Lintlaw Cemetery
R.M. of Hazel Dell # 335   SE 5-36-9 W2
GPS   52.056490°N   103.251735°W
First burial in 1915, 641 burials by 2007

Photos by L. Curtis Boyle
(Click on coloured names to view the gravestone photo)

Alberts, Carl Joseph  1886 - 1969
Alberts, Theresa (nee Hummel)  1882 - 1936 wife of Carl
Allen, William  1852 - 1934
Anderson, Axel  1883 - 1957
Anderson, Bradley Allen  1961 - 1982 son of Lawrence & Hazel
Anderson, Ernest Clifford  1922 - 2003 son of Axel & Mary
Anderson, Hazel Leila (nee Boyle)  1929 - 2013
Anderson, Lawrence R.  1924 - 1995
Anderson, Mary (nee Eggie)  1886 - 1947
Anderson, Mary S.  1889 - 1955 wife of Samuel
Anderson, Samuel Adolf  1876 - 194
Anglesburg, Margaret M.  1878 - 1931
Ashdown, Arthur Hartley  1907 - 1986 hus of Klara
Ashdown, Klara (nee Ruud)  1911 - 1997 dau of Klaus & Marie
Aslakson, John  1890 - 1976
Atayiu, Theresa Agnes  28 Jan 1947 - 22 Apr 2014

Bankowski, Alexander  1910 - 1980 son of Joseph & Emilia
Bankowski, Jean (nee Latkowski) 1923 - 1988 wife of Walter
Bankowski, Joseph  1863 - 1962
Bankowski, Walter  1913 - 1993
Baran, Alexander  7 Apr 1935 - 17 Jun 2006 hus of Sharon Riddoch, son of Paul & Helen
Bartko, Alex John (infant)  11 Oct 2008
Baughman, Bernard E.  1915 - 1922
Beanland, Amos  1859 - 1923
Beanland, Lewis  1884 - 1953 son of Amos & Tamar
Beanland, Tamar (nee Wildman)  1862 - 1926
Bell, James  1870 - 1960
Bell, Leroy  1905 - 1949 son of James & Sarah
Bell, Sarah Elizabeth (nee Kirk)  1874 - 1930
Bellamy, Ellen  1874 - 1977
Bellamy, Francis H.  1872 - 1941
Bellamy, Francis Ivor  1901 - 1990 son of Francis & Ellen
Bellamy, George Edward  1898 - 1981 son of Francis & Ellen
Benson, Carl Oscar  1891 - 1986
Benson, Signe (nee Berggren)  1902 - 1977 wife of Carl
Bereznik, John  1889 - 1948
Bereznik, Mary  1899 - 1975
Bereznik, Mike  24 Jan 1920 - 13 Dec 2002 son of John & Mary
Bereznik, Pearl (nee Yaychuk)  1921 - 1999 wife of Mike, dau of Sam & Efrosina
Best, Garry Norman  1949 - 2014 son of Norman & Ingrid
Best, Garth Duane  1950 - 2015 son of Norman & Ingrid
Best, Ingrid Linea (nee Engdahl)  1930 - 1977
Best, Norman Edwin  1926 - 1957
Bialek, Helen  1928 - 
Bialek, Joseph  1919 - 2002
Bielka, (baby)  1935
Bielka, Joseph Stanley  1931 - 1932
Blocker, Orvil Palmer  1899 - 1917
Bochner, Hilda (nee Sauer)  1932 - 1993
Bocking, Arthur Edwin  1859 - 1942
Bocking, Ernest Cyril  1905 - 1962 hus of Theresa, son of Arthur & Mary
Bocking, James Lee  21 Jan 1970 - 25 Mar 1987
Bocking, John Harold  1901 - 1959 son of Arthur & Mary
Bocking, Margaret Ruth  9 Apr 1921 - 27 Jun 1921
Bocking, Mary Eliza (nee Henshall)  1860 - 1939
Bocking, Theresa (nee Schindel)  1912 - 1970 dau of Julius & Hulda
Bond, Nora Elizabeth (nee Maley)  1906 - 2002 wife of Richard
Bond, Eichard  1907 - 1976
Borgen, Hanna Jordis  1920 - 1920 dau of Hans & Elizabeth
Borgen, Ingman  1914 - 2009 son of Hans & Elizabeth
Borgen, Margaret (nee Bixby)  1922 - 2003 wife of Ingman
Bourget, Arthur Joseph  1913 - 1993 hus of Eileen
Bourget, Eileen Maude (nee Pierce)  1914 - 2009 dau of John & Maude
Boyle, Arza Sherman  1904 - 1975
Boyle, Charles Clarence  23 Nov 1891 - 24 Nov 1919 son of James & Mary
Boyle, Edna Victoria  1888 - 1973 dau of James & Mary
Boyle, Etta  1910 - 2006
Boyle, Henry Atwell  1896 - 1969 hus of Louisa, son of James & Mary
Boyle, James Gordon  30 Nov 1889 - 19 Oct 1948 son of James & Mary
Boyle, James John  19 Apr 1851 - 1 Jul 1933
Boyle, Louisa Violetta 'Etta' (nee Holley)  1910 - 2006 dau of Isaac & Louisa
Boyle, Mary Ann (nee Rieberger)  1914 - 1980 wife of Arza
Boyle, Mary Jane (nee Storey)  7 Jul 1861 - 11 Jun 1940
Boyle, William Curtis  1885 - 1959 son of James & Mary
Bray, Lloyd  1903 - 1965
Brenne, Clarence Jordan  21 Aug 1914 - 28 Nov 1938 son of Martin & Oline
Brenne, Erik  1875 - 1959
Brenne, Evelyn Georgina (nee Johnson)  1914 - 1999 dau of Louis & Olga
Brenne, Martin Bernhard  1911 - 1980 son of Martin & Oline
Brenne, Martin Johnsen  1878 - 1937
Brenne, Oline Berntine (nee Hjelmseth)  19 Mar 1872 - 28 Jul 1956
Bridges, Alfred  1877 - 1945
Bridges, Elizabeth  Jan 1886 - Aug 1942 wife of Alfred
Brooks, Evelyn Eliza (nee Shobe)  1917 - 1951 dau of John & Elsie
Brooks, Frances Emily (nee Nightingale)  1908 - 1980 dau of Alfred & Mercy
Brooks, Henry Elmer  21 May 1905 - 26 Apr 1999 hus of Frances
Brylka, Thomas  1905 - 1990, 2nd hus of Mary Semko
Buckle, Eveline H. (nee Verity)  1887 - 1959
Buckle, George  1871 - 1924
Buckle, Stanley  1916 - 2004 son of George & Eveline
Buckle, Vincent  1918 - 1963 son of George & Eveline
Burghardt, Katrina  1902 - 1973
Burtnyk, Rachel (nee Guicheteau)  1919 - 2000 dau of Constant & Juliette
Butler, Mary Ann (nee Kieghley)  1854 - 1940

