Maloneck Cemetery
Pelly district
R.M. of Livingston # 331   SE 23-35-32 W1
GPS   52.013154°N   101.929403°W

ABRAHAMSON, Gerald Stewart ‘Jed’  1923 - 2006

BALL, Christopher E.  1967 - 1994
BALL, Eunice  Jan 1925 - Apr 2011 
BALL, Tom C.  1926 - 1998 
BALL, Wendy  1947 - 1949
BJERKE, Arthur Benjamin  1894 - 1967 hus of Lillian
BJERKE, Lillian Orpha (nee Keillor)  1895 - 1968 dau of John & Ellen (nee Bannister)
BRILLINGER, Levi  1891 - 1981
BROWN, Doreen M.  1938 - 2007 
BROWN, Edna Helen (nee Schell)  18 Sep 1936 - 15 Jun 2012 dau of Milton & Blanche
BROWN, Grant  died 18 Jul 1960 son of Tom & Edna
BROWN, Gordon Charles  23 Apr 1899 - 20 Apr 1992 son of Charles
BROWN, Mabel G. (nee Culbertson)  1899 - 1984 wife of Gordon 
BROWN, Walter  1 May 1942 - 6 Nov 1965 

CADY, Andrew  1917 - 1940
CADY, Edith  1881 - 1960 wife of Eli
CADY, Eli Francis  1875 - 1960
CAIRNS, Kate  died 1925 
CAIRNS, Tom 1861 - 1940 
CHARLES, Frederick  19 May 1936 age 73 
CHARLES, Susan  2 Aug 1938 age 62 wife of Frederick
CLARK, George  1939 - 1942
COMER, Mabel  1911 - 1946 
COOKE, Doreen M. (nee Brown)  25 Oct 1938 - 31 May 2007
COOPER, Francis Warren  1909 - 1925
COOPER, Julia M.  1849 - 1925
CUFF, Frank  1874 - 1936
DAHL, Annie  1923 - 2009 wife of Theodore
DAHL, Berthold  16 Sep 1905 - 1 Oct 1957
DAHL, Gustav H.  14 Mar 1897 - 25 Sep 1947
DAHL, Lorin Theodore  12 Aug 197 - 18 Jul 1996
DAHL, Phyllis  21 Dec 1921 - 1 Jul 2003
DAHL, Theodore R.  1908 - 1967
DAHL, (unknown)  1 Dec 1931 - 9 Jul 1956
DE LAITTRE, Alice May  died 1924
DE LAITTRE, Claridon  25 Jun 1843 - 18 Dec 1936
DE LAITTRE, Daniel P.  1919 - 1967
DE LAITTRE, Frank E.  15 Jul 1888 - 12 Jun 1982
DE LAITTRE, Luella D.  4 Oct 1891 - 8 Dec 1975 wife of Frank

EVERETT, Harry  1891 - 1984 
EVERETT, Lorena Jessie  1895 - 1963

FLAWN, Susan Ridings  1876 - 1936
FOSTER, Esther M. (nee Williams)  19 Nov 1892 - 16 Jan 1993
FOSTER, Roy  1887 - 1953
FRAMPTON, Arnold  1924 - 2013 hus of Mary
FRAMPTON, Mary Margaret (nee Irving) 14 Feb 1928 - Jun 2009 dau of Calvert & Elizabeth (nee Donald)
FULFORD, Beatrice Maude (nee Godin)  1916 - 1999
GETTY, (infants)  died 1947 children of Tom
GETTY, Julina Louise  1899 - 1989
GETTY, T. Kinney  1895 - 1963 hus of Julina
GODIN, Beatrice Maude  1916 - 1999 
GREFSYING, Helen  died 1912 
GREFSYING, Selmer  died 1933 

HASKIN, Gracie Inez (nee Foster)  1915 - 2003
HIGGS, Ernest J.  1874 - 1949
HIGGS, Kate  1876 - 1971 wife of Ernest
HOW, Grace E.  1911 - 2006
HOW, Herbert Tom  1899 - 1959
HOWARD, Erna  1914 - 1940
HOWSHIP, Harry  1877 - 1947 
HURD, Douglas Gerald  31 May 1907 - 8 Sep 1990 
HURD, Henry Carl  3 Aug 1894 - 4 Jun 1971 
HURD, Lauretta Beatrice  23 Jun1930 - 25 Mar 2007 wife of Douglas 
HURD, Lorna Mary  8 Apr 1906 - 23 Dec 1972 wife of Henry
HYMERS, Brian Warren  1947 - 1970
HYMERS, Helen Gertrude  4 Apr 1917 - 12 Jul 2007 wife of William
HYMERS, (infant)  died Nov 1939
HYMERS, William Bewick  11 Jun 1917 - 22 Mar 2006

