Liberty Cemetery

R.M. of Big Arm # 251   NE 20-25-25 W2
GPS   51.15332°N   105.44989°W

Photographed & compiled by Ron Isherwood   April 2010
(Click on coloured names to view the gravestone photo)

Allen, Mary  22 May 1882 - 3 Dec 1913 wife of James
Anhorn, Christina  1880 - 1970
Anhorn, George A.
Anhorn, Gladys I. E.
Anhorn, Joseph  1882 - 1956
Anderson, Darcy Ray  1966 - 1985

Babcock, Horace Everett 'Bill'  30 Dec 1917 - 11 Sep 2006 son of Albert & Eda
Babcock, Horace Everett 'Bill'  (2nd photo)
Ballantyne, Howard  17 Nov 1903 - 16 Nov 1983
Beaton, Claude Norman  1920 - 6 Dec 2000 son of Norman & Ruby
Beaton, George Norman  1942 - 1969 son of Claude
Beaton, Hazel Olive (nee Docken)  2 Sep 1921 - 21 Dec 2006 dau of George & Julia
Beaton, Larry Claude  1951 - 1971 son of Claude
Beaton, Norman A.  1886 - 1925 hus of Ruby Gilmore
Bergsjob, Andrew
Bishop, Arthur Ernest  1888 - 1965
Bishop, Sylvia M.  1894 - 1983
Bleakley, James  19 May 1929 age 48
Bleakly, John  1873 - 1952
Brightwell, Bervil C. 'Bill'  13 Jul 1911 - 9 Nov 1999 son of Fred & Ester Mae
Brightwell, Marjorie Belle (nee Nelson)  16 Jul 1921 - 8 Nov 2002 dau of Martin & Marguerite
Burry, May  1874 - 1951
Burry, William
Busche, Delmar Thomas  1918 - 10 May 2002 son of Ley & Helen
Busche, Leona (nee McCrea)  1920 - 19 Apr 2008
Busche, Lyn Del  7 Sep 1947 - 29 Dec 2008 son of Delmar & Leona

Callahan, Ellen Grinlee  3 Nov 1857 - 4 Nov 1924 wife of Joseph 
Callahan, Joseph  1957 - 1941
Castell, Georgia Pauline  1903 - 1987
Castell, William Frederick  1892 - 1982
Cofield, Marie  1919 - 1925
Cole, Evelyn Lena  17 Sep 1929 - 31 Oct 1929 dau of William & Lena
Comba, Alfred  1901 - 1967
Comba, Eileen Rhoda (nee Jones)  29 Jun 1929 - 2 Nov 2011 dau of Fred
Comba, Jean  1904 - 1941
Comba, Merrill Minor  20 Oct 1928 - 22 Aug 2008 son of Minor & Jean
Cook, William  1881 - 1930
Cooper, E. Blanche  1908 - 1972
Cooper, Frank W.  1907 - 1972
Cooper, Jim W.  1952 - 1954
Cowan, Minnie May  1877 - 1929
Cowan, Viola H.  1889 - 1933
Creighton, M. C.  1882 - 1936
Creighton, W. S.  1875 - 1927
Cullingworth, Albert    187? - ????
Currie, Alexander  5 Nov 1915 - 23 Dec 1918
Currie, Sarah
Cuthbertson, Belle  22 Oct 1868 - 4 Apr 1918

Dickson, James  1860 - 1941
Dickson, Janet  1860 - 1942
Dickson, Kirsty Adeline  1902 - 1996
Dickson, Lenard A.  1892 - 1968
Dickson, Robert P.  1894 - 1959
Docken, George Melvin  1895 - 1978
Docken, Julia Selina  1898 - 1982
Drimmie, Daniel  1876 - 1963
Drimmie, Florence Mildred  1893 - 1982
Drimmie, Gordon Gene
Drimmie, Ivan F.  1924 -
Drimmie, Mabel Alice  1 Nov 1915 - 8 Jan 1924 dau of F. M. & D.
Drimmie, Olive Jean (nee Wheeler)  1924 - 20 May 2010 dau of Christopher & Jean
Dougherty, Mary Effie  1860 - 1960