Campbell, Mildred E. 1923 - 1937
Campbell, (twin babies)  4 Jun 1937
Chandler, Albert Clarence  1904 - 1986
Chandler, Albert George  1932 - 2010 son of Albert & Annie
Chandler, Annie (nee Sokolowski)  1910 - 1989
Chandler, Clifford Lawrence  1944 - 2015 son of Albert & Annie
Chorney, Dora  1881 - 1940 wife of Wasyl
Chorney, Wasyl P.  1881 - 1962
Chorniak, Donald Peter  1954 - 1978 son of Gus & Mary
Chorniak, George Konstantin  1940 - 2015 son of Gus & Mary
Chorniak, Konstantin Goustine 'Gus'  1904 - 1988
Chorniak, Mary (nee Shewchuk)  1917 - 1986
Cocker, Alice Jane (nee Collier)  1871 - 1943
Cocker, Charles William  1904 - 1971 son of Edgar & Alice 
Cocker, Dorothy Violet  1910 - 1998 dau of Edgar & Alice
Cocker, Edgar Charles  1868 - 1951
Cocker, Mabel Jessie  1907 - 1994
Cocker, Marie Rose (nee Van Essen)  26 May 1913 - 21 Mar 1991 wife of Charles
Colley, George Alfred  1917 - 1999 son of John & Sarah
Colley, John  1880 - 1962
Colley, Sarah Margaret (nee Parks)  1887 - 1977
Cook, Finne N.  1868 - 1941
Cook, Finnella  1924 - 1924
Cook, Florence (nee Neville)  1890 - 1985 wife of Harry
Cook, Harry  1893 - 1982
Cook, Helen 'Nellie' (nee Geddes)  1880 - 1949 wife of Finne
Cornia, (baby)  1936 son of Titus & Annie
Cornia, (baby)  1933 son of Titus & Annie
Cornia, Margaret  1940 - 1940 dau of Titus & Annie
Cornia, Peter  1935 - 1935 son of Titus & Annie
Cornia, Ravica  1932 - 1932 dau of Titus & Annie
Cota, Clarence R.  1904 - 1988 hus of Doris
Cota, Doris (nee Guy)  1911 - 2004 dau of William & Elsie
Cote, (baby)  1926
Cote, (baby)  1931
Cronk, Frederick Milton  5 Apr 1927 - 19 Oct 1930
Cumming, Beatrice Bertha  1935 - 1936 dau of Frederick & Cora
Cumming, Conley  1940 - 1940 son of Frederick & Cora
Cunningham, Alice Elvira (nee Blix)  1917 - 2012
Cunningham, Edward M.  1901 - 1988
Cunningham, Lois Diane  1945 - 1954 dau of Robert & Alice
Cunningham, Robert Mathew  1925 - 1971 son of Edward & Zella
Cunningham, Zella Lucinda (nee Ashdown)  1902 - 1998

Dalgleish, Ethel Jane (nee Pruner)  1925 - 1984
Dalgleish, George William  1938 - 1963 son of William & Ethel
Dalgleish, Gerald Robert  1933 - 1958 son of William & Ethel
Dalgleish, William Robert  1896 - 1978
Danielson, Ingeborg (nee Trobak)  7 Jan 1872 - 22 Jan 1926
Daniluk, Dennis  1894 - 1974
Daniluk, Julia (nee Andruk)  1906 - 1976 wife of Dennis
Davies, David Howard  1876 - 1942
Demasson, Eliza Helene  1910 - 1941
Didluck, (baby)  1961
Didluck, Richard Scott (baby)  1960
Didluck, Samuel Harry  1940 - 2012
Donald, Albert Nelson  1890 - 1969
Donald, Albert Nelson Jr.  1925 - 2010 son of Albert & Lily
Donald, Gladys Elnora (nee Scheller)  1929 - 2014 wife of Albert Jr.
Donald, Lily (nee Flavel)  1899 - 1978

Engdahl, (baby)  1931 child of Carl & Effie
Engdahl, (baby)  1940 child of Carl & Effie
Engdahl, Carl Robert  1894 - 1946
Engdahl, Edward Arthur  1946 - 1974
Engdahl, Effie Walfrida (nee Olson)  1895 - 1968
Engdahl, Elva (baby)  1937 dau of Carl & Effie
Engdahl, Rachel Sarah (nee Harvey)  1925 - 2016 wife of Walfred, dau of Ernest & Mary
Engdahl, Walfred Arthur  1921 - 2010 son of Carl & Effie
Engel, Helen Caroline (nee Sauer)  1930 - 2004 wife of Leopold
Engel, Leopold Phillip  1916 - 2008
Enquist, Ida Kristina (nee Skoglund)  1881 - 1946
Enquist, Sven Walfred  1871 - 1952
Enquist, Walfred Sven  1908 - 2001 son of Sven & Ida
Enright, Dennis Lewis  1935 - 1937
Enright, Patrick H.  1859 - 1939
Enright, Theresa (nee Schuler)  1864 - 1936 wife of Patrick
Erickson, Owen  12 May 1925 - 2 May 2006 hus of Yvonne, son of Charles & Mary
Evans, Fanny (nee Pugh)  1861 - 1930
Evans, George Harvey  1924 - 1943
Eyette, Alice Viretta  27 Oct 1888 - 7 Oct 1970 wife of Edward
Eyette, Edward J.  25 Oct 1927 age 50 yrs 11 mos 23 days

