Anaka, Mary Andruk, Metro Apperley, Francis James hus of Agnes Tweedy Arva, Bert Atkinson, Jim Atkinson, Joan (nee Moore) died 1974 wife of Roy Atkinson, Roy 22 Apr 1916 - 29 Feb 2012 son of John & Rosetta Auxman, Steve Bagu, Elsie (nee Gero) 24 Dec 1927 - 6 Sep 2011 Bagu, Kalman died 2001 hus of Elsie Baker, Alex Bali, Charlie Balogh, Oscar Barath, James 25 Aug 1934 - 14 Aug 2011 hus of Edith, son of Andrew & Roza Barath, Steve Barkasy, Amilia Barkasy, Andrew Barkasy, James Barta, (baby) Basky, Gordon Beke, Michael Beresh, Aaron Beresh, Elizabeth Bertalon, Emil Bertalon, Frank Bertalon, Frank Bertalon, Mrs. Frank Bevans, Russ Bois, Gabor Boszaky, Steve Braughler, Elfred Brice, William Brothen, Gunder Brothen, Margaret Brothen, (unknown) Bruce, R. H. Bruce, (unknown) Burbridge, Art Burbridge, Florence Bute, Aron 21 Mar 1910 - 8 May 2010 hus of Rose Kadash Bute, Arthur 7 Oct 1940 - 12 Mar 2013 son of Aron & Rose Bute, Bruce son of Aron & Rose Butterworth, Alfred Butterworth, Alfred Churi, John Churi, Steve Churi, Joe Clark, Ethel Pearl (nee Routley) 18 Apr 1895 - 23 Apr 1920 dau of James & Elizabeth Cook, Andrew Dr. Cross, George 6 Mar 1898 - 2 Jan 1976 Cross, Ida L. (nee Stender) 28 Sep 1903 - 9 Feb 1981 wife of George Dafoe, Frank Daku, Alex John 1930 - 21 Dec 2009 hus of Joyce, son of Charles & Julia Daku, Andrew died 1994 hus of Helen Daku, Andrew Sr. Daku, Helen (nee Unyi) 8 Apr 1920 - 29 Oct 1999 dau of Steve & Elizabeth (nee Szucs) Daku, Mrs. Andrew Sr. Daku, Fern Daku, William Dash, Henrietta Dash, J. R. Dash, William Davis, Alfred Harry Davis, Alfred Harry Dayle, (baby) Debrecenie, (unknown) Demyen, Mrs. Andrew Dencsak, Joseph John Doda, Jack Doda, Mary Dright, George W. Dryline, John Eger, Reinhold Eide, A. Elek, Joyce Elek, Velma Farkas, Bruce Farkas, Davina Farkas, Victor Ferch, Howard Ferch, Loretta (nee Footz) 12 Jun 1939 - 9 Feb 2014 dau of William & Helen Ferch, Norbert C. Fieldsend, Emma Fieldsend, William Fong, Chung Foster, Christopher Foster, Marie Anna (nee Hebert) 1921 - 27 Nov 2004 dau of Herve & Maria Foster, Mike died 1985 hus of Marie Fowler, William Henry died 1 Mar 1944 Fratis, Tony Friday, Larry died 2001 son of Gerald & Olive Friday, Troy 25 Nov 2007 age 36 hus of Tammy, son of Larry & Wilma Friday, Wilma (nee Barath) 30 Mar 2010 age 69 dau of Andrew & Roza Gall, Larry Gall, Milton (baby) Gawler, Dorothy Gero, Margaret Elizabeth (nee Braughler) 9 Dec 1933 - 30 Sep 2014 dau of Vane & Elfreda Giles, Charlotte Granger, Dallas Granger, LeRoy Groves, (infant) son of Rev. G. Hanusich, Mike Hanusich, Mrs. Mike Harmen, Elma (nee Kochar) 28 Jul 2007 age 82 Harris, Bert Hart, (infant twins) children of Cli Hayes, Ruth Ocelia Stender Aug 1858 - Apr 1953 dau of Solomon & Roxanne Hein, Ivan Holmes, Jack Hutton, Muriel Hutton, Stanley James, Barkasi Jensen, Tina Johnson, Andrew Johnson, Bessie Alice Johnson, Karoline Jones, Donna Jones, Madge Jones, Rickie Jones, Sam Katona, Doris M. (nee Bingham) 27 Jul 1926 - 29 Mar 2012 Kertai, Fred 27 Jan 2001 age 66 son of Joseph Kertai, Joseph Kertai, Victoria (nee Hilderman) 17 Feb 1957 - 23 May 2011 wife of