Armstrong, John Campbell 1935 age 55 Andrew, Carlton Allan 21 Apr 1942 age 23 son of William & Alice (nee Shorter) Andrew, William 1925 age 76 Banting, Malcolm Thomas 3 Sep 2003 age 42 son of Elgin & June Barbery, (unknown) 1919 - 1919 Barnes, Thomas Henry 3 Aug 1849 - 1925 hus of Agnes Robertson Barrie, Annie Elizabeth (nee Britnell) 1889 - Sep 1950 dau of George & Ellen Barrie, George Britnell Mar 1912 - Jun 1929 son of William & Annie Barrie, William Herschel 1873 - Dec 1952 Beattie, Ruby 1921 age 3 dau of Albert & Harriet (nee Chadwick) Bergstra, Kate (nee Ellis) 1962 age 92 wife of Sidney Black, Neal Donald 1944 age 77 Bodrug, John E. 1896 - 1932 hus of Mary Klam Boe, Frederick 1943 age 60 Bond, Donald William (baby) 1955 Clark, Percy Orville died 19 Nov 2004 age 76 hus of Jean Cleveland, Elijah W. 1926 age 78 Cleveland, Mrs. Oscar 1920 wife of Oscar Coates, Walter 1963 age 84 Cooper, Adam Leveon 12 Jul 1898 - 1948 son of George & Lucy Cooper, Fredrick Ray Jan 1892 - 1918 son of George & Lucy Cooper, George Dickerson 4 Nov 1863 - 1945 son of Joseph & Laura (nee Williams) Cooper, Lucy Bernice (nee Lindsay) 28 Jan 1868 - 1953 dau of Thomas & Sarah Cooper, Norman 6 Jan 2006 age 69 son of Harold & Agnes Cruikshank, Agnes 1940 age 74 Cruikshank, Dorothy Marie 1938 age 11 days Cruikshank, George 1927 age 74 Cruikshank, Sarah Isobel 1938 age 50 De Brackeleer, John 1943 age 67 Delparte, Edith Annie 1942 age 52 Delparte, George Aug 1939 age 44 son of Emille & Patronella (nee DeWolfe) Doering, Eleanor 1938 age 35 Doering, Josephine 1948 age 72 Doering, Michael C. A. 1934 age 9 Doering, Michael Emmanuel 1951 age 76 Ellis, (unknown) 1927 - 1927 Ellis, Gordon Stewart 1885 - 1939 hus of Bella Grieve Fallinglo, Olaf died 1940 age 37 Fitz, Caroline (nee Moorew) 1933 wife of Rudolf Adam & Andrew Fitz Foxcroft, Henry Adrian 12 Mar 1918 - 1934 son of Thomas & Marie Fredeen, Alvin Hartley 21 Oct 1895 - 1943 son of Olaf & Louisa Fredeen, Annie (nee Davido) 1958 age 73 wife of Eugene Fredeen, E. A. 1942 - 1942 Fredeen, Eugene Walter 1957 age 73 son of Olaf & Louisa Fredeen, Fredrick 1891 - 1918 son of Olaf & Louisa Fredeen, Louisa Hanning (nee Ramstead) 1934 age 70 dau of Lars Fredeen, Olaf Peter 1945 age 86 Fredeen, Olive Aresmith (nee French) 20 Jan 1895 - May 1977 wife of Alvin Fredeen, Waldo Lloyd 1957 age 54 son of Olaf & Louisa Gibson, Reginald (child) 1921 son of Oswald & Marion (nee Gauley) Gibson, William Raymond 1920 - 1920 son of Oswald & Marion Gillis, Caroline P. (nee Jenson) 1933 age 44, 1st wife of Roy Gillis, Cora Beatrice 1917 age 29 Gillis, Grace Hannah 1935 age 74 Gillis, William A. 1947 age 89 hus of Grace Gudheim, Arne 1931 age 73 Gudheim, Martin 1943 age 78 Gudheim, Ole T. 1923 age 62 Hackett, Mrs. C. 1933 Haegeman, Camille 1922 age 52 Hanslow, Sara Ann 1916 age 26 Harildstad, Jessie