Dormition of the Holy Mother of God Cemetery, Mamornitz
Buchanan district

R.M. of Insinger # 275   NW 24-30-7 W2
GPS   51.618466°N   102.867631°W
First burial in 1905, 200 burials by 2012

Compiled & photographed by Dr. Jennie Dutchak, Ottawa, Ont.
(Click on coloured names to view the gravestone photo)

Cemetery Plan

Andrusiak, Helen  Mar 20, 1917 - Dec 25, 1995 wife of George
Andrusiak, Diordii 'George'  Apr 4, 1909 - Oct 5, 1998
Andrusiak, Dominika  1847 - 1920 wife of Onufrii
Andrusiak, Onufrii  1855 - 1943
Andrusiak, Ilutsa (Iliya)  1872 - 1972
Andrusiak, Mariya 'Mary' (nee Olynyk)  1892 - 1926 wife of Vasyl
Andrusiak, Oleksandra  Oct 16, 1933 age 38 wife of Ilutsa

Badiuk, Anna   wife of Nykolai
Badiuk, Dominika (nee Goretski)  Jul 3, 1894 - Aug 1983 wife of Oleksa
Badiuk, Effie  Jul 13, 1914 - Sep 21, 1914
Badiuk, Effie  Mar 23, 1924 - Feb 14, 1939 dau of Oleksa & Dominika
Badiuk, Iryna 'Irene' (nee Pasichnyk)  1908 - Aug 20, 1981
Badiuk, John  1926 - 1927
Badiuk, Mike  1928 -
Badiuk, Nykolai  1866 - 1937
Badiuk, Oleksa 'Alex'  1890 - Jun 4, 1975
Badiuk, Peter  Jul 11, 1913 - Jul 31, 1913 son of Oleksa & Dominika
Badiuk, Todor 'Fred'  1900 - 1959 hus of Iryna
Badiuk, Toder  Jan 27, 1917 - Aug 4, 1946 son of Oleksa & Dominika
Badiuk-Stevens, Doreen Ellen  Sep 3, 1934 - Nov 5, 2002 wife of Mike
Bilan, Alex Iliya/Ilash  1881 - 1939 son of Pantelimon & Mariya (nee Dutchak)
Bilan, Alex/Oleksa A.  1920 - 1981 son of Oleksa & Dominika
Bilan, Dominika/Domka (nee Kalancha)  1880 - 1937
Bilan, Katrina (infant)  dau of Nikolai & Maryia
Bilan, Kostakij (infant)  died age 2 mos, son of Nikolai & Maryia
Bilan, Mariya (nee Chobotar)  Apr 10, 1881 - Apr 30, 1961 dau of Dmytro & Varvara
Bilan, Nykolai/Nykolaj  Dec 15, 1873 - Nov 8, 1955
Bilan, Stefan (infant)  son of Nikolai & Maryia
Bilan, Todor (infant)  son of Nikolai & Maryia
Boychuk, Katie (nee Korol)  1880 - 1947 wife of Nick
Boychuk, Nykolai 'Nick'  1864 - 1934
Buratenski, Alex  Dec 23, 1921 - Jan 5, 2000 hus of Victoria
Buratenski, Victoria  1928 - 

Cheropita, Alex  1854 - 1939
Cheropita, Bill (baby)  died 1937 
Cheropita, John (baby)  died 1935 
Cheropita, Marusia (baby)  died Sep 1947 dau of George & Dora
Chobotar, David  died 1925 age 1 mon
Chobotar, David (infant)  died 1960
Chobotar, Dmytro  died 1935 hus of Varvara
Chobotar, Edwin  1939 age 6 mos
Chobotar, Gafitsa  1872 - 1948 wife of Nykolai
Chobotar, George  1920 - 1925
Chobotar, George N.  Sep 7, 1915 - Nov 27, 1993
Chobotar, Hilary K.  Aug 17, 1934 - Jan 23, 1936
Chobotar, John  died 1938 
Chobotar, Lawrence (baby)  1937 age 8 mos  
Chobotar, Mariya 'Mary' (nee Zaharia)  Sep 15, 1918 - 30 Apr 1944 wife of William
Chobotar, Marusia 'Mary'  died 1946  
Chobotar, Mykhailo 'Mike'  1883 - 1932, 1st hus of Mariya Kitzul
Chobotar, Nykolas  died 1937 son of George & Sofiya
Chobotar, Nykolai 'Nick'  1870 - 1958
Chobotar, Orest  died 1938
Chobotar, Sophie (nee Kucher)  Sep 22, 1924 - Feb 1, 1964
Chobotar, Steve (infant)  died 1947
Chobotar, Varvara (nee Andrusiak)  died 1935 wife of Dmytro

