St. Ann's Roman Catholic Cemetery

R.M. of Wawken # 93   SW 22-12-3 W2
GPS   50.003788°N   102.347218°W
First burial in 1914, 152 burials by 2009

Photographed & compiled by Margaret Debenham   November 1, 2010
(Click on coloured names to view the gravestone photo)

Andre, Anatole  3 Feb 1908 - 4 Oct 1978
Andre, Jean Baptiste  1875 - 1951
Andre, Joseph Napolean  1910 - 1999
Andre, Yvonne Marie  1881 - 1925

Barclay, Ada C.  1890 - 1979
Barclay, Amzin John  4 Nov 1914 - 10 Sep 1990
Barclay, Edward Royal  26 Jul 1919 - 24 Sep 1919
Barclay, Emmeline 'Em'  1921 - 1993
Barclay, Francis 'Pete'  1918 - 1999
Barclay, George William  19 Jan 1917 - 1917 age 12 days
Barclay, Roy  1890 - 1975
Bender, Helen Bonyai  1898 - 1967
Bender, Paul  1880 - 1957
Bender, Paul  7 Jan 1988 age 71
Bender, Thomas  22 Sep 1919 age 4 mos
Bertalon, Frank  11 Dec 1934 - 18 Aug 2011
Bourhis, Andre P.  1917 - 1990
Bourhis, Hubert Earl  1954 - 1997
Bourhis, Louis Pierre  3 Nov 1915 - 6 Jul 1975
Bourhis, Marie L. (nee Jamet) Morrell  4 Jan 1930 - 19 Jul 2013 dau of Ferdinand & Leila 
Bourhis, Marie Louise  1887 - 1978
Burke, (infant)  child of Bill

Cancade, Doreen  1928 -
Cancade, George  1929 -
Cancade, John  1927 - 6 Dec 2002 hus of Ada Istace
Cancade, Louis  30 Jan 1892 - 22 Dec 1949
Carignan, Isaie  1880 - 1940 hus of Leda
Carignan, Leda (nee Laliberte)  21 Jan 1959
Chanut, Auguste Joseph Justin  1886 - 1969
Chanut, Fernande (nee Jamet)  1886 - 1968 
Chauvancy, Edmond  1872 - 1961
Chauvancy, Harry  1879 - 1973
Chauvancy, Louis  1964 - 1955

Dailly, Achille Arthur Archie  26 Oct 1929 age 32
Dailly, Maria Julia  1877 - 1945
Dailly, Victor Justin  1869 - 1946
Dermody, Catherine, Malachi & Catherine  (2nd photo)
Dermody, Catherine Ann  1885 - 1943
Dermody, Charlotte Margaret  1909 - 1936
Dermody, Donald J.  1930 - 16 Apr 2010 son of Selby & Agnes
Dermody, Ethel Frances  1914 - 1962
Dermody, Francis Howard  1915 - 3 Dec 2004 son of Selby & Agnes
Dermody, John  1848 - 1932
Dermody, Malachi John  1879 - 1962
Dermody, Marie Agnes  22 Jul 1924 - 26 Dec 1928 dau of Selby & Agnes
Dermody, Maurice  9 Mar 1921 - 9 Mar 1930 son of Selby & Agnes
Dermody, Robert J.  born 1921, missing 1973
Dermody, William Connors  Aug 1925 - Dec 1925
Deshaies, Carol  5 Sep 1951 - 13 Aug 1955 dau of Patrick & Georgette
Deshaies, Georgette (nee Piche)  12 Nov 1929 - 19 Jan 1955
Deshaies, Patrick Rene  29 Jan 1927 - 2 Jun 2014 son of Jeffry & Berthe
Donnelly, Margaret  14 Apr 1861 - 12 Jan 1929
Donnelly, Owen John  9 Nov 1854 - 18 Jan 1929
Dube, Joseph Carmel  1910 - 13 Sep 2001
Dube, Louise Anna (nee Lautier)  1914 - 1997 dau of Armand & Louise
Dube, Marie Blanche  21 Feb 1945 - 23 Feb 1945 dau of Carmel & Louise
Durwael, Joseph R. 'Jeff'  1890 - 1973
Durwael, Mary L.  1898 - 1980