Everitt, Alma Junette  1 Aug 1925 - 8 Jun 1946
Everitt, Edith Annie  1887 - 1939

Fairservice, Alexander  1889 - 1965
Fairservice, Mary  1879 - 1950
Fairservice, Mary   (2nd photo)
Federspiel, Alice A.  1876 - 1963
Federspiel, Bernice L. (nee Thresher)  21 Oct 1927 - 26 Sep 2011 dau of Bert & Minnie
Federspiel, Bert Charles  1960 - 1981
Federspiel, Dean W.  2 Aug 1917 age 4 yrs 3 mos, son of M. & A.
Federspiel, Harvey  28 Aug 1953 - 27 Apr 2010 son of Russell & Bernice
Federspiel, Melvin L.  1879 - 1943
Federspiel, Merlin  22 Jun 1918 - 25 Dec 2012
Federspiel, Russell Melvin  1907 - 1994
Fields, Hazel Eliza  18 Jan 1922 - 16 Jul 1991, 1st wife of Lawrence
Fields, Lawrence Eugene  13 Mar 1922 - 30 May 2015 son of Harley & Elizabeth
Fisher, Hedwig (nee Faust)  1883 - 1955
Fisher, Robert Noel  1925 - 1948
Fisher, Robert William Henry  1873 - 1951
Friese, Edward L.  1892 - 1989
Friese, Frank R.  1906 - 2003
Friese, Frank J. Sr.  1867 - 1956
Friese, Gertrude  1868 - 1960
Friese, Jean A.  1909 -

Gardner, Annie   1882 - 1974
Gardner, Harry George   188? - ????
Gardner, John   1878 - ????
Gebhard, Bernice A. (nee McLennan)  1919 - 5 Dec 2006 wife of Lloyd
Gebhard, Claude William  4 Dec 1921 - 27 Apr 1943 (bur. Rheinberg, Germany)
Gebhard, John Frank  1885 - 1957
Gebhard, Lloyd J.  1918 - 1988 
Gebhard, Rosada Ida 'Sadie'  1890 - 1965
Gilmour, James B.  1855 - 1943
Greene, Anna E.  1883 - 1943 wife of F. L.
Greene, Frank L.
Greene, John G.  13 Nov 1917 age 39

Handford, Clarence Alfred  1900 - 1980
Handford, Evelyn Florence (nee McCrea)   1917 - 9 Oct 2009 wife of Raymond
Handford, Gloria Jane (baby)  Oct 1945
Handford, Harold Richard  1907 - 1993
Handford, Raymond M.  1914 - 1997
Handford, Ruth Viola  1910 - 1991
Hannay, Jean A. Thompson  1883 - 1948
Hannay, Mary Jane Thompson  1885 - 1978
Hannay, Niven Kerr  1883 - 1961
Harper, Amron Wendy Elva  8 Jun 1963 - 19 Oct 1965 dau of Terry & Norma
Harper, Norma Isabel (nee Thompson)  18 Mar 1937 - 15 Jun 2008
Harper, Terry Roger  21 Aug  1938 - 25 Jun 2008 son of Lee & Dorothy
Heald, Herbert V.  1875 - 1942
Heald, Lottie  1883 - 1961
Hignett, Clement  1887 - 1942 hus of Nora Anderson
Hildreth, Moses L.  15 Sep 1904 - 10 Sep 1911
Hilton-Allen, E. Alma  10 Feb 1886 - 26 Apr 1926
Howell, Harry Athelstone  1890 - 1976
Howell, Ruby (nee Gilmore) Beaton  1889 - 1976, 2nd wife of Harry

Irwin, Mary Jane Caroline  1880 - 1964
Irwin, Robert Frederick  1875 - 1953

Jenkins, Alan Francis  1889 - 1962
Jenkins, Thomas Irvin  1893 - 1958
Johnson, Mildred  1919 - 1999
Johnson, William E. 'Smoky'  1915 - 2000
Jones, Alfred  1895 - 1977

Kennedy, Clifford Wilmore
Klaudeman, Manfred  1882 - 1945
Kosowan, Steve  1885 - 1953
Krueger, Alice Margaret
Krueger, Mark

Ledin, Louis  1869 - 1930
Lester, George Joseph  1880 - 1966
Lester, Louise  1880 - 1944
Levere, Amelia  1886 - 1952
Levere, Lenard  1883 - 1930

MacDougall, Emerson Alexander 1925 - 1983
MacDougall, John Henry  1900 - 1931
MacDougall, Muriel V.  1893 - 1956
MacFarlane, Alexander  1892 - 1980
MacFarlane, Alma F.  1924 - 2 Oct 2006 dau of Alexander & Mabel
MacFarlane, Donald A.  1922 - 1998 son of Alexander & Mabel
MacFarlane, Mabel  1898 - 1982
MacLellan, Arthur John  1910 - 1982
MacLellan, Emily Eliza  1915 - 1980
Martin, John Johnson  1889 - ????
Martin, Ronald R. (baby)
McCrea, (unknown)
McCrea, Autumn Mae  1899 - 1981
McCrea, Elizabeth M. Fletcher  1870 - 1942 wife of John
McCrea, John  1889 - 1956
McCrea, John Wesley  1891 - 1978
McDonald, John  4 Jun 1938
McGuire, Arnold  20 Apr 1915 - 17 Aug 1916 son of L. A. & V.
McGunigal, Lillie Eleanor  1885 - 1918 wife of Fred
McGunigal, Wilfred Leroy  1912 - 1981 son of Fred & Lillie
McNabb, Annie Sarah  1898 - 1986
McNabb, Roy Gerald  1891 - 1977
McLane, Alpheous G.  1886 - 1923
McLean, Lillian M.  1937
McLean, Duncan Herbert  1902 - 1980
Mesinchuk, Anna  1895 - 1970
Mesinchuk, Metro Michael  1890 - 1955
Milne, Olive O.  1920 -
Milne, Wiliam John  1914 - 1996

