Bechal, Josef 1913 - Dec 6, 1989 Belsher, Barbara (nee Rist) died Jan 19, 2009 Belsher, Benson F. 1892 - 1945 hus of Irene McCord Belsher, Bernard Kenneth 1929 - 1996 Belsher, Edith Jane (nee Cooke) Nov 1, 1886 - Aug 21, 1954 dau of Thomas & Ellen (nee Ebbs) Belsher, Effie Bereth (nee McCord) 1902 - 1998 dau of Richard & Mary Belsher, Glenn B. 1917 - 1996 Belsher, Inez Thelma (nee McCord) 1900 - 1951 dau of Richard & Mary Belsher, Kenneth P. 1955 - 1972 son of Bernard & Barbara Belsher, Lawrence Melville Jan 2, 1888 - Mar 13, 1956 hus of Edith, son of John & Jane (nee Dagg) Belsher, Leila (nee Engel) died Nov 19, 2000 wife of Glenn Belsher, Michael 20 May 2015 age 52 son of Bernard & Barbara Belsher, Milton Richard 1889 - 1951 hus of Inez Belsher, Russel K. 1902 - 1973 hus of Effie Belsher, Steven T. 1968 - 1970 son of Bernard & Barbara Biffert, Henry Nov 22, 1912 - Sep 20, 1986 Biffert, Ina Margaret (nee Wells) Dec 9, 1919 - Aug 22, 1996 dau of Robert & Mary Biffert, Mervin Roy Jul 2, 1951 - Nov 12, 1976 son of Henry & Ina Blake, Albert Sep 12, 2008 age 83 hus of Hazel Blake, Gertrude L. 'Gertie' 1898 - 1971 Blake, Grant Lee 1957 - 1980 Blake, Horace 1892 - 1972 Blake, Hugh Sep 15, 1934 - Sep 16, 1934 Blake, Thomas Harry Jun 25, 1930 - Apr 12, 2013 hus of Karen Anderson, son of Horace & Gertrude Blake, William 1843 - 1922 Cheney, Earl Edgar 1883 - 1976 Cheney, Elizabeth 1889 - 1970 Cheney, Elton died Nov 26, 1950 Cheney, Lloyd A. 1893 - 1980 Cheney, Robert died Mar 1, 1946 Colditz, Annie 1884 - 1968 Colditz, Oscar 1877 - 1968 Coleman, Charles C. 1877 - 1967 Coleman, Mable Florence 1883 - 1965 Collins, Marguerita 'Rita' 1904 - 1984 wife of Thomas Collins, Millage B. 1882 - 1949 Collins, Thomas B. 'Tom' 1885 - 1961 Copeland, (baby) died 1946 Crowder, Mrs. Curran, William May 18, 1873 - Sep 25, 1948 Day, Mary Jane Day, William Dewalt, Llewellyn Logan Nov 19, 1884 - 1971 son of William & Wilhelmina (nee Pensinger) Dicker, Issiac 1883 - 1952 Dicker, Mary 1911 - 1918 Fancourt, Charles Alfred 1904 - 1967 Gavelin, Elgin N. Jan 30, 1924 - Feb 10, 1925 age 1 yr 9 days, son of Nils & Eva Gavelin, Ellis Ingel Jan 30, 1924 - Sep 17, 2014 age 90 hus of Marie Bouvier, son of Nils & Eva Gavelin, Eva Jane (nee Hodgins) 1901 - 1976 Gavelin, Gordon E. Jun 8, 1935 - Apr 20, 2007 son of Eric & Lily Gavelin, Jason Miles 1975 - 1976 son of Gordon & Willa Gavelin, Lloyd Mar 31, 1923 - Mar 30, 1990 son of Nils & Eva Gavelin, Nils John 1885 - 1982 Gavelin, Willa M. 5 Mar 1942 - Graves, Charles 1895 - 1972 Graves, Ida Caroline 1895 - 1960 Hamilton, (baby) Hamilton, Annie C. (nee Bricker) 1896 - 1983 Hamilton, Edward