Farndale, Irene Violet (baby)  1938
Finding, Albertine  1876 - 1951
Fiste, (baby)  1924
Foster, Eleitha Margaret (nee Haskell)  13 Nov 1923 - 30 Apr 1949 dau of Walter & Bessie
Foster, Jessie Winnifred (nee Haskell)  10 Nov 1918 - 6 Apr 1989 dau of Walter & Bessie
Francis, James (baby)  1950
Francis, Lucy (nee Hart)  1901 - 1997 wife of Walter
Francis, Walter  1892 - 1977
Frieze, Carl Ludwig  1866 - 5 Jul 1919 hus of Louise Frank
Fulek, Olga  1901 - 1988
Fulek, Wiktor  1903 - 1977
Fuluche, Annie (nee Marten)  1910 - 1988 wife of Frank
Fuluche, Deloris Marie (nee Beumler)  1950 - 1999
Fuluche, Frank  1904 - 1988

Gasser, Robert Stanley (baby)  15 Apr 1923
Gibb, Dale William  1961 - 1967
Gibb, Doris Elizabeth (nee Fitzpatrick)  1925 - 2012
Gibb, Jean (baby)  1937 dau of Robert & Laura
Gibb, Laura Ann (nee Hamilton)  1904 - 1998
Gibb, Robert  1891 - 1986
Gibb, Robert Jr.  1924 - 2009 son of Robert & Laura
Gibb, Shirley Kathleen (nee Chandler)  1942 - 1996 wife of William
Gibb, William  1934 - 2003 son of Robert & Laura
Goodwin, William Glen (baby)  1936
Greenhough, Bertha Marie  1905 - 1979
Greenhough, Denis Forbes  1929 - 2003
Greenhough, Lester Leroy  1894 - 1957 son of William & Mary
Greenhough, Mary (nee Forbes)  1854 - 1936
Guicheteau, Juliette Margarite (nee Jaud)  1895 - 1976 wife of Constant
Gunderson, Esther  1918 - 1926 dau of Hans & Olive
Gunderson, Hans  1884 - 1946
Gunderson, Olive (nee Erickson)  1889 - 1965
Gunderson, Thelma  1923 - 1926 dau of Hans & Olive
Guy, (baby)  1959
Guy, Cecil Earl  1917 - 1999 son of William & Elsie
Guy, Edna Amelia (nee Nystrom)  1929 - 2016
Guy, Elsie (nee Pobereznek)  1883 -1962
Guy, Georgina 'Jean' (nee Scheller)  28 Jan 1924 - 29 Sep 2005 dau of Fred & Emma
Guy, I. Hazel (nee Hunt)  8 Jan 1921 - 13 Apr 2006
Guy, John James  1914 - 2004 hus of Georgina, son of William & Elsie
Guy, Nesbert  1919 - 2004 son of William & Elsie
Guy, Wilbur (baby)  1943
Guy, William  1878 - 1954
Guy, William John  1912 - 1983 hus of Hazel, son of William & Elsie

Halbach, George B.  1915 - 2002
Halbach, Kathleen Gay  1953 - 1955
Halbach, Melanie J. H.  1943 - 1947 dau of George
Halversen, Anne  1840 - 1915
Hamilton, Anna Mae (nee Kirk)  1872 - 1936 wife of James
Hamilton, Charlotte Lorraine (nee Osborne)  1915 - 1995 wife of Richard
Hamilton, James Edward  1877 - 1941
Hamilton, Richard Kirk  1906 - 1980
Hanson, Harold Leroy  11 Mar 1924 - 19 Apr 2010 son of Henry & Selma
Hanson, Hazel Amy (nee Evans)  28 Sep 1926 - 7 Dec 2011 wife of Harold
Hanson, Henry Arthur  1894 - 1984
Hanson, Selma Della (nee Thorson)  1896 - 1976
Harpham, Francis Richard  1910 - 1958
Harpham, Hannah Ethel (nee Donald)  1929 - 1958 wife of Francis
Harvey, Catherine Llewellyn (nee Thomas)  1911 - 2000 dau of William & Mary
Harvey, Daisy Julia (nee Humphreys)  1912 - 1994 wife of Hugh, dau of William & Julia
Harvey, Ernest Harold  1914 - 1989 son of Ernest & Mary
Harvey, Ernest Ward  1888 - 1967
Harvey, Horace Alfred  1912 - 2008 son of Ernest & Mary
Harvey, Hugh  1908 - 2002 son of Ernest & Mary
Harvey, Mary Rachel (nee Sellars)  1887 - 1971
Haskell, Anne Margaret (nee MacKay)  1918 - 1988 wife of Harry
Haskell, Bessie (nee Wilton)  1881 - 1941
Haskell, Eva Elizabeth  1921 - 1922 dau of Walter & Bessie
Haskell, Harry Wilton  1916 - 1995 son of Walter & Bessie
Haskell, Lawrence (baby)  1940
Haskell, Walter Frank  1884 - 1956
Haven, Donnie May  1881 - 1954
Haven, Elbert  1908 - 1989 son of Floyd & Donnie
Haven, Floyd Maitland  1874 - 1932
Hemmelgarn, (baby)  1935
Hemmelgarn, Joseph  1870 - 1934
Hewlett, Evelyn  1919 - 1923
Hill, Robert W.  1886 - 1985
Hingley, Daisy (nee Heath)  1895 - 1964
Hingley, Gwendoline Olive  1919 - 1920 dau of Thomas & Daisy
Hingley, Thomas Joseph  1894 - 1990
Holley, Isaac Eustace  1876 - 1959
Holley, Louisa Victoria (nee Foote)  died 15 Apr 1910 (bur. on NE 12-36-9 W2)
Holley, Louisa Victoria  (2nd photo)
Holley, Louisa Victoria  (3rd photo)
Holley, Mabel Margaret (nee Mott)  1877 - 1962
Honey, Douglas Charles  1921 - 2002
Honey, George Thomas  1886 - 1954
Hornfeldt, (baby)  1947
Hornfeldt, Hilda Charlotte  1868 - 1953 wife of Jonas
Hornfeldt, Jonas Edward  1868 - 1943
Howitt, Jeanette Ridell  1897 - 1994 wife of William
Howitt, William  1891 - 1985 
Humphreys, Julia Fanny (nee Ovens)  1883 - 1912 (bur. SW 22-36-9 W2)
Humphreys, William Cromwell  6 Aug 1880 - 8 Mar 1945 hus of Julia