Nelson, Allen (baby)  28 Feb 1997
Nelson, Grace Evelyn May (nee Thresher)  17 Jan 1932 - 20 Sep 2011 wife of Jack, dau of Bert & Minnie
Nelson, Martha Elizabeth  1898 - 1994 wife of William
Nelson, Verna Hazel (nee Shaw)  17 Aug 1928 - 15 Aug 2015 dau of Thomas & Anna
Nelson, William George  1895 - 1972
Nelson, William George Jr.  2 Mar 1926 - 18 Jul 2008 son of William & Martha
Nixon, John W.
Nixon, Lena

Palmer, Almond C.  1875 - 1943
Palmer, Annie  1887 - 1974
Park, Catherine M.
Park, John  1888 - 1960
Park, Martha
Philips, Helen P. Forbes  21 May 1919 age 50 wife of Alex
Pickering, Wayne Ralph Julius  28 May 1946 - 17 Jan 1991
Prestly, Eliza A.  1879 - 1927
Pryor, Arthur T.  1874 - 1942
Pryor, Florence May  1915 - 1994
Pryor, Robert Frederick  1901 - 1964
Purcell, Mae Ross  1862 - 1938

Randall, Esther M.  1914 - 1991
Randall, Mortimer Alfred  1916 - 1978
Remlinger, (baby)  22 Jul 1960
Robertson, Amelia Olga (nee Schumacher)  20 Aug 1909 - 26 Mar 2011 dau of Fred & Amelia (nee Yetcha)
Robertson, Antoinette Ellen 'Nettie' (nee Elkerton)  1888 - 1971
Robertson, Clarence Philip  2 Feb 1911 - 29 Jul 2006
Robertson, June Monetta  1924 - 1934 dau of Phillip & Lena
Robertson, Lena M.  1892 - 1984
Robertson, Phillip  1888 - 1953
Robertson, Robert 'Rob'  1883 - 1971
Robertson, Robert Donald  31 May 1923 - 17 Apr 2013 hus of Mary Marquis, son of Robert & Antoinette 
Rose Family Headstone
Rose, Clifford  1874 - 1929
Rose, Daniel Edmund  1884 - 1966
Rose, Hildegard E.  1881 - 1920
Rose, Lucile Johnstone  1918 - 1991
Rose, Marie  1894 - 1951
Rose, Mary Isabella Lawson  1894 - 1956
Rose, William Clyde  1876 - 1962
Rowe, Daisy C. (nee Woeppel)  1912 - 1995
Rowe, Floyd D.  1923 - 8 May 2005

