Margo Village Cemetery

R.M. of Sasman # 336   NW 11-33-10 W2
GPS   51.822719°N   103.328663°W
First burial in 1908, 390 burials by 2005

Photographed by Judith Bell June 1, 2011
(Click on coloured names to view the gravestone photo)

Aho, Harry Wilbert  23 Apr 1937
Aho, Jennie Helena  24 Jun 1923
Almusa, Matilda (nee Raiskio)  6 Oct 1895 - 14 Sep 1978
Almusa, Toivo Alexander  1880 - 1937
ANDERSON, Erma Margaret (nee Schafer)  1901 - 1921 wife of Allan
Anse, Henry  1894 - 1968

Baer Family Plot
Baer, Joesph L.  1889 - 1954
Baer, Leona Frances  28 Nov 1944 - 3 Oct 1953
Baer, Nellie  1906 - 1987
Bartley, Annie May  1885 - 1942
Bartley, John W.  1879 - 1968
Bartley, George E.  7 Oct 1923 - 22 Nov 2000
Bartley, Trudy  11 Apr 1924 -
Bartley, Jean Elizabeth  Aug 1914 - Nov 2005
Bartley, Mary Jane  23 Jul 1850 - 8 Jun 1927
Bartley, Richard A.  1876 - 1964
Bartley, Richard John  1918 - 1919
Bartley, Robert  1848 - 1932
Bartley, Robert Laird  1911 - 1986
Bartley, Wesley A.  1 Apr 1920 - 4 Dec 1987
Belcheff, Maria  1909 - 1991
Belcheff, Mike  1888 - 1965
Belcheff, Peter  1878 - 1963
Bell, Justina  18?3 - 1901
Bell, Angeline  7 Oct 1936 -
Bell, Leroy Albert  11 Mar 1917 - 20 Aug 2002 
Benson, Bennie A.  1912 - 1990
Benson, Vera
Bohl, Julius  1907 - 1987
Bottcher, Gayhart  1919 -
Bottcher, Hildegarde  1926 - 1995
Bottcher, Marjorie V.  1942 - 1994
Bottcher, Murray D.  1943 -
Braaten, Doris (nee Efraimson)  1926 -
Braaten, Harvey  1913 - 2000
Braaten, Mabel  1913 - 2000
Braaten, Raymond  1928 -
Brown, John  1855 - 1937
Buchman, Herbert P.  1906 - 1984
Buchman, Sylvia  1906 - 1984
Burch Macrae, Angus  1855 - 1931
Burch Macrae, Annie  1857 - 1935
Burch Macrae, Jennie  1872 - 1935

Chapman, Chancey E.
Chapman, Mary A. (nee Niblock)  died age 86 wife of Chancey
Chapman, Mortimer C.  1 Oct 1874 - 23 Dec 19?6
Chodak, Allan John  5 Apr 1956 - 14 May 2009
Chodak, John  27 Mar 1881 - 21 May 1962
Chodak, Lucy B.  18 Nov 1932 - 30 Aug 1993
Chodak, Mary  10 May 1889 - 14 Oct 1968
Chodak, William  26 Dec 1909 - 17 Oct 1989
Clark, Charles  1864 - 1936
Clark, Charles  2 Jan 1900 - 24 Feb 1930
Clark, Hephzibah Julia  1860 - 1925 wife of Charles
Cooper, James A.  1868 - 1954
Cooper, Margaret E.  1881 - 1970
Cooper, William  1837 - 1921

Dalshaug, Palmer J.  1904 - 1981
Dalshaug, R. Lilian (nee Cooper)  1903 - 2001
Davie, Mervyn Charles  1905 - 1973
Dodd, Mildred Anna  2 Mar 1929 - 30 Jan 2003
Doubnia, Mary  1889 - 1973
Doubnia, William  1882 - 1970
Dziubalo, Anna  5 Dec 1897 - 9 Dec 1981
Dziubalo, Dmytro  1928 - 1966
Dziubalo, Stephen  18 Aug 1890 - 20 Dec 1961

