Kronau Bethlehem Lutheran Cemetery
(aka Kronau Heritage Cemetery) Kronau district

R.M. of Lajord # 128   NW 22-15-17 W2
GPS   50.273011°N   104.271769°W
First burial in 1905, 102 burials by 1992

Photographed by Terrance B. Sweeney
(Click on coloured names to view the gravestone photo)

Bell, Harvey Allen  1934 - 
Bell, Lillian Rose (nee Meyer)  16 Feb 1944 - 24 Feb 2006 dau of Henry & Lena
Berg, Martha  15 Dec 1896 - 22 Jul 1903 dau of Ivan & Emma
Buehler, Eugenie  13 Mar 1892 - 17 Apr 1892 dau of John & Pauline
Buehler, Paulina (nee Zernigel)  20 Dec 1865 - 7 Jan 1914 wife of Johann
Buehler, Wilhelm  7 May 1903 - 1903 son of Johann & Pauline
Buhler, Katharina  14 Oct 1839 - 25 May 1918
Buhler, Katharina  (2nd photo)

Dieno, Wilhelmine  Aug 1922 - 28 Jul 1923 dau of John & Emma

Eckstein, Johann  8 Feb 1909 - Nov 1909 son of Henry & Katherine
Eckstein, Reinhold  31 Dec 1894 - 15 Feb 1913 son of Henry & Katherine
Euteneier, August  1 Dec 1916 - 11 Jun 1917
Euteneier, August  (2nd photo)
Euteneier, Bobbie Adam  25 Dec 1985 - 1 Jun 1986
Euteneier, Donald F.  1938 - 1986
Euteneier, Donna Marie (nee Osipoof)  9 Oct 1961 - 28 Jun 2004 wife of Ken, dau of Fred & Mary
Eutenier, Elfrieda  22 Jul 1903 - 25 Aug 1903 dau of Henry & Karoline
Euteneier, Elisabetha (nee Nagel)  19 Dec 1848 - 11 Sep 1939
Euteneier, Eva  1932 - 
Euteneier, Johann  25 Nov 1840 - 11 Jul 1906
Euteneier, Johann  1869 - 1952
Euteneier, Kathriene  1872 - 1930
Euteneier, Otto  22 Jul 1911 - 10 Aug 1911
Euteneier, Wilfred  20 Jun 1929 - 18 May 2011 son of John & Regina

Hennig, Louise  25 Oct 1903 - 23 Jan 1904
Hodel, Elizabeth (nee Tiefenbach)  18 Mar 1977 - 30 May 1953
Hodel, Jacob  12 Feb 1880 - 10 Dec 1918
Hodel, John  2 Apr 1869 - 23 Jun 1917
Hodel, Verna (nee Youck)  16 Jul 1915 - Mar 2005 wife of William
Hodel, William  1907 - 1992

Kessler, Augustina  25 Mar 1890 - 22 Dec 1891 dau of John & Justine

Leippi, Alfred G.  1908 - 1985
Leippi, Douglas  1948 - 1951
Leippi, Edgar  7 Jan 1938 - 8 Jan 1938
Leippi, Edmund Karl  18 Nov 1919 - 28 Mar 1920 son of Otto & Eugenie
Leippi, Edward  1907 - 1985
Leippi, Elizabeth  22 Nov 1873 - 5 Aug 1917 wife of Johann
Leippi, Emil  1909 - 1990
Leippi, Emilie  29 Apr 1896 - 10 Mar 1900 dau of John P. & Amalia
Leippi, Emilie Helene  11 Oct 1925 - 9 Dec 1932 dau of Otto & Eugenie
Leippi, Frederick Emil  16 Jun 1901 - 5 Nov 1905
Leippi, Gottlieb  1906 - 1989
Leippi, Hilda Irene  2 Dec 1928 - 5 Dec 1928 dau of William & Millie
Leippi, Hilda W.  1919 - 1920
Leippi, Ida Caroline (nee Hodel)  1917 - 27 Aug 2001 dau of Jacob & Elizabeth
Leippi, Irwin Arthur  17 Oct 1922 - 24 Jan 1923 son of Otto & Eugenie
Leippi, Johann  28 Feb 1869 - 17 May 1945
Leippi, Karl  26 Mar 1871 - 18 Nov 1918
Leippi, Karl(2nd photo)
Leippi, Margaret Florence (nee Ford)  1918 - 19 Sep 2003 dau of Angus & Ottelia
Leippi, Pauline  21 Jul 1905 - 9 Aug 1905
Leippi, Pauline  (2nd photo)
Leippi, (unnamed)  30 Dec 1911 - 30 Dec 1911 son of Fred & Pauline
Leippi, (unnamed)  15 Aug 1941 - 15 Aug 1941 dau of William & Millie
Leippi, Wilhelm  10 Oct 1890 - 27 Oct 1891 son of John P. & Amalia
Leippi, Wilhelmine  1903 - 12 Nov 1913
Leippi, Wilhelmine  22 Apr 1881 - 20 Apr 1913