Schreffler, Arnold Doyle  1937 - 
Schreffler, Donna Lucille (nee Nordquist)  14 Sep 1935 - 10 Jul 2004    
Schreffler, Doyle  1880 - 1946 son of Monroe  
Schreffler, Ellis D. M.  1905 - 1998  
Schreffler, Gladys Winnifred  1915 - 1990  
Schreffler, Monroe  20 apr 1856 - 29 Jun 1913
Schulz, Clyde August 'Buster'  1914 - 1971 hus of Verona
Schulz, Verona Enid "Dewey" (nee Francis)  1916 - 16 Apr 2014 dau of William & Rose
Schumacher, Gustave  Jan ???? - Jul ????
Schwabe, Magdalena
Shimek, Edward James  1884 - 1940
Shimek, Myrtle Millissey  1881 - 1961
Shimek, Ruth Viola (nee Weinand)  1912 - 1 Feb 2004 dau of Charles & Nora 
Shimek, William Herbert  1914 - 22 Jan 1971
Skeldon, Margaret Tittemore  1922 - 1992
Smith, Catherine Bernice  30 Mar 1917 age 3 yrs 12 days, dau of A. & M.
Sounberger, Herman John
Sponheim, Sever  1885 - ????
Sponheim, Tilda  1886 - 1980
Sponheim, Stanford Glen  22 Jun 1920 - 17 Jul 1922
Stewart, Annie Mabel (nee Harren)  1899 - 1981
Stewart, David Harrold  1894 - 1978 son of William & Armeda (nee Harrold)
Stewart, Charlene Mae (nee Storz)  1954 - 2001 dau of Roland & Doreen
Stewart, Eleanor Edith (nee Gouldsborough)  1923 - 7 Jan 2003 dau of Cecil & Edith
Stewart, Gladys E.  1934 - 1988 dau of Harrold & Mabel
Stewart, John  1949 -
Stewart, Raymond Lloyd  1919 - 17 Jul 2001 son of Harold & Mabel
Still, Elaine  died aged 3 yrs 11 mos, dau of F. & H.
Still, Harriet  4 Nov 1910 - 13 Jun 1970
Strachan, Adelia Marie  1878 - 1962
Strachan, Brenda Jean (baby)  19 Jun 1951
Strachan, Frank (baby)  29 Nov 1953 son of Frank & Mabel
Strachan, Frank Marshall  1913 - 1991
Strachan, Mabel P.  1926 -
Strachan, Walter Frank  1885 - 1971
Strachan, William J.  1919 - 1942
Stratton, Elvina Robertina  1887 - 1958  
Stratton, Evelyn W.  26 Aug 1915 - 11 Dec 1915 dau of W. W. & E. R.  
Stratton, Marian Ethel (nee Rayner) 1919 - 1 Dec 2004
Stratton, William Winston  1882 - 1968
Stratton, Winston C.  1914 - 1997
Strom, Victor Gordon  27 Dec 1929 - 8 Jan 1930

Tannahill, Elfrieda Hermina 'Frieda'  1910 - 18 Jul 2003
Thompson, Joan Marilynn  1941 - 1991
Thompson, Theodore  1881 - 1948
Thompson, William  1894 - 1950
Thorson, Thorleif  1886 - 1952
Thresher, Bert Charles  1890 - 1978
Thresher, Minnie Marie  1892 - 1976
Tittemore, Charles Robert  1921 - 1999
Tittemore, Ernest Lawrence  1894 - 1977
Tittemore, Hazel E.  1896 - 1968
Tittemore, James Edmond  1931 - 1997

Unruh, (baby)  Mar 1940
(unknown) 1
(unknown) 2
(unknown) 3
(unknown) 4
(unknown) 5
(unknown) 6
(unknown) 7
(unknown) 8
(unknown) 9
(unknown) 10 (father) (baby)
(unknown) 11 (on north side of fence)
(unknown) 12 (on north side of fence)
(unknown) 13 (on north side of fence)
(unknown baby)

Walker, Golda A.  1929 - 1996 wife of Hector
Walker, Harvey H.  1909 - 1996
Walker, Hector B.  1 Aug 1907 - 26 Oct 2004
Walker, Lyndon H.  1952 - 1993 son of Hector & Golda
Ward, Emily Ann
Weber, Herman  18 Oct 1917 age 53 yrs 9 mos 14 days
Weinand, Charles Andrew  1880 - 1962
Weinand, Nora Frances (nee Strate)  1888 - 1972 wife of Charles
Weinand, John  1888 - 1922
Weinand, Nicklas  28 Feb 1917 age 63
Wheatley, Margaret Lillian (nee Drake)  15 Sep 1908 - 15 Mar 1998 dau of John & Susanna
Wheatley, William Andrew  1902 - 1986
White, Elizabeth  22 Dec 1938 age 78
White, William D.  20 Sep 1931 age 75
Wilcox, Sara Ann  1883 - 1951
Wilcox, Walter Winchester  1883 - 1955
Wilcox, William D.  1877 - 1944
Wille, Fred  1937
Wille, Bertha  1881 - 1951
Wille, Edward Roy  1912 - 1985
Wille, Ervin  1972 - 1950
Wille, Lucille Isabel (nee Stewart)  10 Sep 1924 - 24 Jun 2014 dau of Harrold & Mabel 
Wille, Ovidia Irene  4 May 1890 - 13 Oct 1960
Wintemute, Glenn  27 Jun 1924 - 26 Aug 1924 son of Harry & Vera
Wintemute, Harry F.  1892 - 1947
Wintemute, Robert W.  1927 - 2007
Wintemute, Vera Avis  1898 - 1967
Woeppel, Edward R.  1885 - 1951
Woeppel, Ida Louise  1891 - 1970
Woeppel, Mabel Anna  1891 - 1985
Woeppel, Maurice Stevens  1913 - 1968
Woeppel, Paul C.  1883 - 1958
Woolsey, Collene Jeannine (nee Comba)  5 Nov 1929 - 7 Jun 1998 dau of Minor & Jean

Young, Norma Wintemute

(Click on photo to enlarge)



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