Irwin, Martha Mileson  1868 - 1946 wife of Arthur
Isley, Edward Henry  1918 - 1999

Jaud, Jean  1837 - 1923
Jaud, Jeanne Marie (nee Blonliel)  1863 - 1931
Jefferson, Norman James  1945 - 1954
Jervis, (baby)  1928
Johnson, Alfred  1869 - 1943
Johnson, Anna (nee Ruud)  1904 - 1983 dau of Klaus & Marie
Johnson, Carl William  1894 - 1977
Johnson, Conrad Odin  1885 - 1956
Johnson, Daisy (nee Reid)  1897 - 1975 wife of Sivert
Johnson, Doris Olga  1909 - 1935 dau of Louis & Olga
Johnson, Johannes  1832 - 1918
Johnson, John Albert  1898 - 1986 hus of Anna, son of Alfred & Marit
Johnson, Louis Peter  1866 - 1940
Johnson, Marit (nee Trobak)  23 Jan 1874 - 2 Oct 1960
Johnson, Nellie Marie (nee Currie)  1918 - 2001
Johnson, Olga Marie (nee Johnson)  1882 - 1975
Johnson, Rebecca Margaret  1952 - 1957 dau of Carl & Nellie
Johnson, Sivert  1909 - 1987 son of Alfred & Marit

Kachler, William Emil  1924 - 1957
Kaminski, Konstantyn  1927 - 1931
Kennedy, Al (baby)  1932
Kennedy, Alice  1880 - 1965 wife of Richard
Kennedy, Patrick  1932 - 1932
Kennedy, Richard  1870 - 1962
Kinkade, Elizabeth A. ‘Betty’ (nee Geddes)  1873 - 1939 wife of John
Kinkade, John Parks  1869 - 1948
Kirk, John  1876 - 1959
Kirk, Mary (nee Chesney)  1882 - 1959 wife of John
Kirkpatrick, Edith Matilda (nee Lockhart)  1885 - 1968 wife of William
Kirkpatrick, William Herbert  1885 - 1967
Klassen, Isaac Ike  1924 - 2012
Koehl, Alfred H.  1924 - 1997 son of Frank & Anna
Koehl, Anna (nee Bader)  1884 - 1941
Koehl, (baby)  1935
Koehl, Elizabeth Anna (nee Brenninger)  1944 - 1996 wife of Alfred
Koehl, Frank  1880 - 1936
Koehl, Thomas Frank  1902 - 1960 son of Frank & Anna
Korczynski, Mary Elizabeth (nee Burghardt)  1925 - 2012 wife of Stanley, dau of Anton & Katarin
Krobath, Henry  1896 - 1939

Lamont, Daisy (nee Hearn)  1888 - 1922
Lamont, John  1881 - 1968
Lamont, John William  1921 - 2000 son of John & Daisy
Langevin, Rhea R.  10 Aug 1919 - 3 Oct 1936 dau of Wilfred & Clara
Last, Harold  1920 - 2008 son of Thomas & Ida
Last, Ida Christina  1883 - 1984
Last, Loreen (nee Phoenix)  1930 - 2002
Last, Patricia Karen (baby)  1955 dau of Harold & Loreen
Last, Thomas Henry  1890 - 1941
Latkowski, Peter  1875 - 1932
Law, Stuart M.  1931 - 1939
Leech, Adeline Jeanette (nee Bohl)  1943 - 2009 wife of Robert
Leech, Robert James  1937 - 1997
Lind, Anna Christina (nee Lind)  1874 - 1937
Lind, Ella Matilda  1913 - 1936 dau of John & Anna
Lindholm, Ernest Edwin  8 May 1893 - 11 Nov 1983
Lindholm, Minnie Christina (nee Anderson)  1894 - 20 Nov 1986
Lindholm, Robert  1921 - 2004 son of Ernest & Minnie
Little, George Henry  1926 - 1997 son of John & Mary
Little, Harold Richard  1929 - 1959 son of John & Mary
Little, John Franklin  1886 - 1948
Little, Mary Lily Grace (nee Tanner)  1898 - 1952
Little, Stephen James  1940 - 2014 son of John & Mary
Little, Steven Basil  1947 - 1960
Little, Wilbert Clarence  died 2005 son of John & Mary
Lloyd, Arthur H.  1869 - 1939
Lockhart, John  1877 - 1949
Lockhart, Rebecca H. (nee Morton)  1878 - 1975 wife of John
Lofstrom, Andrew  1885 - 1958
Lucky, Herman  1928 - 1929
Lukenbill, Ithamer Martindale  1 Nov 1877 - 6 Jul 1929