McIntosh, (baby)  26 Aug 1915 - 16 Sep 1915
Meyer, Adam  died age 6 mos
Meyer, Louise  12 Jan 1860 - 7 Jul 1917
Meyer, Louise  (2nd photo)
Meyer, Otto John  5 Jul 1913 - 12 Mar 1954

Phillips, Hilda Karolina  14 Aug 1886 - 10 Nov 1918 wife of Karl
Pope, Violet (nee Criddle)  1916 - 6 Jul 2001 wife of William, dau of Walter & Lucy
Posehn, Anna  1906 - 1906 dau of Fred & Maria
Posehn, Arthur Ronald  19 Apr 1930 - 14 May 1930 son of Fred W. & Emma
Posehn, Carletta Jean (nee Krug)  23 Mar 1933 - 14 Aug 2003 dau of Lawrence & Constance
Posehn, David  12 Dec 1903 - 26 Dec 1903 son of Julius & Katharina
Posehn, Edward  1906 - 1985
Posehn, Ella Katherine  25 Jan 1909 - 17 Aug 1909
Posehn, Elsie Amalia (nee Lenz)  1 Nov 1912 - 15 Dec 2004 wife of Edward
Posehn, Emil  1 Apr 1896 - 4 May 1898
Posehn, Eugen  25 Oct 1899 - 10 Jan 1900 son of Julius & Katharina
Posehn, Evelyn E.  1924 - 
Posehn, Frederick  1864 - 1932
Posehn, Gottlieb  16 Mar 1939 - 26 May 1896
Posehn, (infant)  child of Julius & Katharina
Posehn, (infant)  child of Julius & Katharina
Posehn, Karen Annette  11 May 1944 - 11 May 1944 dau of Fred & Emma
Posehn, Karl  1877 - 10 Jan 1903
Posehn, Lydia Paulina  28 Apr 1913 - 3 Jul 1914
Posehn, Lydia Paulina  (2nd photo)
Posehn, Robert P.  1919 - 1993
Posehn, Sophia  16 Apr 1842 - 21 Mar 1897
Posehn, (infant)  13 Nov 1920 - 13 Nov 1920 dau of Jacob & Charlotte (nee Alles)
Posehn, Walter Arthur  1933 - 28 Dec 2010 son of Edward & Elsie
Posehn, Wilfred Arthur  15 Aug 1930 - 14 Feb 2004 son of Henry & Amalia
Potetz, Alida C. (nee Leippi)  5 Aug 1916 - 4 Oct 2010 dau of Jacob & Charlotte (nee Alles)
Potetz, John  1906 - 21 Aug 2006 hus of Alida
Potetz, John & Ida  (2nd photo)
Prochner, Elsa  Feb 1926 - Mar 1926
Prochner, Julius  1896 - 1982 age 86
Prochner, Martha  Nov 1920 - Jan 1921
Prochner, Wilhelmine  1901 - 1943 age 41

Renner, Christian  1857 - 1930
Renner, Edmund August  17 Sep 1922 - 3 May 1925
Renner, Ella  died 1909 dau of August
Renner, Emil  25 Jun 1900 - 1904 son of George & Christina
Renner, Emilie Adeline  1912 - 1919
Renner, Karolina  1863 - 1916 wife of Christian
Renner, Katherine  died 28 Oct 1920, 2nd wife of Christian
Renner, Reinhold  14 Jan 1901 - 18 Jan 1901 son of Christian & Karoline

Tiefenbach, Emma Elizabeth (nee Hodel)  7 Apr 1914 - 17 Jul 2011 dau of Jacob & Elizabeth
Tiefenbach, Joseph  1909 - 1996

unknown 1  
unknown 2
unknown 2  (2nd photo)  
unknown 3  (iron cross)
unknown 4  
unknown 5  (iron cross)
unknown 6  (iron cross)
unknown 7  (iron cross)
unknown 8  (iron cross)
unknown 9  (iron cross)
unknown 10  (iron cross)
unknown 11 
unknown 12  (iron cross)
unknown 13  (iron cross)
unknwon 14  (iron cross)
unknown 15  (iron cross)
unknown 16  (iron cross)
unknown 17  (iron cross)

Walker, Helene  15 May 1914 age 59
Walker, Reinhold  19 Aug 1893 - 1894 son of Ludwig & Helene
Wendler, John Michael  1895 - 1989
Wendler, Minnie (nee Posehn)  1908 - 1997 wife of John
Wetstein, Christine (nee Frey)  1 Nov 1920 age 38 yrs 10 mos 16 days
Wetstein, Emilie (nee Euteneier)  11 Jan 1884 - 18 Nov 1918
Wetstein, Hilda  died 5 Sep 1933 dau of Jacob & Rosa
Wetstein, Jacob  5 Mar 1875 - 1 Jan 1954
Winter, Dianne Pauline (nee Leippi)  9 Jan 1946 - 5 Jan 2003 dau of Gottlieb & Ida
Winter, Ernest A.  19 Sep 1942 - 
Wollbaum, Anthony Schiller  died 17 Dec 1991

(Click on photo to enlarge)


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Welcome to the new home of the Saskatchewan Cemetery Project! We are delighted to announce that our pages, previously hosted on Rootsweb and Ancestry, have found a new abode at Our heartfelt gratitude to and for their past support. The transition ensures that our digital documentation of Saskatchewan cemeteries and headstones continues to thrive and be regularly updated.

