and her husband Ralph of Surrey, BC and numerous nieces and nephews. The Funeral Service will be held in LifePoint Church, Lanigan, SK, on Monday, August 3, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. A visitation for family and friends will be held in LifePoint Church, Lanigan, SK, on Sunday, August 2, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. Private Family Interment in Nokomis Cemetery.

DODSWORTH - Mary Gwendolyn. The passing of Mrs. Mary Gwendolyn Dodsworth of Saskatoon occurred on Sunday, October 17, 1982. The funeral service was held Wednesday, October 20th at the Nokomis United Church with Rev. R. W. Swann officiating. Gwen was born at Bulyea, Saskatchewan on September 15, 1912. She lived in Nokomis for 26 years prior to her moving to Saskatoon in 1967. She was employed by Sask-Tel until her retirement in 1977. Gwen was predeceased by her husband, Bill Dodsworth, in March, 1976 and is survived by three daughters, Meryl Lee of Saskatoon, Arlene (Rudy) Gegner of Watrous, and Linda (Wes) Smith of Saskatoon; two sons, Don (Pat) of Lestock, Sask. and George (Loris) of Calgary, Alberta; eight grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.

DOIDGE - Edward Marion Doidge was born in Wynyard, Sask. on June 4th, 1947. He was the youngest son of Art and Elsie Doidge of Dafoe, SK. He was named after the Doctor who delivered him (Dr. Polec). Edward went to Foote, then Kandahar School to complete his education. He worked on the family farm until offered employment with the R. M. of Prairie Rose. Edward also operated a corral cleaning business and farmed. Sideline jobs included bush clearing, moving buildings and burying rock piles. This year he wanted to bury his broda chair! Edward was a natural mechanic and like his father could fix anything. A special interest was antique vehicles and he helped put a few of these together and in running order. He took great pride in his ability to run and maintain huge road building equipment and continued in this line of work until health problems in 2008. Edward was good company. He enjoyed a good joke, drinking, smoking, gambling, dancing and travelling. He will be remembered for his quick wit, great sense of humour and skill for keeping his eye on the ball. Edward is survived by "Cinder", his faithful, loyal companion; brother Bill; sisters, Violet Ewasiuk, Mary (Ron) Bertrand, Margaret Colley, Nelda (Matt) Chychrun, Lottie (Terry) Petriew, Isabel (James) Holm, Judy (Gary) Lapine, Beverley (Gordon) Kent; sister-in-law Janet (Chester) Jones. Edward was predeceased by his father and mother Art and Elsie Doidge; his brother James; his brothers-in-law Bob Colley and Steve Ewasiuk. Edward suffered a debilitating stroke on January 21, 2011 that left him paralysed and bedridden. His weary hours and days of pain ended on May 20, 2012.

DOWNEY - Ross W. The death of Ross W. Downey, age 102 years of Circle Drive Special Care Home, occurred at his residence on Thursday, February 10, 2005. A Graveside Service will be held on Tuesday, February 15, 2005 at 10:00 a.m. at Woodlawn Cemetery, conducted by Rev. Annabelle Wallace. Friends wishing to attend may meet at 9:45 a.m. on Memorial Drive at the entrance to the cemetery. There will be a time of fellowship and refreshment for family and friends at the W. A. Edwards Family Centre 333 4th Ave. N. on Tuesday, February 15, 2005 at 11:00 a.m. Courtesy parking at Saskatoon Funeral Home. Ross was born at Winnipeg on September 26, 1902. He moved with his parents to their homestead in the Arlington Beach District at Govan, SK in July 1903. He grew up at Arlington Beach and farmed there until 1933. He then moved to Nokomis, SK, where he operated the B. A. Oil and Massey Harris Agencies, together with Downey Transport, until 1938. He was an employee of B. A. Oil (later Gulf Oil/Conoco) at Nokomis from 1939 to 1947, and in Saskatoon from 1947 to 1967. Ross was a member of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church in Saskatoon, where he served on the Board of Managers and as an elder for many years. For ten years following his retirement he did lay preaching for the Presbyterian Church at several points in the Presbytery of Northern Saskatchewan. He was predeceased by his parents, A. A. and Jean (Maguire) Downey; three brothers, Robbie, Stuart and Stanley; his first wife, Marjorie (McKenzie); and his second wife, Ella (Mason Newyar). He leaves two daughters, Jean Saint in California and Isabel Nordine in London, ON; and one son, Mack in Oregon and their families, together with grandchildren, and great grandchildren; and a number of nieces and nephews; and caregiver and friend, Elsie Asher.

DZURICH - John Dzurich (September 4, 1934 ? June 15, 2015). Mr. John Dzurich of Humboldt, SK, passed away peacefully at Humboldt District Hospital on Monday, June 15, 2015, at the age of 80 years. John was born in Nokomis, SK, to Joseph and Katie (nee Tkach) Dzurich on September 4, 1934. On February 14, 1972, he married Lydia Hasz. John was a farmer, barber and auctioneer. He enjoyed having coffee with the guys on coffee row, both in Humboldt and Nokomis. He is survived by his loving wife and best friend, Lydia (nee Hasz) Dzurich of Humboldt; mother-in-law, Joan Hasz; and sisters-in-law; Andrea Hasz and Jaqui McAfee, all of Regina, SK; and by two nieces, Roberta McAfee-Hasz of Edmonton, AB, and Mandy McAfee-Hasz of Regina. He was predeceased by his father, Joseph Dzurich (September 1977); his mother, Katie (nee Tkach) Dzurich (March 1945); and by his brother-in-law, Eltyn Hasz (September 2011). The Funeral Service will be held at St. Andrew's Anglican Church, Humboldt, on Tuesday, June 23, 2015, at 10:30 a.m., with lunch to follow in the church hall. A Graveside Service with Interment will take place at Nokomis Cemetery on Tuesday, June 23 at 3:00 p.m., and a lunch will follow at the Nokomis Centennial Hall.

DZURICH - Joseph Dzurich, a long time resident of Nokomis passed away on Monday, September 19th, 1977 at the age of 89. Born in Russia on April 25, 1888; he came to Canada in 1930. Predeceased by his wife Katie (Tkach) in 1946, he is survived by one son John and daughter-in-law Lydia of Nokomis. Funeral services were held on Wednedsay, September 21, 1977 from Christ Church, Nokomis with Father Wm. Pope of Raymore officiating. Interment was in Nokomis Cemetery. Pallbearers were John Fenton, Mike Horbul, Fred Korpatniski, Albert Bart, Gordon Hicks and Bud Sather. Honorary Pallbearers were: Gordon Meikle, Emil Keeler, Joe Sabol, Reg Scott, Jack Shields, and Adolph Bart.

- E -

EDIGER - Emiline Ediger, born December 11, 1924, passed away in Nokomis on December 30, 2005, after a brief illness. Predeceased by her brother, Alfred, she is survived by her loving sisters, Adeline of Regina, and Anne of Saskatoon, also nieces and nephews Bryan, Lynne, Wayne, Mark, Terry, Debbie, Leonard, Shelley, Gail, and families. Emiline loyally served the Post office in Nokomis for 35 years, retiring in 1986. Emiline's love of travel took her to all corners of the earth. As well, she enjoyed her years associated with the Nokomis Baptist Church. At her request, no funeral service will be held. Rest in Peace, Amy.

EDIGER - Olga (nee Wolter). The death of Olga Ediger aged 84 years of Nokomis, SK occurred at the Nokomis Health Center on Tuesday July 9, 2002. The Funeral Service will be held in the Nokomis Baptist Church, Nokomis, SK on Friday July 12th at 1:00 p.m. Interment will follow in the Nokomis Cemetery. Olga was predeceased by her parents Julius & Ottilia Wolter; brothers, Eric, Paul, Herb, Ewalt Wolter; daughter Doreen Ritz, two infant brothers in Russia. Olga is survived by her husband Roland; son Ron (Melissa) of Watrous; grandchildren Jason (Gennifer) of Wetaskawin AB; Trent (Roxanne) of Watrous; Avril (Brad) Reifferscheid of Watrous; Shelley (Chuck) Turner of Regina; Mike, Sandy, Holly Ritz of Edmonton; Great Grand Children Maxwell, Cody, Nicholas, Zackery, Michael John Ritz; Evan Reifferscheid, Grayden & Lauren Turner; sisters Irene (Mel) Ewert of Calgary as well as numerous nieces and nephews.

EDIGER - Roland Johnathon. It is with great sadness the family of Roland "Rollie" Ediger announce his passing at Watrous Hospital on Tuesday, September 9, 2008. Rollie was born on the family farm near Drake, SK. He attended School in Lockwood. In January 1939 he married Olga Wolter and they settled on a farm northwest of Lockwood. Rollie liked to curl in the winter at the Lockwood curling rink and in many bonspiels throught the years. Rollie and Olga sold the farm and retired to Nokomis in 1978. In 2005, Rollie moved to Mandal House in Watrous. Rollie was predeceased by his wife of 63 years Olga and daughter Doreen Ritz. Rollie is survived by son Ron (Melissa) Ediger, Watrous, SK; grandson Michael Ritz (Sheila Vaugn) and Micheal John, Sherwood Park, AB; granddaughter Sandra Ritz - Maxwell, Nicholas and Cody, Sherwood Park, AB; granddaughter Holly (Cody) Miller - Zachery and Jayden, Sherwood Park, AB; grandson Jason (Gennifer) Ediger - Preston and Audrey, Rosetown, SK; grandson Trent (Roxanne) - Easton and Sophie, Watrous, SK; granddaughter Avril (Brad) Reifferscheid - Evan, Watrous, SK; granddaughter Shelley (Chuck) Turner - Lauren and Grayden, Saskatoon, SK. The graveside service was held at the Nokomis Cemetery in Nokomis Saskatchewan on Saturday, September 13 at 2:00 p.m. The Officiant was Pastor Doug Gregory. The Pallbearers were Jason Ediger, Trent Ediger, Michael Ritz, Cody Miller, Charles Turner and Brad Riefferscheid. A private family interment was held at the Nokomis Cemetery.

EDWARDS - Albert George Edwards of Nokomis passed away on January 28, 2011 at the age of 96. He was predeceased by his son Jim in 2007. He is survived by: his loving wife, Marjorie of 67 years; daughter-in-law, Fran Edwards and children, Carolyn (Dale) Knouse, Kevin, Joanne (Steven), Donovan (Jen); daughter, Betty (Kelly) Graham and children, Deanna (Darryl) Matton, Derek (Julie), Nancy, Lisa (Rob) Erickson; 23 great-grandchildren and 2.99 great-great-grandchildren. Albert Edwards was born April 16, 1914 on the family farm. He had one brother, Fred. Albert came into the world three weeks too soon, caused by the stress of a prairie fire. His mother was left alone surrounded by smoke and fire, armed with a butcher knife to free the horses if the fire got too close. He was baptized and confirmed in the Nokomis Anglican Church where his parents were married. Albert was raised on the farm and farmed his whole life until the young age of 80. Albert met his wife Marge at a dance in Govan while attending Agricultural Boys School. They were married at her farm home on July 11, 1943. Two children were born to them, Jim and Betty. Due to the cold snowy Saskatchewan winters, Marge and Albert moved to town so the children could get to school. Albert enjoyed curling, fishing, picking berries and golfing. He also had a great time playing cards and board games with the grandchildren. Albert also liked watching Jim and Fran's kids ride horses and bulls and show cattle. Albert and Marge also spent every summer fishing with Betty, Kelly and their kids. A memorial service was held at Nokomis United Church, Nokomis, SK, on Tuesday, February 1 at 1:00 p.m. Officiants were Rev. Dale Oilman and Rev. Jack Robson. Urnbearer was Kevin Edwards. Register attendants were Doreen Riach and Shirley Kirk. Ushers were Lawrence Edwards and Larry Magnes. Eulogy was by Kelly Graham. Soloist was Ruth Anne Richter. Organist was Lois Mortenson. Following the service was a lunch in the Nokomis Centennial Hall. Interment will take place in Nokomis Cemetery at a later date.

EDWARDS - Alice (nee Midgey). The Nokomis Community mourned the passing of Alice Edwards of Parkland Lodge, Lanigan and formerly of Nokomis, on Saturday, June 11, 1983. Alice was born September 19, 1892 in Manchester, England. She immigrated to Canada and married John Edwards on August 3, 1914. They farmed four and one-half miles northeast of Nokomis until they retired and moved to Nokomis in 1955. Alice worked side by side with her husband, but found time to help in many community activities. Her faithfulness, love and understanding and her high standard of example have been a source of pride and inspiration to her family and friends. Alice was predeceased by her husband John in 1967 and son Jack in 1974. She is survived by two sons Robert (Peggy) and Kenneth (Ruth) of Nokomis and two daughters, Gladys (Cecil Simpson) and Phyllis (Charles Rennie) of Nokomis; 20 grandchildren; and 18 great grandchildren and one sister. Margaret Ackroyd of Cheadle, England and many loving nephews and nieces. The funeral service was conducted by Rev. T. Briffett on Wednesday, June 15, 1983 at 2:00 p.m. from Nokomis Anglican Church. The pallbearers were six grandsons: Lawrence, Douglas, Bill, Tom, Brian Edwards and Donald Carter. Mrs. Hazel Chute rendered a solo "In The Garden", accompanied by organist, Mrs. Bernice Hummason. Ushers were Bill Riach and Ray Hards. The interment was in the Nokomis Cemetery with McDougall's Funeral Home in charge of arrangements. A lunch was served by the Anglican Church Women and Women's Institute in the Community Hall.

EDWARDS - Anna Margaret (nee Butchart) was born on her parent's farm near Kenton, MB, on October 1, 1920. She passed away on November 30, 2009, at the age of 89 years. Margaret attended school in Kenton, and then met Robert Edwards who was stationed at Rivers, MB, at the RCAF station. They were married on June 22, 1943, later moving to Eureka Farm in Nokomis in 1946. Margaret was kept busy raising seven children. In 1975, they moved into Nokomis where Margaret became an avid gardener, spending many happy hours in her backyard. In 1997, they moved to Watrous where Margaret continued her gardening until arthritis restricted this pleasure. Margaret leaves to mourn: her loving husband, Robert; seven children, Karen, Lawrence (Donna), Linda (Al), Dorothy (Ron), Douglas (Janice), David (Laurie) and Susan (Garry); 17 grandchildren and 17 great-grandchildren. She was predeceased by: her father, Eric Butchart; mother, Annie Butchart and son-in-law, Lorne Lee. A memorial service was held at Nokomis United Church in Nokomis, SK, on Friday, December 4, 2009 at 11:00 a.m. Officiant was Rev. Gerrit Kamphuis. Honourary pallbearers were all those in attendance. Urnbearer was Bob Lee. Register attendants were Norma Hutchenson and Marjory Smith. Ushers were Bill Edwards and Kelly Harding. Eulogy was by Linda Edwards-Green. Organist was Lois Mortenson accompanied by the Nokomis United Church Choir. A private family interment was held at Nokomis Cemetery. A lunch followed in the Nokomis Centennial Hall.

EDWARDS - Edward John. The Nokomis Community was shocked to learn of the passing of Mr. John Edwards, a prominent district farmer, who was instantly killed Jan. 7, 1974 when the truck he was driving was struck by an east-bound C.N. freight train. Funeral service was held from the Nokomis United Church Jan. 11th. The organist was Mrs. Kay Hamilton. Funeral arrangements were under the direction of Earl McDougall. Born at Nokomis, June 3, 1915, he attended school in the Newlands and Nokomis districts. He has served faithfully on the board of stewards of the United church and was an elder at the time of his death. For fourteen years he served on the Nokomis Local School Board and was a member of the Nokomis Wheat Pool Committee for over twenty five years. He was also a Past Master of Philathea Lodge AF and AM No 133. He is survived by his wife Emma; one son Brian and daughter Barbara; his mother, Mrs. Alice Edwards; two brothers, Robert and Kenneth; and two sisters, Mrs. C. Rennie (Phyllis) of Nokomis, and Mrs. C. Simpson (Gladys) of Regina. Interment was in the Nokomis Cemetery.

EDWARDS - Justin F. Edwards aged seventy-seven years of Shaunavon, Sask. and formerly of Bracken, Sask., died on Friday, March 21, 2003 at the Shaunavon Hospital and Care Centre following a lengthy and courageous battle with cancer. He was born on September 5, 1925 at Nokomis, Sask. Justin was predeceased by Marie, his loving wife of forty years, on August 17, 1989. He is survived by his children, Francis (Darlene) of Nanton, Alta., Anne Brookes (Grant) of Weyburn, Sask., William (Bev) of Cypress Hills Park, Sask., Rita Rapley (Clinton) of Bracken, Sask., Agnes Folbar (Miles) of Shaunavon, Sask., and Helene Van Sandt (Gary) of Shaunavon, Sask. and their families. Funeral Services were held from Christ the King R.C. Church, in Shaunavon on Monday, March 24, 2003 at 2:00 p.m. with Reverend Father Joseph Infante officiating. The eulogy was presented by Miles Folbar. Special music was performed by Chrysta Folbar. Ushers were Francis McGrath and Maurille Hammond. Interment took place at Bracken Cemetery at Bracken. Prayer services were held at Christ the King R.C. Church on Sunday, March 23, 2003 at 7:30 p.m. Binkley's Funeral Service of Shaunavon was in charge of the arrangements. Pallbearers were all grandsons, Corey Folbar, Curtis Folbar, Tyson Rapley, Willem Scheerhoorn, Chris Brookes and Donavon Van Sandt

EDWARDS - Marjorie Ima (nee Paul) Edwards of Nokomis passed away November 2, 2014 at the age of 94. Marge was born October 17, 1920 on 12-28-22 W2 near Govan. In her grade 12 year, Marge met a dashing fellow named Albert, at a dance in Govan. After she finished school she attended Regina Normal School in 1940 (Teacher?s College). She taught school for one year at Flanderdale near Simpson and then the following year at Naisberry, south of Melfort. Marge and Albert were married on her family?s farm outside of Govan, on July 11, 1943. They resided on the old Scott farm north of Nokomis until they bought their home in town. They had two children, Jim and Betty. Marge kept busy with Homemakers with terms as secretary and treasurer. She was very involved in her community with church, W.I. and eventually the Seniors Drop Inn Center. Marge enjoyed gardening, curling, Bridge and watching sports of all kinds. She found joy spending time with friends and family, fishing, camping and travelling. Grandchildren and great grandchildren to Marge were the best and she spoiled them all! Marge was predeceased by her loving husband Albert in 2011 and her son Jim in 2007. She is survived by her daughter Betty (Kelly) Graham, children: Deanna (Darryl), Derek (Julie), Nancy (Michael), Lisa (Rob); daughter-in-law Fran Edwards, children: Carolyn (Dale), Kevin, Joanne (Steven), Donovan (Jen), 26 great grandchildren and 6 great-great grandchildren. A Memorial Service will be held in Nokomis United Church on Thursday, November 6th at 1:00 p.m. Interment in Nokomis Cemetery.

EDWARDS - Norval Leo. On Saturday, October 28, 2006, Norval Leo Edwards passed away as a result of a persistent battle with cancer. Norval was born at Nokomis Sask. on December 24, 1930. He received his education at Bolder Lake School near Lockwood Sask. He married Kay Forsberg in November 1952, and they had one son. They resided the majority of their lives in Regina, and in 1992 retired to Ft. Qu'Appelle Sask. Norval was a people person and made many friends throughout his life. He enjoyed music, fishing and anything to do with airplanes. Norval is survived by his son Terry (Blaza) Edwards, grandson's Aaron and Jason Edwards, and many nieces, nephews and cousins. His wife Kay, his parents, Leo and Mae Edwards, and his brother, Ray Edwards, predeceased Norval. The family would like to thank all of his relatives and friends who have provided assistance and support. They acknowledge the care and friendship provided by the Fort Qu'Appelle Home Care staff and most recently the staff at the Balcarres Extended Care Home. A special thank you to Basil and Rosemarie Forsberg for their guidance and professionalism following Norval's passing. A funeral mass will be celebrated in Our Lady of Sorrows R.C. Church, Fort Qu'Appelle, Sask., on Thursday, November 2nd at 2:00 P.M. Interment will be at Lakeview Cemetery, Fort Qu'Appelle.

EDWARDS - Robert Frank Edwards, age 92 years, passed away at Lanigan Hospital with his family by his side on Saturday, November 13th, 2010. Robert was born on his family farm near Nokomis on March 13th, 1918. Robert received his schooling at Newlands School and Nokomis High School. In June 17, 1941 he volunteered for active duty with the Royal Canadian Air Force. When stationed in Rivers Manitoba he met Margaret Butchart and they were married on June 22, 1943. They moved to Nokomis in 1946 were they owned and operated Eureka Farm. During this time they raised 7 children. Robert was very active in the Western Canadian Agribition, Saskatchewan Hog Commission, Canadian and Saskatchewan Swine Breeders Associations, Saskatchewan Pork Production, Saskatchewan Swine Improvement Advisory and the Saskatchewan Swine R.O.P. Robert was also active in the Nokomis Agricultural Society, Long Lake School Unit, Nokomis Credit Union, Nokomis Wheat Pool, Nokomis United Church and was a founding member of the Nokomis District Museum. In 1971 Eureka farm was awarded the Master Farm Family for Southern Saskatchewan. Robert moved to town in 1975 where he became an avid gardener and spent many hours doing woodworking. In 1997 they moved to Watrous then in May of 2009 they moved back to Nokomis. Robert leaves to mourn: Karen, Lawrence (Donna), Linda (Al), Dorothy (Ron), Doug (Janice), David (Laurie), Susan (Garry); brother Ken (Ruth) Edwards; sister Gladys Simpson; grandchildren: Bob (Dawn) Lee, Michael (Cynthia) Edwards, Sandra (Craig) Smith, Jeff (Tina) Edwards, Erin (Allen) Stephen, Sean (Angie) Edwards, Colin (Janelle) Edwards, Eric (Julie) Edwards, Matthew Green, McLean Edwards, Joel Whalen, Mallory Green, Megan Edwards, Kyle Jabs, Shannon Whalen, Chelsea Edwards, Ryan Jabs and nineteen great grandchildren. Robert was predeceased by his wife Margaret in 2009, parents John and Alice Edwards, brother Jack, sister Phyllis and son-in-law Lorne Lee. The Memorial Service will be held in the Nokomis United Church, Nokomis, Saskatchewan on Thursday, November 18th at 2:00 p.m. A Private Family Interment will follow in Nokomis Cemetery.

- F -

FELSKE - Evelyn Borghild (nee Sorteberg) Felske was born on May 28, 1918, in Govan, SK, and passed away on October 7, 2009, in Saskatoon, SK, at the age of 91 years. Evelyn was predeceased by: her husband, Robert; son-in-law, Earle Ryder; brothers, Orville and Harold; and sisters, Valborg and Nora. She is survived by: her son, Brian; daughters, Mavis Ryder and Audrey Felske (Gerry Coleman); grandchildren, Heather (Robert) Petko and Jason Ryder. A memorial service was held at Nokomis United Church in Nokomis, SK, on Saturday, October 31, 2009 at 2:00 p.m. with Rev. Gerrit Kamphuis officiating. Honourary pallbearers were all who knew and loved her. Pianist was Lois Mortenson. Interment in Nokomis Cemetery. Following the graveside service, a lunch was held in the lower level of the church.

FELSKE - Lloyd Douglas (May 8, 1932 - April 29, 2010). It is with great sadness we announce the passing of Lloyd Douglas Felske, aged 77 years, formerly of Regina and Nokomis, Sk. Lloyd passed away peacefully at Central Parkland Lodge in Lanigan, SK. on Thursday, April 29, 2010. Lloyd was born on May 8, 1932 to Wanda and Emmanuel Felske and was raised near the rural town of Nokomis, SK. He was a loving husband, father, grandfather, uncle and friend who gave of himself to assist family and friends. The love of the land and animals was a lifelong passion, as Lloyd assisted his parents and son, (Dallas), on farms in Nokomis at different stages of his life. Lloyd's working career ranged from farming/ranching, restaurant owner (If you can't LIVE ON LOVE; EAT at LLOYD'S), driving gas truck, mechanic, building roads (R.M. of Lajord) to becoming a Second Class Steam/Power Engineer at the University of Regina from 1966 to 1994. Lloyd was also an active CUPE 1975-02 member and was a key participant in many negotiations. Lloyd and his wife Elaine retired to a second career on the Felske farm/ranch in Nokomis, SK in 1994 to tend to the land, cattle, dogs and cats. Lloyd was predeceased by his father Emmanuel and his mother Wanda (nee Litwin) and sisters Maeolla Cosco and Phillis Meikle. He will be deeply missed and lovingly remembered by his wife of 53 years Elaine (nee Helstrom) and family; sons Neale (Jacinta), granddaughters Allana, Amanda, Amelia, Ashley of Calgary, Alberta; Dallas of Nokomis, SK; Owen (Brenda), grandson Karsten, granddaughters Keltie, Korbin, Kassia of Prince Albert SK. Lloyd is also survived by his two brothers, Arnold (Phillis), Ron (Mary) and sister Muriel (Jasko); sisters-in-law Norma (Curly) Douglas; brother-in-law Dave and (Sheri) Helstrom; and numerous nephews and nieces. The family wishes to thank the many Doctors and nurses at the Central Parkland Lodge, Pasqua, General and Lanigan Hospitals for their care and kindness over the last few years. A Graveside Memorial Service of cremated remains will take place at Nokomis Cemetery, Nokomis, Sk. on Saturday, May 8th at 1:30 p.m. officiated by Pastor Rick Shott.

FELSKE - William (Bill) Felske of Calgary, passed away at his residence on December 9, 1997, after a lengthy illness. He is mourned by Della (nee Summach), his loving wife for fifty-three years. Bill was born in 1915 in Nokomis, Saskatchewan, and was one of eight brothers and seven sisters. He farmed near Nokomis and Quill Lake, Saskatchewan, before moving to Alberta in 1948, where he made many friends in farming, investment and Real Estate circles. Enjoyment of family gatherings anchored Bill's life, but there was always time for travelling, gardening, spectator sports, crafting his red and white glider rocking horses, and talking with friends at local coffee shops. Besides his loving wife, Bill will be sadly missed by his children, Sandra (Clifford) Rhodes, and Lorry (Aileen) Felske; four grandchildren, Michelle (Todd) Faunt, Cheralyn (Allen) Doell, Johanna and Nicholas Felske; great-grandson Harison Faunt; and three stepgrandchildren, Teresa (Bill) Pearce, Barbara (Dean) Desireau and Bryan Rhodes. He is also survived by his two sisters and brother-in-law, Ida Otto of Ashern, Manitoba, and Eileen and Wally Otto of Calgary. Funeral Services will be held at First Baptist Church (1311 - 4 Street S.W.), today, December 12, 1997, at 1:00 p.m., with the Rev. John Teibe officiating. Graveside Service to follow at Queen's Park Cemetery.

FENSKE - Harvey James, beloved husband of Helen, passed away peacefully to be with his Lord and Personal Saviour on Tuesday, May 15, 2001. He will also be dearly missed by his children and grandchildren, Blaine and Delores (Grayson and Taylor), Doug and Jacquie (Brock and Dannielle), Marc and Cheryl (Mariah and Kassandra), Louanne, Alan and Lora (Leighton and Keelin), and Laurie and Kevin Bandelow; his sisters and brothers-in-law, Ruth and Ed Martens, Irene and Dennis Kroeker; his brother and sister-in-law, Norman and Marion; and his mother-in-law Anne Matzen. Harvey was born in Nokomis, Saskatchewan on December 24, 1929. He married Helen on June 8, 1951 and they were to celebrate their fiftieth wedding anniversary. Over the years, Harvey had several businesses, H. Fenske Building Movers, farming, and the opening and managing of the northeast branch of Regal Capital Planners Ltd. He had a passion for horses, singing, quartet music and his motorcycle. He was an active member of Grace Baptist Church. Harvey will always be remembered for his steadfast faith, his generous heart and the love and adoration he had for his children and grandchildren. He was Grandpa to many. Those wishing to pay their respects did so at Eastside Memorial Chapel on Thursday, May 17, 2001 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. Funeral Services will be held at Grace Baptist Church, today, May 18, 2001 at 1:30 p.m.

FENSKE - Marjorie Fenske's life journey came to a peaceful end on September 28, 2011, at the Wenleigh Nursing Home in Mississauga, ON. Born in 1919 in Nokomis, SK, Marjorie moved to Sudbury and married Clifford Fenske of Govan, SK, in 1939. Marjorie is survived by: Wallace (wife Jacquie) of Georgetown, ON, Allan of Burnaby, BC, David (deceased) of Sudbury, ON, and Larry of Brampton, ON. She is a proud grandmother to Derreck, Ruth Ann, Cori-Lyn, Heidi, Sarah, Jessica and Asha. Marjorie is fondly remembered as G.G. Fenske by greatgrandchildren Amanda, Alex, Matthew, Callie, Scan, Connor, J.T. and Sadie. She will be sadly missed by her nephew Ronald Larsen (wife Christine), and many other nephews, nieces and their families. At Marjorie's request, cremation has taken place. A celebration of Marjorie's life will be announced at a later date in Sudbury.

FENTON - John Cecil. It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of our Husband, Father, Grandfather, and Great Grandfather John Cecil Fenton at the age of 83 in palliative care at St. Paul's Hospital Saskatoon, SK on March 1, 2008. John was born September 20, 1924 to Wallace & Hazel Fenton in the Boulder Lake district. John enlisted in the Navy at the age of 17. After the War he married Kathy Lakness and they where blessed with seven children. John farmed nine miles northwest of Nokomis, became the R.M. Administrator of Wreford for several years before retiring and moving to Saskatoon. John was predeceased by his parents; three sisters Lois Potter, Helen Hansen and Marion Fredrickson; two brothers Doug & Kenneth. He leaves to mourn his loving wife of 56 years and their seven children: Lois (Don) Lloyd, Bonnie (Lee) Finch, Robert (Debbie) Fenton, Jackie Hanson, Darlene (Terry) Biss, Gordon (Shelley) Fenton, and Harvey (Crystal) Fenton; 16 grandchildren and 1 great grandchild. Also left to mourn are his sister Elaine (Clyde) Purcell and brother Oran (Yvonne) Fenton, sister-inlaw Christine Fenton, brother-in-law Marv Potter; Kathy's family and his many nieces and nephews. In lieu of flowers please make donations to; Renal Unit, St. Paul's Hospital Foundation, 1702 20th St. W. Saskatoon, SK S7M 9Z9 or the Nokomis Recreation Centre, Nokomis, SK. Condolences may be emailed to Arrangements are entrusted to Prairie View Chapel.

FREDERICKSON - Marion "Pat" (nee Fenton). It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Pat Fredrickson on Sunday, February 10th, 2008 with her family by her side. She was predeceased by her loving husband Art in November of 1998; sisters Helen and Lois; brothers Ken and Doug. Pat is survived by her sons Dale (Michelle), Bryan (Jan); daughter Coralee (Jerry); ten wonderful grandchildren Kelly (Michelle), Regan (Doug), Todd, Ryan (Julie), Jae (Carla), Koby (Janelle), Shawn, Janelle, Brielle and Taelor; nine adorable great grandchildren Sheridan, Olivia, Spencer, Keenan, Tylen, Nolan, Madden, Ava and Conor; sister Elaine (Clyde) Purcell; brothers Oran (Yvonne) Fenton, John (Cathy) Fenton; sister-in-law Chris Fenton and brother-in-law Marv Potter. Pat was born October 3, 1917 in Nokomis, SK to Hazel and Wallace Fenton. She grew up in Nokomis, and upon graduation moved to Saskatoon to attend Normal School, where she obtained her teaching certificate. She taught at Booth and Dundurn schools where she met Art and married November 10, 1939. They moved to Saskatoon, where Art opened his own barbershop and Pat joined the Hudson Bay company staff for the next 21 years. Her many interests were dancing, singing, bowling and curling. She was active with Jobs Daughters, Eastern Star and the Stroke Recovery Organization. Her greatest passions were her grandchildren, great grandchildren and shopping! She lived life to the fullest and enjoyed everything she did. Her motto was "Live, Love and Laugh ". A special thank you to the staff of Extendicare for their compassionate and loving care of our mother Pat. In lieu of flowers, donations to Extendicare Nursing Home (2225 Preston Ave, Saskatoon SK S7J 2E7) or The Stroke Recovery Organization (419 Quance Avenue, Saskatoon, SK S7H 3B5) would be appreciated. The Celebration of Pat's life will be held on Saturday February 16th, 2008 at 1:30 p.m. at Hillcrest Funeral Home (east on 8th Street, turn right before railway crossing) with Reverend Ron McConnell officiating. Interment to follow at Hillcrest Memorial Gardens.

FRIEND - Lois Mary (nee Banman) was born on January 11, 1941 in their farm home near McMahon, SK., the third of nine children. She spent her growing up years on a farm near Braddock, SK. Although she spent her working years either in the health care profession or in a Rural Municipality, her love for farming came first. Lois' father died when she was fourteen and Lois took on many of the farming responsibilities until she left home. She met Dennis Friend while working in Rosetown and they married in 1962. They moved several times and eventually settled on a farm at Nokomis where they have been active in community and church activities, and where Lois was the Administrator of the R.M. of Wreford until April 2nd of this year when she was rushed to hospital and diagnosed with cancer. She passed away peacefully in Pasqua Hospital in Regina on November 22, 2004. Lois was predeceased by a baby sister, Miriam, her father Peter Banman in 1955 and her mother Eizabeth in 2001. She is survived by her husband Dennis, sisters: Grace (Robert Toews), Judith (Tom Miller), Joanna (Ric Acheson) and her brothers: Mark (Edith), Timothy (Grace), James (Shirley) and David. Lois is also survived by her in-laws including Dennis' mother as well as numerous nieces, nephews and many good friends. Funeral services were held in Nokomis Baptist Church on Friday, Nov. 26, 2004. Interment in the Nokomis Cemetery.

FRITZLER - Doris Marie (nee Hendry) born October 14, 1928 on Sec. 20, Twp 29, Rge 21 east of Nokomis. She was one of twelve children born to Charles and Florence (nee McNichol) Hendry. Doris grew up in the Nokomis area and attended Newlands School along with the rest of her siblings. Before marriage, she was employed at the Nokomis Union Hospital for a short time. Doris married Alex Fritzler of Govan on December 24, 1949. They farmed west of Govan (NW 9?27?22 W2) while raising their family. In 1979 Doris and Alex moved into a new home in the Town of Govan. Doris remained in her home until 2010 when she moved to a private care home in Saskatoon. She passed away on December 18, 2014 at Royal University Hospital after a brief illness. Doris was predeceased by her husband Alex (2004) and siblings Flo, Mac, Bud, Nell, Bill, Dunc, Jim, Russell and Minnie. She is survived by sisters Enid Wishart and Gladys Peterman. Doris is lovingly mourned by daughter Marva Laturnas (Nathan and Brendan) and son Baine (Brenda) Fritzler (Adam, Megan and Rachel). Grandma prided herself on being the family baker with buns, lemon pies and gingerbread men being her specialty. She loved to spend her time knitting special gifts for the family and loved music whether singing or dancing. A Graveside Service will be held on Saturday, December 27, 2014 at 2:00 p.m. at the Govan Cemetery.

FROHAUG - Jean Isabel, aged 88 years, passed away at the Nokomis Health Centre on Tuesday, November 23, 2004. Jean was born October 19, 1916 in Herbert, SK. She spent her childhood at Southey, SK. Jean married Ralph from Oslo, Norway on October 24, 1940. They farmed north of Govan for 50 years. To this reunion 6 children were born: Elsie Mae (Len) Fahlman of Regina, Jim (Trudi) on the home farm, Frances (Jim) Edwards of Nokomis, Carl (Denise) of Candle Lake, Beverly (Larry) Magnes of Nokomis and Ronald (Grace) of rural Saskatoon as well as 18 grandchildren and 12 greatgrandchildren. She was predeceased by her husband Ralph, brother Rod and sister Isla. The Memorial Service will be held on Saturday, April 9th at 2:00 p.m. in the Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Govan, SK conducted by Pastor Martin Olsen with interment to follow at the St. Olaf's Cemetery.

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GALAN - Lorraine (nee Ternes) left us to join the Angels in Heaven on March 17, 2006 after a battle with cancer. Lorraine was born Aug. 8, 1939 in Prelate, Sask. and moved to Nokomis in 1941, then to Regina in the early 60's. She was predeceased by her husband Wally Galan, parents Barney & Clara Ternes, and stepson Jim Galan. Sisters Rose (Art) Perry, Mary Moens, and brother Eddy Ternes. Lorraine is survived by her grandson Justin, loving daughter Dawn Galan (Grant Anderson). Also stepson Glen (Liz) Galan (daughters Alison, Krystole and Jenall). Lorraine also has four sisters Bertha Wickman, Terry (Harvey) Schmidt, Penny (Glen) Fraser, Monica (Marcello) Bursic, and Helen (Gordon) Schmidt, brother in law Ken Moens and many nieces and nephews. Lorraine was a gentle soul and a loving Mother and Grandmother. She always had a friendly smile for everyone she met, and truly cared about everyone she knew and loved. Lorraine enjoyed crafts, bowling, bingo and spending time with friends and family. She will be truly, truly missed and will always be in our hearts. At Lorraine's request there will be a graveside service at Riverside Memorial Park, 815 Assiniboine Ave. E. Veterans Section (look for a large cross). The service will take place at 3:00 PM on Tuesday, March 21, 2006.

GANDRUD - Mollie. On December 13, 1978 Mrs. Mollie Gandrud, 84 passed away suddenly at her home in Nokomis. She came from Poland with her family in 1914. In February 1919, she married Albert Gandrud and they farmed around Nokomis till 1955 when they retired in town. She was predeceased by her husband in 1960 and two sisters Mrs. Wm. Loch and Mrs. Martha Fitch. She is survived by one daughter Shirley, (Mrs. Elmer Fraser of Semans) 3 grandsons, 2 granddaughters and one great granddaughter. One sister Mrs. Olive Jack, Devils Lake, N.D. also numerous nieces and nephews. Funeral services were held on December 16 from the United Church with Rev. R.W. Swann officiating. Pall bearers were Walter Driedger, Glenn Miller, Marvin Potter, Harry Hurley, Gordon Hicks, Mac Hendry. Interment in Nokomis Cemetery.

GENGE - Elizabeth Howie. On April 23, 1977, Mrs. Elizabeth Howie Carnegie Patterson Genge passed away at Nokomis Union Hospital at the age of 87 years. Predeceased by her husband Horace in 1953. Mrs. Genge is survived by two sons Jack of Whonnock, B.C., Bob of Surrey, BC., six daughters, Mai of Nelson, B.C. Dora of Calgary, Evelyn of Calgary, Phyllis of Nokomis, Jean of Calgary, Elsie of Nokomis, twenty two grandchildren & fourteen great grandchildren. Mrs. Genge was born in Aberdeen, Scotland, Jan. 25, 1890, and came to western Canada in 1912, settling in Nokomis area. Funeral Services were held from Nokomis United Church on April 25. Interment was in Nokomis Cemetery, Rev, Swann officiated, Pallbearers were Tom Shields, Bob Shields, Lorne Lee, Bud Sather, Olaf Lovdokken, Archie Pirie.

GLENN - Julie (nee Shalapata) Glenn aged 75 years of Climax, Saskatchewan died peacefully at her home in Climax on Tuesday, March 24, 2009. She was born on her parents? homestead east of Nokomis on September 25, 1933. She attended school in Nokomis until she stayed at home to help her dad farm and run his draying business. Julie later moved to Climax to work babysitting and housekeeping where she met her future husband Harry Glenn. They were married on July 10, 1957 at Nokomis, Sask. Julie and Harry lived and farmed south of Climax where their children Rick and Cindy where born. They lived for a short time at Olds, Alberta where Harry worked and Julie kept house for Dr. Hartman. Ron was born while they were living at Olds. They returned to Climax and continued farming. In 1978 Julie began working as a cook at the Border Union Hospital in Climax and continued working there until her retirement. Julie was very active in her community. She taught Sunday school, helped lead Brownies and was involved with figure skating. She was a member of the United Church Women and served on the Climax United Church Board of Stewards. She was an avid sports fan and thoroughly enjoyed watching Cody, Darby and Josh play hockey. She also loved to watch Josh and Samantha play volleyball and Samantha play basketball. She was also proud of Josh and his accomplishments with spelling bees and track and field. She was especially proud of Josh?s trip to a spelling bee in Ottawa . Her youngest grandchild Bentley and great grandchild Gentry added joy and playtime to her life. She was predeceased by her husband, Harry, in 1983, her parents, Anastasia and Alexander Shalapata, three brothers, Joe, Mike and Roy, and one sister, Tillie, as well as by numerous brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law. She is survived by her son, Rick (Dorothy), and grandson Bentley; her son, Ron (Nancy), grandson Cody (Gena), and great granddaughter Gentry, and grandchildren Darby and Samantha; one daughter, Cindy, and grandson, Josh; her sisters, Irene Destree of Kelowna, British Columbia, Anne Henshall of King City, Ontario, Pat Shalapata of Nokomis, Saskatchewan and Mary Mickalyk of Sherwood Park, Alberta, her brothers, Paul Shalapata of Willowdale, Ontario and Steve Shalapata of Calgary, Alberta; also surviving are a number of brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law, nieces and nephews, and many friends. Memorial Services were held at Climax United Church on Monday, March 30, 2009 at 2:00 p.m. with Shelby Kinrade officiating. The eulogy was presented by Cindy Glenn-Schultz and Nancy Glenn. Scripture Readings were by Dorothy Baker. Dee Dean was the organist and Bernadette Schneider the Urn Bearer. Interment of her cremated remains took place next to her husband Harry at Climax Cemetery at Climax. Honourary Pallbearers were her grandchildren, Cody Glenn, Darby Glenn, Josh Schultz, Samantha Glenn and Bentley Glenn.

GOLLNICK - Earl Gollnick died on Tuesday, October 7, 2003, at the Nipawin Hospital at the age of 93 years. Earl Gollnick was born to Albert and Agnes Gollnick at Radisson on July 9, 1910. He was the 4th of eight children. The family lived on different farms at Nokomis, Moose Range and Carrot River, settling down finally 4 miles south of Carrot River. The war years saw Earl's three brothers go off to war, but Earl stayed behind to care for ailing parents and the family farm. After the war, Earl obtained land in the Petaigan district and was farming there and trucking when he married Muriel Mitchell on August 9, 1962. Together Earl and Muriel lived in Carrot River and then Nipawin, working Muriel's family farm in the Forest Trail district. Earl enjoyed his life, always looking forward to next year's crop or another project he had in mind. He talked often of adventures while out hunting and truly enjoyed working outdoors. Earl even helped with the farm this past summer. But Earl's first priority was his family. Kerry and Lynda came along later in his life and never lacked for his attention, love and counsel. Earl lived a quiet life in many respects, but could always be counted on to dig in and help in whatever way he could. Even this last weekend while Earl and Muriel were visiting the children in Saskatoon, Earl helped Lynda build a set of sawhorses and Kerry with a fence. But, Earl was growing tired and less strong. His body no longer kept up with everything his mind wanted to do every day. So, like the good farmer he was, the crops were in the bin and his body decided it was time to go for it's final rest. Earl is survived by his wife, Muriel; his children Lynda (Mark) and Kerry (Audra); grandchildren, Zachary, Alexander, Quinn and Hayden. Earl will be especially missed by his elder sister Ethel and younger brother Johnny and everyone who knew of his friendly visits in all of his daily travels. Funeral services were held at the First Baptist Church on Friday, October 10, 2003 at 2:00 p.m. with Pastor Peter Elias and Pastor Richard Darling officiating. The organist was Joan Lyons and Donna Paisley was the soloist. Ushers were Brent Verzonowski and Steve Schwerin. Following interment of the urn at Woodlawn Cemetery, family and friends shared in a time of fellowship in the church hall.

GRAHAM - Dorothy, passed away peacefully on October 29, 2005 at the age of 84. Born January 17, 1921 in Nokomis, SK. Predeceased by daughter Marlene. Dorothy is survived by her sons James, Wayne (Joan) Webb, Harold (Brenda), Garry (Debbie), grandchildren Jason (Jeanette), Kim (Kevin), Nateesha (Stephan), Dillon, Rochelle (Kirby), Eric, Tim, Leanna, Kerrie, John; great grandchildren Jordyn, Jade, Jessica, Sean, Caitlin, Brittany, Mitchell, Austin, Brady, Taylor and Douglas. The family wishes to thank Palliative Care Services for all their care and support. The funeral service will be held Saturday, November 5, 2005 at 2pm at Regina Funeral Home, HWY #1 East.

GRAHAM - Raymond (February 7, 1943 - July 23, 2015). Ray passed away peacefully at his home in Nokomis at the age of 72. Ray was born in Regina and was pre-deceased by his life partner Marlene Dufour, his father Cecil, his grandparents Earnest and Lucy Graham, Fred and Isabelle Simpson, nephews Tim McKenzie and Devon McCarthy. Ray is survived by his beloved mother Marion Myles (Andrew), sons Shawn, Heath and Michael, sisters Isabelle, Barbara (Adolf), Pat, Deb (Kevin) and numerous nieces and nephews. Ray will be sadly missed by his family and many friends in Nokomis and Govan, SK. A graveside service for the family and close friends will be held at a later date.

GRAHAM - Rose (nee Black) Graham (November 4, 1916 - July 6, 2010). It is with great sadness that the family announces the death of Rose Graham which occurred Tuesday, July 6 at Sherbrooke Community Centre in Saskatoon after recurring bouts of pneumonia. Rose Graham will be remembered by her three sons, James Kenneth, Robert Charles (and his wife Sharon Francis), and David Brian (and his partner Cindy Elchuk); and by her grandchildren Sara Irena (Kris Kozmanuik, Autumn, Echo, River) and Derrick Paul Francis (Sandy, Dayton, Allisha) and Christopher Brian; and her nephews Ralph (Betty) Vickaryous and Roger Vickaryous and nieces Reta (Thomas) Fisher and Bernice Busse. Rose was predeceased by her parents Charles Wilkin Black and Charlotte Anne Fardel, her sisters Dora (Mike) Vickaryous and Isobel Black, her husband Robert Kenneth, and nephews Morris Vickaryous, Raymond Vickaryous, Donald Vickaryous and Lawrence Vickaryous and daughter-in-law Joanne Geres. Rose was born in Nokomis, and moved to Saskatoon to become a nurse and was in the graduating class of 1941 at Saskatoon City Hospital. Laurel Davey, Lorna Fox and Dorothy Parkinson were among the life-long friends that were formed at City Hospital. Nurse's reunions were an opportunity for Rose to reminisce with her friends about those wild and happy times. On May 28, 1943 she married Robert Kenneth Graham and moved to the farm west of Saskatoon, and barely outside the city limits, where they raised three sons. Rose was involved in the community, in particular the UCW (United Church Women) and the local church. In 1983 they celebrated their fortieth wedding anniversary. In 1992 memory loss and the frailty that comes with old age forced a moved to Sherbrooke Community Centre. Many of the caregivers at Sherbrook have vivid memories of Rose's cheerfulness and her desire to cuddle. The Funeral Services will be held Saturday, July 10 at 2:00 p.m. at St. David's Trinity United Church 3318 Merritt St. in Saskatoon with Rev. Ray Purdie officiating. Interment will take place at Smithville Cemetery.

GRAYSON - Carman Roy (August 11, 1929 - February 2, 2011). It is with great sadness that we must say goodbye to a loving Husband, Father, Grandfather and friend. Carman Roy Grayson passed away on February 2, 2011 at home at the age of 81. Carman retired to Sylvan Lake, Alberta with his wife Muriel from their hometown of Nokomis, Saskatchewan in 1995. Along with spending time with his family, Carman enjoyed fishing, woodworking, being part of the Sylvan Lake Lions Club and of course cheering for the Saskatchewan Roughriders. Carman will be lovingly remembered by his daughter Kathleen Grayson (Alejandro Fuentes) and grandchildren Veronica and Alexander of Edmonton, AB; his son Kevin (Heather) Grayson and granddaughters Mallory and Mackenzie of Sylvan Lake, Alberta; his son Todd Grayson (Anita Sharhan) and grandsons Spencer, Logan and Garett of Spruce Grove, AB.He is also remembered by the Sylvan Lake Lions Club members and by many of his friends, neighbors in the community. Carman was predeceased by his wife Muriel, his mother Julia, father Mac and his brother Bobbie. "You will be greatly missed Grandpa, go with God". A Memorial Service to celebrate Carman?s life was held at the Memorial Presbyterian Church (5020-48 Street, Sylvan Lake, Ab) on Tuesday, February 8, 2011 at 2:00 P.M

GRAYSON - Muriel Allison (nee Grosse) November 30, 1934 - March 29, 2009. It is with great sadness that we must say goodbye to a loving wife, mother, grandmother and friend. Muriel (Grosse) Grayson passed away on March 29, 2009 at the Red Deer Hospital at the age of 74. Muriel retired to Sylvan Lake, AB with her husband Carman after 40 years of nursing, in their hometown of Nokomis, SK. Along with spending time with her family, Muriel enjoyed gardening, crafting, fishing and cheering for the Saskatchewan Roughriders. Muriel will be lovingly remembered by her husband Carman of 52 years, her daughter, Kathleen Grayson (Alejandro Fuentes) and grandchildren, Veronica and Alexander of Edmonton, AB, her son, Kevin (Heather) Grayson, and granddaughters, Mallory and Mackenzie of Sylvan Lake, AB, her son, Todd Grayson (Anita Sharhan) and grandsons, Spencer, Logan and Garett of Spruce Grove, AB, her sister-in-law, Anita Grosse of Saskatoon, SK, and nephews, Brian, David and Rob, as well as her Lioness friends and neighbours. Muriel is predeceased by her father, Robert Grosse, her mother, Freda Grosse and her brother, Robert Grosse. "You will be greatly missed Grandma, go with GOD". A memorial service to celebrate Muriel?s life will be held at the Presbyterian Memorial Church, 5020-48 Street, Sylvan Lake, AB on Monday, April 6, 2009 at 2:00 p.m.

GREENFIELD - Albert. The death of Albert Greenfield, age 81 years, of Nokomis, occurred on November 29, 1974. He is survived by his two sons: Leland of Govan and Barr of Toronto; one sister, Mabel of Nokomis; two brothers, Ernest of Nokomis and Frank of Calgary; 5 grandchildren, and many nieces and nephews. He was predeceased by his wife, Winona; brothers George and Percy and sisters Lilly and Lizzie. Born at Boston, Lincolnshire England, April 20, 1893, he came to Canada with his father, as a boy of 15. After working out for a time near Windthorst, he and his brother Ernest came to Nokomis in 1909, working on brother George's homestead, west of Simpson. He eventually took up a homestead west of Nokomis where he remained until his death. Mr. Greenfield was active in community affairs and will be remembered by many for his years spent as local auctioneer. He served as a long time delegate and director for the Sask. Wheat Pool, Municipal councillor, Board of Directors of the Nokomis Co-operative Association and the Nokomis Credit Union. He remained active until his death. Funeral services were held from Nokomis United Church on December 3, 1974, Rev. R. Swann officiating. Pallbearers were Bob Kirk, Bob Shields, Reg Scott, Ed Kerr, Bill McClughan and Joe Henry.

GREENFIELD - Emma Mabel Greenfield passed away at Lanigan Union Hospital on Friday, February 11, 1994 at the age of 98 years. Mabel was born in Old Leak Lincolnshire, England, to parents George and Elizabeth on October 1895. She was the youngest of three girls, who shared the house with five brothers. Mabel lived in England until she was 14 years old, then she followed most of her family to Canada. She reunited with the family at Windthorst, where they remained for approximately one year before moving to the homestead south west of Nokomis. Mabel boarded a train from Windthorst to Regina, rode a stagecoach to Valeport, then the remainder of the trip up the Lake was accomplished on the old Steam boat, which cruised from Valeport to Watertown. Here she was met by the rest of the family, and then continued to the homestead shack, by horse and buggy. The family live in the old shack for a few years before they moved to a newer yard 11 miles south west of Nokomis This location was utilized until 1952 when they moved 1 mile north to the big house on the hill, which had previously been owned by Jim Gandy. Mabel remained on the farm until 1975 when she and her brother, Ernest moved to Nokomis. She lived here until Ernest's death in 1986, when she moved to Central Parkland Lodge in Lanigan. Mabel had a great love of life, which she showed aptly through her gardening and keen interest in birds and animals. She will be missed by her family and many friends from her home in Lanigan. A funeral service for Mabel was held on Tuesday, February 15th in Nokomis United Church with Debbie Martin officiating. Organist was Janet Hendry. Pallbearers were Bob Greenfield, Jim Beeler, Roy Jebson, Milton Mutch, Wes Kirk and Calvin Harding. Honorary Pallbearers were all those present. Interment in Nokomis Cemetery.

GREENFIELD - Leland Greenfield died in hospital on October 14, 2014 after spending his last day at home with son Bob and daughter Barb in Lloydminster. Leland was born on the Greenfield family farm west of Hatfield on September 20, 1928, the first of two sons born to Albert and Winona Greenfield. His younger brother Barr later moved to Ontario with his mother when the family broke up. Leland stayed on the farm with his dad, and later bought his own quarter section of land. He married Leita Greenfield on January 7, 1950. He shared his life and love of the land with his wife and soul mate, Leita and later, a loving partner Kathy Schoepp. Leland was a well-known and respected member of the Nokomis community for his entire life. For more than 40 years he was an avid naturalist and birdwatcher, and combined those interests with a knack for photography. Many of his wildlife photographs were published in the local weekly newspaper and other publications. He played saxophone for entertainment with friends and was in Harold McLaren's marching band in the early days. He loved Billy Vaughn's music. On the farm for most of his life, Leland later ran a road construction and earthmoving business as Greenfield Construction. He trained many young workers and moved a lot of dirt in the Last Mountain area. Leland's health began failing in the last few years, and he spent many days in hospital. His daughter Barbara was recently caring for him at his son Bob's home in Lloydminster, however, he suffered a setback and ended up back in hospital where he passed away peacefully. He leaves to mourn, sons Bob (Tammy) Greenfield, and Don (Sherry) Greenfield, daughters Barbara (Brian) Degelman and Patty (Brian, deceased) Purse, grandchildren Cory and Kelly Degelman, Brandon and Ben Hewlett, and Shilo Goulding, and great grandchildren Kaleb and Emily Degelman.

GRIGOR - Alice Maude (nee Trotman). Mrs. James Grigor passed away in Nokomis Hospital Sunday, Sept. 28, 1969, at the age of 85 years, 8 months, 4 days. Mrs. Grigor had been confined to a wheelchair since l958. The former Alice Maude Trotman was born In Glosc. England, Jan. 24, 1884. She came to Canada in 1913 to keep house for her brother Fred who farmed in the Richfarms district. In 1915 Fred joined the army, and Alice returned to England where she worked in a munition factory till 1918 when she suffer a very severe injury to her right arm. In 1926 she again came to Canada, and in 1921 she married James Grigor and to this union was born one daughter, Hazel. They farmed In the Newlands district for 32 years. In 1953 Mr. Grigor suffered a heart attack, and they had to give up farming an moved to town. In July 1968 Mrs. Grigor's health became so poorly that she had to move to her daughters, where she has been until going into hospital. She was the last one of a family 7 boys and 2 girls. She leaves to mourn, her daughter Hazel (Mrs. Harold Chute) 4 grandchildren and 3 great grandsons. Funeral services were from Nokomis United Church, Tues. Sept. 30th at 2 p.m. Rev. R. W. Swann officiating and Mrs. Kay Hamilton at the Organ. Active Pallbearers were: Jack Edwards, Gordon Hicks, Glen Hobman, Charlie Rennie, Allen Nichol and Roland Beeler. Honorary Pallbearers: Albert Abrahamson, Alf Compton, Eck Wallace, Les Hards, Frank Siedler and Bert Cogger, Interment was in Nokomis Cemetery.

GRIGOR - James Murdoch Sime. Funeral services were held from the United Church, Monday Oct. 6, 1969 at 2 o'clock for the late James Grigor, who passed away at Nokomis Hospital Friday morning, following an illness of 2 month duration Rev. R. W. Swann, took charge of the service, with Mrs. Kay Hamilton at the organ. Born at Pluscarden, M. Elgin, Scotland, in 1886, "Jimmie? came to Canada in 1912, working for the late John Scott for 2 summers, and J. Rathsjen and W. J. Brown in the winters. In 1914 he took up farming on his own in the Newlands district where he resided until health forced him to retire in town in 1953. He married Alice Maude Trotman in 1921 and to this union was born 1 daughter. They took one big trip in their lives, a visit to the old country in 1957. The following year, Mrs. Gregor had to have a leg amputated, and for 11 years was confined to wheel chair, her husband faithfully cared for her for 10 years until the failing hea1th of both forced him to let his wife go to his daughters to be looked after. Mrs. Grigor predeceased him by five days, but he was so ill he never knew of her passing. So they never knew the sorrow of earthly parting. He leaves to mourn his daughter Hazel, (Mrs. Harold Chute) of Nokomis, 4 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren, also a brother Fred of Mullingar, Sask. Active pallbearers: Dick Carter, Ken Kidd, Merlin Johnson, Les Hards, Eck Wallace, Marv Potter. Honorary pallbearers Frank Siedler, Roy Rowand, George Hamilton, Albert Abrahamson, Bert Cogger.