G. 1908 - 1984 Hamilton, Ethel M. 1910 - 1986 Hamilton, J. (baby) Hamilton, Rose Anna Jane 1881 - 1946 Hamilton, William John 1876 - 1941 Hamilton, William Lawrence 1884 - 1933 Hannon, John Gordon Jul 13, 1926 - Sep 22, 2013 hus of Vera Munford, son of John & Mae Hickethier, Annie May 9, 1879 - 1970 Hiltz, Lewis W. 1901 - 1993 Hiltz, Retta E. 1904 - 1987 Hodgins, Albert David Oct 4, 1908 - Jul 24, 1976 Hodgins, Eliza 1870 - 1920 Hodgins, Henrietta J. Apr 7, 1968 age 93 Hodgins, John George Edwin 1903 - 1997 Hodgins, John T. 1859 - 1933 Hodgins, Richard Harvey 1899 - 1969 Hodgins, W. L. Mar 8, 1925 age 54 Horner, Charles C. 1894 - 1962 Horner, Ellen 1881 - 1948 Horner, Hugh 1880 - 1959 Horner, John Maurice Oct 6, 1911 - Nov 14, 1947 son of Hugh & Margaret Horner, Margaret M. 1886 - 1971 Jackson, Fred C. 1872 - 1950 Jackson, Victoria M. (nee Sly) died age 49 yrs 7 mos, wife of Fred Jackson, William R. 1868 - 1952 Jones, Ann 1860 - 1958 Jones, (baby) Jones, Della E. 1883 - 1933 Jones, George 1894 - 1935 Jones, Henry 1882 - 1940 Jones, Jim Jones, Mrs. Jim Jones, John E. 1865 - 1934 Jones, Lloyd 1924 - 1999 Jones, Lorena 1882 - 1968 Jones, Mary J. 1867 - 1943 Jones, Robert 1876 - 1951 Jones, Thomas 1865 - 1944 Jones, Vera Oct 8, 1919 - Oct 23, 1921 Keinick, Bruce Emery Jul 1946 - Dec 1946 Klepsch, Anton 1904 - 1952 Klepsch, Katherine Louise (nee Portje) Aug 12, 1914 - Feb 11, 1993 Klepsch, Kurt Alfred May 1943 - Mar 1944 Knutson, Hans P. 1891 - 1969 Kohl, Joseph 1904 - 1969 Lehmann, Klara Oct 9, 1905 - Apr 29, 1984 Loughren, Cora C. (nee Jones) 1907 - Jun 23, 1988 Loughren, Thomas Johnston 1896 - 1984 MacDonald, Martha 1867 - 1950 MacDonald, Uriah 1863 - 1934 Main, Manford W. Jan 9, 1918 - Oct 19, 1918 Maxwell, James 1877 - 1950 McCleary, (baby) McCleary, Henry (baby) McCleary, John Dec 4, 1850 - Aug 8, 1929 McCleary, Maria (nee Hamilton) Jun 3, 1855 - Apr 12, 1936 McCord, Cedric died 199? McCord, Eva Gratta died Sep 6, 1918 age 5 McCord, Gerald Borden 1908 - Feb 9, 2015 son of Richard & Mary McCord, Kenneth Arthur Jul 7, 1920 age 9 son of Richard & Mary McCord, Mary Jane 1874 - 1950 McCord, Merle 1907 - 1929 McCord, Richard 1873 - 1949 McCord, Susan McCord, Thomas 1824 - 1922 (bur. Charteris, Que.) McCord, Winters 1903 - 1979 son of Richard & Mary McDowell, Annie Laura Apr 9, 1919 age 33 yrs 9 days, wife of James A. McDowell, Elizabeth 1847 - 1924 McDowell, Emily C. 1860 - 1954 McDowell, Mrs. Henry McDowell, Henry McDowell, Herman 1884 - 1967 McDowell, James 1855 - 1919 McDowell, James A. 1872 - 1963 McDowell, Lorne W. 1897 - 1966 McDowell, Minnie 1883 - 1962 McDowell, Walter died 1957 