In this labor of love, we aspire to preserve family histories by digitally immortalizing the sacred grounds of our ancestors. Whether you seek a loved one, an ancestor, or wish to uncover a long-lost cousin, our comprehensive cemetery records might hold the key. As winter blankets these resting places in snow, our year-round cemetery headstone digitization program allows for virtual exploration worldwide.

We extend a warm invitation to those who share our passion for documenting cemetery headstones. If you've enjoyed participating or wish to support us through Patreon, your involvement is cherished. Visit to be part of our growing community. Your support ensures that this invaluable service persists for years to come.

Explore the new webpages at and continue your journey with the Saskatchewan Cemetery Project. Let's work together to keep history alive, one headstone at a time. If you find our work beneficial, consider supporting us through Patreon. Together, we honor the past and pave the way for future generations.

Warm regards, The Saskatchewan Cemetery Project Volunteer Team

, Saskatchewan Cemetery Project, cemetery transcriptions, Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan Cemetery Project, cemetery transcriptions, Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan Cemetery Project, cemetery headstones, photographs, doumentation, indexing, graveyard, tombstone, pictures, photos, cemetery headstones, photographs, doumentation, indexing, graveyard, tombstone, pictures, photos, cemetery headstones, photographs, doumentation, indexing, graveyard, tombstone, pictures, photos, cemetery headstones, photographs, doumentation, indexing, graveyard, tombstone, pictures, photos, genealogy, history, family history, family tree, genealogy, history, family history, family tree, genealogy, history, family history, family tree, cemetery, cemeteries, graveyards, genealogy, family tree, history, surnames,cemetary, Saskatchewan Cemetery Project, cemetery transcriptions, Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan Cemetery Project, cemetery transcriptions, Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan Cemetery Project, cemetery headstones, photographs, doumentation, indexing, graveyard, tombstone,Saskatchewan Cemetery Project, pictures, photos, cemetery headstones, photographs, doumentation, indexing, graveyard, tombstone, pictures, photos, cemetery headstones, photographs, doumentation, indexing, graveyard, tombstone, pictures, photos, cemetery headstones, photographs, doumentation, indexing, graveyard, tombstone, pictures, photos, genealogy, history, family history, family tree, genealogy, history, family history, family tree, genealogy, history, family history, family tree, cemetery, cemeteries, graveyards, genealogy, family tree, history, surnames,cemetary, Saskatchewan Cemetery Project, cemetery transcriptions, Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan Cemetery Project, cemetery transcriptions, Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan Cemetery Project, cemetery headstones,Saskatchewan Cemetery Project, photographs, doumentation, indexing, graveyard, tombstone, pictures, photos, cemetery headstones, photographs, doumentation, indexing, graveyard, tombstone, pictures, photos, cemetery headstones, photographs, doumentation, indexing, graveyard, tombstone, pictures, photos, cemetery headstones, photographs, doumentation, indexing, graveyard, tombstone, pictures, photos, genealogy, history, family history, family tree, genealogy, history, family history, family tree, genealogy, history, family history, family tree, cemetery, cemeteries, graveyards, genealogy, family tree, history, surnames,cemetary, Saskatchewan Cemetery Project, cemetery transcriptions, Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan Cemetery Project, Saskatchewan Cemetery Project, cemetery transcriptions, Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan Cemetery Project, cemetery headstones, photographs, doumentation, indexing, graveyard, tombstone, pictures, photos, cemetery headstones, photographs, doumentation, indexing, graveyard, tombstone, pictures, photos, cemetery headstones, photographs, doumentation, indexing, graveyard, tombstone, pictures, photos, cemetery headstones, photographs, doumentation, indexing, graveyard, tombstone, pictures, photos, genealogy, history, family history, family tree,Saskatchewan Cemetery Project, genealogy, history, family history, family tree, genealogy, history, family history, family tree, cemetery, cemeteries, graveyards, genealogy, family tree, history, surnames,cemetary, Saskatchewan Cemetery Project, cemetery transcriptions, Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan Cemetery Project, cemetery transcriptions, Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan Cemetery Project, cemetery headstones, photographs, doumentation, indexing, graveyard, tombstone, pictures, photos, cemetery headstones, photographs, doumentation, indexing, Saskatchewan Cemetery Project, graveyard, tombstone, pictures, photos, cemetery headstones, Saskatchewan Cemetery Project, photographs, doumentation, indexing, graveyard, tombstone, pictures, photos, cemetery headstones, photographs, doumentation, indexing, graveyard, tombstone, pictures, photos, genealogy, history, family history, family tree, genealogy, history, family history, family tree, genealogy, history, family history, family tree, cemetery, cemeteries, graveyards, Saskatchewan Cemetery Project, genealogy, family tree, history, surnames,cemetary,