Model Farm Cemetery
West Bend district

R.M. of Foam Lake # 276   NW 32-28-12 W2
GPS   51.475172°N   103.672674°W

Compiled & photographed by Ron Isherwood August 17, 2013
(Click on coloured names to view the gravestone photo)

Basiuk, Bill  1909 - 1993
Basiuk, Harry  1857 - 1922
Basiuk, Maria  1912 - 1912
Basiuk, Metro  1907 - 1998
Basuk, Ustina  1868 - 1956
Blazeiko, Anhela M.  1943 - 1946
Blazeiko, Hnat  1872 - 5 Nov 1966
Blazeiko, John  1907 - 1990
Blazeiko, Ksenia  1874 - 23 Sep 1963
Blazeiko, Steena  dau of Hnat & Ksenia
Blazeiko, Victoria  dau of Nick & Ann
Bojko, Andriy  1879 - 1957
Bojko, Paraskevia  1885 - 1944
Bryksa, Anna  1868 - 1964
Bryksa, Anna  1903 - 1992
Bryksa, Ivan  1865 - 19 Oct 1941
Bryksa, John  1893 - 1984
Bryksa, Maria  1879 - 1914
Bryksa, Sophie (nee Neskar)  27 Sep 1937 - 30 Sep 2009
Bryksa, Stina  1925 - 1938
Bryksa, (unknown)  1876 - 1944
Bryksa, Walter  5 Mar 1927 - 8 Mar 2005

Chickowski, Darron Wayne  1966 - 1988
Chickowski, George  22 May 1943 - 
Chickowski, Janet  24 Jul 1947 - 7 May 2011
Chrunik, Ahafia  died 1925 age 80
Chrunik, Anastasia  1894 - 1982
Chrunik, Antony  15 Jun 1917 - 20 Jun 1917
Chrunik, Hope  1934 - 1967
Chrunik, Joseph  1927 - 2001
Chrunik, Katherine  1936 -
Chrunik, Maria  8 Jan 1855 - 23 Mar 1948
Chrunik, Mat  18 Aug 1840 - 8 Aug 1935 
Chrunik, Roman  1891 - 1944
Chrunik, Palagia  1885 - 1956
Chrunik, Pantelmon  1882 - 1956
Chrunik, Stephania  7 Jan 1921 - 20 Jan 1921
Chrunik, Wasyl  1842 - 22 Mar 1915
Chrunik, Wasyl  (2nd photo)
Chrunik, Walter  27 Jan 1939 - 11 Mar 1939

Dlugan, Catherine  1 Apr 1910 - 30 Apr 1954
Dlugan, John  son of Michael & Catherine
Dlugan, Michael  1903 - 1970
Dlugan, Myrtle  24 Jan 1941 - 24 Dec 2007
Dlugan, Olga  2 Apr 1951 - 1952
Dmuchowski, Alex  1921 - 1990
Dmuchowski, Helen  1895 - 1977
Dmuchowski, Stepan  1841 - 1927
Dmuchowski, Victor  1877 - 1953
Dmuchowski, William  1925 - 1957
Dmuszyk, Stanislau  died 1912
Dobrowney, Andrew  1870 - 1947
Dobrowney, Annie  1881 - 1968
Dobrowney, Jennie  1911 - 1929
Dobrowney, Nick  15 Dec 1901 - 8 Oct 2000
Dobrowney, Stephen  1914 - 1999
Domshy, Anelia  22 Mar 1908 - 11 Jan 1977
Domshy, Wasyl  8 Nov 1901 - 3 Mar 1987
Dribnenky, Hnat  1880 - 1957
Dribnenky, Katerina  1888 - 1959
Dribnenky, Katie  1914 - 1973
Dribnenky, Mike  1915 - 1981
Dublanica, Rose  10 Oct 1889 - 23 Dec 1946
Dumo, Pauline  1919 - 1996

Federko, Eugene Steven  13 May 1946 - 9 Apr 1974 son of Peter & Mary
Federko, Hryhoryj 'Gregory'  1889 - 17 Apr 1929
Federko, Hryhoryj 'Gregory'  (2nd photo)