Efraimson, Barbra  1949 - 1990
Efraimson, H. William  1894 - 1978
Efraimson, John A.  1926 - 1982 son of William & Lydia
Efraimson, Lawrence W.  1923 - 1959 son of William & Lydia
Efraimson, Lydia (nee Palokangas)  1898 - 1989 dau of Abram & Anna
Enge, Barry Dale  4 May 1948 - 2 Jun 2005 son of Herman & Sophie
Enge, Dianna Rose (nee Shinkewski)  1954 - 2004
Enge, Doris Marie (nee Jesmer)  1945 - 1984
Enge, Herman Arnold  1916 - 1979
Enge, Orvall Rae  1943 - 2007
Eskovich, Fred  20 May 1937 - 12 Jun 1979
Eskovich, Mark  28 Mar 1904 - 23 Apr 1989
Eskovich, Pearl (nee Berlinie)  7 Jul 1912 - 10 Dec 1995
Eskowich, Eva  1904 - 1987
Eskowich, Klem  1899 - 1990
Eskowich, Stanley  24 Mar 1939 - 12 Apr 2014 son of Mark & Pearl
Eskowich, William  2 Aug 1927 - 12 Aug 2005 hus of Gerda, son of Klem & Eva
Evans, Donald Charles  20 Sep 1933 - 14 Jun 1941
Evans, George Wellington  12 May 1904 - 24 Oct 1983
Evans, Harvey Charles  1934 - 2007
Evans, John R.  1888 - 1961
Evans, David Charles  1895 - 1967
Evans, Lucille  1904 - 1984
Evans, Mary Jane  1864 - 1949 wife of John R.
Evans, F. Marion  1907 - 2000
Evans, Margit  1903 - 1983
Evans, Walter H.  1899 - 1983
Evans, Wilfred  1898 - 1979
Evans, William  1859 - 1951

Fairbairn, Ellen  1886 - 1977
Fairbairn, J. Edgar  1888 - 1981
Fairbairn, Mabel L.  1880 - 1967
Fairbairn, Sidney R.  1883 - 1977
Ferguson, Ivy Mary (nee Reid)  6 Mar 1913 - 6 Nov 2008
Filpula, Alma  1911 - 1980
Filpula, Carl O.  1914 - 1945
Filpula, Lydia M.  1880 - 1943
Filpula, Ludvig  1869 - 1938
Filpula, Jennie  1910 - 1978
Filpula, Joel  1908 - 1966
Filpula, Sannie  1905 - 1990
Finley, G. W.
Fitzsimonds, Francis Wilbert  1893 - 1965
Fitzsimonds, Hilda Bentina  1904 - 1987
Floch, Marie Anne  1966 - 1918
Fosti, Kathleen  1907 - 1955
Fosti, Matt  1906 - 1992
Franke, Joseph  1897 - 1960
Franke, Olga  1901 - 1970

Gellert, Alfred  1904 - 1999
Gellert, Leonard A.  18 Mar 1936 - 5 Nov 2002
Gellert, Pauline  1904 - 2000
Gellert, R. Maxine  9 Apr 1939 -
Grand, Carol  1945 age 1 mon, dau of V. & E.

Haarstad, Annie M.  1915 - 1990
Haarstad, Harvey O.  1940 - 1998
Haarstad, Leeanne  2 Jun 1964 - 23 Nov 2008
Haarstad, Olav E.  1908 - 1995
Hall, James Robert  17 Mar 1911 - 6 May 1984
Hall, Thelma Nellie  13 Feb 1920 - 15 Apr 1986
Hallick, Augusta M. M  1934 - 1935
Hallick, Augusta M. M. (2nd photo)
Hanchuk, Amy  1924 - 1996
Hanchuk, Donald M.  21 Dec 1942 - 28 Nov 1997
Hanchuk, Eileen  1919 -
Hanchuk, Laurie Mae  1959 - 1970
Hanchuk, Merle E.  26 Dec 1918 -
Hanchuk, Mike  1912 - 1999
Hanchuk, Morris Roland  1933 - 1967
Hanchuk, Peare  1898 - 1969
Hanchuk, Steve   1918 - 2008
Hanchuk, William  1886 - 1961
Hanchuk, William E.  12 Jun 1913 - 4 Jul 2009
Hansone, Anton 
Harrison, Eva  1920 - 1920
Harrison, Ewart H.  1916 - 1979
Harrison, Gloria Carole  1943 - 1960
Harrison, Hubert John  1 Aug 1998 age 75  
Harrison, Mina  1877 - 1944
Hartwic, Ernest  9 May 1922 - 29 Sep 1922
Heichman, Lawrence  20 Jan 1929 - 25 Apr 2009
Heichman, Minnie  5 Mar 1941 - 4 Oct 2006
Hietala, Edward  1920 - 1986
Hilchyna, Harry  1886 - 1981
Hilchyna, Tillie  1889 - 1966
Hill, Edward J.  1877 - 1948
Hill, Frank (Raiskio)  1892 - 1952
Hilliard, Henry H.  1858 - 1927
Hilliard, Jane A.  1867 - 1964
Hilliard, William  9 Feb 1855 - 6 Jan 1918
Hornfelt, Albert Eric  1902 - 1965
Hubbert, Lillian G.  1879 - 1946