M. A. (nee Ross) 1934 age 21 wife of Arnold Harvey, Frederick B. 1958 age 80 Harvey, Grace Johnson 1955 age 73 Henderson, Charles Mills 28 Mar 1876 - 7 Apr 1930 hus of Mary Jane Henderson, Mary Jane (nee Blair) 18 Aug 1883 - 10 May 1960 dau of William & Dinah (nee Hall) Henderson, Morley Orlando 19 Sep 1906 - 20 Aug 1940 son of Charles & Mary Hill, John 1932 age 104 hus of Agnes Murray Hill, John 1996 hus of Laura Hill, John Stewart 1948 age 57 Hill, Laura Isabella 27 Jul 2004 age 90 Hill, Robert Alexander 1959 age 81 Hodges, Louis 21 Mar 1887 - 1945 hus of Gertrude Lawrence Holmes, Isaac McIlroy 1948 age 76 Holmes, James N. 1930 age 61 Holmes, Margaret 1934 age 53 wife of Isaac Holroyd, (unknown) 1919 - 1919 son of Melville & Alice Holroyd, Alice Ada (nee Holman) 23 Jan 1891 - 1952 wife of Melville Howe, Walter E. 1920 age 33 Hurlbert, George Elmer 1917 age 46 Hurlbert, William Arthur 1928 age 43 Ingell, Norman Lore 19 Oct 2005 age 91 hus of Marjorie Jenson, (unknown) 1924 - 1924 Jenson, Lars P. 1921 age 49 son of Anders & Martine Jenson, Martine Christina Marie died 1917 age 71 wife of Anders Jenson, Peter 1883 - 1952 son of Anders & Martine Karppinen, Elis 1885 - 1956 hus of Emelia Kellgren, John Alfred 1958 age 73 hus of Ada Gillis Kendall, Isaac 1958 age 83 Kendall, Jane (nee Ritson) 1956 age 77, 2nd wife of Isaac Lainge, George M. 1944 age 79 Lammers, August 1945 age 65, 2nd hus of Ida Lammers, Elizabeth Anne (nee Funk) 13 Mar 2005 age 57 dau of Peter & Maria Lammers, Ida Hilda Bittner 1947 age 69 Lammers, Ronald 2002 son of Karl & Helen Larson, Darryl 3 Apr 1952 - 4 Apr 2014 hus of Donna Waters, son of Vernon & Vi Larson, Frederick 1873 - 1943 hus of Hilmer Anderson Larson, William Theodore 30 Nov 1893 - 6 Nov 1954 hus of Alma Raisanen Lorenston, Henry Leroy 1918 age 21 Lorenston, Lewis 1922 age 58 hus of Sine Jensen Lorenston, Sine (nee Jenson) 1941 age 74 dau of Anders & Martine Lowe, Augusta 1950 age 84 Lowe, Charles Alfonso 1918 age 21 Lowe, William Henry 1931 age 66 Lozowy, George 1926 - 1926 age 1 hr Lozowy, John 1929 - 1929 age 4 hrs Lozowy, Maggie 1929 - 1929 age 4 hrs Lozowy, Natay 1920 Lozowy, Peter 1926 - 1926 age 1 hr MacDonald, Lily Katherine (nee Karvonen) 1949 age 51 wife of Harry Maxfield, Ellen Marion 1947 age 77 Maxfield, Elmer Truman 1947 age 84 Maxfield, Florence (nee Smith) 1927 age 41, 1st wife of Roy Maxfield, George 1918 age 1 day Maxfield, Minnie Patience (nee Cooper) 1952 age 64, 2nd wife of Roy Maxfield, Parazeda Francis 1944 age 73 Merwart, Carl Johann 1940 age 83 Merwart, Christine Henrietta 1954 age 72 Metcalf, Catherine Gowan 1954 age 67 Metcalf, (baby) 1922 Metcalf, Samuel Herbert 14 Mar 1871 - 1927 son of Anthony & Catherine Metcalf, Sarah Ellen 5 Apr 1937 age 73 wife of Homer Anthony Monkrud, Ole 1927 age 65 Moore, Clarence Walter 16 Mar 1880 - 1945 hus of