Federko, Ivan  1882 - 1958
Federko, Katyrna  1880  -  1954
Federko, Maria  1889 - 1923
Federko, Maria  died 1940 age 100
Federko, Mary  1923 - 1958
Federko, Metro  1884 - 1972
Federko, Michael  1914 - 1917
Federko, Peter  1919 - 2001
Federko, Oleksa  8 Nov 1934 age 89

Hadevich, Maria  1866 - 1949
Hadevich, Wasyl  1863 - 8 Feb 1918
Hajevic, Stephania  Jul 1926 - Jan 1927
Holowanky, George  1866 – 1941
Hood, Eva  1903 - 1989
Hood, Fred  1886 - 1975
Hood, William  son of Fred & Eva
Hopko, Maria  1893 - 27 Sep 1980
Hopko, Mary  1933 - 
Hopko, Mihail  1881 - 30 Oct 1960
Hopko, Pauline Anne  1962 - 1966
Hopko, Steve  1922 - 1984
Horning, Todd Alan  1968 - 1972
Hryslak, Maria  1846 - 1933

Jaremko, Samuel  16 Apr 1892 - 4 Oct 1950

Kishko, M.  1883 - 1956
Kitzan, (child)  
Klimosko, Alex  son of Jacob & Mary  
Klimosko, Annie  1890 - 1966
Klimosko, Dmitro  1905 - 1985
Klimosko, Ivan  1913 - 1924
Klimosko, James A. (baby)  1952
Klimosko, John  son of Jacob & Mary
Klimosko, John  1883 - 1966
Klimosko, Lyle  son of Alex & Alvina
Klimosko, Natalia  1947 - 1948
Klimosko, Oleksa  1919 - 1919 
Klimosko, Sophie  1915 - 2009
Kowalchuk, Emil  1904 - 1975
Kowalchuk, Pearl  1911 - 2000
Kushko, Stephania  dau of Martin & Anna
Kwasney, Melania  1833 - 1926
Kwasney, Peter  1832 - 1909

Leschuk, Annie  1889 - 1978
Leschuk, Paul  1885 - 1973
Litwin, Katie  
Litwin, T.
Litwin, Maria  18 Aug 1878 - 29 Oct 1946  
Litwin, Metro  1881 - 1962
Litwin, Wasyel  
Lozinski, Bill  son of John & Mary
Lozinski, Eva  dau of John & Mary

Mucha, Alex  10 Oct 2002 age 81
Mucha, Anna  7 Mar 1883 - 3 Dec 1966
Mucha, Carrie  1899 - 1988
Mucha, George  1936 - 1996
Mucha, Harry  1890 - 1966
Mucha, John  1883 - 1963
Mucha, Lawrence  1933 - 1999
Mucha, William  1926 - 1996

Nakonechny, Sheila Patricia  30 Aug 1941 - 7 Dec 1941
Nazar, Anna  1882 - 1946
Nazar, Mary  dau of Paul & Irene
Nazar, Nicholas  son of Paul & Anna
Novak, George  son of Sam & Irene
Novak, Julia  1852 - 1943
Novak, Michael  14 Jan 1891 - 17 Jun 1934
Novak, Micheal Jr.  19 Oct 1934 - 14 Jan 1935 son of Michael & Maria (nee Musyj)
Novak, Stella  Mar 1930 - Jan 7, 1931 dau of Michael & Maria 
Novak, Walter  1925 - 1925 age 3 wks son of Michael & Maria 
Novak, William  1 Dec 1843 - 22 Sep 1914

Pakosh, Helen  1922 - 2006
Pakosh, Nickolas  1902 - 1972
Popik, Emily  1928 - 
Popik, ( 3 children)  children of Gregory & Maria
Popik, Gerrard Michael  May 1948 - Sep 1948
Popik, Gregory  1872 - 1941
Popik, Ivan  30 Apr 1948 - 1948
Popik, Maria  1878 - 1923
Popik, Mike  1913 - 2000
Popik, Nick  1911 - 1991
Popik, Olga  1922 - 
Popyk, Ilia  1880 - 1955
Popyk, Pavlina  1888 - 1964