- H -

HALSTEAD - Edward Hartley Halstead (February 4, 1933 - May 30, 2008). Ed, known as Beau to his siblings, was the second youngest of eight children born to Cyril William (Bill) & Ada (Mould) Halstead. Ed was born in Alberta and as a child his family returned to Nokomis, SK to farm. Ed met Elizabeth (Bette) Woods in Nokomis and they were wed in 1957. Ed's passion was playing hockey in his younger years, but his love for the land led him to study agriculture at the university level. Ed completed a BSA (61), MSc (63) at the University of Saskatchewan, and went on to a PhD (66) at Purdue University. His career led him back to the U of S as Director of the Soil Testing Lab and later Professor of Soil Science. In 1973, Ed accepted an appointment with the IAEA in Vienna, Austria which was the first of his many international research opportunities. In his "retirement" Ed continued to be active in his field and was a consultant with the Potash and Phosphate Institute of Canada. Ed will be remembered for his quirky sense of humor and kind and gentle manner. He loved to travel, cheer on his favourite sports teams (Go Leafs!), and entertain friends and family. Ed never forgot the value of hard work that his upbringing on the farm taught him. He cherished the time spent with his children and grandchildren and his influence will never be forgotten. Ed was predeceased by his parents, wife Bette in 2002, and siblings Doris and Fran (Fedor). Ed is survived by his daughters Alison (Garth) Pickrell and Lisa Halstead; grandchildren Zane and Lyden Prodahl and Jonathon and Alexandra Pickrell; and siblings Phyllis Konschuh, Rita Salsbury, Ron (Vi) Halstead, Norma (Bill) Novak, and Bob (Lu) Halstead. A short service commemorating Ed's life was held at 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday, June 4, 2008 at the Saskatoon Funeral Home.

HALSTEAD - Thomas Gresham. The family is grieved to announce that Thomas Gresham Halstead, aged 89 years, passed away at the Good Samaritan Southgate Care Centre, Edmonton, on Friday 16, 2014. Left to cherish many happy and fond memories are Tom's loving wife and life-mate, Shirley; three children, George, Bonnie (Barry), Tim (Sherry); and stepdaughter, Cheryl (Ken). He is also lovingly remembered by a half-brother, Bert (Mabel); seven grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Tom is survived by numerous nephews and nieces; with exception of a brother-in-law, Allan, he is predeceased by four sisters and their spouses. Tom is the only son of George and Etta Halstead. After the tragic death of his father, Tom, from the age of 4, grew up in the care of grandparents in Nokomis, SK. Possessing a great passion for flying, he earned his pilot wings in the R.C.A.F and served flying the B26 Marauder in Transport Command during 1943 - 45. After the war, Warrant Officer Halstead then enrolled at the College of Engineering, University of Saskatchewan. For the next eight years, Tom applied his education as an Engineering Technician with the Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration. For the following five years he served with the Saskatoon City Police Department. But it was in 1959 that Tom began a career in the 2nd great passion of his life, education for young persons, primarily in the field of driver education. Tom fulfilled many key roles in the development of youth driver education and eventually he assumed the role of Senior Driver Instructor with the Saskatoon Board of Education. In the two decades that followed, Tom trained hundreds of high-school students, with a keen personal interest in the development of each student. In 1980, Tom and Shirley moved to British Columbia to complete Shirley's career and Tom finished working life in the Corps of Commissionaires, where he was responsible for the security of the Surrey Taxation Centre until his final retirement in 1986. Tom and Shirley spent their retirement years in Creston, BC, and Edmonton, AB, where several deep friendships were formed. Tom dedicated his life to his wife and family first, his many friends over the years and to the community. His compassion for others was an outstanding characteristic that was clear to all. Tom's caring and loving nature, combined with his great intelligence, set a wonderful example for his children and had a positive impact on everyone who knew him. He could always be counted upon under all circumstance. Our family extends a heartfelt thanks to the staff members of both the Grey Nuns Hospital and the Good Samaritan Southgate Care Centre. Their loving care and dedication were clearly evident at all times and greatly helped us all through the final five months of Tom?s hospitalization. Tom?s wishes were that the family hold a private service with interment taking place at Tom's father's burial site in Nokomis, Sask.

HANCOCK - Gertrude Mabel (nee Graham) Fleming Hancock, formerly of Nokomis, passed away in 1973 at Regina in Santa Maria Home, age 83 years. Predeceased by her first husband, H. C. Fleming in 1951 and by her second husband, Aquilla Hancock in 1967 and survived by one son James of Hope, B.C.; two daughters, Shirley Richardson of Regina and Phyllis Matthews of Canoe, B.C.; one step daughter, Dorothy Cuming of Regina and two step sons, Lorne Hancock of Nokomis and Wesley Hancock of Govan; 24 grandchildren, 31 great grandchildren and 3 great great grandchildren. Funeral service was held on Monday in Nokomis United Church, Rev. J. Firman of Semans officiating. Burial in Tate cemetery.

HANCOCK - Haldis (nee Sather) 1920 - 2013. The last page in the book of Haldis Hancock?s life was turned on December 9, 2013 at the Parkridge Centre in Saskatoon at the age of 93. She was predeceased by her loving husband, Lorne; her parents, Mabel and Ole Sather; brothers, Arnold, Clifford and Rolph; sisters-in-law, Marguerite, Elaine, Norma; and nephew, Vernon. Haldis was born June 3, 1920 to Mabel (Laknas) and Ole T. Sather at her grandparents' home in Govan, SK. The second oldest in the family and the only sister to six brothers, Haldis could do anything her brothers could. They were a close-knit family nurtured by parents who gave them the values of hard work, honesty, and a love of sports, family and laughter. After graduation from high school Haldis took the train to Vancouver to find a job. Lorne followed her and they married on January 22, 1942. He joined the army on their first wedding anniversary. Daughter Diane was born in 1943. Son Terry followed in 1951. Lyle joined the family in 1959. On the farm near Tate, Haldis was a typical farm wife, capable of doing all the work required. Many Christmas Days were spent with as many as 45 people in the farm house that rocked with laughter, good natured discussions, music and great food. Haldis was very athletic: a fast runner, a good ball player who once played semi-professional ladies fastball in Vancouver, a curler and a golfer ? a game she played until age 82. Upon retiring from the farm in 1978, they moved to Nokomis and became active members of that community until moving to Saskatoon in 1997 because of health problems. Lorne died in 2003 after 62 years of marriage. His death started a downward spiral for her until she became a resident of the Parkridge Centre in December of 2007. Haldis is now at peace following her long journey through the stages of dementia. Although she could be feisty at times with her caregivers, she was happy in her last home. The family would like to thank the nurses and special care aides on Eastridge One and the other staff members who provide Parkridge residents with quality of life programs with caring expertise, enthusiasm and patience! Haldis is loved and will be greatly missed by her children, Diane (Carman) Berg of Saskatoon, Terry (Marilyn) Hancock of Melfort, Lyle Sather of Ottawa. Grandchildren, Sue Young (David Tripp) of Exton, Pennsylvania; Stacey Berg, Chris (Erin) Berg, Andrew Berg, all of Saskatoon; Dione (Glynn)Taylor of Melfort; Kelsey Hancock of Calgary. Great-grandchildren, Natasha and Connor Tripp of Vancouver; Michelle, Keith, Bradley, Toby Taylor of Melfort; Jacob and Mason Berg of Saskatoon. She is also survived by brothers, Birger, Omer (Anne) and Wayne (Ailleen); sisters-in-law, Irene Sather, Irene Sather, Evelyn Hancock; and numerous nieces and nephews. A Celebration of Life will be held in the Nokomis United Church at 1:30 p.m. on Saturday, May 17, 2014 followed by interment at the Nokomis Cemetery, and a lunch at the Nokomis Hall

HANCOCK - Lorne A. passed away peacefully in his sleep Tuesday, March 11, 2003 at the age of 87. He will be lovingly remembered and greatly missed by Haldis, his wife of 61 years; daughter Diane(Carman) Berg of Saskatoon; son Terry (Marilyn) Hancock of Melfort; son Lyle Sather of Regina. Grandchildren Sue Young (Dave Tripp) of Exton, PA, Stacey, Chris (& special friend Erin Sloman),Andrew Berg of Saskatoon; Dione (Glynn) Taylor of Melfort; Kelsey Hancock of Calgary and great-grandchildren Natasha & Connor Tripp, Michelle, Keith, Bradley Taylor. He is also survived by sister,Dorothy Cuming and in-laws Ev Hancock, Arnold & Irene Sather, Birger Sather, Irene Sather, Omer & Ann Sather, Wayne &Aileen Sather and many nieces & nephews. Lorne was born on the family farm at Tate, SK on September 23, 1915, the youngest son of Aquilla & Florence Hancock. He attended Garland School. He married the love of his life, Haldis E. Sather, in Vancouver on January 22, 1942. On their first anniversary he joined the Prince of Wales Rangers and served in the Quartermasters stores in BC & overseas. After his return he became a progressive successful farmer researching & adopting new ideas & methods. Lorne was very active in many aspects of community life; was a proud member of the Nokomis Legion; a lifelong supporter of the cooperative system serving on the Tate Wheat Pool committee & as a SWP delegate, as a Coop Implements delegate & 25 years on the board of the Nokomis Coop. He was a strong supporter of the CCF/NDP. Dad loved sports, playing fastball & hockey in his younger days. He enjoyed curling & represented SK at the 1976 Legion Dominion Championship. After retiring from the farm in 1978 Dad & Mom spent their summers golfing many SK courses. They had Saskatchewan Roughrider season tickets for many years & enjoyed several Grey Cups. Together they loved to dance, play cards & vacation at Waskesieu. Dad was well read & armchair coached many sports in front of the TV. He really enjoyed meeting people, never forgetting a name or a face, and never backed away from a good debate. Dad was known for his quick wit and sense of humour, his commitment to community, his genuine concern for others and for his love & pride in his family. He did things in his own time but then embraced them wholeheartedly. Dad & Mom moved to Luther Heights seniors condominium nearly six years ago - he called it his castle. Funeral services will be held at 1:30 pm, Saturday, March 15, 2003 at the Nokomis United Church in Nokomis, SK.

HARDING - Arthur Clarence Harding of Nokomis passed away on December 30, 1982 in Nokomis Union Hospital after a lengthy illness. He was born November 19, 1922. At the time of passing he was 60 years, 1 month and 11 days old. He worked as a laborer with C.N.R. for 27 years and farmed at Undora, Sask. on the side. Due to failing health, he had to give up the farm in 1972, moved his family to Lockwood and continued working for C.N.R for a few years. He had to give that up in 1976. After 9 years he made his last move into Nokomis in December 1981. He had many friends and found it easy to meet and make new acquaintances. He was always ready to lend a helping hand to anyone. Arthur enjoyed the company of others, as it helped to take his mind off of the pain that he was feeling. Arthur was predeceased by his parents and 2 sisters, Lottie and Violet Brooker. He leaves to mourn his loving wife Delia (Lila) of Nokomis; daughters: Mrs. Michael (Louise) Curtin, Elrose, Sask.; Brenda Craik, Sask.; Linda, Saskatoon Barbara, Regina; two sons: Arthur, Regina and Herbert at home; also 3 grandchildren Jason, Leonard and Charmaine; brothers: Grant, Prince Albert, Lee, Battleford, Sask.; Calvin and Garfield, Nokomis; 5 sisters Mrs. Ed (Ethel) Kratz, Nokomis Mrs. Hazel Cowan, Nokomis, Mrs. Norman (Alice) French Donavon; Mrs. Jerry (Jean) Langteigne, Nokomis; and numerous nieces and nephews. The Funeral Service was held January 3, 1983, at 2:00 p.m. in the Nokomis Centennial Hall. Officiating was Mr. Vincent Law, a member of the Jehovah's Witnesses from Kelliher. Pallbearers were: Dan Fischer and Harvey Braun of Nokomis, Ken Braun and Syd Dudley of Semans, Bernie Magnuson and Rudolph Fidelack of Watrous. Those attending the funeral from a distance were from Prince Albert, Naicam, Yorkton, Regina, Moose Jaw, Kelliher, Saskatoon, Elrose, Battleford, Rosetown, and Semans. Remains were laid to rest in Nokomis cemetery.

HARDING - Arthur Garfield. Another of the early pioneers of Nokomis district passed away on Sept. 16, 1972 in the person of Arthur Harding. He died in Nokomis Hospital after a short illness at the grand age of 87 years. The funeral service was held in the United Church, Nokomis, on Sept 19, the Rev. R. Swann officiating and Mrs. J. Hamilton at the organ. Pallbearers were John McGinnis, Jack Edwards; Ken Edwards, Merlin, Johnston, Bob Chute and Gordon Hicks. Honorary pallbearers Were J. Cowan Regina; R. Rowand, E. Wallace. Lester Potter, Gordon Meikle, Earl McDougall. was in charge of Burial arrangements. The late Arthur Harding was born on Aug. 4, 1885 at Backoo North Dakota and came to Canada in 1905, homesteading in Nokomis district in 1906. He farmed until 1961, retiring to live in Nokomis. He was predeceased by his wife, Alice, in 1968 and by an infant daughter, Charlotte in 1915. Left to mourn are 5 sons and six daughters: Art., Garfield, Ca1vin and Lee at Nokomis and Grant at Prince Albert; Mrs. Walter Brooker (Violet) Imperial, Mildred, at home, Mrs. J. Cowan (Hazel) Prince Albert, Mrs. Vern Winter (Ethel) Nokomis. Mrs. Norman French (Alice) Donavon, Mrs. Jerry Langteigne (Jean) Nokomis. He also leaves 29 grandchildren and 11 great grandchildren.

HARDING - Garfield Harding passed away peacefully with his family at his side at the Nokomis Health Centre on June 22, 2008. Garfield Homer Harding was born February 4th, 1927 on the family farm N.E. of Nokomis to the late Arthur and Alice (Perkins) Harding. He was the eighth child of a family of twelve. He took all of his schooling in Nokomis. (He used to say "he got half of grade twelve" which meant grade six). Times were hard and with twelve mouths to feed Garfield left home at the age of thirteen. He worked for local farmers. Most of these years were spent working for Lee Reynolds, Ross Reynolds' dad. Later he spent one summer working for the CPR. In 1949, he became a permanent employee on the CNR section. He later became an assistant section Foreman until his retirement in 1986. He was stationed most of those years at Nokomis. During this time he also raised a few head of cattle which he enjoyed, always a farmer at heart. Garfield spent a couple of summers working on the CN extra gang between Melville and Saskatoon. In 1957, Garfield married the love of his life Ilene Lasher. Together they were blessed with two children: Sylvia first in 1962 and later John in 1965. They lived in the town of Nokomis until 1977, when they bought an acreage one and half miles east of Nokomis which was the farm yard of Doris and Morley Braithwaite. They enjoyed their beautiful acreage and country living for 19 years until Garfield's Parkinson's disease made life impossible to do chores. They then retired back to the town of Nokomis. Throughout Garfield's life, horses played a very passionate part. In particular he loved Quarter Horses. He had one very faithful companion he owned, rode and showed for 25 years. Garfield and "Johnnie Red" were very well known among their many gymkhana friends. Garfield was also very proud of his family's accomplishments - gymkhana, hockey, volleyball or curling whether they won or lost, just to see them compete was a thrill. He enjoyed giving his grandchildren rides on Red or hitching up the sleigh to old "Paint" for a winter ride. For years Garfield and his family enjoyed leading the parade on horseback the day of the Nokomis fair. He was a director and faithful exhibitor of the Nokomis Agricultural Society for over 40 years. He was a director of the Saskatchewan Provincial Riding Club for many years. He was the president and director of the Last Mountain Gymkhana for many years. He was a leader and one of the founders of the 4-H Tomahawk Light Horse Club. He had a keen sense of humour and in his younger years could fit any appropriate story or joke into a conversation. Garfield was a hard worker although when convinced to take a holiday he always enjoyed himself. Otherwise he was the happiest going to gymkhanas, horse sales, horse shows or just being at home with his family or work. Garfield had spent the last six and a half years in the Nokomis Health Centre. Garfield was predeceased by his parents, Alice and Arthur Harding, sisters Charlotte, Violet and Mildred, brother Arthur, sisters-in-law, Jeanette, Hilda, Lila and Phyllis Harding; brothers-in-law, Albert Bellamy, Vern Winter, Ed Kratz, Joe Cowan and Walter Brooker. Garfield is survived by his loving wife and companion Ilene of almost 51 years, daughter Sylvia (Paul) Kuntz, son John (Michelle) Harding; grandchildren, Kevin (Melissa), Adam (Kendall), Tim Kuntz, Mekka and Reagan Harding; great-grandchildren, Kayden, Claire, Kennadie Kuntz; siblings, Grant (Verna), Lee (Mary), Calvin (and good friend Lylie), Hazel Cowen, Ethel Kratz, Alice (Norman) French, Jean (Jerry) Langteinge; numerous nieces and nephews. The memorial service was held at the Nokomis United Church in Nokomis, Saskatchewan on Thursday June 26th at 2:00 p.m. Rev. George Holliday officiated. The eulogy was read by John Harding, Memories by the grandchildren. The register attendants were Earl Mansell and Blandina Pilkey. The ushers were Harvey Braun and Ken Braun. The urn bearer was Kevin Kuntz. Honourary pallbearers were all those who knew and loved him. Lorna Mansell was the organist and special music was provided by Jim Chute and Brenda Olde. Interment was at the Nokomis Cemetery. Fotheringham-McDougall Funeral Service of Watrous and Nokomis in care of arrangements.

HARDING - Grant Solon Sr. It is with great sadness that the family of Grant Solon Harding Sr. announce his passing at the age of 85 years, on August 22, 2010, at Prince Albert, SK, with family and loved ones by his side. Grant was born in Nokomis, SK, on December 20, 1924, to Arthur and Alice (nee Perkins) Harding. He moved to Prince Albert in 1950 where he worked for the CNR, retiring in 1984. After retirement, Grant and and his wife Verna purchased homes in which Grant thoroughly enjoyed renovating and up-keeping. Grant was a jack-of-all-trades. Grant was predeceased by: his sons, Jim, Wilfred and Gordon; his parents, Arthur and Alice; his first wife, Hilda; his sisters, Charlotte, Violet and Mildred; his brothers, Arthur and Garfield; his sisters-in-law, Jeanette, Lila and Phyllis Harding; his brothers-in-law. Albert Bellemy, Vern Winter, Ed Kratz, Joe Cowan, Walter Brooker and Norman French. Grant will be deeply missed by his loving wife of 30 years, Verna (nee Gallagher); son, Grant, Jr.; daughter, Ruth; daughter, Marcia (Roger); son, Terry (Pat); son, Peter; daughter, Lisa (Mike); daughter, Rita (Jack); grandchildren; great-grandchildren; brothers, Calvin (Lylie) and Lee (Mary); sisters, Hazel, Ethel, Alice and Jean (Jerry); sister-in-law, Ilene Harding; nieces, nephews and friends. The funeral service was held on Monday, August 30 at 2:00 p.m. at River Park Memorial Chapel in Prince Albert, SK. Pastor Dennis Serfas officiated. Interment at Garden of Sermon on the Mount, Prince Albert Memorial Gardens.

HARDING - Mildred Ividine. A Funeral Service was held Nokomis United Church December 19, 1992 for Mildred Ividine Harding who passed away December 16th at Parkridge Centre, Saskatoon the age of 74 years. Debbie Martin conducted service. Organist was Lorna Mansell. Interment in the family plot in Nokomis Cemetery. Pallbearers were nephews, Edward Brooker, Wayne Harding, Brian Miller, Duane Langteigne, Grant Harding Jr. and Raymond French. The ushers were nephews Arthur Harding and Rick Harding. The guest book was attended by nephews Jack Cowan and Herb Harding. Millie's niece Debra Miller Delisle wrote the following which was read by her great niece Shannon Miller of Delisle. Mildred Harding was born on her parents' farm at Nokomis, Saskatchewan on March 2, 1918. Mildred was the third eldest daughter of Arthur and Alice Harding. Millie suffered the loss of her hearing in infancy. Despite this disability, she taught herself to read, write and do the basics of arithmetic. Using lip reading as her means of communication, Millie spoke of her early years on the farm with much fondness ? enjoying the antics and companion ship of her many brothers and sisters. In later years there were many nieces and nephews to love, feed and enjoy. She was her family's encyclopaedia when it came to dates of births, marriages and deaths. She recalled them all with her fantastic memory. In 1964 she moved with her parents into Nokomis and cared for them until their deaths in 1968 and 1972. Again Millie had another challenge to overcome; losing all but partial vision to glaucoma. Still she continued to do the things she loved ? looking after flowers, reading and baking for her family. In 1990 she moved to Delisle and blessed her family there with her presence until her death. She looked forward to her weekly paper from Nokomis with news of family and friend she held dear to her heart. Millie was a gentle and beautiful soul who touched deeply everyone who knew her. Millie was predeceased by her parents; two sisters Charlotte and Violet and brother Arthur. She is survived by sister Hazel Cowan of Prince Albert, Ethel (Ed) Kratz of Nokomis, Alice (Norman) French of Delisle; Jean (Jerry) Langteigne of Nokomis; brothers Grant (Verna) Harding of Prince Albert; Garfield (Ilene) Harding of Nokomis, Calvin (Phyllis) Harding, Nokomis; Lee (Jeanette) Harding of Battleford; brother-in-law, Walter Brooker of Imperial; sister-in-law Lila Harding Nokomis; aunt Mrs. Kirk Parkland Lodge, Lanigan; uncle Charlie Harding of Florida, numerous nieces and nephews, great nieces and nephews, cousins and many, many friends.

HARDING - Sena Victoria Phyllis (nee Lasher) May 24, 1930 - Oct. 11, 1997. Phyllis was born on May 24, 1930 to Wesley and Sena Lasher on the family farm. Phyllis was the third child in a family of eight. She spent all of her life growing up on the farm in the Govan area and later in the Nokomis area. She took her schooling at Saline School. Phyllis worked at the Regina General Hospital and a Saskatoon Hospital in housekeeping. Phyllis and Calvin worked ten years at Nokomis School as custodians. On September 1, 1954 Phyllis married Calvin Harding. They had four children Marjorie Ann, Wayne Calvin, Richard Bryce and Carolyn Phyllis. Phyllis enjoyed knitting, crocheting, gardening, her flowers, helping around the farm, curling and bingo. She always took pride in entering the canning and other exhibits at the Fair. Phyllis spent a number of years being involved with the Fair. Phyllis' time spent with her grandchildren Angela, Lana, Melanie and Clay ton was ever so dear to her! She was predeceased by: her brother, Lawrence Lasher (in infancy), parents Wesley and Sena Lasher, daughter Carolyn (in infancy), sister Lila Harding, brother-in-law Art Harding and grandson Cory Harding (in infancy). Phyllis will be greatly missed by all her family. She is survived by her loving husband Calvin; daughter Marjorie (Archie) Artymovich, Lana and Clayton of Kindersley; son Wayne, Angela and Melanie and son Rick Harding, all of Nokomis; one sister, Ilene (Garfield) Harding of Nokomis; four brothers Emanuel Lasher of Moose Jaw, Elmer (Mona) Lasher of Regina, Arden (Gerry) Lasher of Kitchener, Ontario, and Wray (Sandy) Lasher of Regina; Aunt Irene (Harvey) Romfo of Williston, North Dakota and Uncle Judge (Donna) Herman of Kamloops, B.C. As well as sister-in-laws, brother-in-laws and numerous nieces, nephews and friends. Phyllis' most prized possessions were her husband, children, grandchildren and family members. She was always one with words of encouragement through difficult times and good times alike. A Funeral Service was held Oct. 15th, 1997 at Nokomis United Church. Interment at Nokomis Cemetery.

HARDS - Leslie George. The Nokomis community was shocked on Dec. 30, 1969 to learn of the death of a very popular citizen in the person of Les Hards. He passed away in Nokomis Hospital after an illness of two days. The funeral service took place in Christ Church Nokomis on Jan. 3 with Rev. Michael Revitt officiating. Mrs. Geo. Hummason was organist. Pallbearers were Ecklin Wallace, John Chute, Alfred Denniss, Richard Carter, Ralph Beeler and Marvin Potter. McDougall's Funeral Home had charge of funeral arrangements. The remains were laid to rest in Nokomis Cemetery. The late Mr. Hards was born at Battle, Sussex, England, March 14, 1900. During the first World War he joined the army when only 17 years old. He saw action in France and was with the occupation forces Germany immediately after the war. He came to Canada in 1920 and farmed in the Richfarms district until last year. While there he was Treasurer of the L.O.L. and a director of the Wheat Pool. An enthusiastic member of the Roya1 Canadian Legion, he served one term as president. In this body he will he greatly missed as he was alway ready to accept an arduous job no one else wanted to be bothered with, if it would help the organization. Besides his wife Edna, he leaves a son Raymond and a daughter Eileen (Mrs. L. Patrick) seven grandchildren, two sisters, Mrs. D. Riach, Victoria and Mrs. G. H. Barbor, Vancouver; two brothers, G. T. Hards of Hartland, Mich., U.S.A and Sydney Hards of Lowestofe, Sussex, England.

HARDS - Marion Hards, a one time resident of Nokomis passed away at Webberville, Michigan, November 10, age 82. Burial was at the Hartland Cemetery in the town of Hartland where she and her family had resided for many years. Her husband, Godfrey Hards predeceased her in 1972. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Barber Toronto, Raymond Hards and Mrs. Edna Hards attended the funeral.

HARLEY - Helen Louise passed away peacefully at the Nokomis Health Centre September 11, 2005, with family at her side. She was predeceased by her parents, Mary and Bob Harley, her grandmother, Louise Stevenson, and her brother-in-law, Don Bryden. Helen will be deeply missed and lovingly remembered by her two brothers, Ken (Judy) Harley, Allan (Rose) Harley, Nokomis; and three sisters, Joan (Roland) Richardson, High River, AB; Eileen (Don) Mansfield, Saskatoon; and Edith (Earl Wilier) Bryden, Regina; nieces and nephews, Doug (Deanna) Bryden; Joy (Ken) Hubelit; Ryan, Raylene, Shaun, Shannon, Chantelle Harley; Chad (Gary) Richardson; Kyla, (Shawn) Marchant; Robyn Hubelit and Autumn Bryden. A memorial service was held at the Nokomis Centennial Hall on September 17, 2005, with family and friends, to celebrate Helen's life. Rev. Ann Cheetham met with the family at the graveside in the Nokomis Cemetery. Helen was born November 17, 1944, and attended Newlands School. She lived on the family farm until 1982 and then moved to Regina to live with her sister Joan and family. In 1999 she returned to Nokomis as an original resident at Cathy's Place. Helen thoroughly enjoyed her many activities: visiting family and friends, dancing, photo shooting, ceramics, latch hooking, gardening, covering hangers, exercising to music, singing and helping everyone wherever possible. She took great pleasure in the selection and giving of gifts. Helen thoroughly enjoyed special events like birthdays and Christmas. She lived with an unconditional love that was not capable of knowing any hate or holding a grudge. For anyone who had the privilege of knowing Helen, she was truly a treasure and left behind a gift of many fond memories. Helen was not only a wonderful sister and aunt, she was our very best friend. Many thanks to everyone who built a relationship with Helen.

HARLEY - Kenneth Clive. With heavy hearts we announce the passing of Ken Harley of Nokomis, Saskatchewan. Ken left this world very suddenly on the evening of Sunday, September 30, 2007, at the age of fifty seven years. Kenneth Clive Harley was born August 8, 1950 in Nokomis Union Hospital to Robert (Bob) and Mary Harley. Ken was the youngest of a family of six children who were raised on the farm 4.5 miles east of Nokomis. Ken attended Newlands School a quarter mile down the road, until it closed in 1961. After graduating from Nokomis High School in 1968 he worked on a beef ranch at Earl Grey. In 1970 he moved to Winnipeg to work at Fluorescent Lighting. As a result of this experience he returned to attend Palliser Campus in Moose Jaw, where he completed a course in Electrical Construction and Maintenance. In 1972 he worked at Morris Rod Weeder in Yorkton operating a drill press and later that year he returned home to operate the family farm. On July 14, 1973 he married Judy Daniel of Avonlea, Saskatchewan. Together they made their first home in Lanigan, where Judy had obtained a teaching position. After commuting daily to the family farm they built a new home in 1979 and moved to Nokomis. To this marriage they were blessed with three children: Shaun, Shannon and Chantelle. Ken continued to farm until 1991 when a diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis (M.S.) made this activity very difficult. In the years prior to M.S. he enjoyed hunting, fishing, and family camping. Boating and water skiing were regular summer weekend activities. Snowmobiling, hockey and curling both as a spectator and a participant occupied his free time in the winter. In most recent years Ken greatly enjoyed quading, card games, mowing grass at the farm and cutting wood for the backyard bonfires. He was a loyal sports fan watching all the Blue Jay and Roughrider games. He enjoyed music and attending concerts. He could most often be found at MCD Welding Shop or Coffee Row. Ken had over the years been a member of the Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Board, Nokomis United Church Board of Stewards, and more recently the Nokomis Town Council. A memorial service was held Thursday, October 4, 2007 in the Nokomis United Church with Reverend George Holliday officiating and Lorna Mansell as organist. A niece, Joy Hubelit, sang vocal selections Amazing Grace and Angels Among Us. Brothers-in-law Dwain Daniel and Don Mansfield gave remembrances of Ken in their touching eulogies. Ushers were Elwood Smith and Ron Pratchler with Lawrence and Linda Beeler presiding over the guest register. Ken's cremains were interred at a Committal Service in Nokomis Cemetery. A luncheon followed with family and friends at Nokomis Centennial Hall, where a visual presentation of Ken's life was shown by Jennel Edwards. Ken was predeceased by his parents, Bob and Mary Harley, sister Helen Harley and brother-in-law Don Bryden. He will be sorrowfully missed by his wife, Judy; son Shaun (Leanne) of Red Deer, Alberta; daughter Shannon (Keith) Westman of Edmonton, Alberta and daughter Chantelle of Edmonton, Alberta. Also mourning his loss are his siblings: Edith Bryden (Earl Wilier) of Regina, Eileen (Don) Mansfield of Saskatoon, Joan (Roland) Richardson, High River, Alberta and Allan (Rose) Harley of Nokomis. Ken will also be missed as a brother and son to Peter (Shirley) Daniel, Moose Jaw; Dwain (Joan) Daniel of Prince Albert, David Daniel, Moose Jaw, Glen Daniel, Avonlea, Mary Lou Daniel (Bob Wynia) Sherwood Park, Alberta and Lana Daniel, Regina. Ken leaves behind numerous nieces and nephews, family members and friends who will miss his humour and quiet chuckle. "Grief is the price we pay for loving someone. Love lives on."

HARLEY - Mary Louise. The Nokomis community was saddened by the death of Mrs. Mary Louise Harley who passed away in the Nokomis Hospital on Saturday, October 2, 1982. The funeral service was held on Tuesday, October 5, in Christ Anglican Church with Rev. Briffett officiating. A large number of friends and relatives gathered to pay their last respects. Interment was made in the family plot at the Nokomis cemetery. The pallbearers were Ralph Beeler, Bill Hendry, Earle Mansell, Bob Edwards, Mac Hendry and Bob Shields. Serving as honorary pallbearers were Isabel Beeler, Hazel Chute, Edna Hards, EIla Beeler, Phyllis Rennie, Doris Horbul and Freda Hendry. Mary was born in the Newlands district on September 16, 1915; the daughter of Donald and Louise Stevenson. She continued to make her home in the district when she married Robert M. Harley on November 12, 1938. Predeceased by her husband in 1968 and brother Bert in 1964, she leaves her children: Edith & Don Bryden, Eileen & Don Mansfield, Helen Harley, Joan & Roland Richardson, Allan & Rose Harley, and Ken & Judy Harley; her grandchildren Doug & Deanna Bryden, Joy & Darrell Hubelit, Ryan, Raylene, Shaun and Shannon Harley, and Chad Richardson; great grandchild Kyla Hubelit; sisters Lena Casgrove and Sylvia Broeckel; brothers George and Jack Stevenson; and thirteen nieces and nephews. Mary Harley will be remembered for the many hours she willingly devoted to make the Nokomis community a great place to call home. Many organizations came to rely on her leadership and organizational skills. Mary was willing to share whatever she had; her hand was readily extended to anyone in need. The welcome mat was always out and many enjoyed a meal at her farm home.

HASTINGS - Ruby. On Monday, January 3, 2005, Ruby Hastings, late of Regina, passed away at the age of 93 years. Predeceased by her husband, Gordon; her parents; sisters, Pearl, Irene, Maxine. Ruby is survived by her sons, Clarence (Jean), Dennis (Alice), Joe (Bonnie), Allen (Glenda); daughter, Pat Renwick; fifteen grandchildren; twenty-one great-grandchildren; sisters-inlaw, Margerie Guy, Evelyn Hastings. Ruby was born in Reston MB. and raised in Nokomis Sk. She left home at 14 to become a cook for a threshing crew, later moving to Regina to cook at the Novia Cafe.

HASZ - Eltyn Eigen Patrick Hasz passed away suddenly and unexpectedly at the age of 57 years on Thursday, September 8, 2011 at Fort Peck Lake, near Glasgow, Montana. He will be lovingly remembered by his two daughters, Roberta of Saskatoon and Mandy of Regina; his daughters mother Jacqui McAfee; his mother Joan Hasz; sisters, Lydia (John) Dzurich of Humboldt/Nokomis and Andrea Hasz of Regina; one aunt Eileen Milne of Coronation, Alberta; as well as numerous cousins. He was predeceased by his father Ike Hasz in 1990; his grandparents; and several aunts, uncles and cousins. Eltyn was born in Castor, Alberta on March 17, 1954. He attended elementary school in Castor and completed his high school education in Nokomis in 1972. Eltyn travelled to England for a year and upon returning, he entered the University of Regina, obtaining a BA Honors Degree in Sociology. Eltyn worked at the Boys School in Moose Jaw, Big Brothers Association and in the last 29 years for the Department of Social Services and Career and Employment Services. Eltyn enjoyed music, barber shop and gospel singing, rock hunting and travelling. A Memorial Service will be held at Christ Lutheran Church, 4825 Dewdney Avenue, Regina on Thursday, September 15, 2011 at 1:00 p.m. with interment to take place at a later date.

HAUGEN - Thelma Elizabeth (nee Booth) Haugen passed away at the Bethany Care Centre in Calgary, AB on Friday, February 25, 2005. Thelma was born on September 24, 1916 in Nokomis, SK along with her twin sister Velma. She lived most of her life in or near Kinistino. Thelma lived in Calgary for the past seven years. She was predeceased by her husband of sixty years, Henry, on February 27, 2000 and her twin sister Velma and Lorne Hunt, sister Evelyn and Chuck Jackson, and her brother Basil. Left to mourn her passing are her four daughters, Cathy Dalman and Joe Rouault of Cochrane, AB; Marlyn and Walter Kaminski of Melfort; Joy and Ed Kokoski of Rocanville, SK; and Debbie Haugen of Calgary; eight grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren as well as other friends and relatives. A Family Service was held in Calgary on Tuesday, March 1, 2005. A Graveside Service will be held at the Kinistino Cemetery at a later date.

HAYDEN - Lewis. I was born at Nokomis at the family farm on October 11th, 1911. I was the eldest son of Warren & Bertha Hayden. I took my schooling at Bannockburn School. I quit school at an early age and farmed with my Dad from 1927 to 1931. The fall of 1931 I took a homestead with my two brothers and Dad north of Choiceland. In 1936 I married Mamie McLachlan, spent a year on the prairies and in 1938 moved on the homestead. In 1942 I took over the family farm and after the war I farmed with brother Walter for several years. Sold the farm in 1974 and a few years later moved to Choiceland. We lived in White Fox for 12 years, Mamie taught school there, due to ill health she had to give up teaching, after which we spent 12 winters in Florida. We had a cabin at Candle Lake where we entertained the grandchildren for several summers. I spent part of my life clearing and breaking up land. I enjoyed hunting and fishing. I always tried to take part in community affairs. I was a life member of "The United Farmers", always a member of the old C.C.F party and later N.D.P which I have a life membership. I was a member of the Nipawin Health Clinic, the Co-op Funeral Home, Credit Union, School Board, Co-op and Wheat Pool, Home and School and Church Boards, and later years the Seniors. Lewis died on Tuesday, June 20th, 2006 in Nipawin, SK at the age of 94 years. Lewis and Mamie had one son - Bill who married in 1963 and to this marriage 4 children were born: Laura, Lisa, Lloyd and Lance and 3 great grandchildren. Bill and Donna were married in February 1990. Mamie passed away in March 1990. Lewis and Isla were married on September 12th, 1992. They lived in Choiceland and spent much time traveling and enjoying their families and friends. Lewis was predeceased by his parents; wife Mamie; two brothers John and Walter; sister Irene; two brothers-in-law Minard and Earl. Lewis will be sadly and lovingly remembered by his wife Isla; son Bill (Donna); three step daughters; and two step sons; brother Earl (Joyce); sisters: Mae and Florence; four grandchildren; several step grandchildren and great grandchildren; nieces and nephews. Funeral Service was held in the Choiceland Elk's Hall in Choiceland, Saskatchewan on Friday, June 23rd, 2006 at 2:00 PM with Rev. Shelly Manley-Tannis officiating. Honorary Pallbearers were "All who loved and knew him". Eulogist was Eileen Fogarty. Organist was Linda Rigg. Soloist/Violinist was Eileen Fogarty. Memorial Book Attendants were Ida McDonald & Dorothy Rigg. Ushers were Ronald Smith & Don Kelsey. Lewis' Urn was laid to rest in the Crocken Hill Cemetery. Following interment, family and friends were invited to share in a time of fellowship in the Choiceland Elk's Hall.

HAYDEN - Rev. Walter Hayden passed away peacefully on Sunday, August 17, 2003. Walter was born at Nokomis, Sask. June 29, 1914. He homesteaded north of Choiceland working during the winters at Moen's and Smith's sawmills. In 1938 he married Ellen Smith. In 1940 Walter went to work in the mine at Sudbury, Ontario. Joined the R.C.A.F. in 1942, served overseas as a Flying Officer and flew 30 missions as a bomb aimer. After the war they returned to Choiceland where he farmed with brother Lewis. Janey and Barry followed to complete their family. Walter was very active in the Community and Church. Walter was ordained in the United Church in 1968. He served as minister at the Cote Reserve near Kamsack and also Loreburn Charge. Walter and Ellen retired in 1979 to Candle Lake. He leaves to celebrate his life and cherish his memory. his wife Ellen of 65 years; his children Janey (Carl) Vanin; Barry Hayden (Jennifer Antonson) Four grandchildren, and one great grandson. Brother Lewis (Isla), Earle (Joyce) sisters Mae McTaggart and Florence Opdahl and numerous other family members. We love you - rest in peace. Funeral and burial were at Candle Lake August 21, 2003

HEMINGWAY - Fred. Funeral services were held Feb. 23rd, 1971 for the late Fred Hemingway from the Nokomis United Church with Rev. R. W. Swann officiating. Born on July 31st, 1913 in the Nushka District south west of Nokomis, later known as Saline District, he passed away Feb. 19th, 1971 in Regina General Hospital. He had been in ill health for the past 1 ? years. Fred attended Saline School and later farmed in that district for a number of years. In 1942 he was married to Violet Olivia Moore of Last Mountain. For 3 years (1943-1946) they farmed some miles south of Semans on the R. Laughington farm from where they moved in 1946 to the farm formerly owned by the Powell family in the Richfarms District northeast of Nokomis, which is still the family farm. During the course of his life he served his community as School trustee at Richfarms, as a member of the Richfarms Telephone Board, as a Wheat Pool Committee member of Ambassador and Nokomis and as a Deputy Returning Officer of Div. 6 of Mount Hope Municipality for several years. He also served on the Nokomis Credit Union Board for 9 years and for several years was a member of the Board of Stewards of the United Church. He took a keen interest in sports being an ardent fisherman, hunter, and curler with hockey as an added interest for many years as his sons participated in that sport. He is survived by his widow, 5 sons, Fred Jr. of Edmonton, Alan of Lloydminster, Harvey of Rose Valley, Glen and Hugh at home; four daughters, Sharon (Mrs. Brian Hilis) of Moose Jaw, Iris (Mrs. Jim Proseilo), of Regina, Audrey and Phyllis at home, and five grandchildren; also his only sister Mrs. Elizabeth Cowan of Moose Jaw. Pallbearers included Dick Carter, Lorne Smith, Jack Edwards, Wilbert McNichol, Art Ramshaw and Gordon Hicks. Honorary Pallbearers were Dick Serfling, Albert Greenfleld, Harold Chute, Bob Ramshaw, Ech Wallace and Edwin Rogne.

HEMINGWAY - Harvey, late of Holdfast, Saskatchewan passed away suddenly on Tuesday, February 17, 2004 at the age 55 years. Harvey is predeceased by his father, Fred; father-in-law, Henry Kelly; and brothers-in-law, Henry Kelly Jr. and Peter Verboom. Left to cherish his memory is his best friend and loving wife of 35 years, Marilyn; his daughters, Jackie (Darcy Zakowski), and Susan (Clayton Lessmeister); son, Craig (Chris) and their daughter, Ella; his mother, Violet; mother-in-law, Irene Kelly; brothers, Fred (JoAnn), twin brother, Alan (Wendy), Glen (Bev) and Hugh (Wendy); sisters, Sharon (Brian) Hilts, Iris (Jim) Proseilo, Audrey (Bob Hendry) Landstrom and Phyllis (Steve) James; brothers-in-law, Bob (Linda) Kelly, Angus (Arlene) Kelly and Dale Landstrom; and sisters-in-law, Kathy Kelly and Carol Titoski; his aunt, Ethel Reiss; numerous nieces, nephews, great-nieces, great-nephews, special friends and relatives. A FUNERAL SERVICE will be held on Saturday, February 21, 2004 at Blessed Virgin Mary Roman Catholic Church, Holdfast, Saskatchewan at 1:30 pm with Mr. Gary Keefe officiating. Viewing for family and friends will be held prior to the service.

HENDRY - Freda (nee Fritzler) of Nokomis passed away June 27, 2008 at the age of 88. Predeceased by her son Dennis, husband Malcolm and 5 siblings. She leaves to cherish her memory daughter Debra Hendry Roth, son Dale Hendry, 3 grandchildren Kurt and Sarah Roth and Riley Hendry, brother Godfrey (Anne) Fritzler, 2 sisters Katie Fritzler and Eleanor Riach. Funeral Service will be held on Thursday July 3, 2008 at 2 PM from Nokomis United Church. Donations in memory of Freda may be made to a Charity of Your Choice. Funeral arrangements entrusted to Hansen's Funeral Home.

HENDRY - George William 'Bill' Hendry passed away on September 7, 2010, at the age of 84 years, at Regina, SK. Bill was the sixth of 12 children born to Florence and Charles on November 3, 1925, at Nokomis, SK. He grew up farming and continued to do so until his retirement in the early 2000s. Even after he retired, he kept an active interest in his nephew's farming operations. In 1943, when Bill was 17, he enrolled in the Regina Rifle Regiment and spent a two-year tour of duty overseas. When he returned, he became a member of the Legion and remained an active member until his passing. Bill purchased his own land and homestead in 1952. In 1953, Bill met Hazel Leach, who was working as a Nurses Aid at the Nokomis Union Hospital and the two were married three years later, on July 20, 1956. Three daughters were born to the couple, Bonnie, Wendy and Karen. The family was active with horses and Bill was a competitor, director and judge for many years. He was a lifetime member of the Nokomis Ag Society and took part in the local fair every year until the most recent. Curling was also one of Bill's passions, he was a skilled skip and in 1976, he and his team represented Saskatchewan at the Legion Dominion in Prince Albert. He also loved hockey and served as President of the Local Hockey Club, as well as acted as goal judge for home games since 1965 right up until last winter. Bill was predeceased by: his wife, Hazel; parents; three sisters, Minnie, Flo, Nell; four brothers, Mac, Bud, Dunc and Russell. He is survived by: his daughters, Bonnie Decker, Wendy Rue and Karen Hendry-Robinson (Michael); grandchildren, Keirsten Benroth (Brad), Kelly and Lindsay Decker, Kyle Hendry, and Suzanne and Dillon Rue; great-grandchildren, Katelyn Benroth (Keirsten) and Kaiden Hendry (Kyle); sisters, Enid Wishart, Doris Fritzler and Gladys Peterman; and brother, Jim Hendry. Bill also leaves behind many nieces and nephews and friends. A Celebration of Bill's Life was held on Sunday, September 12 at 2:30 p.m. at Nokomis Centennial Hall, Nokomis, SK. Honourary pallbearers were all of Bill's nephews. Register attendants were Lorna and Earle Mansell. Eulogy was by Janice Edwards. A private family interment was at Nokomis Cemetery.

HENDRY - James Calvin Hendry (January 28, 1927 - September 10, 2012). Jim Hendry died at the Nokomis Health Centre on September 10, 2012. He was 85 years old. He was born to Charles and Florence Hendry on January 28, 1927 at Nokomis, the seventh of 12 children. Jim attended Newlands School and after Grade 8, the highest grade offered, he contin ued with correspondence classes at home for two years. Along with farm chores and home studies it was his job to run to the school every morning to light the fire and get the schoolhouse ready before the teacher and other students arrived for class. As a boy Jim had a curious and often mischievous nature. He became a hard-working, respected man who retained his curiosity and sense of humour. Jim was often called upon to help solve mechanical problems with vehicles and machinery. He had a keen interest in how things worked. Jim enjoyed making modifications and improvements to anything that wasn't working the way he thought it should work. He could repair most things when they broke, often making them better than new. At 16 he began working as a mechanic for his father at Hendry's Western Service Station. At the age of 24 he purchased a truck and began hauling cars from Windsor, Ontario to Saskatchewan and Alberta. It was his hope that some day the long hours and hard work would pay off and he would be able to own his own farm. He met Anne Harder when she came to Nokomis to work as a nurse's aide at the hospital. They were married on March 11, 1955. Jim's dream of farming became a reality with the purchase of the Alf Skippon farm (NW 16-30-21 W2) in 1955. The young couple spent summers on the farm and moved back into town for the winter. In the spring of 1958, with the arrival of electricity in the rural areas, they made the farm their permanent home. Daughters Janice, Myrna, Linda and Heather grew up on the family farm. Jim enjoyed his life as a farmer. He commented that when you like your work it isn't really work - it's fun. He did indeed have many hours of fun clearing bush, leveling hills and burying rock-piles to improve their land. He was always willing to share his farming knowledge and lend a helping hand. Jim was interested in people and enjoyed visiting with his neighbours, friends and family. He liked to hear about the activities of his grandchildren and great-grandchildren, help them out when he could, tease them a bit and have a treat for them. In 2006, Jim and Anne sold the farm to their grandson Sean. They continued to live in their farm home until the summer of 2011. Declining health brought a move into the Hiawatha Homes in Nokomis for Jim and a move to a private care home for Anne. Jim moved to the Nokomis Health Centre in April 2012. Jim was predeceased by his mother (1971); father (1991); brothers Bud (1988), Mac (1993), Dunc (1993), Russ (1997) and Bill (2010); sisters Minnie (1995), Flo (1997) and Nell (1999). He is survived by his wife Anne; daughter Janice (Doug) Edwards and their family: Erin (Allen) Stephen, Emma, James, Luke and Rory; Sean (Angela), Hunter and Tanner; Colin (Janelle), Cole, Allie and Mckenna; Eric (Julie), Finley and Griffin; daughter Myrna Hendry; daughter Linda Hendry (Les Zawadzki), Anna and Katherine; daughter Heather (Kevin) Roske, Graham and Aislinn; sisters Doris Fritzler, Gladys (Zell) Peterman and Enid Wishart; and sister-in-law Dolores Hendry. Many nieces, nephews will also remember him. A graveside service will be held at the Nokomis Cemetery on Saturday, October 6 at 2:00 p.m. led by the Rev. Linsell Kurd. Lunch and time for remembering Jim's life will follow at the Nokomis Centennial Hall.

HENDRY - Malcolm Alexander Hendry was born at the farm (SE 20-29 W2) on December 28, 1920. He was the third child of a family of 12 children, being the oldest son. He spent all of his life in the Nokomis area, attending school at Newlands. Malcolm (Mac) became a farmer at the early age of eight years, doing field work on Saturdays with the horses. He was soon part of the threshing crew pitching sheaves. He often worked with the road gang to work off the taxes. In the winter it was his job to haul fire wood from the reserve near Raymore, two days for the round trip with a team of horses and sleigh. When he left home at seventeen years of age worked as hired help for different farmers. In 1945, he was married to Freda Fritzler. He bought, then moved to the Cheetam farm. He began working for himself, raising a herd of cattle and doing custom work for the neighbours, besides doing his own farming. He was able to buy a second hand tractor and gradually acquire more land. In 1979 he purchased the original Hendry farm land. Three children were born while still on the farm, namely Dennis Malcolm, Debra Wynne and Dale William. As well as being a hard working farmer, Mac had other interests. He served on the U.G.G. Board of Directors. He was one of the first members of the Last Mountain Regional Park board (Fish and Game) He was a trustee on the Newlands School Board. Mac's family was top priority, Mac and Freda had Forty-eight happy years together. They were blessed with a loving daughter Debra, in 1954. She and her father had a very special relationship. They shared many good times together, including fishing and riding horseback. He was blessed with two beautiful grandchildren to enjoy, Kurt Alexander and Sarah Rae. They gave him great pride, joy and happiness. He visited them often. Dale was born in 1956. He and his father, too, had many happy experiences, working closely together at the business of farming, Mac took time out to accompany him to sports activities, coaching both ball and hockey in his early years. Mac loved and took a great interest in all young people. In his leisure time, he attended and supported minor hockey and ball. Curling was his favourite sport, as well as fishing and hunting. When he was unable to participate in curling he was there watching and commentating He tried to follow all the senior hockey in the area. Mac was a loving, caring, kind father and husband, always putting them first and wanting the best for them. He enjoyed a good game of cards or cribbage with his friends at the Senior Centre. He liked to sing especially with the choir. He had great sense of humour and a keen wit. After twenty years on the farm the family built a new home in th town of Nokomis. The road to the farm was impassible for the school bus in the winter months. Mac's interest in the operation of the farm continued when he was active there until the last several weeks of his life. He was predeceased by his first born son Dennis (1947), his parents Florence and Charles, and brothers Kenneth and Donald. He is survived by his loving wife) Freda; daughter Debra (Harry) Roth, son Dale (special friend Vickie) and very special grandchildren Kurt and Sarah Roth; sisters Minnie (Clarence) Kraft, Florence (Gordon) Campbell, Ellen (Ken) Puffer, Doris (Alex) Fritzler, Gladys (Zell) Peterman, Enid (Elgin) Wishart; brothers, Bill (Hazel), Jim (Anne), Russell (Dolores); sisters-in-law, Donalda Hendry and Janet Hendry; as well as numerous nieces and nephews, relations and many, many friends. Mac was deeply loved and will be sadly missed by his family and all who knew him. Mac's death occurred on Sunday. August 8th at the Pasqua Hospital in Regina. Prayers were conducted Tuesday evening August 10th by Deborah Martin at the Nokomis United Church for members of the family of Malcolm Hendry. The funeral service was held on Wednesday, August 11, 1993 at the United Church at 2:00 p.m. with Deborah Martin officiating.

HENNINGSEN - Ethel (nee Hoffman). On Thursday, November 8, 2001, Ethel (Hoffman) Henningsen, age 94 years, passed away at Donwood Manor in Winnipeg, MB. Ethel was born October 21, 1907 in Nokomis, SK. to Wilhelm and Rosie Hoffman. She married James Henningsen June 12, 1937. She was predeceased by her parents; husband in 1977; three brothers, Julius, William, and Wilfred; and four sisters, Alma Zorn, Lydia Hoffman, Lavina Hoffman, and Esther Hodges. She is survived by her son James; two sisters-in-law, Eva Hoffman of Winnipeg, Evelyn Hoffman of Morris; nieces and nephews and will be sadly missed by them. A nephew Pastor Dale Hodges will be officiating at the service and nephew David Hodges, Organist, will be providing the music. Funeral service will take place on Monday, November 12 at 1:00 p.m. at Bardal Funeral Chapel, 843 Sherbrook St., Winnipeg. Committal at Brookside Cemetery on Tuesday, November 13 at 9:30 a.m.

HENRY - Robert "Bob" Andrew. It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Bob Henry on Thursday, August 14, 2003 at the age of 62. Bob will be sadly missed by his best friend and spouse Myrt (Sweet Pea); his daughter Dawn (Darren); his three sisters Mary (Ron), Shirley (Wayne), Donna (Ivan); his stepsons Dallas, Darrell (Ardelle) and extended family Ken, Melissa (Gary), Brenda (Glen) and Michelle; numerous grandchildren, nieces and nephews. He also leaves to mourn his uncle Ted, aunt Rachel and aunt Jean. Bob was pre-deceased by his parents Joe and Agnes. Bob was born and raised in the Nokomis Saskatchewan area, later moved to Alberta and has made his home in Edmonton where he resided until his passing. Bob was a soft spoken, quiet private man and was well known among the business industry. The family wishes to express a special thank you to Dr. R.J. Bailey, Dr. M. Blitz and the nursing staff at the R.A.H. A Memorial Service will be held on Tuesday, August 19, 2003 at 2:00 pm at the Evergreen Funeral Chapel, 16204 Fort Road, Edmonton. Interment of cremated remains to follow in Evergreen Memorial Gardens.

HICKS - Judith Margaret. FuneraI service for Judith Margaret Hicks was held Nov. 11, 1969 at Nokomis United Church conducted by Rev. R. W. Swann. Organist was Mrs. J. W. Hamilton. Pallbearers were cousins and friends of Judy's; Jim Edwards, Laurence Edwards, Don Carter, Brian Edwards, Dean Swann and Michael Horbul. Guard of Honor was student nurses from the Regina General Hospital. Judy was born in Nokomis Nov. 25, 1949. She was confirmed in the United Church. She took an active part in church, school and 4H work. Judy was a quiet gentle person --- always happy, always smiling. Her patient and kind ways warmed the hearts of all. She had always wanted to be a nurse and started training in the Regina General in 1968. She worked hard and enjoyed caring for others so much. Judy's life, even though in years it may seem short were very full. Her mother, father, sister and grandfather thank God for giving them those years with her. Now she is with Him. Those attending from out of town: Mrs. Gerry Kamlah, Cassiar, B.C.; Mrs. Helen Black, Vancouver; Bob Huston, Hamilton; Mr. Gordon Huston, Diane and Bill Yarmi, Calgary; Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Huston, Mr. and Mrs. Cec. Simpson, Regina as well as many friends. On Nov. 13, 1969 the student nurses of the Regina General held a Memorial Service in Honor of Judy Hicks. It was a quiet service attended by Judy?s classmates and a few relatives. In memory of Judy ,the nurses dedicated their class year book.

HICKS - Olive Margaret Hicks (nee Huston) passed away on October 4, 2005 at MSA General Hospital in Abbotsford, BC. Olive Margaret (Huston) Hicks was born on October 7, 1912 in Virden, MB, the third child of seven born to Sam and Matilda (Worthy) Huston. During her school years she lived in Moosomin, Moose Jaw, North Battleford and Saskatoon. While still a student she worked at the Metropolitan Store in Saskatoon. After completing her high school, she continued to work at that same store for 12 years. In 1941, she applied for a wartime job and took a course at the school for Gun & Carriage Examiners and upon graduation she was stationed in Ontario and Quebec. She found this an interesting vocation with many new experiences. After the war, she returned to Saskatoon and worked as a social worker until her marriage. On December 12, 1946 Olive married Gordon Hicks. They resided in the community of Nokomis, Saskatchewan. They had two children: Elaine Ann and Judith Margaret. They provided a happy, loving home for their children. In the summer of 2000, Olive moved to Abbotsford, BC where she resided at Menno Pavilion. Church and singing were an important part of her life. She was always singing in choirs, performing both duets with her sister and solos. As a child she belonged to Girl Guides and this stimulated her interest as an adult to lead Brownies. She was also a Home Craft 4-H leader for a short time. For 22 years she was a director of the Nokomis Agricultural Society and was made an Honorary Life Member in 1987. She joined the Women's Institute in 1949, serving as president, secretary and treasurer locally; and within the district she served as district secretary. She was secretary-treasurer of the Nokomis Cemetery Committee for 20 plus years. Olive's interests included flower arranging, drapery making, reupholstering, sewing, knitting, crocheting, needlepoint, ceramics, refinishing furniture, baking and travelling. She was always resourceful, for example, she once covered her upstairs bedroom floor with wood patterned wallpaper and then Varathaned it, it looked beautiful! Olive was an avid gardener. In 1949, when Nokomis was having its first local fair since the end of World War II, she entered her first exhibit. She chose Delphiniums in a bouquet of cut flowers and won first prize. This was her first of over 40 years of entering exhibits in the country fair. We will remember her sense of humour, she was always fun to be around and always willing to laugh with others, as well as at herself. She had a special, gentle way of encouraging others. She was a peacemaker. Her siblings would fondly speak of the special closeness they felt to her. It was expressed not only by their words but also by the loving look they got when they spoke of her. Olive said the happiest days of her life were on the farm in Saskatchewan. Her love of nature, gardening and design were expressed in her beautiful garden and farmyard. In her memoirs, Olive recalled her grandmother Huston as a fair, kind and loving person. And these too are fitting words that could be used to describe Olive. Olive was predeceased by her husband Gordon; her daughter Judy; her siblings, Earle (Nellie), Helen (Michael), Bob (Teresa), Gordon, Lloyd (Lois) and Esther; and her brother-in-law Winston (Ada). Left to cherish her memory are her daughter Elaine (Allan) Bartel; her grandchildren Melinda and Brendan (Crystal); great-grandchildren, Olivia and Evan; sister-in-laws Iris Huston, Lil (Gerry) Kamlah and Ruth; brother-in-law Harold (Gene) Hicks; nieces, nephews and friends. A memorial service was held on October 8, 2005 at the Evangelical Free Church in Abbotsford, BC. A graveside service was held on May 20, 2006 at Nokomis, Saskatchewan.

