Adolf, Bernice Nov 20, 1932- Adolf, George Feb 22, 1929 - Armstrong, Annie (nee Epp) 1914 2002 dau of Peter & Katherine Armstrong, Hilda 1893 1921 Armstrong, Ida B. (nee Valleau) May 17, 1930 - Armstrong, Leonard 1909 1995 hus of Annie Armstrong, Roy J. Mar 11, 1927 Jul 3, 2010 son of Wilfred & Mary Arnold, George P. 1897 1961 Barney, Daniel Walter Sep 30, 1926 Jun 30, 2001 Barney, Isabel (nee Kinnee) Nov 18, 1924 Apr 25, 2001 Bell, John 'Jack' 1880 1975 Bellamy, Florence 1911 1959 Benny, John Blaber, Caroline E. (nee Waterhouse) 1881 1956 Blaber, Ernest 1882 1957 Blaber, Sydney 1880 1959 hus of Caroline, brother of Ernest Blackburn, Andrew R. 'Andy' 1887 1952 Blackburn, Matthew James 1891 1997 hus of Olive Blackburn, Olive Annie (nee Ayre) 1898 - 1964 Bowery, John Bryden, David E. 1883 1965 hus of Mary Bryden, Mary E. 1897 1967 Cameron, Mertena Bain 1872 1950 Cameron, Peter 1863 1948 hus of Mertena Clarke, Annie M. 1896 1970 Clarke, Leonard E. 1910 1984 Collier, Beth Adele (nee Gentner) 1937 1982 dau of Julia & Gordon Collison, Kermit Apr 18, 1941 Aug 15, 2014 Colvin, Mae (nee Van Meter) Sep 29, 1937 Dec 14, 2014 dau of Milton & Loretta Colvin, Lorne Aug 24, 1926 Jun 25, 2009 hus of Mae Colvin, Robert 'Bob' Oct 15, 1961 Coulter, Evelyn Mary (nee Freeborn) Aug 7, 1922 Mar 30, 2009 dau of Holland & Edna, wife of Jim Cragg, Mildred (nee Dinnell) 1929 1996 dau of William & Annie Cragg, Pollie 1906 1999 Cragg, Vernon Thomas Jun 6, 1928 - Aug 28, 2016 son of William & Pollie Cragg, William A. 1895 1981 Craig, Donald N. 1908 2003 hus of Dora & Beulah Craig, Dora L. 1908 1966 Craig, Emily (nee Blaber) Mar 13, 1905 Mar 6, 2002 dau of Syd & Caroline Craig, Harold May 17, 1898 Jan 10, 1969 Craig, Harold C. Sep 6, 1926 Sep 1929 son of Harold & Emily Craig, Marguerite 1933 1996 dau of Donald & dora Craig, Rhoda J. 1879 1959 Craig, Willet 1870 1934 hus of Rhoda Cramer, Lawson 1892 1973 hus of Lydia Cramer, Lydia 1896 1976 Curran, Alice 18?? - 1931 Curran, Thomas 1884 1961 Daniel, Doris Ione died 1933 Danielson, M. Inez (nee Bryson) 1914 Jul 13, 1999 Danielson, Oscar R. 1891 1978 hus of Inez Darwent, Albert J. 1902 1967 Darwent, Annie L. 1922 1990 Darwent, L. William 1911 1978 Denton, (unknown) Digness, Annie E. (nee Van Meter) 1934 2011 Digness, Cleland E. 1936 2011 hus of Annie Digness, Dale Allan Apr 6, 1956 Jan 19, 2001 son of Cleland & Annie Dillabough, James 1883 1943 hus of Mary Bouey Dillabough, (unknown) Dodd, Doris Mary 1905 1943 Drew, Mary J. 1857 1933 Drew, William N. 1847 1920 hus of Mary Dunlop, Frank 1938 - Dunlop, Jean (nee Mooney) 1939 2014 Dutton, James 1875 1947 hus of May Dutton, May 1884 1972 Dyck, Ivy 1921 1992 Dyck, Peter 1920 1981 hus of Ivy England, Dorothy Epp, Getruda Epp, Katherine 1886 - 1945 Epp, Peter M. 1886 1943 Erickson, J. A. 'Tony' 1896 1969 Finnimore, Jonathon Wilfrid 1896 1952 hus of Rose Finnimore, Lynda (nee Valleau) 1947 Finnimore, Rose 1907 1986 Finnimore, Terrance 1945 2000 hus of Lynda Forbes, A. Marie 1920 2008 Forbes, James A. 1915 2009 hus of Marie Freeborn, Edna M. (nee Croswell) 1899 1975 Freeborn, Holland A. 