Darichuk, Dymytrij  died 1929 
Darichuk, Gafitsa  died 1929 wife of Dmytrij
Drebot, Mariya  1923 - Apr 25, 1926 dau of Artem & Paraskeviya 
Drozdiuk, Evelyn  Jan 14, 1940 - Mar 25, 1940 dau of George
Drozdiuk, Kateryna  died 1918
Drozdiuk, Todoska  died 1929 
Drozduik, Domitrash  died 1929 hus of Todoska
Dutchak, Adeline (nee Gawryliuk)  2 Nov 1945 - 
Dutchak, Alexander  Dec 16, 1908 - Nov 12 1998
Dutchak, Daniel  Mar 1, 1945 - Apr 27, 2009 son of Alexander & Stefaniya
Dutchak, Dominika/Domka  Jan 23, 1866 - Nov 24, 1947 wife of Dmytro
Dutchak, Edward  25 Nov 1948 - Nov 25, 1948 son of Alex & Stefaniya
Dutchak, Stefaniya  Mar 12, 1911 - Sep 13, 1986 
Dwernychuk, Alex  1880 - 1937 son of Diordii & Vasylyna
Dwernychuk, Alexandra  Mar 7, 1891 - Jul 28, 1956 wife of Havryil Olijnyk & Gregory
Dwernychuk, Bernice Elaine  27 Apr 1961 -  Apr 27, 1961
Dwernychuk, Diordii  1851 - 1925
Dwernychuk, Gregory  1882 - 1945 hus of Katrina
Dwernychuk, Gregory George  Sep 4, 1923 - Jun 8, 1955 son of Gregory & Alexandra
Dwernychuk, Janos C.  1914 - 1928 son of Konstantyn & Evdokiya
Dwernychuk, Katrina (nee Drozdiuk)  1892 - 1918 dau of Domitrash & Yodoska
Dwernychuk, Konsten  1888 - 1950 hus of Evdokiya; son of Diordii & Vasylyna
Dwernychuk, Todor  1887 - 1957 hus of Mariya Moskaliuk; son of Diordii & Vasylyna
Dwernychuk, Vasylyna  1852 - 1928 

Eftoda, Olga  1938 - 1939 dau of Alex & Mariya

Fincaryk, Mary Ann (nee Buratenski)  1946 - 1989
Forstey, Arthur  died 1927 son of George & Mariya (nee Tsurkan)
Forstey, Gafitsa (nee Rusnak)  died Mar 7, 1958 wife of Ivan
Forstey, Ivan  died Mar 1949
Forstey, Petro  1898 - 1918 son of Ivan & Gafitsa
Forstey, Walter  died 1934 son of George & Mariya
Franko, Iliya  1874 - Jul 21, 1935
Franko, Iryna  1880 - Nov 18, 1918 wife of Iliya

Gorcha, Dominika  1846 - 1917 wife of Andir
Goretskyi, John  1937 - 1937 son of Vasyl
Gulutzan, Edward  Mar 18, 1921 - May 2, 1992 son of Mandairy & Mariya
Gulutzan, Joe  Dec 22, 1927 - Jul 15, 1995 son of Mandarij & Mariya
Gulutzan, Kateryna  Dec 14, 1905 - Dec 16, 1905 dau of Dmytro & Agafiya (nee Vitsko)
Gulutzan, Mandairy  1886 - 1961 hus of Mariya Kushneruik
Gulutzan, Mariya 'Mary' (nee Kushneriuk)  Jun 3, 1886 - Jan 7, 1970 dau of Petro & Elena
Gulutzan, Mike  May 3, 1918 - Jan 19, 1989 son of Mandarij & Mariya
Gulutzan, Nellie (nee Kowalchuk)  Mar 9, 1926 - Dec 4, 2002
Gulutzan, Paul  1926 - 2001 
Gulutzan, Safta (nee Goretskyi)  Sep 5, 1857 - Nov 8, 1929 wife of Ilutsa
Gulutzan, Stephen  Jul 1, 1924 - Mar 30, 2015 son of Mandairy & Mary 
Gulutzan, Varvara  Dec 13, 1918 - Dec 17, 1918 dau of Dmytro & Agafiya (nee Vitsko)
Gulutzan, Walter  Sep 17, 1929 - Jul 31, 2005 son of Mandarij & Mariya