Filteau, Cordelia  1895 - 1969
Filteau, Georges  1887 - 1969
Finney, Wulstan A.  1878 - 1956
Fracero, I. (infant) 21 Dec 1940 child of L. Fracero & Teressa Mazzar

Gallant, Anthony  1879 - 1922
Gallant, Ernestine  1882 - 1923
Gallant, Marie Blanche Angeline (nee Carignan)  1903 - 1940 wife of Leo
Giroux, Arthur
Giroux, Kathleen M.  17 Feb 1918 - 11 Jun 2010
Giroux, Zepherim P.  1898 - 1956
Guilloux, Elizabeth A.  1917 - 1997
Guilloux, Noel J.  1914 - 1989

Huffmam, Allan Murray Joseph  6 Jan 1936 son of Arthur 'Bus' & Gertrude
Huffman, Paul C.  1935 - 1937
Huffman, Paul William  1934 - 15 Dec 1936 son of Arthur & Gertrude

Istace, Albert L.  1903 - 1998
Istace, Denise J.  1911 - 1992
Istace, Emile  17 Mar 1930 - 30 Jan 2012 son of Rene & Juliette
Istace, Constant V.  1911 - 1980
Istace, Fred Malcolm  28 Oct 1947 - 7 May 1948
Istace, Juliette  1901 - 1993
Istace, Leon  1877 - 1961
Istace, Lucien  1 Mar 1931 - 15 Oct 1995
Istace, Margaret Annie  1912 - 1982
Istace, Octavie  1878 - 1956
Istace, Rene  1899 - 1982
Istace, Theresa  1940 -
Istace, Wayne Richard  13 Feb 1964 - 26 Jul 2012 son of John & Jean

Jalbert, Aime Romeo  20 May 1914 - 6 Feb 1954
Jalbert, Aline Mabel  4 Sep 1914 - 20 Dec 1954
Jalbert, Roger  12 Dec 1954 - 26 Nov 1986 (ashes)
Jamet, Joseph E.  1894 - 4 Mar 1984
Jasmin, Albert  1909 - Sep 1971
Jalbert, Augustine (nee Cancade)  1904 - 1998
Jasmin, Emilie  1866 - 1955
Jasmin, Francois  1864 - 1932
Jordens, Lucille  1902 - 1996
Jordens, Tony  1904 - 1995

Kadash, (baby)  9 Feb 1957 son of Nick & Anne
Kadash, Nick  1913 - 1972

Langenberger, Angele Louise (nee Vinck)  15 May 1914 - 14 Oct 2010 dau of Leon & Marie 
Langenberger, Edward  19 Jun 1914 - 28 Dec 2006
Langenberger, Ivy Doris  1920 - 1991
Langenberger, John  1912 - 14 Sep 2001
Larocque, George  (born c.1916 died about age 3 - 4 yrs), son of Joseph & Marie
Larocque, Joseph  1872 - 1956
Larocque, Marie Rose (nee Laveille) Laronge  1878 - 1952 wife of Joseph
Laronge, Annie Catherine (nee Bender)  13 Feb 1915 - 18 Nov 2009 dau of Paul & Helen
Laronge, (baby)  1936 dau of Napoleon & Annie
Laronge, Elisa Josephine (nee Chanut)  10 Jul 1916 - 24 Oct 2006 dau of Auguste & Fernande
Laronge, Elisa & Robert  (2nd photo)
Laronge, Napoleon J. 'Nap'  1906 - 1988 son of Emile & Marie
Laronge, Robert A.  1905 - 1980
Lautier, Armand  1876- 1940
Lautier, Louis  1925 -
Lautier, Louise  1883 - 1975
Lautier, Marius G.  1910 - 6 Dec 2000 son of Armand & Louise
Lawrence, Lillian (nee Istace)  dau of Albert & Denise
Lawrence, Mary
Ledressay, Emilie Marie
Ledressay, Ferdinand  17 Mar 1921 age 41
Ledressay, Marie Elizabeth (nee Saive)  27 Mar 1975 age 90 wife of Emile Marie

