Kennedy Cemetery

R.M. of Wawken # 93   SW 21-12-3 W2
GPS   50.003799°N   102.348349°W
First burial in 1908, 409 burials by 1994

Photographed & compiled by Margaret Debenham
(Click on coloured names to view the gravestone photo)

Aerts, Bertha  1894 - 1978
Aerts, Florent  1903 - 1952
Allder, John  6 March 1978 aged 67
Anderson, (baby)  10 Aug 1954
Anderson, (infant)  Aug 1984
Andrews, Edward H.  1921 - 1971
Andrews, John Breton French  1880 - Aug 1935
Andrews, Margaret (nee Ayre)  1882 - 1960 wife of John F.
Andrews, Robert William  26 Feb 1920 - 28 Oct 2006
Armstrong, A. J.
Armstrong, Frank 'Chappie'  1915 - 1917
Armstrong, Frank 'Chappie'  (2nd photo)
Armstrong, Winston J. 'Winsy'  1917 - 1994 hus of Helen

Barath, Andrew  30 Oct 1932 - 29 Nov 2007 son of Andrew Sr. & Rosa (nee Kish)
Barath, Jean (nee Nienkirk)  1948 -
Barath, Sheila May  1978 - 1992 dau of Andrew & Jean
Barsi, Frank  16 Mar 1906 - 3 Feb 2006 son of John & Julia
Barsi, Helen  19 Jun 1913 - 25 May 1999
Barta, Mary  1903 - 2002
Barta, Peter Sr.  1902 - 1970
Bender, Marie  14 Nov 1936 - 19 Sep 2015 wife of Clarence
Berglund, Alma Matilda (nee Pollard)  1911 - 20 Jan 2001 wife of Louie
Berglund, Delce  1917 - 12 Oct 2006
Berglund, Dingi  1932 - 
Berglund, Doris M. (nee Farquhar)  1891 - 1968 dau of Sinclair
Berglund, George  1924 - 2010
Berglund, Gloria Mabel  10 Jul 1922 - 16 Apr 1923 dau of Walter & Doris
Berglund, Hubert Eric  12 Oct 1927 - 15 Jul 1928
Berglund, (infant)  Sep 1951 child of Victor & Thelma
Berglund, Irene Julia (nee Daku) Dew   1922 - 9 Nov 2003  dau of Charles & Julia
Berglund, Irene June  16 Jun 1917 - 9 Jul 2000
Berglund, Jennie Elizabeth  19 Apr 1916 - 11 Sep 2002 dau of Walter & Doris
Berglund, John E.  1864 - 1946
Berglund, Joyce  1920 - 1931 dau of William & Bett
Berglund, Louie J.  1900 - 1996
Berglund, Pete N.  1904 - 1984
Berglund, Reginald F.  1925 - 1970
Berglund, Roland E.  1896 - 1946 son of John & Thilda
Berglund, Sinclair  1913 - 1982
Berglund, Thilda J.  1871 - 1959
Berglund, Walter R.  1891 - 1977
Beswetherick, William S.  died age 60
Boardman, Albert E.  1888 - 1959
Boardman, Ellien  1890 - 1950
Bonyai, Alex  1898 - 1968
Bonyai, Mary Vegso  1902 - 1955
Bortolotto, Armando Antonio  9 Apr 1921 - 4 Feb 2005 son of Angelo & Teresa
Bortolotto, Viola (nee Hewitt)  16 Apr 1929 - 4 Aug 2003 dau of Leroy & Doris
Brace, Josephine K.  7 Dec 1921 - 3 Feb 2001
Brace, Linda Mary  4 Aug 1945 - 16 Aug 1945 dau of Walter & Ruth
Brace, William G.  1911 - 1985 son of Anne Colwell (nee Stevens)
Brickley, Bruce  1875 - 1929
Brickley, Earl F.  31 Aug 1919 age 11 mos, son of Mary
Brickley, Emily Anna  1878 - 1949
Brickley, John Davis  1886 - 1951
Brickley, John S. 1904 - 1993
Brickley, Lana  1 Sep - 14 Dec 1977 dau of Bob & Lois
Brickley, Lyle  1921 - 2000
Brickley, Mary A.  1889 - 1976
Brickley, Nelson  1876 - 1959
Brickley, Ruth  16 Feb 1925 - 20 Mar 2010
Brickley, Vera (nee Corrigan)  1926 -
Bruce Family Plot  
Bruce, Margaret E.  1918 - 1925 dau of Wesley & Myrtle
Bruce, Myrtle M. (nee Law)  1890 - 1987
Bruce, Wesley S.  1879 - 1941
Buchanan, John 
Buchanan, Mrs. John

