Abram, John 1913 age 68 Aupperle, Hughie 1929 - 1930 son of John Jr. & Myra (nee Frood) Belyk, (baby girl) Bennings, Agnes 1914 - 1914 Block, Herman 17 Oct 1916 age 29 son of Fred & Bertha Brown, Miles 1918 age 29 Clark, Douglas (infant) 1914 Clark, Frank 17 Oct 1916 age 29 Clements, John 1870 - 1937 Coates, Annie 1872 - 1926 wife of Charles Coates, Charles W. 1872 - 1926 Coates, Charles W. 1869 - 1935 Coates, Joseph Franklin 1916 age 52 Dow, Robert Henry 1919 - 1919 son of Harry Sr. & Janet (nee Page) Duff, Calvin Lorenzo Raymond 1927 Elliott, William James Archibald 1914 - 1920 Franklin, Albert Erinst 28 Oct 1918 age 33 Freeman, (girl) 1921 - 1921 Freeman, Merna Merian 1915 - 1916 Frood, Sarah (nee Stewart) 1882 - 1934 wife of Hugh Fumerton, Archie Whyte 1857 - 1929 Holland, Sarah Elizabeth 2 Jul 1894 - 22 Sep 1912 wife of Howard Holland, Charles 1925 Holland, Mrs. H. 1914 age 30 Holland, Howard 1927 age 37 Johnson, Anet Lila Aug 24, 1918 age 32 wife of B. J. Johnson, Ernest Fredrick (infant) Jones, Fredrick H. 1916 age 34 Keable, (infant girl) 1924 Keeler, Kelly 1974 - 1978 Kettlewell, Mrs. Charles W. 1917 Kink, Myrtle (nee Scribner) LaFountain, Alma Jessie (nee Fumerton) wife of Fred, dau of Archie LaLonde, J. 1915 Leard, Austin 1915 - 1915 McLelland, Catherine 1856 - 1949 Munro, Sarah Rachel (nee Ferguson) 1872 - 1922 Pearson, Maud Peterson, Oscar Malkus 1870 - 1919 Reynolds, Harry 1919 Ruse, Nancy O. 1862 - 1929 Ruse, (unknown) Ruse, Walter P. 25 Apr 1870 - 3 May 1921 Ruse, Walter P. (2nd photo) Russell, Anna (nee Hjelte) 27 Jun 1884 - 29 Aug 1949 Russell, Fredrick Charles 26 Mar 1882 - 28 May 1949 Russell, George McFarlane 1914 age 30 Russell, James G. 26 Jun 1922 - 1934 son of Fredrick & Anne Russell, Walter E. 23 Jul 1924 - 27 Jun 1953 son of Fredrick & Anne Schwenneker, Betty Jean 1932 - 1932 Snow, Corenna Lillian 27 Mar 1899 - 16 Oct 1914 Snow, John Phillipot 1836 - 19 Sep 1909 (re-interred from old cemetery) Snow, John Hamilton 1861 - 1920 hus of Margaret Snow, Margaret Minerva 1865 - 1946 Stephenson, Robert James (infant) 1918 Stromme, (male) Thomas, Charlotte (twin) 1940 - 1940 Thomas, Robert (twin) 1940 - 1940 Trainer, Agnes Irene 1918 - 1918 Trainer, Frank Charles 14 Feb 1885 - 23 Oct 1918 Warbeck, James 1925 age 60 Watson, Cameron Morrow 'Rooney' 17 May 1880 - 3 Nov 1918 hus of Mabel Linn Watson, Mabel (nee Linn) 2 Oct 1880 - (ashes interred Aug 1974) dau of Levi Peter Webb, Frances Gertrude 'Gertie' May 25, 1909 - 1913 Whyte, Fredrick W. 1904 - 1929 Woodard, Amos 1915 age 89
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