Lafleche Municipal Cemetery
R.M. of Wood River # 74   SW 7-9-4 W3
GPS   49.713267°N   106.545523°W
First burial in 1913

Anderson, Amina 'Minnie'  1897 - 1984
Anderson, Anton  1878 - 1953
Anderson, Emma Josephine  1884 - 1946
Anderson, Harold Arthur  Jan 14, 1927 - Aug 28, 2016 son of John & Amina
Anderson, John Alfred  1889 - 1978
Ayre, Alexander  1902 - 1939

Bacheldor, Edward  1880 - 1963
Bacheldor, Emma  1908 - 1942
Bannister, Mabel L.  1904 - 1978
Bannister, Wallace A.  1891 - 1974
Baran, Andrew  1896 - 1971
Baran, Andrew Jr.  Feb 25, 1934 - Oct 21, 2012 son of Andrew & Sofia
Baran, Shirley (nee Moore)  Aug 18, 1944 - Oct 22, 2016 wife of Andrew Jr.
Baran, Sofia (nee Popowicz)  1897 - 1996
Baran, Walter  Jul 31, 1931 - May 31, 2016 son of Andrew & Sofia
Barr, Alfred E.  1861 - 1940
Barr, Elizabeth A. (nee Parker)  1855 - 1928 wife of Alfred
Bell, Clifford Eldon  1917 - Dec 17, 2014
Bell, Norma M. (nee Bannister)  1921 - 1997 wife of Clifford
Bielby, Clarice Elizabeth 'Betty' (nee Forster)  1922 - 2003
Black, Roy Arthur  Apr 13, 1982 age 64
Black, Stanley H.  May 5, 1962 age 36
Bond, Aileen (nee Rieder)  1932 -
Bond, George  1926 - 1995 hus of Aileen
Boyd, David H.  1881 - 1940
Braithwaite, Brian Charles  1970 - 1988
Brickham, Helen V.  1882 - 1914
Brown, Winston Edward  1902 - 1994
Burns, Allan Robert  Dec 9, 1920 - Nov 10, 2004 hus of Sarah
Burns, Grant Murray  Aug 18, 1958 - Sep 6, 1958
Burns, Sarah Catherine  Aug 19, 1923 -

Callin, Charles A.  1884 - 1938
Chetney, Gunder  1887 - 1964
Chetney, Ragna S.  1894 - 1954 wife of Gunder
Chisholm, John Allen  May 1, 1862 - Jul 11, 1896
Chisholm, Mary Jane 'Jennie' (nee McPherson)  Apr 30, 1895 - Dec 4, 1975 dau of Charles & Alice
Chisholm, Vernon Jay  Apr 28, 1889 - Sep 7, 1973 hus of Mary
Clifton, Arthur  1874 - 1947
Clifton, Stanley  1904 - 1980 son of Arthur
Connors, Brett Ashley  Jan 24, 1963 - Aug 23, 2016 hus of Rosalie, son of Leonard & Sandra (nee Wynia)
Curry, Lorna Joyce (nee Flynn)  Feb 21, 1934 - May 31, 2007 wife of Stanley
Curry, Stanley Ralph  Sep 24, 1932 - Jul 26, 2012 son of Bob & Mabel (nee Johnson) 

Daniels, Astrid Esther  1899 - 1996
Daniels, Edward J.  died Jan 16, 1943
Desanghere, George M.  1936 - 1967
Douglas, Charles Arthur  1897 - 1968
Douglas, George  1863 - 1951
Douglas, Margaret  1871 - 1946 wife of George
Douglas, Robert James  1894 - 1972

Ellis, Aubrey J. Sr.  1910 - 1979
Ellis, Barbara  1905 - 1981 wife of Aubrey Sr.
Ellis, Chester  1885 - 1948
Ellis, Jessie Margaret   1895 - 1983 wife of Chester
Ellis, Lorilee  1966 - 1998 dau of Aubrey Jr. & Marg
Ellis, Marg (nee Bacheldor)  Sep 7, 2016 age 74
Ellis, Robert Grant  died May 13, 2001
Emmons, Alvin N.  1929 - 1999
Emmons, Annetta J.  1929 - 1997 wife of Alvin
Emmons, Dorothy (nee Noonan)  1922 - Nov 22, 2013 dau of Stephen & Alice (nee North)
Emmons, Sorah B.  1902 - 1984
Emmons, Wesley  1920 - 1995 hus of Dorothy
Emmons, Wilfred E.  1935 - 1986
Evans, LLoyd  1927 - Dec 4, 2005 son of William & Winnifred
Evans, Thelma (nee Hicks)  1927 - 2003 wife of Lloyd