HICKS - Peter Noble. His many friends in Nokomis district were sorry to learn of the death of P. Noble Hicks, who passed away in the Pioneer Home Strasbourg on Jan. 10, 1974 at the age of 90 years. The funeral service was held in Nokomis Anglican Church on Jan. 15, Rev. M. Revitt officiating with interment in Nokomis Cemetery. Mrs. J. Hamilton was organist. Pallbearers, were Jim Hendry, Cyril Marten, Ray Hards, Harold Taylor, John Chute and Harold Chute. Funeral director was Earl McDougall of Nokomis Funeral Home. Mr. Hicks was born Jan. 14, 1883, in Cayuga, Ontario and attended schools in the district until he was 14 years of age. In the spring of 1903, ,along with brother John, he came west to find a homestead. After working one year in Wolseley, Sask., he and John along with E. J. Edwards travelled north and located their homesteads in the Nokomis district. The following summer of 1904, they built sod shacks and began the great the great task of breaking the prairie sod. In 1909 he married Miss Gertrude Edwards in the present Anglican Church of Nokomis. He farmed his original homestead until retiring to Nokomis in 1952. In l968, he entered the Strasbourg Pioneer Home and remained there until his death. Recalling his stories of the early years, one could sense amid all the hardships that it was his courage and his ever present optimism for life that endeared him to the hearts at all who knew him. He had ?The faith that sees the good that lives Within the hearts of men?. He served for many years as Trustee on Rowandville School Board also on the Board of the Richfarms Rural Telephone Co. He was predeceased by his wife, Gertrude, in October, 1968. He leaves three sons, Gordon of Nokomis; Winston of Toronto; and Harold of Comox, B.C.; and one daughter, Lillian (Mrs. Kamlah) of Cassiar, B.C. and 6 grandchildren.

HINE - Beverley Joan (nee Way) Jones of Nokomis, SK and previously of Regina and Saskatoon, saw her courageous battle with multiple myeloma end on Thursday, January 26, 2006. Predeceased by devoted husband Doug Jones in 1981, parents Gordon and Ada Way and brother Norman Way, brother-in-law Norman Batting, and sisters-in-law Aileen Way and Verna Ritchey. Bev will be loved always and missed greatly by husband Harry Hine; children: Maureen (Stu) McLellan, Dale (Pam) Jones and Brett (Genevieve) Jones and their families: Erin (Rob), Hayley, Dylan and Aidan Taylor; Marc (Tracey) and Tejas McLellan; Douglas Jones; Danielle (Greg) Edwardsen; Derek (Kristie) and Jaiden Edwardsen. Mourning Bev also are her loving sisters Aileen Batting and Edna (Jim) Quinn and the Way family; Jones family: Bob (Jackie) Jones, Joyce (Rollie) Ritchey, Florence (Jack) Decker, Carl and Boots Ritchey; step-children Heather (Clare) Hodgins, Margo (Dennis) Bradley and Dale (Judy) Hine and families: Christopher (Amy) Hodgins; Leah (Kyle) Hodgins; Tammy (Ian) Kopp; Thomas (Robin) Matechuk and Michael Matechuk; Jefferson (Erin) Hine, Jade Hine and children, as well as Bev's many dear friends and other relatives. Besides family and friends, Bev's passions included the Roughriders (45 year season ticket holder); cottage life at Last Mountain Regional Park; winters in El Centro, CA; fishing; curling and bridge with the Rosemont gang. Memorial Service will be conducted by Rev. Marjorie Kent on Monday, January 30 at 11:00 a.m. at Rosemont United Church, 5000 8th Ave. in Regina. Private interment at Regina Memorial Gardens to follow church reception. The family is deeply grateful for the exceptional care Bev received from her doctors, nurses and staff of Nokomis Health Centre, especially Dr. Bee Lim, Allan Blair Cancer Centre, Pasqua and General Hospitals and Cross Cancer Institute (Edmonton).

HINE - Harry Thomas (August 1, 1929 ? December 26, 2015). Harry Hine of Nokomis, SK passed away peacefully in the early hours of December 26, 2015 at the age of 86. Harry was predeceased by his wife Marjorie (Barber) in 1980, and his wife Bev (Jones) in 2006, parents Thomas and Annie Hine, brothers George and Les Hine, sisters Lillian and Eileen. Harry will be loved always and missed greatly by his children Heather (Clare) Hodgins, Margo (Dennis) Bradley and Dale (Judy) Hine and their families: Christopher (Amy) Hodgins, Leah (Kyle) Worth: Tammy Matechuk and children Brandon, Riley and Charlie: Thomas (Robin) Matechuk, Michael Matechuk; Dale (Judy) Hine: Jefferson (Christine) Hine and children Karis, Amira and Keats, Jade Hine and daughter Kylah, Tyler and Christopher Coghill. Mourning Harry are his special friend Ilene Harding, his brother Art (Theresa) Hine, his step-children Maureen (Stu) McLellan, Dale (Pam) Jones and Brett (Genevieve) Jones and their families: Erin (Rob), Hayley, Dylan and Aidan Taylor; Marc, Tejas and Nylee McLellan; Douglas Jones; Danielle Edwardsen and son Jagger; as well as Harry?s many dear friends and other relatives. Harry was always active in many aspects of community life. He operated his plumbing, heating and trenching business in Nokomis and neighbouring communities. He was a proud member of the Nokomis Legion and a lifelong supporter of Last Mountain Regional Park where he served as a board member for many years, and as a volunteer for pretty well the entire 50+ years of the park's existence. His cottage was a very special place for him, his family, and his many friends as he hosted countless gatherings and celebrations on his back deck, which was full of beautiful flowers. When he was able to sit still for a moment he enjoyed watching the many colourful birds at his feeders. Harry enjoyed summers at the cottage at Last Mountain Regional Park and winters in B.C., El Centro and Arizona. He loved to travel to Hawaii and throughout North America from Alaska to Mexico and everywhere in between. Harry loved all kinds of sports including hockey (refereeing and supporting the local hockey teams) and curling. He had Saskatchewan Roughrider season tickets for many years & enjoyed several Grey Cups. Harry loved hunting with his many hunting buddies. He never missed a deer season not even at 86 years of age. He loved fishing, boating, and hitting the golf links both as a golfer and volunteer grounds keeper. He took great pride in organizing the annual LMRP Seniors golf tournament. Harry loved fishing, boating and all kinds of sports, hockey (refereeing and supporting the local hockey teams) and curling. Harry enjoyed meeting new people, playing cards and visiting with friends, neighbours and family of all ages. He was always ready and willing to help out with a project or wherever he saw a need. Harry had a great love for life and lived life at full speed right to the end. A Celebration of Harry?s Life will be held at Last Mountain Regional Park, near Govan, SK. on Saturday, August 6, 2016 at 2:00 p.m.

HODGSON - Arthur. It is with great sadness that the family of Arthur Hodgson, age 87 years, announces his passing on Tuesday, January 29th, 2008. Arthur was predeceased by his loving wife Winnifred of 46 years. He is survived by his son, Arthur (Jannette) Robert; granddaughter, Jezlyn of Saskatoon, SK; twin sister, Vera Siepp of Vancouver, BC; nieces, June, Monica and families; nephews, George, Richard and families; friend, Yvonne Schmidt. Arthur was born in England on April 14th, 1920 and moved to the farming community of Nokomis in the thirties. He joined the military in 1942 and was honourably discharged in 1945. In 1954, he joined the Canadian National Railway and married Winnifred in 1957. They moved to Girvin, then to Kenaston and finally to Dundurn in 1969. He retired from the railway in 1981. Arthur led a simple life, but was always on the go. There was no obstacle too big for him. He was a devoted father who taught us all the meaning of never giving up on anything. He was every animals' friend and very loving towards his own pet dogs. He will be sadly missed. A Funeral Service will be held on Friday, February 1st, 2008, at 1:30 p.m. at Hillcrest Funeral Home (east on 8th Street, turn right before railway crossing) with Reverend Gerrit Kamphuis officiating. Interment will follow at Hillcrest Memorial Gardens.

HOLMES - Marina Helen (nee Carter). The death of Mrs. Marina Helen Holmes aged 67 years of Semans SK occurred at the Regina General Hospital on Wednesday April 24, 2002. The Funeral Service will be held in Semans United Church on Monday April 29th at 2 p.m. conducted by Sherron Schick. Interment will follow in Semans Cemetery. Marina was predeceased by her parents Robert and Goldie Carter; brothers Richard Carter and Robert Carter; sisters Ethel Lyons, Verna Dollman, June Forbes and Arlene Carter. Marina is survived by her loving family, husband John, daughter Leslie (Bob) Mann, Semans; sons, Jay (Sheila) Holmes, Semans, Bob (Tammy) Holmes, Lloydminister, Garry (Andrea) Holmes, Saskatoon, Robin (Katharine) Holmes, Cayman Islands, Doug (Linda) Holmes, Lloydminister; 8 grandchildren; sisters Bernice Webb, Penticton, Beverly Lewis, Regina; brother Kelly Carter, Okanogan Falls, BC; and numerous nieces and nephews.

HORBUL - Doris May Horbul (nee McGinn) was born in South Porcupine, ON, on May 31, 1922. She was the third child of Myrtle and John McGinn. She had eight siblings, seven brothers and a sister. Doris passed away, at the age of 86 years, on Sunday, January 4, 2009 at Watrous Union Hospital in Watrous, SK. After graduating, Doris was very proud to receive her Registered Nurse at the Ottawa General Hospital. She moved to Nelson, BC, where she applied her trade. From there she went to Winnipeg, MB. She returned home to work in South Porcupine where she met Mike Horbul. They were married July 31, 1947. In 1949 they moved to Nokomis, SK, where they ran a family owned restaurant with Mike's brother, Tony. They called the cafe "Mike's Sportsmens Cafe". They were famous for their steak, hot hamburger sandwiches, pies and for having the most delicious soft ice cream. Cooking ducks during hunting season was another speciality. They retired from the cafe in 1979. Doris was predeceased by her husband of 50 years, Mike (1997); her parents and her husband's parents; infant daughter Mary (1954); grandsons, Garrett Horbul (2002) and John Horbul (2008); as well as six brothers, George, John, Lawrence, Arnold, Stuart and Jim McGinn; her sisters-in-law Zora Tapping, Joan McGinn, Barb McGinn and nephew Terry McGinn. Doris is survived by four children: three sons, Michael (Phyllis), Doug (Vicki), Allan, and daughter, Patti (Craig) Busse; 12 grandchildren, Stacey (Greg) Wells, Shannon Mutschler, Kristin (Michael) Maclssac, Jaime Horbul (friend Christopher Sartore), Michael Busse, Rae Busse, Carmen (Kevin) Douglas, Brett Busse, Kendel Busse, Jennifer (Trevor) Burke, Jeff Horbul and Mason Horbul; ten great-grandchildren, Matthew, Linden and Justin Wells, Alexandra and Lauren Mutschler, Jensen Maclsaac, Cole, Cody and Catie Burke and Chase Douglas. She is also survived by her sister, Myrtle (Scotty) Fulton; brother Doug McGinn; sister-in-law Mary Horbul, brother-in-law Tony (Fern) Horbul, many nieces, nephews and other relatives and friends. Doris was a very hard worker, working 16-hour days in the cafe with only Christmas Day and New Years off. All the family had a good picture of her life because she liked to talk about all the stories that were a part of her life. She was a wonderful storyteller. She enjoyed visiting with family and friends, watching TV with an eye on what was going on in the world, knitting, playing cards, and preparing a great meal. A day didn't go by without reading a book. She was very involved with her grandchildren and great-grandchildren. All the staff that worked at the cafe were considered family as well. Having survived cancer in 1980 she was a very positive person proud that she had lived such an unexpectedly long life. She will be missed. A memorial service was held at Nokomis United Church in Nokomis, SK, on Wednesday, January 7 at 2:00 p.m. Officiant was Rev. George Holliday. Register attendants were Bob Decker and Jerry Decker. Ushers were Mary Felske and Shirley Kirk. Eulogy was by Michael Horbul and Michael Busse. Interment at Nokomis Cemetery.

HORBUL - John Allan. The death of John Allan Horbul aged 31 years of Nokomis, SK occurred accidentally near Maidstone July 31, 2008. John is survived by his father Allan, mother Victoria (Michael) Rattray; sister Jennifer (Trevor) Burke; brother Jeffery; grandparents, Gladys Simpson, Doris Horbul and Florence Rattray, nieces, nephews and extended family. A Private Family Service will be held in Nokomis United Church on Wednesday, August 6th. Friends are invited to stop by Allan's home after 3:00 p.m. to celebrate his life.

HORBUL - Mary Horbul was born on October 19, 1918 in Fillmore, Saskatchewan. She was the third of four children born to John and Anna Horbul. Her father was a railroad man so she spent her youth living in many towns in Sask., Alberta and British Columbia. The family finally settled when she was in her teens in Nokomis, SK. Her mother arranged for her to learn how to keep books from a man that did that for a living in Nokomis. She moved to Toronto in the early 1940's and worked there as a bookkeeper with various companies in downtown Toronto. She was noted as someone who did her job well and I doubt you could find anyone who was more conscientious. After her retirement she continued to live in downtown Toronto and when she became ill in 2002 she moved to a nursing home in Don Mills, ON and then to another nursing home in Oshawa ON. She passed away on December 13, 2009 in Oshawa. During her working life she started to travel the world and this continued after her retirement in the early 1980's. She very much enjoyed all the travelling she did and was so interested in all the places and people she met. She would just light up when she was telling you about her travels. She was an avid bridge player and got many hours of enjoyment from playing. She loved following politics and had some pretty clear views of what was right and what was wrong. The Prime Ministers office will miss her calls. I am sure she was one of the Toronto Blue Jays biggest fans and when she was well never missed a game on TV. She loved telling and hearing a good joke. She never married or had a family of her own but she had eight nieces and nephews. When my two brothers and sister and I were growing up in Nokomis we always looked forward to her annual visits. They will always be a special memory to us. She was predeceased by her parents, John and Anna; sister, Zora (Tom) Tapping; brother, Mike (Doris) Horbul. She is survived by her brother, Tony (Fern) Horbul and their children, Judy, Jim, Debbie, and Karen. She is also survived by the children of the late Mike and Doris Horbul Michael, Doug, Allan and Patti. A special thank you to the Hillsdale Terraces Nursing Home in Oshawa for looking after her so well. A thank you as well to her great friends Donna Emiljanowwicz, Lorna Thaxter, and Neil Bradley and there spouses for the care and support during the last difficult years in Mary's life. Her interment will be in Nokomis Cemetery at a later date.

HYDE - Frances M. (nee Krell). In loving memory of Frances Hyde who passed away Sunday, August 30, 2009 in Saskatoon, SK. Frances was born in Nokomis, SK June 5, 1923. She received her schooling in Carmel, SK and Humboldt and attended Saskatoon Business College 1942-1943. Frances was employed with various Saskatoon businesses. On July 3, 1948 she married Jack Hyde, and they resided in Saskatoon their entire lives. Frances is lovingly remembered by her two children, Wayne (Cheryl) Hyde, and Karen (Glen) MacLachlan; two surviving sisters, Beatrice Conn and Connie Dumont; three grandchildren, Jameson, David, and Ryan; and numerous nieces and nephews. Frances is predeceased by her parents, Conrad and May and three sisters. A private family service will take place at Frances' request.

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IBBOTSON - Eva Mureal (nee Alexander). The death of Mrs. Eva Mureal Ibbotson of Nutana Towers, Saskatoon occurred in a local hospital on Feb. 7th, 1976. Surviving are a number of nieces and nephews and one brother, W. Alexander of Vancouver. Her first husband, John (Jack) Wallace Corbett died on Aug. 16, 1954 and is buried in Soldiers Field in Woodlawn Cemetery in Saskatoon. Her second husband, Percy John Ibbotson died June 3, 1969 in Radisson, Sk. Interment for Mrs. Ibbotson was made in the family plot in the Nokomis Cemetery on Thurs., Feb. 12th, 1976 at 1:30 pm.

ISHERWOOD - Anne Marie (nee Murphy) aged 85 years, passed away on Thursday, July 14, 1994 at Nokomis. A funeral service was held at St. Patrick's Roman Catholic Church in Nokomis on Monday, July 18th with Rev. Father Peter Nijssen officiating. Pallbearers were Bill Johnston, Gary Isherwood, Jack Isherwood, Gerald Merrifield, John Bax and Wendell Johnston. Anne was predeceased by her parents John and Catherine (nee Tracy) Murphy; 2 brothers James and John Murphy; a sister Mary (Murphy) and a niece Gloria Floyd. Anne is mourned by her husband Chester; two sons, William (wife Dorothy MacPherson) and Ronald (wife Sharon Strudwick) of Nokomis; one daughter Dr. Diane Isherwood of Vancouver; three grandchildren, Kim Oscienny of Weyburn, Clinton Isherwood of Nokomis and Jennifer Isherwood of Saskatoon; one great grandchild, Ethan Oscienny; one brother William Murphy of Keswick, Ontario. Interment at the Nokomis Cemetery.

ISHERWOOD - Chester Clinton of Nokomis, SK passed away on Saturday, September 13, 2008 at the age of 98. He was born September 20, 1909 on the family farm four miles south of Venn, Sk. Chester was predeceased by his wife Anne Marie (Murphy); his parents William and Delia (Noble); his sisters Alta (Wilson Johnston, Dunn Scott), Sarah "Dolly" (Melvin Odegard), and Opal (Wally Heard); by his brothers Merritt (Hazel), Earl (Gladys), Frank (Florence), Robert (Anne), Reuben (Sylvia), Leroy (Merle), and Eldon (Elinor); and a daughter-in-law Dorothea (William) Isherwood. Chester is survived by daughter Diane and sons William and Ronald (Sharon). He is also survived by granddaughter Kim Oscienny and her son Ethan; grandson Clinton Isherwood, granddaughter Jennifer (Lonny) Martin and their children Matthew and Emily; three sisters-in-law, Florence, Elinor & Bernice Isherwood. He is also survived by six nieces and eight nephews and their children. The Funeral Service was held on Friday, September 19, 2008 at 2:00 p.m. in the Nokomis United Church. Pallbearers were Bill Johnston, Jack Isherwood, Todd Isherwood, Clint Isherwood, Jason Pilling and Daryl Strudwick. Interment in the Nokomis Cemetery.

ISHERWOOD - Dorothea Mae (nee MacPherson) Isherwood aged 51 years, died suddenly on Monday, January 9, 1995 at her home in Nokomis of a heart attack. Dorothea was born on June 7, 1943 to Harold and Adele MacPherson of the Edgeley, Sk. district. Dorothea married William J. Isherwood on July 17, 1967 in Fort Qu?Appelle, Sk. In 1971 they moved to Nokomis where they have been farming. Dorothea worked part-time in the Co-op grocery store, but after the birth of their daughter Jennifer in 1974 she devoted most of her time to taking care of her family. As time permitted she gradually became more involved with the community, serving on the boards of several organizations; Hospital Auxillary, Skating Club, Donor?s Choice, Agricultural Society, Catholic Women?s League, Museum, local school board and the Recreation Centre. She also found time to help out with bingo games, ladies softball teams and the Last Mountain Gymkhana Club. Dorothea joined the Catholic Church in 1983 and was active in the Parish. Predeceased by her parents, Dorothea is survived by her husband William (Bill) of Nokomis, and daughter Jennifer and fiance Lonny Martin of Saskatoon; sisters Diana (Grant) Walker of Weyburn, and Phyllis (Leonard) Pantel of Fort Qu?Appelle; father-in-law Chester Isherwood, sister-in-law Dr. Diane Isherwood of Vancouver, and brother-in-law Ron (Sharon) Isherwood. Dorothea is also survived by uncles Alex (Martha) MacPherson, and Bernice (Eunice) McPherson; aunts Dorothy Tate, Leslie (Ab) Burr and Doris Dickin; nieces Gail (Curt) Paxman, Joanne Walker, Pauline (Edward) Marshall and Kim Oscienny; nephews Lenny Pantel and Clinton Isherwood; great nieces and nephew Megan and Melissa Paxman and Ethan Oscienny. The Roman Catholic funeral service was held for Dorothea in the Centennial Hall in Nokomis on Thursday, January 12, 1995 with Rev. Father Peter Nijssen officiating. The Pallbearers were Wendell Johnston, Gerald Merrifield, Jack Isherwood, Bill Johnston, Terry Horsman and Dennis Friend. Interment was in Nokomis Cemetery.

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JAMIESON - Bert Ireland Jamieson. It is with sadness we announce the passing of Bert Ireland Jamieson, Sunday, May 2, 2010. He will be mourned by his son John; daughter Jean (husband Darwin Hayes and his daughters Kim and Shannon); grandsons Michael, Christopher, David and Robert and their families including 16 great grandchildren; Bert's twin brother Ken Jamieson and his wife Margaret and their family; the family of his deceased older brother, Lloyd Jamieson; as well as friends Blake, Margot, and James Stephenson and their parents Anne and John Stephenson and many other long time friends. Born November 28, 1915, in Nokomis, Saskatchewan, to James and Marie Ellen (Mina) Jamieson. Bert was the older of the twins (by about 8 minutes) and was always complaining that Ken never listened to him as the "older and wiser" brother. Their birth mother, Mina, died when they were only 7 years old. Their stepmother, Mabel (Taylor) Jamieson, raised them afterwards. Bert grew up in Nokomis in the home their father had built in 1910, and completed his high school in Nokomis. One of Bert's earliest musical memories was when he and Ken entered and sang a duet in a music festival in Nokomis. They bragged about coming in first but alas, they were the only ones who entered. However that was the beginning of a long life full of music. Bert spent three years studying voice under Madame Helen Davis Sherry after he arrived in Saskatoon in the late 1930's. Bert's first "job" was walking up and down the streets of Nokomis with his brother, Ken, one holding a large flag printed with "Auction Sale Today" while the other rang a bell. Their Dad was the town auctioneer. After high school Bert moved to Saskatoon and worked as a janitor while he completed a Saskatoon Business College course. He joined Knox United Church, along with his two brothers, on April 2, 1936 the same day as his soon-to-be wife, Margaret Harrison. Bert holds some record having been a loyal member of the Knox Church Choir for 72 years. Margaret was organist at Knox Church from 1963 to 1983 and together they provided music for 100's of weddings, funerals, nursing homes, worship services, Rotary and other club events even in Bermuda and Hawaii on holiday trips. Bert enlisted in the Air Force in 1942 and went to BC for training in radar. He received a three-day leave and returned to marry Margaret on February 5, 1942, before leaving for overseas where he and Ken served together as radar technicians serving in India, Burma, North Africa and Italy before returning home on August 10, 1945. I always remember him saying how most of the troops knelt down and kissed the ground when they arrived back in Canada. That was quite a way to spend the first years of ones married life but it was a firm foundation as Bert and Margaret were married for almost 60 years and had an amazing life together. After the War Bert went to the University of Saskatchewan graduating in Electrical Engineering in 1949. He worked for Bowman Brothers until starting his own business, Heating Engineering Installations Ltd. in 1953. Margaret worked with him as receptionist, bookkeeper and secretary from 1965 until he sold the business in 1981. Bert was very active in the Rotary club for close to 50 years. He and Jack Byers provided the music (and Bert's often corny jokes) at the Monday meetings for decades. In 1983 they were jointly awarded the Rotarian of the Year for their contributions. Throughout his life he was very active in many aspects of church life at Knox serving on the board and Bert and Margaret received the 1980 Knox Stewardship Award for their contributions. After they sold the business they were free to do more traveling, camping with the Happy Wanderers Trailer Club, and yet more music. They had their faithful dog, Mandy, who could be encouraged to sing with them. Mandy appeared with Bert and Margaret on local television one time, singing on cue, certainly a highlight of their musical career. Bert's wife Margaret predeceased him in 2002 a few days before their 60th wedding anniversary. All who knew him will sadly miss Papa's friendly smile and happy humorous nature. The family thanks Sunnyside Adventist Care Centre for their care and kindness to Bert in his final years, and all the many friends who visited him there from time to time as well as all his friends at The Franklin where he lived from 2001 to 2008. Memorial service to celebrate Bert's life will be held Thursday, May 13, 2010 at 1:30 p.m. at Knox United Church (838 Spadina Crescent East). Officiating will be Rev. Brian Maitland.

Nokomis, Sk. June 4, 1909
JAMIESON - Duncan. On Friday last Duncan Jamieson was missed by some members of his family between 9 and 10 o'clock at night, but it was not until 2 o'clock in the morning that the fire bell was rung and the alarm given that he could not be found. Mrs. Jamieson was staying at their farm seven miles out of town with the younger son George and it was thought that he had gone there, as inquiry had elicited the information that he had purchased a couple of books to take to his wife. However, when George returned from town his father was not at the farm, and becoming uneasy he and his mother immediately came to town and finding Mr. Jamieson still absent became thoroughly alarmed. Very shortly after the ringing of the bell every available rig in town was requisitioned for the search, and the start made. The whole country, west, south-west and north-west, for a distance of aabout eighteen miles was scoured but no trace was found of the missing man. When the last searcher came in without any clue there was little hope of his being found alive, as he was an elderly man and had been failing in health lately, and it had been raining for eight or ten hours with a chilly north-east wind blowing. A consultation was held and it was decided to search the banks of all the sloughs. This was done with the result that the deceased was found within a mile of his farm. The body was examined and then brought to town and awaited the arrival of Coroner Warren who in company with the four doctors have held an autopsia. After hearing all the evidence the jury gave the verdict that death was due to exhaustion and drowning. The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon from the hospital. A very large crowd from the country and town was present, the business places having been closed as a mark of respect for the dead, and the bereaved family. The remains were interred in the new cemetery. Several very pretty floral tributes were placed on the casket, notably one from the Ladies' Congregational Society of the Presbyterian Church, and one from the bible class of which he was the teacher. The wreath from the citizens was very beautiful indeed. The service was conducted by Rev. J. Doney, pastor of the Presbyterian Church, of which deceased was a life long member, Rev. W. Eltom and Rev. A.C. Calder of the Methodist and Anglican Churches respectively. Deceased was born in Tullibody, Sterlingshire, Scotland, October 25, 1843. He came to Canada in the spring of 1892 and settled at Napinka, Man. Three years ago he came to Nokomis and engaged in farming with his sons. Ythanbank, the name given their farm soon became known for its hospitality, and was a haven of refuge to the early homesteaders. Deceased was a graduate of Edinburgh university and held the degrees of M.A. and F.E.I.S. Prior to coming to Canada he was a school teacher,. At the time of his death he was Seceretary-treasurer of the Nokomis School District and of the Local Improvement District. He leaves a wife and four children to mourn his death, Mrs. A. McKirdy, James and George, Nokomis and Mrs. L. F. Walton, Vancouver.

JAMIESON - George Herbert D. The death of George H. D. Jamieson, age 81 years of Nokomis, Sask., a pioneer resident of the province, occurred in a local hospital on January 9, 1966. The funeral service will be held Wed., Jan. 12, at 1 p.m. M.S.T. from Nokomis United Church conducted by the Rev. R. W. Swann. (Flowers are gratefully declined.) Surviving are his wife, Margaret; one sister Mrs. Alex MacKirdy, Chilliwack, B.C.; and a number of nieces and nephews; three nephews, Lloyd, Bert, and Ken Jamieson reside in Saskatoon. The late Mr. Jamieson was born in Lundie, Scotland and in 1892 came with his parents to Melita, Manitoba. In 1903 the family moved to a homestead at Nokomis, Sask. Mr. Jamieson was associated with the hardware business in Nokomis for many years prior to his retirement in 1955. He was a member of the Session of the Nokomis United Church and was superintendent of the Sunday School for many years. He was a member of the Nokomis Town Council for a number of years. A member of the Richfarms Loyal Orange Lodge. Mr. Jamieson was a past Grand Secretary and an Honorary Past Grand Master of the Grand Orange Lodge of Saskatchewan. He was a Past Master and Life Member of Philathea Lodge No. 133 A. F. and A. M. and a Past Patron of Nokomis Chapter No. 56 O.E.S. Interment will take place in the family plot in Nokomis Cemetery.

JAMIESON - Isabella (nee Ireland). The death of Mrs. Duncan Jamieson, at the ripe age of 81 years, 10 months, 28 days, occurred at the home of her son, George H. D., on Monday morning May 6, 1929. Mrs. Jamieson, who had not been in very good health, suffered a stroke on April 27, and was not able to talk after. Although not unexpected her death cast a gloom over the entire community, for she was known and loved by all. The funeral took place in the United Church, Nokomis, yesterday afternoon, the Rev. J. W. Robinson officiating and the last remains were laid to rest in Nokomis Cemetery. The large number of floral tributes testified to the esteem in which deceased was held in the community. The late Mrs. Duncan Jamieson was born at Ellon, Aberdeenshire, Scotland on June 8th, 1847, and was one of the pioneers of the district, coming over from Scotland 37 years ago. She reached Brandon on June 8 (her birthday) 1892 and lived in the Melita district till 1906. Following her sons J. I. and George, who homesteaded in Nokomis district in 1904, she took up land with her husband 5 miles straight west of town in 1906. It was there that the third post office was established in the district called "Ythenbank". At that time the mail arrived by rural route from Strasbourg, then the end of the steel. The late Mrs. Jamieson was particularly clever as an artist and delighted to paint flowers and animals. Every year she has been a large exhibitor in the Fine Arts class at Nokomis Agricultural Fair always winning a considerable number of prizes. She was laid to rest yesterday in the Nokomis Cemetery, which will soon be beautiful with the flowers and foliage she so loved to paint. She leaves to mourn her loss two sons and two daughters: Mrs. Alex McKirdy of Chilliwach, B.C.; Mrs. L. F. Walton of Camrose, Alta.; J. I. and George H. D. of Nokomis.

JAMIESON - James Ireland. In the death of James I. Jamieson, which occurred on December 6th, 1955 the Town of Nokomis lost a valued citizen, one who had occupied top positions in numerous organizations over a full half century. The funeral service was held in the United Church on Thursday, December 8, with members of the Philathea Lodge and several visiting Masons in attendance. Rev. R. W. Swann conducted the service, with Mr. G. H. Hummel, Past Grand Master, conducting the Masonic rites. Casket bearers were Messrs. Merlin Johns-ton, Morley Braithwaite, Wilmot Johnston, W. A. Mason, Gordon Simpson and Allan C. Nichol. Burial was made in Nokomis cemetery. James Ireland Jamieson was born in Lundiei Scotland, on September 27, 1878. He came to Canada with his parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Jamieson, in 1892 and they settled at Melita, Manitoba. In 1904 the Jamieson family moved to the Viola district, five miles west of Nokomis ? three years before the townsite was surveyed. Deceased homesteaded the N.E. 26-29-23, while his father and brother (George) homesteaded across the road on the S.H. of 36. During the early years the Jamieson home was the centre of the community and many young people gathered there on Sundays and week nights to enjoy a singsong and lunch. Ythanbank post office was also located in the Jamieson residence and homesteaders from a large area came there to receive and dispatch mail. During their farming career the Jamieson Bros. became widely known as importers of purebred Clydesdale horses and Shorthorn cattle. When Nokomis was established in 1908, the late J. I. Jamieson was elected to the first Council of the town. In partnership with his brother-in-law, Alex McKirdy, they were appointed Massey-Harris agents and carried on a successful business in that line until 1920. Deceased became widely known as an auctioneer, and having an above average memory for names and faces, be was highly successful as a salesman. Mr. Jamieson was secretary-treasurer of Nokomis School District for some 34 years and town clerk for 20 years, holding both positions up to the lime of his death. The late J. I. Jamieson was a Past Master of Philathea Lodge No. 133, A.F. & A.M., a member of Saskatoon Preceptory No. 55 and of Wa Wa Temple, A.A.O.N M.S., Regina. He was Recording Elder of Nokomis United Church for many years. It is of interest to note that, through the years, many visitors to the United Church found their way after the evening service to the friendly home of Mr. and Mrs. Jamieson, just across the street. Besides his widow, the former Mabel Taylor, the late James I. Jamieson is survived by three sons: Lloyd, Kenneth and Bert Jamieson, all of Saskatoon; two sisters: Mrs. Walton, North Burn-aby, B.C., and Mrs. Alex McKirdy, Chilliwack, B.C.; and one brother, George H. D. Jamieson, Nokomis. They will have the sympathy of many readers of this newspaper.

JAMIESON - Kenneth Hadden. The family of Kenneth Hadden Jamieson regrets to announce his passing on July 1st, 2011, with his family by his side. Ken was predeceased by his biological mother Mina Alexander in 1923; father James in 1955; step-mother Mabel Taylor in 1964; brothers Lloyd, Bert and several close in-laws. He is survived by his loving wife of 65 years, Margaret; daughters Lynne (ches) Wells, Susan (Cam) Fraser), Patti (Dwight St. Amand); grandchildren, Curtis (MacKenzie) Fraser, Brent Fraser, Brian St. Amand, Heidi St. Amand, Matthew (Maggie) Wells, Erin Wells; great grandchildren, Reid and Tucker Fraser, Kaitlynn Wells, as well as many nieces, nephews and special friends. Ken was born on November 28, 1915 in Nokomis, Sask. where he took his primary education. He went to Saskatoon Business College and also took Business Administration at the University of Saskatchewan. He was the Rural Municipality Administrator for the Rural Municipality of Cory (later called Corman Park) for 40 years retiring in 1979. He took a leave of absence from the job for 4 years when he enlisted in the Royal Canadian Air Force in 1941, in WWII with his twin brother, Bert. They travelled overseas as Radar Technicians and saw action in India, Italy, Burma and North Africa. Ken was involved with his church his entire life, first in Nokomis and then in Saskatoon at Knox Westminster and finally Grace Westminster United Church. He was a soloist and a choir member, was a Chairman of the Board of Trustees, ran the nursery with Margaret and was on numerous committees receiving special recognition in 2004, for a lifetime of service to the church. He led many singsongs with Margatret accompanying him on the piano. He was also Chairman of the Board for St. Anthony's College in the 1960's. He loved recreational bridge, curling, golfing, travelling with Margaret, friends and symphony performances. He exemplified consideration for his wife Margaret, right to his last days, and held values for honesty, dependability and kindness. With dignity, he endured a painful war injury for over 65 years, never complaing and trying not to let it hinder his activities. We are grateful that Mom and Dad were able to stay together at Langham Senior Citizen's Home and thank the wonderful staff for their kind and loving care. A Funeral Service for Ken will be held at Grace Westminster Church (505-10th St. Eat, Saskatoon) on Wednesday, July 6th, 2011, at 2:00 p.m. with a memorial reception to follow. Internment will follow the reception at Hillcrest Memorial Gardens

JAMIESON - Mabel E. (nee Taylor). The death of Mrs. Mabel E. Jamieson, age 83 years, of Nokomis, Sask., occurred suddenly in a local hospital on May 29, 1965. The funeral service will be held on Tuesday, June 1 at 2 p.m. from the Nokomis United Church, conducted by Rev. R. W. Swann The Saskatoon Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements. Surviving are three sons, Lloyd Bert and Kenneth, all of Saskatoon; seven grandchildren; one sister, Mrs. Susan Garland, Richmond Ont. She was predeceased by her husband James I. Jamieson, in December 1955. Born in Malakoff Ontario, Mrs. Jamieson had resided in Nokomis since coming West to make her home in Saskatchewan. She was an active worker in the United Church and a number of community organizations. Mrs. Jamieson was a Past Worthy Matron of Nokomis Chapter O.E.S. and had served as Chaplain of the Grand Chapter of Saskatchewan O.E.S. Interment will take place in the family plot in Nokomis Cemetery.

Nokomis, Sk. 1923
JAMIESON - Marie Ellen (nee Alexander). A wave of sadness passed over the community on Sun. afternoon when it was learned that Marie Ellen Jamieson, beloved wife of Mr. J. I. Jamieson had passed to the great beyond. Although expected daily and even hourly, for some weeks past, nevertheless the parting came as a shock to relatives and many friends. She has suffered for four years from tubercuosis and had a breakdown last fall. Since then she got gradually weaker and weaker until her demise. Mrs. Jamieson throughout her long suffering has always been patient and uncomplaining and won hearts of all with whom she came in contact. With always a thought for others she took every care and precaution that her loved ones and friends should not be in danger of the dreaded disease from which she died. A devoted mother, a loving wife and an ardent Christian, she went "through the Garden" with full trust and confidence into the arms of her Saviour. The funeral service was held on Mon. afternoon in the Union Church, the Rev. W. H. Colter and Rev. A. B. Johnston officiating. A large number of friends from the immediate district and from Govan, Simpson, Semans, etc. were present, the church being crowded to capacity. The pall bearers were four nephews of deceased, Jim and Tom Alexander of Watrous, Milton Weir and Reuben Swalwell of Saskatoon. No less than 55 automobiles followed in the funeral cortege. The late Mrs. Jamieson was born at Kingarf, Ont. forty-one years ago and has been a resident in Nokomis since Oct. 1907, and was married thirteen years ago, June 8. She was always a devoted Church and Sunday School worker and was a member of the Methodist Church. She leaves to mourn her loss a husband and three little sons; also four sisters and three brothers. Mrs. Jas. Weir and Mrs. G. A. Swallwell of Saskatoon; Mrs. W. N. Ingham and Miss Eva Alexander of Nokomis; J. H. Alexander, Toronto; G. S. Alexander, Watrous. W. R. Alexander, Nokomis.

JAMIESON - Margaret Jackson (nee Redmond). The passing of Mrs. Margaret Jackson Jamieson, age 86 years of Nokomis, Sask., occurred in Saskatoon on March 21st, 1972. The funeral service was held on Friday, March 24th at 2 p.m. from Nokomis United Church conducted by Rev. R. W. Swann. Park Funeral Home was in charge. Surviving are several nieces and nephews among whom are Ken and Bert Jamieson of Saskatoon and Lloyd Jamieson of Vancouver, B.C. Mrs. Jamieson was predeceased by her husband George on January 9th, 1966. A longtime resident of Saskatchewan, Mrs. Jamieson was born in Ontario and in 1913 came to Nokomis, Sask. as the bride of George H. D. Jamieson and they took up a homestead as early pioneers of the district. In the early days, Mrs. Jamieson taught school west of Nokomis. Mrs. Jamieson was a charter member of the order of the Eastern Star at Nokomis and a member of the Homemakers Club and also was active in the U.C.W. of the United Church. Pallbearers were Ech Wallace, Merlin Johnston, Marvin Potter, John Fenton, Harry Marvin, John Jamieson. Interment was made in the Nokomis Cemetery.

JESCHKE - Dorothy "Dottie" (nee Burke) July 28, 1929 - December 29, 2013. We announce the death of Dottie Jeschke, aged 84 years, of Nokomis, SK on Sunday, December 29, 2013 due to congestive heart failure, after enduring 18 years with Parkinson's Disease. Dottie was born in Frederick, Maryland, the only child of Percy and Marie Burke. She is survived by her husband Eric; two daughters Pat (Bowmanville, Ontario) and Cathy (Chatham, Ontario) and three grandchildren, Scott, Steven and Jessica. Dottie loved learning. She earned degrees from Hood College, Massachusetts General Hospital School of Nursing and a Masters in Education from the University of Minnesota. She served on the faculty of the University of Minnesota and the University of Washington in Seattle. She met Eric in Minneapolis and they were married in Portland, Oregon by his brother Bill in 1960. They began a life's adventure when they left cities behind and moved to the Jeschke homestead in Nokomis in 1962. Dottie continued her career in nursing at the Nokomis Hospital for 40 years. She became the first Nursing Coordinator of the newly founded Lanigan Home Care District #43. Before she retired in 1987, she was an instructor for the Kelsey-Special Care Aide course in its first years. She subsequently became very active as a member of the Nokomis District Museum Board and the Lanigan District Home Care Board. She kept up-to-date on nursing and on current events. Classical music and good books were her special interests. She was a good nurse and friend and will be missed by many. In the interest of Parkinson's research, Dottie has donated her brain to the University of Saskatchewan. A Graveside Service will be held in Nokomis Cemetery in the spring of 2014.

JESCHKE - Reuben P. Jeschke Dr., former college president, minister and long-time educator, died November 20, 2004 at his residence in Salem, Oregon. He was 93. Jeschke, who moved to the Capital Manor retirement community in 1982, was born July 20, 1911 to Reinhold & Alvina Jeschke, near Volinia in the Russian Ukraine. When he was two, he and his family immigrated to Canada and settled in the Lockwood-Drake area. In 1925 he and his family moved to Nokomis, where he completed his last three years of High School. In Nokomis he took on a paper route, stocked for various farmers and worked on threshing crews for post-high school education. He was also a hired-hand for his uncle, David Jeschke, deceased. At the age of 18, Reuben moved to the United States to study at Colgate-Rochester Divinity School, Rochester, New York. He graduated from Wesleyan University, Middletown, Conn, with a Bachelor of Arts and was awarded a Bachelor of Divinity and Master of Sacred Theology from Hartford Theological Seminary, Hartford, Conn. He received a Doctor of Philosophy degree from New York's Columbia University in 1951 and was awarded an honorary Doctor of Divinity from Northern Baptist Seminary, Chicago, IL., and an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters from Sioux Falls College, Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Jeschke was president of Sioux Falls College, now the University of Sioux Falls, from 1953 to 1970. Before assuming the presidency, Jeschke was dean of the college. His teaching career included a professorship from 1947 to 1952 at the North American Baptist Seminary, Sioux Falls, SD, where he also served as registrar. As a Baptist minister, Jeschke served as pastor of the Memorial Baptist Church in New Britain, Conn. 1933-1937; the Fourth Street Baptist Church, now Shroyer Road Baptist Church, Dayton, Ohio, 1937 -1947; and the First Baptist Church, Stanford, Conn., 1970 - 1974. He was listed in "Who's Who in America in 1964". He was the author of two books, "Dream of the Pioneers", a history of Sioux Falls College; and "My Life and My Family", an autobiography. He was married in 1935 to Sabina Jacopian of Stanford, Conn. He is survived by his wife, Sabina; two sons, Paul Jeschke of Mule Beach, Calif, and Thomas Jeschke of Panora, Iowa; sisters, Walda Kwast, Lansing, Mich. and Elva Kuhn of Salem; six grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Locally, he is survived by first cousins: Eric and Alfred Jeschke, Emiline Ediger and Dorothy Wolter. A memorial service was held at 2:00 p.m., Wednesday, December 15, 2004 at Capital Manor. Private interment at Salt Creek Cemetery, Dallas, Oregon.

JESCHKE - William. Bill was born in Nokomis, Saskatchewan, Canada on June 21, 1922, to David and Alvina Jeschke. He grew up on the prairie, graduating from Nokomis High School. Amid the four years at North American Baptist Seminary, N.Y., he met and married a pastor's daughter, Elsie Rose Dons. Together they shepherded congregations at East Chili, New York; Grace Baptist, Chicago; First Baptist, Sumner, Iowa; Dayton's Bluff, St. Paul, Minn.; Immanuel Baptist, Portland; Forest Park, Oak Park, 111.; Calvary Baptist, Bethlehem, Pa.; and returned to Immanuel, Portland, on an interim basis until retirement in 1987. Bill also had a passion for the English language, receiving his Bachelor of Arts in Literature in 1950. During the early 1970s, he took a break from the pulpit and taught English at Lake Oswego High School. After his retirement he travelled to China and spent the summer teaching English and sharing God's love. He enjoyed the outdoors, often taking five mile prayer-walks. There was even a trek up Mt. Hood with his two sons. Bill enjoyed gardening. His favorite flower was the Peace Rose. Bill had a melodic tenor voice and shared it at countless weddings and various services. He was a simple man with a grateful heart and a smile that would light up a room. His greatest desire was that everyone should know the Lord. Diagnosed with Alzheimer's in 1999, he slowly entered a world only God could comprehend. Bill reached out and touched the face of God on Monday, December 26, 2005, at age 83. He is now reunited in heaven with his son, Tom, missing since 1969. He is survived by his wife, Elsie Rose; son and daughter-in-law, Bill and Carolyn Jeschke; son and daughter-in-law, Jon and Nancie Jeschke; daughter and son-in-law, Anne and Gary Kultala; brothers, Arnold, Eric, Alfred and Ron; nine grandchildren, Kris, Katie, Kerri, Diana, Megan, Bethany, Russ, Will, Christa; and three great-grandchildren, Hunter, Hayden and Hailey. A memorial service was held at 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, January 7,2006, at Trinity Fellowship in Portland.

JOHNSON - Charles Johnson of Nokomis passed away in Nokomis Union Hospital on March 9, 1975 at the age of 79 years. Mr. Johnson was predeceased by his mother and father and three brothers, Eric, John and Harold and one sister, Mrs. Hattie Cyr of Brock, Saskatchewan, survived by two brothers, Ejner of Nokomis and Edward of Portland, Oregon, and two sisters, Mrs. Nellie Rand of Vancouver and Mrs. Elsa Cyr of Kitchener, Ontario. Funeral service Thursday, March 13 at 2 p.m., from the Nokomis United Church. Rev. R. W. Swann officiant.

JOHNSON - Harold Robert. It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Harold Robert Johnson at Proteous Lodge in Saskatoon on March 9, 2006. Harold was born on January 11, 1925 in Nokomis, the third child of Eric and Vera Johnson. He was raised on the family farm with older sisters Maxine and Audrey, and younger sister Geraldine. The children attended Colt Lake School in their early years and later took schooling at Nokomis. Harold went on to graduate from the College of Agriculture at the University of Saskatchewan in 1949. Harold married Marion Winter of Venn in 1951 and they spent their life between farm in the summer and town in the winter. They raised four children: Anne, Eric, Margaret and Grace. Harold farmed first with his father Eric and later with his son Eric. In addition, he worked in several capacities in the Nokomis Credit Union from 1953 until 1988. Harold was deeply involved in the Nokomis United Church and many local cooperatives. As did many of his generation, Harold knew some of the original pioneers - the men who broke the land. He was also one of the children of the Depression. Living through those times had a profound effect on his attitude toward work, security and and the benefits of collective collaborations. Harold was predeceased by his loving wife Marion on November 18, 1998. He will be sorrowfully missed by his family who loved him so deeply, his children: Anne, Eric, Margaret and Grace; sons-in-law: Howard Rankin and Ron Frohaug; grandchildren: Derrick and Barrett Rankin and Bryce, Megan and Logan Frohaug; devoted sisters: Maxine Rath, Audrey Trainor and Geraldine Anderson; brother-in-law Bill Rath; nieces and nephews: Linda, Dean, Scott, John, Cathy, Patrice, Joe, Carolle, Jacquie and Lisa as well as their partners and families. Friends and family will miss Harold's gentlemanly, humble and appreciative nature as much as his wit and interest in all their lives. Memorial service was held at Nokomis United Church on Tuesday, March 14th at 2:00 p.m. and was officiated by the Reverend George Holliday. The eulogy was given by Linda Smith. Honorary pallbearers were Ron Morningstar, Lome Smith, Raymond King, Forrest Pederson, Earle Mansell and Ross Reynolds. Eric Johnson was the urn bearer. Ushers were Jerry Decker and Barrie Gwillim. Register attendants were Vi Hemingway and Hazel Chute Mollison. Soloist was Ruth Ann Richter accompanied by Kay Hamilton. The musicians were Lorna Mansell and Janet Potter. Interment was at Nokomis Cemetery.

JOHNSTON - Lorna Blair (nee Elliott) of Saskatoon Stensrud Lodge, passed away peacefully on Saturday, September 23, 2000 at the age of 89 years. She was predeceased by her parents John and Blanche Elliott, and by two brothers, Harold and Jack. Lorna is survived by her loving and devoted husband, Wilmot E. Johnston of Saskatoon, sister Ruth Wallace of Nokomis, SK, sister-in-law Margaret Elliott of Swift Current, SK. Also surviving Lorna are six nieces and their families and numerous cousins. Lorna was born July 14, 1911 in Aneroid, SK, where she took her schooling. Upon completion of her grade 12, Lorna attended Business College in Regina, returning to Aneroid where she was employed for 25 years as the Town Clerk. Wilmot and Lorna were married in 1968. They lived and farmed at Nokomis until moving to Saskatoon in 1974. Lorna always enjoyed getting together with family and friends. Lorna enjoyed travelling and went on numerous trips. A highlight for her was when she travelled overseas to visit her "special cousins", Cam and Betty Coulter, presently of Ottawa, ON. Wilmot and Lorna enjoyed trailering and had many trips to Arizona and California in the winter months. Lorna was a long time member of the Order of the Eastern Star and the United Church. She excelled at hand work and enjoyed cooking. Lorna was blessed with a beautiful singing voice which she shared on many occasions. The family is very grateful for the wonderful and compassionate care Lorna received while a resident of the Stensrud Lodge during the past three years. A Memorial Service will be held on Thursday, September 28 at 1:00 p.m. from Park Funeral Chapel, 311 Third Avenue North. Officiating will be Rev. Dr. W. A. Stevens. Interment will take place at Hillcrest Memorial Gardens.

JOHNSTON - Merlin. The Funeral of the late Merlin Johnston was held on Tuesday, March 20th, 1984 in the Nokomis United Church with the Rev. Hugh MacGregor officiating. Merlin was born in 1903 at Malakoff, Carleton County, Ontario, being the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Johnston, who predeceased him in 1952 and 1953. He was also predeceased by his youngest brother Leslie, Flight Lt. of the R.C.A.F. in September, 1942. Merlin leaves to mourn his passing, his sister Helen of Laguna Hills, Ca., his brother Art and sister-in-law Eva and two nephews Gerry and Ken and their families of Victoria, E.C., and brother Wilmot and his wife Lorna of Saskatoon. Mrs. Kay Hamilton was Organist and accompanied Mrs. Hazel Chute who sang, "I'll Walk with God." The United Church choir was in attendance. The Casket Bearers were Joe Wallace, Bob Kirk, Marv Potter, Bill McClughan, Earle Mansell and Allen Nichol. Friends and relatives attended from Medicine Hat, Alta., Swift Current, Regina, Winnipeg, Lanigan, Young, and Saskatoon. The Interment was in the Family Plot in Nokomis Cemetery March 20th, 1984. The Ladies of the Nokomis U.C.W. served lunch in the Church basement following The Funeral.

JOHNSTON - Wilmot E. passed away suddenly on September 19, 2001. Wilmot was living in Eamer Court in Saskatoon, SK. He was born September 5, 1911 in Malakoff, ON. moving west with his family at six months of age. Before retiring to Saskatoon in the early seventies. Wilmot farmed for many years in the Nokomis district. Wilmot was active in the United Church in Nokomis, the Agriculture Society and many community organizations. In December 1968 Wilmot married Lorna B. Elliott of Aneroid, SK. Wilmot was predeceased by his loving wife, Lorna on September 23, 2000. Wilmot was also predeceased by his parents, Henry and Mable Johnston; brothers, Les, Art and his wife Eva, Merlin; and sister, Helen. Surviving Wilmot are his two sisters-in-law, Ruth Wallace of Nokomis, SK and Margaret Elliott of Swift Current, SK. Also surviving him are his beloved nieces, nephews, many cousins and their families. Wilmot will be lovingly remembered for his quiet, kind and many thoughtful ways. A Family Graveside Service will be held at a later date.

JORDAN - Marion Ellen (nee Rookes) Bonsan Jordan passed away peacefully at Saskatoon City Hospital on Friday, March 31, 2006. Marion was born on June 19,1943 in Paradise Hill, Saskatchewan. She will be lovingly remembered by her daughter Gail (John) Gilchrist; sons Ben (Jacque) Bonsan and Dale (Roxane) Bonsan; stepdaughter Kerry (Doug) Sather; daughter-in-law Debbie Bonsan; brothers Ben (Mildred) Rookes and Eddie Rookes; fourteen grandchildren; eight great-grandchildren and many nieces and nephews. She also leaves behind her greatest companion who never left her side, Mr. Buttons. Marion was predeceased by: her husband John Jordan; parents Leslie and Julia Rookes; eldest son George Bonsan and sister-in-law Chris Rookes. Marion touched the hearts of many people throughout her life. She always had the teapot on and would gladly welcome anyone into her home for long visits and colorful conversation. Marion was a great caregiver and will be sadly missed by everyone who knew her. The family would like to express a special thank you to all of her doctors, caregivers at City Hospital and Watrous Hospital, and ambulance attendants for their concern and kindness during this difficult time. A celebration of Marion's life was held on Tuesday, April 4,2006 at 3:30 p.m. at Mervin Cemetery in Mervin, Saskatchewan. Cremation. Donations in memory of Marion may be made to the Watrous Union Hospital.

- K -

KAMLAH - Lillian (nee Hicks) Kamlah passed away on July 30, 2010 in Cranbrook, British Columbia at 83 years of age. Lillian was born on November 28, 1926 at home, close to Nokomis, Sask. She was raised by her parents Noble and Gertrude Hicks. She had three brothers: Winston, Gordon and Hal and recalled fond memories of 'Shinny Hockey' on the pond. Lillian graduated from the nursing program at the Ottawa Civic Hospital in 1950, with her RN in nursing. She worked in the RCAF in France and Germany for three years and had many fond memories of her time there. Her love of nursing took her to Cassiar, British Columbia where she fell in love, married and raised three children. She spent forty-two years as an outpost nurse supporting and helping the community. Lil retired to Cranbrook in 1992. She loved music, sewing, quilting, her children, grandchildren, walking in nature, gardening, reading, sports of all kinds and Scrabble. Lillian is survived by: her husband Gerry Kamlah; her three children, Barbara (Kent), Gordon (Heather), and Lori (Peter); and six grandchildren, Joel, Alex, Charlie, Dylan, Dustin and Dallas. Lil's memorial service was held at Christ Church Anglican in Cranbrook on Friday, August 6, 2010 at 10:00 a.m., and followed with a reception in Centennial Hall. No matter what, Lillian chose to see the 'fondness' in people. Thank you for teaching us patience, tolerance and kindness. You will be missed and your legacy lives in us.

KANE - John William Kane was born February 16, 1928 and passed away peacefully on January 30, 2007 at Minoru Residence, Richmond, BC. John is lovingly remembered by his wife of 56 years Carlotta; daughters, Marianne (Don) of Powell River, BC, Jenny (Chris), Dawn (Mark), Bonnie (Mark) and Jacky (Bob) of Richmond, BC; 13 grandchildren; sister Leona Buckmaster; many nieces, nephews, family and friends. John's family homesteaded in Nokomis, Saskatchewan, where he lived until 1959 before moving to the coast, where John worked for Richmond Plywood for 39 years. After retiring, John enjoyed fishing, his garden, travelling in their trailer and was a regular at the Minoru Seniors Centre. A proud father and grandfather, his big heart and friendly ways will be missed. A special thank you to Dr. Eric Watts for his kind care and to the staff at Minoru Residence 2 west. A memorial service was held at Richmond Funeral Home, 8420 Gamble Rd., Richmond, BC, on Sunday, February 4, 2007 at 1:00 p.m.

KEELER - Emil Keeler of Nokomis, passed away in Nokomis on July 14, 1982, at the age of 86 years. Funeral services were held July 17, 1982 by Pastor, Donald Harder in the Nokomis Baptist Church with interment in the Nokomis Cemetery. Mr. Emil Keeler was born in a suburb of Warsaw, Poland, in 1896 and immigrated to Canada in April, 1914 at the age of seventeen. On disembarkation at Halifax he proceeded by rail to Nokomis. Emil's first source of employment was with a well drilling company. He, with his partners, were responsible for a large majority of wells that still exist and provide the water supply to the local farming community. He was a member of the Nokomis Baptist Church, having joined in 1921. In 1922 he married Helen Zepik, a marriage that was privileged to celebrate its 60th Anniversary in April of this year. Together, they settled on a farm to commence a life long career as a mixed farmer. In 1929 he a Helen, with four young children moved to the present family farm. His love of the land and appreciation of the mixed farming process and his enjoyment of experimenting with new methods and machinery was his life long goal. During the depression years he was willing and able to assist and work with his neighbors to support and build the community. This was a philosophy that he lived by throughout his life and taught his children. Emil was the father of 10 children: Adolphe Keeler, Vancouver; Adeline Roleder, Newbury Park California; Melvoryne Keeler, Toronto; Isabella Hjort-Olsen, Burnaby, B.C.; Joyce Keeler Rosetown, Sask.; Helen Keeler; Gull Lake, Sask.; Anabell Keeler Mt. View, California; Blain Keeler, Nokomis; and Farnon Keeler, Nokomis. He was the grandfather of 21 children and 6 great grandchildren. He was predeceased by daughter Maureen Hall in 1970 and a granddaughter. Honorary pallbearers were Oscar Litwin, Gus Gonsch, Alex Richter, Charles Hendry, Gordon Meikle and Glen Hobman. Active pallbearers were John Fenton, Ross Reynolds, Wally Penner, Milton Nornberg, Erwin Richter, and Ben Pomfret.