MacKay, Agnes Marie (nee Trobak)  1908 - 1982 wife of James, dau of John & Anne
Macleod, Darlene P. (nee Pelletier)  12 Dec 1949 - 28 Mar 1989 dau of Charles & Eileen
Mailo, Fred  1906 - 1976
Manz, Elaine  1936 - 1937
Marcisz, Jacob  1903 - 1980
Marcisz, Mary  1897 - 1981
Martin, Lillian Susanna  1887 - 1925
Martin, Victor Lewis  17 Jan 1943 age 19 son of Oliver & Lillian
Mathews, Lillian Mary (nee Tibble)  1882 - 1938 wife of Richard
Mathews, Richard Robert  1870 - 1938
Mathews, (twin babies)  1925
McCubbin, Ella Feydell (nee Martin)  1879 - 1955
McCubbin, Emma Evelyn (nee Huehnichen)  1914 - 2010 wife of Wilfred
McCubbin, George Wilfred  1879 - 1951
McCubbin, Wilfred Welby  1914 - 1971 son of George & Ella
McFadyen, Hazel Viola (nee Enquist)  1917 - 1978 wife of James, dau of Sven & Ida
McFadyen, Ida Gilbretta  1942 - 1943 dau of James & Ida
McFadyen, William Leonard ‘Wayne’  1944 - 1991 son of James & Ida
McGinnis, Clifford Sr.  1906 - 1977 son of William & Sarah
McGinnis, Florence Christine (nee Nightingale)  1937 - 2007 dau of Joseph & Dorhildur
McGinnis, Sarah  1868 - 1937
McGinnis, William  1850 - 1928
McMahon, Edith Linnea (nee Berggren)  24 May 1911 - 16 Nov 1983 dau of Herman & Alma
McMillan, Bella Patricia  1919 - 1932
McMillan, Gloria (baby)  1941
McMillan, Janet Mercedes  1881 - 1950
McMillan, Mary Elizabeth  1909 - 1930 dau of Neil & Janet
McMillan, Neil  1880 - 1953
Meich, S. died 1922
Meredith, H.  died 1920
Mihm, Martin J.  1868 - 24 Aug 1919
Mihm, Sylvester Thomas  1904 - 1918
Mitchell, Ken M.  1876 - 1942
Moe, Anne Gurine (nee Jorgensen)  1875 - 1951 wife of Halvor
Moe, Halvor  1873 - 1964
Montgomery, Alice Jean (nee Guicheteau)  1916 - 2006 dau of Constant & Juliette
Moore, Ima Anna (nee Larson)  1896 - 1987 wife of Jesse
Moore, Jesse White  1890 - 1963
Morgan, Florence Mercy (nee Nightingale)  1917 - 1983 dau of Alfred & Mercy
Morgan, Lawrence Wesley  1947 - 1994 son of Roy & Florence
Mouritson, Alice Ethel (baby)  1920
Mouritson, H. (baby)  1920
Mugford, Robert William  1886 - 1974
Muller, John  1917 - 2009
Muller, Myrtle Edith (nee Warlow)  1921 - 1991
Muller, Robert George  1950 - 1976 son of John & Myrtle
Murrison, Andrew A.  1929 - 2003 son of Andrew & Mabel
Murrison, Andrew W.  1882 - 1968
Murrison, H. (baby)  1920
Murrison, Isabel Margaret (baby)  1927 dau of Andrew & Mabel
Murrison, Mabel Evelyn (baby)  1922 dau of Andrew & Mabel
Murrison, Mabel Olaf (nee Seaboyer)  1888 - 1975

Nawroski, Angela Grace  1964 - 1965
Nawroski, Terrance E. (baby)  1967
Nightingale, Albert John  1915 - 1990 son of Alfred & Mercy
Nightingale, Beverly Jane  1941 - 1942 dau of Albert & Mildred
Nightingale, Dorhilder (nee Josephson)  1907 - 2000 wife of Joseph
Nightingale, Joseph Harry  1907 - 1988 son of Alfred & Mercy
Nightingale, Marjorie Elizabeth ‘Bessie’  1928 - 1937 dau of Alfred & Marjorie
Nightingale, Mercy Jane (nee Ashby)  1874 - 1941
Nightingale, Mildred Lovina (nee Larson)  1914 - 2006
Nightingale, Richard James  1955 - 1973 son of Albert & Mildred
Nixon, Crommelin St. Aubyn  1877 - 1959
Nixon, John Eccles (baby)  1926 son of Crommelin & Julia
Nixon, Julia Alice (nee Hayes)  1884 - 1955
Nixon, Lynette Alice ‘Sally’  1923 - 2003 dau of Crommelin & Julia
Nolan, Andy  1871 - 1928
Nolan, James  1885 - 1960
Nolan, Julia (nee Farrell)  1887 - 1933 wife of James
Norberg, Erick  1907 - 1971
Norberg, Ethel Mary (nee Killian)  1917 - 1972 wife of Erick
Norek, Arthur  1923 - 2005
Norek, August  1894 - 1972
Norek, Clara (nee Rosenthal)  1929 - 1999 wife of Arthur
Norton, James Gordon  1956 - 2007
Nystrom, Magnus  1858 - 1931

Oie, Benny Emil  1943 - 2013 son of Emil & Christina
Oie, Christina (nee Sigurdsen)  1917 - 1997 dau of Kristen & Anna
Oie, Emil  1904 - 1982
Olshewski, Mary (nee Chabon)  1920 - 2013 wife of Thomas
Olshewski, Thomas Joseph  1906 - 1999
Oryszczyn, William  1932 - 1998

Page, Albert  1886 - 1968
Palmer, James Henry  1914 - 1977
Patterson, Janet  2 May 1923 - 28 Jun 1936
Pawlikowski, Stanley  9 Apr 1980 age 59 son of Walter & Karolina
Pelletier, Charles  1905 - 1967
Pelletier, Eileen Mary (nee Anderson)  1920 - 1987 dau of Samuel & Mary
Pelletier, Matilda (nee Todd)  1880 - 1937
Pelletier, Norman  1878 - 1960
Pelletier, Selmer A.  1937 - 1997 son of Charles & Eileen
Petrie, Brian James  1951 - 1990 son of William & Lily
Petrie, David Scott  1886 - 1975
Petrie, Irene Marcella (nee Hanson)  1920 - 2002
Petrie, James  1919 - 2000 son of David & Mary
Petrie, Kenneth Dale  1955 - 1990 son of William & Lily
Petrie, Lily (nee Bosley)  1924 - 2009
Petrie, Mary  1928 - 1935 dau of David & Mary
Petrie, Mary (nee Smith)  1903 - 1996 dau of Robert & Mary
Petrie, Ronald Laurie  1960 - 2012 son of James & Irene
Petrie, William  1920 - 1985 son of David & Mary
Philips, James  died 1927
Pierce, John Donald  1875 - 1943
Pierce, Maude Alice (nee Page)  1875 - 1959 wife of John
Pinder, Kenneth Harold  1945 - 2007 son of Harold & Eleanor
Piotrowski, Alexander (baby)  1931
Pottle, Evelyn (nee Gunderson)  23 Jul 1928 - 13 Jan 2014 wife of Earl, dau of Hans & Olive
Prouse, James Nelson  1913 - 2007 son of Peter & Elizabeth