Cairns, Alice (nee Waters)  6 Jan 1855 - 12 Apr 1934
Cairns, Elsie (nee Waters)  9 Feb 1892 - 14 May 1966
Cairns, John Andrew Rev.  13 Aug 1854 - 29 Oct 1933
Cairns, Robert Benjamin  12 Sep 1895 - 10 Aug 1956
Cameron, A. E.  1861 - 1942
Cameron, D. John  1902 - 1996
Cameron, Donald E.  1944 -
Cameron, Kate  1844 - 1934
Cameron, Mabel A.  1908 - 1982
Campbell, C. F.
Chanut, Gabriel F.  1918 - 1997
Chilton, Clara (nee Smith)  died 1912 age 35 dau of Alexander & Agnes
Chilton, William E.  1868 - 1939
Chilton, William E.  (2nd photo)
Chorney, Ellen Nora  1929 - 1985 wife of Michael
Chorney, Ethel  1905 - 1957
Chorney, (infant)  child of Michael & Ethel
Chorney, Michael  1895 - 1982 hus of Ethel
Chorney, Ralph Earland  27 Aug 1924 - 27 Aug 2006
Chorney, Ralph & Ethel  (2nd photo)
Chrysler, Mrs.
Clark, Allen  16 Jan 1916 - 21 Sep 2007
Clark, George   1 Sep 1927 - 22 Oct 2002 (bur. on his farm SW 10-13-4 W2)
Clark, Neilena  21 Aug 1915 - 
Clarke, Edith A.  4 Sep 1927 - 22 Nov 2000
Clarke, Gertrude B.  1886 - 1966
Clarke, Hugh B.  1910 - 1958
Clarke, R. B.  1868 - 1941
Close, Allen A.  22 Jul 1916 age 46
Coe, Ellen  died c.1925 
Coffey, Jean  1886 - 1972
Coffey, Judson  1879 - 1960
Colwell, Anne Owens (nee Stevens) 12 Sep 1878 - 22 Aug 1946
Conkin, Sarah Lee  15 Jul 1918 age 78
Connell, Barry  3 Dec 1951 - 26 Feb 2008 son of Neilena Clark
Connell, Garry  18 Mar 1933 - 20 May 2001 son of Neilena Clark
Connell, George Wesley  1900 - 1983  
Connell, Hilda Adeline 'Kelly' (nee Kitchen)  1914 - 17 Jul 2004 wife of George
Connell, Jacob  1868 - 1955
Connell, Jacob W.  1962 age 68
Connell, Margaret  1879 - 1969
Cook, Bessie  10 Apr 1913 age 3 mos, dau of S. A. & A.
Cook, Rosina Ellen (nee Rogers)   13 May 1867 - 3 May 1926
Cook, Samuel  25 Dec 1852 - 1 Jan 1936
Cox, Harold  1911 - 28 Aug 2001
Cox, Sarah A. 'Sadie'  1913 - 1992
Crysler, Charlotte Rebecca  2 Jan 1917 age 67 wife of Alan
Cummins, Audrey Eileen  1945 -
Cummins, Elizabeth (nee Mile)  7 May 1909 - 6 Oct 1979
Cummins, Joseph Andrew  31 May 1939 - 23 Mar 2004 son of Kenneth & Elizabeth
Cummins, Kenneth  23 Aug 1904 - 27 Mar 1997
Cummins, Samuel  1874 - 1946
Cummins, William George  1917 - 1975
Curtis, Lewis Newton  1 Jan 1854 - Nov 1914 hus of Mary A. Currie
Curtis, Lewis Newton  (2nd photo)