Facan, Flora M.  1884 - 1946
Fahcourt, George Edwin  1910 - 1978
Farmer, Grace  1885 - 1978 wife of William
Farmer, William  1893 - 1981
Flynn, Edward John  1893 - 1965
Flynn, Ethel  1897 - 1970 wife of Russell
Flynn, Herbert Thomas  1922 - 1977
Flynn, Mary Hannah  1871 - 1943
Flynn, Russell  1897 - 1983
Flynn, Sarah Harriet  1896 - 1983 wife of Edward
Flynn, Thomas Henery  1864 - 1939
Fogal, Clara  1895 - 1984 wife of Robert
Fogal, Robert H.  1887 - 1972
Forster, Clarice  1895 - 1958 wife of John
Forster, David George  1918 - 1997
Forster, John George 1880 - 1961
Forster, Robert Edward  1917 - 1958

Galbraith, Margaret  1874 - 1984
Galbraith, Peter  1911 - 1953 son of Margaret
Galbraith, Peter Edward  1950 - 1951
Gilbert, Eldon Melrose  1914 - 1988
Grant, Benjamin  1882 - 1970
Grant, R.  Aug 19, 1947 - Jan 18, 2011
Grove, Elva Levina  1919 - 1924
Grove, Nels H.  1891 - 1984
Grove, Susannah A.  1897 - 1976 wife of Nels 

Harrington, Charlotte  1864 - 1940
Harron, Charles Lawrence  1922 - 1990 son of Franklin & Mildred
Harron, Franklin Norman  1896 - 1975
Harron, Mildred Irene (nee Passmore)  1904 - 2004 dau of George & Mary
Hatlelid, Alfred  1888 - 1956
Hatlelid, Katey E.  1895 - 1983 wife of Alfred
Hatlelid, Leonard J.  1897 - 1945
Hatlelid, Marie (baby)  died Dec 26, 1937
Hendsbee, Elias D.  1874 - 1930
Hetherington, A. Edward  1901 - 1968 hus of Edith
Hetherington, Edith  1907 - 1998
Hicks, Aleck  1911 - 1977
Hicks, Catherine H.  1880 - 1951 wife of Joseph
Hicks, Dwain Allison  Apr 29, 1947 - Sep 7, 2012
Hicks, Joseph Henry  1880 - 1957
Hicks, Margaret  1922 - 1968 wife of Aleck
Hicks, William H.  1909 - 1974
Howe, Florence  1889 - 1978 wife of Martin
Howe, Martin Charles  1882 - 1965

James, Albert Victor  1887 - 1961
James, Frank H.  died Mar 26, 1945
James, I. Ethel (nee Mayne)  1895 - 1974
James, Stanley Albert  Jan 20, 1922 - Sep 1, 2012 son of Albert & Ethel
Johnson, Alexander G.  1887 - 1959
Johnson, Evelyn Leona  1921 age 6 yrs 6 mos 8 days
Johnson, John  1894 - 1964
Johnson, Lorne M.  1922 - 1972
Johnson, Mabel  1897 - 1994
Johnston, Cecil W.  1899 - 1951
Johnston, Fernie  1894 - 1955
Johnston, Luther H.  1899 - 1983

Lane, Maurice Marx  Jun 26, 1895 - Apr 1, 1964 hus of Hilda Blood
Laxton, Frank  1916 - 1996
Laxton, Linda  1947 - 1947 dau of Frank & Thelma
Laxton, Thelma  1925 - Jul 26, 2010
Laxton, William Grant  Jan 16, 1950 - Jul 12, 2001
Lovo, Linda Diane (nee Moen)  Nov 24, 1947 - Apr 23, 1997