Reid, George Albert  1868 - 1941
Reid, Hannah M.  1846 - 1933
Reid, Mary J. H.  1875 - 1937 wife of George
Reutlinger, Pauline  1895 - 1987
Robinson, Arthur Bert  1 May 1886 - 5 Feb 1943
Robinson, Nancy Jane  1 Dec 1893 - 15 Oct 1954 wife of Arthur
Rockvam, Norman Oliver  1889 - 1918
Rockvam, Oscar  died 16 Jul 1948
Rosen, Oscar  1855 - 1937
Rosenthal, Adolf  1909 - 1984
Rosenthal, Annie (nee Darmochid)  13 Aug 1935 - 16 Mar 2014 dau of William & Nettie (nee Dembisky)
Rosenthal, Elizabeth (nee Bierwagen)  1908 - 1980
Rosenthal, Ernest Ervin  1930 - 2010 hus of Annie, son of Adolf & Elizabeth
Rosenthal, William  1938 - 1940 son of Adolf & Elizabeth
Rumbles, William  1870 - 1943
Ruud, Hilda  1905 - 1926 dau of Klaus & Marie
Ruud, Hilmar  1909 - 1926 son of Klaus & Marie
Ruud, Klaus Inguald  1874 - 1926
Ruud, Marie (nee Anderson)  1875 - 1929
Ruud, Ole J.  1862 - 1921

Sauer, Ferdinand  1884 - 1953
Sauer, Jacob Fredrick  1922 - 1987
Sauer, June Christina (nee Kraig)  1935 - 1996 wife of Robert
Sauer, Katherine Wagner  1891 - 1967
Sauer, Robert Arthur  1924 - 2013
Scheuerman, Delphine Annette (nee Morgan)  1937 - 2007 dau of Roy & Florence
Schindel, Hulda (nee Findling)  1894 - 1982 wife of Julius
Schindel, Julius  1885 - 1966
Schjodt, Oline (nee Flamoe)  1882 - 1942
Schjodt, Severin Wilhelm  1914 - 1930
Schnack, William Frederick  1885 - 1970
Schnurr, Waltrina (nee Wrubleski)  Aug 1903 - Dec 1937
Schutte, (baby)  1920
Schutte, Lawrence Robert (baby)  1926
Seaboyer, Eliza Jane (nee Zinch)  1860 - 1943
Semka, Irena  1886 - 1964 wife of Wladimir
Semka, Wladimir  1887 - 1944
Semko, Annie  1910 - 1967 dau of Wladimir & Annie
Semko, Roy  1926 - 1969 son of Wladimir & Annie
Sewell, George Edward  1876 - 1953
Shearer, George  1848 - 1933
Shewchuk, Andrew W.  1946 - 1946
Shobe, Clark Lee  1918 - 1945 son of John & Elsie
Shobe, Edward A.  1936 - 1937
Shobe, Elsie Clark  1886 - 1926
Shobe, Jack Albert  1912 - 1991 son of John & Elsie
Sigurdsen, Anna Elizabeth (nee Haaland)  1893 - 1977
Sigurdsen, Arne  1918 - 1950 son of Kristen & Anna
Sigurdsen, Kristen Johan  1893 - 1979
Simpson, James Noel  1881 - 1930
Sims, Alice Berntine  1931 - 1932
Skowronski, Tony  1926 - 2002
Sluggett, Blanche Jane (nee Wilton)  1880 - 1923
Sluggett, Dorothy May  1920 - 1921 dau of Charles & Blanche
Smith, Andrew  1882 - 1947
Smith, (baby)  1951
Smith, (baby)  1956
Smith, (baby)  1926 son of Andrew & Julia
Smith, Catherine (nee Jackson)  3 Mar 1876 - 4 Jul 1975 wife of William
Smith, Earl  1930 - 2007 son of Andrew & Julia
Smith, Frank Andrew (baby)  1950
Smith, George Robert  1918 - 1992
Smith, Julia (nee Nolan)  1890 - 1964
Smith, Mary (nee Shearer)  1882 - 1960 wife of Robert
Smith, Mary (baby)  1954
Smith, Robert  1878 - 1964
Smith, Walter Leander  1852 - 1922
Spray, Annie Louisa (nee Rushen)  1881 - 1942
Spray, Florence Johnson  6 Jun 1925 - 2 May 1999 wife of Willison
Spray, Willison Arthur  13 Apr 1912 - 30 Dec 1997 son of Annie
Stacheruk, Mary (nee Fewchuk)  1914 - 1983 wife of William
Stacheruk, William  1899 - 1986
Stienfield, Henry  1852 - 1936
Strand, Marius  1878 - 1946
Sundberg, Frank Sigurd  1891 - 1963
Sundberg, Hedvig Anita (nee Gronlund)  1897 - 1994 wife of Frank

Taite, Robert  1937 age 69
Tanner, James  1872 - 1946
Taylor, Albert Luzerne  1874 - 1937
Taylor, James Robert  1937 age 6 son of F.
Thomas, Edward Charles  1950 - 1959 son of William & Phyllis
Thomas, Mary Jane  1936 - 1937 dau of William & Phyllis
Thomas, Owen  1872 - 1947
Thomas, William  1876 - 1961 hus of Mary Llewellyn
Thompson, Leonard  1879 - 1954
Timoschuk, John  1892 - 1985
Timoschuk, Tatiana  1894 - 1973 wife of John
Trobak, Anne (nee Aspaas)  29 Aug 1876 - 13 Dec 1946
Trobak, Evelyn May (nee Kirkpatrick)  1912 - 1999 dau of William & Edith
Trobak, Ida Rosella (nee Lind)  28 Feb 1911 - 6 Jun 2003 dau of John & Anna
Trobak, John Albert  4 May 1916 - 2 Oct 1998 son of John & Anne
Trobak, John Sivertson  28 Sep 1878 - 1 Aug 1968
Trobak, Nils Ingeman  10 Mar 1910 - 30 Oct 2000 son of John & Anne
Trobak, Ole Justin  11 Nov 1918 - 11 Nov 2007 son of John & Anne
Trobak, Ole Sivertson  17 Dec 1869 - 30 Sep 1934
Trobak, Selmer Norman 'Sam'  21 Mar 1907 - 14 Jul 1967 son of John & Anne
Trobak, Verna (nee Gibb)  24 Jan 1923 - 11 Jul 2014 dau of Robert & Laura (nee Hamilton) 
Trobak, William Elwood (baby)  1936
Turner, (baby)  1933