Salapak, Alice  1904 - 1969
Salapak, John Nestor  1941 - 1997
Salapak, Olga  10 Mar 1930 - 23 Nov 1953
Salapak, Oleksa  1888 - 1945
Salapak, Victor  19 Jul 1938 - 10 Aug 2008
Sereda, Anna  9 May 1929 - 9 May 1929
Sereda, Bill J.  1912 - 1976
Sereda, Emily  dau of Roman & Catherine
Sereda, Frank  1885 - 1968
Sereda, Ivan  1863 - 1950
Sereda, Jakiv  1872 - 1944
Sereda, Joseph  died 17 Aug 1964
Sereda, Katerina  1875 - 1969
Sereda, Katyrna  1905 - 1938
Sereda, Ksenia  24 Oct 1866 - 15 Jan 1950
Sereda, Maria  6 Jun 1910 - 18 Jan 1994
Sereda, Maria  27 Aug 1908 - 7 Oct 1918
Sereda, Marie  9 Sep 1931 - 3 Dec 1933
Sereda, Michael Roman  21 Sep 1927 - 29 Jan 1994
Sereda, Olga  1922 - 1967
Sereda, Panko  1881 - 1967
Sereda, Peter  son of Metro & Julia
Sereda, Peter Paul  2 Jul 1961 - 3 Jul 1961
Sereda, Poanna  1921 - 1923
Sereda, Polly  16 Feb 1928 - 23 Feb 1928
Sereda, Roman  31 Jan 1892 - 6 Mar 1961
Sereda, Rose  dau of William & Mary
Sereda, Rozalia  1871 - 1945
Sereda, S.  1887 - 1952
Sereda, Smefan  26 Mar 1896 - 28 Aug 1957
Sereda, Stephania  9 May 1929 - 28 Jun 1929
Sereda, Wasyl  1865 - 1934
Shoot, I.  1888 - 1940
Shpott, Palagia  1861 - 1959
Shull, Catherine (nee Woitas)  1911 - 1997
Siery, John  son of Sam & Katie
Siery, Mary  dau of Sam & Katie
Siery, Peter  son of Sam & Katie
Siery, Steven  son of Sam & Katie
Siery, Ystinka  dau of Sam & Katie
Skilnik, Anna  1910 - 1965
Skilnik, Ivan  16 Jul 1916 - 12 Dec 1950
Skilnik, Linda  1949 - 1949
Skilnik, Wasyl  1896 - 1985
Szukaylo, Cindy Marie  1966 - 2006
Szukaylo, Martin  1907 - 1972
Szukaylo, Mary  1926 - 2002

unknown 1  
unknown 2
unknown 3  (wooden cross)
unknown 4  (wooden cross)
unknown 5  (wooden cross)
unknown 6  (wooden cross)
unknown 7  
unknown 7  (2nd photo)
unknown 8  (wooden cross)
unknown 9  
unknown 10  
unknown 11  (wooden cross)
unknown 12
unknown 13  (white cross) 

Valentine, Mary  1925 - 2011

Woitas, Alice Olga  11 Feb 1937 - 24 Feb 1989
Woitas, Andrew  10 Dec 1901 - 1 Nov 1996
Woitas, Bill  1923 - 1998
Woitas, Elko 'Alex'  1 Aug 1930 - 24 Oct 1994
Woitas, Fred  29 Jan 1935 - 24 Apr 1998
Woitas, John  1859 - 1929
Woitas, John  30 Apr 1934 - 27 Dec 2007
Woitas, Maria  1895 - 1929
Woitas, Mary  3 Aug 1943 -
Woitas, Michael  1886 - 2 Feb 1956  
Woitas, Panko  27 Jul 1891 - 28 May 1912
Woitas, Pearl  1861 - 1951
Woitas, Rosalia  1904 - 2011
Woitas, Stella  25 Dec 1922 - 7 Jul 1923 dau of M.
Woitas, Stephen  1896 - 1982
Woitas, Walter Mindy  1934 - 1998
Woitas, Wasyl  12 Jan 1900 - 11 Aug 1968

Zebulak, Philip  1871 - 1937
Zebulak, Philip  (2nd photo)
Zemlak, Mary  1915 - 1994
Zemlak, Sonia  1934 - 1935

(Click on photo to enlarge)




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