Ilves, Fannie  1904 - 1977
Ilves, Helena  1877 - 1947
Ilves, Ivor  24 Aug 1897 - 3 Sep 1980
Ilves, Waino A.  1900 - 1949
Ilves, William  1868 - 1935

Johannson, Arni S. B.  1915 - 1989
Johannson, Lillian E.
Johns, Areta Emily  21 Mar 1928 age 21 wife of R. H.
Johns, Bernard F.  1902 - 1982
Johns, Charles  1873 - 1943
Johns, Florence L.  15 Feb 1914 - 4 Jun 1989
Johns, Ralph C.  1911 - 1982
Johns, Ralph C. & Bernard F.  (2nd photo)
Johns, Richard H.  12 Aug 1899 - 1 Apr 1957
Johns, Rose  15 Nov 1877 - 23 May 1932
Johnson, (unknown)  187? - ????
Johnson, Donald E. W.  1939 -
Johnson, Edna Caroline  1917 - 1965
Johnson, Grace Ann  1941 - 2005
Johnson, John William  1899 - 1980
Johnson, Kenneth C.  1925 - 1991
Johnson, Mabel N.  1930 -
Johnson, Oscar C.  1901 - 1989
Jupe, James Augustus  1875 - 1929
Jupe, James Denchfield  1904 - 1981
Jupe, Miriam (nee Baker)  4 Jun 1868 - 4 Feb 1968
Jupe, Wm. C. A. "Bill"  9 Jan 1902 - Nov 1985
Juve, Arvid  1906 - 1988
Juve, Blaine N.  1908 - 1985
Juve, Clarence Leonard  1911 - 1970
Juve, Elizabeth  1917 -
Juve, Hjalmar Thomas  1902 - 1958
Juve, Lynn Marie  1991 - 1995

Khodl, Otakar  1925 - 1984
Konoshewsky, Rosie  1894 - 1977
Konoshewsky, Tom  1898 - 1966
Koobay, Teodor  1904 - 1993
Kubat, Anna  1898 - 1963
Kubat, Otto  1896 - 1978
Kulcheski, Kelly  23 Jul 1962 - 31 May 2004

Lappi, Abel  1899 - 1988
Lappi, Eddie  1908 - 1944
Lappi, Eva  1870 - 1936
Lappi, Jacob  1870 - 1945
Lappi, Robert  1910 - 1991
Larson, Lars John  1883 - 1948
Larson, Neta Louise  1866 - 1954
Latchuk, Minnie  13 Sep 1954 - 26 Oct 2003
Lehtola, Henry  1880 - 1957
Leizert, Theresa  1927 - 1950
Leskinen, Arne  1923 - 2009
Lockhart, Mazel C.  1902 - 1999

MacDonald, Joseph  1876 - 1961
MacDonald, Mary G.  1877 - 1965
MacDonald, Prema E.  18 Nov 1910 age 4 dau of J. & M.
Mackie, Ervin E.  1915 - 1985
Mackie, Mary A.  1919 -
MacRae, Gordon  1898 - 1964
MacRae, Roy  1902 - 1931
MacRae, Tena  1896 - 1987
MacRae, Thomas C.  1904 - 1966
Maley, Joseph  8 Dec 1898 - 10 Nov 1988
Mann, Lena  1920 - 1985
McChesney, Francis Etta  1888 - 1921
McChesney, Isaiah  1896 - 1967
McChesney, John J.  1873 - 1961
McChesney, Ruth  1875 - 1917
McChesney, Thomas Robert  1902 - 1917
McFarlane, Reta Preseilla  1904 - 1923
McFarlane, Samuel M.  1874 - 1943
McNulty, Gina  1892 - 1984
McNulty, Percy J.  1 Aug 1914 - 2 Dec 1985
McRae, Sarah L.  1898 - 1997
McRae, William  1884 - 1957
Moroz, Ethel  1899 - 1993
Moroz, Mathew  1895 - 1951
Moroz, William  1898 - 1951
Mullin, Clancy Adam  13 Nov 1918 age 27 son of Elizabeth