Van Essen, Elizabeth (nee Keithmann)  1874 - 1945
Van Essen, William Henry  1877 - 1970

Wagner, Fritz Ferdinand  1922 - 1979
Wagner, Herman Jacob  24 Jul 1926 - 20 May 2016 hus of Dorothy, son of Jacob & Karolina
Wagner, Jacob  1893 - 1977
Wagner, Karolina  1901 - 1975
Wagner, Laura Melissa Ilene (nee Fitzpatrick)  1918 - 2003
Wallin, Mary Audrey ‘Molly’ (nee Nixon)  20 Sep 1919 - 1 Sep 2012 dau of Crommelin & Julia
Wallin, Robert Ernest  4 Oct 1922 - 11 Jul 2016 hus of Mary
Walters, (baby)  1933
Walters, (baby)  1937
Walters, David (baby)  1931
Walters, Eli (baby)  1935
Walters, Tillie M. (nee Alberts)  11 Feb 1922 - 25 Oct 1969 dau of Carl & Theresa
Watkins, Philip Leander  1852 - 1936
Webster, Andrew MacKenzie  1879 - 1957
Weightman, (baby)  1933
Weinhandl, Alvina (nee Frieze)  1899 - 1991 dau of Carl & Louise
Weinhandl, Douglas Albert  12 Nov 1956 - 19 Jan 2015
Weinhandl, George Allan  3 May 1918 - 28 Jul 2007 son of Mathias & Alvina
Weinhandl, Mathias ‘Charlie’  22 Nov 1884 - 19 Sep 1942
Weinhandl, Ruth Elvira (nee Lindholm)  1919 - 2006 dau of Ernest & Minnie
Weinhandl, Trevor Charles  1946 - 1946
Westvelt, Lenard Olaf  1920 - 2007 son of Martin & Sina
Westvelt, Martin Alfred  1884 - 1971
Westvelt, Rubie Evelen  1918 - 2015 dau of Martin & Sina
Westvelt, Sina (nee Ulledalen)  1896 - 1983

Yaychuk, Efrosinia (nee Mailo)  1895 - 1987 wife of Sam
Yaychuk, Sam  1891 - 1979

Young, Frances  1899 - 1974
Young, Mary (nee Semko) Brylka  1913 - 1986 dau of Wladimir & Annie
Young, Max Miljon  1896 - 1944 son of Gustav & Ida
Young, William Lorne  Jan 1942 - Dec 1942

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Welcome to the new home of the Saskatchewan Cemetery Project! We are delighted to announce that our pages, previously hosted on Rootsweb and Ancestry, have found a new abode at Our heartfelt gratitude to and for their past support. The transition ensures that our digital documentation of Saskatchewan cemeteries and headstones continues to thrive and be regularly updated.

In this labor of love, we aspire to preserve family histories by digitally immortalizing the sacred grounds of our ancestors. Whether you seek a loved one, an ancestor, or wish to uncover a long-lost cousin, our comprehensive cemetery records might hold the key. As winter blankets these resting places in snow, our year-round cemetery headstone digitization program allows for virtual exploration worldwide.

We extend a warm invitation to those who share our passion for documenting cemetery headstones. If you've enjoyed participating or wish to support us through Patreon, your involvement is cherished. Visit to be part of our growing community. Your support ensures that this invaluable service persists for years to come.

Explore the new webpages at and continue your journey with the Saskatchewan Cemetery Project. Let's work together to keep history alive, one headstone at a time. If you find our work beneficial, consider supporting us through Patreon. Together, we honor the past and pave the way for future generations.

Warm regards, The Saskatchewan Cemetery Project Volunteer Team

, Saskatchewan Cemetery Project, cemetery transcriptions, Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan Cemetery Project, cemetery transcriptions, Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan Cemetery Project, cemetery headstones, photographs, doumentation, indexing, graveyard, tombstone, pictures, photos, cemetery headstones, photographs, doumentation, indexing, graveyard, tombstone, pictures, photos, cemetery headstones, photographs, doumentation, indexing, graveyard, tombstone, pictures, photos, cemetery headstones, photographs, doumentation, indexing, graveyard, tombstone, pictures, photos, genealogy, history, family history, family tree, genealogy, history, family history, family tree, genealogy, history, family history, family tree, cemetery, cemeteries, graveyards, genealogy, family tree, history, surnames,cemetary, Saskatchewan Cemetery Project, cemetery transcriptions, Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan Cemetery Project, cemetery transcriptions, Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan Cemetery Project, cemetery headstones, photographs, doumentation, indexing, graveyard, tombstone,Saskatchewan Cemetery Project, pictures, photos, cemetery headstones, photographs, doumentation, indexing, graveyard, tombstone, pictures, photos, cemetery headstones, photographs, doumentation, indexing, graveyard, tombstone, pictures, photos, cemetery headstones, photographs, doumentation, indexing, graveyard, tombstone, pictures, photos, genealogy, history, family history, family tree, genealogy, history, family history, family tree, genealogy, history, family history, family tree, cemetery, cemeteries, graveyards, genealogy, family tree, history, surnames,cemetary, Saskatchewan Cemetery Project, cemetery transcriptions, Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan Cemetery Project, cemetery transcriptions, Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan Cemetery Project, cemetery headstones,Saskatchewan Cemetery Project, photographs, doumentation, indexing, graveyard, tombstone, pictures, photos, cemetery headstones, photographs, doumentation, indexing, graveyard, tombstone, pictures, photos, cemetery headstones, photographs, doumentation, indexing, graveyard, tombstone, pictures, photos, cemetery headstones, photographs, doumentation, indexing, graveyard, tombstone, pictures, photos, genealogy, history, family history, family tree, genealogy, history, family history, family tree, genealogy, history, family history, family tree, cemetery, cemeteries, graveyards, genealogy, family tree, history, surnames,cemetary, Saskatchewan Cemetery Project, cemetery transcriptions, Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan Cemetery Project, Saskatchewan Cemetery Project, cemetery transcriptions, Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan Cemetery Project, cemetery headstones, photographs, doumentation, indexing, graveyard, tombstone, pictures, photos, cemetery headstones, photographs, doumentation, indexing, graveyard, tombstone, pictures, photos, cemetery headstones, photographs, doumentation, indexing, graveyard, tombstone, pictures, photos, cemetery headstones, photographs, doumentation, indexing, graveyard, tombstone, pictures, photos, genealogy, history, family history, family tree,Saskatchewan Cemetery Project, genealogy, history, family history, family tree, genealogy, history, family history, family tree, cemetery, cemeteries, graveyards, genealogy, family tree, history, surnames,cemetary, Saskatchewan Cemetery Project, cemetery transcriptions, Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan Cemetery Project, cemetery transcriptions, Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan Cemetery Project, cemetery headstones, photographs, doumentation, indexing, graveyard, tombstone, pictures, photos, cemetery headstones, photographs, doumentation, indexing, Saskatchewan Cemetery Project, graveyard, tombstone, pictures, photos, cemetery headstones, Saskatchewan Cemetery Project, photographs, doumentation, indexing, graveyard, tombstone, pictures, photos, cemetery headstones, photographs, doumentation, indexing, graveyard, tombstone, pictures, photos, genealogy, history, family history, family tree, genealogy, history, family history, family tree, genealogy, history, family history, family tree, cemetery, cemeteries, graveyards, Saskatchewan Cemetery Project, genealogy, family tree, history, surnames,cemetary, © Copyright 1979 -