KEELER - Helen (nee Zepik) 1900 - 2002. On September 17th, 2002 Helen Keeler passed away at the Nokomis Health Centre at the age of 101 years. She was predeceased by her parents William and Ernestina Zepik; her husband Emil 1982; daughters Maureen 1970; Melvaryne 2002; three brothers and two sisters. She is survived by three sisters and four brothers; eight children, William of BC, Adeline (Walt) of California, Isabella (John) of BC, Joyce of Saskatchewan, Helen of Alberta, Anabell of California, Blain of Saskatchewan, Farnon (Jill) of Saskatchewan; numerous grandchildren; great grandchildren; great-great grandchildren; nieces and nephews. The funeral service will take place on Saturday, September 21st at 2 p.m. at the Nokomis Baptist Church with Pastor Brent Reimer officiating. Interment in the Nokomis Cemetery.

KEELER - H. Marjorie (nee Jardine). It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of our mother Marj Keeler on Wednesday, November 26, 2003. She leaves behind with many memories her daughter Stephenie and James Stupak of Saskatoon, daughter Michelle and Arron Matycio of Hanley; granddaughters Shelby, Caitlyn and Jaymee Stupak and her children's father Blain Keeler. Also left to mourn her passing are her brothers Harry (Lillian) Jardine, Ken Jardine and Doug Jardine and many nieces and nephews. She was predeceased by her parents. Mom grew up in the Watrous area and spent a great deal of her life in the community of Nokomis. She later resided in Lumsden, Yorkton and Saskatoon to be closer to her family. One of Mom's greatest joys was her flowers and garden. She spent many hours planning and enjoying her prize winning efforts. There was nothing that pleased her more than a good cup of coffee with friends. Thank you to all that shared and made these experiences so memorable. Memorial Services will be held in the chapel of Saskatoon Funeral Home, (4th Ave. and 25th St.) on Monday, Dec. 1, 2003 at 11 A.M. with Rev. Marjorie Keyser officiating.

KELSO - Florence Margaret (nee Henry). It is with great sadness we announce the death of Florence (Flo) Margaret Kelso. Florence died peacefully at the Nokomis Health Centre on October 6, 2006, at the age of 97. Flo, as she was known to family and friends, or GiGi as she was fondly called by her grandchildren, was born in Essonville, ON. on October 20, 1908 to Jim and Margaret Henry. Flo learned a strong work ethic early in life being the eldest of 11 children. The Henry family later moved to Gypsonville. MB. where Flo received all of her schooling. In 1924 the Henry family moved to Buffalo Gap. SK. where Flo met the love of her life, Charles Kelso. They were married in 1928 at Scobey, Montana, and their union was blessed with five children: Clifford, Dolores, Marlene, Dorothy and Lynn. Flo and her family moved several times over the years as she raised her family and worked side by side with Charlie helping him cut meat. Flo also worked in a number of hospitals and nursing homes cooking and doing laundry and became a perfectionist at both. Flo and her family settled in Davidson in 1960 and lived and worked there until their retirement in 1969. After Charlie's death in 1976, Flo moved to Nokomis and was one of the original tenants of the then new Hiawatha Homes. Flo had a zest for life. She took great pride in herself and her family. Her family was very important to her and she always wanted to know how and what each and every one of them was doing. She loved to reminisce about her and Charlie going to dunces and enjoyed listening to music. Even at 91 when GiGi had a dance at her granddaughter Valerie's wedding with grandson Ron. she thought maybe "the music was a little bit too slow" for her liking. Flo enjoyed watching and participating in sports, especially in her younger years. She was an avid curler and her team even took home some prizes. Flo was also a great seamstress and sewed and mended clothes for family and friends alike. In her later years she passed a lot of her lime crocheting and knitting, making gifts for others. Her giving nature will live on in her family. Flo was predeceased by her husband of 48 years, Charles; daughter, Marlene Green: son, Clifford Kelso: grandson, Glenn Kelso; sons-in-law, Russell Hendry, Morris Green and Warren Green: sister, Lavada and brothers, Bill, John, Roy and Ross. Flo is survived by her daughters, Dolores Hendry of Nokomis, SK. Dorothy Green of Taber, AB. Lynn (Morris) Schulz of Thompson. MB: daughter-in-law, Doreen Kelso of Whitewood, SK; brothers, Percy (Gertie) of Regina, SK. Lawrence of Regina, SK. Clarence (Lil) of Pilot Butte, SK; 14 grandchildren, 28 great grandchildren and five great-grand-grandchildren, as well as many nieces and nephews. Friends and family will miss Flo's loving nature and interest in their lives. Flo's family is grateful for your sharing in their sorrow and thank you for your support. The funeral service was held on Wednesday. October 11 th at 11:00 a.m. in the Nokomis United Church with interment in Regina Memorial Gardens. Fotheringham-McDougall Funeral Service of Nokomis and Watrous were in care of arrangements. Memorial donations can be made to the Nokomis Recreation Centre, Nokomis United Church or a charity of your choice. Thank you to Nokomis Health Centre for the loving care and kindness shown to Flo during her stay there.

KENNEDY - Catherine (Kay) Mary Martin 1908 - 2004. Catherine Kennedy of Calgary passed away at the Foothills Medical Centre after a long and courageous struggle with illness on Thursday, September 23, 2004 in her 96th year. Kay began her long and busy life as a schoolgirl in Nokomis, SK. She was a teacher in Punnichy, SK, was a caregiver to her mother, stepmother, and two husbands in their illness and deaths, and was a help to many in her working years in Calgary. Kay loved animals, particularly horses. She and her husband Frank raced horses in many parts of the country. Kay always lived life to its fullest. She cared deeply for all her many friends, and enjoyed sharing her sense of humour and lively wit. She was a truly memorable lady, and a joy to all who knew her. She will be sadly missed by her stepson Raymond Kennedy, North Sydney, NS; her stepdaughter Alice Smith (Tom), Brookfield, NS; her stepson-in-law Alec Stewart (Anne), Kingston, ON; Alec's three sons, James, Hugh, and Duncan; her many good friends in Calgary, including those in the Crescent Heights Baptist Church; and by her friends who worked in the Foothills Medical Centre. Kay was predeceased by her husband Charles Martin, 1943; her second husband Frank Kennedy, 1963; and her stepdaughter Alta Stewart, 2000. A Memorial Service will be held at the Crescent Heights Baptist Church (1212 - 1 Street N.W.) on Thursday, September 30 at 1:00 p.m. Private Interment will be in Truro, NS. The family is very grateful to Dr. Schorr and to those who cared for Kay at the Foothills Medical Centre and the Colonel Belcher.

KIDD - Mildred (nee Hamilton). The death of Mrs. Mildred Kidd, age 70 years of Nokomis, SK. occurred suddenly at her residence on Wednesday, Dec. 30, 1992. The funeral service was held in Nokomis United Church on Sunday, Jan. 3 at 4:00 pm. conducted by Debbie Martin. Interment took place in the Nokomis Cemetery. Predeceased by her parents, George and Lola Hamilton; her husband, Ken. Mildred is survived by her fiance, Bob Nelson, Nokomis, Sk., daughter Jean (Halder) Halderson, Mozart, Sk., son, Doug (Vonnie) Kidd, Calgary, AB. grandchildren, Jan and Hallie Halderson and Ryan, Rhett and Brayton Kidd. Mildred is also survived by a sister, Evelyn (Phil) Teneycke of Watrous, numerous nieces and nephews.

KIRK - Robert Wellington. The death of Robert Wellington Kirk aged 82 years of Nokomis, SK. occurred at the Nokomis Health Centre on Wednesday April 18, 2001. The Funeral Service will be held in the Nokomis United Church on Saturday April 21st at 2 p.m. conducted by Rev. Molly Kitchen. Predeceased by his parents Robert and Gertrude, and a brother Jim, Bob is survived by his loving wife, Shirley; son, Wes (Diane), Kelly and Stacy; daughters, Karen (Pat); Lorna (Jim), Erin and Michelle (Michael); Sheila (Jay); Beryl (Dan), Larisa and Alaina; brother Doug (Lois) Kirk; sisters, Margaret (Glen) Layman and Marion (Ken) Fee; numerous nieces and nephews.

KLASSEN - Edward J. Klassen of Watrous passed away peacefully at the Calgary Agape Hospice. Cancer claimed him at the age of seventy-five. At his side was his wife Ruth, sons Dale (Valery), Ted (Jane) and daughter Sandra (Kevin). Service to be held in Watrous, United Church, January 18, 11:00 AM.

KONSCHUH - Phyllis (nee Halstead). Phyllis was born to Cyril and Ada Halstead on December 7, 1920 at Nokomis, the oldest of eight children. She grew up in Alberta starting school in Calgary and getting most of her education in Gleichen. She attended Calgary Normal School in 1938-39 for teacher training, and then taught in rural Alberta schools for two years where she met and married Walter Konschuh of Cluny, Alberta in 1941. They moved to Nokomis in 1942 and began farming. They had four children. In 1976, Walter passed away and the following year Mum moved into Nokomis. She was very involved in community organizations and boards including Nokomis Agricultural Society, Nokomis Credit Union, Last Mountain Co-op Board, Nokomis and District Museum and the Anglican Church Women. Mum always enjoyed watching sports on TV and was very hard to beat at a game of scrabble, which she enjoyed playing all her life. Mum was a lifelong teacher to her children with her impeccable memory and she was a stickler for proper spelling, grammar and punctuation. No cash register mistakes escaped her scrutiny. In 2008, she moved into Parkville Manor in Saskatoon where she made many new friends. In the summer of 2012 her health deteriorated forcing her to move into Last Mountain Pioneer Home in Strasbourg where she passed away on March 30 at the age of 92. Phyllis is survived by: sisters Rita Salsbury and Norma (Bill) Novak; brother Robert (Lucille) Halstead; brother-in-law Frank (Janet) Fedor; sister-in-law Viola Halstead; children Carol Kolbus, Clarence (Annette), Barb (Robin) Fraser and Brian (Glenda); 12 grandchildren Joseph, Renata (Cheryl), Christopher, Sarah (Albert), Kendra (Clint), Luke, Jason (Meghan), Kathryn, Tanna (Stacey), Amy (Chil J, Heather (Richard) and Eric (Janna); and six great-grandchildren Victoria, Trent, Rory, Rylan, Livia and Tyson. A funeral service was held at Nokomis Centennial Hall, Nokomis, SK. on Friday April 5 at 2:00 p.m. Rev. Jack Robson officiated. Pallbearers were Chris Konschuh, Luke Konschuh, Eric Konschuh, Jason Fraser, Joe Kolbus and Chris McLaren. Register attendants were Jerry and Jean Langteigne. Ushers were Kathy and Cliff Metheral. Honourary pallbearers were 'All of her Family and Friends'. The eulogy was read by Barb Fraser. Tribute from the grandchildren was read by Amy McLaren. Pianist was Ruth Anne Richten Private family interment was at Nokomis Cemetery. Lunch and a time of fellowship followed in the hall.

KOPP - Leonard Kopp, aged 90 years, passed away on Monday, May 2, 2011 at Elmview Extendicare, Regina, Sask. Leonard was born in Kiselewsleay, Volhynia, Russia on August 13, 1920. Leonard was predeceased by: his father, David; mother, Bertha; elder brother, Leo; sisters, Alice, Linda and Helen; niece, Sharon Kopp; and great-grandnephew, Garry Klassen. Left to honour Leonard's memory are: brother, Ben (Delma) of London, ON; sister, Hilda (Harold) Dunbar of Regina, SK; nieces, Gloria (Larry) Klassen of Regina, SK, Patti (Bill) Gibbons of Troy, MI, Pam (Jeff) Smythe of Elizabethton, TN, Hope Mulhern of Surrey, BC; nephews, David (Wendy) of London, ON, Roy (Sonia) Turner of Surrey, BC; and several great-nieces and nephews. Leonard came to Canada with his parents and four siblings in 1926 to the Semans District. He chose carpentry as his career, working in Moose Jaw and later with J. K. Construction 1968-1986 in Regina. A graveside funeral service was held at Nokomis Cemetery, Nokomis, SK, on Saturday, May 7, 2011 at 2:00 p.m. Officiant was Pastor Rick Short. Interment at Nokomis Cemetery.

KRAFT - Dorothy Victoria. The death of Dorothy Victoria Elizabeth Kraft occurred at Wynyard Union Hospital October 9, 1983, following a brief illness. She was born to the late Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kraft November 15, 1906, at Gainsborough, Sask. She is survived by brothers Clarence of McKague, Clayton and Warren of Somme as well as a number of nieces and nephews. She was predeceased by her infant sister Doretta, brother Sanford and her parents. Dorothy had resided in Wynyard since 1952 but she had lived at several places in southern Saskatchewan as well as Nokomis, Raymore and Semans. Funeral services were held October 14, 1983, at Wynyard United Church. Pastor Dueck conducted the service. She was laid to rest in Pleasantview Cemetery.

KRASIKOW - Ina C. passed away October 24, 2003. Born in Nokomis Sask., August 31, 1924. Predeceased by John her husband of 26 years, her sister Dolores and good friend Walter. Survived by her children Paula Farina (Ed), John, Ruth Mcdonald (David), Fred (Michele), Stephen (Heather), her grandchildren Brandi, Ian and Julia, John Jr. and Courtney, and her sisters Louise and Phyllis. A gathering of friends and relatives will be held on Sunday, November 2 at 975 Gatensbury Street, Coquitlam from 1:00 p.m.

KRATZ - Edmund 'Ed' Kratz (February 14, 1936 - September 14, 2010) was born in Poland, and then after the war, moved to Germany. In 1950, with his parents and two brothers, Ed emigrated to Canada, settling in Nokomis, SK. Ed was predeceased by his parents, and will be fondly remembered by his brothers, Alfred (Sandy) of Airdrie, AB, Arnold (Gail) of MacGregor, MB, and special friends, Magaret and Gerald Durocher and their children of Kitimat, BC. He will also be missed by four nephews, one niece, and 11 grand-nephews and nieces. After attending school in Nokomis, Ed worked for several farmers in the area, as well as an electrician, and then for a short period, for CN Rail. Moving to Kitimat, BC, he was employed by the Alcan Aluminum Company for 38 years. After retirement, Ed continued to live in Kitimat until some health issues necessitated a move to Prince George. Ed passed away in the Prince George Hospital on September 14, after a lengthy illness. A service of remembrance was held on September 16 at the Fraserview Chapel, Prince George, with his brother, Rev. Arnold Kratz, officiating. The family would like to thank the staff at the Gateway Senior Complex and the doctors and nurses at the Prince George Hospital for their kind and compassionate care.

KRESIER - Frederick William Kresier pioneer of the Tate district passed away in his 95th year at Nokomis hospital Sept. 1st, 1980 following a short illness. Funeral service was held in Nokomis Baptist Church Sept. 3rd with Pastor Don Harder officiating. A solo was sung by Mrs. Hazel Chute. Frederick Wi1liam Kresier was born in Berlin, Germany; On April 15, 1885. His parents immigrated to Cavalier, North Dakota and then moved to Emerson, Manitoba. As a young man, Fred came to Saskatchewan where he farmed for some years and then worked on the railroad. His great love was horses. He enjoyed dressing and showing them at fairs. After a severe injury at a fair, Fred was forced to retire. He spent his retirement first in the Tate and Semans area, and then in Nokomis enjoying the fellowship of his many friends. Fred was predeceased by three sisters, Bertha, Alvina and Olive; three brothers, Carl, Sam and John, and by his wife, Alvina. He leaves to mourn a sister, Myrtle Jack Simenson of North Dakota, two daughters, Mrs. Myrtle Reil of Estevan and Mrs. Gladys Bleile of Regina; one son, Mr. Robert Kresier of Vancouver, B.C., stepchildren, grandchildren, great grandchildren, and many nieces and nephews. Funeral arrangements were by McDougall's Funeral Home, with interment in Nokomis Cemetery. Pallbearers were Willard Beeler, Ronald Hendry, Allan Horbul, Dennis Kresier, Tom Kresier and John McGinnis. Honorary Pallbearers were John Fenton, John Faul, George Fraser, Mike Horbul, Emil Keeler, Ralph McLaren, Gordon Meikle, Bob Neighbour, Miles Saul, Tom Saul, and Echlin Wallace.

KYLES - Hugh M. Another link with the pioneer days of Saskatchewan was broken Sunday, July 29th, 1951 when the death of Hugh M. Kyles, 80, occurred in the Union Hospital, Nokomis, Sask. Resident of the Richfarms district, 10 miles northeast of Junction Town, deceased was well and favourably known through the community. He was a brother-in-law of Mrs. J. A. McGowan, of Watrous, Sask. The funeral, under the direction of McDougall's Funeral Home, was held from the United Church in Nokomis Friday afternoon, August 3rd, at 2:30 o'clock. Interment was made in the family plot in Nokomis cemetery. Hugh Moore Kyles was born at Camilla, north of Orangeville, on October 20, 1870. On January 18, 1906 he was united in marriage with Charlotte Bailey, of Orangeville, who predeceased him in 1944. Coming to the new province of Saskatchewan in March 1910, they took up residence on a farm near Richfarms school on which the family resided for nearly 40 years. Members of the United Church, both the late Mr. and Mrs. Kyles took a keen interest in church and school activities, being members of the boards of both organizations for many years. Honest in his dealings, and always willing to give a helping hand, Hugh Kyles was highly regarded by his neighbours and a wide circle of friends. Unwell for the past three years, the deceased suffered a stroke early in 1950 and this left his right side more or less helpless. In October 1950, he met with an unfortunate accident when he fell from near the bottom of the stairway in the Nokomis Hotel, resulting in his left arm being fractured. Never fully recovering from the shock, the late Mr. Kyles finally lost his voice and his eyesight also failed, so that the past few months were very lonesome indeed. Through kind attention and care from the entire hospital staff, and regular visits and gifts from many of his old neighbors and friends, his last days were made as bright as possible and he showed interest in local events until shortly before his death. The late Hugh Kyles is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Jack (Mary) Redford, R.N., of Sorrento, B.C., and two grandchildren. He also had two sisters and two brothers: Mrs. M. McNaughton, Oakville, Ont; Mrs. Myrtle Trimble, Orangeville; William C Kyles, Grand Valley; and Dr. A.E. Kyles, Orangeville.

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LAMONTAGNE - Donald, passed away peacefully in his sleep at Mount Pleasant Manor Care Home in Regina, SK, on Friday, February 2, 2001, at the age of 89 years. Predeceased by his father Harvey; mother Georgina; step-father Theodore Guenette; brothers: Ernest, Noel, Fortune (Joe); sisters: Yvonne, Annette and Eva. Don will be sadly missed by his wife of sixty years, Theresa; children: Ann (John) Rodenburg, Ernie (Fran), Garry (Sharon), Ev Mounstephen, Marie (Larry) Gegner, Annette (Chris) Mickleborough, Shirley (Ross) Chamberlin, Don (Zenna), Richard (Maxine), Ray (Debbie); twenty-six grandchildren; seventeen great-grandchildren; brother Rae and sister Marie Hall. Don was born in Willowbunch, SK, on August 22, 1911. He worked for the CNR in Nokomis, SK. Don and Theresa moved to Regina following his retirement in 1968. MEMORIAL SERVICE will be held at Regina Funeral Home, Hwy #1 East, on Sunday, February 4, 2001, at 5:00 p.m. with Fr.Thomas Nguyen, officiating. A reception will follow in the Arbor Room.

LAMONTAGNE - Donald Albert, owner and operator of RB Septic, Regina Beach, passed away suddenly on Tuesday, April 21, 2009. Donald Albert was born on July 19, 1951 in Nokomis, Saskatchewan. He lived in Fernie, B.C. where he met and married his wife Zenna. In 1981 their young family moved to Regina Beach, where he resided the rest of his live. Don worked and had his greatest enjoyment outdoors. Some of his favorite activities included: camping, four wheel driving, and snowmobiling with his family and friends in the mountains; boating, doing activities on his quad; restoring his bus, bombardier and giving all of his nieces, nephews and grandchildren rides in the poop truck. His four grandchildren gave him many hours of joy the last few years of his life. Don is survived by his wife, Zenna; son, Shayne (Crystal) of Regina Beach; daughter, Tammy (Jay) Sullivan of Regina; three grandsons, Brodie LaMontagne, Lincoln LaMontagne and Tucker Sullivan and his granddaughter Madison Sullivan. A Celebration of Don's Life will be held at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday, April 26, 2009 at South Shore Elementary School, Regina Beach, SK.

LASHER - Wesley Carl. The funeral service of Wes Lasher, who passed away on July 17th, 1974 was held from Centennial Hall, Nokomis on Saturday, under auspices of Jehovah Witnesses. Interment in Nokomis Cemetery, McDougall Funeral Home in charge of arrangements. Pallbearers were: Joe Henry, Carl Johnson, Art Pearson, Kjell, James Campbell, George Masters. The late Wes Lasher was born at Adrian, Minn. On Sept. 30th 1898 and came to Canada settling close to the end of Long Lake. He was a man of fine character, popular with all he came in contact. He has farmed for many years in the Govan district. Left to mourn besides his wife, Sena, are 4 sons. Emanuel, Elmer, Arden and Wray; and 3 daughters, Lila; (Mrs. Art Harding), Phyllis (Mrs. C. Harding) & I1ene (Mrs. Garfield Harding), 18 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren. An infant son predeceased him in 1940. A smile for all, a heart of gold, One of the best this world could hold.

LATIMER - Jean (nee Denniss). On March 7, 2004, Mrs. Jean Latimer of Edmonton, born in Nokomis, SK went to be with Jesus at the age of 74 years. She leaves to mourn her passing, her loving husband, Carson; son, Keith, of Edmonton, daughter, Kathy (Greg) Latimer-Whalen, of Leduc; grandson, Nathan Latimer; sisters, Elsie and Margaret Denniss, Kathleen (Ralph) Patmore; brother, Alfred (Florence) Denniss as well as many other relatives and friends. Jean was predeceased by her parents, Clifford and Hattie Denniss; three sisters and one brother. Visitation for family and friends will take place Thursday, March 11, 2004 from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. at Appel Funeral Home/Central Memorial Chapel, 10530-116 St., Edmonton where the Funeral Service will be held Friday, March 12, 2004 at 2:00 p.m. with Pastor Terry Garrett and Mrs. Linda Rowbottom officiating. Interment will follow at Edmonton Cemetery.

LAYMAN - Margaret Muriel (nee Kirk) Layman, beloved wife of Glen Layman of Calgary, AB, passed away at the Rockyview General Hospital on Saturday, November 27, 2004 at the age of 87 years. Margaret was born on February 18, 1917 in Nokomis. She took her schooling in Nokomis then attended Normal School in Saskatoon in 1937. She taught school at various locations before (and after) her marriage to Glen Layman on May 10, 1942. Following the war, they settled in Stoughton, moving to Weyburn in 1965. She was very active in the United Church and Community Services as long as her health would permit. Margaret was a loving, wonderful wife, mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, sister, and friend. We will miss her dearly. Besides her loving husband Glen of 62 years, Margaret is survived by a daughter Elsie of Calgary, AB; a son and daughter-in-law, Robert and Jan of Red Deer, AB; three grandchildren, Neil, Colin and Jill of Calgary, AB; and four great grandchildren, Jessica, Rebecca, Joshua, and Logan. She is also survived by a brother and sister-in-law, Douglas and Lois Kirk of Regina; a sister and brother-in-law, Marion and Ken Fee of Cranbrook, BC; a sister-in-law Shirley Kirk of Nokomis; a sister-in-law and three brothers-in-law, all of Ontario; as well as a number of nieces and nephews. She was predeceased by her father Robert Kirk on May 6, 1937; her mother Gertrude on March 23, 1994; an infant son Allan; two brothers, Robert (Shirley) and James (Eileen); and two sisters-in-law. Funeral service will be held at Fish Creek Chapel, Calgary, AB on Wednesday, December 1, at 1:00 p.m.

LECAIN - Donald John LeCain, 56, passed away at St. Paul's Hospital Saskatoon, on July 16, 1969 following an illness of nine weeks. The late Don LeCain was born at Nokomis on October 15, 1912, and spent his life in the district with the exception of five years from 1941 to 1946 when he was on active service in the RCAF, He farmed about six miles northeast of Nokomis. Besides his wife Dorothea, he leaves to mourn one brother William H. of Saskatoon and sister, Mrs. James Campbell, of Govan. Funeral service was held at St. Patrick's R. C. Church, Nokomis, on July 19th conducted by Rev. Fr. DeKievit Burial was in Nokomis Cemetery. Pallbearers were Jack Edwards, Ted Klassen, Steve Sevick, Roy Potter, Lester Potter and Gordon Hicks.

LECAIN - Dorothea Alphonsina (nee van Heesch). The death of Dorothea Alphonsina Le Cain age 68 years of 317 Adelaide Street East occurred in a local hospital on May 29th, 1984. The Service of Remembrance will be held on Monday June 4th, at 3:30 p.m. from the Chapel of the Saskatoon Funeral Home conducted by Rev. Bernard de Margerie. Memorial donations to the Canadian Red Cross, Saskatoon Branch, 325 - 20th street East, will be appreciated in lieu of flowers. Surviving are: two daughters, Mrs. Carla Jacobs, Bonweiden, Belgium and Mrs. Mariette Jacobs, Mechelen, Belgium; five grandchildren, three sisters; Mrs. Lucia Pype, Mrs. Caroline Briza and Mrs. Louisa van Heesch; and one brother, Willem van Heesch all in Belgium. She was predeceased by her husband Donald Le Cain. Mrs. Le Cain was born in Belgium. She was a graduate of Hemmersmith Hospital School of Nursing in England and prior to coming to Canada in 1956 had received an Award for Distinguished Service in Nursing from Queen Elizabeth. After coming to Saskatoon, Mrs. Le Cain taught in the Nursing Education Department at the University Hospital for a time before moving to serve on the staff of the Nokomis Hospital. Returning to Saskatoon following the death of her husband she served for a time with the Federal Department of Northern Affairs Hospital Branch in the northern area of the province as well as being active in the nursing profession in Saskatoon. Mrs. Le Cain had taken an active part in various community organizations and was active in the work of the Red Cross in Saskatoon.

LECAIN - William Herbert. The death of William Herbert LeCain age 58 years, occurred suddenly in hospital on August 20, 1976. The Funeral Service was held Aug. 24th, from Chapel of Saskatoon Funeral Home conducted by Rev. William Brown. Surviving him are his wife Nina, two sons, Donald and Brian, and a daughter, Mrs. Dale Wilson (Myrna); 6 grandchildren; a sister, Mrs. Carrie Campbell and a sister-in-law, Mrs. Dorothea. LeCain. He Was predeceased by a brother, Donald in 1969. Mr. LeCain was born at Nokomis and joined the RCAF in 1942. Prior to coming to Saskatoon 11 years ago he had lived in Carrot River. Mr. LeCain was a member of the Canadian Corps of Commissionaires and had been employed at the Patience Potash Mine. Internment was in Woodlawn cemetery.

LEE - Lorne Einar Lee was born on June 12, 1945. He lived his whole life on his family farm by Hatfield. Lorne was a farmer at heart, buying his first quarter of land when he was 16. He was a cattleman right to the end with his prized Angus cows. He was known to many of his neighbours as 'General'. Lorne lost his hearing when he was 6; he learned to read lips until he got his first hearing aid when he was 30. He enjoyed his 18 years of work for the R.M. of Wreford, driving the grader and mowing ditches. He spent many hours driving around checking roads and could tell you who homesteaded and farmed the land in the area. He enjoyed spending time at the cabin at Last Mountain Regional Park. The past few years he spent many hours volunteering at the museum in Nokomis. Lorne enjoyed many hours with his grandchildren playing UNO. He taught them the fine art of cheating when no one was watching. The grand-kids meant the world to him as his face would always light up no matter how sick he was. Lorne passed away at the Nokomis Health Centre on Wednesday, February 11, 2009 after an eight month battle with cancer at the age of 63. A memorial service was held for Lorne on Tuesday, February 17 from the Nokomis United Church with Rev. George Holliday officiating and Lois Mortenson playing the piano. Honorary pallbearers were his five grandchildren. Bobbi Rintoul and Kelly Holbrook attended the guest register. Ray Rintoul and Mark Holbrook were the ushers. Interment was held near the farm at St. Olaf's Pioneer Cemetery. He was buried beside his parents, Reier and Jenny. Lorne is survived by his wife of 41 years, Karen; son Bob (Dawn) of Watrous; daughter Sandra (Craig) Smith of Govan; grandchildren Sydney, Julia and Reier Lee, Madison and Carter Smith; brother Ross Lee of Vancouver/ Yuma; mother and father-in-law Bob and Margaret Edwards; brother and sisters-in-law Lawrence (Donna) Edwards, Linda (Al) Green, Dorothy (Ron) Whalen, Doug (Janice) Edwards, David (Laurie) Edwards, Susan (Garry) Jabs; as well as numerous nieces and nephews, neighbours and friends

LEWIS - John A. passed away peacefully with his family by his side, after a short but determined battle with cancer. John was born on September 29, 1944 in Perth, Ontario. He moved west 16 years later and has created memories around the area ever since. John finally settled into Nokomis, SK in 1964 and remained there until his passing, working until last fall, finishing his final harvest. John was predeceased by his parents: Edward and Annie (Blackburn), and one sister Marjorie. John is survived by his loving wife Sandy of 38 years; son: Jody (Treena) and children, Jensen, Cambrie, and Andrew; daughter; Tracy (Ken) and children Jayla and Jayden. John is also survived by: brothers; Charlie (Joy) Miller, Ross (Joann) Lewis, Garry (Maureen) Lewis; sisters: Elaine (Garth) Garland, Shirley Ledgerwood, Joyce (Gord) Johnson; and sisters-in-law, Marnie (John) Fehr, Karen Mundt, and numerous nieces and nephews. The Funeral Service will be held in the Nokomis Centennial Hall Nokomis, SK on Monday August 7th at 3:30 p.m. with interment to follow in the Nokomis Cemetery.

LITWIN - Pastor Adam Litwin. Again a Pioneer-Missions-worker was called to the upper Kingdom. Br. Adam Litwin, who began his mission activity in the year 1903 in western Canada, was born on the 17th July, 1858 in Warsaw, Poland. Trained as a teacher, he worked in that profession up to the year 1893. On the 8th of October 1886, he was honoured to God. As an eager reader of the scriptures he soon uncovered the Biblical baptizing truth. By Pastor Heinrich Assmann he was baptized on the 12th, of October 1891. A special calling to tell others of the redemption in Jesus induced him to give up school teaching and completely dedicate himself to the mission service. In the year 1893 he was employed as a mission worker in the congregation in Rypin, Poland. On 8 April 1898 Br. Litwin was ordained as a Pastor. With his family he followed other emigrants and came to Winnipeg, Canada, on 24 March 1903. Here in the new country he started his mission activity, and worked as a Travelling Pastor in the province of Manitoba from 1903 to 1906. On 1 April 1906 he took on the work as Pastor to Nokomis and area. Much pioneering work needed to be done. In the year 1914 Brother Litwin followed the call of the Sutherland-Congregation. Later he served the congregations of Gsturah, Glidden, Esk, and Lockwood. Up to the year 1923, Br. Litwin was in the active mission service. He often served thereafter at other places with the message of the Cross. Our brother married on the 28th, May, 1881, Sister Susanna Grahn, who stood beside hime steadfastly and bore the burden and hardship as a Preacher's Wife. In the month of January this year, death tore this faithful helper from his side. Afterwards Br. Litwin lost all desire and joyfulness, and fell to the Earth. He waited now only for the hour, when he might go home to be with the Lord. The song: "When at last I am at home" was particularly dear to him and 71 years Pilgrimage, brother and sister Litwin were together for life. 12 children were given to them. Before him three children went to the Lord in eternity. They had Daughters: Emilie Schunke, Natalie Hoffman, Lydia Miller, Olga Buchholz and Wanda Felske; four sons: Emil, Otto, Oscar and Ernst; three daughters-in-law, four sons-in-law, 31 grandchildren and 23 great-grandchildren. Father Litwin was always vigourous and loved the to attend the service. In later times his hearing was nearly completely taken away. That made his life lonely. He was, however, so grateful that he could read still. Recently he was living with his daughter and son-in-law, and on Sunday, the 23, March, he was in the hospital, and Monday morning, the 24 March, 1952, the weary soul of the gentleman was received by his father. Thus he reached the beautiful age of 93 years, 8 months and 7 days. Two years before, Br. Litwin asked Br. E. P. Wahl to be available, having known him for many years. The Council allowed Br Wahl to take time off from his Bible School duties to officiate the funeral service. Luke 2, 29-30 served as the funeral text. The signatory led the mourning service.     Robert Jaster.

LITWIN - Emil A. Litwin passed away on Friday, June 29th, 1979, at the age of 95 years in the Nokomis Union Hospital. Born in Poland October 30, 1883, Emil was the eldest son of the late Rev. Adam and Susan Litwin. Emil received his early education in Poland and at the age of 17 years, immigrated to Canada settling in Winnipeg. In 1907, as one of the early pioneers, he established al homestead and farmed west of Nokomis most of his life. Due to his ability to speak several languages, he acted as interpreter in the early years, for many new immigrants. On February 23, 1909 Emi1 married Wilhelmina Stagman. Several months ago they celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary. To this union were born eight children. Emil was active both in church and community, as a member of the Nokomis Baptist Church for 60 years, he served in various capacities as choir director, church secretary, Sunday School superintendent. He acted as secretary treasurer for the Colt Lake School district for many years and spent twenty active years (1947-1966) councillor of the Wreford Municipality. Emil is predeceased by one son Clifford, who died in infancy, and one daughter Madeline who passed away in 1976. He leaves to mourn his wife Wilhelmina, 5 daughters; Ruth Rojem of Kelowna; Olga Hein of Edmonton; Lois Neison of Nokomis, Trudy Wright of Spokane; Connie McNeil of Calgary; and one son George of Lethbridge; 10 grandchildren and nine great grandchildren; one brother Oscar and one sister Lydia Miller, both of Nokomis. Funeral services were held in the Nokomis Baptist Church on July 3rd, 1979 with Rev. Rudy E. Lemke officiating and McDougall's Funeral Home in care of arrangements. Interment followed in the Nokomis Cemetery. The following acted as Honorary Pallbearers, Harold Johnson, Ross Reynolds, Emmanuel Felske, Gus Gonsch; Pallbearers, Leo Kopp, Wilf Nornberg, Erwin Richter, Murray Ruedig, Louis Simpson, Herb Wolter. Donations are being accepted as a memorial Fund for the Nokomis Union Hospital.

LITWIN - Susanna Litwin (nee Grahn), was born on the 15th April, 1863 in Poland. On the 28th of May, 1881 she married Adam Litwin. This marriage was blessed with 12 children, from which three were predeceased. In 1886 she came to the living Faith of the Lord, and on the confession of her belief she was baptised on the 12th of October, 1893 by Pastor Assmann in the Baptist congregation in Rypen, Poland. In 1903 she came along with her husband and children to Canada where already three children found a new homeland. She lived some years in Winnipeg, then in 1906 with her husband and children came to Nokomis where Br. Litwin served as pastor and Founder of the Nokomis Baptist congregation. She was a loving mother at Home, and a loyal assistant to her Husband, and a loyal child of God. She attended holy meetings gladly up to the end. Still on Sunday, the 13th of January, she was in church and on Saturday, 19th after a stroke she was in Nokomis hospital and gently fell asleep in the Lord. Her longing in the last time, was to enter the everlasting rest. She thus suddenly separated, will be mourned by her husband, nine children, 27 Grandchildren, 19 Great Grandchildren The children are: Emilie Schunke, Portland, Oregon; Olga Buchholz Edmonton; Natalie Hoffman, Lydia Miller, and Wanda Felske; sons: Emil, Oscar and Ernest, all of Nokomis, and Otto from Edmonton. Her wish and Prayer was to see you all again with the Lord. The Undersigned conducted the service in German and in the National Langauge and there was a big gathering.     Robert Jaster, Pred.

LUEKE - Donald Joseph. The death of Donald Joseph (Don) Lueke aged 58 years of Nokomis, SK. occurred at the Nokomis Health Centre on Tuesday, January 29, 2002. A Memorial Service will be held in the Nokomis Centennial Hall, Nokomis, SK on Thursday, January 31, 2002 at 2:00 p.m. Interment will follow in Nokomis Cemetery.

LYMBURNER - Catherine (nee Schindelka). The death of Mrs. Catherine Lymburner, age 70 of Salmon Arm B.C. occurred after a lengthy illness on April 20, 1981 in Shuswap Lake Hospital in Salmon Arm, B.C. Mrs. Lymburner was born January 17, 1911 at Raymore, Sask. third child of Catherine and Joseph Schindelka of Raymore. She was raised on the family farm and as a young woman worked as a telephone operator in Quinton, Lanigan, and Nokomis. On August 1, 1936 she was united in marriage to Lorne L. Lymburner of Nokomis, where they made their home for many years. In 1964,the couple retired and moved to Salmon Arm, B.C. Mrs. Lymburner was predeceased by her husband Lorne in Dec. 1974, a brother John in 1969 and by her parents several years ago. She leaves to mourn her passing two sons; Lorne of Kamsack and Joe of Westbank. Also left are four grandchildren, Sam, Jodi; Jeffery and David; daughter-in-law Sharlene; two bothers Joe and Max Schindelka of Vancouver; four, sisters Mrs. Terry Anderson of Vancouver Mrs. Betty Nunn of Salmon Arm, and Mrs. Tod-Hunter, of Victoria and severa1 nieces and nephews. Prayers were held Tuesday, April 21,1981 at Bowers Funeral Chapel, Salmon Arm with Father Sheffield and father Shirley officiating. Funeral services were held Wednesday April 22, 1981 at St. Josephs Roman Catholic Church in Salmon Arm with Father Shirley officiating; Interment was held at Salmon Arm cemetery, Pallbearers were Mr. Carl Maard, Mr. George Rambow, Mr. Ed Schmidt, Mr. Allen Nunn, Mr. Mike Paul and Mr. Stephen Westwood.

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MacFARLANE - Donald William MacFarlane, Q.C. passed away peacefully on December 29, 2001 at the age of 80 years after a brief battle with cancer. Born in Nokomis, Saskatchewan on July 23, 1921 as the youngest of a loving family of 6 children, Don attended the University of Saskatchewan where he received his Bachelor of Arts and his Law Degrees. Shortly after articling and commencing a law practice in Yorkton, Saskatchewan, he met his wife, Frances (Bretherton) and they were married in 1951. The burgeoning oil industry called to Don in 1955 when he joined Tidewater Oil in Regina and was instrumental in the unitization of many oil and gas rights in Saskatchewan. In 1958, Don and Frances moved to Calgary where Don joined Mobil Oil's law department. In 1983, after 25 years of dedicated service, Don retired from the position of General Counsel with Mobil Oil Canada, Ltd. Don's years in Calgary were spent in loving devotion to his family and his career. Don was a lifetime member of the Philathea Masonic Lodge (Nokomis, Sask.) He was a charter member of St. Andrew's United Church where he served as Chairman of the Board of Stewards in 1962. He served as a director with the Calgary Zoological Society, ultimately as its president in 1970. He became a director of the Canadian Petroleum Law Foundation in 1975 and was its president in 1980. He served the oil industry as counsel for the Canadian Petroleum Association and was awarded Queen's Counsel for this service and many others to the community. Don enjoyed his tennis and golf for many years at the Glencoe Club and the Glencoe Golf and County Club. Don will be remembered and loved by his friends and family, including his wife of 50 years, Frances; his sisters, Gladys Rae and Hazel MacFarlane; his sons, Kevin (Barbara) and Bill (Barb); his daughter, Cathie Gould (Tom); 10 grandchildren and 8 nieces and nephews, all who have been so supportive. Don is predeceased by his mother and father, Fannie and William; by his sisters Jessie MacFarlane, Anne MacFarlane and Marion Strachan; by his brothers-in-law, Bob Strachan and Jim Rae and by his nephew, Bill Strachan. A Memorial Service will be held at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church on Saturday, January 5, 2002 at 1:00 p.m.

MacFARLANE - Hazel Eva MacFarlane (November 2, 1919 ? July 30, 2009) of Calgary passed away peacefully on Thursday, July 30, 2009 at the age of 89 years after a courageous battle with cancer. Hazel was born and raised in Nokomis, Sask. After completing high school in 1937, Hazel attended business college in Regina. During the war years, she was with the Bank of Commerce first in Nokomis, then in Humboldt, Biggar and Eston. She went back to Regina and worked as a secretary at Toronto General Trusts until she left to join Simpsons in 1948. Following her retirement from Simpsons in 1981, there was more time for golfing, supporting her beloved "Riders" and travelling to many places around the world. In the fall of 2003, Hazel moved to Calgary to be closer to her family. Nevertheless, Hazel missed the Wascana Golf Club, Wascana Park, the Qu'Appelle Valley, Roughrider games, Globe Theatre, Probus Club and her many Regina friends. She is survived by her "lucky seven" nieces and nephews: Don (Sally) Rae, Douglas Rae, Kevin (Barbara) MacFarlane, David (Donna) Rae, Bill (Barb) MacFarlane, Cathie (Tom) Gould and Deb (Don) Foley, as well as many beloved grand and great-grand nieces and nephews. She is also survived by her sister-in-law, Frances MacFarlane. Hazel was predeceased by her parents, William and Fannie MacFarlane of Nokomis, to whom she was the youngest daughter, as well as her sisters, Anne, Marion, Jessie and Gladys, her brother Donald and her nephew, Bill Strachan. A Celebration of Life will be held at McINNIS & HOLLOWAY?S Park Memorial Chapel (5008 Elbow Drive S.W., Calgary, Alberta) on Wednesday, August 5, 2009 at 2:00 p.m. Committal to follow on August 12 in Nokomis.

MAGNES - Lloyd (1926 - 2012). The death of Lloyd Magnes, aged 86 years, of Watrous and formerly of Nokomis occurred at St. Paul's Hospital on Saturday, November 3, 2012. Lloyd was predeceased by his wife Sheila and is survived by, sons Larry (Bev) of Nokomis, Howard (Shirley) of Watrous, and daughter Carol (Ian) Saul of Semans; grandchildren Crystal Magnes and Sheldon Magnes, Leona (Colin) Kitchen and Landon Magnes, Tracy (Derrick) Shearer, Tammy (Neal) Hendry, Dallas (Wendy) Saul; great-grandchildren Cody, Keagan, Grady, Morgan, Presley, Kayne, Jettson, Devin and Reid; numerous nieces and nephews. A private family service will take place at a later date. Interment in Watrous Cemetery.

MAGNES - Sheila Kathleen (nee Smith). The death of Mrs. Sheila Kathleen Magnes, aged 77 years, of Watrous and formerly of Nokomis occurred at her residence on Wednesday, February 27, 2008. Sheila was born August 4, 1930. She was predeceased by her mother Nellie Smith in September 1968 and her father George Smith in June 1977. Sheila grew up in the Venn area, attended rural public school at Geneseo School and high school in Venn. In 1948 she married Lloyd Magnes and together they began their farming career. Sheila worked hard on the farm. She always planted a large garden and loved canning, especially tomatoes. In 1972, they moved to Nokomis and Sheila started work at the Nokomis Union Hospital in the dietary department. Throughout the years she made many friends with her co-workers. In 1995, she retired from her cook position with 23 years of service. Her retirement years included normal household duties, gardening, and she couldn't wait for spring to visit the greenhouses. She loved flowers, especially sunflowers, and spending quality time with her family and friends. Sheila had a special place in her heart for all of her grandchildren. She also loved pets and at any given time, could be seen with one or two on her knee. Over the years, Lloyd and Sheila enjoyed traveling to various places, especially Hawaii and Las Vegas. Sheila was full of compassion, always there for her family and friends in times of need. No life passes without purpose, no sorrow goes uncomforted, love lives forever in our hearts. Sheila is survived by her husband Lloyd of 59 and a half years, sons Larry (Bev) of Nokomis, Howard (Shirley) of Watrous, and daughter Carol (Ian) Saul of Semans; grandchildren Crystal and Sheldon (fiance Chantel), Leona and Landon, Tracy (Derrick) Shearer, Tammy (Neal) Hendry, Dallas (Wendy) Saul; great-grandchildren Cody, Keagan, Grady, Morgan, Presley, and Kayne; nieces Marilyn (Bob) Backman and Barbara (Owen) Pratt. At Sheila's request there will be no Funeral Service. Cremation. A private family interment in Watrous Cemetery will take place at a later date. Fotheringham McDougall Funeral Service of Watrous and Nokomis in care of arrangements.

MANNING - Margaret Anna 1919 - 2009 Margaret Manning passed away peacefully at Extendicare Nursing Home on Tuesday, October 20th, 2009, at the age of 90 years. Margaret is survived by her daughter, Lee (Barry) Nicholson of Ottawa, ON, and their children, Leanne (Jeff) Greenberg, Angela (Jim) Hallarn; son, Jack (Cathy Zuck) of Saskatoon, SK; great grandchildren, Nicholas, Abigail, Julia, Elizabeth; brother Jim (Sybil) Higginson of Vernon, BC; nieces and nephews. Margaret was predeceased by husband, Clint; sisters, Essie (John) Campbell and Dorothy (Archie) Campbell. Margaret was born in Regina and moved with her family to the Salvador District where she attended school and worked until moving to Saskatoon. She married Clint on August 26th, 1944. Throughout Clint's career with the Wheat Pool, they lived in various communities including Nokomis, Moose Jaw and Prince Albert. They made many lifelong friends wherever they lived. Mom was actively involved in every community they lived in and was a life member of the U.C.W. In her younger years she enjoyed curling and golf and was a avid sports fan her entire life especially of her beloved Prince Albert Raiders. Mom was a great cook and hostess and was especially known for her sense of humor. Our parents were a devoted couple and were loving and supportive parents and grandparents. The family would like to especially thank the staff at Extendicare for the wonderful care of our mother over the last year and a half and Ruby Andrusiak for the many hours spent with her. A Memorial Service will be held on Saturday, October 24th, 2009 at 2:00 p.m. at Calvary United Church,114 25th Street E, Prince Albert, SK officiated by Reverend Avonda McKay. Interment to follow at South Hill Cemetery, Prince, Albert, Saskatchewan.

MANSELL - Earle David Mansell passed away peacefully at his home with family by his side on Sunday, January 13, 2013, at the age of 82 years. He had not enjoyed good health for some time. Earle was born in Saskatoon to a single parent and moved around a lot when he was younger. He grew up in the Imperial-Liberty area. In 1953, Earle came to Nokomis to buy grain with the UGG. In 1957, he married his wife of 55 years -Lorna Mansell (Wallace). To this union they have two daughters - Gaylene and Paula. Earle was very active in the community of Nokomis - assisting on various Boards and Committees among which was Nokomis United Church Council; 13 years as President and life-time member of the Nokomis Agricultural Society; and 10 years as Provincial President of the Saskatchewan Quarter Horse Association. He was so fond and proud of his registered Quarter Horses. As a result, he was very supportive of Paula in her showing of her gelding Sox to their Junior Championship. Earle was very interested in hockey, and in that capacity, he coached a Midget team to the Provincial Northern finals in 1958-59. He was also a goal judge for many years for the Nokomis Chiefs Senior Hockey Club. Earle worked with SaskPower in Regina for nine years. In 1968, he and his family returned to Nokomis to be the third generation farming the Wallace farm. In 2002, he and Lorna sold their farm and moved into Nokomis. One of his outstanding attributes that he will be remembered for was his love and patience with Gaylene who is challenged with autism. Earle was predeceased by: his mother, Alice Mansell; step-dad, John Gait; mother and father-in-law, Ruth and Eck Wallace; and sister-in-law, Donna Crozier. He leaves to mourn: his wife, Lorna; daughters, Gaylene Mansell of Nokomis and Paula (Rich) Stout, Olivia, Camryn and Logan of Amherst, New York; sisters-in-law, Marlene Wallace (Bob Miner) of Vancouver and Marion Butcher (Doug) of Calgary; nieces, Deanna (Jeremy) Berberich and boys of Lethbridge and Cheryl Butcher (Cody Johnson) of Calgary; brother-in-law, John Crozier of Warfield, BC; nieces, Rhonda (Thomas) Tadson of Kanata and family and Carla Crozier (Jim Russell) and family of Toronto; cousins/ nieces, Lynda Lou (Shawn) Jess and family and Carolyn (Cur-tis) Fawcett; cousins-in-law, Lucille (John) Larson, Nola and Brenda Wallace, Marilyn (Don) Fisher, Wallace (Jacquie) Fen-ske, Allan and Larry Fenske, Margaret-Anne (Lynn) Clarkson and Marilyn (Jim) Smart; along with many good friends. He will be missed, but we know he is in a better place - God rest his soul. A memorial service was held at Nokomis United Church, Nokomis, on Monday, January 21, 2013 at 2:00 p.m. Officiant was Rev. Lindsell Hurd. Register attendants were Eileen Harding and Blandina Pilkey. Ushers were Bob Pilkey and Olivia Stout. Urn bearers were Camryn and Logan Stout. Duet was by Jack Robson and Bud Guenther. Pianist was Lois Mortensen. Interment at Nokomis Cemetery at a later date.

MARTIN - Allan James Edward, aged 81 years of Roblin, passed away suddenly on March 21, 2002, at Minnedosa Hospital, Minnedosa, MB. Allan was born February 23, 1921, at Nokomis, SK, an only child of John James and Cora Matilda (nee Knapp) Martin. Allan moved to Manitoba, as an infant in 1922, with his parents, settling on their farm at Roblin, MB. Allan received his education at Roblin and then began farming with his parents. On October 16, 1947 Allan was united in marriage to Jean Kines. Together, Allan and Jean farmed and raised their three daughters on the farm just outside Roblin. In 1968 they purchased a General Insurance Agency known far and wide as Martin Insurance. In 1983 Allan and Jean retired from the agency but continued serving their community in numerous volunteer capacities. Allan was a life member of Knox United Church and had served on various church boards and committees over the years. He was a Charter Member of the Roblin District Lions Club. Allan was a 58 year member of Roblin No. 122AF - AM Masonic Lodge and was Past D.D.G.M. of the 9th Masonic District. Allan joined the Dauphin District Shrine Club in 1978 and was President of the Club in 1988. He was also an owner operator of a miniature fire engine which he drove with the Shrine Club in countless fairs and parades throughout the district. Surviving are his loving wife Jean Martin of Roblin; daughters, Janice (Hugh) Hopkins of Ottawa, Lynne (Bob) Stewart of Halifax, Marjorie Kergen of Luseland, SK; four grandchildren, Robert and Erin Stewart of Halifax, and Kyle and Lindsay Kergen of Luseland. Allan was predeceased by his parents Jim and Cora Martin. A service marking the death and celebrating the life of Allan James Edward Martin will be held Tuesday, March 26 (today) at 2:00 p.m. from Knox United Church, Roblin, MB, with Rev. Margaret McCallum officiating. Interment to follow at Roblin District Cemetery. A reception will follow at Roblin 50 & Over Club.

MARVIN - J. H. "Harry". The death of J. H. "Harry" Marvin of Nokomis, occurred on November 2, 1980, at Nokomis Union Hospital following a short illness. He was born on October 26, 1898 at Springfield, Kings County, New Brunswick. He moved with his family to Canyon City, Colorado where he spent his childhood years Harry returned to Canada as young man and worked at Unity and Biggar as a telegrapher with the CNR. He enrolled in the College of Pharmacy at the University of Saskatchewan where he served as President of the students society and graduated with honours in 1930. In 1931 he moved to Nokomis as pharmacist at Nokomis Pharmacy. He married Margaret Gray on October 25, 1939. In the years he resided in Nokomis, Harry was an extremely active man in the community. He spent 32 years on the Town Council, serving as Mayor of Nokomis from 1957-1970. He was a member of the Nokomis Union Hospital Board serving as Chairman for many years. He was also a member of the Chamber of Commerce and served as President. He was a member of the Philathea Lodge No. 133. Harry was also a active member of Christ Church, Nokomis, where he served as Peoples Warden for many years.The funeral service was conducted by Rev. E. R. Briffett at Christ Church, Nokomis on November 5. Interment was at Nokomis Cemetery. McDougall's Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements. Active Pallbearers were Tom Airey, Ervin Gross, Ed Klassen, Ted Klassen, Allen Nichol, and Marv Potter. A Guard of Honour was formed by Brethren of the Philathea Lodge No. 133. He was predeceased by his parents, one brother and one sister. He leaves to mourn his wife Margaret of Nokomis, one son, Duane and his wife Wynn, and two grandchildren, Dean and Heather of Sherwood Park, Alberta; one sister Mrs. Blanche Arthur of Pasadena, California, and one brother Arthur Marvin, of Beaver, Pennsylvania.

MASON - Jean (nee Sutherland). The district was shocked last week to learn of the accidental death of Mrs. Jean Mason at Mesa, Arizona. After stepping off the curb, she tried to go back and slipped, falling in front of a truck. The funeral service is being held this afternoon (Wednesday) at Nokomis United Church, Rev. R. W. Swann officiating, Left to mourn besides her daughter Mrs. Roy Philips (Pauline) are 2 sisters and a brother Mrs. Rawlinson, Victoria, BC, Miss Margaret Sutherland, Davis, Calif., and Gordon Sutherland of Vancouver.

MASSIE - Jessie Clark. One of the beloved pioneers of the Richfarms district, Mrs. Jessie Massie passed away Monday March 3, 1975 in the Regina General Hospital at the age of 91. The funeral service was held at Nokomis United Church on March 6, Rev. R. W. Swann officiating. The Church choir was in attendance with Mrs. J. Hamilton at the organ. Pallbearers were C. Rennie, Roy Potter, R. H. Beeler, D. Z. Chute, Wilfred McNichol and Harold Chute. Honorary, pallbearer were Geo. Nugent of Lanigan, Ra1ph Beeler, Merlin Johnson, Dick Carter and Gerald Humphrey. McDougall Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements After the funeral a large number were served lunch in the Church Parlors by the United Church Women. At the church service Mrs. Hazel Chute rendered a vocal solo, "Beyond the Sunset." The Late Mrs. Massie was born at St. Andrews, Scotland on Nov. 14, 1883. Mr. Massie homesteaded in the Richfarms district in 1905 and Mrs. Massie came out from Scotland in 1906 to join her fiance. They were married at Indian Head and drove out to the farm to start a pioneer life the prairies. After several years, of retirement in Nokomis Mr. Massie died in 1969. Then Mrs. Massie made her home with her daughter, Mary, who taught school in Regina. Mrs. Massie was a favorite with both young and old and will be greatly missed by her many friends. Left to mourn is one son James, living at Winnipeg, a daughter Mary of Regina, and grandsons Blaine of Winnipeg and Lyle of Vancouver.

MASUR - David Masur, a well known citizen of Nokomis, was called to his eternal rest on March 18, 1980. He enjoyed an active life in the community, but his health began to fail last fall and he was confined to hospital for a number of weeks before his passing. He was born in the town of Zhitomer, in the province Wolhynien, Russia in 1897. He served in the Russian army for two years during the First World War and was taken as a prisoner of war in Austria, Hungary. After the war David married his first wife Adina. In 1926 the Masurs immigrated to Canada with their daughter Alice. They arrived in Nokomis on September 28. For several years David worked as section hand on the CN Railway then had his own business as drayman for a period of time before buying and operating a dairy. For thirty years the Masur dairy delivered milk faithfully in the town and David became well known and respected as an astute business man. In 1960 his first wife died and some time later he married Ottelia Jesse. Before his immigration to Canada, David professed faith in Jesus Christ and was baptized upon his profession of faith in the Nokomis Baptist Church. David enjoyed music, played the baritone in various bands and was a band master for some time. David was predeceased by his first wife Adina and an infant son. He leaves to mourn his wife Ottelia; 3 children - Mrs. Alice Falkenberg of Edmonton Mrs. Mildred Allison of North Vancouver and Lloyd of Nokomis; 1 brother in Russia; 8 grandchildren 2 great grandchildren and 4 step children. David was known as a considerate person, always willing lend a helping hand and had "reputation for fair play an decency." In his work he was noted for his punctuality. David will always be remembered by those with whom he came in contact during his active life in Nokomis whether through business, church or personal contact. The funeral service was held in the Nokomis Baptist Church on March 22, 1980. Rev. R. Lemke conducted the service. Interment was at Nokomis Cemetery. McDougall's Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements. Active pallbearer were: Allan Nichol, Adrian Ooms, Milton Normberg, Irvin Richter John Fenton, and William Lick, Honorary pallbearers were: Gus Gonsch, Herbert Wolter, Alex Richter, William Rahn, Oscar Litwin and John Richter.