Daku, Bert Jr.  4 Oct 1925 - 29 Oct 2013 son of Bert & Margaret
Daku, Sandra Mae  1958 - 1975 dau of Bert Jr. & Violet
David, Norman  died c.1928
Davis, (infant)  child of Joe & Janet
Davis, Janet  1879 - 1920
Davis, Joe  died 1937
Dayman, Diantha  1873 - 1944
Dayman, Humphrey  1857 - 1936
Dayman, John Leslie  1909 - 1977
Dayman, Russell L.  1902 - 1937
Dayman, William Harold  1898 - 1987
Dermody, Mary E.  1893 - 1967
Dermody, Thomas H.  1896 - 1956
Dickey, Alice Waters  21 Jun 1908 - 4 May 1910 dau of John & Janet
Dickey, (infant)
Dickey, Janet (nee Cairns)  1883 - 1971
Dickey, John Bates  1871 - 1958
Dickey, Mary Charlotte  9 Oct 1923 - 7 Nov 1923 dau of John & Janet 
Diebold, Theresia  1860 - 1945
Diebold, Jacob  21 Jul 1851 - 1924
Dodd, Aleta Alice  27 Mar 1928 - 13 Jan 2017 wife of Gilbert
Dodd, Elizabeth  1896 - 1998
Dodd, George  1891 - 1963
Dodd, George Wilford  1922 - 1993
Dodd, Gilbert Ernest  14 Oct 1927 - 10 May 1992
Dodd, William  1889 - 1956
Donald, Roland  1906 - 1977
Doupe, (infant)
Dunlop, Hugh
Dunn, George  14 Apr 1932 age 90
Dunn, Tom

Edwards, (infant)
Ennis, Inda T.  1897 - 1993
Ennis, John M. 'Jack'  1891 - 1987
Ennis, Sheldon Earl  19 Jul 1986 age 63

Fairbanks, Beatrice (nee Andrews)  26 Feb 1917 - 14 Jul 2003
Farquhar, Sinclair  1865 - 1930
Farquhar, Mrs. Sinclair  1852 - 1930
Farrell, James  1866 - 1940
Farrell, Julia  1879 - 1921
Fisk, Elizabeth Ann  1911 - 1955 wife of Roy
Fisk, Roy Lawer  1905 - 1960
Fisk, Elizabeth & Roy  (2nd photo)
Fleming, Andrew  1896 - 1979
Fleming, E. May  1897 - 1990
Fraser, Alma I. (nee Hourd)  1934 - 1999 dau of Tom & Alice

Galbraith, Joseph  died 1963 age 91
Galbraith, Louise  1877 - 1952 
Gardner, Byrdie Cordena  1899 - 1982
Gardner, E. F. John  1923 - 1995 hus of Eleanor
Gardner, Eleanor Ruth (nee Englund)  1925 - 28 Aug 2004 dau of Bill & Zadie
Gardner, John Calvin Daniel  29 Apr 1981 - 29 Aug 1997
Gardner, William Ernest  1899 - 1978
Gordon, Joe
Graham, Andy  1914 -
Gray, Frank S.  1899 - 1971
Gray, Gilbert Leroy  1930 - 1949
Gray, Nellie M.  1866 - 1931
Gray, O. Merlin  1928 - 1995 son of Frank & Roberta
Gray, Oliver R.  1892 - 1960
Gray, Roberta S.  1906 - 1992
Gray, William S.  1860 - 1939