Welcome to the new home of the Saskatchewan Cemetery Project! We are delighted to announce that our pages, previously hosted on Rootsweb and Ancestry, have found a new abode at Our heartfelt gratitude to and for their past support. The transition ensures that our digital documentation of Saskatchewan cemeteries and headstones continues to thrive and be regularly updated.

In this labor of love, we aspire to preserve family histories by digitally immortalizing the sacred grounds of our ancestors. Whether you seek a loved one, an ancestor, or wish to uncover a long-lost cousin, our comprehensive cemetery records might hold the key. As winter blankets these resting places in snow, our year-round cemetery headstone digitization program allows for virtual exploration worldwide.

We extend a warm invitation to those who share our passion for documenting cemetery headstones. If you've enjoyed participating or wish to support us through Patreon, your involvement is cherished. Visit to be part of our growing community. Your support ensures that this invaluable service persists for years to come.

Explore the new webpages at and continue your journey with the Saskatchewan Cemetery Project. Let's work together to keep history alive, one headstone at a time. If you find our work beneficial, consider supporting us through Patreon. Together, we honor the past and pave the way for future generations.

Warm regards, The Saskatchewan Cemetery Project Volunteer Team

, Saskatchewan Cemetery Project, cemetery transcriptions, Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan Cemetery Project, cemetery transcriptions, Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan Cemetery Project, cemetery headstones, photographs, doumentation, indexing, graveyard, tombstone, pictures, photos, cemetery headstones, photographs, doumentation, indexing, graveyard, tombstone, pictures, photos, cemetery headstones, photographs, doumentation, indexing, graveyard, tombstone, pictures, photos, cemetery headstones, photographs, doumentation, indexing, graveyard, tombstone, pictures, photos, genealogy, history, family history, family tree, genealogy, history, family history, family tree, genealogy, history, family history, family tree, cemetery, cemeteries, graveyards, genealogy, family tree, history, surnames,cemetary, Saskatchewan Cemetery Project, cemetery transcriptions, Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan Cemetery Project, cemetery transcriptions, Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan Cemetery Project, cemetery headstones, photographs, doumentation, indexing, graveyard, tombstone,Saskatchewan Cemetery Project, pictures, photos, cemetery headstones, photographs, doumentation, indexing, graveyard, tombstone, pictures, photos, cemetery headstones, photographs, doumentation, indexing, graveyard, tombstone, pictures, photos, cemetery headstones, photographs, doumentation, indexing, graveyard, tombstone, pictures, photos, genealogy, history, family history, family tree, genealogy, history, family history, family tree, genealogy, history, family history, family tree, cemetery, cemeteries, graveyards, genealogy, family tree, history, surnames,cemetary, Saskatchewan Cemetery Project, cemetery transcriptions, Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan Cemetery Project, cemetery transcriptions, Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan Cemetery Project, cemetery headstones,Saskatchewan Cemetery Project, photographs, doumentation, indexing, graveyard, tombstone, pictures, photos, cemetery headstones, photographs, doumentation, indexing, graveyard, tombstone, pictures, photos, cemetery headstones, photographs, doumentation, indexing, graveyard, tombstone, pictures, photos, cemetery headstones, photographs, doumentation, indexing, graveyard, tombstone, pictures, photos, genealogy, history, family history, family tree, genealogy, history, family history, family tree, genealogy, history, family history, family tree, cemetery, cemeteries, graveyards, genealogy, family tree, history, surnames,cemetary, Saskatchewan Cemetery Project, cemetery transcriptions, Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan Cemetery Project, Saskatchewan Cemetery Project, cemetery transcriptions, Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan Cemetery Project, cemetery headstones, photographs, doumentation, indexing, graveyard, tombstone, pictures, photos, cemetery headstones, photographs, doumentation, indexing, graveyard, tombstone, pictures, photos, cemetery headstones, photographs, doumentation, indexing, graveyard, tombstone, pictures, photos, cemetery headstones, photographs, doumentation, indexing, graveyard, tombstone, pictures, photos, genealogy, history, family history, family tree,Saskatchewan Cemetery Project, genealogy, history, family history, family tree, genealogy, history, family history, family tree, cemetery, cemeteries, graveyards, genealogy, family tree, history, surnames,cemetary, Saskatchewan Cemetery Project, cemetery transcriptions, Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan Cemetery Project, cemetery transcriptions, Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan Cemetery Project, cemetery headstones, photographs, doumentation, indexing, graveyard, tombstone, pictures, photos, cemetery headstones, photographs, doumentation, indexing, Saskatchewan Cemetery Project, graveyard, tombstone, pictures, photos, cemetery headstones, Saskatchewan Cemetery Project, photographs, doumentation, indexing, graveyard, tombstone, pictures, photos, cemetery headstones, photographs, doumentation, indexing, graveyard, tombstone, pictures, photos, genealogy, history, family history, family tree, genealogy, history, family history, family tree, genealogy, history, family history, family tree, cemetery, cemeteries, graveyards, Saskatchewan Cemetery Project, genealogy, family tree, history, surnames,cemetary,