McCORMICK - George. Sympathy is extended to the family of George McCormick who passed away November 11, 2004.

McDOUGALL - Alice Maude (nee Rogers) McDougall was born on January 4, 1914 in the small town of Kerrobert, SK, to Charles and Ethel Rogers. She was the second oldest sibling in a family of seven. Alice passed away on June 5, 2009 at Nokomis, SK, at the age of 95 years. After spending her childhood in Kerrobert, Alice moved to Star City and later to Melfort. In February of 1948 she married the love of her life, Earl McDougall. They settled in Nokomis where they owned and operated the McDougall Funeral Home. A passion that they both shared was the love of football and the Saskatchewan Roughriders. They were season ticket holders for many years. Alice was a life member of the Eastern Star. She was very proud of the many offices that she held within this organization. She was a caregiver, loving and looking after her mother and father and also her mother-in-law Mrs. McDougall. Alice loved to knit and crochet in her spare time. All that knew her are sure to own either a pair of mittens or slippers. After she lost Earl, the love for her pets became very clear. They were part of her extended family and helped her through a difficult time. Alice was predeceased by her parents Charles and Ethel, husband Earl, sister Edna, and her five brothers George, Art, Walter, Bob and Fred. Left to mourn are many nieces and nephews. A graveside service was held at Nokomis Cemetery on Tuesday, June 16, 2009 at 1:00 p.m. Officiant was Rev. George Holliday. Honourary pallbearers were all her family and friends. Interment at Nokomis Cemetery.

McGINNIS - Elsie (nee Genge). It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Elsie McGinnis, age 85, on Saturday, February 20, 2016 at Swift Current, SK. Elsie was predeceased by her husband, John. She is survived by her children, Elizabeth (Orville) Kraushaar, Marsha (Dan) Muscoby, Mavis (Gary) Blakley, Lance (Lorrie) McGinnis; her grandchildren, TJ, Vanessa, Chantelle, Chris, Jennifer, Jackie, Brittany, Brooke, Brady; and by her great-grandchildren, Maya and Veda. A Celebration of Life Service for Elsie McGinnis will take place at a later date in Nokomis, SK.

MCGINNIS - John Asa. Funeral services were held September 21 at the Nokomis United Church for long time resident and Mayor, John Asa McGinnis. He passed away September 17, 1985 at the Plains Hospital, Regina, at the age of 67 years following a lengthy illness. John was born in Nokomis, September 7, 1918. At the time of his death, John was a school bus driver for Nokomis. He also held the Mayor's position for a few years and belonged to the Nokomis Legion Branch. He leaves to mourn his wife, Elsie McGinnis, one son, Lance of Nokomis; 3 daughters, Marilyn Kraushaar and husband Orville of Yorkton; Marsha McGinnis of Regina, and Mavis McGinnis of Weyburn; two grandchildren, Travis Jon (T.J.) and Vanessa; step-mother Maude McGinnis of Strasbourg; half-brothers Jim McGinnis of Fanny Bay, B.C., Frank McGinnis of Brownlea, Sask., sisters Marie Chute, Somme, Sask., Evelyn McAninch of Hamilton, Ontario., Half sister Bernice Scott of Cymric and many nieces and nephews. John was predeceased by his father, John Anderson McGinnis, mother Pearl Ethel Lanning and brother William Joseph McGinnis. Rev. Hugh MacGregor officiated at the funeral service. Organist was Kay Hamilton with the United Church Choir singing. Active pallbearers were Ron Henry, Roy Jebson, Ab Roland. L.A. Hancock, Steve Hryniuk and Wilfred Sproull. Honorary pallbearers were, Ron Ediger, Willard Beeler, Bud Sather, Bill McClughan, Reuben Proseilo, and Walter Driediger. McDougall's Funeral Home was in charge of funeral arrangements. Legion Gravesides service was held at the Nokomis Cemetery. Last Post was played with an Honor Guard composed of Nokomis, Lockwood and Govan Branches.

MCGINNIS - Pearl Ethel Marie (nee Lanning). The community was shocked on Tuesday to learn of the death of Mrs. John A. McGinnis, which occurred that morning at 1:00 a.m. Mrs. McGinnis had been sick for several days, and the direct cause of death was peritonitis. The deceased, whose maiden name was Pearl Ethel Marie Lanning, was born at Portland, Ind. and was 28 years 9 months, 29 days old. She married Mr. John A. McGinnis ten years ago in Nebraska and settled with him in the Nokomis district. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lanning of Dawson, Neb. arrived on the C.P.R. on the morning of her death. The funeral service was conducted in the United Church on Wednesday by Rev. J. W. Robinson. A large number of friends attending the service. The body was shipped to Dawson, Neb., where burial takes place in Heins Cemetery. Mr. McGinnis and family left to attend the burial service and will afterward spend the winter with Mr. and Mrs. Lanning. She leaves to mourn a loving husband; four children, Marie 10, John 7, Evelyn 5, and Willie 3; her father and mother and ten brothers and sisters, besides a host of friends.

MCGURRAN - Leonard Vincent. Peacefully, in Ottawa, on Friday, April 23, 1999. Leonard Vincent McGurran, born Nokomis, Sask., age 81. Beloved husband of Rita Bridget Bugee. Loving father of John, Patrick, Mary (wife of Charles English), Margaret; Peggy and Paul (husband of Lori). Cherished grandfather of Joe, Sean, Colleen, and David McGurran; James, Matthew and Mark Regush. Dear brother of David (husband of Kay). Predeceased by sister Mary Doreen Marion. Friends may pay respects at the Kelly Funeral Home, 2313 Carling Avenue, Ottawa, Monday from 2 to 4 and 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Funeral Tuesday to Our Lady of Fatima Church for Mass of Christian Funeral at 11:00 a.m. Interment Pinecrest Cemetery.

McINTYRE - Florence (nee Buck) passed away peacefully, at the age of 95, on Thursday, October 26, 2000 at Regina Pioneer Village. Predeceased by her husband Edward; her mother Elizabeth and father Henry Walter; two brothers; two sisters; and one niece, she is survived by four nieces: Ruby Hastings of Regina, Irene Reid of Moose Jaw, Maxine Higgins of Nanaimo, B.C., and Joy Plugge of Fairfield, California; as well as numerous great nieces and nephews. Florence was born in England in 1905 and immigrated to Canada as a small child. She will be lovingly remembered by all her family and friends for her beautiful petit point and crocheting. A Service of Remembrance will be held on Monday, October 30, 2000 at 2:30 p.m. in Speers Funeral Chapel, College Avenue Entrance, 2136 College Ave. with Rev. Blair Dixon officiating. Cremation. Interment in Riverside Memorial Park.

MCKAY - Robert Henry. A resident of Nokomis, Sask., Robert Henry McKay, died Saturday evening 23 October 1937 in a Regina hospital at the age of 50. He was born at Middlevale, Ont., and had been a resident of Saskatchewan for more than 30 years. His wife predeceased him on January 29, this year, at Nokomis. Mr. McKay is survived by three daughters, Mrs. T. E. Brennen and Miss Mabel at 1572 Angus street, and Miss Verna at Calgary. The body will be accompanied, Monday, to Nokomis where services will be conducted by Rev. Mr. Dance, of the Anglican church. Interment will be in the family plot in Nokomis cemetery.

MCKAY - Susanna (nee Pomfret). Mrs. R. H. McKay died on Friday, 24 January 1937 after a long illness. The funeral service was conducted in the Anglican Church, Nokomis the Rev. D. L. Dance officiating. Pall Bearers were Messrs. J. I. Jamieson, W. J. Rath, Wm. Lettner, Ross Downey, W. Fenske, and W. Fenton. Interment took place in Nokomis Cemetery. The late Mrs. McKay, nee Susannah Pomfret, was born at Blackburn, Lancs, England on July 31, 1881. She came to Manitoba with relatives about 25 years ago living for some time at Togo. A few years later she married Mr. R. H. McKay at Canora, Sask. They came to the Nokomis district not long after the Great war and have lived in town for the past 9 years. Besides her husband she leaves to mourn her loss three daughters, Alma, (Mrs. T. Brennen), Verna and Mabel, and Mrs. J. L. Cheetham, a sister.

MCLAREN - Harold Clarence, aged 87 of Nokomis, SK passed away on Sunday, March 19th, 2006 at the Nokomis Health Centre, Nokomis, SK. The Funeral Service will be held on Wednesday, March 22nd at 1:00 in the Nokomis United Church with interment to follow in the Watrous Cemetery. Harold was predeceased by his wife Dora and 2 brothers: Ralph and Neil. He is survived by son Rick (Loraine) McLaren of Assiniboia, 2 grandchildren: Ryan of Red Deer, AB & Lindsey of Assiniboia, a sister Gladys Kirk of B.C. as well as numerous nieces and nephews.

MCLEAN - Grace Maude (nee Beeler). Mrs. J. R. McLean (nee Miss Grace Beeler) of the Semans district, died on Sunday age 55 years. The funeral was held on Tuesday, burial taking place in Semans cemetery. [dated 1930] Grace Maude Beeler, born 26 October 1875, died 1930, married 26 October 1897, Jack R. McLean, she was the daughter of Henry Meldon and Lydia Louisa (Burrell) Beeler, of Annapolis Royal, NS., who subsequently homesteaded in Richfarms District, Nokomis, SK.,

MCNICHOL - Annie (nee Taylor). Funeral Service was held in Nokomis Anglican Church, October 1st. for Mrs. Annie McNichol, who passed away on September 29th, Rev. Blackstock of Cupar officiated, with interment in Nokomis Cemetery. McDougalls Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements. The late Annie McNichol was born at Nokomis and attended School there. She married W. E. McNichol on October 29th, 1936 and spent most of her life in the Richfarms district, northeast of Nokomis. Annie was a woman of many talents, teaching piano to youngsters, and was noted for her many work of Art. She was an active member of the ACW, the Mt. Hope W.I. and Nokomis Agricultural Society. Her grandmother, Mrs F. M. Halstead, chose the name of the town, "Nokomis". She is survived by her husband Wilbert of Nokomis, one daughter, Anne of Lethbridge, 3 sons, Lyle of Dauphin, Man., Claude and Robert of Nokomis; also survived by her mother, Mrs. Edith Taylor of Regina and three sisters and one brother, Mrs. Sybil McNichol of Regina, Margarite of Ottawa and Joan of Spokane and Harold Taylor of Medicine Hat and, 10 grandchildren. Pallbearers were Bill Riach, Ray Hards, Reg Potter, Allan Hemingway, Jim Hendry and Jim Edwards.

MCNICHOL - Jerome Douglas "Mac" McNichol was born on December 31, 1925 and passed away peacefully in the Kerrobert Long Term Care Facility on June 9, 2014 at the age of 88. Mac was born in Nokomis, SK. and raised on the farm in what was called the Richfarms District. He recalled both fun and hard work growing up on the prairies. Mac's sisters Pat, Evelyn, Ede and his brother David actively served in the armed forces during WWII. David died in August 1943 when his plane went down in the North Sea. Mac joined up in September 1943 at the age of 17 to follow in his brother's footsteps but did not see active service before the war ended. Mac held several jobs during the early years including working a mile underground as a driller and blaster in a nickel mine in Ontario. However, farming was his main profession and golf was his first love, after Dorothy of course! He met Dorothy Thomson in 1955 and on October 20, 1956 they got married. While living on the farm their four children were born. Mac farmed for 18 years and in 1969 he sold the farm to purchase the McMeekin Hardware "formerly Herity Hardware" in Kerrobert, SK. He formed a partnership with Dorothy's brother Bill Thomson and the B&M "Bill & Mac" Hardware was born. When this store burned down they purchased Greer's Hardware and they ran it together for 12 years until Mac sold out to Bill. He then started a commercial painting business until he retired at the age of 67. Mac had a great sense of humor. He loved a good joke, a good drink and a good dance. He belonged to several community organizations over the years but was an avid golfer all of his life right up to his mid-70s. He won many golf tournaments over the years and had "two" hole-in-ones on hole #5 at the Kerrobert Golf Course, plus had the honour of being the first to tee off opening the newly constructed million dollar course in 1999. In 2012, Mac and Dorothy moved from their home of 41 years on Saskatchewan Avenue to an apartment in the Hillside Senior's Centre in Kerrobert. Mac McNichol is survived by his loving wife Dorothy Elizabeth (Thomson) and his 4 children and their spouses: Doug and Jan, Sandra and Warren, Rick and Jackie, Lynda and Dave; his 11 grandchildren and 4 great grandchildren, and his sister Evelyn Godfrey of Earl Grey, SK. He is predeceased by his parents Louis & Lahlia McNichol and his siblings and their spouses: Ethel (Joe) Tien, Maude (Arnold) Menzies, Pat (Vic) Price, David, Edith (Ingi) Borgford, and brother-in-law Fred Godfrey. The McNichols are very proud of their Scottish heritage tracing back to before the 17th century to Scorrybreac on the Isle of Sky-e, Scotland - descendants of the Highland Clan MacNeacail. The Clan Crest reads "Meminisse sed providere" meaning "Remember but look ahead". A memorial golf day will be held August 2, 2014 at the Kerrobert Golf Course.

MCNICHOL - Lalia (nee Chesley) McNichol passed away in Kerrobert on April 3 at the age of 93. The funeral service is being held today (Wednesday) from the Nokomis United Church, at 2 p.m. with Rev. R. W. Swann officiating. Interment in Nokomis Cemetery. The late Mrs. McNichol was born at Lunenburg, N.S. on February 14, 1883. She married in 1909 to Louis McNichol who predeceased her in 1958. A son David, was killed in action in 1943 and a daughter Ethel died in 1975. Mr. and Mrs. McNichol came west in 1909 to the Richfarms district where they farmed for many years. In 1956 they moved to Foam Lake, where they spent two years before returning to Nokomis. After Mr. McNichol died in 1958, Mrs. McNichol moved to the Eastern Star Home in Regina. In 1971 she moved to Kerrobert to live. When she resided in Nokomis district Mrs. McNichol was quite active in the United Ohurch Ladies Aid and in the Mount Hope Homemakers. Left to mourn are daughters Pat (Mrs. Pirie), Ashern. Man, Evelyn (Mrs. Godfrey),Thunder Bay, Ont., Maude (Mrs. Menzies), Kelowna, B.C., Edith (Mrs. Borgsword), Chilliwack, B.C. and Jerome McNichol of Kerrobert, Sask.

MCNICHOL - Marjorie Marie (nee Menzies) McNichol passed away on April 8, 2007 at the age of 82. Marjorie was born on May 21, 1924 in a farmhouse near Tate, Sask. Marjorie, nicknamed Toots by her siblings, was the youngest of ten children. After her father died in 1929 the family moved from the area to California before settling back in the Tate area. It was here that she met and married Louis in 1942. Together they purchased a farm near Nokomis where they raised five children, four boys and a girl. In the mid-seventies, Louie, herself and her two youngest boys moved into Nokomis, where she resided until her death. Marjorie loved to bake and was very devoted to her family. She could always be counted on for support, encouragement and for her sense of humour. Marjorie was predeceased by her husband Louis (1981) and son Morris (1985). She is survived by her sister Leone Elliot of Grants Pass, Oregon, daughter Diane (Richard) Stone of Regina, sons: Darwin, Ross (Anne) of Nokomis and Raymond of Vancouver. She also leaves eight grandchildren: Jaime (David) Lange of Lake Lenore, Jeremy (Sarah) Stone of Regina, Cheryl (Ryan) of Wakaw, Bryce of Lanigan, Julie Stone (Ben) of Regina, Kristy of Nokomis, Michelle (Jeremy) of Calgary and David of Estevan. Marjorie was also blessed with one great grandchild, Morgan. A family graveside service was held at the Nokomis Cemetery on Saturday, April 14th at 2:00 p.m. with Rev. George Holliday officiating. A memorial reception was held at Nokomis Centennial Hall.

MCTAGGART - Alice Mae (nee Hayden) McTaggart died peacefully at Pineview Lodge Christmas morning 2007 surrounded by family at the age of 89 years. Alice Mae Hayden was born on December 15, 1918 at Nokomis, Sask, the 4th of seven children of Warren Hayden and Bertha Steeves Hayden. She spent her early years in the Nokomis area, attending Bannockburn School, where many years she was the only student in her class. In 1934 the family moved to the Choiceland district. On June 18, 1938, she married Earl McTaggart. They lived and farmed south of Choiceland, and raised three children, Neil (Olga), Noreen (Mike) and Roy (Margaret). In 2004 after suffering a stroke, she moved to Pineview Lodge in Nipawin. Throughout her life she was active in her community, and took a leading role in the 4-H, the Choiceland Rural Club, the Co-op Guild, the U.C.W., and later, in the Choiceland Senior Citizens. She enjoyed painting, bowling, quilting, shuffleboard, gardening and the outdoors, and get-togethers with family and friends, particularly at Lower Fishing Lake, where the family built a cabin in the late 50s that served as a focal point for family. She enjoyed travelling and took many trips together with Earl throughout western Canada and to Florida to visit her brother Lewis and Mamie, and in later years to eastern Canada. She was predeceased by her parents, her brother John, sister Irene Smith, and brothers Walter and Lewis. She is survived by her sister Florence of Houston, B.C., her brother Earle (Joyce) of Whitehorse, 3 children, 9 grandchildren, 6 great-grandchildren, 2 great-great-grandchildren, numerous nieces, nephews, and friends. Funeral Service was held at the Choiceland Elk's Hall in Choiceland, Saskatchewan on Saturday, December 29, 2007 at 2:00 PM with Rev. Gary Schenk and Eileen Fogarty officiating. Mae's urn will be laid to rest at a later date.

MEIKLE - Archibald James 1925 - 2009. It is with great sadness that the Meikle family announce the passing of their beloved brother Archie, who passed away at the Royal University Hospital on Thursday, July 30, 2009. He was born December 11, 1925, and attended school in Nokomis. In his younger years Archie worked for Imperial Oil and the nickel mine in Sudbury. He returned to Nokomis where he farmed until his retirement. Archie moved to Saskatoon in 1998 where he resided until his passing. He was predeceased by his parents, Gordon and Hattie Meikle, brother Larry Meikle, and sister and brother-in-law Evelyn and Harold Taylor. He is survived by his brothers Ross (Lucy) Meikle and Wayne (Jean) Meikle, as well as many nieces and nephews. A Memorial Service will be held at the Nokomis United Church on Thursday August 6th at 2:00 p.m. Interment will follow in Nokomis Cemetery. The family would like to thank the staff of the Good Samaritan Personal Care Home for their excellent care of our brother during his brief stay with them; and the staff of the Emergency Department and the Critical Care Unit of the Royal University Hospital, Saskatoon.

MEIKLE - Emma (nee Youck) Edwards Meikle (April 22 1922 - October 18 2010). On October 18, 2010, Emma Meikle previously of Nokomis Sk, and recently of Moosomin, Sk passed away peacefully with her Granddaughter at her side. The family of Emma Meikle (Edwards) are deeply saddened by her passing. Emma was a very warm and loving mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother. Emma was predeceased by her parents Amelia (Schultz) and John Fred Youck and her first husband and soul mate Jack Edwards as well as her siblings, Immanuel (at birth), Godfrey, Albert, Verna and Fred. Emma leaves to mourn her husband George Meikle, sister Molly Kelln, son Brian (Petrine), daughter-in-law Debbie (Dwayne), Daughter Barb (Ray), Beloved grandchildren Craig (Meaghan), Jackie (Kevin) and Dan (Courtney) and 7 greatgrand children Breylynn, Kassandra, Cody, Brayden, Zenin, Colton and Dylan. Private arrangements have been made.

MEIKLE - Gordon Ross. The Meikle family are deeply saddened to announce the sudden passing of their beloved husband and brother, Gordon Ross Meikle, on Saturday, November 14, 2009, at the age of 74. Ross was born in Nokomis, Saskatchewan on August 20, 1935, the fourth of five children to Gordon and Hattie Meikle. He grew up on the family farm and attended Roundville country school as a youngster, finishing his education at Nokomis School. As a young adult, Ross worked with a seismographic crew in Saskatchewan and at the Nickel mine at Atikokan, Ontario, then returned to farming at Nokomis with his dad and brother Archie. Ross married Lucy Henderson of St. Lazare, Manitoba, on November 25, 1972, and they farmed together until their retirement in 1988. He enjoyed life on the farm, gardening, working in the yard, and he selflessly lent a helping hand to his family, friends and neighbours. Following their retirement Ross and Lucy took many RV trips to B.C., Alaska, the Maritimes and numerous places in Canada and the U.S. Ross is survived by his loving wife Lucy; his brother Wayne Meikle (Jean); and a special Godchild; 6 brothers-in-law and 5 sisters-in-law; and many nieces and nephews. He was predeceased by his parents Gordon and Hattie Meikle; brothers Archie and Larry; sister and brother-in-law Evelyn and Harold Taylor; Lucy's parents Lawrence and Eva Henderson; and two brothers-in-law Alvin and Donald Henderson. A funeral service was held at Nokomis United Church in Nokomis, SK, on Thursday, November 19, 2009 at 2:00 p.m. Rev. Gerrit Kamphuis was officiant. Pallbearers were: Larry Henderson, Neil Meikle, Ken Henderson, Wayne Meikle, Calvin Henderson and Earl Meikle. Ushers were Murray Scott, Larry Potter. Register attendants were Janet and Reg Potter. Organist was Lorna Mansell with singing by Nokomis United Church Choir. Interment at Nokomis Cemetery. Following the graveside service was a lunch in the Nokomis Centennial Hall.

MEIKLE - Murray "Wayne". It is with profound sadness that we announce the sudden passing of our dearly beloved husband, father, grandfather, uncle and faithful friend, Wayne Meikle, at the age of 75 years. Wayne was born in Nokomis, the youngest child of Gordon and Hattie Meikle. He was raised on the family farm four miles north of Nokomis, leaving home at the age of 18. He spent the next 39 years working as an Insurance Adjuster with SGI in Regina, Prince Albert and Saskatoon. He met his wife Jeannie (as he called her) in Humboldt while travelling in his job with SGI and they were married for 43 years. He is survived by his wife Jean; sons Wayne (Brenda) and Neil (Lisa); daughter Kelly (Jason) Beherns; grandchildren Jordan Sundholm, Amber and Ashley Beherns, and Madelyn and Raiden Meikle; sister-in-law Lucy Meikle; as well as many nieces and nephews. He was predeceased by his parents; sister and brother-in-law Evelyn and Harold Taylor; brothers Archie, Larry, and Ross Meikle; brothers-in-law Jerry "Bud" and Keith Umpherville; sister-in-law Karen Umpherville; and mother-in-law May Olson. The Funeral Service will be held at 11:00 a.m. on Monday, April 18, 2016 at Emmanuel Anglican Church (607 Dufferin Ave, Saskatoon) with Rev. Dianne Mesh officiating. Interment will follow at Hillcrest Memorial Gardens.

MEIKLE - William George, of Nokomis, passed away at Nokomis Health Centre on Sunday, November 7th, 2010 at the age of 86. George was born at the family farm on December 22nd, 1923. He was predeceased by his father, William C. in 1942, his mother, Jean, in 1985 and his wife Emma, on October 18th, 2010. George leaves to mourn two step children, three step grandchildren and 7 step great grandchildren and a host of caring cousins, nieces and nephews. George farmed all his life, starting on his own early as his father was sickly for many years and died when George was 18. He was a good neighbor and friend, willing to help anyone who needed it. He was a sensitive and sympathetic hard working individual. However, George was known to be a bit stubborn at times. His epitaph could read "I did it my way". The Funeral Service will be on Monday November 15th at 2 o'clock in the Nokomis United Church.

MENZIES - Gertrude Evelyn (nee Harding) Menzies passed away at Nokomis on Friday, January 7, 2005 at the age of 84 years. Gertrude was born November 6,1920 at Nokomis, SK to Leslie Clarence and Katherine Mary (Nesbitt) Harding. She grew up on farms in the Nokomis and Semans area. While working on the Hollis farm, she met Leonard Menzies, whom she described as a jolly good man. They were wed November 6, 1941 in Nokomis. Over the next few years, they lived and farmed in the area north of Semans, where they raised their family. In 1969, the farm was sold, they moved to Semans, and in 1970, Len and Gert began working for the Govan School Unit as custodians of Semans School. They worked there until Len retired at age 65. Gertrude then began working for the Nokomis Union Hospital as a nurses aide, prompting the move to Nokomis in 1974. On September 27, 1978, Gertrude was widowed. Gertrude retired from her position at the hospital in November of 1985. She began training with Home Care, graduating in May of 1988, and worked as a Visiting Homemaker until August of 1989, when she became ill. In her retirement years, Gertrude had many hobbies and interests. Anything that her family participated in, she was cheering them on. She loved sports, sewing, knitting, crocheting, playing cards and games with friends and family. Gertrude was diagnosed with cancer in August of 1989; she fought a courageous battle against the disease over the next 15 years. At the age of 84, she refused any more treatments, and the Lord took her home on Friday, January 7, 2005. Family and friends will always remember her as a loving and caring person. Gertrude was predeceased by: her parents, Leslie and Katherine; husband, Len; brother, Bill; sister, Faye; and brothers-in-law, Shirley Blyth, Carl Olafson, Denis Bolt and John Jordan. Brothers, Len and Ron and sisters, Gladys, Bernice, Beatrice, Charlotte and Bette survive her. Her extended family consists of four sisters-in-law, Joyce, Kathy, Marjorie (Toots) and Leone and two brothers-in-law, Mac and Ervin. Her son, three daughters, eight grandchildren and four great-grandchildren will sorely miss her: the family of daughter Kay (Harold) Smith of Semans, Penny of Kamloops, BC, Donna (Barry) Krause and children Brittany and Janelle of Jansen, and Paul (Leanne) and children Cordell and Kendra of Semans; her son, Earl Menzies of Nokomis; the family of daughter Carolyn (Robert) Ewen of Saskatoon, Catherine Ewen (Andrew Lawman) of St. Albert, AB and Tyler of Saskatoon; and the family of daughter Arlene (Ken) Ewen of Jansen, Doug and Mike of Jansen and Lynn of Saskatoon. The funeral service was held at Nokomis United Church on Tuesday, January 11th at 2:00 p.m. with Rev. Alison West officiating. Register attendants were Dennis and Sylvia Simpson. Ushers were Dwayne Harding and Ken Harding. Organist was Janet Potter. Special music was provided by Jack Robson and Bud Guenther. Honorary Pallbearers were all her grandchildren and great grandchildren. Urn Bearer was Paul Smith. Interment followed at Nokomis Cemetery.

MENZIES - Leonard Ronald Menzies, Nokomis, formerly of Semans passed away in Nokomis Hospital on September 27, 1978. He was born at Foam Lake July 18, 1908, later moving with his family to a farm in the Wakefield district. He married Gertrude Harding in 1941 They farmed in this area moving into Semans in 1969, Len worked for the RM for a time and in January 1970, he and Gert were caretakers at the school. Upon retiring in 1974, they moved to Nokomis. Len enjoyed being with his family and joining in the many activities of the Nokomis Senior Citizens. He is survived and mourned by his wife Gert; son Earl, three daughters, Mrs. Harold Smith (Kay) of Semans, Mr Rob Ewen (Carolyn) of Jansen Mrs. Ken Ewen (Arlene), Jansen; five grandchildren Penny, Donna and Paul Smith of Semans, Cathy and Tyler Ewen of Jansen; three brothers; Carl of Grants Pass, Oregon; Roy of Craven; Phil, Winnipeg, Man.; four sisters, Charlotte McIntosh of Grants Pass, Oregon; Mrs. Olive Turner of Semans; Mrs. Leat Elliot of Grants Pass, Oregon. Mrs. Marjory McNichol, Nokomis and numerous nieces and nephews. He was predeceased by his father John in 1929 and mother Nell in 1974, two brothers John in 1969 and Harry in 1974. Funeral services were held in Nokomis United Church on September 30 with Rev. Swann conducting the service. McDougall's Funeral Home was in charge with interment in the Nokomis Cemetery. Pallbearers were Lynn Turner of Punnichy, Don Turner of Watrous, Darwin McNichol of Govan, Duane Harding, Nokomis, Ken Harding of Raymore, Dale Bolt of Dafoe. They were all nephews of Len.

MIDDLEMISS - Vivian Lillian (nee Miller) Middlemiss of Regina and formerly a resident of Semans, passed away in Regina on Thursday, December 14, 2006, at the age of 89. She was born near Nokomis, SK, and attended school there. In 1936 Vivian received her Teaching Certificate from Regina Normal School. She taught school near Strongfield, SK, where she met and married James Alexander Middlemiss in 1940 and lived for several years until moving to a farm near Nokomis. In 1966 Vivian resumed teaching at Semans until her retirement in 1980. Vivian is predeceased by her husband Jim; her parents, Daniel and Lydia Miller; brother Fred Miller and sister Esther Greenshields. Vivian is survived by daughter Jackie (Rodger) McDonald of Regina; sons, Bryan (Delores) of Kelowna, BC, and Jim of Regina; three sisters, Ollie Miller of Nokomis, Em (Art) Clark of Saskatoon and Leona (Eldon) Lawrence of Truro, NS; grandchildren, Scott, Joanne (Norm Simaluk), Ryan (Jean) McDonald, Nikki and Lisa Middlemiss, Jocelyn (Ryan) LeBlond, Neil and Michael Middlemiss; great grandchildren, Kieran and Kaelen McDonald and numerous nieces and nephews. Vivian will always be remembered as a loving, kind and caring person. Family and friends were a very important part of her life. She was very proud of all of her children and grandchildren and was keenly interested in their involvement in school, sports and other activities. Vivian was an avid curler and enjoyed the competition and social contact and continued to follow curling on television. Her family will always remember Vivian's great baking skills which she lovingly passed on to others wishing to learn from her. Family and friends will truly miss her. A funeral service was held on December 18, 2006 at Speers Funeral Chapel, and it was officiated by Rev. Jim Balfour. The eulogy was given by Vivian's son-in-law Rodger McDonald. Pallbearers were Ryan McDonald, Joanne McDonald, Jocelyn LeBlond, Ryan LeBlond, Neil Middlemiss and Michael Middlemiss. Honourary pallbearers were Scott McDonald, Nikki Middlemiss, Lisa Middlemiss, Norm Simaluk and Jenn McDonald. Following the funeral service, a reception for family and friends was held at Speers Family Centre in Regina. Interment was at Nokomis Cemetery.

MILLER - Barbara "Joan" (nee Kerr) passed peacefully on Friday, January 4, 2013, in Calgary surrounded by her family after a courageous journey with stomach cancer. Joan was born March 7, 1953 in Watrous, SK. She was predeceased by her grandparents William (Bill) Irvine and Isabel (Woodland) Irvine and Homer and Elizabeth (Wilson) Kerr as well as her father Edward John Kerr in 1983. Joan is survived by her mother Elizabeth (Betty) I. Kerr (Irvine); her best friend and loving husband of 37 years, Reg W. Miller; son Kevin Miller (Dorlisa Lam); daughter Heather Miller; siblings, William (Bill) Kerr (Pam Chase) of Calgary and Ellen (Kerr) McClughan (Neil) of Regina; mother-in-law Yvonne E. Miller (nee Aumack) of Trail, BC; brothers-in-law Hugh Miller (Gail Gabana) of Trail, BC; Gordon Miller (Kathy Hudspith) of Victoria, as well as numerous aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces and nephews. Joan grew up on the PFRA pasture at Hatfield near Nokomis, SK. The eldest of 3 children, Joan graduated in Nokomis, and obtained her Diploma in Biological Sciences in Saskatoon. She met her soul-mate and married Reg July 5, 1975 and moved to Calgary where their 2 children were born. Joan worked at the University of Calgary for 34 years in the Medical Research labs, and retired in 2009. Joan was a genetic genealogist who used DNA technology and social media to complement traditional research. She was involved in various genealogy societies and kept a top-rated blog. Joan was named a Distinguished Toastmaster, loved to travel and led an active life. She will be missed by all whose lives she touched. The family would like to thank the staff at Tom Baker Cancer Centre for the incredible care and compassion they showed on her passing, especially Dr. Easaw, Dr. Wiens and Colleen Cathbert for all their care and efforts in this journey. A Celebration of Life Service for Joan will be held on Saturday, January 12, 2013 at 2:00 p.m. at Thornhill Baptist Church, 128 Tache Avenue N.W., Calgary, AB.

MILLER - Lydia Edythe (nee Litwin) Miller was born in Poland, June 22, 1892. At the age of ten she came to Canada with her parents Rev. and Mrs. Adam Litwin. She spent most of her life in Nokomis with the exception of a short stay in Kenosha, Wisconsin and on a nearby farm in the Tate district. On June 19, 1911, Mrs. Miller married Daniel Miller. They were blessed with a family of six children, Fred (Birdie) Miller, Ollie Miller, Nokomis; Emma (Arthur) Clark, Saskatoon; Esther (Hugh) Greenshields, Semans; Vivian (Jim) Middlemiss, Semans; Leona (Eldon) Lawrence, Truro, Nova Scotia. At the age of thirteen she was baptized and accepted as a member of the Nokomis Baptist Church. She remained a faithful member serving as a Sunday School teacher, choir member and participate in various ladies organizations. Some of her hobbies consisted of a variety of handicrafts and gardening. She especially enjoyed beautifying her yard with flowers. Friends of Mrs. Miller knew her for her love of music. She was very happy to harmonize in singing groups and when she was no longer able to participate there, she sang for many hours with he tapes, some of which were made by her friends. God gave her a gift of great compassion for people in need especially for the elderly. She was a devoted mother and grandmother, praying much for her loved ones and that they would all meet in Heaven. Mrs. Miller leaves to mourn five daughters, ten grandchildren, brother Oscar Litwin and wife Olga and many friends. She was predeceased by her husband Daniel, her son Fred, her mother and father, five sisters and three brothers. The service was held at the Nokomis Baptist Church, with Rev. Alan Johnson officiating. Service of interment followed at the Nokomis Cemetery. Lunch was served following the service by the ladies of the church. Pallbearers were J.D. Greenshields, Garry Greenshields, Bryan Middlemiss, Jim Middlemiss, Rodger McDonald, Barry Halbert.

MILLER - Olive "Ollie" Olga Myrtle Martha Miller was born August 5, 1913 in Nokomis, SK. She was the second of six children born to Daniel and Lydia (Litwin) Miller of Nokomis. After completing Grade 12 at Nokomis, Ollie attended Teachers' College in Regina. She then obtained a Bachelor of Education degree from the University of Saskatchewan, attending classes at both Regina and Saskatoon campuses. Later in her career, she received a Kindergarten Certificate from the University of Regina and completed a post-graduate degree in Speech Pathology at the Universities of Minneapolis and Minot. Ollie enjoyed sports of all kinds - especially skating. She also had a passion for music and played trumpet in the Regina Senior Lions Band. She taught school in the Wolseley area, in Gray and Estlin, SK. Most of her teaching experience was for the Regina Public School system. Her students were noted for their skills in Art, Physical Education and Recorder Band. Her teaching career culminated after forty-two and a half years. On her retirement, she received the Queen Elizabeth's Award for Service in the Teaching Profession, and she moved back to Nokomis to live with and care for her aging mother. She was also able to devote more time to her church; this was always of utmost importance to her. Ollie was predeceased by her parents, Daniel and Lydia Miller; her brother, Fred (Berdie); two sisters, Esther (Hugh) Greenshields and Vivian (Jim) Middlemiss. She is survived by her sisters, Delores (Arthur) Clark and Leona (Eldon) Lawrence; her nieces, Vivian (Barry) Halbert, Jaqueline (Rodger) McDonald and Sheila (Russell) Miller; her nephews, David (Doreen) Miller, J.D. (Elaine) Greenshields, Garry (Gwen) Greenshields, Bryan (Delores) Middlemiss, Jim Middlemiss, Owen (Mary) Lawrence and Rodger Lawrence; eight grand-nieces, eight grand-nephews and three great-grand-nephews. Ollie loved her family and profoundly influenced the lives of all. Her passing leaves a significant void in everyone's life. The funeral was held on Wednesday March 4, 2009 at 2:00 p.m. at the Nokomis Baptist Church in Nokomis, saskatchewan. Officiating was Pastor Rick Shott, with the Eulogy given by J. D. Greenshields. The pallbearers were, Barry Halbert, Jim Middlemiss, Eldon Lawrence, Bryan Middlemiss, Michael Middlemiss, and Roger McDonald. The register attendant was Joanne McDonald, and the ushers were Michael Middlemiss and Norm Simaluk. The soloist was J. D. Greenshields and the organist was Ruth Anne Richter. Interment followed at the Nokomis Cemetery.

MILNER - Graham. Saturday, May 11, 1974, Graham Milner, of Nokomis, Sask., passed away aged 85 years. Predeceased by his wife Georgina, Mr. Milner is survived by one son, Mr. Earl Milner, Edmonton and a daughter, Mrs. Fred (Nolane) Haines, Regina. Funeral service will be held in Nokomis United Church, on Tuesday, May 14, 1974 at 2:00 with Rev. Schwann officiating. Interment in the Nokomis Cemetery.

MUNRO - Olga (nee Penner) Munro was born on her parent's homestead on March 23, 1919. She was the fourth in a family of seven born to Daniel and Ernestine Penner who had immigrated to Canada from Russia in 1913. The family including her five sisters Martha, Vonda, Lydia, Violet, and Frieda, and her brother Gordon, were raised on the original homestead (two miles south of the old Bob Felske farm) and after 1927 on a rented farm six miles east of Nokomis in the Killarney district. Olga received her education in Nokomis and at the Killarney country school. Her father and the younger family members relocated to Nokomis in 1939. She worked for a number of years at the lunch counter in the Nokomis Hotel and later for Mike and Doris Horbul at the cafe. In 1950 she was married to George Munro and took up residence in Tate. The family farmed at Tate and it was here that her children, Richard, Jim, Donald, Howard and Sherry were initially raised and schooled. George Munro passed away in 1966. The difficulty of being a single mother and raising a young family in a location with no services resulted in a move to Nokomis in 1969. This provided her the opportunity to focus on her children's education, and later as the family began to branch out, her interest in gardening was resumed in a big way. Olga was a quiet person, but was very sociable, and was also a gifted letter writer. She had numerous hobbies, was a talented seamstress who made many of her own clothes, was a great fan of old time fiddling and country music, and was a dedicated Saskatchewan Roughrider fan, classifying any team that defeated them as being "dirty". Although a quiet person she had a large presence in the life of her family and the memories of her will be cherished forever. She was predeceased by her mother Ernestine in 1932; father Daniel in 1965; husband George in 1966; sister Lydia Wilda in 1972; brother Gordon Penner in 1989; sisters Violet Haffner and Vonda Burns in 1999; daughter Sherry in 1999; sister Martha Penner in 2005. Left to mourn her passing are her sons, Richard (Ruth), Jim (Valeric), Donald, and Howard, sister Frieda (Bert) Meissner, numerous nieces and nephews, friends, and neighbours. Olga Munro, aged 88, died at Regina, Saskatchewan on Thursday, July 12, 2007. A graveside service was held at Nokomis Cemetery in Nokomis on Tuesday, July 17th at 2:00 p.m. with Pastor Rick Shott as officiant. The Pallbearers were Jim Munro, Howard Munro, Richard Munro, Donald Munro, Gordon Wilda, and Garth Meissner. Interment was in Nokomis Cemetery.

MUNROE - James Anderson. Mr. James Munroe passed away at the Lutheran Lodge, Regina, on April 29, 1975 at the age 89 years, 6 months. The funeral service was from the United Church, Nokomis on May 2 with Rev. R. W. Swann Officiating. Pallbearers were Jos. Sabol, Chas. Rennie, Bob Shearer, Tom Shearer, Gordon Hicks and Gordon Meikle, McDougall?s Funeral Home, was in charge of arrangements. The late Mr. Munroe was born at Abernethy, Perthshire, Scotland on Oct. 23, 1885 and arrived at Nokomis in 1911. He was a successful farmer until 1953, when he retired to Nokomis. Mrs. Munroe passed away in 1970. He was a Past Grand Master of Philathea Lodge AF & AM and a member of Nokomis United Church. Left to mourn are one son Alex, of Nokomis and three daughters, Mrs. Margaret Chymko of Vancouver, Mrs. Elva Earnshaw of Regina and Mrs. Eileen Devitt of Vancouver.

MURRAY - Daisy Alberta Murray of Golden Acres, Wynyard, formerly of Semans, SK., passed away in the Wynyard Hospital on Thursday, February 26, 1976 at the age of 82 years. She was born at Clementsport, NS, on May 17, 1893 and moved to the Nokomis area in 1910. She married Archibald J. Murray on March 28, 1916 and resided at the family farm at Semans until Feb 1973 when she moved to Golden Acres. She was predeceased by her husband in 1948 and is survived by one son Lloyd at Semans, two daughters Orma (Mrs. Walter Murray) at Cupar and Iona (Mrs. Ivan McConnell) at Yorkton. one sister Mabel Milner of Boston, Mass. five grandchildren and eight great grandchildren. Funeral service was held at Semans United Church on March 3 with Rev. Firman officiating. Pallbearers were Wes. Greenshields, John Holmes, Lorne Simmonds, Leonard Harding. Gilbert Murney and Douglas Hodgins. Internment was in the family plot in Semans cemetery.

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NEIGHBOUR - Harriet M. (nee Clark). It is with great sadness that our family announces the passing of our precious mother, grandmother Harriett Margaret Neighbour. Harriett passed away peacefully on October 29th, 2002, at the Nokomis Health Centre, at the age of 69 years. Predeceased by her father Seymour; mother Janet; sister Helen. Harriett is survived by her husband Bob; daughter Bobbi (Ray), Rintoul children Leah, Matthew & Anna; sons Joe (Val), children Falon & Chelsea; Chad (Ev), children Mitchell & Lowell; Steven (Sherry), children Spencer &Payton; sister Ruth; brother Norm. Harriett was very involved in the community sitting on many of the local boards. She was involved in figure skating, hockey, and boy scouts. She loved playing fast ball, golfing, curling and enjoyed camping and fishing. She will be sadly missed by the many friends she made during her lifetime. The Funeral Service will be held in the Nokomis United Church, Nokomis, SK. on Friday, November 1st at 2:00 p.m.

NEIGHBOUR - Robert Edgar. It is with great sadness that our family announces the passing of our dad and grandfather Robert Edgar Neighbour. Bob passed away on May 5, 2009 at his residence, Kennedy Manor, at the age of 76 years. Predeceased by his wife Harriett; father Tom, mother Grace, step mother Eleanor, brother Murdoch and sister Margaret, brothers-in-law Norman Clark, Donald Shand and sister-in-law Dorothy Neighbour; nephews, Albert Neighbour and Sheldon Shand. Bob is survived by his daughter Bobbi (Ray) Rintoul, children Leah, Matthew and Anna; sons Joe, children Falon and Chelsea; Chad (Ev), children Mitchell and Lowell: Steven (Sherry), children Spencer and Payton; brothers Tom (Joanne), Dean (Carm), Albert (Donna); step sisters, Florence (Wayne), Marilyn (Harry); sister-in-law, Ruth Gibbons; many nieces and nephews. Bob worked for Sask. Power for 30 years and was a familiar face in the surrounding area. He was involved in hockey, playing then coaching, umping baseball games and enjoyed fishing, camping, hunting and woodworking. He will be sadly missed by the many friends he made during his lifetime. The Funeral Service will be held in the Nokomis Centennial Hall, Nokomis, SK on Monday, May 11th at 2 p.m. Fotheringham McDougall Funeral Service Watrous and Nokomis in care of arrangements.

NEISON - Lois (nee Litwin) Neison of Nokomis, SK passed away peacefully on January 23, 2015 in her 96th year. She was predeceased by her husband Joseph in 1992, her parents, Emil and Wilhelmina Litwin, three sisters and two brothers. She is survived by her son Larry (Annie) Neison, Nokomis, two daughters: Marjory (Gary) Sebal, Jacksonville, FL, Valerie Neison, Regina; three grandsons: Kevin (Julian) Hein, Regina, Trevor Neison, Nokomis, Kent Neison, Regina; two great grandsons; two sisters: Trudy (Earl) Wright, Spokane, WA, Connie McNeil, Calgary, AB; several nieces and nephews. The Funeral Service service will be held at Nokomis Baptist Church on Wednesday January 28th at 2:00 p.m.

NEWMAN - Ella M. (nee Scott). The death of Ella M. Newman of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan occurred in a local hospital after a lengthy illness on Tuesday, August 15th, 1989. The Funeral Service will be held on Saturday, August 19th at 1:30 p.m. from the Chapel of the Saskatoon Funeral Home conducted by Rev. Bob Thompson. (In lieu of flowers donations may be made to the Canadian Cancer Society, Sask. Division, 1036 College Dr., Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, S7N 0W1). Ella was born to John and Jeanetta Scott of Nokomis, Sask. on March 18th, 1909. She is survived by her husband, Victor; her son, Brian (Jeanette); her granddaughter, Danielle and her sister, Elizabeth Scott all of Saskatoon. Ella was employed with the YMCA as a receptionist and accountant from 1954 until her retirement in 1978. She will be sadly missed by her family and friends. Cremation to follow.

NICHOL - Charles Allen Nichol born January 23, 1926 in Yorkton, Saskatchewan, passed away on February 7, 2007 at the age of 81. He spent most of his life in Nokomis, where he grew up and went to school. Allen was in the store business with his mother in Nokomis, then went to Semans for three years to run a grocery store called Jubilee Foodateria. It was there he met his wife, the former Ursula Maguire, and they married in 1959. To this union they were blessed with three children. Allen was always involved and encouraging the children in their endeavours. After selling out of the store business in 1962, Allen went into the insurance business and was also the town administrator for 10 years, he then bought the former Vic Reid building, where he sold insurance and for a short time was the secretary for the local hospital. After he quit the hospital job, he took on the Sears order office along with his wife and they worked side by side for 17 years. Allen sold the insurance business in 1995 and retired. Allen enjoyed gardening and spent a lot of time volunteering at the museum, he was a perfectionist in everything he did. He loved the town of Nokomis and always wanted the town to prosper. Over the years he spent time on the town council, sang in the church choir and was involved with politics. He also enjoyed the stories and debates on coffee row. Allen is survived by his wife Ursula of 48 years, his children Keith (Misty) of Regina and grandson Neil; Colleen (Dave) of Nokomis and granddaughter Julie and great-granddaughter Jade; and Sean (Darlene) of Nokomis. He is also survived by his sister-in-law Maureen (Louis) Toth of Regina; nephews Edwin, Kevin (Cara), nieces Donna, Laura (Kurt) Gulash and children Sarah and Jessica. A funeral service was held at Nokomis United Church, Nokomis, Saskatchewan, on Saturday, February 10,2007 at 2:00 p.m. It was officiated by Rev. George Holliday. Pallbearers were Wilbert Wourms, Harry Hine, Wes Kirk, Leonard Rahn, Ross Reynolds and Eric Jeschke. Register attendants were Shirley Kirk and Elma Klassen. Ushers were Bev Magnes and Mary Hodgins. Ruth Anne Richter was the soloist and Lorna Mansell was the organist. A private family service followed with interment in the Nichol family plot at Nokomis Cemetery.

NICHOL - Ursula Elizabeth (nee Maguire) Nichol, second daughter of Edward and Gladys Maguire, was born in Semans, SK, on November 8, 1937. She passed away at the age of 73 years on Monday, June 13, 2011 at Nokomis Health Centre, Nokomis, SK. Ursula worked in Clancy Drug Store after completing her schooling in Semans. It was then she met her husband Alien Nichol. They were married May 18, 1959 and made their home in Nokomis, where they raised their three children. Ursula was very involved with her church and was a member of the Catholic Women's League for over 50 years. She was also on the Nokomis School Board, worked at Alien Nichol Agencies and had the Sears outlet. Ursula battled MS and other health challenges for over 30 years, facing everyday with a cheerful smile. Ursula was predeceased by: her husband Alien (2007), her father Edward (1961), her mother Gladys (1991) and infant brother Gerald (1938). She leaves to mourn: her children, Keith (Misty) of Regina, Colleen of Nokomis, Scan (Darlene) of Nokomis; granddaughter, Julie of Lanigan and her children Jade, Adam and Quinn; grandson, Neil of Regina; sister, Maureen (Louis) of Regina; nieces, Donna Toth of Regina and Laura Gulash (Kurt) and family; nephews, Edwin Toth of Burnaby, BC and Kevin (Cara) Toth and family of Calgary, AB; cousin, Shirley Lang (Ken) of Ontario; and many cousins in England and Ireland. The Mass of the Christian Burial service was held on Thursday, June 16, 2011, at 1:00 p.m. at Nokomis Centennial Hall, Nokomis, SK. Officiant was Rev. Father Francis Plaparanpil. Pianist was Fran Wild. Register attendants were Shirley Kirk and Mary Hodgins. Ushers were Wayne and Sharon Busch. Pallbearers were Dale Hine, Paul O'Carroll, Ron Hendry, Milton Mutch, Keith Mutch and Doug Sather. Interment was at Nokomis Cemetery - Nichol Family Plot with a private family service. Lunch followed in the Nokomis Centennial Hall. The family wish to thank Dr. Lim and staff at the Nokomis Health Centre for their dedicated and loving care of Ursula.

NICHOLAS - Effie Mae (nee Zeigler). In Loving memory of a special soul, Effie Mae Nicholas, who passed away peacefully on Friday, December 2nd, 2005. She is survived by her daughter Carla, and sister Lou Domony and her nieces and nephews: Lynn, Lee, Della, Debbie, Diana, and Derek. She was predeceased her her husband Carl of thirty years; and her parents, Frank and Lovedy Zeigler; her brothers Clarence and Carl. Effie was born on May 20th, 1916 in the Rich Farms district, Saskatchewan. She spent her early childhood in Nokomis and later years in Saskatoon. She traveled on a boat to England in 1956 and met Carl Nicholas, whom she married in 1957. They moved back to Saskatoon and had a daughter Carla in 1960. Effie loved acting, dancing, telling speeches, traveling and eating out. She loved life! She was strong and a had a wonderful sense of humor. Her loving, angel spirit will never be replaced. Her favorite saying was I'll love you always and forever, and ever and ever and... ever! In lieu of flowers, donations would be appreciated if directed to the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Sask (279-3rd Avenue North, Saskatoon, S7K 2H8) The Memorial Service will be held on Wednesday, December 7th at 2:00 p.m. from the Community of Christ Church (Dufferin Avenue and 1st Street E) with Lloyd Chase and Clarissa McLean presiding.

NORNBERG - Luella Isabelle Edna (nee Bresch). Isabelle Nornberg passed away on Monday, February 27, 1989, in the Lanigan Hospital, at the age of sixty years, seven months, and six days. Isabelle was born on July 21, 1925 to Emil and Minnie Bresch, of Esk, Saskatchewan. After high school she took her nurses training and worked as a general duty nurse in several small hospitals, later she took a diploma course in teaching and supervision at the University of Alberta and taught at the Aberhart Memorial Sanitarium in Edmonton (Tuberculosis Hospital). After the children were grown up Isabelle went back to nursing. She worked in the Lanigan Hospital for serveral years and then with Home Care which she enjoyed very much. She retired from nursing in 1984. Besides her nurses training, Isabelle also spent two years at the Christian Training Institute in Edmonton. On October 26, 1957 Isabelle was united in marriage to Milton Nornberg. They were blessed with two children, Janice and Sheila. She enjoyed caring for her family and was active in church and school activities with the children (4H, band). She taught Sunday School, directed the adult choir, and was the church organist. Women's work was important to her as she was W.M.F, President at the Nokomis Baptist Church for several years as well as serving on the Saskatchewan Baptist Association W.M.F. executive two or three times. The Christian Women's Club at Lanigan also benefited from her work on their executive. She also led several women's Bible Study groups. Her love for people and her community led to a position on the board of Hiawatha Homes as well as the Library board. Many close friends were made through these involvements. Isabelle loved God and was baptized in Edmonton on profession of her personal faith in Christ. There she was a member of McKernan Baptist Church and since 1957 has been a member of the Nokomis Baptist Church, She also enjoyed God's creation and loved to work in her garden. Just a few years ago she learned to grow roses. Milton and Isabelle were privileged to do some travelling to see God's handiwork in various parts of the world. The highlight being a visit to the Holy Land to see the land and places where Jesus walked and talked. She was predeceased by her father Emil Bresch in 1975, and a brother in infancy. Isabelle leaves to mourn her passing her husband, Milton; daughters, Janice of Saskatoon, and Sheila of Edmonton; her mother, Minnie Bresch of Esk, her sister, Esther of Saskatoon; her brother, Elmer(Adeline) of Winnipeg; her brother Edwin (Gladys) of Lanigan; nieces and nephews, as well as many relatives and friends. Funeral Service at Nokomis Baptist Church on March 3rd, 1989. Pallbearers: Udo Krueger, Erwin Richter, Gary Chase, Paul Gonsch, Albert Patzer, Don Herr. Interment in Nokomis Cemetery.

NORNBERG - Loyn (nee Kiefner) Nornberg passed on 7 July 2010 at Royal University Hospital in Saskatoon. She was predeceased by her parents Adolf and Rosina Kiefner. Loyn was born in Edenwold, SK on 15 August 1932. She completed high school at Caronport and subsequently graduated from Providence Hospital School of Nursing in Moose Jaw, SK in 1954. She began her nursing career at Regina General Hospital. Then, with her usual spirit of adventure, she accepted a nursing position at the Nokomis Union Hospital. She met Wilfred Nornberg in early 1955, accepted his marriage proposal in July, and they were married in Edenwold, SK on 5 November 1955. Loyn continued to nurse at Nokomis Union Hospital, then later as part-time administrator at Lanigan Parkland Lodge, while raising her three children and working on the farm. She loved a challenge and was always up for learning and adventure. She was active in the Lockwood and Nokomis communities. She curled many ends at Lockwood Curling Club, and was on the executive of the Nokomis Women's Institute for many years. Loyn loved to cook and garden. Family and friends enjoyed many lovely times around her table. She was an avid runner and for many years led fitness classes. She faithfully participated in the Terry Fox Run at Lockwood in the years prior to and after she won her battle with breast cancer. Wilfred and Loyn were blessed with a rare and strong love that lasted 55 years, and Wilf missed her desperately in the few hours that he survived her. She leaves to mourn; son Terry (Norma) Nornberg of Nokomis, daughters Gayle (Dale) Friesen of Calgary, Robin (Murray) Bristow of Regina, grandchildren Alexis and Justin Friesen, sisters Marjorie (David) Rohrick of Sherwood Park, Shirley Navratil of Abbotsford, and numerous nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be held at Nokomis Baptist Church in Nokomis, SK on Monday, 12 July 2010 at 2:00 pm. Interment will follow at Nokomis Cemetery.

NORNBERG - Milton Nornberg passed away on Thursday, June 17, 2004, in the Pasqua Hospital in Regina, at the age of 79. On October 16, 1924, Milton was born to Emmanuel and Wilhelmina Nornberg, on their farm at Nokomis. In 1941 he and his brother Wilfred began their farming partnership and in 1953 they started Prairie Gold Equipment. The business grew, becoming incorporated as Nokomis Farm Equipment in 1963. The farm and business partnership continued for over sixty years. In 1957, Milton married Isabelle Bresch, and settled on the farm North of Nokomis. They were blessed with two daughters, Janice and Sheila. He had a strong family commitment and work ethic and combined them by often having one or both of his daughters with him as he worked. From being at his side, they learned by his example of honesty and integrity, along with many other practical skills. He also enjoyed leisure time with his family, sledding in winter, waterskiing in summers, and many family vacations. He was active in his church, serving as usher, deacon, and for over 41 years, treasurer. He demonstrated his faith daily by example, and treated everyone with respect and dignity. Milton shared his leadership and business acumen in other areas, with the Saskatchewan Baptist Association, the Saskatchewan Cattle Feeders Association, and was a founder of Pound Maker Feeders at Lanigan. Milton was active in the community; also became a world traveler highlights included visits to the Holy Land, and working with missionary friends in Brazil. After moving into town and into semi-retirement, he built a workshop and took up woodworking in ernest. He became quite proficient, and enjoyed making things for family friends, and church. Even with his diagnosis of cancer, he continued to live his life with quiet dignity, and service to his family and church. His faith gave him strength, courage, and comfort to the end, when God called him home. Predeceased by his parents, wife Isabelle, sister Gladys, and twin brothers in infancy, he leaves to mourn his daughters Janice and Sheila, wife Evelyn, his brother, friend and partner Wilfred and his wife Loyn, four step-children, and many family, friends, neighbors and acquaintances.

