Abraham, Cora 1884 - 1955 Abraham, Frank F. 1885 - 1967 Allchurch, Willson 1875 - 1959 Allchurch, Sarah Jane 1874 - 1940 Allchurch, George W. Jul 23, 1903 - Dec 30, 1989 Allchurch, Gwendolyne F. Aug 17, 1907 - Dec 21, 1996 Allchurch, Gilbert 1907 - 1990 Allen, Elizabeth Jane 1878 - 1978 Allen, William 1873 - 1950 Allen, John 1905 - 2003 Allen, Marjorie 1911 - 1994 Allen, Donald Roy 1946 - 1967 Arstall, Harry Jun 10, 1956 age 74 Arstall, Harry Jr. Sep 10, 1921 - Dec 22, 1921 (bur. Sec. 31-47-11 W3) Arstall, Ettie M. Dec 27, 1898 - Sep 20, 1987 Arstall, Henry 1824 - 1998 Bachelder, Russell James 1904 - 1957 Bachelder, W. H. 1862 - 1933 Bassingthwaite, Albert L. 1911 Bassingthwaite, Margaret 1915 - 1989 Bassingthwaite, Byron Wade 1959 Blacklock, Louise Jane 1887 - 1938 Blacklock, Allan Charles 1910 - 1994 Borisenko, Paul 1910 - 1956 Bowen, Charles Edward 1892 - 1982 Bowen, Sarah Elizabeth 1865 - 1932 Buckingham, John George 1880 - 1956 Buckingham, Nellie 1884 - 1970 Butt, Adeline Frances 1891 - 1986 Castle, Dudley Augustus 1913 - 1919 (bur. on NE 23-47-11 W3) Comerford, Charles Henry Nov 3, 1866 - Dec 16, 1949 Comerford, Rachel Matilda Jun 4, 1873 - Dec 1, 1948 Comerford, (baby) 1932 Cornies, Marie 1906 - 1986 Cornies, John 1907 - 1985 Cozash, Tomas Jun 1, 1978 Dulmage, Augusta 1857 - 1944 age 87 Dulmage, Malcolm C. 1880 - 1950 age 90 Duns, Kathleen Liberty (nee Comerford) 1914 - 1992 Dupperon, W. Emerald Oct 31, 1914 - Aug 10, 1993 Dupperon, Ethel A. Jun 1, 1917 - Jul 26, 1995 Dupperon, William Jun 10, 1891 - Dec 11, 1971 Dupperon, Mary Almeda Jun 28, 1892 - Aug 19, 1973 Duperron, Eileen Mar 31, 1947 - Jul 20, 1947 dau of Emerald & Ethel Ebach, Bernhard Oct 3, 1930 age 79 Enns, Shirley 1956 Enns, (baby) 1956 Ferry, Edith 1787 - 1942 wife of J. L. Ferry, Joseph L. 1879 - 1950 hus of Edith Follack, Wilhelm E. 1932 - 1959 Fraser, Robert C. 1891 - 1969 Fraser, Hugh T. May 16, 1930 age 77 Fretwell, Jean Marguerite 1902 - 1995 Fretwell, Wilson Aug 30, 1965 age 84 Fretwell, Donald Wilson Oct 31, 1934 - Dec 22, 1934 Fretwell, Joyce Elizabeth Jun 13, 1947 - Jan 17, 1948 Froese, Peter 1922 - 1975 Giesbrecht, Jeremy 1976 - 1984 Giesbrecht, Robert 1946 - 1979 Grigor, Fred 1898 - 1970 Grigor, Mabel Hamlyn, Fred J. 1882 - 1945 Hrabinsky, Joseph 1900 - 1962 Hrabinsky, Helen 1901 - 1982 Kessler, Jacob J. 1894 - 1975 Lee, Emma 1881 - 1965 Letkeman, Abram Jun 19, 1910 - Dec 18, 1957 Liddell, Marjorie Anne (Pfeiffer) 1905 - 1984 Liddell, Thomas James 1887 - 1954 Liddell, Leonard Burton 1925 - 1995 Liddell, Ralph