'Holly' 1891 1968 hus of Edna French, Luwis William Nov 23, 1915 2014 hus of Sarah French, Sarah Grace Oct 23, 1919 Apr 9, 1975 Funkner, Elizabeth 1906 1972 Funkner, Shirley Mar 9, 1931 Mar 16, 1931 Gallenaught, (unknown) Gammel, Alexander 1896 1967 Gammel, Mary (nee Adolf) Sep 16, 1911 Mar 21, 2003 Gammel, Vernon John 1943 1958 son of Alex & Mary Gaylord, Wallace A. 1969 1953 Gentner, Adeline 1878 Mar 1963 Gentner, Anna (nee Soderberg) 1920 2006 dau of Emil & Alfhild Gentner, Aurelius Norman 'Ray' 1917 2003 Gentner, Carol Ann 1945 1948 dau of Anna & Ray Gentner, Elwood 1919 Jul 1939 son of Jacob & Adeline Gentner, Jacob 1879 1952 Gentner, Jacob-Elwood-Adeline (2nd photo) Haines, Flossie H. 1888 1981 Haines, Robert S. 1889 1971 Haines, Samuel B. 1886 1942 hus of Flossie Hall, Christina J. 1886 1951 Hall, Margaret 1857 1941 Hall, Moody Sep 2, 1904 May 12, 1950 son of Christine Hall, William T. 1849 1927 hus of Margaret Harness, Dora Mae 1917 1928 Harness, Martha Jane (nee Hall) 1889 1976 dau of Charles & Elizabeth Harness, Walter Jun 10, 1883 Apr 15, 1967 hus of Martha Harvey, William 1845 Jun 8, 1933 Head, Elizabeth Hendricks, Bennie E. Nov 23, 1987 age 65 hus of Fern Hendricks, Fern Evelyn (nee Vineyard) 1922 Nov 23, 1987 dau of Jesse & Albert Heppner, Peter Dec 14, 1910- Jun 21, 1976 hus of Mary Dillabough Hill, Allan Ronald Mar 28, 1971 Mar 31, 1971 son of Anthony & Vera Hill, Anthony R. 1929 1993 Hill, Eric Henry 1964 1993 Hill, Genevra R. 1931 - 1962 Hill, Linda Maxine 1957 2010 Hill, Marie Louise 1898 1990 Hill, Raymond Artt 1895 1950 Hill, Vera H. 1935 Hindmarch, Edna I. (nee Van Meter) 1922 1944 wife of Herman Jackson, Harold E. 1907 1993 Jackson, Verna E. 1914 1994 Jones, Charles 1893 1965 Kelly, Alexander 1858 1930 Kelly, James May 13, 1970 age 71 Kelly, Mary 1916 1984 Kelly, Patricia Jean Nov 14, 1951 May 2, 1952 Kelly, W. G. Kinnee, Elsie A. 1896 1937 Klassen, John May 1852 Apr 1927 hus of Katrina LHeureux, Tena Marie (nee Niles) Dec 12, 1957 Jul 4, 2010 Lamonico, James Aug 23, 1875 May 10, 1947 Lancaster, Tom D. 1885 1955 Langford, Elizabeth Langford, George hus of Elizabeth Larson, Betty Apr 22, 1924 Jun 3, 2001 Laycock, Florence Helena 'Flossie' (nee Langford) 1889 1943 wife of Layton Lester, Leora Lemoyne 1901 1994 Lester, Loren William 1893 1941 Lester-Stuart, Iris Alta Feb 16, 1922 Sep 14, 1996 Lindsay, Hilda 1906 1990 Lindsay, Irene 1935 Lindsay, J. A. Fred Nov 27, 1927 Sep 20, 2009 son of Joseph & Hilda Lindsay, Joseph 1891 1990 hus of Hilda Lindsay, Katherine Feb 10, 1903 Aug 19, 1985 Lindsay, Marguerite D. May 3, 1933 Lindsay, Mary 1899 1921 Lindsay, Walter Frederick Nov 14, 18887 Nov 30, 1972 hus of Katherine Lindsay, William Jul 12, 1930 Aug 7, 2011 son of Joseph & Hilda Little, Charles W. 1884 - 1970 Little, Christina 1883 1985 Little, Clayton O. 1908 1968 hus of Ruth Little, Darlene 