NORNBERG - Minnie (nee Netzer) Nornburg passed away Feb. 12, 1978 at home in Nokomis at the age of 87 years. She was born on Dec. 8th, 1890 in Poland and came to Canada in 1908 with her family and settled in the Nokomis Area. In 1922 she married Emmanuel Nornberg; which union was blessed with five children; Wilfred and Milton of Nokomis, Gladys Bresch of Esk and twin sons that died in infancy. She was predeceased by her husband in 1958. Mrs. Nornberg was a member of the Nokomis Baptist Church and followed with interest various activities and attended services and programs as was able. She was a loving wife, mother and grandmother, worked hard and retained her independent pioneer spirit to the end. She loved the beauty of God's creation and especially enjoyed gardening and growing and caring for many house plants, always having several plants in bloom on her windowsill. Funeral service for the late Mrs. Nornberg was held Feb. 17 at the Nokomis Baptist Church with Rev. R. Lemke officiating assisted by Rev. C. Pederson, of Jansen, with interment in Nokomis Cemetery. Pall bearers were Wm. Birtles, Lockwood; Paul Gonsch, Silton, Ralph Beeler, Willard Beeler, Charles Rennie and Udo Krueger of Nokomis. Mrs. O. Litwin was the Organist; Mrs. U. Krueger and Mrs. P. Gonsch sang "Where the Roses never fade" and "Las mich gehen" ("Let me-go"). She is mourned by her children, daughters-in-law Loyn and Isobelle, son-in-law Edwin, 9 grandchildren and one half brother Theodore Penner. She will be sadly missed by her family relatives, neighbors and friends.

NORNBERG - Wilfred Nornberg of Nokomis passed on 7 July 2010 at home. Wilfred was predeceased by his wife Loyn, parents Emmanuel and Wilhelmena Nornberg, brother Milton Nornberg and sister Gladys Bresch. Wilfred was born on a farm north of Nokomis, on 9 May 1923. He attended Newlands and Richfarms schools until the completion of grade 8 after which he went to work on the family farm. Wilfred enlisted in the Armoured Corps in 1942 and spent three years as part of a demonstration team touring bases in Canada training other tank crews. Once his service was completed he returned to his beloved farm to work with his brother Milton. In 1955 Wilfred met Loyn Kiefner at a Valentines social. They began dating immediately thereafter, and were married 5 November 1955 in Edenwold in the midst of a fierce blizzard. Wilfred was an accomplished welder and mechanic. He enjoyed repairing, designing and building machinery, almost as much as tilling the land. He was active in the Nokomis Gun Club and won several provincial marksmanship awards. He never missed his annual moose hunting trip with his friends. Wilfred and Loyn travelled through 10 provinces, 46 US states and many foreign countries. They loved to camp and fish especially with friends and family. Wilfred is survived by his son Terry (Norma) Nornberg of Nokomis, his daughters Gayle (Dale) Friesen of Calgary, Robin (Murray) Bristow of Regina and grandchildren Alexis and Justin Friesen, numerous nephews and nieces including special second daughters Jan and Sheila Nornberg. Funeral services will be held at Nokomis Baptist Church in Nokomis on Monday 12 July 2010 at 2 pm. Interment will follow at Nokomis Cemetery.

- O -

O'CARROLL - Penny Ann (August 15, 1962 - October 5, 2010). Penny Ann O'Carroll has left behind: her husband Paul O'Carroll; two daughters, Jessica Bellavance and Jolene Wilson; one son, Tyler Cooper; her mother, Karen Carle; and father, Bill Biccum; two sisters, Val Ventnor and Anna Carle; as well as nieces, nephews, Tia, grand-puppies and many friends. Penny's true love and soulmate was her husband Paul. Everyone who knew Penny, knows it was never just "Penny", it was always "Penny and Paul"! Penny had a huge heart, there wasn't a day that went by that she wasn't putting someone else's needs in front of her own. Penny was a selfless, loving soul who will never be forgotten. Her legacy will live on within her daughter's hearts and souls. Penny will be resting in Nokomis, SK, Hawarden, New Zealand and spread with her beloved Kaikoura dolphins! "I am coming back as a dolphin" - Penny O'Carroll

OEHLER - Phyllis May (nee Serfling) passed away peacefully on August 5, 2015 after several weeks in hospital. Phyllis was born on January 9, 1933 to Richard and Marguerite Serfling of Nokomis. The Serflings farmed just outside of Nokomis and Phyllis attended Saline country school west of town. When the family later moved east of Nokomis, Phyllis attended Newlands School, another country school, through grade ten. She completed her grade eleven and twelve in Nokomis after which she attended Normal School in Saskatoon. Normal School later became known as Teachers' College. Her first teaching assignment was a country school called Sylvan near Craven. Other schools where she taught were Bulyea, Davidson, and Lakeview School in Regina. Overall, Phyllis taught full-time for twelve years. Phyllis married Chris Oehler on July 10, 1959 and they made their home in Strasbourg. They had two children, a daughter Alisa and a son Kurt. While the children were growing up, Phyllis was a substitute teacher and taught Sunday school and Vacation Bible School. Phyllis was very involved in the children's extracurricular activities ensuring that uniforms were washed, costumes were made, and everyone got to where they were supposed to be on time. She taught 4-H girls for five years and belonged to and was involved with the Figure Skating Club and dancing school. As the wife of a member of the Lions Club, Phyllis regularly provided baking and other food to events sponsored by the Club as well as worked at the annual sport's day. She volunteered at the Pioneer Home and, after the children had left home, Phyllis became a member of the Country Women's Network enjoying the day trips to different places in Saskatchewan. Phyllis always had a large garden from which she canned fruit, pickled cucumbers and made jelly. She loved to socialize and had a large circle of friends that she would regularly have over for coffee and would meet with a group hosting on a rotating basis. Later on they would meet downtown at the coffee shop. Her friends and neighbours were a big part of her life. Phyllis also enjoyed traveling and took many trips to Hawaii with her mother, sister and daughter. Chris and Phyllis spent part of their winters in Mesa, Arizona for fifteen years. They made many new friends and enjoyed the company of family and friends from Saskatchewan. Her pride and joy were her two grandsons, Cameron and Mitchell. Ever the teacher, she made it her mission to teach them both to read. Chris and Phyllis have spent the last four years at College Park in Regina where they enjoyed the company of new and old friends as well as the staff. Phyllis was the eldest of four children. She leaves to mourn her loving husband of 56 years, Chris, daughter Alisa (Darcy) Scherle, son Kurt (Angela) Oehler, grandsons Cameron and Mitchell Oehler, siblings Bud (Donna) Serfling, Ken (Edna) Serfling, Leona (Elwyn) Beeler, sister-in-law Bertha Paproski (nee Oehler) as well as numerous nieces, nephews and friends.

OLSON - William Melvin Olson (June 1, 1930 - May 11, 2011). Bill was born and raised in Nokomis, Sask., where he attended Nemaha and Richland Schools. He worked for the City of Saskatoon Electrical Department until his retirement. His talents included carpentry, electrical and plumbing which he utilized in building his house and a cabin at Emma Lake. Predeceased by his parents, Sten and Gunda Olson; brothers George and Stan; sister Gladys Walker; and brothers-in-law Jim Walker and Tom Cook. Bill is survived by his loving wife Joyce; sons, Richard, Stephen and Phillip; by grandsons, Rex, Shane, and Lars; his brother Al; and several nieces and nephews. A graveside service will be held on Saturday, May 14, 2011 at 2:00 p.m. at Woodlawn Cemetery.

OTTO - Ida (nee Felske). Peacefully on December 11, 2004, at the Lakeshore General Hospital in Ashern, MB, Ida Otto aged 91 years. Ida was born August 16, 1913 in Nokomis, SK. to Gottleib and Johanna Felske. After graduating from Nokomis High School, she took a secretarial course at Success College in Winnipeg and was then employed by the late Mr. W. G. Garson L.L.B. of Ashern, MB. She worked at his office until her marriage to Harry Otto. After raising her family she worked with her husband Harry in their grocery store "Otto's Foodtown" which is now owned by her son Jim. During her early years, she was involved with the church and community work. She lived a quiet, happy life, enjoying her children, grandchildren, friends, gardening and her dogs. She will be sadly missed and lovingly remembered. She leaves to cherish her memory, her dearly loved children; son, James Otto; daughter Joan (Fritz) Plohman; granddaughter Carolyn (Ken) Sigurdson; grandson Franklin (Shelley) Plohman; great grandchildren Derek and Dennis Sigurdson; two sisters-in-law Evelyn Felske of Saskatoon, SK and Della Felske of Calgary, AB; brother-in-law Walter Otto of Calgary, AB along with many nieces and nephews. Ida was predeceased by her loving husband Harry on January 25, 1986; her father and mother Gottlieb and Johanna Felske; sisters, Martha Craig, Olga Sweeney, Lillian Felske, Esther McNaughton, Evelyn Shields and Eileen Otto; brothers Emmanuel, Dick, Albert, Robert, William, Gordon, Edward and Arthur; nephew Bruce Craig; great nephew Brent Page; nieces Maeola Cosco and Phyllis Meikle. Funeral service was held at 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday, December 15, 2004, at the Ashern Royal Canadian Legion Hall with Rev Melanie Kauppila officiating. Viewing was held one hour prior to the service at the Hall. Interment followed in the Ashern Municipal Cemetery. Pallbearers were Milton Otto, Ralph Otto, Ken Sigurdson, Frank Plohman, Art Steg and Lloyd Steg. We wish to express our sincere thanks to the Doctors, nurses and staff at the Lakeshore General Hospital and Homecare workers for their care and kindness given to our mother. Also thank you to Glen and John of Arnason Funeral Home. A special thank you to Colleen Penner for singing and playing the piano and family friend Abe Froese for his comforting words.

- P -

PAUL - Anne Paul (nee Ediger) On Sunday, April 8, 2012, surrounded by her loving family, Anne Paul passed away after a lengthy battle with cancer. Survived by her sister, Adeline MacNaughton; her children, Debi (Jerry) Heit, Len, Shelley Williams, Gail (Keith Etherington); and her grandchildren, Angela, Mychal and Kelsey. Anne was predeceased by her parents, Adina and David Ediger; her brothers, Alfred and Helmut; her sister, Emiline; and an infant son, Kevin. Anne was born in Nokomis, Saskatchewan and lived in Regina settling in Saskatoon where she was employed with Canada Revenue Agency until her retirement in October 1990. She enjoyed traveling with her sisters and when in good health she enjoyed her garden and the company of her friends. As per Anne's wishes, no service will be held. In lieu of flowers, Memorial donations can be made to the Canadian Cancer Society. A special thank you to the staff of the 7th Floor at St. Paul's Hospital, the ER at both the St. Paul's and City Hospital, and MD Ambulance thanks to Tom for sweeping her off her feet!

PEARCE - Audrey Helen (nee Adair), beloved wife of Jack Pearce, passed away on May 19, 2005 at the Cottonwoods Extended Care Facility in Kelowna, British Columbia at the age of 87 years. She was born at Nokomis, Saskatchewan, on August 30th, 1917. A much loved wife, mother, grandmother and great grandmother. Audrey is survived by her husband, Jack; daughters, Arlene (Roland) Stephenson of Calgary, Helen (Jerry) Timoffee, also of Calgary, Peggy (Neil) Beswick of Saanichton, BC; and a son, Robert (Diane) Pearce of Edmonton; seven grandchildren and two great grandchildren; as well as two sisters, Mrs. Shirley Patience and Roberta (Don) Trevoy. She was predeceased by her parents; a brother, Campbell Adair; and a sister, Wilda Adair. A Service will be held at 1:30 p.m. on Saturday, May 21st, 2005 at First Memorial Funeral Services, 1211 Sutherland Avenue, Kelowna, BC.

PENNER - Edward Gerald Penner was born to the late Theodore and Hazel Penner of Nokomis on April 19, 1938 on the farm. As a child Ed and his brother Wally had to entertain each other. He had to help out on the farm at an early age.. He enjoyed music and played the violin, mostly for his own enjoyment. He took all his schooling in Nokomis and finished grade nine. Another of his loves was duck hunting and he liked his Labrador dogs. In his younger years he liked going to Regina to the Bookaria to listen to the music there. He attended Nokomis Baptist Church as a child and youth, he was baptized in 1959. Ed moved into town in the fall of 2005. He leaves to mourn his passing, his brother Wally, sister-in-law Lenora, nephew Richard and niece Roxane (Dale) Bonsan and their children Brittany and Dustin as well as numerous cousins. The funeral service was held at the Nokomis Baptist Church on Friday, June 8th at 2:00 p.m. with Pastor Rick Shott officiating. The register attendant was Roland Richter. Ruth Anne Richter was the pianist/ soloist. The pallbearers were Dennis Simpson, Farnon Keeler, Lloyd Rahn, Jim Beeler, Millard Barber and Greg Kane. Interment was at Nokomis Cemetery. Eddy's family thank you for attending. Lunch was served in the lower level of the church following the interment.

PENNER - Martha Penner passed away peacefully on January 11, 2005 at Last Mountain Pioneer Home in Strasbourg, SK. Martha was the eldest of seven children. She was born October 5, 1911 to Ernestyne (Arndt) and Daniel Penner in Platz, Poland. She came to Canada with her parents in 1913 and they settled at Nokomis, SK. She took all her schooling in Nokomis and was a member of Nokomis Baptist Church. She worked at various places before retiring to Govan, SK. As health was failing, she entered Last Mountain Pioneer Home in Strasbourg. Martha was predeceased by her parents and three sisters and one brother: Vonda (Mike) Burns of North Battleford, Lydia (Fred) Wilda of Balcarres, Violet (Herman) Haffner of Semans and Gordon Penner of Melville, SK. She is survived by two sisters: Olga Munro of Nokomis and Frieda (Bert) Meissner of Saskatoon and numerous nieces and nephews living in Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia and Ontario. A graveside service was held in Nokomis with Pastor Snider officiating on January 17th.

PENNER - Walter Samuel died on May 30, 2006 in St. Catharines, Ontario, following a courageous battle with pneumonia brought on by heart disease. He was 80 years of age. Walter was born on September 11, 1925 on a farm near Nokomis. His father, John Penner and wife, Martha, were fearly pioneers of this district. Walter graduated from Nokomis High School and shortly after joined the Canadian Army. He was issued orders to report to the Japanese theatre of war when World War II concluded with the Japanese surrendering following the atomic bombing of that country. Returning to Canada, Walter became a bricklayer and stone mason. In later years, Walter and son, Wayne, established a sterling reputation in the Niagara peninsula for their workmanship. Even though he is gone, his legacy of stone masonry will endure for ages. Walter was an avid gardener who enjoyed his greenhouse as well as the ponds he constructed in his spare time. Walter was predeceased by his loving wife Muriel (2003); his son Ken (1986); his sisters Mrs. David (Alvina) Jeschke, Hilda, Lydia and Emma; and brothers Bill, Henry, Fred and Leonard. He leaves to remember him: his sons Wayne (Marlene) and John; daughter Mary; sisters Mary Nunn and Ruth, both of Simcoe, Ontario. Those who will miss their uncle's acerbic wry sense of humor and wit are nephews; Arnold Jeschke (Jean) of Oregon, Eric (Dottie), Alfred of Nokomis and Dr. David Ronald Jeschke of Costa Rica, Central America. Walter was laid to rest at Victoria Lawn Cemetery, St. Catharines, Ontario, on June 3, 2006.

PENNO - Leonard Anthony "Len" of Regina passed away at the Regina General Hospital on March 7, 2003 at the age of 78. Leonard was born in Nokomis, SK in 1924 and was raised in Moose Jaw. He resided there until 1953 when he married and moved to Regina and area to raise a family. Leonard was predeceased by his wife Margaret "Mardi" of 50 years; his parents Charles William "Bill" and Maria Penno. He is survived by his two stepsons: Grant (Liz) Holden of Regina and Paul (Elaine) Holden of Vernon, BC; sister Lola (Gord) Sharp of Moose Jaw; brother Lawrence (Joyce) of Regina; sister-in-law Edith (Mickey) Lewis of Regina; six grandchildren; thirteen great-grandchildren; and two great-great-grandchildren. He will also be remembered affectionately by his many nieces and nephews. Leonard's working life was as an electrician in both Moose Jaw and Regina. In his younger years, you could see him riding his 'Harley' and in later years find him at the Regina Trap and Skeet Club whenever weather permitted and when not, creating pictures in glass. A Memorial Service will be held on Tuesday, March 11, 2003 at 10:00 a.m. at the Regina Funeral Home, Hwy 1 East. Arrangements are entrusted to the Regina Funeral Home.

PERRY - Arthur W. Pery, of Nokomis, passed away on Sunday, January 13, 1980 at the age of 68 years. Funeral service on Wednesday, January 16, at 2:00 p.m. from the Nokomis Anglican Church. Interment in Nokomis Cemetery. The Rev. E. A. Briffit officiating.

PERRY - David Arthur Perry of Lanigan, Sk. passed away suddenly in the Nokomis district on February 8, 1999 at the age of 39 years. He was born in Nokomis, Sk. on September 4, 1959, the son of Arthur and Rose (nee Ternes) Perry. He was predeceased by his father Arthur in 1980 and his mother Rose in 1998. Dave will be sadly missed and lovingly remembered by his best friend and wife of thirteen years, Nicole (nee Dinkel); their three sons, Dominic, Dillon and Joshua; 2 brothers, 2 sisters and their families: Ken Perry (Cindy Martens of Saskatoon) of Earl Grey, Curtis, Kevin and Brian; Dennis Perry of Saskatoon; Barb (Leo) Sequoin, Chad and Jackie of Saskatoon; Beatrice Perry and Greg of Humboldt; parents-in-law Fritz and Eva Dinkel of Lanigan; Nicole's brothers and their families; Thomas (Mary Ann) Dinkel, Susie and Angie; and Ron (Chris) Dinkel, Ashley, Devon and Heidi. The Funeral Service was on Monday February 15, 1999 at the Trinity Lutheran Church in Lanigan, SK. with Pastor Patrick Carty officiating. The Honorary Pallbearers were Erwin and Frieda Grulke, Rick and Marcy Larson and Dave and Kim Magnusson, the Urn Bearer was Thomas Dinkel.

PERRY - Rose (nee Ternes), late of Humboldt, Sask. and formerly of Nokomis, Sask. passed away August 25, 1998 at the age of 70 years. She was predeceased by: her husband Arthur; parents, Clara and Barney Ternes; sister, Mary Moens; brother Edmund Ternes; and brother-in-law Wally Galan.She leaves to mourn her loving family and children: Ken, Barbara (Leo) Segouin, David (Nicole), Beatrice, and Dennis; nine grandchildren; and six sisters. The funeral service in Nokomis Anglican Church at 11:00 a.m. on Saturday, August 29, 1998.

PITMAN - Doris Lillian passed away July 21st, 1999 after a brief battle with cancer. Doris was born in Nokomis, Saskatchewan and was educated in Regina. She worked for Foodland, T. Eaton Company and the CPR before moving to New Westminster, BC., where she was employed by UIC Branch of the Federal Government retiring in 1985. She was predeceased by her parents H.J.T. "Harry" Pitman and Lily Pitman both late of Regina and is survived by her brother R.W. "Bill" Pitman (Elizabeth), their son Richard and family and daughter Susan Mackenzie and family, all of Calgary, Alberta. Also survived by her brother H.C. "Hank" Pitman (Mary) of Surrey and son Michael and family of Coquitlam, BC. Memorial Service will be held at 11 a.m. on Monday, July 26th at St. Barnabas Anglican Church, 1010 5th Ave., New Westminster, BC. Burquitlam Funeral Home.

PLANCICH - Edna Lena (nee Krell). A memorial service will be held 2 p.m. Friday, June 22, 2002, in Hinson Memorial Baptist Church in Portland, for Edna Lena Plancich, who died June 26 at age 81. Edna Krell was born Nov. 11, 1920, in Nokomis, Saskatchewan, and immigrated to Portland as a child. She was a waitress for Yaw's Top Notch Restaurant and later worked in notes and collections for First National Bank. In 1951, she married Richard J. Plancich. Survivors include her husband; daughter, Patricia A. Heath, sisters Bea Durland and Marge Delzer; brother Herb Krell; and one grandchild. Remembrances to North American Baptist Conference Missions. Arrangements by Mt. Scott.

POMFRET - Benjamin Earl. The death of Benjamin Earl George (Ben) Pomfret aged 68 years of Nokomis, SK. occurred at the Nokomis Health Centre on Friday March 21, 2003. Ben was born on the family farm east of Lockwood, SK on March 16, 1935, the youngest member of the Harry and Clara Pomfret family. He took most of his schooling at the Howat School and some at Surrey, B.C. On July 9, 1966 he was united in marriage with Hazel Landstrom and to this union were born two children. Ben lived in Nokomis all his married life and spent his life farming the family farm, retiring in 2001. Ben loved his family and was known for his witty sense of humor. He enjoyed farming, country music, soaking at the spa at Manitou Beach, a number of family vacations, and playing cards and a variety of other games. He was a quiet, gentle, generous man who would do anything and everything he could to help someone. He was predeceased by this father in 1983, and his mother in 1999. Ben will be fondly remembered by Hazel, his loving wife of 36 years; his two children, Randy Pomfret and Rhonda (Gord) Walker; granddaughter Alyssa Pomfret, brothers Jim Pomfret and Lenard Pomfret; sisters Leone (Fred) Paris, Lila (Irvin) McChesney, Neila Larsen and Lana (Bill) Hulgaard; nieces; nephews; and a host of relatives and friends. Ben was a wonderful husband, father and grandfather; his family and friends will sadly miss him. A Funeral Service will be held in the Nokomis United Church on Tuesday March 25th at 2:00 p.m. Pallbearers: John Jabs, Ron Morningstar, Dave Robson, Dean Hobman, Joe Birtles, Jerry Decker. Interment will follow in the Nokomis Cemetery.

POMFRET - Harry. The funeral service for the late Harry Pomfret was held May 17th, 1983 at 2:00 p.m. in the Nokomis Centennial Hall. Ofticiating was Mr. Willis Propp and Mr. Robert Corfield. He leaves to mourn his loss his loving wife Clara, 3 sons: Jim of Lockwood, Leonard of Wynyard, Ben of Nokomis, 4 daughters: Leone of Vernon, B.C., Lila of Kelvington, Neila of Parksville, BC., Lana of Surrey, BC.; 11 grandchildren, 11 great grandchildren, nieces and nephews and one sister Mary Ann White, Francisville, Ind. and many friends. Harry was predeceased by one brother Frank, and son-in-law John Larsen. McDougall's Funeral Home was in charge of the funeral arrangements. Buriel took place in the Nokomis Cemetery. Pallbearers were Arnold Thompson, Arnold Simpson, Jack Barre, Roy Wentz, Ernie Turner, George Goodsman.

POMFRET - James Richard. Jim was bom in Regina on August 12, 1919. He was the eldest of seven children born to Harry and Clara Pomfret. Jim grew up on the family farm 8 miles northeast of Lockwood. He attended the Howat School 5 miles east of Lockwood in the Municipality of Prairie Rose. Jim lived with his parents on the farm and later purchased land of his own. About 1981, because of failing health he moved to Nokomis with his parents and his brother Ben took over the farm. Jim spent two years in the Evergreen Care Home in Leroy. In March of 2000 he moved to the Central Parkland Lodge, Lanigan, where he resided until his passing on April 29, 2003. Jim leaves to mourn his brother Lenard of Wynyard and his family Margaret, Marvin and Bert; sister Leone (Fred) Paris of Vemon, B.C. and their children Carol and Glen; sister Lila (Irvine) McChesney of Kelvington, SK and their family Heather, Marlene and Warren; sister Neila Larsen of Parksville, B.C. Lana (Bill) Hulgaard of Langley and their daughter Cyndy; sister in law Hazel Pomfret of Nokomis and family Randy and Rhonda. Funeral Service at Nokomis Community Hall on Saturday, May 3rd, 2003 at 1:30 p.m. Pallbearers: Arnold Thompson, Randy Pomfret, Warren McChesney, Raymond Gliddon, Frankk Goodsman, Mel Bennett. Interment in Nokomis Cemetery.

West Springhill, NS - Feb. 16, 1949
POTTER - Amos Alfred. After a lingering illness, Amos Alfred Potter passed away at the Annapolis General Hospital, at the age of 73 years. Born at Clementsvale, a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Burpee Potter, he married EstelIa P. Wright on January 10, 1897, and lived at West Spring until 1917 when he moved with his family to [Tate and later Punnichy] Saskatchewan, where he farmed for 20 years. In 1937 he returned to his farm at West Springhill where he resided until his death. He was a member of the Milford Baptist Church. Left to mourn are his wife; a son Lester, of Nokomis, Sask: two daughters (Martha) Mrs. E. O. Simon, South Milford, and (Esther) Mrs. L. J. Rodenbaugh, Lakeburn, N.B.; one grandchild, Alfred, of Nokomis, Sask.; three brothers, Norman, of East Waldeck; Corey and Everett, of Nokomis, Sask. One brother, Adna, predeceased him a number of years ago. Funeral services were held on Friday at 3.30 p.m. from the Clementsvale Baptist Church. Interment was in the family lot at Clementsvale. Rev. C. S. Young officiating.

POTTER - Edith Bernice (nee Rogers) Potter 91, Clementsport, Annapolis County, died Monday in Digby General Hospital. Born in Bear River, she was a daughter of the late James and Priscilla (Harris) Rogers. She was a retired school teacher having taught in Nokomis, Sask. She was a member, elder, superintendent and Sunday school teacher at Clementsport United Church and a member of United Church Women. She is survived by three daughters, Beatrice Meikle, Waterloo, Ont.; Joyce Robar, Clementsport; Marguerite Haslam, Calgary; two sons, Rae, Lloyd, both of Clementsport; two brothers, Archie, Calgary; Frank, Nelson, B.C.; a sister, Lottie Cannell, Nelson; 16 grandchildren; 17 great-grandchildren. She was predeceased by a daughter, Ethel; two sisters, Reta, Bessie. The body is in Robert L. Hall Funeral Home, Annapolis Royal, where funeral will be 2 p.m. Thursday in Clementsport United Church, Rev. Wade Reppert officiating. Burial will be in United Church Cemetery.

POTTER - Mrs. Ellen A. Potter passed away at the family home north east of Nokomis on Thursday, December 17, 1925 aged 79 years. The funeral service was held at the United Church, Nokomis Saturday afternoon, December 19, Rev. J.W. Robinson officiating. The body was shipped to Clementsvale, N. S. where burial look place. Mr. Amos Potter of Tate, and Mr. M.C. Potter left on the same train to attend the burial ceremonies. [The] Deceased, who was predeceased by her husband, the late J. B. Potter who passed away about two years ago, leaves four sons: Norman Potter, Clementsvale, A. A. Potter, Tate; M. C. Potter, Nokomis; and E. H. Potter. Nokomis.
[from The Spectator, Annapolis, NS]
On Dec. 17th, 1925 our beloved sister Ellen Potter died, aged 80 years. She with her husband the late Burpee Potter had for several years resided in Nokomis, Sask., and since there was no near Baptist interest had kept their membership in the old home church at Clementsvale. Two years ago brother Potter's remains were brought for burial on the hillside in the vale and now together they rest from their labors. Mrs. Potter had suffered much from cancer, but kept in the sphere of active service both in the home and Christian enterprise. Again and again we had received gifts of a substantial nature accompanied by messages of cheer and strong hope in behalf of the church and its God-given mission. Four boys, Norman, Amos, Corey and Everett, are left to be inspired to noble action and consistent Christian living by their Mother?s worthy example.

POTTER - Emily (nee Luthi). In Loving Memory of Emily Potter aged 94 years who died at Lanigan, Saskatchewan on Tuesday, February 6th, 1996. Funeral service at Nokomis United Church, Nokomis, Saskatchewan on Friday, February 9th at 2 p.m. Rev. Don McKay. Pallbearers: Reg Potter, Doug Potter, Jim Luthi, Brian Benko. Organist: Hazel Hendry. Hymns: "Nearer, My God, to Thee" "Just as I am?. Interment Nokomis Cemetery. Emily is survived by her only child Fred (Joan) of Carleton Place, ON; four grandchildren: Lloyd (Jan) of Ottawa, ON; Bob (Sue) of Carleton Place, ON; Ruth (Hugh) Draper of Carleton Place, ON; Mary Potter of Edmonton, AB; and 5 great grandchildren. Emily is also survived by one sister Rose (George deceased) Anderson of Sudbury, ON; two brothers: Hans (Jean - deceased) Luthi of Raymore, SK; and Henry Luthi of Punnichy; as well as numerous nieces and nephews. Emily was predeceased by her husband Lester L. Potter, her parents Fritz and Emily (Meier) Luthi; one sister Mary (Frank) Meakes, three brothers: Ernest, Werner and Fritz (Edith). For those so wishing donations to the Canadian Bible Society would be appreciated. Emily's family thank you for attending and invite you for lunch in the lower level of the church following the graveside service.

POTTER - Ethel May Potter passes away, aged 4 years 10 months. We regret to report the death of Ethel May, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Potter who died at Saskatoon hospital on Friday, Aug. 14, 1925 following an operation for appendicitis. The child was first taken sick with a little vomiting on Tuesday. The doctor was called the following day and he sent her to Saskatoon the same evening. The operation took place on arrival at the hospital. She had a bad spell while on the train at Lanigan and it is there that the appendix probably burst. She passed way on Friday night, two days after the operation. The body was brought to Nokomis and the funeral service held in the Union Church on Monday afternoon, the Rev. J.W. Robinson officiating. Burial look place in Nokomis cemetery.The sympathy of the district is extended to the sorrowing father and mother and little sister. Floral tributes were sent by the following: Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Kidd, Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Graham, Mr. and Mrs. R.J. Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. Milburn, Mr. and Mrs. Adair, Mr. and Mrs. J. Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. Cory Potter, Mr. and Mrs. Ruggles, Mr. and Mrs. W.A. MacFarlane, Mr. and Mrs. A.G. Nichol, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond, Misses Bessie Rogers, Beatrice Potter, Frances Tucker, Lottie Rogers, Elaine Talbot, Mae Doris and Leonard Preiss, Frank Rogers, Archie Rogers, Oran Potter, Mrs. Frank Steeves, and Father and Mother, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Potter.

POTTER - Everett H. Potter aged 94 years passed away at Nokomis, Sask. September 1st, 1975. Born in Clementsvale, N.S. in 1881. He was one of the early pioneers having gone to Sask. in 1905 and resided there until the time of his death. He first started farming with oxen, then with horses and later years, with tractors and combines. His wife, the former Lottie Potter predeceased him a number of years ago. Surviving are several nephews and nieces in Sask. and Ottawa, Ont., and two nieces in Nova Scotia, Mrs. E. O. Simon and Mrs. L. Rodenbaugh of Annapolis Royal. He was a member of the Orange Lodge for many years. The funeral service was held from the United Church at Nokomis. Rev. Swan officiating, the pall bearers were 6 great nephews of the deceased. Interment was in Nokomis cemetery.

POTTER - Jean Potter passed away Tuesday morning, May 22, 2012 at the age of 98. She died peacefully, as she had lived. She left behind five grandchildren (Tor, Freya, Gabe, Liam and Jessica), two children, David and Gerry, Gerry's wife, Anne, and a sister, Margaret, in Kelowna, as well as many nieces and nephews across the country. She was the second of six children, spent her early years on a farm near Nokomis, her early teen years in Saskatoon, and later periods in Nokomis and Kelowna, During WW2 she moved to Ottawa; she married John Potter, also from Nokomis, in 1945. For many of the next 40 years, Jean and John made annual trips to Nokomis to visit with friends and family. She spent much time in her final years in Edmonton.

POTTER - John Clayton Potter, June 29, 1909 ? September 13, 1998. John was born in a sod house near Nokomis, Saskatchewan, where his father had been the first homesteader. John grew up on the farm with two brothers, Roy and Marv, and a sister, Maxine. At 18 he graduated from Normal School in Moose Jaw as class valedictorian. He taught for several in various small prairie communities, before attending the University of Saskatchewan. In the mid-30's he rode the rails to Geraldton in northern Ontario, where he worked for several years as a gold miner. When war broke out he tried to enlist but was turned down in three different cities because of a hearing problem. He then found a job at Ottawa Car and Aircraft, building planes for the war effort. He married Jean Potter (nee Philip), who was also from Nokomis, in 1945. After the war he started work at the National Research Council, eventually becoming Director of Plant Engineering. He retired in 1974. He and Jean had two sons, David and Gerry, and five grandchildren: Tor, Freya, Gabriel, Liam and Jessica. John Potter Memorial Service, Tuesday, Sept. 15, 1998, Pinecrest Cemetery Chapel, Presided over by Karen Niven Wigston of Wesley United Church, Ottawa, ON. John?s ashes will be interred later this week in Nokomis, SK. following a graveside service there.

POTTER - Joseph Burpee. Died on Monday, Jan. 7th, 1924 Joseph Burpee Potter, aged 76 years, 4 months and 8 days. The burial service takes place today and the body will be shipped to Clementsvale, Annapolis County, N.S. for burial. Mr. Potter was one of the pioneers of the district, homesteading here 18 years ago. He leaves to mourn his loss besides his wife, four sons Amos, Cory, Ezra* of Nokomis, and Norman of Nova Scotia. [*NOTE: son "Ezra", should read Everett. Ezra was a nephew, who also lived in Nokomis]
[from the Saskatoon Star Phoenix, Jan 12, 1924]
Another of the pioneers of the Nokomis district passed to rest early Tuesday morning, in the person of Joseph Burpee Potter. [The] Deceased settled on his homestead, north-east of 18-30-22, about 18 years, ago and during this time had been highly respected by his many acquaintances. He was 76 years old, having been born in Annapolis County, Nova Scotia. in 1847. The deceased leaves his wife and four sons, who have the sympathy of their many neighbors and friends. The funeral service was held in the Union church, Nokomis, Thursday afternoon, and was conducted by Rev. Colter, after which the remains were shipped by rail to Clementsvale, N. S. where interment will take place.

POTTER - Loretta (nee Gehul) Potter of Sherbrooke Nursing Home, Saskatoon, passed away June 9, 1977, at the age of 94 years. She was born at Bear River, N.S., Dec. 30, 1882, and attended school there. After completing High School she entered the teaching profession and taught for 7 years before spending two years with a brother in Boston. In the 1ate summer of 1908 she came west to marry Corey Potter. They farmed in the Richfarms district from 1908 until 1956 when she moved to her residence in Nokomis. Due to failing health she took up residence at the Sherbrooke Nursing Home. She was predeceased by her husband, 6 brothers, 2 sisters & 1 granddaughter. Surviving are 1 daughter, 3 sons and 8 grandchildren.

POTTER - Lottie May (nee Potter), beloved wife of E. H. Potter, born in Clementsvale, N.S., July 27, 1887 died at Nokomis, Sask., December 18, 1953. Funeral Service from Nokomis United Church, Mon., Dec. 21 at 2 p.m. Interment in Nokomis Cemetery. Lottie May was the daughter of Charles S. and Eliza Jane (Hicks) Potter. Besides her husband, she is survived by one sister, Muriel P. Harris, wife of Corey G. Harris, of Clementsvale, N.S., one brother, Herbert L. Potter, and a nephew, Chester G. Harris.

POTTER - Lester Potter passed quietly away on April 3, 1974 of a heart attack on his way down town. He collapsed behind the hospital and was found immediately by Dunc Hendry and Archie Pirie, who quickly got the doctor, but could do nothing to aid the stricken man. The funeral service was held in the Nokomis United Church with Rev. R. W. Swann officiating. Hon. Pall bearers were: Gordon Hicks, Ken Kidd, Donald Chute and Art Harding. Active Pall bearers were Bill Euteneier, Jim Hendry, Reg Potter, C. Harding, Larry Potter of Saskatoon and Jim Luthi of Punnichy. McDougall's Funeral Home had charge of Funeral arrangements. The late Lester Potter was born at West Springhill, N.S. on Aug. 5, 1898. He came west in 1917 to work for his grandfather at Nokomis. He was united in marriage in 1927 to Miss Emily Luthi at Punnichy, Sask. They lived at Punnichy until 1944 when they moved to Nokomis, where they lived since. From this union there is one son, Major Alfred Potter of Ottawa. Left to mourn besides his widow and son, are 4 grandchildren, two sisters, Mrs. O. Simon, Annapolis, N.S. and Mrs. L. Rodenbaugh. Attending the funeral from a distance were Major and Mrs. Potter, Ottawa, Frank Meakes, Regina; Ken Luthi, Regina; Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Luthi, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Luthi, Ernest and Werner Luthi, all of Punnichy.

POTTER - Marjorie Lois (nee Fenton). Service of Celebration and Thanksgiving for the life of Marjorie Lois Potter at the Nokomis United Church Saturday, October 29, 1994 2:00 p.m. Lois was predeceased by her parents, Hazel and Wallace Fenton; sister Helen and brother-in-law Carl Hansen; sister-in-law Jessie Fenton; sister-in-law Maxine Tulloch. She Leaves to mourn her loss: loving husband, Marv; son Larry and grandchildren Cory and fiance Cristle, Colin, Kari, Cole and 9 great granddaughter Brittney. Daughter Frances (Garry) Elias and grandchildren Angela, friend Norman and Devin. Sisters and brothers; Pat (Art) Fredrickson; Ken; Brownie (Chris); Elaine (Clyde) Purcell; John (Kathy); Oran (Yvonne); brothers and sisters-in-law: John (Jean); Roy (Lottie); Bus Tulloch; uncle-in-law Joe Wallace; numerous neices, nephews and cousins as well as many friends. Pallbearers were Doug Potter, Reg Potter, Robert Fenton, Harvey Fenton, Eugene Purcell, Dennis Anderson. Interment in Nokomis Cemetery.

POTTER - Marvin Corey. Another pioneer of Nokomis district passed on, on Oct. 29, 1956 in the person of Marvin Corey Potter. He fell off a ladder early in the fall and later developed a heart condition and had to be hospitalized for some weeks The end came peacefully in Nokomis Hospital. Funeral services will be held from Nokomis United Church on Thursday at 2 p.m. The late Corey Potter was born at Clementsvale, N.S. on Nov. 23, 1878. He joined the trek to Manitoba in 1901 and to Sask. the following year. He homesteaded at Nokomis in 1904, ten miles north east and lived there until his death. He was of true pioneer stock overcoming the hardships of early life on the prairies. He was a life long Orangeman and a staunch member of Richfarms Lodge. Left to mourn besides his wife are 3 sons, John of Ottawa, Marvin and Roy of Nokomis; and one daughter Mrs. Tullock of Craik; and one brother, Everett of Nokomis.

POTTER - Roy Raymond. Roy was born November 17, 1915 in a sod house on South West 14-30-21-W2. He took his schooling at Richfarms, Bear River, Nova Scotia and Nokomis. He worked for Anderson's at Craik one summer. Due to not being accepted into the Services, he took training at Galt then went to Toronto to work for De Haviland Aircraft for two years. He returned to the farm in the spring of 1942, to help his father Cory. On November 17, 1942 he married Lottie Meikle. Their union was blessed with two sons and two daughters. In 1944 they purchased the Zeigler homestead and lived there until the fall 1956 when they returned to the Potter homestead. Roy was an excellent carpenter with his last major project being the new home, which was started in 1981. The many beautiful cupboards inside are a fitting reminder of his skill. He took great pride in caring for the yard mowing grass first with his trusty John Deere and later his Kubota as recently as two weeks ago. Many new trees were planted and diligently cultivated over the years. Roy loved to go for drives in the country, checking the crops and watching the cranes and geese with his binoculars, always taking a different route. Shooting was an important part of Roy's life first with the North Star rifle club, then the Nokomis Legion Rifle Club and in 1961 Roy along with Wilf Normberg and Gordon Eggleton built the Rifle Range at the Potter farm. The Nokomis Gun Club is still active with Roy and Lottie acting as host and hostess every Tuesday and Friday evening. Roy especially enjoyed his trips to Dundurn and Ottawa as a Provincial and National Competitor. Some of Roy's activities included square dancing, golf, reading, attending hockey games, trips to the Watrous spa, auction sales, visiting on coffee row and photography with his many organized albums including old friends and classmates. He served for many years as secretary-treasurer of the Gun Club, as trustee of the Richfarms School District, UGG board and member of the Richfarms snowplow club. But overall farming was the center of his life, semi-retiring only five years ago. Roy was predeceased by his parents, Cory and Loretta Potter, daughter Mary Jeanette, sister Maxine, sister-in-law Lois. He is survived by wife Lottie, sons Reg (Janet) and Douglas, daughter Arlene (Ron) Gerein and grandsons Dan and Mike, brothers John (Jean), Marvin and brother-in-law Bus Tulloch and numerous nieces and nephews.

POWELL - Caroline (nee Kelln). The death of Mrs. Caroline Powell aged 93 years of Earl Grey, SK and formerly of Cymric, and Nokomis, SK. occurred in her residence on Thursday, June 13, 2002. The Funeral Service will be held in Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Govan, SK. on Monday, June 17th at 2 p.m. Interment will follow in Govan Cemetery. A Prayer Service will be held on Monday evening at 7:30 p.m. Caroline was predeceased by her husband Stanley, 5 brothers and 2 sisters. She is survived by 2 sisters, Natallie Erhardt of Duval, and Pauline Weisbrod of Strasbourg and brother Ausie (Elaine) Kelln of Govan, sisters-in-law Joan Kelln, Nokomis and Lena (Caroline) Kelln, Govan, brother-in-law, Godfrey Hilderman of Strasbourg; numerous nieces and nephews.

PROSEILO - Julius Joseph. The funeral of the late Mr. Proseilo took place from the Nokomis Baptist Church on June 29, 1970 with the Pastor, Rev. D. Bertsch officiating and Mrs. M. Nornberg organist. Mrs. U. Krueger and Mrs. M. Nornberg rendered a vocal duet. The funeral director was Mr. Earl McDougall. Pallbearers were P. Gonsch, A. Felske, J. Frohaug, C. Grayson, C. Martens and J. Anderson. Left to mourn are his wife, Theresa, four sons, Victor of Nokomis, Harold and Walter of Calgary and Reuben of Nokomis; one daughter Ruby (Mrs. Burlock) of Pilot Butte; one nephew, Steve Proseilo of Toronto. He was predeceased by an infant son, Karl Reuben in 1925. The late Julius Proseilo was born at Lemberg, Galicia, Austria on Feb. 26, 1889. He came to Canada in 1900 and to the Nokomis district in 1910. Mr. and Mrs. Proseilo were married at Serath, Sask. on Oct. 27, 1919. In 1918 Mr. Proseilo worked as a well driller with Henry Fitch. Then he did electrical work for a number of years. He operated the first power house in Nokomis till it was sold to the Canadian Utilities and later to the Power Corp. He worked with them for 22 years, partly in Nokomis and Watrous. In 1944 he returned to Nokomis to work in Nokomis Garage for a time. He then took up carpenter and cabinet making until his retirement in 1969. A member of Nokomis Baptist Church, he was very regular in Church attendance until sickness prevented him. He was a faithful husband and father. Interment at the Nokomis Cemetery, Nokomis, Sask.

PROSEILO - Marjorie (nee Forbes) Proseilo passed away at Lanigan Hospital on May 22, 2002 at the age of 84 years. Marjorie was born Marjorie Forbes on February 7, 1918 at Semans, SK to parents Herbert and Alice Forbes (Toogood). She was baptized in the Anglican Church at Semans on May 26, 1918 and was confirmed at the same church on October 6, 1935. She later joined the United Church at Nokomis on April 12, 1970. Marjorie graduated with honours from grade 11 at Semans High School in 1934. After employment and courtship in Watrous, Marjorie married Victor Proseilo on March 2,1943. This union was blessed with five children, Jack, Jim, Ken, Betty and Jean. Marjorie remained as a devoted homemaker and mother until the kids had grown up at which time she became employed at the Nokomis Cafe, working for Mike and Doris Horbul. After getting her driver's licence in 1960 she actively ferried her friends to church, shopping, visiting and to the Seniors' Centre. She also enjoyed following the antics of the Royal Family. In 1983 the kids sent Marj and Viv to England for their 40th wedding anniversary. After that trip and before illness set in they also got to tour the Maritimes, as well as Alaska, plus many trips to visit the kids in Alberta and Saskatchewan. Predeceased by her parents Herbert and Alice Forbes, husband Victor, sister Patty, brother Robert, as well as brothers-in-law Rus Rusnack and Clifford Acton. Marjorie is survived by: sons, Jack (Elaine), Jim (Iris), Ken (Diane); daughters, Betty and Jean; ten grandchildren and three great grandchildren. She is also survived by: brother John (Sarah); sisters, Dorothy, Bessie and Edna; along with numerous nieces and nephews, in-laws and friends. A memorial service, celebrating the crossing over of a dear mother, grandmother, great grandmother, sister and friend, was held in Nokomis United Church on Saturday, June 1st with Rev. Alison Nicholson officiating. Organist was Lorna Mansell. Honorary pallbearers were the faith community. Interment followed at the Nokomis Cemetery.

PROSEILO - Theresa (nee Korol) Proseilo was the daughter of Nickolaus and Petronela Korol. She was born at Sereth, Bukowina, Austria in 1900. She was the oldest of five children (sister, Anna died as an infant). In April, 1914 Theresa emigrated to Serath, Saskatchewan with her parents, her sister, Wilhelmina, and brother, Anton. Her youngest sister, Martha was born in Canada. In 1919 Theresa married Julius Proseilo, who was a well driller. They made their first home in Nokomis. Since Julius changed his occupation the Proseilo family lived in Watrous 1931-1933 and again in 1939-1944. The rest of the years were spent in Nokomis. Julius and Theresa's marriage was blessed with six children: Victor, Harold (died 1971), Karl (died as an infant), Walter, Rueben and Ruby. Theresa was always a very busy housewife. She loved to cook and bake, and delighted in having her shelves full each fall with produce from her garden. Theresa also took great pride in having a yard with many flower beds and her window ledges full of houseplants. You never found Theresa's hands idle. She kept busy with her handwork such as knitting and crocheting. Theresa was always making something for a family member. In her younger years Theresa was very active in the Baptist Church. Until her eye sight began to fail Theresa spent many hours reading. Julius died in 1970 and Theresa continued to live in the house Julius built them until the fall of 1994. Theresa moved to Regina for two and a half years to live with her daughter and son-in-law. On August 21, 1997 Theresa became a resident of the Parkland Lodge, Lanigan, SK. Theresa Proseilo passed away peacefully on January 20, 1998 at the Lanigan Hospital. Theresa was 97 years. Theresa is survived by her children - Victor (Marjorie), Lanigan, Walter (Betty), Anglemont, Rueben (Irene), Nokomis and Ruby Burlock (Bill), Regina a sister Martha as well as numerous grandchildren and great grandchildren.

PROSEILO - Victor Julius Proseilo passed away at Lanigan Hospital on December 26, 1998 at the age of 78 years. He was born October 1, 1920 at Nokomis, Sask. Victor was predeceased by his parents, Julius (1970) and Theresa (1998) and his brother Harold (1971) and Carl in infancy. Leaving to cherish his memory are his wife Marjorie; and his brothers Walter and Rueben; and sister Ruby; his sons, Jack (Elaine) of Fort Qu'Appelle, Jim (Iris) of Edmonton, Ken (Diane) of Kuroki; his daughters, Betty (Barry) Conklin of Calgary and Jean Hunt of Calgary; nine grandchildren; and three great grandchildren. Vic was employed at the Nokomis Union Hospital for 38 years. Local residents knew Vie could be called upon to fix or make anything needed. His woodwork and antique wood cars were well known. Failing health resulted in auctioning the family belongings and selling the house in the summer of 1997. Vie and Marj have resided in Lanigan Central Parkland Lodge for the past two years. A graveside service was held at Nokomis Cemetery on December 30th at 11 a.m. with Rev. Charles MacNutt officiating.

PURCELL - Elaine (nee Fenton) Purcell 1923 - 2009. The passing of Elaine Purcell, age 86 years of Saskatoon, SK, occurred on Tuesday, October 6, 2009 at Central Haven Special Care Home, Saskatoon, SK. Elaine is survived by her loving husband, Clyde; four sons, Murray (Gloria) of Pike Lake, SK. and his children David (Melissa), Andrea (Ryan); Eugene (Sheila) of Des Moines, Iowa and their children Stacy (Jason), Chris (Shannon); Wallace (Sue) of Innisfail, AB, and their children Scott (Denise) children Bree and Kira, Lisa (Marcus) and their children Megan and Paige; Dwight (Michelle) of Pike Lake, SK, and children Amanda and Jamie; brother, Oran (Yvonne) Fenton of Wynyard, SK; sisters-in-law Christine, Fenton of Regina, SK. and Kathy Fenton of Saskatoon, SK; three brothers-in-law, Marv Potter of Saskatoon, SK, Clarence (Doris) Purcell of Saskatoon, SK, Max (Marge) Purcell of Hudson Bay, SK; and numerous nieces and nephews. She was predeceased by parents, Wallace and Hazel Fenton; daughter-in-law, Dawn Purcell; brothers, John, Doug, Ken (Jessie) Fenton; sisters Helen (Carl) Hansen, Marion (Art) Fredrickson and Lois Potter. Elaine was born April 1st, 1923 at Boulder Lake, Saskatchewan. Elaine grew up in Nokomis, where she attended high school and then continued her eduction at Normal School Teacher's College. She met Clyde Purcell in the Dinsmore area, and they were later married on July 13th, 1946. They farmed in the Pike Lake area for many years. Elaine's passions were her family and friends, quilting for her grandchildren, teaching, traveling, card playing, Eastern Star, The Women's Institute (WI), and involvement in the St. Martin's Pike Lake Church. A Funeral Service will be held on Saturday, October 10th, 2009 at 11:00 a.m. at Hillcrest Funeral Home. Interment will follow at Hillcrest Memorial Gardens.

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RAHN - Allen Arthur passed away peacefully at Watrous District Health Complex on Saturday, September 12, 2015 at the age of 78, with his wife Gladys; brothers Len (Velma), Lloyd (Darlene) by his side. Allen joined his dad at Rahn's Service in 1956. He continued to operate the shop until the present time when ill health forced him to stop. Allen cherished serving the traveling public as evidenced by his guest book that many customers signed from all over the world. His wall of memorabilia in the shop indicated his love of sports, which include golf, football and hockey - being especially proud of the local boys who did well. A private family graveside service will be held for Allen on September 17, 2015 at Nokomis Cemetery with Rev. Rick Shott officiating.

RAMSHAW - Elizabeth G. "Betty" (nee Delgatty) July 18, 1922 - June 15, 2012. The death of Betty Ramshaw, aged 89 years, occurred peacefully on Friday, June 15, 2012 at Long Lake Valley Integrated Facility, Imperial, Sask. Betty was born July 18, 1922 to Bernard and Elizabeth (Levins) Delgatty in Gilbert Plains, Manitoba. She lived in Roche Percee, Carievale, Disley, Nokomis and Comox, before moving to Regina in 2002. Betty married Bill Ramshaw in 1943 and divorced in 1963. She is survived by her sister Lois (Doug) Kirk, as well as nieces, nephews and cousins. Betty?s ashes will be interred in Eldon Cemetery at Gilbert Plains, Manitoba at a later date.

RAYMOND - George Alexander, February 28, 1912 - January 8, 2009. Sadly we announce the passing of our father. He was predeceased by wife June and will be missed by daughter Carol Powell and son Gary and wife Coco; grandchildren Shannon, Colleen, Domonique, Juliet and George Jr. Also left to mourn are sister Ruth Huntingford and sister-in-law Melba Raymond as well as numerous nieces and nephews. A memorial service was held on January 24 at Valley View, Langley, BC. George was born at Nokomis, SK to Stephen and Margaret Raymond. His nickname was "Ty" Raymond, given to him for a series winning home run he hit in a baseball game at Nokomis. Ty Cobb was a popular national baseball home run hitter of that era.

RENNIE - Charles Greig Passed away peacefully with family by his side at Trenton Memorial Hospital on Wednesday, August 20th, 2008 in his 95th year. A resident of Golden Pond Retirement Home, but formerly a farmer from Nokomis, SK. Beloved husband of the late Phyllis Rennie. Loving father of Roberta Sharpe and her husband Lyndon of Trenton, ON and fatherin-law of Sandi Carter of British Columbia. Cherished by his three granddaughters Lisa, Shailyn and Tori. Also remembered by sisters-in-law Gladys Simpson, Emma Meikle and brothers-in-law Robert Edwards (Peggy) and Ken Edwards (Ruth) all of Saskatchewan. Loved by many nieces, nephews, great-nieces and great-nephews and life long friends. Predeceased by his parents John and Barbara Rennie and stepson Donald Carter. Following cremation, a Memorial Service was held at the Carman United Church on Saturday, August 23rd, 2008. Reverend Brenda Nesbitt officiated. Interment Nokomis Cemetery in Saskatchewan. If desired, Memorial Donations to the Nokomis United Church or Nokomis Cemetery (Nokomis, SK SOG 3R0) would be appreciated by the family. Arrangements entrusted to the RUSHNELL FUNERAL CENTRE, 60 Division Street, Trenton On-line condolences at

RENNIE - Barbara Georgina. On Tuesday, March 20, 1979 Mrs. Barbara Georgina Rennie late of Oliver Lodge, Saskatoon passed away in St. Paul's Hospital after a lengthy illness, at the age of 90 years. She was born October 10, 1888 in Aberdeenshire, Scotland. Her marriage to John Rennie took place in the Parish of Fyvie in 1913. In March 1921 the Rennie family immigrated to the Nokomis district where they farmed until 1951 when she and her husband retired and made their home in Nokomis. In the Richfarms district she ably helped in various community projects; also belonged to the Prairie Rose Homemakers and was a life member of the Nokomis United Church Women. She was predeceased by her husband in 1967. In 1973 she moved to Oliver Lodge, Saskatoon. She is survived by her son Charles his wife Phyllis and Roberta and Don, also a sister Mary Jape Young of Aberdeenshire, Scotland. The funeral service was held Saturday March 24 at 2 pm. from the Nokomis United Church with Rev. R. W. Swann officiating; Mrs, Hazel Chute rendered a solo 'In the Garden', The Pallbearers were Allan Jones, Tom Shearer, John Blackport, Wilfred Nornberg, Bob Edwards and Jack Brewer; The internment took place in the Nokomis Cemetery.

RENNIE - Phyllis Marjorie (nee Edwards). Phyllis passed away at the Trenton Memorial Hospital on Monday, April 5, 2004. Phyllis Rennie of South Park Street, Frankford in her 81st year. Daughter of the late Alice and John Edwards. Beloved wife of Charles Creig Rennie and the late Robert Meldon Carter. Loving mother to Roberta Sharpe and husband Lyndon of Trenton. Predeceased by sons Donald and Douglas Carter. Sister of Gladys Simpson of Regina, Kenneth Edwards and wife Ruth and Robert Edwards and wife Margaret both of Saskatchewan. Predeceased by brother Jack Edwards. Ever remembered by grandchildren Lisa Carter, Shailyn and Tory Sharpe, daughter-in-law Sandi Carter and many brothers and sisters-in-law, nieces, nephews and good friends. Resting at the FRANKFORD FUNERAL CHAPEL, 40 North Trent Street North, Frankford. Following cremation a Service of Remembrance will be held at the Frankford United Church on Thursday, April 8, 2004 at 11 am. Reverend Kathleen Walton officiating.

REYNOLDS - Irene Anne (nee Evancio) May 17, 1929 ? March 1, 2016. The death of Mrs. Irene Reynolds, aged 86 years, of Lanigan and formerly Nokomis, SK occurred Tuesday, March 1, 2016 at Lanigan Union Hospital. Survived by her loving husband, Ross Reynolds; son, Darryl (Janice) of Nokomis; daughter, Lisa (Martin) McInnis of Saskatoon; much loved grandchildren, Sydney and Amber of Nokomis and Evan and Kyle of Saskatoon; sisters-in-law Dorothy Evancio and Beth Bell and numerous nieces and nephews. A Memorial Service will be held in Knox United Church, Lanigan, Sask. on Saturday, March 12th at 2:00 p.m. Interment in Nokomis Cemetery will take place at a later date.

REYNOLDS - Keera Reynolds. (Rachel Rae Reynolds; Keera Carroll) Passed away March 9, 2012 at St. Paul's Hospital. Keera was born in Nokomis, Sask. on May 18, 1940 and lived most of her life in Saskatoon, Sask. The Funeral Service will be held on Thursday, March 15, 2012. Viewing at 12:00 p.m., Service at 1:00 p.m. at Martens Warman Funeral Home, with Pastor Craig Hollands officiating. Interment will follow in Woodlawn Cemetery.