JESSON, Cheryl Louise  1944 - 1960 dau of Lloyd & Helen (nee Cady)
JOHANSSON, Minnette  1894 - 1975 wife of Oscar
JOHANSSON, Oscar  1888 - 1961
JOHNSON, Jane E.  21 Aug 1941 - 18 Dec 2008
JOHNSON, Robert N.  24 Apr 1967 - 30 Apr 2009

KABATOFF, Bill Alex  1884 - 1956
KINAKIN, Annie  
KINAKIN, Fred N.  1918 - 1976
KINAKIN, Tina  1919 - 2010 wife of Fred
KLAUS, (baby)  19 Jun 1944 - 19 Jun 1944 son of Frederick & Ingeborg 
KLAUS, Ingeborg Emelia (nee Raabel)  1914 - 2006 
KLAUS, J. Frederick  1905 - 1989 
KLUK, Andrew  1897 - 1980 
KLUK, Cassie  1904 - 1981 wife of Andrew 
KLUK, Leeward  1961 - 1965 
KLUK, Leonard  1937 - 2013 
KLUK, Sylvador  died 1960
KLUKE, Mike  1924 - 1988  

LADUBEC, Fred  1872 - 1941 
LADUBEC, Freddie  1916 - 1986
LAWSON, Hazel Pearl (nee Woods)  1932 - 2005 
LEDGER, Charles J. W.  13 May 1879 - 7 Aug 1962 
LEDGER, Eleanor J.  4 Jun 1887 - 9 Jul 1956
LESLIE, Vern  1936 - 1988
LUKEY, Paul  1921 - 1984 

MARENCHUK, Bernard C.  1949 - 1998 
MAZUREN, Elsie Dawn  1964 - 2008 
MCKENZIE, Derwyn Macie  1947 - 1949 
MCPHAIL, Ruth Medora  24 Mar 1911 - 1 Oct 2003
MURRAY, Percy  1926 - 2014
MURRAY-JENSON, Ila  24 Dec 1958 - 22 Feb 2011 

NYSTROM, August  12 Oct 1880 - 6 Dec 1945
NYSTROM, Birtle  1915 - 2006 hus of Madeline
NYSTROM, Elina J.  1890 - 1977
NYSTROM, John  1914 - 1998 hus of Joyce
NYSTROM, Joyce  1922 -
NYSTROM, Madeline  1924 -
NYSTROM, Milton H.  1925 - 1996

OLSON, Eleanor  died 1965 
OLSON, Kari  1857 - 1943 
OLSON, Olaf  1851 - 1925
OLSON, Ragna K.  1889 - 1982 wife of Verner
OLSON, Verner O.  1892 - 1974
ORR, (baby)  died 1936
ORR, David Walker  
ORR, Donald Keith  1934 - 1935
ORR, Erma  1914 - 1918
ORR, Harold Cecil  1907 - 1931
ORR, Karen Candy  died 1957
ORR, Nina  1916 - 1920
ORR, Robert  died 1935
ORR, Rose Marion (nee DeLaittre)  1871 - 1944 wife of David

PURCELL, Jessie  1893 - 1969 wife of John
PURCELL, John  1873 - 1960 

RAABEL, Edgar  15 May 1925 - 17 Sep 2013
RAABEL, Edna Beatrice (nee Smith) Linderholm  28 Apr 1923 - 8 Sep 2012 wife of Erling, dau of Frank & Beatrice
RAABEL, Herman  3 Feb 1927 - 26 May 2005 hus of Lorraine 
RAABEL, Ingeborg Emelia  1914 - 2006 
RAABEL, John  1913 - 1989 
RAABEL, Kristian  1877 - 1954 
RAABEL, Lillian Emelia  1921 - 1999 
RAABEL, Lorraine (nee Russell)  14 Feb 1939 - 23 Dec 2011 dau of Wilfred & Winnifred
RAABEL, Ross James  11 Nov 1995 - 7 Sep 2004 
RAABEL, Sigrid  1884 - 1934 wife of Khristian
REED, Margaret Ellen (nee Dickey)  14 Feb 1882 - 7 Jun 1948 wife of Howard, dau of John & Jane (nee McCulloch)
REMPEL, Pete  died 1944 

