Medstead Cemetery
Medstead District

R.M. of Medstead # 497   SW 4-50-14 W3
GPS   53.292188°N   108.003399°W
First burial in 1915, 222 burials by 2002

Photographed by Val Brewster-Shoopman
(Click on coloured names to view the gravestone photo)

Allan, Audrey June  1929 - 1938
Anderson, (unknown)  

Bauer, Theresa  
Benoit, Mathias    
Berg, Clarence E.  28 Jul 1907 - 28 Nov 2002 son of Sophia
Berg, Sophia  28 Jul 1872 - 21 Aug 1915
Berge, Alfred  
Berge, Conrad  
Bower, Theresa  1914 - 1936
Brown, Philip James  1872 - 1951

Calier, Mrs. G.  
Carlson, Carl  1871 - 1936
Carlson, Hjalmer  1904 - 1922
Clifton, Dale  died 12 Apr 1931 age 3 mos

Davies, Llewelyn  May 1919 - Feb 1937
Davis, Ella M.  1910 - 1957
Denson, Bernard  1907 - 1960
Dormuth, Evelyn M.  1906 - 1972
Dormuth, Karl  1898 - 1987
Dormuth, Orville C.  1927 - 1950
Drake, Ernest  1885 - 1958
Drake, Esther  1893 - 1955
Drayton, Arthur John C.  21 Dec 1927 age 48
Drayton, Arthur John C.  (2nd photo)
Drayton, Donald A.  13 Jul 1927 age 20 son of Arthur & Clara
Drunslemor, (baby)    
Dunser, Albert Henry  1902 - 1961 son of Lucretia
Dunser, Alida Ella  1901 - 1984
Dunser, Louis  1862 - 1915
Dunser, Louis  1894 - 1976
Dunser, Lucretia  1882 - 1951
Dunser, Magdalena  1908 - 2001
Dunser, Otto Carl  1899 - 1952
Duvall, Herbert  1909 - 1978
Duvall, Nellie C.  16 May 1915 - 22 Jul 1995
Dzialo, John  Apr 1919 - May 1982

Eberle, Laura  Dec 1955 - Mar 1956
Egeland, (baby)  
Egeland, Elsie  1928 - 2006
Egeland, Leonard  1922 - 1999
Egeland, Nels H.  1843 - 1926
Egeland, Noble  1918 - 2002
Egeland, Phyllis  
Ernest, Henry  

Frame, Olive  
Frankowich, Nellie  Nov 1904 - Jan 1985
Frankowich, Stanley  1904 - 1991

Gamble, (baby)  
Gatske, Efrom  1863 - 1922
Gatske, Ida  1904 - 1922
Girkson, (unknown)  
Goos, Chris  18 Jul 1894 age 76
Gordon, George Alexander  26 Nov 1880 - 7 Nov 1940
Gosi, (unknown)  
Graham, Esther A.  1877 - 1952
Graham, J. Howard  Apr 1906 - Nov 1975
Graham, Mary Phyliss  Nov 1908 - Oct 1992

Habelon, (baby)  
Hall, (unknown)  
Hankivom, Stella F.   
Harty, Francis J.  1954 - 1990
Harty, Paul  1915 - 1975
Harty, Paul J.  1964 - 1990
Haskin, Jack   
Haubold, Carl C.  1885 - 1959
Haubold, Carl William  24 Dec 1946 age 29 son of Carl & Hedwig
Haubold, Court E.  1918 - 1997
Haubold, Hedwig M.  1892 - 1989
Henky, Fred  
Heyden, (baby)  
Heyden, Nellie  14 Jul 1875 - 7 Sep 1937
Hill, Mrs. Roland  1893 - 1964
Hippe, Gustav  1887 - 1935
Homoet, Anton F. C.  11 Jul 1897 - 16 Jan 1961
Homoet, Maria  2 Jan 1908 - 1 Feb 1930
Hubolt, (baby)  
Hubolt, Mr.    

Jahn, Theodore E.  1892 - 1955
Janzen, C.  
Johnson, Annie Hanna  1906 - 1983
Johnson, Donald  1928 - 1937
Johnson, Earl Bernard  1904 - 1968
Johnson, Ralph  1929 - 1978
Jonson, Mrs. S.  

Kildaw, Alexander  31 Mar 1923 - 1929 son of Martin & Sophie
Klavins, Albert  1915 - 1977
Kloster, Anna Marie  1869 - 1962
Kloster, Katherine  1854 - 1938
Knot, Jane P.  1947 - 2004
Knot, Klaas  1937 - 
Knutson, (unknown)  
Kunzle, August  1898 - 1990
Kunzle, Michalena  1909 - 1977
Kunzle, Rudy August Joseph  1934 - 1966 

LaFreniere, Ann Lillian (nee Oster)  1921 - 1983
LaFreniere, Laurent Bernard  1915 - 1987
Lane, Victor Percy  Feb 1887 - Aug 1931
Lange, Albert  son of M.
Lange, Albert  (2nd photo)
Lange, Caroline  13 Apr 1893 - 25 May 1972
Lange, G.  
Lange, John  10 Jul 1894 - 20 May 1961
Lange, Joseph  son of G. 
Larson, Alice S.  1900 - 1985
Larson, Carl A.  10 Oct 1975 age 77
Larson, Christine  1872 - 1964
Larson, Roy  1901 - 1941
Linget, Lorraine  1920 - 1946