RIACH - Ian David. Ian was born in Nokomis on October 13, 1929. He attended school in Nokomis. After helping on the farm before, during and after the war, he worked in a gold mine in Ontario. He then drove transport truck hauling cars from Windsor and Detroit. He began farming on his own in 1956. Ian married Eleanor Fritzler in 1958. They lived in Nokomis until 1960 when they moved to Raymore where they lived ever since. Ian passed away on March 8, 2005. Ian was a member of the Masons, the Shriners, and the Raymore Elks Lodge. He was mayor of the town of Raymore from 1970 to 1979. During that time, he and council made many changes: natural gas came to town, pavement projects were introduced, town office was built, town became involved in the use of the school gym as a social centre, library was brought to town, town became involved in a fire fighting co-operative, 80 acres of land was bought east of town, two trips to Raymore, Missouri as representatives of the town were made. While Ian was mayor, he became a director of SUMA. He also became involved in the Emergency Measures Organization and served on a Welfare Appeal Board. Ian was predeceased by parents William and Dorothy; brothers Ronald and Douglas and sister Connie. He leaves to mourn his loss his loving wife, Eleanor, brothers Bill (Doreen), Stuart (Claire); sisters Phyllis (Jeff) Duddridge, Dorothy (Frank) Mertton: numerous nieces and nephews; brothers-in-law Bill Schwartz, Godfrey (Anne) Fritzler, Bill (Marion) Dabrowski; sisters-in-law Katie Fritzler, Freda Hendry, Doris Fritzler. Ian will be sadly missed by his wife Eleanor, both families, friends near and far, as well as the staff at Andy's Bossland and those who visited him there. A funeral service was held at Raymore United Church on Saturday, March 12, 2005 with Rev. Ned Garstad officiating. Burial took place at Raymore Protestant Cemetery.

RICE - Lorna Gertrude (nee Beeler) age 83, of Lake LaRose, Annapolis Co., passed away December 29, 2008, in Soldiers Memorial Hospital, Middleton. Born in Nokomis, Sask., she was a daughter of the late Horace and Alma (Freeman) Beeler. Lorna worked at Annapolis Community Health Centre for over 30 years. She enjoyed knitting, crocheting and birdwatching. She was an avid reader. She was a member of St. Luke's Anglican Church and a member of the church guild and choir. She was a square dancer and a member of the drama group and a former member of the Rebekah Lodge. She is survived by sons, Brian of Lake LaRose; LeRoy (Donna) of Madison, Ga; daughter, Susan (Tim) Lewis of Brampton, Ont.; five grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren; sisters, Barbara Wiles of Upper Clements; Lilah Woodland of Kentville; Ina Freeman of Lawrencetown; brother, Bruce Beeler of Lantz. She was predeceased by her husband, Walter; son, Bruce; brothers, Cecil and Arnold; sister, Phyllis. Visitation will be held 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. Thursday, January 1, in Kaulbach Family Funeral Home, Annapolis Royal. Funeral service will be held 11 a.m. Friday, in St. Luke's Anglican Church, Annapolis Royal with Canon Ken Vaughan officiating. Interment will be in St. Marks Anglican Cemetery, Perotte.

RICHARDS - Thomas Henry Richards, age 70 years passed away Sept. 20, 1973. He was the beloved husband of Mabel Richards, Nokomis, Sask., also surviving are son Gordon of Thunder Bay, Ont., Three daughter (Dorothy) Mrs. C. K. Gooding, Regina, (Elva) Mrs. P. J. Thatcher, Drayton Valley, Alta., (Lucille) Mrs. T. R. Halstead, Nokomis, Sask., sister (Dora) Mrs. W. Adams Cheltenham, England, a brother Arthur of The Pas, Man., also one grandchild and one great grandchild. Mr. Richards was born in Montgomery Shire, Wales on Feb. 24, 1903. In 1911 he moved to Stratford-On-Avon, England. He came to Canada in 1916, and later homesteaded at Rockford, Sask. He married Mabel Gowan in 1928. He served 4 years with the RCAF during World War II, farmed at Nokomis, Sask. since 1948. He was a member of the Royal Canadian Legion and the Nokomis United Church and served as a steward on the local church board. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. R. Swann, at the Nokomis United Church Sept. 23 1973, Interment in Nokomis Cemetery. Funeral arrangement were made by the McDougall Funeral Home, Nokomis. Pallbearers were W. Johnston, R. Hurley, C. Rennie, R. Kirk. R. Shields and W. McClughan. Honourary pallbearers were M. Johnston, G. E. M. Braithwaite, R. Beeler, J. Brewer. He will be sadly missed by his family and many friends.

RICHTER - Adelheid Agnes Richter (nee Krueger) May 23, 1927 - July 25, 2008, was born to Julius and Adeline Krueger (nee Felberg) in Trutenau, East Prussia, Germany. She grew up on a farm with two sisters (Gertrude and Naomi) and one brother (Udo). Adelheid received all of her education in Trutenau. She experienced the terrible war years which brought death of family members, the destruction of her home and the loss of her homeland. Having to flee her home near the end of the war, she lived for two years behind barbed wire in a refugee camp in Denmark. Upon returning to Germany she spent four years learning the hand weaving trade. In June of 1951, Adelheid, sister Gertrude and brother Udo emigrated to Canada. Sister Naomi stayed in Germany with their father Julius. They came to Nokomis where they lived with their aunt and uncle Alex and Johanna (Jenny) Richter. Adelheid and Gertrude went to Vancouver where they stayed with their uncle, the Rev. Albert Felberg. After a short while she returned to Nokomis and would eventually marry Erwin Richter on the 12th of December, 1952. They purchased the former W. Halstead farm where they would make their home for the next 50 years until they retired and moved into Nokomis. They were blessed with two children, daughter Doris and son Roland. Adelheid loved the farm and worked side by side with Erwin. She enjoyed the solitude of the farm and spent many of her leisure hours pursuing her favorite hobby, painting. She also enjoyed her chickens, the cattle, the various dogs they had throughout their farming life and of course innumerable cats. She enjoyed baking as well, while cooking was surprisingly not her favorite thing to do, which you would never have suspected if you have ever sat at her table. After becoming a Grandma, her favorite obsession was her granddaughters, who were doted on and spoiled but were also given guidance and advice. Adelheid accepted the Lord Jesus as her personal saviour as a young girl, and when in Vancouver was baptised by her uncle, the Rev. Felberg. She became a member of the Nokomis Baptist Church where she served faithfully. She taught Sunday School for many years, participated in the choir, fed and watered large numbers of the Young People's Group and in her later years kept the Sunday School well supplied with a constant stream of homemade cookies. She also prayed diligently for her children and grandchildren. After struggling with health issues for a number of years, she eventually took up residence at the Nokomis Health Center where, on a beautiful July afternoon, at the age of 81 years, she passed away very peacefully, surrounded by her family. She is survived by her loving husband Erwin, daughter Doris Tutschek (Roy), son Roland (Ruth Anne), granddaughters Katherine and Sherry Tutschek, Vanessa and Jessica Richter. sisters Gertrude Tutschek (Bruno), Naomi Boettcher (Manfred), and brother Udo Krueger (Trudy), as well as numerous nieces and nephews. A funeral service was held at Nokomis Baptist Church on Wednesday, July 30, 2008 at 2:00 p.m. Officiant was Pastor Rick Shott. Pallbearers were Terry Nornberg, Dale Shanks, Murray Wall, Norbert Krueger, Gerhardt Krueger and Darryl Reynolds. Ushers were Albert Patzer and Dennis Friend. Guest book attendants were Wendy Shanks and Norma Nornberg. Pianist was Ruth Anne Richter. Soloists were Ruth Anne Richter and Sherry Tutschek. Accompanist was Lois Mortensen. Prelude by Roy Tutschek. Interment was at Nokomis Cemetery.

RICHTER - Alexander Richter went to be with the Lord, Sun., Jan. 24, 1993 at the Medicine Hat Regional Hosp., Medicine Hat, Alta. He was born on his parents farm [August and Emma Sprenger Richter] in Nevo Rudnja Wolhynia, Russia on June 14, 1900. He came to Canada in 1926 and to Nokomis in 1930. On Nov. 13, 1933 he was united in marriage to Johanna Felberg, with Rev. Albert S. Felberg officiating. They purchased a farm near Nokomis and farmed until 1969 when they retired and moved to Regina. Since 1991 they have made their home in Medicine Hat, Alta. Alexander accepted Christ as his personal Saviour in his youth, was baptized, and when he came to Canada joined the fellowship of the Nokomis Baptist Church. In Regina he was a member of the Faith Baptist Church. He was always willing to help with church work and served as Sunday School, teacher for many years, as well as Deacon, Trustee, and singing in the choir. He enjoyed life, which included farming, travelling and visiting with relatives and friends. He was predeceased by his parents two brothers in Russia, a brother Arnold of Vancouver, B.C., a brother John of Nokomis. Alexander leaves to mourn his passing his wife Johanna; one sister Nahida, Russia; two sisters-in-law Mary [John] Richter and Katherine [Arnold] Richter; numerous nieces and nephews and their children as well as many friends. A worship Service for Alexander Richter was held on Sat., Jan. 30, 1993 at the Nokomis Baptist Church with Rev. Graham Kern officiating. Organist was Mrs. Ruth Anne Richter. Pallbearers were Farnon Keeler, Paul Gonsch, William Lick, Roland Richter, Conrad Krueger and Leonard Rahn. Ushers were Terry Nornberg and Albert Patzer. Mrs. Alice McDougall attended the register.

RIESS - Gladys May Riess, widow of Karl Riess of Yorkton and formerly of Nokomis, passed away on Monday, Nov. 5, 2007 at the Yorkton Regional Health Centre. She was 78 years of age. A Memorial Service will be held on Friday, November 23, 2007 at 2:00 p.m. from the Chapel of the Christie's Funeral Home, Yorkton, Saskatchewan. The cremation committal will follow at a later date.

RIESS - Karl. The death of Karl Riess aged 76 years of Nokomis, SK. occurred at Lanigan, SK. on Wednesday, April 23, 2003. The Funeral Service will be held in Nokomis Centennial Hall on Tuesday April, 29 at 1 p.m. Interment will follow in Nokomis Cemetery. Karl was predeceased by his parents, 7 sisters, 5 brothers and is survived by his loving wife Gladys; 3 daughters, Linda (Ronald) Stephan, Lanigan, SK, Sheila (Darryll) Huber, Yorkton, SK, Sharon (Kevin) Pickup, Yorkton, SK; 3 sons, Hector (Louise), Rokeby, SK, Robert (Debbie), Yorkton, SK, Lyle (Allie), Drayton Valley, AB; 18 grandchildren; 4 great grandchildren; 1 brother, Victor (Mabel) Reiss, Lestock, SK; numerous nieces and nephews.

ROGERS - Fred Rogers passed away November 16, 2004 at the age of 78 years. Sincere sympathy to his sister Alice McDougall and to his family and friends. A Memorial Service will be held on Friday, November 19 at 2:00 p.m. at the Nokomis United Church.

ROGNE - Edwin Rogne, pioneer farmer passed away March 6, 1976 in Nokomis Hospital. Funeral service was held March 9 from Nokomis United Church with burial in Nokomis Cemetery, McDougall's Funeral Home in charge of arrangements. Born in North Dakota March 17, 1900, he moved to Saline district in 1900 and farmed there until 1965, when Mr. and Mrs. Rogne moved into Nokomis. Surviving are his wife Sophia, two daughters Mrs. Jim Hawkes (Lorraine) and Mrs. Bob Hawkes (Marie), both of Watrous; two sons Ralph at Aberdeen and Bert at Yorkton; 16 grandchildren, one sister Amanda at Cochrane, Alta. and two brothers Charlie and Andrew at Nokomis.

ROWAND - Claude Allen Rowand of Bancroft, Ontario passed away on December 16, 2005 at 2:30 p.m. in the Belleville Hospital. He was bom in Nokomis, Saskatchewan, on October 7, 1915. He spent the past 28 of his 90 years in Bancroft. He was predeceased by his wife Ellen Walsh Rowand who passed away in 2001. He is survived by two sons, their wives, and two grandsons; Gordon Rowand married to Betty Lou Semenok, grandsons Joel and Micah of Levis, P.Q. Martin Rowand married to Tina Rosenberger of Barrie, Ontario. He is survived by brother Ross Rowand of Pictou, Ontario, and three sisters; Jean, Marion and Rena of Saskatchewan. We the family, would like to thank all the dear friends our father and mother made during the years they spent in Bancroft. You were all a source of many happy times for them and also a comfort when times were difficult. Thank you from the deepest part of our hearts. A memorial service was held at the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses in Bancroft, on Wednesday, Dec. 21, 2005 at 2p.m.

ROWAND - James Oliver (Square) Rowand died on Saturday, September 9, 2006 at St. Paul's Hospital in Vancouver, BC, following a stroke. Square was born in Nokomis, SK, on October 29, 1925, to James and Ida Rowand. He took his schooling there before joining the Navy. After his discharge he worked for several companies in Vancouver before finally working for Sears for 50 years and nine months, retiring at the age of 76. In 1952 he married Mary Dunlop who died in 1981. In 2000 he married Piya. Besides his wife Piya. he leaves to mourn his passing: one stepdaughter, four step-grandchildren, five step-great-grandchildren and one step-great-greatgrandchild; two sisters, Jessie Gove and Stella Thompson, both of Chilliwack, BC; a brother-in-law, George Gove of Chilliwack; as well as many nieces and nephews and many friends. Square lived in the same house at 3203 Adanac St., Vancouver, BC, V5K 2P2, for 53 years. His wife Piya still lives there. His sister Stella and husband George Gove are at 45575 Newby Drive, Chilliwack, BC, V2R 1P3.

ROGERS - Priscilla. Longtime Nelson resident, Mrs. Priscilla Rogers passed away at Kootenay, Lake Hospital, May 16 at the age of 96. She was born in Bear River, NS on April 10th, 1877. In Nov. 1899 she married James Arthur Rogers. They moved to Nokomis, Sask. in 1918 where they resided until moving to Nelson, BC in 1948. Mrs. Rogers is survived by 2 sons Frank in Nelson, Archibald in Toronto. Two daughters, Mrs. Lottie Cannell of Nelson and Bernice Potter of Nova Scotia, 19 grandchildren, 63 Great grandchildren, 24 great great grandchildren and 2 great great great grandchildren. She was predeceased by her husband James in 1952, and two daughters, Mrs. Reta Middleton in 1975 and Mrs Bessie Nelson in April 1977. Funeral Services were held May 20th with Donald Clarke, Allen Rogers, Jim Rogers, Ron DeJong Wayne Procter and Keith Clarke as pallbearers.

RUTHVEN - Connie Ruthven, born February 26, 1916 in Nokomis, Sask. passed away in Sherwood Park Manor, Abbotsford, B.C., January 23, 2005. Predeceased by her beloved husband, Rev. James Ruthven. Survived by her daughter Betty Schultz and son David Malcolm Ruthven; four grandchildren; and one great grandchild. Leaving behind eight siblings, Mrs. Ruthven, along with her husband, pastored in Dalhousie, N.B., Nelson, B.C., Campbell River, B.C., Victoria, B.C., Abbotsford, Vancouver, Salmon Arm and Cloverdale, B.C. Funeral services will be held on Monday, January 31, 1:30 p.m. at Abbotsford Pentecostal Assemblies. She will live on in the hearts of those she touched. Donations will go to a missions project in Africa.

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SANDWITH - Dr. Bertrand A. Sandwith, physician and surgeon of Drayton, Ont., died on January 23, 1958 at the age of 79 years. Dr. Sandwith received his medical education at Queen's University, Kingston, Ont., and graduated in 1906. He practised in Nokomis, Sask.,until 1932 when he moved to Drayton. He is survived by one son and three daughters.

SATHER - Norma Maureen (nee Greenhough) Larson. The death of Mrs. Norma Sather of Nokomis SK occurred at the Nokomis Health Centre on Saturday, September 29, 2001. Norma Maureen Sather (nee Greenhough) was born at Semans on December 24th, 1931. She was married to Earl C. Larson in 1952 and raised three sons: Larry, Drayton Valley, Alberta; Gordon (Brenda), Regina; and Glen (Diane), Nokomis, Sk. Predeceased by Earl in Aug. 1966 and second husband Cliff Sather in 1979, parents Charlie and Florence and one brother Jim. Norma is survived by her three sons as well as three grandchildren: Megan, Jonathan and Emily, brothers Lloyd (Marg) and Sam (Mary) and sister Shirley (Jesse), numerous nephews and nieces. She passed away peacefully, with family at her side, on September 29, 2001 after a lengthy struggle with cancer. Growing up in the depression years with three musical brothers gave Norma a unique ability to entertain people with the piano wherever she was. Parties and gatherings wouldn't grow very old before a group would cluster around the piano to sing some of the old favourites. (Often well into the wee hours!) Norma's cheery smile and boisterous greetings will forever be remembered. She faced the many challenges and adversity in her life with brave determination and fulfilled her family duties throughout it all. Her inner strength was a marvel to all who knew her well. Her unique sense of humour made Norma complete. The memorial service will be held in the Nokomis United Church on Thursday, October 4th at 2:00 p.m. Interment will take place in Semans Cemetery.

SATHER - Ole Theodore. A grand old gentleman passed away on August 5 in Regina in the person of Ole Sather. He had been ailing for many months and the family took him and his wife to Extendicare, Regina. He died three days after at the age of 87 years 8 months. The Funeral service was held at the Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Govan, on Aug. 9 with Pastor Buenting officiating. Burial took place at St. Olaf's cemetery. Pallbearers were Conrad, Osborne and Carl Lakness, Christian Lakness, Harold Sorteberg and Norman Clausen. Left to mourn besides His wife Mabel, are 6 sons: and, one daughter; Arnold, Chamberlain; Haldis (Mrs. Lorne Hancock); Birger and Cliff, Nokomis; Ralph Lestock; Omer, Abbey; and Wayne Assiniboia; One sister in Norway; 20 grandchildren and one great grandchild. Mrs. Oscar Thompson of Bulyea officiated at the organ and Miss Beryl Thompson rendered a vocal ,solo. McDougall Funeral Home ,was in charge of funeral arrangements. The late Ole Sather was born at Trondhe1m, Norway on Dec 10, 1884. He left his native land in 1908 settling at Govan, Sask, after spending a few months in the U.S.A. He farmed at Govan until 1952 when he retired at first to Govan and later took up residence at Nokomis. He was a member 5 the Oddfellows Lodge in Govan He had many friends and few, if any, enemies. His character aptly summed up by a verse or his funeral card: "A smile for all, A heart of Gold; One of the best this world could hold." Attending the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. Monte Sather, Calgary; Douglas Sather, Regina, Mr. and Mrs. Don Mortenson, Lanigan and Miss Diane Hancock, Saskatoon.

SCHATZ - Olive May (nee Wiggins). It is with great sadness that the family announces the passing of Olive May Schatz of Nokomis, SK. She passed away peacefully at Royal University Hospital in Saskatoon on Wednesday July 31st at 69 years of age, after a brief but courageous battle with cancer. She was born Dec. 16, 1932 in Nokomis and will be lovingly remembered by Werner, her loving husband of 47 years; children, Brian (Cindy) of Young and their children, Amber, Natasha and Christopher; Dale (Barb) of Watrous and their children, Candice, Nicole and Matthew; Cheryl (Tony) of Nokomis and their children, Derrick, Terence (Anita) & their son Zachary; Darren (Cindy) of Saskatoon. Olive is also survived by sisters, Doris Ellen (Jack) Henderson of Edmonton and Edith (Bern) Frankham of Eldee, Ontario and by numerous nieces and nephews. She was predeceased by her parents, Thomas and Jessie Wiggins; her sister Blanche and her brother Harry. A Funeral Service will be held in Nokomis United Church on Monday August 5th at 2 p.m. Interment will follow at a later date.

SCHATZ - Werner Harold. It is with great sadness that the family announces the passing of Werner Harold Schatz of Nokomis, SK. He passed away at Watrous Union Hospital on Tuesday, December 6th, 2005 at 76 years of age. He was born Feb. 20, 1929 on the family farm near Young and will be lovingly remembered by his children: Brian (Cindy) of Young, Dale (Barb) of Watrous, Cheryl (Tony) of Nokomis, Darren (Cindy) of Calgary, his grandchildren: Amber, Natasha, Christopher, Candice (Trent), Nicole, Matthew, Terance (Anita Thackery), Derrick & Olivia, great-grandchildren: Nicholas, Zachary & Teneille as well as siblings: Ella (Karl) Tabler, Herb (Riene) Schatz, Robert (Pat), Richard Schatz (Marcella) & Dianne (Tom) Airey and numerous nieces & nephews. He was predeceased by his parents: Peter Schatz & Melita Dieno, wife Olive, sister Irene Schatz and brothers: Walter & Ralph Schatz as well as a brother-in-law Karl Tabler. A Memorial Service will be held at 1:00 p.m. Saturday, Dec 10, 2005 in Nokomis United Church. Interment at a later date.

SCOTT - Jeanneta Fisher (nee Dewie). The death of Mrs. Jeanneta F. Scott, age 79 years of 424-4th Avenue north, occurred in a local hospital of November 19, 1958. The funeral service will be held on Friday, November 31 at 1:30 p.m. from the chapel of the Saskatoon Funeral Home, conducted by Rev. A. Hamilton. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. V. F. Newman (Ella) and Miss Betty Scott; and one son, Robert Scott, all of Saskatoon. The late Mrs. Scott was born at Doe Lake in the Muskoka district in Ontario. She came west to make her home at Nokomis in 1907 and had resided in Saskatoon for the past 18 years. Interment will take place in Woodlawn Cemetery.

Nokomis, SK (The Nokomis Times, Thursday, October 31, 1940)
SCOTT - John. The community was shocked on Monday to learn of the sudden passing of John Scott of the Ambassador district. He had been in poor health for some time and was then in some what better health and expected to move with the family to Saskatoon. He died suddenly just before noon on Monday from a heart attack as he was going to the barn to see some cattle he was intending selling. The funeral service took place yesterday from Nokomis United Church, the Rev. E. D. Errey officiating, and the remains were laid to rest in Nokomis Cemetery. Pall Bearers were: Jas. Grigor, J. D. Kidd, A. J. Kidd, W. A. MacFarlane, Jas. Munroe and J. R. Rowand. The late John Scott was born at Beckworth Township, Lanark county, Ontario on June 25th, 1863. He came west in 1905 and homesteaded at Nokomis in 1907 and has farmed at Nokomis till he retired from active farming a year ago. The late Mr. Scott had many friends and no enemies and was one of the most popular old-timers in the district. He was a devout Christian and he and the late Abraham Rowand were the two first Elders of the Presbyterian Church. Since Union he has been an Elder of the United Church. Besides his wife he leaves to mourn two daughters and one son, Ella of Saskatoon, Robert and Bessie at home. He also leaves a sister, Miss Scott, who made her home with him and a brother, James Scott of Ninette, Man.

SCOTT - Robert McGinnis. The death of Robert McGinnis Scott age 79 years of 831-5th Avenue North, Saskatoon occurred in a local hospital on August 1st, 1982. The Funeral Service will be held on Thursday, August 5th at 3:30 p.m. from the Chapel of Saskatoon Funeral Home conducted by the Rev. J. Reggin. Surviving are: two sisters, Miss Betty (Elizabeth) Scott and Mrs. Ella Newman both of Saskatoon. Mr. Scott was born in Ontario in 1903. In 1907 he came west with his parents, and settled at Nokomis. In 1940 the family moved to Saskatoon where he continued to live until the time of his death. Mr. Scott had been a member of First Baptist Church for over 25 years. Interment will take place in Woodlawn Cemetery.

SEIDLER - Blanche (June 6, 1919 - February 3, 2013). Blanche passed away peacefully with her family at her side. She was 93 years young. Blanche was predeceased by her beloved husband Carl in November of 2012. She was born in the Nokomis area in 1919. Blanche grew to be an avid softball player, travelling by train from Disley to pitch for her Regina team. She acquired her teaching certificate in Saskatoon and taught until her retirement in 1972. After her marriage to Carl in 1944, Blanche moved to their home on the family farm where she lived until December 2012. Together they raised their family with love, honour and integrity. An expert gardener, baker, avid reader and great fan of her stories, (Y&R, Coronation Street), Blanche was a joy to be around. With her quick wit and boundless knowledge, those who were fortunate enough to know her, valued their moments spent in her company. An eternally positive person, Blanche always looked for the goodness and beauty in everyone and everything. She leaves behind her son Murray, his wife Jonica and her daughter Rena, as well as six grandchildren and fourteen great-grandchildren. In our grief we know we have been afforded the greatest gift to call Blanche our Mom, Grandma and Great-Grandma. No words can express our sadness. A Memorial Celebration for Blanche and Carl will held at Speers Funeral Chapel at a later date.

SEIDLER - Frank Seidler, a long time resident of Nokomis passed away at his home recently. Neighbors had not seen him for several days and contacted the RCMP, who discovered him dead in bed. He had been dead for several days before being found. Mr. Seidler was born in Poland on Nov. 1st, 1900. He leaves to mourn his wife Lillian at Nokomis and a niece in the old country. Funeral service was held at Nokomis Baptist Church on May 27, 1977 with internment in Nokomis Cemetery. Frank Seidler was well known as a master craftsman in making violins and last year won the Grand Award plus first prize for violin tone at the International Violin and Guitar Association Convention in Mesa. Arizona. "These violins compare so close to Stradivari - when I am dead they will be worth $35,000, but you have to be dead. That's the way it was with Stradivari too," said Mr. Seidler. His instruments are modelled after Stradivari and Guarnieri del Jesu but he also has his own special designs. During his lifetime he produced 115 violins "it takes a long time to make a good violin" he said. Several of his violins were displayed at Expo in 1967.

SEVICK - Stephen Joseph. A long time Nokomis resident, Mr. S. J. Sevick died suddenly at a social event held at Govan on December 5. He was talking to some friends when he collapsed and passed away shortly after. He had had one or two heart attacks in recent months but was not thought to be seriously ill. The funeral service, was held from Nokomis United Church December 9 the Rev. R. Swann officiating and Mrs. J. Hamilton as organist. Pallbearers were O. Samuelson, E. Granatier, N. Bobowski, B. Bonkick, J. H. Marvin; and M. L. Potter. Burial was in Nokomis Cemetery. McDougall's Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements The late Steve Sevick as born in Kelliher on Nov. 6, 1904 and came to Nokomis district 1918. He picked up the trade of barber in Nokomis and after taking a course in Ladies hair dressing, opened a salon at Nokomis. He was very expert at his chosen work and enjoyed a clientele from many miles around. Steve was well liked and his many friends will miss him. Steve was a faithful worker at the Nokomis Rink lunch counter, putting in many hours service the public. He will be greatly missed in this capacity. Left to mourn are three sisters: Mrs. L. Holvorson, Vancouver, Mrs. M. Castagne, Kelowna, and Mrs. A. Samuelson, Goodeve; three brothers, Leo and Oscar of Leross and Deisher of Kelliher. He was predeceased by his parents, one brother and three sisters.

SHALAPATA - Alexander Shalapata died in the Nokomis Hospital on December 26th, 1977. Mr Shalapata was born in Ukraine on November 3rd, 1892. He immigrated to Canada in 1912. In 1915 he married Anastazya Szczerbata in Toronto. He worked for 3 years in the Weston area for the CNR. After living for a short time in Kelliher and the Govan areas, they settled in Nokomis, at which time he worked for the CPR for four years. In 1927 he took up draying and in 1943 he and his wife started farming 5 1/2 miles east of town in the Newlands district. They retired in 1959 at which time they took up residence in Nokomis. Mr. Shalapata is survived by his wife, four sons: Mike, Thorold, ON; Paul, Willowdale, ON; Steve, Calgary, AB; Roy, Regina, SK; and by 6 daughters: Tilly, Toronto, ON; Mary, Glendon, AB; Anne, King City, ON; Julie, Climax, SK; Irene, Kelowna, BC; and, Pat, Calgary, AB. In 1973 he was predeceased by his son Joe. He is survived by a sister in Toronto. Funeral services were held from the United Church, conducted by Rev R. Swann. Funeral arrangements were made by McDougalls Funeral Home. Pallbearers were John Dzurich, Lorne Smith, Allan Nichol, Francis Kane, Warren Schultz, and Roland Beeler. Internment was in Nokomis Cemetery.

SHALAPATA - Mrs. Anastazya "Nettie" (nee Szczerbata) Shalapata passed away August 25, 1988 in Regina Parkside Extendicare. A long time resident of Nokomis, she is survived by four sons and six daughters: Mike (Annie) of St. Catharines, Ontario; Paul (Mary) of Willowdale, Ontario; Steve of Calgary, Alberta; Roy (Evelyn) of Regina, Saskatchewan; daughters Tillie Skelly of Toronto, Ontario; Mary (George) Michalyk of Glendon, Alberta; Anne (Peter) Henshall, of King City, Ontario; Julie Glenn of Climax, Saskatchewan; Irene (Mel) Destree of Kelowna, BC; and Pat Tuscher of Victoria, BC. She was predeceased by her husband Alexander in 1977, son Joe in 1973, four grandsons, two sons-in-law, and one daughter-in-law. Surviving are 39 grandchildren and 19 great-grandchildren. Funeral services were conducted on Monday, August 29, 1988 from the Nokomis United Church with F. Linantud officiating. Pallbearers were Allan Rahn, Allan Nichol, John Fenton, John Dzurich, Francis Kane, Werner Schatz. Honourary Pallbearers were Rollie and Ella Beeler, Lorne and Marj. Smith, Dora McLaren, and Freda Hendry. Organist was Kay Hamilton. Internment in the Nokomis Cemetery.

SHIELDS - Agnes Isabella (nee King) Shields was born October 23, 1915, at Tate, Sask, the eldest daughter of the late Margaret and Andrew King. She passed away suddenly in Ottawa, April 21, 1984. After attending the local high school, Agnes married Jack Shields of Nokomis in June, 1936, a union of which yielded one son; John Andrew. Agnes was blessed with many natural talents. An early discovered talent was as a pianist playing mainly by ear for the local school dances and later in an Orchestra and then for the choir. Later, she found time for gardening and her flower arrangements decorated many weddings and other occasions. Her yard was her pride and joy and often a local showcase. Finally, she discovered china painting and the many pieces decorating her home and that of her families are evidence of her patience and skill. Amid her tasks as wife, mother and hobbyist Agnes also found time to support local activities including the local UCW, choir and Homemakers. Like many devoted and proud mothers she took much pride in her family and grandchildren sharing with them her talents and her means. Her boundless energy and determination persevered until recently in spite of many health problems peculiar to herself and husband. In passing she leaves many fond memories of giving and sharing and many items of delicate, but simple beauty. However, the keyboard now remains quiet, the flower unplanted and the brush is still. She is survived by her son Jack, daughter-in-law Betty, grandchildren Jackie, Jill, Jenny and Jeff; a sister Alice Shields of Nokomis; brother Ken and his wife Carolyn of Semans; in-laws Bob, Ev, Clarice and Charlie; nephews Ken and Wayne and nieces Sharlene, Carol, Eileen, Shirley, Carolyn and Kathleen. She was predeceased by her brother-in-law Tom Shields and nephew David Watt. Agnes will be sadly missed by her family and friends. Memorial Service will be held at Knox United Church, Nepean, Monday at 2 p.m Funeral Service in Nokomis United Church, Friday at 2 p.m. Interment, Nokomis Saskatchewan.

SHIELDS - Evelyn Victoria (nee Felske) Shields of Nokomis passed away Wednesday, July 21, 1993 in Cowichan District Hospital, Duncan, BC. at the age of 70 years. Evelyn was born October 25, 1922 at Nokomis, Saskatchewan to Gottlieb and Johanna Felske. She was the second youngest of fifteen children. Evelyn was baptised in and joined the Baptist Church which her family attended. Evelyn held dear the memory of memorizing the books of the Bible in both German and English when she was ten years old and treasured the little Psalter she received as her gift. Evelyn attended school in Nokomis. After graduating from Grade 12 she completed a Comptometer Course at Balfour Technical School in Regina. Following a two year position with the Department of Agriculture in Regina, she accepted a position in the Australian Lend Lease office in Washington. D.C., U.SA She en joyed working there from 1944 to 1946. Evelyn returned to Saskatchewan and married Robert (Bob) Shields of Nokomis on April 5, 1947. Three daughters were born: Eileen, Shirley and Carolyn. Both Evelyn and Bob were interested in activities in the community. Evelyn was a member of the U.C.W., the Mount Hope Homemakers and the Nokomis Hospital Auxiliary. She was also an associate member of the Royal Canadian Legion. She was the Superintendent of the Junior Sunday School in the United Church, a 4-H Leader and a Director of the Nokomis Agricultural Society. Her hobbies included knitting, sewing, gardening, music and reading. Evelyn also enjoyed continuing her education through courses at the University of Saskatchewan. Family was very important to Evelyn. As a child she eagerly awaited visits from her older brothers and sisters who had already moved away from home. As an adult she continued to remain in close touch with her family through visits, letters and phone calls. Evelyn took great pride in the accomplishments of her daughters, as well as those of each nephew and niece. In 1975 Bob and Evelyn semi-retired to Saskatoon. They resided in the Evergreens Condominiums for eleven years. Evelyn worked at the Sherbrooke Nursing Home for four years. In 1986 Bob and Evelyn took up full time residence in the town of Nokomis. Evelyn's life was enriched with the arrival of her grandchildren. They gave her great joy and happiness. Evelyn was a warm and caring person. She enjoyed the company of her family and friends. She loved to visit the Drop Inn Centre to play Chinese checkers or cards and enjoy a cup of tea with her friends. She struggled valiantly to overcome her illness and she gained strength from the support of her loving family and friends. Her faith in God gave her courage to accept each trial she faced. Evelyn is predeceased by her husband Robert (1988); her parents Gottlieb (1951) and Johanna Felske (1958); three sisters, Martha Craig, Winnipeg, Man., (1956), Lillian Felske, North Vancouver, B.C. (1989), Esther McNaughton, Toronto, Ont. (1973); seven brothers, Emanuel, Nokomis (1980), Emil (Dick), Watrous (1987), Albert, Rochester, Minn. (1979), Robert, Nokomis (1981), Gordon, Aldersyde, Alta. (1982) and two brothers in infancy Edward (1918) and Arthur (1921); nephew Bruce Craig, Winnipeg, Man. (1985) and great nephew Brent Page, Lloydminster (1991). She leaves to mourn her passing her three daughters, Eileen (Larry) Bancroft, Regina, Shirley (Lyle) Emmons, Nokomis, Carolyn (Glenn) McNeice, Duncan, B.C.; four grandchildren, Julie and Mark Emmons, Nokomis, Robert (Bobby) and Victoria Joy Shields McNeice, Duncan, B.C.; three sisters, Olga Sweeney, North Vancouver, B.C., Ida Otto, Ashern, Man., Eileen (Walter) Otto, Calgary, Alta.; one brother, William (Della) Felske, Calgary, Alta.; sisters-in-law, Evelyn Felske, Saskatoon, Dorothy Steinhaus, Rochester, Minn., Alice Shields, Nokomis; one brother-in-law Charles Watt, Carbon, Alta. and her nieces, nephews and friends. The funeral service was held Thursday, July 29th at the Nokomis United Church with Deborah Martin officiating. Music was provided by organist Lorna Mansell and the United Church Choir. Phyllis Rennie was the register attendant. The ushers were Doug Edwards and Greg Kane. The pallbearers were Lawrence Edwards, Ben Felske, Dallas Felske, Bob Hendry, Dale Hendry and Jeff Lymburner. A Legion Honour Guard of members from Nokomis, Semans, and Govan was in attendance and they participated in the Committal Service. Interment was in Nokomis Cemetery.

SHIELDS - John (Jack) Shields was born at Nokomis, Saskatchewan, on September 19, 1911, the eldest son of the late Florence and John Shields and passed away April 22, 1984, in Ottawa after a lengthy illness. After attending Newlands School for eight years, Jack stayed home to help his dad on the farm. On June 10, 1936 he married Agnes King of Tate, a union which gave rise to one son. A survivor of the depression thirties, Jack became interested in the various facets of the cooperative movement. He served for many years on the Co-op Board, Credit Committee of the local Credit Union, Credit Society, Co-op Trust and was one of the founding Directors of the Co-op College in Saskatoon. Jack was an observant farmer taking pride in weed control coupled with high yields. He was one of the first to fertilize according to soil test recommendations and was also a cooperator with the Department of Soil Science Fertility Trials. In addition to his duties as husband, father and provider Jack was active in many community activities, serving on the local school board, R.M. Council, Wheat Pool, Agricultural Society and United Church board. His energies also contributed to construction of the local Curling club and the moving and renovations of the Community Hall. Upon retiring from the farm and in his twilight years, Jack was frustrated by ill health which eventually led to his passing. During these personally difficult days, he sincerely appreciated the support and encouragement from his wife, family and friends. His recent years were highlighted by the fellowship available at the Drop-In Centre. From the above it is evident that Jack was a great admirer of dedicated youth, their strength and their community involvement. From this stand point he was appreciative of their managerial qualities and encouraged the transfer of responsibilities from generation to generation. Yes, Jack will be missed by us all but, in passing he is relieved of his burdensome anxieties and is now resting peacefully with his maker. He is survived by one son, Jack A. and daughter-in-law Betty; four grandchildren Jacquelyn, Jill, Jenny and Jeff; brother Bob and wife Evelyn; sister Clarice and husband Charlie Watt; sister-in-law Alice; brother-in-law Ken King and wife Carolyn; nephews Ken and Wayne; nieces Sharlene, Kathleen, Eileen, Shirley, Carolyn and Carol. He was predeceased by his brother Tom and nephew David Watt, both in 1983. A Memorial Service will be held in Knox United Church, Nepean, Monday at 2 p.m. Funeral Service in Nokomis United Church, Friday at 2 p.m. Interment, Nokomis.

SHIELDS - Margaret "Alice" (nee King), 99 years of Central Parkland Lodge, Lanigan and formerly of Nokomis, passed away peacefully with her family by her side on Sunday, January 29, 2017.? Alice was born on August 28, 1917 at Tate, SK to Andrew and Margaret (nee Walker) King. She grew up there and attended Garland School. Alice married Thomas Shields and together they farmed and raised their family. She enjoyed gardening, flowers, wedding cake decorating, curling, shuffleboard, playing bridge any other type of cards. She was an active member of the Nokomis Curling Club, Nokomis UCW and Church Choir, and Saskatchewan Homemakers.?In later years, Alice and Tom spent many years, wintering in Mesa, Arizona. Her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren brought her great joy and she always enjoyed her time spent with them.? Alice will be lovingly remembered and sadly missed by her children Margaret Sharlene Lymburner and Kenneth Wayne (Elena) Shields; two grandchildren Jeffery Lorne Lymburner and Julia Marie Shields; and four great grandchildren: Caleb and Noah Lymburner, and Taylor and Bailey Lymburner; sister-in-law Carolyn King; and nieces and nephews: Eileen (Larry) Bancroft, Shirley (Lyle) Emmons, Carolyn (Glen) McNeice, Wayne King, Carole (Willy) Reay, and Betty Shields.?She was predeceased by her parents Andrew and Margaret King; husband Thomas William Shields; son-in-law Lorne Lymburner; grandson David Mark Lymburner; sister Agnes (Jack Sr.) Shields; brother Kenneth King; brothers-and-sisters-in-law Robert (Evelyn) Shields and Clarice (Charlie) Watt; nephew Jack Shields, Jr. and David (Alberta) Watt; and niece Kathleen (Bill) Bishop. A Service for Alice will be held at a future date.

SIEGFRIED - Mary (nee Schlichting) Siegfried was born September 3, 1913 to Helen and John Schlichting, the third of seven children. She passed away at the age of 99 years on Sunday, January 6, 2013 at Watrous District Health Complex in Watrous, Sask. Mary grew up in Russia and Germany, moving to Jansen, Sask. in 1931. She worked in Saskatoon and Lockwood, where she met Fred Siegfried. They married on July 20,1935 and moved to the farm just south of Drake. They raised three children on that farm, Zelma, Ken and Gordon. Mary always had a big garden and preserved the produce. The children raved about her dill pickles and if set on the table, would disappear before the meal started. Fred and Mary were members of the Baptist church in Nokomis and retired there in 1973. Mary enjoyed town life. She loved her garden, flowers and indoor plants. She loved having her grandchildren come over. Each child would give you a separate memory, but they all would tell how she played games with them and never just let them win. Mary kept busy with crocheting, knitting, embroidery, baking, cleaning and visiting with her friends. Fred passed on in 1981. Mary continued to live in the house and looked after her own affairs very well. In September 2007, Mary moved into Manitou Lodge in Watrous. Mary was predeceased by her parents and all of her siblings. With fond memories she will be missed by: her children, Zelma (Erwin) Klinger, Ken (Janice) Siegfried, Gordon (Diann) Siegfried; her grandchildren who called her "Granny", Tamara (Shamus) Stone, Jeffrey (Karen) Siegfried, Gina (Carmelo) Silvestro, Stacey Weiss, Brent (Jennifer) Siegfried, Sandy (Murray) Braun; and great-grandchildren, Ashley, Ashton, Merissa, Peyton, Avery, Jacob, Joseph, Angelina, Jayda, Hadley, Austin, Mikaela and Avril. A funeral service was held on Wednesday, January 9, 2013 at 2:00 p.m. at Fotheringham's Funeral Chapel in Watrous, Sask. Officiant was Pastor Doug Gregory. Organist was Janice Siegfried. Hymn was 'In the Garden'. Eulogy was by Jeff Siegfried. Interment was at Nokomis Cemetery.

SIMPSON - Lewis Everton (January 15, 1917 - August 28, 2007). Lewis was born in Nokomis in 1917 and passed away in Nokomis in 2007. He celebrated his 90th birthday in January, 2007. In February, 2007, he and Mary celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary. Lewis was predeceased by his parents Jack Simpson (1945) and Amelia Jane (1939), as well as all four of his siblings Mae Senton (1995), Gordon (1959), Orville (1960) and Cecil (1983). Lewis married Mary White on February 16, 1942 in Fort William, Ontario. Shortly thereafter, on June 2, 1942 he enlisted with the Royal Canadian Air Force as an Air Frame Mechanic. Until his discharge in 1945, he trained and served in many places across Canada, including Saskatoon; Brandon, MN; Vulcan, AB; Dafoe, SK; Victoria, BC; and Lethbridge, AB. After the war Lewis returned to live with his family at the Simpson family homestead farm located 12 miles west of Nokomis (fondly referred to as "the old farm"). There he pursued his passion for farming which would become his lifetime career. Lewis and his brothers purchased the land on the west side of Nokomis and Lewis built a new home. In the fall of 1947 he purchased his first new vehicle - a Chevrolet 1 ton truck for $ 1,635 from the Nokomis garage, travelled to Oshawa to pick it up and brought it back with a truck load of apples from the Niagara Valley! Following the blizzard-filled winter of 1947-48, Lewis, Mary and their children (Joan, Dennis and Lorne) moved to their new farm. Lewis was blessed with eight children: Joan (Arnold) Petracek; Dennis (Sylvia); Lorne (Jacquie); Ruth (Claude) McNichol; Sheila (Gordon) Bergstresser; Irene (Randy) Irvine; Paul (Jenny); Kathy (Craig) Rintoul; and further blessed with 23 grandchildren and 23 great-grandchildren: Francis (Karla) Cunningham and Kirsten, Donovan and Siobhan; Alan (Terry) Petracek and Alex; Julie (Brent) Effler and Jessyln and Miranda; Michael ;(Rhonda) Petracek and Brett and Madison; Alison (Jeff) Slabik and Kiara and Jarett; Marcel (Donna) Simpson and Tyson, Brett and Jaeden; Nichole (Jake) Andre and Dorian; Andrew (Tara) Simpson and Avery; David (Danielle) Simpson; Penny (Shawn) Thibault and Matteo; Chad Simpson; Jennifer (Geoff) Bedard and Josh and Karlee; Judy (Mike) Elder and Cassidi and Keanan; Jake (Terra) McNichol and Camden and Jase; Trevor (Vanessa) Bergstresser and Kelly; Trent Bergstresser; Todd Bergstresser; Christina Irvine; Tristan Irvine; Casey Simpson; Jasmine Simpson; Jonathan Rintoul; and Derek Rintoul. Over the years, he was actively involved in the community, including being a member of the Royal Canadian Legion, the St. Patrick's Roman Catholic Church parish, and a board member :jpf the Nokomis Credit Union. Many will recall his dedication and involvement with the Remembrance Day services in Nokomis. He also served as the Reeve of the Rural Municipality of Wreford for many years. In 1985, Mary and Lewis moved into Nokomis. In the fall of 2006 Lewis became a resident of the Nokomis Health Centre where he passed away on Tuesday, August 28, 2007. Some thoughts, quotes, memorable moments from the family: his tradition of saying grace at mealtime; his habits as a conservationist (a man slightly ahead of his time) of energy and water such as shutting off the lights and turning down the thermostat; his ingenious cost effective farming practices; a man of few words; a place for everything and everything in its place; a dedicated family man, loved and respected by all; always in our memories. Funeral service was held in Nokomis at St. Patricks Catholic Church on Friday, August 31st at 2:00 p.m. with Father Peter Nguyen officiating and Angeline Wourms as organist. Nokomis Legion members served as honour guard and at the Nokomis Cemetery held their Last Post service for him. His ashes were interred in the plot amid the land he had farmed for many years. There, with the roar of the trains going by and the seasonal sounds of the combine and tractors as his sons continue to care for his land, may he rest in peace.

SIMPSON - Margaret Whilhilmina (nee MacLachlan) of Regina passed away peacefully with her family by her side on Sunday, September 24, 2006 at the age of 90 years. Predeceased by her husband, Orville; son, Ken; son-in-law, Lloyd Nelson; sisters, Mamie Hayden and Jean Vogeli; brothers, Paris and George MacLachlan. Margaret leaves to cherish her memory, Don (Mary) Simpson, Jean Nelson and John Simpson; 6 grandchildren and 7 greatgrandchildren, Darren (Shannon) Ryan Simpson, Mark (Nadine) Kyle, Hayle Simpson, Grant (Karen) Nelson; Linda (Nelson) Felik, David (Kenda) Renee, Jade Nelson, Greg (Jill) Stella, Amelia Simpson; sister, Isabel (William) Armbruster; sisters-inlaw, Lorna MacLachlan and Alice MacLachlan; brother-in-law, Lewis (Mary) Simpson as well as numerous nieces, nephews and cousins. Mom taught at Duval, SK and in 1962 moved to Regina and taught at Coronation Park and Kitchener Schools until her retirement. A heartfelt thank you to Dr. Vuksic, Dr. O. Miller and Dr. Chang as well as the nurses on unit 4D at the Pasqua Hospital. Memorial Service will take place at 11:00 a.m. on Thursday, September 28, 2006 at Rosemont United Church, 5000 8th Ave., Regina, SK with Rev. Marjorie Kent officiating. Interment will follow at Nokomis Cemetery.

SIMPSON - Mary Jessie (nee White) Simpson passed away on August 7, 2009, at Lanigan, SK, at the age of 87 years. She was predeceased by her husband Lewis of 65 years in 2007. She is survived by her sister Margie (Clarence) Hoscheit and her eight children (spouses), 23 grandchildren (spouses) and 28 great-grandchildren. Mary was born in Nokomis, SK, on December 18, 1921. She married Lewis Everton Simpson on February 16, 1942 in Fort William, ON. They lived at the Simpson family homestead farm located 12 miles west of Nokomis. In 1948, they moved to their new farm located just west of Nokomis, and in 1985, moved into Nokomis. Mary was a lifelong teacher. She taught sewing lessons through the Carlton Trail Community College in the surrounding area and was a 4-H leader (sewing, cooking and gardening). She taught Catechism and judged at local fairs but her real abilities shone through in her ongoing daily teachings, first with her children and later with her grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Mary was also a lifelong learner. Many marveled at her passion to learn 'everything computer' over the past decade, most recently connecting with her grandchildren and friends through Skype. She also had a keen interest in learning how to best live as a healthy senior and routinely researched health care issues through knowledgeable sources, including family, friends, magazines and the internet. Many that knew Mary were inspired by her strong family ties, including her ties with her 'bridge family'. She was an avid bridge player. This lifelong passion began at home with her parents teaching her as a child. It became a more meaningful and significant pastime in her senior years. She made many friends playing bridge at the Senior's Centre, at tournaments in the region, and internationally through online bridge games. Family members recall trying to contact her in the days of dial-up internet service only to get a busy signal, and then realized that she was online 'gaming'! Mary had many other pastimes and interests throughout her life. She enjoyed traveling, including her trips to France and England; reading, including murder mysteries; gardening; canning; baking; sewing; competing at the Nokomis fair with her many wonderful baking entries, including breads, buns and pies; knitting; and playing bingo. Mary always kept herself busy and loved a good challenge (possibly something that comes from raising eight kids!). At the age of 85 she undertook an ambitious 'home makeover' project and completed it in record time. From replacing flooring and bathroom fixtures, to painting and buying new furniture pieces and accessories and sewing drapes, her diverse skills shone through. This is but one of many proud accomplishments in her lifetime. Over the years, Mary was actively involved in the community, including being a member of the CWL and Parish Council. She sat on several boards, including the Nokomis Agricultural Society, the Nokomis Recreation Board and the Parkland Lodge. Most recently she was a correspondent for the local paper, and the secretary-treasurer with the Nokomis Seniors' Centre. Mary was blessed with eight children: Joan (Arnold) Petracek; Dennis (Sylvia); Lorne (Jacquie); Ruth (Claude) McNichol; Sheila (Gordon) Bergstresser; Irene (Randy) Trvine; Paul (Jenny); and Kathy (Craig) Rintoul; and further blessed with 23 grandchildren and 28 great-grandchildren: Francis (Karla) Cunningham and Kirsten, Donovan and Siobhan; Alan (Terry) Petracek and Alex; Julie Effler and Jessyln and Miranda; Michael (Rhonda) Petracek and Brett and Madison; Alison (Jeff) Slabik and Kiara and Jarett; Marcel (Donna) Simpson and Tyson, Brett and Jaeden; Nichole (Jake) Andre and Dorian and Wyatt; Andrew (Tara) Simpson and Avery and Violet; David (Danielle) Simpson and Zander; Penny (Shawn) Thibault and Matteo and Ollie; Chad Simpson; Jennifer (Geoff) Bedard and Josh and Karlee; Judy (Mike) Elder and Cassidi, Keanan and Klay; Jake (Terra) McNichol and Camden and Jase; Trevor Bergstresser and Kelly; Trent Bergstresser; Todd Bergstresser; Christina Irvine; Tristan Irvine; Casey Simpson; Jasmine Simpson; Jonathan Rintoul; and Derek Rintoul. Mary will be most fondly remembered for her commitment to her family and friends, and her unconditional love for them all. Rest in Peace. A funeral service was held at St. Patrick's Roman Catholic Church in Nokomis, SK, on Friday, August 14, 2009 at 2:00 p.m. Officiant was Rev. Father Peter. Urnbearer was David Simpson. Readings were done by Jonathan Rintoul and Francis Cunningham. Intentions were by Joan Petracek. Register attendants were Christina Irvine and Derek Rintoul. Eulogy was by Lorne Simpson. Ushers were Jake McNichol and Marcel Simpson. Organist was Angeline Wourms. A graveside service followed at Nokomis Cemetery, followed by a lunch at the Nokomis Centennial Hall.

SMITH - James Albert "Lorne" passed away peacefully at St. Paul's Hospital in Saskatoon on September 24, 2006 after a courageous two year fight with cancer. He will be greatly missed by his family and fondly remembered for his passion, strength of character and service to community. Lorne was the eldest son of James and Verna Smith, born on June 23, 1919 on the family farm north of Tate, Saskatchewan. He obtained all his formal education (grade 11) at Killarney School, 1/2 mile west of the family farm. He farmed continuously, except for a brief period of service with the Canadian Army in World War II, until his retirement in 1994. He farmed first with his father and then with his eldest son, Elwood. He maintained a keen interest in the farm even after retirement. In 1943 he married Marjory Wilkinson, a young lady who came to the district to teach school. They made their home on the family homestead until their move to Nokomis in 1967 and later to Saskatoon in the fall of 2004. Together they raised six sons and two daughters. Lorne served in leadership roles in many community organizations, serving on school, church and district co-operative association boards and the local Wheat Pool Committee. He was also active in provincial politics at the constituency level. He joined the Masonic Lodge in 1965 and remained a resident member until his passing. He was also a member of the Eastern Star. In his youth, he taught himself to play the guitar and violin and during his retirement years he entertained nursing home residents in the surrounding districts by playing his violin accompanied by Marjory on the keyboard. Lorne was very dedicated to raising their large family and encouraged their children to participate in sports, particularly hockey and baseball, and travelled many miles with them. He also helped with the organization of teams and leagues and provided baseball play-by-play commentary at community sports days. During his retirement years, he enjoyed golfing and was a season ticket holder of the Saskatchewan Roughriders for 12 years until 2004. In his later years, he obtained his amateur radio license, call letters VE5LN, and enjoyed communicating with people all over the world as well as providing assistance to the Emergency Measures Organization. Lorne also enjoyed driving to many parts of Canada and flying overseas to visit family, renew old friendships and make new ones - he loved people and loved to visit. Lorne is survived by his wife of 63 years, Marjory; children: Elwood (Linda) of Nokomis and grandson Jeremy (Angela) of Dundurn; *(Sydney) of White Rock and grandsons Kevin of Calgary and Trevor of Langley; Morris (Pat) of Lloydminster and grandson Derek of Lloydminster and great-granddaughters Kaitlyn of Prince Albert and Quinn of Saskatoon; grandson Brent (Christy) and great-granddaughter Rachel of Calgary; grandson Aaron (Sarah) of Calgary, grandson Chad (Brooke) and great-grandsons Jaxon and Rowan of Lloydminster; son Barry (Debbie) and grandsons Ryan, Jamie and Mike of Saskatoon; son Wesley (Michele) and granddaughter Sarah and grandson Matthew of Saskatoon, granddaughter Angela (Bill Williams) and great-granddaughter Kayla of Calgary, grandson Alan (Rena) and great-grandson Mason of Saskatoon; daughter Marilyn (Jan van der Velden) of Hermanus, South Africa; daughter Eldeen (Dan Borys) and grandson Scott and granddaughter Dana of Saskatoon; son Kent and grandsons Kirkland, Liam and granddaughter Jordunna of North Vancouver. Lorne was predeceased by son *Doug of Fort Langley in 1995. Lorne is also survived by his brother Gordon (Pearl) and sister Verna (Ed Banford) of Regina and their respective families. A funeral service was held on September 27, 2006 at the Nokomis United Church and was officiated by Rev. George Holliday. Register attendants were Bill and Doreen Riach. Ushers were Nancy Nowosad (niece) and Wayne Banford (nephew). Pallbearers were Jererny Smith, Kevin Smith, Derek Smith, Ryan Smith, Alan Smith, Scott Borys and Kirkland Smith (grandsons). The eulogy was given by Morris Smith and Kent Smith. Ruth Anne Richter was the soloist, Janet Potter was the organist and Lorna Mansell was the pianist. Interment followed at the Nokomis Cemetery.

SMITH - Shirley Cole Smith (October 18, 1931 - November 16, 2012). The death of Mrs. Shirley Smith, aged 81 years, of Nokomis, SK occurred at Regina General Hospital on Friday, November 16, 2012. Shirley was predeceased by her second husband Noel Smith and first husband James Cole; granddaughter April Shanks; stepson Kerry Smith; parents and siblings. Shirley is survived by children SherylAnn (Jim) Shanks; Terry (Jackie) Cole and Wendy (Dale) Shanks; stepdaughters Betsy Nolin, Patti (Randy) Mundel; grandchildren Trina (Rob) Buchanan, Darren (Heidi) Shanks, Melissa (Blair) Randell, Steven (Darla) Cole, Dana (Michael) Kerford, Brandi (Dan) Welsch, Cory (Teresa) Cole, Teryn (Michael) Ulriksen, Shalyn (Todd) Sabean, Nicole, Kendra and James Mundel and eighteen great-grandchildren. The Funeral Service will be held in Nokomis United Church, Nokomis, SK on Tuesday, November 20th at 2:00 p.m. with Rev. Lindsell Hurd officiating. Private family interment in Lockwood Cemetery.