Harris/Haras, Michael  1873 - 1949 hus of Vasylka
Hlivka, Katie  1842 - 1924 wife of Andrij
Hnatiuk, Mike  1872 - 1959
Hnatiuk, Vasilea  1879 - 1956 wife of Mike
Hryhorchuk, Ivan  1855 - 1944
Hupka, Nick  Mar 3, 1928 - Jan 26, 1981 son of Georgij & Mariya
Hutsuliak, Steve

Ilyuk, Mariya  1908 - 1928 dau of Iliya & Safrona
Ilyuk, Mykhayil  1915 - 1921 son of Iliya & Safrona
Ilyuk, Safrona  1881 - 1921 wife of Iliya

Kaminetskyi, Akseniya  1858 - 1952 wife of Diordii
Kaminetskyi, Diordii  1850 - 1935
Kaminetskyi, Mariya 'Mary'  Oct 12, 1918 - 1957 dau of John & Yustyna
Kiriliuk, Iliya  died 1903 (transfered from another cemetery)
Kitzan, Alex  Aug 3, 1927 - Jun 18, 1988 son of Nykolai & Mariya
Kitzan, Mariya 'Mary' (nee Forstey)  Jan 10, 1907 - Apr 3, 1996 dau of Ivan & Gafitsa
Kitzan, Mykhailo 'Mike'  May 4, 1936 - May 8, 1936 son of Nykolai & Mariya
Kitzan, Nykolai D. 'Nick'  1890 - 1945
Kitzan, Lillian (nee Drobot)  Aug 21, 1926 - Sep 22, 2014 dau of Tom & Jennie (nee Lukinuik)
Kitzan, Shirley Jean  1952 - 8 Oct 2006 dau of Steve & Lillian
Kitzan, Steve  Dec 11, 1924 - Aug 1, 2014 son of Nykolai & Mariya
Kitzul-Chobotar, Mariya 'Maria'  1892 - 1965
Kostashchuk, Hryhorij  1865 - ????
Kostashchuk, Kateryna  1862 - 1935 wife of Hryhorij
Kushneriuk, Akseniya/Oksana (nee Goretski)  1904 - 1942, 2nd wife of Oleksa
Kushneriuk, Dominika  Feb 28, 1932 - Mar 13, 1936
Kushneriuk, Elena
Kushneriuk, Elena  Apr 14, 1930 - Oct 20, 1930 
Kushneriuk, Kateryna (nee Dwernychuk)  1896 - 1926, 1st wife of Oleksa
Kushneriuk, Nykolai  1925 - 1926
Kushneriuk, Peter  Apr 1, 1929 - Jul 30, 1983 son of Oleksa & Aksyniya
Kushneriuk, Petro  1851 - ???? hus of Elena
Kushniruk, Oleksa 'Alex'  1889 - Feb 16, 1970 hus of Aksyniya & Kateryna 
Kushneriuk, Vasyl  1918 - 1919
Kuzyk, Joseph  Jan 1931 - Apr 1931
Kuzyk, Steven  Dec 1924 - May 25, 1925
Lungul, Waselka (nee Serediuk)  1870 - 1910, 1st wife of Ivan 

Moodrey, Agafia 'Annie' (nee Dutchak)  Apr 25, 1902 - Jan 28, 1997 dau of Dmytro & Dominika
Moodrey, Alex  (reserved)
Moodrey, George  1890 - Dec 19, 1955 hus of Agafiya
Moore, Gordon  1926 - 2003 hus of Sophie
Moore, Sophie (nee Zbitnew)  Aug 24, 1925 - 1994 dau of Spiridon & Mariya  
Moskaliuk, John 'Ivan'  Aug 15, 1916 - Oct 1916 
Moskaliuk, Peter  Jul 1920 - Nov 1920
Moskaliuk, Sydor  1897 - 1925

Odiwichuk, Fruzyna  
Odowichuk, Stepan  1869 - 1948
Olijnyk, Havryil  1885 - 1918 hus of Alexandra
Olijnyk, Stepan 'Steve'  1889 - Sep 26, 1952
Olijnyk, Varvara 'Vera'  1894 - 1987
Olinik, Fred Dr.  Feb 9, 1927 - Sep 3, 1999 son of Stepan & Varvara
Olinik, Joan  1935 -
Otamanyuk, Hrytsko  died 1928

Prokopetz, Anna (nee Bolawiuk)  1875 - 1936 wife of Todor
Prokopetz, Todor 'Theodor'  1883 - 1959 son of Ivan & Mariya