Hall, Lexia  died 1918 age 18 mos, dau of Rev. Hall
Hansen, Kimberley Ruth  17 Jul 1967 - 18 Apr 2014 dau of Hans & Theresa
Hansen, Theresa 'Tress' (nee Brickley)  dau of Lyle & Ruth
Hayes, (baby)  1928 son of Michael & Mina
Hayes, Berdeen Carolynn (nee Brickley)  14 Sep 1943 - 27 Apr 2005 dau of Lyle & Ruth
Hayes, Isabelle Mary (nee Wotton)  1928 - 26 Jul 2001 wife of Thomas
Hayes, Michael  1884 - 1963
Hayes, Patsy  1962 - 1996 dau of Pat & Berdeen
Hayes, Thomas 'Barney'  1924 - 1997
Hayes, Wilhelmina M.  1905 - 1981
Hazard Family Headstones
Hazard, (baby)  1923 - 1923 dau of George & Pearle 
Hazard, Dorothea Edith  1915 - 1976 dau of George & Pearle
Hazard, Freda Eileen  17 Apr 1913 - 1 Feb 2010 dau of George & Pearle
Hazard, George Alfred  1882 - 1969
Hazard, Lila Pearle  1895 - 1923
Hazard, Lorna Merle  1917 - 1986 dau of George & Pearl
Hazard, Sarah  1839 - 1928
Hazard, Robert  1844 - 1920
Henry, Barbara Hazel  1957 - 1973
Henry, Blain  1894 - 1939
Henry, Gladys M.  1897 - 1977
Hill, Samuel Henry 'Harry'  6 Jan 1877 - 16 Mar 1961
Hilts, Anna Laura (nee Hourd)  1904 - 1994 wife of Ira
Hilts, Fred Dr.  1875 - 1951 hus of Anna Lee (1881-1968)
Hilts, Joseph A. Dr.  1907 - 1965
Holbrook, Shaunda Lee  1956 - 2000
Hourd Family Headstones
Hourd, Anna Laura
Hourd, Catherine Mary
Hourd, Dick  1908 - 1981
Hourd, Edward Miles  1915 - 1984
Hourd, Edward 'Tom'  1899 - 1988
Hourd, John Gerald  8 Oct 1937 - 23 Nov 1937 son of Tom & Alice
Hourd, Mary Alice  1900 - 1963
Hourd, Walter 'Pike'  1907 - 1960
Howe, Emmeline Annie  1865 - 1945
Hrabal, Joseph  1903 - 1979
Huckerby, Alice  1878 - 1979
Huckerby, Arthur  1879 - 1949
Huckerby, Arthur & Alice  (2nd photo)
Huckerby, Charles  1914 - 1918 son of Arthur & Alice
Huckerby, Cleo
Huckerby, Fannie  1910 - 1992 dau of Arthur & Alice
Huckerby, Frank   1860 - 1929
Huckerby, Frank A.  1912 - 1987 son of Arthur & Alice
Huckerby, Fred  1875 - 1931
Huckerby, George  1918 - 15 Jun 2008 son of Arthur & Alice
Huckerby, Herbert  1916 - 1918 son of Arthur & Alice
Huckerby, Janet  1836 - 1914
Huckerby, Thomas  1830 - 1920
Huckerby, Thomas  (2nd photo)
Hunter, Jean (nee McDonald)  25 May 1917 age 85 wife of James

Jarvis, Jessie 1873 - 1937 
Johnston, Alexander  1899 - 1990
Johnston, Charles  1864 - 1926
Johnston, Ervine  9 Sep 1895 - 24 Apr 1980
Johnston, Ervine  (2nd photo)
Johnston, George P.  1883 - 1974
Johnston, Ina (nee Trail)  1909 - 1936
Johnston, James Clifford  1904 - 1981
Johnston, Jessie  26 Sep 1906 - 23 Aug 1992
Johnston, Joy Leone (nee Crawford)  1920 - 28 Mar 2004 dau of Alva & Violet
Johnston, Maria  1914 -
Johnston, Mary Jane  1860 - 1948
Johnston, Susan  1871 - 1955
Johnston, Thomas John  Feb 1856 - Mar 1924
Johnston, Thomas William  1907 - 1986

Kadash, Louis  17 Feb 1924 - 21 Apr 2006
Kadash, Mary Marchuka  24 Jul 1925 - 28 Apr 2006
Kapell, Mathilda (nee LeDressary)  22 Apr 1923 - 13 Apr 2014 
Kay, Mark  1874 - 1960
Kennedy, P.
Kerslake, J. Clifford  1908 - 1981
Kerslake, June M.  1919 - 1995
King, A. B.
Kirk, Eli  1886 - 12 Dec 1918
Kish, Mary Margaret  28 Aug 1944 - 24 Aug 1948 dau of Steve & Edna
Kish, Mary Margaret  (2nd photo)
Knight, Betty Jean  1931 - 1931
Knight, George G.  c.1876 - 8 Jan 1930
Knight, Gladys L.  1905 - 1971
Knight, Norma Ruth  1927 - 1928
Knight, Philip H.  18 Aug 1825 - Sep 1912
Knight, Samuel H.  1854 - 1936
Knutson, (baby boy)  8 Apr 1922
Konsack, Mathew  1860 - 1931
Kovach, Victoria  1868 - 1931
Kovats, John  1872 - 1934