MacKay, Catherine Rose (nee Dermody)  1920 - 1996
Malcolm, A. Henry  1909 - 1990
Malcolm, Ida (twin)  23 Jan 1940 - 26 Jan 1940
Malcolm, Mary E.  1906 - 1982
Margetts, Brent Nelson  11 Mar 1970 - 11 Mar 1970
Martel, L. (died in the 1940's)
McArthur, Charlotte Maria  1900 - 1979
McArthur, James Augustus  1924 - 1942
Mile, Calvin  1923 - 1975
Mimnaugh, Daniel  1883 - 1 May 1936
Mimnaugh, Margaret  1850 - 8 Oct 1926 wife of Thomas Sr.
Mimnaugh, Sarah Jane  1881 - 19 Dec 1919
Mimnaugh, Sarah & Margaret  (2nd photo)
Mimnaugh, Thomas  1877 - 9 Jan 1960
Moiny, Charlie (possibly)
Moiny, Mrs. Charlie (possibly)

Nicolay, Mary Yvonne (nee Houle)  12 Nov 1920 - 21 Aug 2008 dau of Narcisse & Emma
Nicolay, Roger  1901 - 1971
Niedwid, S. (infant)
Nowakowski, John  7 Jul 1928 - 25 Jun 2013 son of Martin & Catherine
Nowakowski, Katarzyna 'Catherine'  1901 - 1984
Nowakowski, Martin  23 Oct 1901 - 5 Oct 1996

O'Connor, Denis J.  1917 age 5 mos, son of J. D. & M.
O'Connor, Francis Paul  8 Dec 1925 - 27 Mar 1929
O'Connor, Mary Agnes  1918 age 8 mos 18 days
O'Connor, (infant)
Ouellette, Cephore  12 Apr 1864 - 22 May 1950
Ouellette, Florence (nee Huffman)  1 Feb 1888 - 9 Aug 1966

Raiwet, Adelin Leon  1885 - 1971
Raiwet, Albert P.  1931 - 1978 son of Adelin & Marie
Raiwet, Arthur Leon  28 Sep 1918 - 8 Nov 1920
Raiwert, Joe  28 Jul 1929 - 7 Apr 2016 hus of Eva, son of Adelin & Marie
Raiwert, Marie J.  1892 - 1979
Rey, Albert Lucien  1891- 1974
Rey, Marie Louise  1894 - 1979
Rupert, Martin  28 Oct 1904 - 22 Nov 1973
Rupert, Ryan Joseph  13 May 1980 - 22 Jun 1980
Rupert, Sophia  1872 - 1968
Rupert, Stella  1903 - 1993
Rupert, Valentine  1879 - 1961

Saussereau, Emile  1918 age 59 hus of Domthilde Beaupre
Schneider, Melvin  died 1915
Schneider, Nicholas J.  Apr 1880 - Oct 1941
Schwalm, Bradley Allen  (born & died shortly after Sep 1965)
Selagi, Louis Paul  1941 - 1947
Slykhuis, James Lionel  8 Oct 1963 - 14 Dec 1963 son of Ivan & Christena
Sostorics, Julianna  1888 - 1972
Sostorics, Steve  1878 - 1976
Steele, Margaret Maude (nee Dermody)  1890 - 1932 wife of James

Tadier, Pauline  1883 - 1950
Tarka, Joseph  1902 - 1960
Tarka, Velma  1907 - 1993
Trail, Leslie Morris 'Les'  1924 - 19 Apr 2004 son of William & Elspeth
Trail, Yvonne  1934 - 1998

unknown 1  
unknown 2
unknown 3  

Vargo, Charles A.  10 Oct 1921 - 15 Apr 2003 son of Stephen & Rose (nee Rezsan) 
Vargo, Eva Octavie (nee Istace)  17 Jan 1927 - 8 Mar 2003
Vargo, Joseph D.  1913 - 26 May 1968
Vinck, Leon S.   1878 - 1965
Vinck, Maria L.  1880 - 1973

Warner, Mona Lynn  May 1961 dau of Don & Shirley
Warner, Mona Lynn  (2nd photo)
West, Jeanne (nee Dailly)  1898 - 1948 wife of Albert
Wilhelm, Theodore C.  1898 - 1972

Zebiere, Gillette Augustine  1917 - 3 May 2002
Zebiere, Maurice  6 May 1911 - 14 Sep 1995 

(Click on photo to enlarge)


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