AANEE AIIA died 1933 BARRAN, Harry 1900 - 1985 BARRAN, Rose 1908 - 1963 CEHKO, Michal died 1913 COSTRON, Mary (nee Remenda) 1914 - 1960 COURT, Lena 15 Sep 1900 - 8 Jan 1940 DEPENIWSKA, Mariva died 1915 DERENIOWSKI, Wasyl 1890 - 1909 DERKACH, Anna 1872 - 1949 DERKACH, Michal 1868 - 1940 DERKACZ, Blasko 1883 - 1959 DERKACZ, Ewa died 1952 age 68 DERKACZ, Ludwika 1899 - 1982 DERKACZ, Szymon 1884 - 1956 DERKATCH, Benso DERKATCH, Jasko 1899 - 1918 DERKATCH, Karolka 1911 - 1926 FRANKOW, Anastasia 1903 - 1975 FRANKOW, Nich 1884 - 1967 GENOWAY, Katherine 1874 - 1964 GENOWAY, Walter 1871 - 1933 GNOJOWY, Paulina died 1934 age 34 GUSPODORIC, Rozalya 1900 - 1936 HOLYNSKI, Jacob 1 Jan 1832 - 2 Feb 1937 KA?RANKON, Agnes died 1933 age 84 KAEMI, NEIIE died 1922 KERDIL, Ben 1905 - 1975 KERDIL, Lena 1912 - 1982 KULBISKY, Julia 1848 - 1932 KUWUMARL, Marion died 1910 KUZMAR, Sofia died 1909 LIDGETT, Deanna Lynn 17 Jan 1970 - 16 Jan 2001 LOZIISKA, Ruzalia died 1925 age 13 LOZINSK, Pawell died age 10 LOZINSKA, Maria 1903 - 1929 LOZINSKA, Ruzalia 1909 - 1927 LOZINSKI, Martin 1858 - 1933 LOZIESK, Wladyk 1901 - 1927 MALANOVICH, Anna 1860 - 1943 MARCHIKOW, Rozalla 1836 - ???? MARCHINKO, Anne 1893 - 1974 MARCHINKO, Annie V. (nee Ksonzena) 8 May 1901 - 12 Dec 1996 wife of Peter MARCHINKO, Annie 1900 - 1996 wife of Jozef MARCHINKO, Jozef 1895 - 1980 MARCHINKO, Mary died Mar 1921 MARCHINKO, Peter N. 13 Apr 1898 - 2 Dec 1985 MARCHINKO, Rosie died Mar 1921 MARCHINKOW, Analia 1897 - 1954 MARCHINKOW, Kazimierz 1885 - 1952 MARCINKO, Ann died 15 Jul 1942 MARCINKO, Joe died 29 Nov 1948 MARCINKO, John died 25 Aug 1932 MARCINKOW, Agnieska died 1945 age 80 MARCINKOW, Anne 1893 - 1974 MARCINKOW, Antoni died age 84 MARCINKOW, Michael 1928 - 1928 MARCINKOW, Mike 1930 - 1930 MARCINKOW, Walter 1897 - 1960 MARCINKUK, Agnie died 1944 MAREL, Jan died 1918 MATKOWSKI, Maria MAZUR, Helena 1858 - 1944 MAZUR, Jan 1856 - 1927 MICHALKO, Anna died 26 Jan 1923 age 63 MICHALKO, Orest Raymond 1926 - 1995 MICHALKOW, Nellie (twin) 11 Sep 1933 - 12 Jan 1934 dau of Joseph & Mary MICHALKOW, Peter 1886 - 1968 MICHALKOW, Sebastian 1855 - 1914 MICHALKOW, Victoria 1 Mar 1893 - 20 Jan 1959 MUKANIK, Anne died 15 Jul 1953 MUKANIK, Barbara died 12 Jul 1953 MUVERECH, Maria OCHITWA, Alex 1904 - 1973 OCHITWA, Anne 1913 - 1956 OCHITWA, Joseph T. 1899 - 1971 OCHITWA, Randy died 15 Mar 1962 OCHITWA, Thomas 1871 - 1939 OCHITWA, Winnie 17 Dec 1902 - 24 Jul 2000 OPT?HbCKI?, ËABËO 1825 - 1910 OWS?IW, Julia died 1925 OXITBA, ÌÈÕÀÈËÎ 1855 - 1942 OXITBA, KATÈPHHA died 1918 REMENDA, Alexander 9 Jan 1945 - 11 Jan 1945 REMENDA, Alice 25 Jan 1943 - 26 Jan 1943 REMENDA, Anton 1891 - 1940 REMENDA, Antonia 1870 - 1933 REMENDA, Elizabeth 1918 - 1999 dau of Anton & Victoria REMENDA, John 1912 - 1955 REMENDA, Joseph Michael 1900 - 1959 REMENDA, Lena 1909 - 1998 REMENDA, Paul 1903 - 1980 REMENDA, Peter 1892 - 1969 REMENDA, Stella 1913 - 1998 REMENDA, Victoria 1899 - 1971 REMENDA, William 1905 - 1968 ROLLACK, Aksenty 1867 - 1947 ROLLACK, Alexandra 1869 - 1940 SAKAL, David Anthony 2 Jun 1861 - 6 Apr 1963 SAKAL, John 1864 - 1943 SAKAL, Olena 1865 - 1923 SARANCHUK, Emily 1916 - 1934 SARANCHUK, Rosie 1918 - 1934 SARANCHUK, Steve 1 Apr 1894 - 28 Jun 1975 SHELANKO, Malvina 1895 - 1959 SOPKOW, Anne 1906 - 1908 SOPKOW, Anton 1883 - 1959 SOPKOW, Haffia 1886 - 1974 SOPKOW, Jozefi 19 Mar 1878 - 20 Aug 1942 SOPKOW, John died Apr 1915 age 95 SOPKOW, Marie May 1910 - Jul 1983 SOPKOW, Rudolf 1882 - 1953 SOPKOW, Theodosia 1882 - 1956 wife of Rudolf SOPKOW, Victor Feb 1910 - Feb 1994 TRATCH, Anna (nee Derkatch) 1910 - 1992 TWERDOCHLIB, Victoria 1877 - 1966 (unknown) died 1918 WASYLIW, (unknown) WOLOSCHUK, John 1869 - 1953 WOROBETZ, Mike 1901 - 1971 WOROBETZ, Nellie 1904 - 1980 WOROBETZ, Olga 26 Oct 1928 - 19 Apr 1929 ZAWISLAK, Agniska 1884 - 1948 ZAWISLAK, Anton 7 Feb 1897 - 20 May 1975 ZAWISLAK, Juzef Aug 1895 - Jun 1988 ZAWISLAK, Ludwina Feb 1908 - May 1960 ZAWISLAK, Michal 1864 - 1946 ZIEMBINSKI, W. J. Rev. 1870 - 1945 ZWARYCZ, Dmytro 1843 - 1931 ZWARYCZ, Youstina 1855 - 1914 EAA_OE, AIIA 1877 - 1948 11 other unidentified gravesites
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