1945 Little, E. Ruth 1906 1991 Little, Leona 1918 2006 dau of Charles Little, Robert A. 1935 2007 hus of Darlene Lloyd, Cassie 1886 1947 Lloyd, Clarence died Sep 1916 son of Frederick & Elisha Lloyd, David (2nd photo) Lloyd, David 1895 1991 hus of Edith Lloyd, Edith 1901 1978 Lloyd, Elisha Jun 8, 1853 Nov 22, 1943 Lloyd, Frederick George Jan 26, 1924 Aug 31, 2007 Lloyd, George E. 1922 1986 son of Richard & Cassie Lloyd, Gordon 1924 - Lloyd, Minnie 1918 - 2010 Lloyd, Richard Victor 1873 1959 hus of Cassie Lloyd, William Victor 1913 1993 Mackintosh, Archibald Cook 1866 1915 Mackintosh, Ernest L. 1909 1987 son of Archibald & Mary Mackintosh, Ivy C. (nee Blaber) 1914 1991 wife of Ernest Mackintosh, Mary (nee Louittit) 1868 1933 MacPherson, Ada Davina Dec 25, 1941 age 60 wife of James Mangels, Douglas Lee May 15, 1919 Jan 11, 2007 son of Roscoe & Elsa Mangels, E. Roscoe 1885 May 1981 Mangels, Elsa O. 1895 1981 Mangels, Samuel C. 1853 1921 Mangles, Ellen Lois 1923 1965 Martin, (baby) McCann, Bryce 1887 1957 McCann, Elizabeth 1861 1913 McCann, Elsley Huey 1904 2001 hus of Gertrude McCann, Gertrude 1909 1983 McCann, Getrude (2nd gravestone) McCann, James B. 1855 1956 hus of Elizabeth McIntrye, Esther C. (nee Reynolds) 1916 2011 McIntrye, Henry S. 'Hank' 1882 1967 McIntrye, Susannah A. (nee Storey) 1885 Feb 1965 McIntyre, Ferelith M. 'Ferlie' 1923 2010 McIntyre, John A. 'Jack' 1918 1994 hus of Ferelith McIntyre, Stewart 1916 1994 hus of Esther McKittrick, C. Odell 1894 1960 McKittrick, S. Berton 1890 1960 McRae, Ebert J. 1903 1983 McRae, Ethel C. 1915 1974 McShannock, Donald Dec 9, 1926 Dec 29, 2012 hus of Hervelene McShannock, Harold Oct 1930 Jan 2010 McShannock, Hervelene Nov 1, 1927 May 26, 2012 McShannock, Johnnie N. 1920 1923 Meachem, Dayle Bert (baby) Aug 26, 1961 son of Bert & Margaret Meachem, Edith (nee James) 1880 1940 wife of P. Meachem, Ernest Jul 19, 1920 Oct 7, 1998 Meachem, Henry Frank (baby) Jul 21, 1944 Aug 4, 1944 son of Bert & Margaret Meachem, Jess 1893 1934 hus of Sarah Meachem, Louise (nee Menning) May 1, 1920 2006 son of Henry & Pauline Meachem, Louise 1885 1941 Meachem, Merle Mar 12, 1944 Mar 2, 1983 hus of Elaine, son of Samuel & Muriel Meachem, Muriel (nee Stansfield) Mar 12, 1944 age 23 wife of Samuel, dau of James & Clara Meachem, Philip 1877 1956 hus of Edith Meachem, Raymond Mar 28, 1993 age73 hus of Elsie Andruszko Meachem, Samuel 1886 1962 Meachem, Sarah 1894 1968 Meachem, Susan (baby) Apr 23, 1943 dau of Bert & Margaret Menning, (unknown) Meyer, (baby) 1940 dau of Clayton & Irene Miller, Angus Jan 1902 Nov 1994 hus of Mary Miller, Annie Miller, Aubrey 1874 1950 Miller, Eva 1889 1932 Miller, Hugh Miller, Irene I. 1933 - 2010 Miller, James Phillip 1913 1950 Miller, Mary Feb 1912 Mar 2004 Miller, (unknown) Mitchell, Edward S. 1892 1966 Mitchell, George R. 1899 1978 Mitchell, George H. 1830 1924 Mitchell, (unknown) Moffat, James Mooney, Kenneth Allan 1945 2001 Murphy, Chase 1873 - 1963 Nash, Florence Amelia (nee McCann) 1881 1930 Nash, George 1885 Aug 19, 1940 hus of Florence Niles, Stephen Dean Oct 27, 1960 May 21, 1981 brother of Tena LHeureux Norbury, John C. 1868 - 1947 Norby, Eileen (nee Bryden) 1920 2011 dau of David & Ethel Norby, William 1909 1993 hus of Eileen Olson, Helen Joyce Jul 8, 1959 Feb 20, 1960 Olson, Henry 1891 1964 hus of Veda Olson, John Henry 1891 1964 Olson, Olaf R. 1889 1947 Olson, Veda May 1903- 2006 Pederson, Glen A. Dec 3, 1948 Nov 21, 2010 hus of Patricia Pederson, S. Patricia Mar 28, 1948 Pennman, Robert Charles Feb 28, 1900 May 30, 1955 Pomeroy, Earl R. 1926 Jan 9, 1990 Potter, Robert Hilton Sep 16, 1933 Oct 28, 2015 hus of Thelma Potter, Thelma Louise Jul 8, 1932 Ralph, Dorothy Ann 'Dot' (nee Lindsay) May 20, 1929 Dec 2, 1986 dau of Joseph & Hilda Ralph, Emma 1872 1950 wife of Thomas Ralph, Ena (nee Lloyd) 1908 1986 dau of Vic & Cassie Ralph, John Thomas 1873 1952 hus of Emma Ralph, John Thomas 'Babe' May, 10, 1936 Feb 19, 2007 hus of Dorothy Ralph, Kevin Robert Feb 21, 1975 Jun 11, 1997 son of Robert & Gladys Ralph, Phillip 1898 1969 Ralph, Sam 1884 1988 Ralph, (unknown) Ralph, (unknown) 1911 1936 Ralph, William T. 1930 2001 Regier, Susana Robin, Julianna 'Judy' 1928 Robin, Maxime 'Max' 1917 2003 Rowe, John H. Nov 14, 1864 Jun 11, 1936 Rowe, (unknown) Rudy, Taras 1920 1964 Rushworth, Emma 1873 Rushworth, Tom - 1953 Ruston, Inez Ruston, John W. 1893 1948 Ruston, Robert Ruston, Robert Dean 1922 1993 Ruston, (unknown) Schneider, (unknown) Schreiner, Viola Betty Oct 1, 1927 Feb 18, 1928 Seabrook, Archie 1874 1932 hus of Eva Seabrook, Beaulah (nee Martin) Aug 1902 Seabrook, Eva M. 1875 1956 Sherin, Bertrand 1859 1931 Sherrin, Milo B. 1892 1973 Shippy, Frederick G. 1910 1981 son of Walter Shippy, Walter J. 1873 1947 Smith, Robert 1882 1927 Sniegowski, Margaret Anne (nee Danielson) 1944 1999 dau of Oscar & Inez Soderberg, Alfhild 1892 1969 Soderberg, Karl 'Emil' 1887 1972 hus of Alfhild Stansfield, Clara (nee Hall) Mar 21, 1890 1967 Stansfield, James Sep 19, 1890 1966 hus of Clara Stephenson, Larry Drew Nov 5, 1953 Aug 23, 1955 son of Lena & Stanley Stephenson, Larry Drew (2nd gravestone) Stephenson, Linda Faye 1949 1950 dau of Lena & Stanley Stephenson, Linda Faye (2nd gravestone) Stephenson, Lena May (nee McShannock) 1925 2011 Stephenson, Stanley Orville 1926 2013 Storey, Elizabeth Jane 1868 Nov 15, 1948 Storey, James. E. 1891 1962 Storey, John Asselstine 1862 Jun 2, 1928 hus of Elizabeth Storey, Nellie B. (nee Cummings) 1897 1985 Strong, Thomas Tayler, Annie 1885 1950 Terry, Dorothy Thomas, Merrill 1864 1959 Thurston, Joyce (nee Pocock) Oct 23, 1948 Aug 10, 2012 dau of Leonard & Etta Thurston, Ken May 22, 1940 - Tulloch, G. Olive 1922 2008 Tulloch, James D. 1872 1965 Tulloch, James R. 1921 1963 Turner, (unknown) Ubdegrove, Adelbert 1874 1955 hus of Amelia Ubdegrove, Amelia 1872 1955 Ubdegrove, Cecil A. 1902 1989 Ubdegrove, Edith 1893 1921 Ubdegrove, Elmer Joseph 'Fudd' Apr 20, 1935 Jan 7, 2008 Ubdegrove, James