Bruce, dau of Ben & Margaret Kimery, Monica King, Cecil King, Jessica King, Jessie Kish, Mary Kish, Steve Jr. Kish, Steve Sr. Kovach, Alex Kovach, Helen Kovach, John W. Lalond, Oron Larson, Ole Lauritsen, Soren Laver, H. R. Lawrence, Johanna Leggett, Calvin Thomas Levai, Elizabeth Levitt, Mrs. Levitt, (unknown) Lowenberg, John Lukas, Mary Czimre Lukas, Peter Mah, Henry Mah, Mrs. Henry Mah, Randy Martin, Julia McAllister, D. McAlpine, John H. McAlpine, Laura McDougall, Donald McDougall, Mrs. Donald McDougall, John McDougall, Mrs. John McDougall, Kate McFarlane, George McIntyre, I. G. (baby) Mellor, Claude Mellor, Mrs. Claude Mellor, John Mellor, Ruth Mickle, James Mills, (unknown) Morson, Hazel died 2009 wife of William Morson, William 4 Apr 1919 - 10 Dec 2014 Orosz, Peter Ortt, Norman Payne, Mary Payne, Vernon Petrus, Mike Pifko, Emma Pinter, Leslie Pinter, Helen Playdon, (unknown) Pojtche, Clara Purvis, (unknown) Puffalt, Edwin 19 Sep 1924 - 5 Apr 2014 hus of Ruth, son of Emil & Mary Racz, Geza Sr. Racz, Julianna Raynard, Emma died 2008 wife of Melvin Raynard, Melvin 1924 - 10 Apr 2011 Richmond, Leonard Robertson, Kenneth Rosie, Christina Rosie, John Rygh, Donna Marie Rygh, Knut Rygh, Mrs. Rygh, Elmer Schmidlechner, (baby) Schmidlechner, Joe Schneider, Norman Schneider, Gladys Schneider, Martin Schneider, Emelie Shewfelt, Mrs. William Smith, Mrs. A. J. Sr. Smith, Andrew 31 Mar 1881 - 7 Feb 1988 hus of Elizabeth Smith, Elizabeth 'Lisbet' (nee Abrahamson) 1880 - 1967 dau of Abraham & Lizbet Smith, Mrs. William Smith, William Sostorics, Roger P. 28 Jul 2007 age 69 hus of Arlene Jones, son of Joe & Helen Sproat, Benvenuta Jean Sproat, Gerrond Sproat, John Sproat, William Sproat, Mrs. Gerrond Sproat, Mrs. John Sproat, Mrs. William Sproat, Musom Sproat, W. S. (infant male) Stefaniuk, Norma Jean (nee Clute) 2 Mar 1933 - 14 Jun 2009 dau of Hiram & Mildred Stefaniuk, Peter 10 Aug 1928 - 29 May 2009 hus of Norma, son of John & Annie Stein, Oscar Stender, Ferdinand Edward 11 May 1856 - 16 Sep 1946 hus of Ruth Hayes Stender, James Albert 4 Feb 1898 - 16 Sep 1946 Stender, Rita (nee Cross) 1900 - 5 Jun 1995 wife of James Steyn, Esther Johanna 'Essie' 2 Jan 2009 age 57 wife of Johan Szalagyi, Elizabeth Szalagyi, Sam Szalagyi, James Szalagyi, Jack Szakacs, Bill Szakacs, Louise (nee Daku) 19 Jun 1924 - 5 Oct 2013 dau of Elek & Julie Szakacs, Mary Szakacs, William died 2004 hus of Louise Tarr, (baby) Tarr, Gabriel Brian Tarr, Orlis Ann Terney, Joseph Thomas, (baby) Thomas, (baby) Thomas, Steve Tillotson, Elsie Elizabeth (nee Ransom) 1910 - 2006 wife of Harry, dau of Charles & Anna Tillotson, Harry Fletcher 25 Dec 1899 - 10 Dec 1949 son of Richard & Alice Tillotson, Harry Fletcher died 1949 Trithardt, Emilie (nee Behnke) 16 Nov 2008 age 85 Trithardt, Leonard hus of Emilie Trithardt, Reinhold Vargo, Frank Varjassy, Joe Vasko, Joseph Vimie, Mrs. Widdup, Alma Widdup, Ernest Widdup, George Widdup, J. S. Widdup, Leslie 1922 - 16 Aug 2009 Widdup, Margaret wife of Leslie Williams, Margaret Sarah Yee, Edward Young, Lela Yuhasz, Suzanna
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