Nash, Walter  1882 - 1956
Nickle, Betty Ann (nee Chodak) Bryant  21 Apr 1953 - 13 Oct 2004 dau of Mick & Lucy
Norgard, Eric  1847 - 1925

Oie, Alfred  1894 - 1979
Oie, Frances K.  1908 - 1993
Oja, Ida  1889 - 1956

Palenchuk, Ann  30 May 1931 - 8 Dec 2003
Palenchuk, Mike  1921 - 1977
Palokangas, Abram  1855 - 1923
Palokangas, Anna R. (nee Alatalo)  1863 - 1933
Palokangas, Edward H.  1900 - 1987 son of Abram & Anna
Palokangas, Hjalmer  25 Dec 1978 age 82 son of Abram & Anna
Palokangas, John B.  1898 - 1970 son of Abram & Anna 
Palokangas, Peter  1882 - 1968 son of Abram & Anna
Palokangas, Raymond  1904 - 1969 son of Abram & Anna
Peever, Lyla M. (nee Cooper)  2 Jan 1919 - 2 Jan 1982
Pelican, Milan  1922 - 2007
Pelican, Minnie  1931 -
Perron, Romeus  1904 - 1980
Peterson, Annie  1880 - 1941
Peterson, Harry  1902 - 1965
Peterson, Jacob  1887 - 1929
Peterson, Tena  1886 - 1928
Pettit, Elijah Emerson  5 Feb 1928 age 72
Pettit, Emma Theresa  11 Jan 1916 age 56 yrs 1 mon 1 day
Ploeg, Gerrie E. Vander  1889 - 1941
Produn, Andrie M.  9 Mar 1929 - 20 Mar 1929
Produn, Kateryna W.  16 Nov 1901 - 26 Jan 1947
Produn, Michael A.  1901 - 1970
Prouse, Eileen  1933 - 1997
Psovsky, Jerry  1924 -
Psovsky, Mary  1935 -
Psovsky, Rudy  1932 - 2009

Rankin, Dugald  23 May 1830 - 11 May 1909
Rankin, Elizabeth  15 Jul 1842 - 17 Jul 1919
Rankin, Lena  1854 - 1962
Rediger, Arnold Gordon  28 Sep 1931 - 20 Mar 2002 hus of Edna, son of Hernan & Kate
Rediger, Edna Mary (nee Eberle)  11 Apr 1937 - 9 Apr 2004 dau of Joseph & Augusta
Rediger, Emma  1876 - 1954
Rediger, Gus  1874 - 1956
Rediger, Herman  1905 - 1990
Rediger, Katherine  1906 - 2004
Rediger, Wilbert  1931 - 19??
Redman, Edward  1895 - 1981
Redman, Elizabeth  1896 - 1985
Redman, Irene E. (nee Yergens)  1932 -
Redman, Melvin B.  1923 - 1999
Reid, Robert  5 Feb 1858 - 24 Aug 1939
Reid, Sarah  1 Jun 1927 age 44 wife of Robert
Roberg, Katherine  1909 - 2004
Roberg, Maurice William  1930 - 1989
Roberg, Peter  1887 - 1971
Rothlander, David E.  1963 - 2010
Rothlander, Elaine G.  1945 - 2004
Rothlander, Elizabeth  1900 - 1974
Rothlander, Julian  1883 - 1953
Rothlander, Julian G.  1938 - 1988
Rothlander, Edward R.  17 Jun 1936 - 30 Aug 1989
Rothlander, Ernest H.  193? - 19?7
Rothlander, Mavis E.  16 Aug 1939 - 28 Ocr 1992
Rothlander, Otto Eugene