MacMillan, Duncan D.  1847 - 1940
MacMillan, Duncan D.  1888 - 1918 son of Duncan & Flora
MacMillan, Flora (nee MacDonald)  1862 - 1921
MacMillan, Norman  1892 - 1926 son of Duncan & Flora
McCaw, David B.  1887 - 1964
McGinnis, Alvin G.  1930 - 1933 son of Noah & Gladys
McGinnis, Gladys I.  1902 - 1981
McGinnis, Margret A.  1924 - 1925 dau of Noah & Gladys
McGinnis, Noah G.  1897 - 1973
McIvor, Alice Louise (nee Daniels)  1926 -
McIvor, Angus Purdy  Apr 28, 1922 - Feb 16, 2012 hus of Alice, son of Marshall & Helena (nee Cooke)
McLean, Eva  1892 - 1966 wife of Joseph
McLean, Joseph  1894 - 1959
McLean, Marie  1927 - 1947
McQuistin, Freda E.  1899 - 1985
McQuistin, James  1880 - 1965
Metcalf, Elizabeth  Jun 3, 1889 - May 13, 1946 wife of Herbert
Metcalf, Herbert  Jan 3, 1886 - Oct 16, 1962
Metcalf, William G.  May 15, 1914 - Jan 15, 1989
Miller, Bud  1920 - 1991
Miller, Cora  1896 - 1924
Miller, Harold  1916 - 2002
Miller, Jason  1854 - 1940
Miller, Otillia 'Tillie' (nee Hartenfels)  1862 - 1949 wife of Silas
Miller, Silas A.  1862 - 1953
Morrison, Dora M.  1915 - 2009 
Morrison, Janet (nee McMillian)  Jun 18, 1865 - Mar 26, 1931
Morrison, John David  1946 - 1949 son of Kenneth & Dora
Morrison, Kenneth  1855 - 1935 hus of Janet
Morrison, Kenneth B.  1916 - 1991
Morrison, Lila Viola  1915 - 1974
Morrison, Mary Ann (nee Barr)  1887 - 1974 wife of Norman
Morrison, Norman Angus  1888 - 1966
Myers, F. A. Ted  1921 - 1997 hus of Merle
Myers, Merle Emily  1917 - 2002

Nicholson, Ida Elizabeth  1893 - 1963
Nicholson, Sherman E.  1888 - 1973

Orr, Anson B.  Jun 9, 1925 - Mar. 12, 1926

Parchman, Carl Frederick  1919 - 1924
Parchman, Frederick C.  1891 - 1971
Parchman, Winifred C.  1882 - 1963 wife of Frederick
Passmore, Amy  1903 - 1903
Passmore, Beryl  1914 - 1990 wife of Reg
Passmore, Edward  Oct 18, 1860 - Nov 16, 1944 son of John & Sarah
Passmore, Florence Ethel  1896 - 1976
Passmore, Frederick G.  1895 - 1974
Passmore, George William  1859 - 1939
Passmore, Katherine Matilda (nee Hayes)  1862 - 1941 wife of Edward
Passmore, Keith  Feb 26, 2017 age 84
Passmore, Kevin  1954 -
Passmore, Mary Jane (nee Sturgeon)  1860 - 1957 wife of George
Passmore, Nathaniel H.  1890 - 1958
Passmore, Reg  1915 - 1997
Passmore, Ruby Laurena  Aug 9, 1917 - May 15, 1918
Passmore, William James  1889 - 1943 son of George & Mary
Poisson, Andre Marcel  May 4, 1937 - Nov 13, 2012 hus of Delores Seebach, son of Joseph & Yvonne (nee Poulin)
Poisson, Donald  1984 - 2003
Pratt, John Bennett  1884 - 1969
Pratt, Kathleen  1883 - 1984 wife of John

Ramsay, Bessie V.  1918 - 1982 wife of W. S.
Ramsay, W. S.  1909 -
Rosenfelt, Dale A.  1949 - 1949 son of Fred & Ethel
Rosenfelt, Ethel F.  1918 - 2003
Rosenfelt, Fred F.  1914 - 2001
Rusnak, Fred  1899 - 1970
Rusnak, Gladys  1894 - 1985 wife of Fred