SMITH - William Gordon. Peacefully and with family by his side, Gordon passed away at the Regina Wascana Grace Hospice on Thursday, June 9, 2016, at the age of 95 years. He will be lovingly remembered by his sons Don (Darlene) and Brad (Janice); daughter Nancy (Dave) Nowosad; grandchildren Pam, Michelle, Jeff (Ciara), Jordan and Megan Smith, Kelsey (Aaron) Penner, Curtis (Megan) Nowosad; great-grandson Jamie Penner; sister Verna Banford; sister-in-law Marjorie Smith; as well as numerous nieces and nephews, friends and acquaintances. Also left to cherish his memory is his special friend Margaret Dean and her family, whose friendship and support created much happiness for Gordon over the last two and a half years. Gordon was predeceased by his wife Pearl (Sept. 2010); brother Lorne (Sept. 2006); nephew Doug Smith (April 1995); brother-in-law Ed Banford (Oct. 2015); as well as many friends. Gordon was born on the family farm north of Tate, SK on August 20, 1920, the second son of James and Verna Smith. His early education was obtained at Killarney School, followed by high school by correspondence. Gordon joined the Canadian Army in WWII but was discharged 7 months later after spending 4 months in the hospital with scarlet fever. After one and a half years of complete rest, he joined the Saskatchewan Wheat Pool Country Elevator Division in 1944, as a helper and later an elevator agent. Over the next 21 years, Gordon worked in elevators in many locations in the province, including Cupar, Hawarden, Davidson and Craik. While stationed in Davidson, he met and married Pearl Bygrave on July 2, 1952, and over the next 8 years they had three children. In 1965 Gordon was promoted to Area Superintendent, working out of Elrose, Ogema and finally Regina, retiring from the Wheat Pool in 1984 after a 40 year career. A year later he returned to seasonal work with Saskatchewan Government Crop Insurance to grade grain samples, retiring once again 4 years later. Gordon was always active in the community both during his working years and in his retirement, serving on various committees at the church and holding numerous offices as a member of both the Masonic Lodge for almost 70 years and the Order of the Eastern Star for over 30 years. He also became an avid bowler, a pastime he enjoyed into his early 90s until his requirement for continuous oxygen made it too difficult to continue. In the summer of 2004, Gordon and Pearl moved from their home in Whitmore Park into the Broadway Terrace, and quickly made it their new home. They were able to enjoy three and one half years together at the Terrace until Pearl's deteriorating health required her to be placed in Sunset Extendicare. Gordon continued to reside at the Broadway Terrace, where he was an active member of the Terrace Residents' Association for many years. His declining health finally precipitated the move in mid-May of this year to Palliative Care at the Pasqua Hospital and subsequently to the Grace Hospice where he passed away. Gordon's quick wit remained with him until his last few days, and he put many smiles on the faces of the staff in both facilities. He will be deeply missed by the residents and staff at the Broadway Terrace, his Terrace 'family'. Special thanks to the staff of Palliative Home Care, the Palliative Care Unit at the Pasqua Hospital, and especially Grace Hospice for their compassionate care during Gordon's last weeks. A Memorial Service will be held at Whitmore Park United Church, 336 Durham Drive, Regina, SK on Saturday, June 18, 2016 at 10:30 a.m. Reception will be held following the service at Broadway Terrace, 1150 Broadway Avenue. A private family interment will take place later that afternoon in the Davidson Cemetery.

SOBUS - Gwendale "Glen" Nov. 12, 1938 - Aug. 25, 2004. Glen is survived by: his loving soulmate Doreen; son Garry; daughters Brenda (Daryl), Glenda and Lisa (Bob); step-son Sam; step-daughter Beverly; sisters Ehlane (Ray), Vivian (Albert), Shirley (Don); brother Lavern (Alvina); 12 grandchildren; two great grandchildren and four step-grandchildren. Glen was predeceased by: his parents, Joe and Helen Sabol; brother Arnold and step-son Norm. At Glen's request, following cremation a graveside service was held at Nokomis Cemetery for the family on Saturday, Sept. 4, 2004.

SORTEBERG - Harold Bernard. On Saturday, October 18. 1975 Harold Bernard Sorteberg, late of Govan, Sask. passed away accidentally at the age of 59 years. The late Mr. Sorteberg is survived by one brother Orville, of Vancouver, two sisters, Mrs. Robert (Evelyn) Felske of Nokomis, Mrs. Frank (Bolborg) Cameron of Regina. He was predeceased by his parents and one sister Nora in 1971. Funeral service will be held from the Nokomis United Church on Wednesday, October 22. 1975 at 2 p.m. with the Reverend R. Swann officiating. Interment to follow at St. Oluf's Cemetery, Govan, Sask.

SPROULL - Wilfred passed away at the age of 82 on January 31, 2002 in St. Elizabeth Hospital in Humboldt, Sask. He passed away peacefully with his wife Norma & daughter Lorna (Fred) by his side. All from Naicam. Wilf is survived by his wife of 50 years, Norma; daughter Lorna (Fred) Draudie; two grandchildren Mitchel (Dana) Draudie and Michelle (Chad) Daubenfel; great grandchild Paige; 2 brothers Bob & Harry; two sisters Grace & Jerry; numerous nieces, nephews and friends. Funeral Service will be held in Niacam, Sask. at 2:00 PM at the Lutheran Church.

STAHL - August Gustave, known to us all as Auggie, was born on October 28th, 1911 at Bruno, Sask. to John & Sophie Stahl. August was one of nine children. August met and married Marie Margaret "Mary" Pitka on August 4th, 1942 in Engelfeld. He worked for the Telephone Company, Bruno Hotel and the Bruno Clayworks. In 1957, they built a new home and moved to Nokomis where Auggie took up farming in partnership with Fred Turner. He continued farming until 1974 when he sold the farm and retired. August's favourite pastimes were fishing and hunting and in the winter he spent many hours playing cards with family and friends. In his younger years many people knew him as an avid trap shooter. He was awarded the Ken Luthie Conservation Award by Touchwood Hills Wildlife in 1980. He spent many years guiding his American friends to many successful goose hunts. Family was the most important thing in his life. His children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren were never forgotten and he always had time for them. Family reunions were a must and he enjoyed having fun with his nieces and nephews. He will always be remembered as Uncle August. "Life is to short to argue and hold grudges" he would say and his easy going manner and his strong will kept him open and interested in life. August's strong moral values, his big hearted generousity, his laughter and his patience are among the gifts he will be remembered for. August was predeceased by his parents, his wife Mary in 1982, one special granddaughter Tammy Lynn, 3 brothers; Ervin, Arnold and Charlie Stahl, and 4 sisters; Amanda and Caroline Stahl, Sophie Turner and Helen Sabol. He is survived by 2 daughters; Marie (Barry) and Jane (Dale), 4 grandchildren; Laurence, Paula (Dallas), Jason (Genn) and Trent (special friend Roxanne), 2 step grandchildren; Bryce and Blake, 2 great grandchildren; Colby and Carly, 1 loving sister Madeline Kolinsky and many nieces, nephews and cousins whom were never forgotten. August will be missed by all and has left a memory to his family and friends that will never be forgotten.

STAHL - Marie Margaret Pitka, known to us all as Mary, was born on August 22, 1909 at Engelfeld, Saskatchewan. She was one of eight children born to her family, having four brothers; John (deceased), Joe, Frank and George, and three sisters; Rosie, Elizabeth and Katherine (deceased). Mary graduated from St. Elizabeth Hospital School of Nursing in Humboldt in 1933. One August 4, 1942 Mary was married to August Stahl. Mary and August made their home in Bruno until 1957 when they moved to Nokomis. Mary worked for many years as a nurse in the Nokomis Hospital. She was an active member of the Catholic Women's League having received her "25 Year" pin. She leaves to mourn her passing, her husband August, her two children Marie and Jane, sons-in-law Ron and Dale, and grandchildren Jasen, Trent, Paula, Lawrence, and Tammy (deceased).

STEVENSON - John Allen Stevenson of Carrot River passed away January 6, 2007 at the Carrot River Health Centre with family at his side. Jack was born at Nokomis, SK, on November 9, 1920, son of Donald and Louise Stevenson. Jack joined the Armed Forces on July 7, 1941 and trained with the Royal Canadian Electrical Mechanical Engineer Corp. He served until September 1945. Jack married Margaret Focht on May 12, 1948 in Nokomis Anglican Church. They started out for Smokey Burn on May 21st, after purchasing a small travel trailer. They homesteaded with the VLA program at the Pasqua Hills Co-op Farm. The years of farming were spotted throughout with short periods of dragline operation and millwrighting. Jack owned a sawmill for a few years and was on construction crews all across the province. They farmed until 1980 and retired to Carrot River seven years later. Jack and Margaret were blessed with seven children. Jack's hobbies were hunting, fishing and playing cards. Jack was predeceased by his parents, Donald and Louise; brother George Stevenson, 2004; sister Mary Harley, 1982; step-brother Bert, 1966; step-sisters Lena Cosgrove, 1986 and Sylvia Broeckel, 1995 and son-in-law Owen Jones, 2002. He will be forever missed by his loving wife of 58 years, Margaret; children Marg (Jerry) Popovich, Terry (lan) Nicholson, Betty (Dick) Fehr, Jackie Jones, Sylvia (Mike) Gear, John Stevenson and Robin (Gib) Horn; eleven grandchildren, seven great grandchildren, numerous nieces, nephews and friends. A memorial service was held January 11, 2007 in Carrot River.

STEVENSON - Ruby Vera of Last Mountain Pioneer Home, Strasbourg and formerly of Nokomis passed away November 29, 2003 at the age of 85 years. She leaves to mourn her son Bob (Ruth) and granddaughters Nicole and Jenna. Memorial Service will be held on Friday December 5, 2003 at 11:00 AM from Last Mountain Pioneer Home.

STRACHAN - Marion Isabel (nee MacFarlane) passed away peacefully on April 11, 2000 at the age of 88. Marion was predeceased by her husband Bob in 1983 and son Bill on March 23, 2000. She was born in Nokomis, Saskatchewan and taught school in Wiseton, Sask, where she met Bob. They were married in Nokomis in 1939. Since the war years Marion and Bob made their home in Vancouver and Tsawwassen. She loved her flower garden which was always admired by her many friends. Her paintings of those flowers and her "Pender Harbour Seascapes" will always rekindle fond memories. Marion will also be remembered as a favourite math teacher at Shurpass Pacific College. Marion is survived by her sisters Gladys Rae of Calgary and Hazel MacFarlane of Regina as well as her brother Donald and his wife Frances MacFarlane of Calgary and sister-in-law Jean Strachan of Vancouver. A memorial service will be held Friday April 14, 11:00 a.m., Marpole United Church, 1296 West 67th Ave. Vancouver. Rev. Rick Taylor officiating.

STRUDWICK - Nellie Sabina (nee Holyoak) passed away peacefully on Wednesday, December 1, 2004, at the age of 87, in the Lanigan Health Centre in Lanigan, Sk. She was born in Indian Head, Sk. on February 26, 1917, the fifth child of Edwin Albert and Clara Sabina (nee Clark) Holyoak. In 1936 she married William Russel Strudwick of Fort Qu?Appelle, Sk. Bill & Nel raised a family of three children, farmed and lived in the Invercauld district southeast of Fort Qu?Applle until 1960 when they moved into town. After Bill?s death in 1984, Nel eventually moved to Nokomis, Sk. In 2003 Nel took up residence in the Central Parkland Lodge in Lanigan. Nel was predeceased by her husband William Strudwick, her brothers; Albert (Edna) Holyoak, Charles Holyoak, and her sisters; May (Alfred) Bjorgan, Dorothy (Jack) Fleming and Blanche (Andrew) Hardie. She is survived by her three children; Sharon (Ron) Isherwood of Nokomis, Harley (Allyce) Strudwick of Langham, Sk., Daryl (Mary) Strudwick of Nokomis, grandchildren; Kim Oscienny of Regina, Sk., Clint Isherwood of Wetaskiwin, AB., Hayden Strudwick of Saskatoon, Aulden Strudwick of Saskatoon, Jason (Tina) Hauck of Estevan, Kalie (Tim) Hendry of Nokomis, Leigha Strudwick of Saskatoon, Mallory Strudwick of Saskatoon, and Daryl Strudwick Jr. of Nokomis; brother-in-law Jack Fleming of Williams Lake, BC.; five great grand children and numerous nieces and nephews. A funeral service will be held at the United Church in Fort Qu?Appelle, Sk., on Saturday, December 4, 2004 at 2:00 p.m. with Rev. Sylvia Thompson officiating. Pallbearers are Clint Isherwood, Jason Hauck, Hayden Strudwick, Aulden Strudwick, Daryl Strudwick Jr. and Tim Hendry. Interment to follow in the Lakeview Cemetery in Fort Qu'Appelle.

SWANN - Edna Elizabeth, born March 23, 1919, passed away peacefully on March 19, 2005 at Aberdeen, SK. She is survived by her son Dean (Corlene) of Saskatoon and daughter Tanyss Walker of Aberdeen, granddaughter Rhonda (Morris) Frohaug and great grandchildren Tristen Robert Walker Frohaug and Kylee Jean Walker Frohaug, Govan ; brother Erle (Kay) Dolsen, Nova Scotia, sister-in-law Margaret Henderson, Lumsden, niece Maxine Macfarlane, Regina. She was predeceased by her husband Robert William Swann in 2003. Edna spent 7 years as president of Last Mountain Music Festival from 1960 1970. She was Brownie Leader for 11 years. Edna served as Eastern Star representative to the State of Nevada in 1974 1975, District Deputy for Region 10 in 1966 and Worthy Matron of Nokomis OES Chapter in 1962, 1973, and 1979. She was also busy with music lessons, choir, Sunday school and as church organist. She belonged to the Archie Graham Chapter IODE from 1982 to 2004 when it disbanded. She held the office of Provincial Secretary IODE and Citizenship from 1984 to 2002. Edna was involved with the Aberdeen Seniors and until recently helped with the wellness clinic. A family Memorial Service will be held and the cremated remains will be interred at Woodlawn Cemetery, Saskatoon.

SWANN - Robert William. The family of the Rev. Robert W. Swann announce his passing on January 20th, 2003, following a severe stroke on January 17th, 2003. A private family memorial service will be held.

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TAYLOR - Evelyn Madeline. The death of Evelyn Madeline Taylor, aged 87 years, formerly of Saskatoon and Nokomis, SK occurred at Fort Smith, NWT on Monday, November 26, 2007. The Funeral Service will be held in Saskatoon at St. James Anglican Church (Dufferin Ave.& 12th St.) on Saturday, Dec. 1st at 11 a.m. The service will be conducted by Rev. Joe Ponic. Internment will take place in Nokomis Cemetery at 3:30 p.m. Evelyn was predeceased by her husband Harold, her parents Hattie and Gordon Meikle and brother Larry. She is survived by her loving daughters; Carol (Richard) Avedon Savage of Penticton, BC; Karen (Murray) Scott of Fort Smith, NWT; and Linda (Larry Potter of Saskatoon) Purcell of Rosetown, SK; six grandchildren and nine great grandchildren; as well as brothers Archie Meikle, Ross (Lucy) Meikle and Wayne (Jean) Meikle all of Saskatoon.

TERNES - Edmund. A tragic accident at Regina airport Thursday evening (June 21, 1979) claimed the life of Eddie Ternes. Eddie, 38 years-old of Regina (formerly of Nokomis) died in the industrial accident when he was changing floodlight bulbs on one of the runways. Funeral service for Edmund (Eddie) Ternes of Regina was held Monday morning, June 25, 1979 at St. Patrick's Roman Catholic Church with Father David Banga officiating. Interment was in Nokomis Cemetery with McDougall's Funeral Home in charge of arrangements. The late Eddie Ternes, 38 years of age, was predeceased by his father, Barney in 1973. He is survived by his mother, Clara, of Nokomis and eight sisters: Mrs. Art Perry (Rose) of Nokomis; Mrs. Ken Moens (Mary) of Regina; Mrs. Roger Wickman (Bertha) of San Diego, California; Mrs. Harvey Schmidt (Terry) of Viceroy; Mrs. Glen Fraser (Penny) of Wetaskwin, Alta; Mrs. Wally Galan (Lorraine) of Regina; Mrs. Marcel Bursic (Monica) of Regina; Mrs. Gordon Schmidt (Helen) of Regina, and several nieces and nephews.

THESEN - Walter Norman passed away suddenly at Cottonwoods Care Centre in Kelowna on June 3, 2006. He is survived by his sister Jessie Plummer, sons Barrie, Kasper and Carl; daughters-in-law Doreen, Susan, Michelle and Heather; grandchildren Kris, Paul, Tiffany, Zoe, Michael, Megan and Rebecca; sisters-in-law Dawn Thesen, Sonia Wilkinson, Eileen Wilkinson, Catherine Schaff and Murna Thygessen; brothers-in-law Stanley Wilkinson and Lorne Goodheart, and many nephews and nieces. He was predeceased by Josie his wife of 59 years in April 2006 and his son Wayne in October 2005; parents Gustav and Thora; and siblings Gladys Wetherel and Kelly Thesen. Walter was born in Nokomis, Saskatchewan and grew up near Tisdale, Saskatchewan. He married Josephine Wilkinson in 1947 in Tisdale, Saskatchewan. He lived in Tisdale, Lethbridge, Prince Albert, Saskatoon, Westbank and 1914 - 2006. Kelowna. Walter was an active member of the Oddfellows Lodge, the Masons and the Presbyterian Church. Walter was a carpenter and enjoyed fishing. He was always proud of his Norwegian heritage. Walter?s funeral will take place at St. David?s Presbyterian Church in Kelowna on Wednesday, June 7th, 2006 at 10:00 A.M.

THOMSON - James Ernest John born February 22, 1922 in Nokomis, SK, Jim "Tommie" died suddenly Wednesday morning, when his ultra-lite Bi-plane crashed near Okotoks. He was an avid member of the Calgary Ultra-Lite Club, past member of the Christian Motorcyclists, and a devout member of St. Philip's Anglican Church. After graduating from U of A, Jim worked for Cominco for thirty years, retiring early to start his own sales training company, something he enjoyed for several years. He leaves behind his wife of fifty-eight years, Joyce; his five cherished children, Lani (Les) Hunt, Leslie (Gerry) Ghikas, Deirdre (Rick) Merryfield, Kelly (Helen) Thomson, and Tom (Wendi) Thomson; six grandchildren, Matthew, Alexis, Jeremy, Scott, Lauren and Heather; and two new baby great-grandchildren, Da-Kaya and Kate. He also leaves his two younger brothers, Don (Ruth) of Manchester, Ohio, and Bob (Doreen) of Okotoks, and many nieces and nephews, all of whom he held dear. A Memorial Service will be held at St. Philip the Evangelist Anglican Church, Calgary, AB on Monday, October 20, at 1:00 p.m.

THOMPSON - Frankie "Gran" (nee Shields), formerly of Queen St., North Bay, passed away on Wednesday June 7th, 2006 at LeisureWorld Caregiving Centre, North Bay. Predeceased by her husband Gordon (O.N.R.), daughter Barbara Davidson, an infant son and grandson Jamie McCausland. Dear ?Mom? to Georgia Daniher (Carl) of Thunder Bay, Pat Kilbride (Stan) of North Bay and Gerald Thompson (Barbara) of Thornton, ON. A loving and loved ?Gran? to 12 grandchildren, 16 great grandchildren and 7 great-great grandchildren. Born in Nokomis, Saskatchewan, and lived thereafter in Toronto, Tomiko, Timmins and North Bay. She was an avid bridge player, the senior care giver for the St. John's Anglican Church Sunday School nursery for many years and a founding member and long time participant of the St. Brice's Anglican Church Quilter's Guild. Family receiving friends at HILLSIDE FUNERAL SERVICES, 362 Airport Rd on Saturday June 10th from 10 until time of funeral service at 12 noon. Interment Powassan Union Cemetery.

THOMSON - Linda Irene (nee Graham). Linda Irene Thomson's struggle with multiple myeloma ended on January 15, 2010. Linda was born on April 30, 1949 in Canora, SK, and learned to love family, animals and the land, with the guidance of her parents Robert and Jean Graham and the encouragement of her siblings Margaret, Myrtle, Verna, Bob and Reg. She attended, without enthusiasm, Chain-of-Lakes and Invermay schools, but her interests were clearly elsewhere - most often in farming activities. Baling beat literature every time. Linda married Graham Thomson on July 6,1968, and together they raised four kids and roamed the countryside. Moving more than a dozen times in the first 10 years of marriage meant that Linda developed an uncanny talent for packing and kept track of time by remembering who was in diapers at what house. Every house was full of friends and every yard trimmed to within an inch of its life. The moves ended in 1977 when the family settled in Nokomis. Settling in Nokomis meant involvement in community activities, most of which involved the kids. Scouts, hockey, ball, school sports, ropings and driving the school bus kept her on the road for most of the '80s, but in 1987 she found her own niche. Completing her home care/special care aide course meant that she could now focus her considerable energy on caring for the most vulnerable among us with dignity and compassion. Her work at Silver Heights Special Care Home in Raymore, Nokomis Health Centre and home care was a source of joy and fulfillment. It is what she was meant to do. Having children at a young age meant that Linda was able to be a young and active grandmother. A stop at the house meant photos and stories of the latest exploits of Grady, Raina, Victoria, Dillon and Shane. The only thing that made her happier than their birth was when they stayed at Grandma's house and followed her to NHC to meet the staffer to the farm to meet a new foal (her four-legged grandchildren) or played in the yard while Grandma gardened. Linda is remembered by a grateful family including: her husband Graham; children Monty, Roily (Angie), Sherri and Shawna (Clayton); grandchildren Grady and Raina Thomson and Victoria, Dillon and Shane Sanborn; mother Jean; sisters Margaret (Bob), Myrtle (Leonard) and Verna (Walter); brother Reg; sisters-in-law Gail (Bob) and Glenelda (Ray); and a herd of beloved nieces, nephews and friends. Linda was predeceased by: her dad Robert Graham; brother Bob Graham; parents-in-law Ida and William Thomson and brothers-in-law Steve Panchyk and Jim McCutcheon. A memorial service was held at the Nokomis Centennial Hall on January 18, 2010, conducted by ministers Jim Atcheson, Ruth Sinclair and Agnes Smiley. Guest book attendants were Karen Lee and Sandy Lewis. David Herauf, Stacey Oliver and Vern Bexson were the ushers. Eulogy was given by Sandy Lewis and Myrtle Pilkey. Janice Cobb was pianist and special music was by Braden Pihrag, Karen McCrae, Lynn Higgins and Sherrie Gullacher.

TIMEWELL - Grace Maud. December 7, 1922 to December 7, 2003. Born to Harry and Mary Beeler at Nokomis, Saskatchewan. Grace was the 7th of 8 children. Predeceased by her loving husband Raymond (1979) and cherished son David (1992). Remembered with much love by daughters Mary Jane and Barbara; her other children, Drew Wild, Heather and Marilyn Seymour, and Joanne Kosmer; and daughter-in-law Wendy Forss. Grace will also be remembered by the Miller Avenue families; and many friends and relatives, especially nieces Donna Edwards and Darlene Jones. Private interment. A Celebratory Service of a special life will be held at 3:00 p.m. on January 5, 2004 at Burquitlam Funeral Home, 625 North Road, Coquitlam.

TOWNSEND - Douglas. Funeral service for Douglas Townsend, 80, of Preeceville, who died January 4, 2004 at Regina General Hospital, was held Jan. 8 at the Preeceville Legion Hall with Rev. Daniel Hughes officiating. Burial was in the Poplar Grove Cemetery with Preeceville Funeral Home in care of arrangements. Born on October 28, 1924, in Nokomis, he attended Richfarms and Roundville schools, northeast of Nokomis. At the age of 16, he moved with his parents to a farm, northwest of Ketchen. He worked as a farm labourer until he joined the army in 1943. Training at several bases across Canada, he was stationed at Camp Shilo when he was sent overseas. In 1944, he joined the Regina Rifles Regiment and was wounded at the coastal port of Calais, France in September of that year. He spent six months in a French and English hospitals. He returned to active duty in September 1945 with occupation forces in Germany. He returned to Canada in April of 1946 and was discharged in June. Returning to Ketchen, he found work with the railroad that fall and he worked in a bush camp during the winter. In the spring of 1947, he purchased his own land. On January 14, 1954, he married Irene Miller at the Preeceville United Church manse. They farmed until retiring to Preeceville in 1992. His son, Murray, took over the farm. He was the president of the Preeceville branch of the Royal Canadian Legion for five years. Predeceased by his wife, Irene, parents, Norman and Verna, a sister, a brother, and two grandchildren, Sheldon and Cole Townsend, he is survived by three sons, Elder (Lorna) of Hudson Bay, Murray (Merle) of Preeceville and Doug of Hudson Bay; two daughters, Terri of Regina and Cathy (Stephen) of Chetwynd, B.C.; and a brother, Harold (Virgie) of Preeceville

TREVOY - Roberta Lenore (nee Adair) age 85, died on September 5, 2008 at Fairfax Nursing Center. She was born on July 26, 1923 in Nokomis, Saskatchewan to the late William Jason and Alyce May Adair. Roberta was the beloved wife of the late Donald J. Trevoy, loving and devoted mother of Timothy Trevoy of Omaha, NE, Donald Trevoy of Spring City, PA, Dale Trevoy of Rochester, NY and Melanie Young of Potomac Falls, VA, sister of the late Campbell Adair, Wilda Adair, Audrey Pearce and Shirley Patience, proud grandmother of six grandchildren. A memorial service will be held on Saturday, September 13th at 3 p.m. at Adams-Green Funeral Home, 721 Elden Street, Herndon, VA.

TULLOCH - Mary Maxine (nee Potter). The death of Mrs. Mary Maxine Tulloch aged 66 years, of Craik. Sask. occurred on Friday, October 7, 1983. The funeral service was conducted in the Craik United Church, Craik, Sask. on Tuesday, October 11, 1983 at 2:00 p.m. Reverend Mark Waugh officiated. Cremation followed. Born at Nokomis, she received her education here, later attending the Saskatchewan Teachers College in Saskatoon and graduating in 1937. She married Bernard Tulloch at Nokomis in 1942, residing in Craik until her passing. Maxine had a real love for children. teaching school until her retirement. She was an active member of the Craik United Church Choir. Predeceased by her parents, she will be missed by her husband Bernard; one daughter Pat of Saskatoon; three brothers: John Potter of Ottawa; Roy Potter of Nokomis; and Marvin Potter of Nokomis.

TURNER - Catherine Sophia (nee Stahl) passed away on Saturday, August 24, 1991 at the Plains Health Centre in Regina, Sask. at the age of 85 years. She was born on November 20, 1905 to John and Sophie (Egli) Stahl in Wisconsin, U.S.A. She came to Canada in May, 1906 to Bruno, Sask. She married Fredrick Turner on May 19, 1930, in St. Bruno's Parish in Bruno, Sask. She was predeceased by her parents, John and Sophie Stahl, her husband Fredrick (1984), a daughter Carol Ann (1948) and a son Gregory (1934). Sophie is survived by her loving family; two daughters, Verna (Norm) Speerbrecker Yorkton, Sask., and Rosalie (Dennis) Krentz, Bruno, Sask.; three sons, Vernon (Doreen)Turner, Prince Albert, Sask., Douglas (Adriana) Turner Kelowna, B.C., and Jack (Sylvia)Turner, Nokomis, Sask.; 15 grandchildren and 17 great grandchildren. Sophie is also survived by a brother, August Stahl and two sisters, Helen Sabol and Madeline Kolinsky, Funeral mass was held at St. Patrick's Roman Catholic Church, Nokomis, Sask. on Wednesday, August 28, 1991 at 10:30 a.m. Celebrants were Rev. Father Peter Nijssen and Rev. Father Rick Krofchek. Organist for the service was Angeline Wourms. Ushers were Ronald Ediger and Lavern Sobus and the register attendant was Marjorie Proseilo. Pallbearers were grandsons; David Speerbrecker, Charles Turner, Michael Turner, Doug Krentz, Terry Krentz and Jimmy Krentz.

TURNER - Fred C. Funeral service for Fred C. Turner was held on Saturday, January 28, 1984 in St. Patrick's Roman Catholic Church. Celebrant was Father Rick Krofchek, organist was Angeline Wourms and soloist was Allen Nichol. Interment took place in Nokomis Cemetery with McDougall's Funeral Home in charge of arrangements. Pallbearers were grandsons: Keith Turner, James Krentz, Chuck Turner, Douglas Krentz, David Speerbrecker and Michael Turner. The late Fred Turner passed away in Lanigan Hospital on January 23, 1984 at the age of 78 years. He was born on September 1, 1905 in Neepawa, Manitoba. He was one of five children born to his family, having three brothers: Dick (deceased), Ernest, and Stanley (deceased); and one sister, Emily. Fred married Sophie Stahl on May 19, 1930. They lived in Bruno until moving to Nokomis in 1958. Fred farmed six miles west of Nokomis until a farming accident forced him to retire in September, 1973. He has been in the Central Parkland Lodge for the last two years. Fred leaves to mourn his loving wife Sophie; three sons: Vernon (Doreen) of Lake Lenore, Douglas (Adriana) of Kelowna, B.C., and Jack (Sylvia) of Nokomis; and two daughters: Verna (Norman) Speerbrecker of Viscount, and Rosalie Krentz (Dennis) of Bruno; 15 grandchildren and 5 great-grandchildren. He will be sadly missed by all his family and friends.

TURNER - Louise C. (nee Lovdokken), age 89, died peacefully with her loving family at her side at Forest Hill nursing home, in Ottawa, Ont. on Sunday, December 26, 2010. She was born May 11, 1921, in Nokomis, Sask, to the late Henrik and Inga Lovdokken. She was married to James B. Turner and resided in Sun Lakes, Arizona until moving back to Canada in 2005. Louise is survived by her son, Gary J. Turner, her daughter, Carolyn L. (Turner) Alden, her granddaughter Kelley L. Alden, and her brother Harold Lovdokken. A memorial service will be held in the spring 2011 in Nokomis, where her cremains will be placed beside her late, beloved husband James B. Turner. Louise will be dearly missed by her children and all those who knew and loved her.

TURNER - Phylma Gertrude "Trudie" (nee Stalder) passed away in Calgary on March 25, 2012. Trudie was the daughter of Arthur and Irene Stalder and was raised on the farm northwest of Nokomis. She moved away to Saskatoon in 1947 to work at the Star Phoenix newspaper, where she met her future husband, Ken Turner. The couple later moved to Edmonton, where, in 1963, with four young children at home Trudie attended the University of Alberta to obtain her teaching certificate. Trudie and Ken moved to Calgary in 1976. She was active in her community, volunteering at the Glenbow Museum, the Performing Arts Guild, and even at the 1988 Calgary Winter Olympic Games. Trudie's husband Ken still lives in Calgary. She is survived as well by her four children: Larry, Richard, Karen and Barb.

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UDAHL - Gerald "Jerry" Denton. On January 2nd, 2009, Gerald Jerry Denton Udahl passed away at the age of 81. Jerry will be lovingly remembered by wife Betty; children Brenda (Dave), Judi, Randy (Margaret); grandson Torrin; siblings Bob (Chris), Sharon, Marj (Mel) Sims; sister in law Donna; as well as numerous nieces and nephews. He was predeceased by his parents Elda and Edwin; brother Elmer and brother in law Aubrey Doak. Jerry was born in Nipawin on December 29th, 1927. He met Betty at a dance in Moose Range and they were married in Aylsham in 1951. They lived in Aylsham, Smiley, Nokomis, Central Butte, and Moose Jaw, making many good friends along the way. Jerry was a dedicated employee of SaskPower for 32 years. When he retired, mandolin lessons, hail adjusting and his tree pruning business allowed him to continue to meet and talk with people, which was one of his greatest attributes. He also had an affection for animals and never met one he thought he couldn't tame. Jerry made significant contributions to every community in which he lived. He was an active participant in Lions clubs, recreation organizations, and in the church. The family welcomes all who knew Jerry to join them in paying tribute to his life on Tuesday, January 6th, 2009 at 2:00 p.m. in Moose Jaw Funeral Home. Rev. Dave Moore will officiate. We wish to express our heartfelt thanks to the staff of Providence Place and Guardian Grove for the loving care they gave Jerry.

UNSETH - Alida Olga (nee Lakness) Campbell of Nokomis passed away peacefully on February 1, 2003 after a courageous battle with cancer at the age of 73. Survived by her loving husband Palmer, children Dale (Jane) Campbell of Duval and Janice (Jim) Korte of Muenster. Also, survived by grandchildren Lawrence Campbell of Lloydminster, Paula (Dallas) Erhardt of Duval, Garret (Janine) Korte of Muenster, Jesse Korte of Medesto, Cal, Amy Korte of Saskatoon and 5 great grandchildren, sisters Borgny Eldson, Mildren (Eldon) Norum, Gladys Erhardt, Kathy (John) Fenton and Laverne Pidhourny; brothers Bernard (Theresa) Lakness and Carl Lakness; sisters-in-law, Ida Campbell, Mavis Campbell, Rita Campbell, Ruth Campbell, Sandra Campbell, Ina Kastning, Gerta Zimmerman and brother-in-law Arnie Unseth, several nieces and nephews and many friends whose life Alida touched. Also, survived by Palmer's step children, Sandra Anderson, Linda (Dave) Comba, Robert (Barb) Comba, Pat (Valrie) Comba, 5 step grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren. Predeceased by her parents George and Bertina Lakness, first husband Kenneth Campbell, son Lawrence Campbell and grand daughters Tammy Lynn Campbell and Renae Michelle Korte. The funeral service will be held on Wednesday February 5, 2003 at 2:30 pm at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Govan, SK. Interment in St. Olaf's Cemetery.

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WALETZKY - James Allen (August 23, 1946 ? October 30, 2014). The death of James Allen "Jim" Waletzky, aged 68 years, of Nokomis, occurred suddenly on Thursday, October 30th, 2014 at Royal University Hospital, Saskatoon, Sask. Predeceased by his parents Jake and Lola Waletzky and niece Tanis; Jim is survived by his wife Annette; children Brian (Lynda) Taylor and Michael (Manju) Taylor; grandchildren Samantha, Sarah, Cass and Bradley; sisters Sandy Anderson, Sharon (Darryl) Metz, Janice (Brian) Mokry; niece Heather and nephews Warren and Christopher. At Jim?s request there will be no Funeral Service. Cremation. Interment at a later date.

WALLACE - George, of Warman, SK, passed away on January 26, 2007. He is lovingly survived by his wife, Judy. A public viewing will be held on Monday, January 29, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. at Martens Warman Funeral Home, 402 Central St. W., Warman, SK. At his request, there will be no funeral service. He will be laid to rest in the Warman cemetery.

WALLACE - Joseph Foster, of Morris, MB, aged 94 years, passed away on Thursday, July 18, 2002 at Morris General Hospital, with his daughter Audrey, and son Keith at his side. He was predeceased by his first wife Mony and his second wife Elsie. He will be lovingly remembered by his son Keith and his wife Janet of Kamloops, BC; and his daughter Audrey and husband Ted Imrie of Toronto, ON; his grandchildren, Shelley Wallace (Ian), Michael (Cheryl) Wallace, Greg (Judi) Wallace, Karla (Shea) Hewitt, Peter (Kym) Imrie, Diane Imrie; and great-grandchildren, Ryan, Lisa, Brendan, Kelli, Matthew and Meghan. Also surviving are his wife Elsie's family Dorothy (Maurice) Paley; her grandchildren, Nicole (Hank) Bogers and David; her great-grandchildren, Carla (Shaun) Martin, Dustin, Dana and Kyle. Joe was born in Lockwood, SK in 1908, spent his working life in Smiley, SK, Dominion City, MB, Winnipeg, MB and Vancouver, BC and his retirement years in Nokomis and Alsask, SK also Morris. The funeral service will be held on Monday, July 22 at 2:00 p.m. from the Morris United Church in Morris, with Rev. Jeanette Brigit officiating. A private family interment service will be held at a later date in the Nokomis Cemetery. Viewing will be held on Saturday, July 20 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the Morris Funeral Home in Morris. The family would like to thank Dr. Fraser and the outstanding staff at Morris General Hospital for their exceptional care and compassion during his illness.

WALLACE - Ruth Evelyn (nee Elliott). On Monday, November 19, 2001 Ruth Evelyn passed away peacefully into God's loving care at the age of 92 years. A service celebrating her life will be held in Nokomis United Church on Sunday, November 25 at 2:00 p.m. with Rev. Alison Nicholson officiating. Ruth was predeceased by her husband Echlin Wallace in 1989, Parents, John and Blanche Elliott; Sister and Brother-in-Law Lorna and Wilmot Johnston; Brothers Jack and Harold. She is survived by her four daughters; Lorna (Earle) Mansell, Gaylene, Paula (Richard & Olivia Stout); Marlene Wallace; Donna Crozier, Rhonda, Carla and John Crozier; Marion (Doug) Butcher, Deanna (Jeremy Berberich) and Cheryl Butcher/friend Cody; Sisters-in-law Margaret Elliott; Muriel Hitchcock and Marjorie Fenske as well as many beloved nieces, nephews and cousins. Ruth was born in Madoc, Ontario in 1909 and came west to Aneroid Sask. where she grew up and was educated. Ruth was a 1932 graduate of the Regina General Hospital and came to Nokomis to nurse where she met her husband Echlin Wallace. They were married in 1937. They farmed from 1940 to 1967 when they retired to Nokomis. Family and Friends, Faith and Church were utmost in her life and fond memories will remain always.

WALLACE - Robert Noble. Word has been officially received that the body of Sgt. Robert Noble Wallace was found at Fano Islands on Oct. 9th and buried at Gravelund, Denmark on Oct. 12, 1943. He was the youngest son of Mr. & Mrs. C.L. Wallace. Born at Nokomis on Sept. 15, 1911. Surviving besides his wife and eight year old daughter of Toronto are his parents, two brothers, G.E. and Stuart Wallace of Nokomis, and a sister, Mrs. Clifford Fenske of Sudbury, Ontario.

WALSH - Richard C. Walsh died Tuesday, February 23, 2010 in Kalamazoo. Richard and Loretta (Edwards) Walsh celebrated the birth of their son, Richard, on Saturday, July 12th, 1929. Richard, who often went by Dick, was born in Nokomis, Saskatchewan, Canada, as the second of four children in his family, which included siblings Leo, Eileen, and Frank. Dick left home when he was around 12 years old when his family was moved to Ontario, and he wanted to remain in Saskatchewan. He attended school at Notre Dame of Canada in Wilcox, Sask, and graduated in 1947. Notre Dame of Canada shaped his life. He truly loved the school and its people. He attempted to have his 3 sons attend the school in middle of nowhere Saskatchewan. His youngest son Richard, graduated from Notre Dame of Canada, his son Daniel schooled there but graduated from Otsego High School. Dick continued his education at Assumption College in Windsor, graduating in 1950. After one year of law school at Detroit College of Law, Dick took the offer of the U.S government permitting him to be a U.S. citizen upon 2 years of military service. He enlisted and served as part of the 82nd Airborne Division during the Korean Conflict. In the service he became a surveyor. But, he loved jumping out of airplanes. He marveled that he got extra pay to do it. He fulfilled his duty, serving from 1950 through 1952 and thereafter, in the reserves. During his army stint, Dick was stationed at Fort Drum, New York. He met the young girl who would forever hold the key to his heart. Her name was Virginia Piazza. They met at a USO dance. She was an Italian girl from Watertown, New York. There was an immediate attraction between Dick (age 23) and Virginia (age 21) that neither could deny. When they met she was engaged to another man. After dating for a short time, the couple was married on November 28, 1953, in her hometown of Watertown. With little financial resources, they settled in Detroit, Michigan, where Dick began working for Household Finance Company. Dick and Virginia started a family right away. Apparently, there was a little 'competition' between he and his brother Frank as to who would have the first grandchild for their parents. Virginia often joked that they were so poor that they could not afford toys for the kids (Linda and Pat) so, the kids played with the cockroaches instead! Dick and Virginia were blessed with five children: Linda, Pat, Diana, Daniel and Richard. Dick was a supportive father who was very involved with his children?s athletic endeavors. He attended the sporting events no matter what state or country. He coached hockey for the youngest, Richard, when he was over 50 years old. Dick was most known for was his strong work ethic. He attended Detroit College of Law and earned his degree while working full-time at the finance company with two young children. In 1959, Household Finance moved him to Chesterfield, Indiana, where his daughter Diana (nee, Diane) was born. From there, the family moved back to Dearborn Heights with another Household Finance transfer. Dick opened his first law office a couple blocks from their home in Dearborn Heights located above a party store on Van Born. The family then moved to Kalamazoo, Michigan, in 1962. Dick and Virginia believed Kalamazoo would be a great place to raise their children. Dick got a job with a local attorney doing collection work. Thereafter, he worked as an assistant city attorney for the City of Portage with an office in the Kalamazoo Building. His practice moved from there to the Hanselman Building across the street and, then to what was the ISB building. He was proud to boast that he and his partners were all Catholics and they were the only all catholic law firm in town. In 1973, Dick and Virginia purchased the building at the corner of Cedar and Rose Streets. He retired in 1998 when his son purchased the business, although according to Dick, he still worked. He wintered in Florida and during the summers, his work schedule consisted of breakfast with the boys, checking his office messages, coffee with anther group of guys, checking messages again, then lunch, if it was a nice day he?d play golf. He loved playing golf. But, his true passion was flying. Dick was a licensed pilot who had both his instrument and aerobatic licenses. He flew the family to various vacation destinations. He loved hockey. He had season tickets for the Kalamazoo Wings from the time they began. Dick also had connections with many hockey professionals from his alma mater, Notre Dame of Canada. Dick spent time with his beloved wife, Virginia. They often vacationed without (away from) the children. They enjoyed going to either the Florida Gulf Coast Keys or Brownsville, Texas. Usually they flew a four-seater plane with another couple. He suffered the first of six heart attacks at age 48. As a result, he could not be licensed to fly. After a number of years, he would be able to get his license back. Within 6 months of that date he suffered another heart attack and, piloted no more. After retirement Dick and Virginia had a condo in New Smyrna Beach, Florida. They sold that and bought a new condo on Daytona Beach. When Virginia began suffering from Alzheimer?s disease, they moved back to Kalamazoo so that Virginia would feel more at home. Even though, he would generally work between 60 and 80 hours per week, he believed in giving his time and money to many charitable organizations. He was involved with the Jaycees, Kalamazoo AMBUCS, and the Elks BPOE #50. In his later years, Dick enjoyed reading just about anything. He was partial to fictional works about lawyers, and he also read a lot of historical books. In many ways, Richard Walsh was truly one-of-a-kind. He worked hard throughout his life and had a diverse career path, too. As a young man living on his own since age 12 he shoveled coal at Notre Dame for tuition, room and board. He was a trapper and sold the pelts. He worked at Banff Resort as a porter for a summer. He worked as an usher in a theater. He was the eternal optimist who was Irish in every way. He was very lucky even won a trip through Kroger Bingo to anywhere he wanted to go, so he and Virginia picked Hong-Kong, China (he kept telling her they were going to win!). Most recently, last season, he won the drawing of season ticket holders to be an assistan coach for a game, an Irishman through and through. Dick leaves behind principles that are so simple, yet so hard to master including a strong work ethic, diligence, and a belief in making the most of every day. As his family and friends now say goodbye, they will be forever grateful for the many moments they were given to share with such a remarkable man. Dick will be dearly missed. Dick?s family includes his wife, Virginia Walsh, 4 children: Linda (Al) Ikeda, Pat Walsh, Diana (Gary) Christopher and Daniel Walsh; 10 grandchildren; 1 great-grandchild; 2 siblings: Eileen Steele and Frank (Geraldine) Walsh and many nieces and nephews. Dick was preceded in death by a son Richard S. Walsh, and a brother, Leo Walsh. A memorial mass will be celebrated Saturday, March 6, 2010 at 10:00 a.m., St. Augustine Cathedral. A luncheon will follow at the Blue Dolphin.

WENGROVICH - Miss Polly Wengrovich, an old timer in the district, passed away on March 22 in Nokomis Hospital at age 72. The funeral service was held Tuesday at R.C. Church Ituna. Miss Wengrovich was born Poland and came to Canada with her parents in 1907. She lived for many years at Tate and has been keeping house for Mr. Graham Milner at Nokomis up to the time of her death She leaves to mourn a brother John at Ituna and a sister Annie, also a sister Margaret at Fort Qu'Appelle.

WHITE - Albert. Mary Simpson received word of the death of her brother Al White on Saturday, April 15th, 2006 in the hospital at Nelson, BC. Albert White was born at Nokomis and received his education here until grade 11. He then worked for the Royal Bank at several places including Govan. He joined the army, the Royal Winnipeg Riffles and went overseas. He was with the Canadian troops as they invaded France and later into Holland and Germany. On his return home he attended the University of Saskatchewan and revieved a degree as an architectual engineer. He worked as an engineer in Alberta and British Columbia. He retired to Winlaw, BC, near Nelson. Al is survived by his wife Phyliss, sons Bill and Jim, daughters Margaret and Maureen, five grandchildren and sisters Mary Simpson, Margaret Hoscheit and brother Francis White.

WHITFIELD - Charles Robert. It is was sadness we announce the passing of our beloved husband, father grandfather and brother Charles Robert Whitfield of Nokomis SK. which occurred in the Regina General Hospital on February 9, 2011 at the age of 63 years. Robert was born on January 6, 1948 in Biggar SK and was raised in the Perdue District. Charles is survived by his loving wife, Alma of Nokomis; daughter, Lisa and her children, Chalaine (Cory), Shantanna (Jeremy) and Candace (Justin) and greatgrandchildren, Geneive, Martina, and Klyie; son, Troy (Tracey) and their children, Paige, Halle and Amanda; brothers and sisters: Dick, Marj, Ron, Vic, Raye Patra, Laurie, Willie, and Henry; and numerous nieces and nephews and extended family members. He was predeceased by his parents, Ronald and Laura; a brother, Bill; and a sister, Grace. A Celebration of Charles' life will take place a later date.

WHITMAN - Mrs. Minnie Beatrice Whitman of Parkland Nursing Home, Lanigan passed away in the Lanigan Hospital on Monday, March 29, 1975 at the age of 91 years. Minnie Whitman was born Clementsvale, N.S. in 1885 and came west to the Nokomis district in 1905 where she resided until 1934 when the family moved to Carragana. In 1965 she came back to live with her daughters. Predeceased by her husband Lewis in 1952 and later by her daughter Beatrice, Mrs. Arthur Lewis and by a son Stanley Whitman. Left to mourn are 3 daughters Lillian Mrs. John Walker, Gale Marion Mrs. Dan Haryluck of Kelowna, B.C., Edna Mrs. Leslie Hards and 15 grandchilden, 22 great grandchildren. Funeral service on Thursday April 1 in Nokomis United Church at 2 p.m. Reverend R. W. Swann officiating. Interment on Friday April 2 in Caragana Cemetery, Reverend Rankin officiating.

WIGGINS - Harry Robert. It is with a great sorrow that we must announce the sudden passing of our beloved father, Harry Robert Wiggins, at his home in Saskatoon on April 22, 2002 at the age of 76. Dad is survived by his sons, Bob (Marilyn) Wiggins, Ron Wiggins, Tom (Pat) Wiggins and his daughter, Kathie (Darren) Valantine. He is also survived by his sisters, Edith (Bern) Frankham, Doris (Jack) Henderson and Olive (Werner) Schatz; his grandchildren, Tracie (Brent) Belisle, Christeen (Steve) Leader, Brad (Tracy) Wiggins, Jason Wiggins, Jeff (Shannon) Wiggins, Denny Silbernagel, Michelle Silbernagel and David Silbernagel; his great-grandchildren, Matthew, Brandon, Jeremy, James, Jordan, Kayla and Chayse, who called him "Papa Great". There are many, many other relatives and friends, too numerous to mention, that we are sure will sorely miss our dad as well. Dad was predeceased by his wife, Dora (1980), and his sister, Blanche. Dad was born on the family farm near Nokomis, SK on August 27, 1925. He joined the Canadian Navy "underage" during World War II and served on corvettes on the North Atlantic run, finishing his service on the HMCS Orangeville. Dad was employed at Mitchell's Gourmet Foods Inc. for over 42 years retiring in 1986. After spending several years at the West Coast dad returned to Saskatoon and spent his last four years residing with his son, Tom. He took a keen interest in his grandchildren's accomplishments. He enjoyed his curling on television and was always up for a good game of cribbage. Dad you are deeply missed and will live on forever in our hearts. A Public Visitation for family and friends will be held on Wednesday, April 24, 2002 from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. and the Funeral Service will be held on Thursday, April 25, 2002 at 2:00 p.m. with Joan Brown presiding, both services at the Acadia Drive Funeral Chapel (915 Acadia Drive).

WILLIAMS - Jack Williams passed away peacefully in Saskatoon on February 23, 2014. Jack was born to Dave and Ella Williams in Nokomis, Sask. on May 30, 1922. Leaving the dust bowl in 1929, the Williams family moved north to Lac Vert where Jack completed Grade 10 in a two-room school. In October 1942, he enlisted in the Royal Canadian Air Force, receiving commissions as a Pilot, then Flying Officer in 1944. He later recalled his war-time service as a flight instructor as a high point in his life, and felt honoured to be interviewed and to find his biography posted on the website of In June 1944, he married Dorothy Dahl of Naicam, and, following the war, they lived at Scott, Moose Range, and Melfort before settling in 1949 at Lac Vert to farm and to raise their five children. In 1965, they moved to Saskatoon where they were very involved in their local church. Here, the former instructor became a student again, attending classes at SIAST to be certified as a Stationary Engineer 4th class. After working at Extendicare and Market Mall, he served the Saskatoon Police Department as a power engineer in their new building until taking early retirement in 1980. Jack is survived by his children David (Darlene) Williams, Dianne (Peter) Weizman, Marlene (Perry) Reilander, Ron Williams; six grandchildren, Tracy (Gord) Hundeby, Trevor (Melissa) Reilander, Jeremy Williams, Bryan (Kendra) Williams, Rebekah Weizman (Matthew Ottewell), Jonathan Weizman; five great-grandchildren, Jireh and Seth Hundeby, Abbie, Amelie and Riley Reilander; brother Garnet Williams as well as numerous nieces, nephews and dear friends. He was predeceased by his father and mother, brothers Kenneth, Murray and Allan, son Donald (1971), and most recently by his devoted wife Dorothy (2010) after 66 years of marriage. Jack?s family wishes to express their heartfelt gratitude to the staff of House 9 at Veteran?s Village, Sherbrooke Community Centre in Saskatoon, for their wonderful care of Jack, and for the honour accorded to him and to his fellow veterans in the sunset of their lives. A Celebration of Life will be held at Emmanuel Baptist Church, 1636 Acadia Drive, Saskatoon on Tuesday, March 4, 2014 at 2:00 p.m. with lunch to follow.

WILLIAMSON - Clarence Stewart Williamson, age 86, passed away April 21, 2001, at the Kelowna General Hospital. He is survived by his wife Olive, daughter Val (Peter) Gilchrist; son Reg (Marlene): grandchildren, Rob and Cam Logan, Kristine Williamson, Andrew (Cassandra) Williamson and one great grandchild, Sarah Logan. A celebration was held at Everden Rust Funeral Chapel. Born February 6, 1915, Clarence grew up in Nokomis enjoying his favorite sports, tennis and curling. During his high school days he and his teammates were the first high school team to attend the Sask.Curling Brier. After graduating, he attended business college in Regina. Clarence was a hardware man and began his career in sales with the Ashdown Hardware Co. He traveled for 13 years throughout Southeastern Saskatchewan. In 1939, he married his highschool sweetheart, Olive Morris, also of Nokomis, and they lived in Regina and then Indian Head. In 1948 he bought the Ogema Hardware and after 8 successful years moved his family to Swift Current where he opened a warehouse for Ashdowns and later began the Swift Current Hardware. In 1961, he bought a motel in North Battleford. In 1967 they retired to Kelowna, B.C. He bought a beautiful property overlooking the Okanagan Lake and spent many hours gardening and caring for his roses. Years later, Clarence and Olive moved into a retirement community; and in June 1999, celebrated their 60th Wedding Anniversary. In 2000, both Clarence and Olive moved into a senior care centre where Clarence resided until his passing.

WILLIAMSON - Florence May (nee Smith) Williamson passed away Aug. 15th, 1977 at Kelowna. General Hospital at the age of 83. She was born in Birmingham, England as Florence May Smith, Sept. 18th, 1893. Following the death of both her parents, she came to Canada with an aunt at the age of sixteen. She met and married John S. Williamson in 1912 and they had one son Clarence from this union. Mrs. Williamson was a long time member of the United Church, was active in UCW and the Sunday School for many years. Due to failing health she has spent the past few years in Extended Care Unit at Kelowna General Hospital. She is survived by her husband, John Stewart Williamson, son Clarence and his wife Olive, two grandchildren: Mrs. Valerie Logan, Kelowna and Mr, Reg Williamson, Gravelbourg, Sask. and four great grandchildren. The graveside funeral service was held Aug. 17, in Nokomis cemetery with Rev. M. Rose officiating: pallbearers were Marvin Potter, Eck Wallace, Roly Beeler, Ken Kidd, Ken Edwards and John McGinnis.

WILLIAMSON - John Stewart Williamson passed away in Cottonwoods Extended Care, Kelowna, on Wednesday, June 30, 1981 at the age of 98 years. Mr. Williamson was born in Bosemont, North Dakota in 1883. He moved to Bossavain, Man. with his family and started working as a Harness Maker at an early age. He later moved to Manitou, Man. and then to Nokomis where he worked many years for Mr. George Kerr. He met the former Florence Smith and was married in December of 1912. He spent several years working in Garland's Garage, Jack Rathjens and Mr. Art Nichols grocery store. He later joined the North American Lumber Company where he worked for 25 years until his retirement. During their 60 years at Nokomis Mr. Williamson served 23 years on Council, was a member of the Order of Forresters and an elder of the United Church. He was predeceased by his wife in August of 1977. Left to remember him with love is his son Clarence and daughter-in-law Olive; two grandchildren, Valerie Gilchrist of Calgary and Reg Williamson of Swift Current; and four great grandchildren.

WINTER - Harry Laverne. Mr. Winter of Nokomis passed away in University Hospital Saskatoon, on October 16, 1974 of a heart attack, He was predeceased by his first wife Louise. Besides his second wife, Ethel, he leaves to mourn one daughter Marion Johnson of Nokomis: three step daughters, Myrtle Mack of Calgary, Pat Urban of Thompson Man. and Marilyn at home; one step-son, Lanny of Mission, BC.; one brother and one sister in 0ntario. The funeral service was held in Nokomis United Church October 19, Rev. R. W. Swann officiating. Interment in Nokomis Cemetery.

WRIGHT - Fredrick George Henry. It is with heavy hearts the family announce Fred's sudden passing on June 17, 2014 in the Pasqua Hospital, Regina SK. at age 69. Fred was born in Oshawa, Ontario on September 23, 1944. Fred spent many years in the newspaper business. He was a printer by trade. Fred held the position of Production Manager with Thomson Newspapers based out of Toronto head office from 1969 to 1975. He moved to Nanaimo/Ladysmith on Vancouver Island from 1975 to 1998 where he was Director of Production for Nanaimo Daily News. Health issues caused him to take early retirement in 1998. Over the years Fred had many interests including hockey, baseball, fishing, camping and he spent many years with wife Carol cruising the waters around Vancouver Island. In 2007, Fred and Carol moved to Nokomis SK, where they became very involved in the community. He became mayor from 2009 to 2012. Fred resided with his wife Carol in Nokomis until his passing. Fred was predeceased by his parents Bill and Helen Wright, son Rick, brother Peter, and sister Helen. Left to cherish his memory and celebrate his life are his wife Carol, daughter Cindy (Paul), grandson Trenton, step-grandson Tyler, sisters Cathy and Bunny in Ontario, as well as numerous nieces, nephews, extended family, and many, many friends. The Memorial Service was held at Nokomis United Church, Nokomis, SK. on Saturday June 21 at 2:00 PM with Rev. Ray Purdie officiating. Greg Dueck delivered the eulogy; Lavern and Alvina Sobus were register attendants; Dean Hobman and Elwood Smith were ushers; Ruth Anne Richter served as organist; and the Royal Canadian Legion provided the Honour Guard. A private interment was held at Nokomis Cemetery on the morning of Saturday, June 21, 2014. Fred's family thank you for attending the service and time of fellowship in the Nokomis Centennial Hall.

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ZEPIK - Oswald (Ozzie) Arnold. The three sons of Ozzie and Taimi Zepik and their families are saddened to announce the passing of our beloved father Ozzie. Ozzie was born on February 18th, 1914 in Nokomis, Saskatchewan and died Sunday, October 24th, 2004 at St Joseph's Hospital in Comox, B.C. Ozzie is predeceased by his father William and his mother Ernestine Zepik, as well as brothers Fred, Ernie, William and sisters Helen, Julia, Isabelle and Olive. Ozzie joins his loving wife of 58 years Taimi Helen (nee Euren, dau. of Kalle & Sophie Euren) who sadly passed away on April 12, 2004. Ozzie is survived by their three sons; William (& Susanne), John (& Arja) and Korry (& Linda) and grand children Amy (& Mark), Tobbi (& Tim), Nicole (& Shawn), Christopher, Keith and Zane. Ozzie is also survived by brothers Hugo and Reuben and sisters Freda and Estella, loving niece Susan Ryynanen (& Raymond) and many other nieces and nephews. In his youth, Ozzie worked on the family farm in Nokomis, Saskatchewan. His family raised hogs, horses and grain and provided custom grain threshing throughout the region. Ozzie stayed on at the farm to help his parents but then, as the 2nd World War broke out, he served as a Corporal in the Canadian Army. During the war, he was responsible for improving the maintenance and reliability of the tanks of the "F Echelon". We share his pride in the contribution he made. Ozzie and Taimi were married on Dominion Day, 1946 and raised a family of three boys. Ozzie finished his working career as "Export Service Manager" for Hawker Siddley Corp. and as such traveled to many out of the way places in the world. He would come home with the most amazing photos and stories. Also, for many years, Taimi and Ozzie owned & operated the Edgewater Motel on the north shore of Lake Superior. It is with great pride, we share with you that Ozzie was a loyal and dedicated champion to his family. This is the honorable legacy that he leaves. A Memorial Service will be conducted by Reverend Rey Brandon (retired) of the United Church on Saturday October 30th at 12 noon at Piercy's Funeral Chapel in Courtenay B.C. Ozzie's ashes will be interred with his father at the Cemetery in Nokomis Saskatchewan at a time to be announced.

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