Hattie Moore, Ethel C. 1919 age 30 Moore, Hattie Hagens (nee Boyd) 18 Apr 1871 - 1962 Moore, Inga Matilda (nee Odegard) 20 Jul 1970 dau of Nels & Christina (nee Anderson) Moore, Joseph James 23 Feb 1908 - 3 Jul 1973 son of Clarence & Hattie Mullin, (unknown) 1920 age 14 days, child of Charles & Elizabeth (nee Adams) Mullin, (unknown) 1920 age 15 days, child of Charles & Elizabeth Murray, Alexander Thomas 4 Jan 1863 - 3 May 1954 son of Alexander & Janet Murray, Gerald Gardner 1926 age 23 son of John & Margaret (nee Wylie) Murray, Gregory 17 Oct 1970 - 24 Aug 2013 dau of Albert & Alice Murray, Howard Edgar 24 Dec 1948 age 52 son of John & Margaret (nee Wylie) Murray, Margaret Eva (nee Wylie) 1956 age 86 wife of John Murray, Marion H. (nee Johnson) 7 Jan 1965 age 90 dau of James & Elizabeth Murray, Maud May (nee Cruikshank) 12 Nov 1900 - Jun 1949 wife of Robert Murray, Russell 1918 age 26 son of John & Margaret Negrych, Paul W. 1932 Nordsven, Amund 1925 age 57 Nordsven, Andrew 1925 age 57 Odegard, Christina (nee Anderson) Storebo Oct 1924 age 36 dau of John Odegard, Nels G. 3 Apr 1879 - Jul 1925 hus of Christina Patterson, (unknown) 1927 - 1927 Patterson, Madge 1942 age 48 wife of James Prentice, Mabel Priscilla 11 Feb 1923 - 1923 dau of Norman & Ina (nee Hunt) Prentice, Russell Jul 1927 - 1929 son of Norman & Ina Preston, Helen 1922 Redden, James Worthington 1959 age 69 hus of Hilda Watson Renouf, (unknown) 1919 - 1919 Rogness, Knute 1961 age 86 Ross, Laura (nee Jackson) 1929 age 46 wife of John Ross, Vernon Dale 15 Sep 1932 - 4 Aug 2001 Rostron, Arnold 27 Sep 1884 - 18 Mar 1958 hus of Emma Gathercole Rye, Fred 1920 Sealy, George Horatio 1928 age 81 Severson, Hattie M. 1918 age 37 Sheppard, William Joseph 23 Oct 1865 - 14 May 1936 son of John & Jane Shetterly, Annie Harriet (nee Kehoe) 1939 age 52 Shetterly, Oran Theodore 1942 age 76 hus of Harriet Kehoe Skudi, Iver 1949 age 73 Skudi, Oli 1932 age 57 Smith, Abraham 1954 age 82 hus of Louisa Smith, Agnes Annie 1961 age 90 Smith, Grace Beatrice 1931 age 44 Smith, Louisa Elizabeth 1947 age 41 Sparling, Euphimia Jan 1923 age 31 wife of Wilbert Stevenson, Susan May (nee Brown) 1950 age 75 Stevenson, Wilbert Thomas 1938 age 67 hus of Susan Tycquet, Achille 1945 age 71 Unrah, Eva (nee Dirks) 1857 - 4 Jun 1928 dau of Benjamin & Susanna (nee Wedel) Van Slyke, (unknown) 1919 age 1 ½ days Van Slyke, Hazel Aliga 1919 Veeman, Eeke 1947 age 72 Ward, Bessie 1953 age 65 mother of Henry Watson, Douglas 1928 age 29 son of Harry & Hettie Watson, Harry 1951 age 75 hus of Hettie Webster, Mrs. Leona 1924 age 40 Westerboe, Inger 1934 Wilson, Daniel John 1941 age 3 mos Wilson, Eliza Jane 1950 age 78 Yahn, Franklin Edward 1935 age 81 Yahn, George Bateman 1925 age 2 1/2 days Yahn, George Metcalf 1960 age 68 hus of Sadie
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