Ryznyk, (illegible)  1841 - 1920
Ryznyk/Riznyk, Konstantyn  1864 - 1919 hus of Fruzyna
Ryznyk/Riznyk, Helen  died 1926
Ryznyk/Riznyk, Fruzina Zankhira 'Rosie' (nee Gorcha)  1869 - 1925
Ryznyk/Riznyk, Zadora  1920
Romanow, Anastasia 'Nettie' (nee Safroniuk)  Aug 14, 1910 - Jan 1, 1935
Rusnak, Bella  1911 age 2 mos, dau of Nykolai & Mariya
Rusnak, Doreen  Jul 22, 1931 - Feb 14, 1941 dau of John & Mary (nee Kitar)
Rusnak, Irene  1908 - 1981 wife of Fred
Rusnak, Mariya (twin)  died 1911 dau of Nykolai & Mariya
Rusnak, Mariya (nee Drozdiuk)  1882 - ???? 
Rusnak, Nykolai  1876 - 1929
Rusnak, Polly (nee Gawrylitsa)  1877 - 1946 wife of Stepan
Rusnak, Vasyl  1917 age 11 son of Nykolai & Mariya
Rusnak, Vasylyna Bella (twin)  1911 age 2 mos, dau of Nykolai & Mariya

Samuels, Elena  Jun 27, 1917 - Jun 14, 1921 
Samuels, Paraska  died 1944 wife of Todor
Samuels, Todor  died 1946
Serniak, Anna  1878 - 1939
Serniak, Anna  (2nd photo)
Serniak, Dmytro  1875 - 1927
Serniak, Dokina  1904 - 1918 dau of Dmytro & Anna
Serniak, Metro  1875 - 1927
Serniak, Sanda  1901 - 1918 dau of Dmytro & Anna
Serniak, Verna  died 1918 dau of Dmytro & Anna

Terlesky/Terletskyi, Bella  Nov 12, 1916 - Nov 12, 1937
Terlesky/Terletskyi, Havryil 'Harry' 1917 - 1917 son of John & Mariya
Terlesky/Terletskyi, John  1889 - Jan 22, 1943 hus of Mariya Lungul & Mariya Gawryliuk
Terlesky/Terletskyi, John  1927 - 1992 son of John & Mariya (nee Gawryliuk)
Terlesky/Terletskyi, Mariya (nee Gawryliuk)  1901 - 1933
Terlesky/Terletskyi, Mariya (nee Lungal)  1896 - 1919
Tumak, Maranda Maria (nee Prokopetz)  1892 - 1945 wife of George
Tumak, Maria  1917 - 1921
Tumak, Tom  1923 - 1924
Tumake, George  Nov 2, 1885 - Apr 13, 1952

Unick, Cindy-Marie  1969 - 1970 dau of Nick & Sonia
Unick, Dora (nee Rusnak)  Sep 11, 1916 - Feb 24, 1998 dau of Polly
Unick, Ernest Wayne  1950 - 2013
Unick, Merle  1945 -
Unick, Nick  Sep 17, 1910 - Jul 17, 1980 
Unick, Peter  Dec 29, 1942 - Jun 8, 2010 son of Nick & Dora
Unick, Slavko Cecil Walter  1936 - 1937 son of Nick & Dora 
Unick, Vasylyna 'Lena'  1882 - 1938 wife of Wladimir
Unick, Wladimir  1869 - 1948

Vitsko, Hryhorij  1884 - 1915 son of Vasyl & Kateryna

Watrich, Mariya 'Mary'  1866 - 1944 wife of Hryorij

Yarmijchuk, Gerald  died Aug 14, 1966 son of Tom & Dora
Yarmijchuk, Katie  Nov 8, 1891 - May 15, 1962 
Yarmijchuk, Tom/Atanasij  1884 - Aug 18, 1969 hus of Katie

Zbitnew, Alfred  Jul 17, 1927 - 1952 son of Spiridon & Mariya
Zbitnew, Anna  1864 - Dec 25, 1957 wife of Gregorij
Zbitnew, David Richard  Dec 19, 1937 - Jan 18, 2005 son of Spiridon & Mariya
Zbitnew, Gregorij/Hryhorij 'Gregory'  1860 - 1947
Zbitnew, Irene Shirley (nee Olijnyk)  Jul 29, 1940 - Apr 13, 1996 wife of John
Zbitnew, John  1923 - 1998 son of Spiridon & Mariya
Zbitnew, June F.  1959 - 2013
Zbitnew, Mariya 'Mar'"  1899 - 1989
Zbitnew, Spiridon Samuel  1896 - Nov 6, 1963 son of Gregorij & Anna
Zbitnew, Valerie  24 Dec 1937 -      
(Click on photo to enlarge)



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