Lawrence, Bessie  1903 - 1982
Lawrence, Ronald (infant twin)  son of Stewart & Lillian
Lawrence, Samuel  1891 - 1968
Lawrence, Samuel R.  11 Feb 1935 - 4 Dec 1935
Leepart, Phyllis (nee Siver) Cameron  1951 - 2003
Lingear, Stewart Findlay  6 Jun 1863 - 24 Nov 1939
Long, Thomas James  11 Apr 1916 age 46
Lothian, Daniel M.  28 Dec 1898 - 20 Oct 1954
Lothian, Florence Elizabeth (nee Wilton)  9 Sep 1904 - 17 Jan 2001 dau of Thomas & Annie
Lothian, Margaret (nee Gilchrist)  29 Mar 1940 age 73 yrs 9 mos
Lothian, William  1 Jul 1943 age 77 yrs 7 mos
Lynn, (infant)

MacDonald, Harry  19 Jan 1978 age 67
MacDougall, Alexander  died 16 May 1916
MacDougall, Christina (nee McCaskill)  12 May 1935
MacFadyen, Jessie F. (nee McLean)  1878 - 11 Jun 1967
MacPherson, Donald  1886 - 1973
MacPherson, Neil  1884 - 1956
Manz, August L.  1895 - 1958
Margetts, Alfred Robert  11 Dec 1920 - 23 Jun 1981
Margetts, Charles O. 'Mac'  1916 - 1997
Margetts, Edwin  1911 - 1997
Margetts, Gilbert Charles  5 Nov 1939 - 5 Nov 2009 son of Mac & Mae
Margetts, Kenneth 'Butch'  1942 - 10 Nov 2008 son of Edwin & Phyllis
Margetts, Mae  1921 - 1998
Margetts, Perry  1962 - 1994 son of Gilbert & Sheila
Margetts, Phyllis Frances  1919 - 2001
Margetts, Sheila  1940 -
Marks, Mary Ann  3 Aug 1913 age 58
Marks, Sam  1974
Marks, William  1877 - 1921 (ashes) son of Sam & Mary Ann
Marriott, Lily (nee Day)
Marriott, William
McCaskill, Annie (nee Campbell)  Feb 1920 age 51 wife of Niel
McClement, David George (baby)  19 Nov 1935
McDougall, Vansour Norman  26 Mar 1921 age 6 wks, son of John & Mabel
McFadyen, Neil  15 Jun 1867 - 1951
McFadyen, Nora (infant)
McFadyen, (unknown)  1867 - 1951
McIntyre, Dwight L.  1904 - 6 Mar 1990
McIntyre, Maude Isabelle  1905 - 2 Apr 2008
McIver, Angus  9 Jun 1910 age 55
McIver, John  9 Nov 1913 - 27 Sep 1986
McIver, Katherine  1886 - 1978
McIver, Murdoch  1840 - 1919
McKenzie, Hannah  1856 - 1941
McLeod, Annie  24 Nov 1919 age 47 wife of John N.
McLeod, Margaret (nee McCaskill)  wife of John Stewart McLeod
McMillan, Billie
Merkel, Annie Elizabeth  11 Mar 1927 age 1 yr 11 mos, dau of Ernest & Elsie
Mile, Iola Florence  1915 - 1968
Mile, James  17 Jan 1911 - 5 Jul 1991
Muir, Anna (nee Kobitz)  1906 - 2001
Muir, Annie  1865 - 1944 
Muir, Doreen (Terry)  29 Nov 1935 - 29 May 1966
Muir, George R.  9 Sep 1935 - 18 Aug 2005
Muir, John Winston  14 Oct 1939 - 3 May 2017 hus of Katherine, son of William & Anna
Muir, Joyce  1941 - 2000
Muir, Katherine Mary (nee Gillis)  24 Feb 1952 - 25 Apr 2011 dau of Allan & Irene
Muir, Lillian  1909 - 1989
Muir, Luther  1863 - 1942
Muir, Thomas  1894 - 1976
Muir, Thomas C.  1939 -
Muir, William  1889 - 1980
Murray, Alex  1903 - 1976
Murray, Alex & Eunice  (2nd photo)
Murray, (baby)  Oct 1898 - Oct 1898 son of Donald & Christine
Murray, Christina  13 Mar 1907 age 4 mos, dau of Donald & Christine
Murray, Christine (nee McIver)  2 Jul 1857 age 84
Murray, Donald  22 May 1932 age 69
Murray, Donald L.  1913 - 1993
Murray, Eunice  1912 - 2004
Murray, Norman  3 Jun 1908 age 18 mos, son of Donald & Christine
Murray, Simonne M.  1917 - 1997 
Myers, Ken  1911 - 1988
Myers, Mary  1911 - 1996
Myers, William A.  1884 - 1969