Scott, Eva Dorothy  1917 - Apr 25, 2011 wife of Hugh
Scott, Hugh Austin  1917 - 2004
Seebach, Alvin C.  1911 - 1966
Seebach, Carl Edward  May 11, 1902 - Jun 5, 1916
Seebach, Carolyn  1951 - 2004 dau of Michael & Ernetta
Seebach, Dale M.  1946 - 1996 son of Michael & Ernetta
Seebach, Edward A.  1871 - 1953
Seebach, Ernetta (nee Carpenter)  Dec 24, 1923 - Jul 3, 2015 dau of Chancey & Anna (nee Atkinson)
Seebach, Evelyn C.  1919 - 2004 wife of Alvin
Seebach, Margaret  1876 - 1951 wife of William
Seebach, Michael A.  Sep 30, 2011 age 94
Seebach, Wilhelmine D.  1882 - 1973 wife of Edward
Seebach, William  Jan 23, 1868 - Sep 28, 1938
Sewell, Albert J.  1908 - 1967 hus of Dorothy
Sewell, Dorothy Frances (nee Strait)  Jun 17, 1917 - Jan 26, 2012 dau of John & Clara (nee Hudson)
Sewell, Marion White  1911 - 1983
Sewell, Sadie I.  1919 - 2003
Slater, Maxwell R. L.  1943 - Jan 24, 2006 hus of Terry
Smith, Delbert  1880 - 1960
Smith, Helen Marie  Sep 6, 1916 - May 16, 1942 dau of Delbert & Sarah
Smith, Sarah  1890 - 1987
Smythe, William  1894 - 1946
Soreide, Mary  Feb 9, 1921 age 7
Sproule, Laurie  1949 - 1951
Sproule, Ruth  Jan 8, 1929 - Jun 29, 2017
Sproule, Samuel Lawrence  Jul 23, 1948 age 25
Stevenson, Belinda  1869 - 1939
Stout, Clara (nee Strait)  1878 - 1954 wife of George
Stout, George  1874 - 1913
Sutherland, Georgina R. 'Scotty' (nee MacDonald)  Apr 12, 1922 - Feb 20, 2005 dau of James & Mary (nee Fulton)
Sutherland, Jennie  1886 - 1977
Sutherland, Jimmy  1921 - 1935 son of William & Jenny
Sutherland, Margaret  1916 - Jul 18, 2006 dau of William & Jenny
Sutherland, Norman  1920 - Jan 26, 1991 hus of Georgina, son of William & Jenny
Sutherland, William D. 'Don'  1919 - 2002 son of William & Jenny
Sutherland, William H.  1881 - 1940

Tallon, Eleanor  Dec 17, 1924 - Dec 18, 1998 wife of Orville
Tallon, Orville  May 2, 1925 - May 16, 2006
Thompson, Edward H.  1921 - 1981
Thompson, Gordon  1927 - 1975
Thompson, Howard Mervin  Aug 24, 1923 - Sep 7, 1965
Thompson, Ida May  1893 - 1989
Thompson, Melvin H.  Oct 8, 1934 - May 5, 2005
Tribe, Hannah H.  Apr 16, 1864 - Sep 18, 1944
Tribe, Llewellyn  1890 - 1974
Trickle, William Henry  1868 - 1947

Vataman, Octavian  1925 - 1969
Vatamaniuck, Gus  1922 - Jul 8, 2010
Vatamaniuck, Larry  1949 - Apr 23, 2006 son of Gus & Wilma
Vatamaniuck, Wilma Irene (nee Mitchell)  Nov 6, 1927 - 7 Mar 2017 dau of David & Amy

Walker, Annie Jane  1881 - 1971
Watt, Mary A. (nee Morgan)  1851 - 1913
Whitman, Roderick  died Aug 22, 1935
Wilson, Charles W.  1873 - 1921
Wilson, Mary  1887 - 1962 wife of Mathew
Wilson, Mathew A.  1875 - 1948
Woodcock, Arthur E.  1922 - 1996
Woodcock, David  Feb 9, 1947 - Apr 20, 2015 hus of Debbie Ash, son of Arthur & Elsie
Woodcock, Elsie May (nee Flynn)  Jun 22, 1923 - Aug 27, 2016
Wright, Edwin  1894 - 1986

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