Marshman, R.  
Martin, (baby)   
Martin, Lorne Rodney  1947 - 1996
Martin, Lucy  21 Aug 1944 - 11 Jun 2011
Martin, Nellie  1914 - 1963
Martin, Richard G.  10 Mar 1916 - 26 Jun 2008
Matieyshen, Peter  1934 - 1977
Mawson, Ellen  1874 - 1965
Mawson, John J.  1879 - 1952
Mawson, Mossop  1887 - 1984
Mawson, Nicholson  1883 - 1962
McGregor, Elizabeth (nee Uebell)  24 Sep 1924 - 10 Oct 19??
McMurphy, Helen E.  27 Oct 1912 - 13 Jun 2002
McMurphy, William 'Joe'  9 Aug 1905 - 8 Jan 1997 

Nelson, (baby)  
Nelson, Elizabeth  
Norton, Albert  30 Jun 1868 - 12 Jul 1937
Norton, Jane E.  19 Dec 1865 - 29 Dec 1937
Norton, William H.  1 Feb 1891 - 17 Mar 1940

Osborn, Frank  1904 - 1982 
Osborn, William  6 Jun 1920 age 49
Oster, Elizabeth  1913 - 2005
Oster, John P.  1910 - 1982
Oster, Joseph  1911 - 1988
Oster, Mary Helen  1881 - 1967
Oster, Mary M.  1918 - 2000
Oster, Michael  1877 - 1960 

Perry, Archie Peter  Jun 1900 - Jul 1928
Perry, Jennie  1 Dec 1867 - 6 Nov 1929
Perry, Josh  1878 - 1965
Perry, Lloyd  30 Oct 1929 - 3 Dec 1931
Pertel, (unknown)  
Peterson, Gustov  
Pfeifer, George  1871 - 1945
Pfeifer, George  1903 - 1987
Pfeifer, Lena  27 Sep 1881 - 13 May 1967
Pfeifer, Reynold  Aug 1913 - Aug 1980
Pfeifer, William  1907 - 1977
Philips, Charles Henry  1880 - 1926
Pohroe, (unknown)  
Pushor, Anson Nathaniel  1901 - 1961 
Pushor, Ralph Vincent  1871 - 1961 

Reimer, Christina  1909 - 1986
Reimer, J. Haydee  14 Mar 2003 - 2 May 2006
Reimer, Jake  1910 - 2002 
Reynolds, (unknown)  
Reynolds, Elizabeth  
Reynolds, George  
Richardson, James  1879 - 1969

Sasseen, Lois Slaughter  28 Nov 1869 - 6 Apr 1943
Schmirler, J.  died 1936 
Schmirler, Ottilie  20 Nov 1863 - 24 Feb 1949
Schmirler, Otto  14 Jan 1900 - 8 Aug 1940
Schmitz, Wilhelm  22 May 1939 age 62 
Schulkowsky, Elizabeth  1911 - 1993
Schulkowsky, John  1903 - 1999
Schulkowsky, Paul  1879 - 1856
Scott, William  
Siedentoph, A.  
Simpson, Catherine  1871 - 1983
Simpson, William  1877 - 1953
Skebow, Rudolph  1900 - 1955
Skorek, William  
Soderberg, Anna Emma  1894 - 1986
Soderberg, Ben B.  22 Oct 1923 - 18 Nov 2004
Soderberg, Ivor  1886 - 1964
Starling, Ellen  3 Jun 1863 - 6 Aug 1944
Starling, Frank Leonard  1894 - 1952
Starling, George James  1922 - 1937
Starling, George James  10 Sep 1864 - 3 Jun 1942
Starling, James  1924 - 2013
Surro, H.  
Switzer, Albert V.  1927 - 1938
Switzer, Edward  1926 - 1983 son of George & Eva
Switzer, Ernest J.  1921 - 1999
Switzer, Eva  1889 - 1979
Switzer, George  1886 - 1960

Thistlethwaite, Mary  1860 - 1954
Thistlethwaite, William  1861 - 1947
Thompson, Austin  1890 - 1967
Thompson, Mary Jane  6 Nov 1876 - 6 Aug 1928
Turnbull, Archibald  1 Apr 1867 - 11 Nov 1950
Turnbull, Archie  9 Apr 1897 - 27 Sep 1939
Turnbull, Mary  14 Apr 1859 - 2 Oct 1937 

Uebell, Adam  1913 - 1937
Uebell, Adeline Rose  1929 - 1933
Uebell, Agatha  1895 - 1992
Uebell, John Peter  1864 - 1937
Uebell, Michael J.  1892 - 1963
Uebell, Michael P.  1922 - 1996 
Unknown 1  
Unknown 2  
Unknown 3  
Unknown 4  
Unknown 5  1878 - 1965
Unknown 6  18?1 - ????
Unknown 7  
Unknown, Christine  1909 - 1986
unknown, Nellie (baby)  
Unknown 8 
Unknown 9  
Unknown 10
Unknown 11 
Unknown 12
Unknown 13 
Unknown 14  
Unknown 15  
Unknown 16  
Unknown 17   

Voss, Detlef  Feb 1879 - May 1961
Voss, Margarete  Nov 1884 - Nov 1957

Waalen, Stener  1848 - 1933
Walker, Florence Elsie  6 Dec 1894 - 13 Dec 1944
Weser, K. Otto  1869 - 1937
Wheeler, H.  
Wilson, James Stewart  18 Nov 1891 - 23 Mar 1939
Woodward, Winifred (nee Jingston)  6 Sep 1912 - 1 Feb 1943     

(Click on photo to enlarge)

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