Nelson, Theodore  died Dec 1931
Noyes, Arthur W.  1910 - 1977
Noyes, Pearl E.  1913 - 1994
Nunn, Carolyn  1937 -
Nunn, Ethel  1894 - 1951
Nunn, (infant)  1930 child of Dick & Ethel (nee Barnett)
Nunn, Richard Terrance "Terry"  11 Mar 1934 - 5 Jan 2014

Osborne, Harry E.  1903 - 1986
Owen, Amelia  1860 - 1949
Owen, David Percy  1920 - 1997
Owen, Frederick  1876 - 1946
Owen, Jean (nee Moore)  21 Apr 1927 - 12 Sep 2011 wife of Percy

Page, A. T.  1884 - 1935
Page, Elizabeth  1871 - 1938 wife of James
Page, James J.  1873 - 1945
Parker, Hazel Annie  18 Nov 1920 - 10 Mar 1930 dau of Herbert & Pearl
Parker, Herbert  1887 - 1983
Parker, Martha  28 Oct 1858 - 27 Jul 1949
Parker, Pearl  1892 - 1970
Patterson, Eva  1881 - 1925
Patterson, John T.  1881 - 1925
Penney, (infant)
Petterson, Allan Robert  1931 - 1994
Petterson, Clara M.  18 Jun 1908 - 1 Nov 1998
Petterson, Gustave  12 Jun 1898 - 3 Nov 1961
Phillips, Bessie (nee May)
Phillips, (infant)  child of Bessie
Pledger Family  
Pledger, Doris  1919 - 1920
Pledger, Elizabeth  1931 - 2000
Pledger, John E.  1886 - 1944
Pledger, Joseph  1931 -
Potter, Allan Brown  1855 - 1938
Potter, Florence Evelyn  1898 - 1929
Potter, Howard Lloyd  1926 - 1949
Potter, Lilah  1928 - 2009
Potter, Maggie Florence  1895 - 1992
Potter, Maria Berthalda  1860 - 1951
Potter, Oliver  1924 - 1983
Potter, Robert  25 Aug 1862 - 14 Apr 1924
Potter, Wilber Seymour  1891 - 1948
Proctor, Bryant Scofield  11 Oct 1929 age 72
Proctor, Mary Jane (nee Gray)  27 Oct 1928 age 70

Reid, Beulah  1892 - 1979
Reid, Frances A.  1905 - 1999
Reid, Margaret Smith  1868 - 1949
Reid, Mrs. & infant  died c.1920 
Reid, Nelson Alison  1869 - 1948
Reid, Robert J.  1910 - 1978
Robertson, Olive May (nee Walsh)  9 Mar 1910 - 26 Apr 2005 dau of Charles & Jane
Robertson, Roderick  1877 - 1960
Robertson, Thomas S.  1900 - 1941
Robinson, Mary Margaret  1846 - 1916
Robinson, William J.  11 Nov 1913 age 50
Rodger, David  28 Nov 1979 age 84
Rodger, Joanna F.  1903 - 1990
Rush, George I.  29 Sep 1911 age 28
Rush, George I.  (2nd photo)
Rymal, Samuel K.  1853 - 1925