Savidge, William  1896 - 1939
Schafer, Joseph  1867 - 1934
Schafer, Katarina  1965 - 1937
Schultz, Agusta  1883 - 1948
Schultz, Herman  1859 - 1956
Scofield, Clara  1921 - 1958
Scofield, O. S.  1897 - 1916
Scofield, Robert  1863 - 1934
Scofield, Silvester  1896 - 1961
Setre, Bjarne Lewis  1912 - 1995
Setre, Eva Merle  1923 - 2007
Sinclair, Sarah  27 Apr 1858 - 25 Mar 1918
Sliwa, Harriet  1924 - 1987
Sliwa, Steve  1925 -
Spencer, Rebecca W. Dr.  1874 - 1947
Stascu, Doris Bernice  11 Feb 1917 - 6 Aug 1995
Staszko, Garry G.  1945 - 2008
Staszko, George  1914 - 1979
Staszko, Pearl  1914 -
Staszko, Dochina  1896 - 1968
Staszko, John  1889 - 1953
Steinke, August  12 Aug 1862 - 5 Apr 1940
Steinke, Ernestine  6 Apr 1879 - 2 Mar 1962
Stenbeck, Jean  1920 - 2000
Stenbeck, Paul  1914 - 1996
Stenbek, Melvin S.  1912 - 1966
Stenbek, Nels  1863 - 1927
Stenbek, Rhoda M. (nee Bourk)  17 Jan 1905 - 10 Mar 1991
Stenbek, Selma  1879 - 1945
Stickney, Frank  1871 - 1954
Stickney, Ida  1877 - 1940
Stickney, George W.  24 Feb 1934

Tallon, Myrna Ardice  3 Apr 1951 - 20 Sep 2008
Tersigni, Elizabeth M. (nee Psovsky)  1934 - 2007
Tersigni, Ernest A.  1920 - 2001
Thompson, Harriet Elizabeth  30 Apr 1916 age 22 wife of M. A.
Thompson, Leonard Millard  1926 - 1999
Thompson, Millard Andrew  Oct 1878 - May 1973
Thompson, Regina  Dec 1894 - Feb 1979
Tomyn, Earl Alvin  10 Apr 1932 - 13 Oct 2003
Tomyn, Evan  11 Mar 1943 - 29 Sep 1944
Tomyn, John  18 Mar 1915 - 27 Jun 2010
Tomyn, Larry  10 Mar 1947
Tomyn, Marie  6 Dec 1920 - 7 Jun 2001
Tomyn, Anna  1886 - 1984
Tomyn, Mike  1884 - 1966
Troke, Sidney J.  1888 - 1972

unknown 1
unknown 2
unknown 3
unknown 4
unknown 5
unknown 6
unknown 7
unknown 8
unknown 9
unknown 10
unknown 11  (beside John Brown)
unknown, James  1889 - 1935
unknown, John
unknown  1912 - 1985

Virtue, Elizabeth  16 Oct 1929 age 79
Virtue, Robert  26 Feb 1923 age 78

Weir, Lucy Anna  died 30 Jan 1926
Weir, William John  died 20 Mar 1927
Wesolowski, Marian E.  1922 -
Wesolowski, Peter L.  1915 - 1988
Wienclaw, Marianna  1878 - 1960
Woodard, Albert L.  7 Feb 1871 - 1933
Woodard, Anna  18 Oct 1935 age 68

Yergens, Blanche  1909 - 2001
Yergens, Williams  1902 - 1976

Zadko, Lynndell  1921 - 1972
Zuber, Gale  1952 - 1999
Zuber, Raymond  1950 - 2002
Zuber, Richard  1950 -
Zemluk, George  21 Jan 1889 - 24 Mar 1964
Zemluk, Paul  9 Sep 1922 - 30 Apr 2001 son of George & Rosie
Zemluk, Peter  13 Jul 1924 - 30 Mar 2010 hus of Nettie Bartko, son of George & Rosie
Zemluk, Rosie (nee Shalkowski)  1905 - 1993
Ziola, Leopold  22 Jun 1899 - 15 Jan 1985
Ziola, Lucy Hilda  4 Jan 1904 - 29 Sep 1988
Ziola, Oswald  1911 - 1999
Ziola, Sophie Marie (nee Enge)  1922 - 2008

(Click on photo to enlarge)

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