McDowell, William J. 1849 - 1922 McLeod, Allan 1885 - 1968 McLeod, Ben Allan Jun 22, 1924 - Nov 16, 2013 son of Allan & Jessie McLeod, Hazel (nee Collins) 1930 - May 21, 2014 wife of Donald McLeod, Jessie (nee Loucks) 1894 - 1984 McLeod, Neil 1928 - 1993 son of Allan & Jessie McManus, John died Apr 13, 1936 Mulhern, Edward B. 1898 - 1952 Mulhern, Ellen B. 1861 - 1938 Mulhern, James 1851 - 1936 Mullin, Charles M. 1884 - 1963 Mullin, Mabel 1892 - 1992 Munford, Alfred 1887 - 1969 Munford, Sarah 1895 - 1979 Olliver, Jared 1982 - 1982 Olson, Albert 1880 - 1977 Olson, Augusta 1886 - 1959 Philips, Gerty 1893 - 1970 Philips, Joseph B. 1885 - 1972 Portje, John Nov 21, 1874 - Jan 13, 1938 Portje, Louise (nee Rath) 1886 - 1948 Pratt, Alvina Maria (nee Cooke) Sep 7, 1878 - Feb 11, 1923 wife of Forrest, dau of Thomas & Ellen (nee Ebbs) Pritchard, Thomas Sidney Apr 6, 1925 - Dec 31, 2008 hus of Catherine, son of Ernest & Beatrice Reid, Marget Jun 17, 1872 - May 13, 1944 Rockey, Arthur J. 1916 - 1995 Rockey, Jessie J. 1918 - 1993 Rockey, Leonard son of Arthur & Jessie Rockey, Linda 1956 - 1968 dau of Arthur & Jessie Rockey, Ronnie Norman Feb 7, 1956 - Nov 10, 2010 hus of Gloria Smith, son of Arthur & Jessie Rodger, James 1878 - 1964 Rodger, Mary Ann 1881 - 1953 Rudser, Samuel 1887 - 1967 Ruhl, Grace 1907 - 1972 Ruhl, Henry J. 1888 - 1960 Shattuck, Donna J. Dec 4, 1942 age 10 mos Smith, Andrew W. F. 1890 - 1974 Smith, Marion D. 1898 - 1978 Smith, Richard Earl 1958 - 1977 Sundeen, Marion Cora (nee Vincent) Jan 4, 1923 age 26 wife of George Taylor, Gordon Jul 18, 2008 age 83 hus of Ruth Taylor, Willimina (nee Jones) Dec 27, 1926 age 27 wife of C. S. Thomas, Ida Ruth 1928 - 1933 dau of Roy & Zella Thompson, Florence (nee Wells) May 18, 1932 - May 7, 2006 wife of Roy, dau of Robert & Mary Tracy, (baby) Tracy, George (baby) Vincent, Eliza Ann 1860 - 1933 Vincent, George H. 1860 - 1931 Wallace, Russell 1891 - 1977 Wells, Mary (nee Williams) Jul 7, 1895 - Mar 13, 1997 wife of Robert Wells, Robert May 20, 1884 - Oct 8, 1966 Williamson, Dorothy Marie 1956 - 1957 Williamson, Franklin Nov 13, 1984 age 66 Williamson, J. Graham 1915 - 1994 Williamson, Vera Emily Feb 14, 1927 - Sep 1, 1955 Wilson, Christina M. 1896 - 1982 Wilson, Emma 1882 - 1933 Wilson, Harold Neal 1930 - 1994 son of John & Margaret Wilson, John Burnet 1890 - 1971 Wilson, John Leslie Aug 12, 1926 - Dec 30, 2011 hus of Irma Lunney, son of John & Margaret Wilson, Thomas John 1860 - 1932 Wilson, Velma Jean 1957 - 1976 Wilson, Wiletta Maria 1866 - 1949 Wilson, William J. 1866 - 1945 Woods, (baby)
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