Sawyer, Calvin Stanley  14 May 1947 - 14 Jun 2011 son of Jack & Mabel
Sawyer, Clara (nee Parish)  2 Jun 1910 - 14 Jan 2010 dau of Alfred & Gertrude
Sawyer, Jack S.  1918 - 1992
Sawyer, James  1871 - 1944
Sawyer, James A.  1949 - 1956 son of Jack & Mabel
Sawyer, Susan (nee Johnston)  1886 - 1967 
Sawyer, W. Wesley  1907 - 1981
Severs, Charles  died c.1921
Sexsmith, Mary J. (nee Muir)  1891 - 1973
Sexsmith, Robert H.  1893 - 1980
Sexsmith, William Alexander  1906 - 1982
Shackleton, Josie M.  1911 - 1990
Shackleton, William F. B.  1904 - 1979
Silcox, Audrey  21 Jun 1928 - 22 Jun 1928 dau of E. W. & A. 
Silcox, Earl Wilfred  15 Feb 1920 age 10 mos, son of E. W & A.
Siver, Arthur J.  1922 - 1983
Siver, Cecil A.  1888 - 1975
Siver, Doreen Gertrude  28 Jan 2013 age 85
Siver, Elizabeth   1910 - 1997
Siver, Harry
Siver, Leonard Roy  26 Mar 1912 age 17 yrs 8 mos 7 days
Siver, Margaret  1862 - 1931
Siver, Raleigh Nelson 1903 - 1980
Siver, Rhoda (nee McCaskill)  1910 - 1931 wife of Harry
Skea, A. Millar Rev.  1869 - 1960
Skea, Charles James Millar  1907 - 1985
Skea, Elizabeth  1866 - 1962
Smith, Agnes (nee Crossen)  22 Apr 1853 - 16 Dec 1923 dau of Robert & Martha
Smith, Alexander Hamilton  14 Sep 1844 - 3 Apr 1916
Smith, Anna (nee Fisher)  1909 - 1992
Smith, Betsy  1872 - 1941
Smith, Brian David  1948 - 1972 son of Thomas & Viola
Smith, Charles  1876 - 1958
Smith, David  1909 - 1953
Smith, Eleanor (nee Hourd)  20 Dec 2001 age 80 dau of Tom & Alice
Smith, Garry R.  1936 - 1974
Smith, (infant)
Smith, George Frederick  died 26 Apr 1912 age 32 son of Alex & Agnes
Smith, Godfrey  1903 - 1983 
Smith, Harry A.  1886 - 1972
Smith, John A.  6 Oct 2001 age 87 son of Lee & Lillian
Smith, John Lee  1 Jun 1871 - 30 Nov 1940
Smith, John W.  1844 - 1921
Smith, Lillian  11 May 1884 - 18 Jul 1955
Smith, Lorna Ann (baby)  7 May 1939
Smith, Lorna M.  1913 - 2004
Smith, Mary Ellen  1870 - 1 May 1931
Smith, Mary Jane 'Mame' (nee Black)  1853 - 1934
Smith, Miss
Smith, Robert H.  1904 - 1990
Smith, Thomas Lee  1920 - 2002
Smith, Viola Marie  1920 -
Smyth, Arthur 1895 - 1966
Smyth, (baby)  4 Jul 1965 dau of George & Lorraine
Smyth, Brady (baby)  24 Jan 1993 son of Murray & Leila
Smyth, Hugh W.  1931 - 26 Dec 2008 son of Arthur & Mamie
Smyth, Iola J.  1935 -
Smyth, Jean Eva (nee McLeod)  20 Jun 1928 - 24 Feb 2012
Smyth, Mary I. 'Mamie' (nee Warner)  1894 - 1973
Smyth, Shirley Gail  19 Jul 1965 - 5 Jan 2012 dau of Hugh & Jean
Smyth, William A. 'Bus'  1930 - 1982
Southworth, A. C. 
Sprague, Charles Lindle  18 Aug 1915 age 7 mos, son of G. L. & Mabel W.
Steele, Alice (nee Morgan)  18 Apr 1853 - 7 Sep 1926 wife of John
Steele, Alice & John
Steele, Helen I.   1907 - 1984 
Steele, Ira J.  6 Apr 1881 - 4 Jan 1929
Steele, James A.  1833 - 1954
Steele, John  29 May 1855 - 20 Oct 1933
Steele, Stanley I. John  1937 - 1953
Steele, Stanley, James & Helen  (2nd photo)
Stewart, Davina  13 Jan 1890 - 5 Feb 1989
Stewart, Marie (nee Iothian)  1933 - 2000
Stewart, Robert  8 Dec 1892 - 11 Sep 1968
Street, Ethel (nee Pratt)  1894 - 1928 wife of Ed M.
Street, (infant)  child of Ed & Ethel
Street, Lucy Maude  1894 - 1932
Street, William Henry  1893 - 1947
Stubbington, Leigh  1934 - 1993
Sunstrom, Grace E.  1903 - 1983
Sunstrom, Q. S. Ole  1905 - 1977
Swan, Jean C.  1901 - 1993
Swan, Peter  1897 - 1973