SCHELL, Alice 
SCHELL, Arthur Dale  29 Nov 1942 - 3 Apr 1979 son of Harris & Kathleen (nee Richardson)
SCHELL, Ava (nee Pollen)  1912 - 1980 wife of Clifford
SCHELL, (baby)  
SCHELL, Blanche (nee Waselinkoff)  1911 - 1999 wife of Milton
SCHELL, Bruce  4 Mar 1900 - 20 Jun 1959 son of Levi & Elizabeth
SCHELL, Clifford Lee  Jun 1909 - Jun 1983 son of Jacob & Elizabeth
SCHELL, Donelda A.  Mar 1948 - Nov 1948 
SCHELL, Edna  
SCHELL, Elizabeth (nee Kettles)  15 Jul 1870 - 30 Jun  1943 wife of Levi & Jacob 
SCHELL, Gilbert  25 Dec 1934 -  2 Aug 1973 
SCHELL, Harris R.  30 Jun 1906 - 28 Nov 1964 hus of Kathleen, son of Jacob & Elizabeth  
SCHELL, Helen (nee Waselinkoff)   Jun 1907 - Jan 1944
SCHELL, Levi  1871 - 1902, 1st hus of Elizabeth 
SCHELL, Milton H.  1904 - 1984 son of Jacob & Elizabeth 
SCHELL, Wayne D.  1957 - 1977 
SCHOTTS, Alice  1993 - 2004 wife of Nelson
SCHOTTS, Nelson L.  1905 - 1992
SCHOW, Hans  1887 - 1966
SCHOW, (unknown)  1880 - 1968
SEIM, Anne K.  1889 - 1964 wife of Nels 
SEIM, Hulda E.  27 May 1919 - 25 Feb 2002
SEIM, Nels Adolph  1880 - 1925  
SEIM, Virgil W.  15 Aug 1922 - 8 Nov 2005 
SMITH, Brenda Rose  3 Aug 1961 - 27 Jul 2009
SMITH, Diana Mary  1929 - 2012 
SMITH, Eric Robert  26 May 1952 - 24 Dec 1953 
SMITH, Robert George  1912 - 1982
SPRATT, Aris E.  1927 - 1998 hus of Shirley
SPRATT, Bernice  5 Apr 1924 - 29 Aug 1933 dau of A. E. & Sarah
SPRATT, Earl W.  1950 - 1987
SPRATT, Sarah Ann  24 Mar 1944 age 59 wife of A. E.
SPRATT, Shirley A.  1927 -
SUTHERLAND, Jack D.  20 Dec 1919 - 18 Oct 2008
SUTHERLAND, Margaret R. S. (nee Murray)  18 Jun 1919 - 1 Apr 2013 wife of Jack

TWERDOCLIB, Garry  21 Jun 1945 - 8 Feb 2017 son of Victor & Mary (nee Ginetz)

WASELENKO, Alec  1879 - 1950
WATLAND, Antoni  Aug 1889 - Mar 1959 
WATLAND, Ranghiuld  1903 - 1994 
WATLAND, Sigvert  1891 - 1977 
WATLAND, William Adolph  30 Dec 1908 - 17 Jul 1973
WEST, Alfred E.  1927 - 1991
WEST, Alice Kate  1903 - 1965
WEST, Bertha  1907 - 1992
WEST, Dorothy (nee Getty)  1930 - 2014 Wife of Keith, dau of Kinney & Julina
WEST, Ellis  1937 - 1988 hus of Victoria
WEST, George Clifford  1904 - 1969
WEST, Victoria  1937 -
WEST, William John  1902 - 1967
WIGHTMAN, Carl R.  1901 - 1974
WIGHTMAN, Lillian E.  1909 - 1980 wife of Carl
WOODS, Franklin  1916 - 1992 
WOODS, George  1884 - 1932 
WOODS, Pearl  1889 - 1959 wife of George

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