Ubdegrove, Lea R. 1908 1992 Ubdegrove, Melvin Valleau, Carleton Bell Oct 31, 1919 Jul 6, 2009 Valleau, Cora Valleau, Edith 1920 1986 Valleau Family Headstone Valleau, George C. 1886 1980 hus of Rosannah Valleau, George William Sep 18 1915 Jan 16, 1993 hus of Mary Valleau, German Oct 21, 1919 Jun 13, 1945 hus of Cora Valleau, Glenna M. 1913 2011 wife of William E. Valleau, Hannah (nee Dahl) 1919 2010 Valleau, Hester A. Claggett Storey 1889 1970 wife of George C. Valleau, Irene Sinclair 1915 2003 Valleau, James Oakland Nov 3, 1916 Dec 21, 2014 Valleau, Jean S. 1907 1937 wife of William E. Valleau, Keith Aug 2, 1945 Mar 21, 1946 son of Mary & George Valleau, Mary Elizabeth Mar 5, 1917 Valleau, Oakland Foster 'Mac' Nov 27, 1931 Jun 23, 2011 Valleau, Rebecca 1847 1942 Valleau, Rosannah (Storey) 1887 1960 Valleau, Roy Smith 1916 1969 son of German Valleau, William E. 1908 1990 son of German Valleau, William 1837 1919 hus of Rebecca Van Meter, Bettie P. 1856 1926 Van Meter, David Milton 1887 1957 hus of Loretta Van Meter, David P. 1844 - 1924 hus of Bettie Van Meter, David Peerce Sep 11, 1898 1971 hus of Martha Van Meter, George Matthew 'Geordie' 1922 1942 son of Harry & May Van Meter, Gladys 1928 - 1944 dau of Harry & May Van Meter, Harry Decker 1893 1974 Van Meter, Harry F. 1924 2001 son of Harry & May Van Meter, James Vause 'Jim' 1923 1988 son of David & Loretta Van Meter, Joyce Marjorie (nee Morrow) Aug 25, 1937 Apr 3, 2010 wife of Jack, dau of Jack & Mildred Van Meter, Loretta Isabell 1901 1986 Van Meter, Margaret 1929- Van Meter, Martha M. (nee Epp) 1912 Nov. 29, 1975 dau of Peter Van Meter, May B. (nee Matthews) 1894 1971 Van Meter, Sterling Glen Tim May 21, 1925 Feb 10, 2011 son of Harry & May Van Meter, William C. Dec 27, 1885 Jan 26, 1935 Vineyard, Albert 1884 1965 Vineyard, Donald C. 1935 Vineyard, Jessie Bell 1896 1976 Vineyard, John 185? 192? Vineyard, Lionel 1926 1958 son of Albert & Jesse Vineyard, Lorne Dec 14, 1928 Mar 23, 2010 son of Albert & Jesse, hus of Lydia Vineyard, Lydia 1941 Vineyard, Nina R. (nee Walton) 1924 - 2000 Vineyard, (unknown) died 1928 Voth, David Walters, John C. H. 1872 1954 hus of Sarah Walters, Sarah 1891 1952 Warner, Annie Warner, David A. 1889 1950 hus of Jean, son of Robert & Annie Warner, Jean 1889 1976 Warner, Marion 'Beryl' Jan 10, 1910 Mar 29, 1979 Warner, Ralph Elwood 1934 1975 hus of Laura Warner, Robert 1865 - 1928 hus of Annie Warner, Robert George 'Robbie' Nov 28, 1902 1987 hus of Signe, son of Robert & Annie Warner, Signe Emilia (nee Larson) 1911 1998 Warner, Theodore 'Theo' Oct 21, 1893 1977 hus of Beryl, son of Robert & Annie Weese, Ethel M. 1882 1967 Weese, Lois Weese, Shirley Weese, (unknown) Weese, William A. 1885 1967 Wells, Elizabeth A. 1917 1990 Wells, James V. 1894 1977 Wieb, (unknown) Winter, John W. 1873 1958 Wood, Isabella H. 1900 1986 Wood, Robert 1899 1976 Zagoruy, Brodie Phillip John Nov 6, 1991 May 14, 2014
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