Tarka, Stefan  1929 - 1996
Thompson, A. Howard  1887 - 1984
Thompson, Elmer James  1915 -1985
Thompson, Eva M.  1891 - 1955
Thompson, (infant)  14 Oct 1922 - 14 Oct 1922 son of Walter & Gertrude (nee Sparrow)
Thompson, Katherine Eliza  1910 - 1995
Toppings, Hazel Eileen  1924
Trail, Elspeth M.  1883 - 1966
Trail, William  1878 - 1978
Turnabaugh, A. J. W.  died 1963
Turnabaugh, Mrs.  died 1947

unknown 1
unknown 2
unknown 3
unknown 4
unknown, (baby)
unknown, William
Upton, David James  8 Apr 1936 hus of Mabel Clow
Upton, Henry
Upton, Leonard
Upton, Martha
Upton, Rosanna  1878 - 1944 
Upton, Thomas  father of David
Upton, Walter  1870 - 1952
Usher, William

Varjassy, Alexander J.  1942 - 1976
Vegso, Beverly (child)  (ashes) dau of Ernie
Vegso, Marie (child)  (ashes) dau of Ernie
Vegso, Ernie  (ashes)
Viduk, Patricia Ann  14 Oct 1948 age 2 mos
Vyner, Ellen (nee Muir) Szabo  1935 - 1990
Vyner, Phillip Harold  1922 - 25 Feb 2008

Wallace, George Russell  21 Jan 1878 - 19 Dec 1929
Wallace, Helen Lucy (nee West)  27 Jul 1882 - 28 Jun 1967 dau of William & Sarah
Warner, Irene (nee Jarvis)  1907 - 2000 wife of Albert, dau of Jessie
Warner, Vera Victoria  1897 - 1972
Warner, William Duncan  1896 - 1957
Wedow, Charles J.  1873 - 1939
Wedow, Eva  1879 - 1918 wife of Fred
Wedow, Fred  1863 - 1945 
Wedow, James  1900 - 26 Oct 1962
West, Albert  1878 - 1962
West, Betty  Aug 1953
West, Ida May
West, (infant)
West, (infant)
West, (infant)  
West, Irene  27 Jan 1917 - 3 Jan 2011 
West, Jeanne Emile (nee Dailly)  1898 - 1948
West, Margaret Irene  27 Jan 1917 - 3 Jan 2011 wife of William
West, Robert Victor  1927 - 1970 son of Albert & Jeanne
West, Sarah Ann (nee Wells)  10 Mar 1845 - 3 Mar 1917 wife of William
West, William  31 Dec 1846 - 3 Dec 1913
West, William Ernest 'Bill'  28 Feb 1915 - 30 May 2004 hus of Irene
Wiley, (baby)
Wiley, John Sr.  1847 - 1929
Wiley, Lloyd John  16 Oct 1916 - 21 Feb 1991 age 75 hus of Merle Purdon
Wiley, Thelma J.  18 Jan 1930 - Jun 1930
Wilhelm, Audrey Joan  10 Nov 1932 - 20 Oct 1948
Wilhelm, Jacob S.  19 Jan 1943 age 63
Wilhelm, Nita Velma  31 Oct 1900 - 12 Feb 1954
Wilson, Janice Ellen  18 Jun 1941
Wilson, Janice Ellen  (2nd photo)
Wilton, Albert  11 Oct 1842 - 4 Dec 1925 son of Thomas & Charlotte
Wilton, C. Glen  1955 - 1973
Wilton, Laura  19 Oct 1921 - 22 Jun 2008
Wong, Tim  6 Oct 1880 - Jun 1939
Worley, Edith  1881 - 1975
Worley, Ernest Arthur (infant)  1963 son of Walter & Phyllis
Worley, Florence  1906 - 1945
Worley, R. Daniel  1879 - 1949
Wray A. R.
Wyke, Hawley  1870 - 1932 

Yanyu, Emma J. (nee Szakacs)  1929 -
Yanyu, Frank J.  13 Aug 1921 - 23 May 2004 son of Andrew & Anne
Yanyu, Richard (infant)  1954
Yuhasz, Elmer (infant)  son of Frank & Mary (nee Molnar)
Yuhasz, Mary Juliana (nee Molnar)  27 Jan 1922 - 17 Mar 2017 wife of Frank, dau of John & Mary
Yuhasz, Sandra 'Sandy'  1947 - 1966
(Click on photo to enlarge)



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