W. 1886 - 1966 Little, Leslie T. 1910 - 1832 Lukowich, Antony Oct 1922 - Jul 1973 Lynn, James Matthew Sep 21, 1939 age 62 yrs 2 mos 5 days Mantells, (baby) 1936 McIntosh, Neil 1891 - 1978 McIntosh, Sarah C. M. 1891 - 1967 McLeod, Ian C. 1919 - 1976 McLeod, Cecile 1931 - 1992 McLeod, Maggie 1890 - 1970 McLeod, Andrew H. 1881 - 1971 McMillin, Emma J. 1860 - 1948 McMillin, Charles H. 1854 - 1938 McMillan, Ralph 1937 - 1996 McMillin, Etta May (nee Arstall) 1920 - 1986 McMillin, Leroy W. 1888 - 1967 McMillan, Henry R. 1944 - 1964 McMillin, Robert L. (infant) 20 May 1956 Michaloski, Mary Ann Rachel 1946 Nicholson, Karen Joyce Nicholson, Viola H. Nimolowich, Steve Sep 15, 1932 - May 8, 1998 Page, Earl S. 1905 - 1968 Page, Raymond P. 1906 - 1946 Parenteau, Joseph 1905 - 1992 Penner, Margaretha 1923 - 1944 Peters, Henry Thomas 1926 - 1996 Peters, Joshua 1854 - 1931 Pfeiffer, Adam 1900 - 1994 Phillips, I. B. 1882 - 1945 Phillips, Nettie 1884 - 1976 Phillips, Marie Rose 1905 - 1979 Phillips, Erma 1935 Phillips, Robert P. 1939 - 1985 Pearce, Marvin E. 1903 - 1966 Pitman, L. 1889 - 1949 Pitman, H. 1853 - 1945 Rampling, Harold 1906 - 1998 Rampling, Ethel Agnes (nee Grindley) Jan 16, 2006 age 96 Rash, Constance M. Aug 16, 1917 - Apr 21, 1939 Rash, Moses Lancing 1906 - 1977 Ricketts, Emma 1873 - 1937 Ricketts, Seigel E. 1863 - 1938 Ricketts, Kathleen 1906 - 1990 Ricketts, Clyde 1893 - 1976 Roeser, Mike Dec 1, 1936 age 58 Rusiecki, Frank Dec 7, 1904 - Aug 21, 1988 Sager, Charles Edward 1871 - 1938 Sager, Norwman F. Sep 19, 1915 - KIA Dec 1943 son of Charles Salisbury, Earl Allan 1932 - 1991 Salisbury, Ralph R. Jan 9 1931 - Aug 27, 1985 Salsbury, Clara 1906 - 1928 Salsbury, Thomas J. 1898 - 1956 Schick, Fred John Oct 20, 1900 - Apr 20, 1963 Schneider, Lydia P. 1902 - 1950 Schneider, Ernest 1900 Schreuder, August C. 1891 - 1977 Schreuder, Leah Marie 1912 - 1892 Schneider, Mary 1883 - 1963 Schneider, Louis 1884 - 1983 Schneider, Norman L. 1916 - 1960 Scott, Donald G. 1898 - 1960 Sherman, Rudolph 1910 - 1994 Sherman, Muriel 1912 - 2000 age 88 Skelton, Carrie H. 1890 - 1987 Smeirage, Add Bachelder 1914 - 1996 Smith, ?AB?? 1875 - 1948 Smith, Mrs. H. Striga, Louis 1890 - 1969 Striga, Anna 1889 - 1974 Striga, Fred 1923 - 1986 Striga, Mary 1923 - 2000 Vorachek, Jessie 1905 - 1980 Vorachek, Arthu 19?0 - 1957 Walker, Percy H 1907 - 1988 Walker, Ida M. 1910 - 1969 Waters, Ina Eileen 1908 - 1968 Wiebe, Peter W. 1888 - 1962 Wiebe, Sarah 1914 - 1965 Wiebe, Jacob 1924 - 1999
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